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The implementation of a clear change management plan assists employees in remaining committed to the organisationHaynes-Smart, Taryn 02 February 2011 (has links)
Research report presented to the Unisa School of Business Leadership / This study looks at five cases of organisational change and considers how the respondents have perceived the implementation of change within their organisations. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / MBA
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Systems thinking and managing organisational changeCao, Guangming January 2001 (has links)
This thesis is about how systems thinking might contribute to the successful management of change (MOC). The motivation is the increasing importance of MOC in an environment where competition and internationalisation of markets are ever intensifying: organisations either "change or die", yet MOC suffers adversely with unacceptably high failure rates. A critique of MOC literature shows that current MOe methodology is characterised by reductionist approaches with a diversity of confusing and contradictory suggestions and recipes. This is seen to be impoverished where different types of organisational change are interacting. All these suggest that MOC methodology itself needs to be improved and a systemic approach is more appropriate. In search of methodological underpinnings for proposing a systemic approach to MOC, literature on systems thinking is reviewed, indicating that systems approaches, especially critical systems thinking, are potentially powerful to inform the development of MOC. Nevertheless, important questions are raised about applying systems ideas to MOC. Further research is needed. And this has been done by triangulating data, theory and method to develop a fuller understanding of systems perspectives and their relevance to MOC. By combining MOC and systems thinking together in a theoretically informed way, a systemic MOC framework is suggested and revised. This framework is seen to provide a characterisation of MOC by identifying the conceptual components, a coherent theoretical structure by specifying and ordering the relationships between these components, and a way of helping understand and manage the diversity in organisational change systemically. This framework is theoretically underpinned and applied to a case study where different types of organisational change and their interactions are surfaced. The outcomes firmly support the view that MOe is characterised by different types of organisational change and their interactions, for which systemic approaches are more appropriate; thus the systemic MOC framework developed is seen to be useful in helping understand and manage organisational change more effectively. The findings are critiqued within the study, and from this come out the conclusions, and recommendations for future research.
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Διοίκηση αλλαγής και μέθοδοι πολυκριτήριας ανάλυσηςΜίχος, Νικόλαος 26 April 2012 (has links)
Ζούμε μια μεταβατική εποχή, που καθορίζεται από τις τεράστιες τεχνολογικές εξελίξεις, τη διεθνοποίηση των αγορών και της γνώσης και την ευκολότερη επικοινωνία των κατοίκων ολόκληρου του πλανήτη σε όλους τους τομείς δραστηριοτήτων τους. Όροι, όπως παγκοσμιοποίηση, συγχωνεύσεις εταιριών, αυξομειώσεις στα μεγέθη των επιχειρήσεων, τεχνολογική πρόοδος, περιγράφουν ποικίλες δυνάμεις στην αγορά εργασίας, οι οποίες μεταβάλλουν τους παραδοσιακούς κανόνες που επί χρόνια έχουν ρυθμίσει την επαγγελματική μας ζωή. Τα νέα τεχνολογικά μέσα μεταβάλλουν ριζικά τον τρόπο διάδοσης των επιστημονικών γνώσεων και των πληροφοριών, επηρεάζοντας, έτσι, και την οργάνωση της εκπαίδευσης, της εργασίας, της παραγωγής.
Η εργασία αυτή περιγράφει την παγκοσμιοποίηση στον επιχειρηματικό χώρο και την παρουσιάζει σαν την αιτία για τις αλλαγές στη δομή και τον τρόπο λειτουργίας επιχειρήσεων και οργανισμών, στην προσπάθειά τους να ανταπεξέλθουν στις απαιτήσεις του ανταγωνισμού. Προκύπτει λοιπόν το θέμα της Διοίκησης Αλλαγής, ένας κλάδος σύγχρονος, που αποτελεί αντικείμενο μελέτης επιστημόνων και ειδικών σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο. Η εργασία αυτή αποτελεί το πρώτο βήμα προσέγγισης του κλάδου της Διοίκησης Αλλαγής μέσα από τεχνικές Πολυκριτήριας Ανάλυσης και Υπολογιστικής Νοημοσύνης,
έχοντας σαν στόχο να προτείνει μια μεθοδολογία έρευνας και μελέτης, η οποία θα οδηγήσει στη δημιουργία μοντέλων βελτιστοποίησης διαδικασίας αλλαγής στις επιχειρήσεις. / We are living a transitional period, determined by the enormous technological developments, the globalization of markets and knowledge, and facilitate communication among people throughout the world in all areas of activity. Terms such as globalization, corporate mergers, changes in the size of business,technological progress, describe various forces in the labor market, which change the traditional rules that for years have set up our professional lives. The new technology means fundamentally change the way the dissemination of scientific knowledge and information, impacting so, the organization of education, work and production.
This paper describes globalization in business and present it as the reason for the changes in the structure and operation of enterprises and organizations in their efforts to meet the demands of competition. It followed the theme of Change Management, a modern industry, which is the subject of study and individual scientists around the world.This work is the first step approach to Change Management industry through technical Multicriteria Analysis and Computational Intelligence
Aiming to propose a research methodology and design, which will create optimization models change process in companies.
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Le processus de socialisation organisationnelle des "établis" face au changement de leur rôle prescrit : le cas des agents de la filière Transport-Mouvement de la SNCFDjabi, Mélia 24 November 2014 (has links)
En management, les recherches sur la socialisation s’intéressent majoritairement à l’inclusion de nouvelles recrues au sein d’organisations stables. En contrepoint, cette thèse étudie le processus de socialisation des établis en contexte de changement organisationnel. Construit à partir des approches gestionnaires et sociologiques de la socialisation au travail et de plusieurs concepts de la théorie des rôles, le cadre conceptuel met à jour les dimensions clefs qui composent le processus : contraste, tensions de rôle, tactiques/pratiques organisationnelles, tactiques/comportements individuels, états de socialisation. Réalisée à la SNCF, une étude longitudinale qualitative permet d’enrichir la compréhension de chaque dimension et de repérer les mécanismes sociaux qui les relient. Six processus typiques menant à l’absorption, l’exploration ou la détermination du rôle sont repérés. Quatre trajectoires collectives sont également identifiées, en fonction de la continuité/rupture identitaire perçue dans une perspective diachronique. Des pistes d’actions managériales sont suggérées à la SNCF et aux organisations rencontrant des enjeux de socialisation similaires. / The literature on organizational socialization in management has mainly focused on newcomers’ adjustment into stable organizations. Conversely, this study attempts to understand the socialization process of insiders in a context of organizational change. Built from managerial and sociological approaches of socialization at work and complementary concepts of role theory, the conceptual framework highlights the key dimensions of the process: contrast, role tension, organizational tactics/practices, proactive tactics/behaviors, socialization states. Conducted in the national French railway company (SNCF), a qualitative longitudinal study enriches the understanding of each dimension and their articulation through social mechanisms. From this research, six typical processes are identified leading to three behaviors of absorption, exploration or role determination. From a meta-level analysis, four collective trajectories are suggested, based on the continuity/discontinuity perceived of identity in a diachronic perspective. Managerial implications are proposed to the company and organizations experiencing similar socialization issues.
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L'apprentissage intergénérationnel dans la dynamique sratégique de l'entreprise : comparaison France-Japon / Intergenerational learning in the firm's strategic dynamic : a comparison between France and JapanShimada, Sakura 09 December 2014 (has links)
Notre thèse s’intéresse au rapport entre l’apprentissage intergénérationnel et la dynamique stratégique de l’entreprise, dans une démarche comparative franco-japonaise. La littérature sur les générations, sur l’apprentissage et les capacités dynamiques constitue notre cadre théorique. Dans une étude qualitative multi-cas réalisée en France et au Japon, quatorze cas d’apprentissage intergénérationnel sont analysés. Nos résultats indiquent que le rapport entre l’apprentissage intergénérationnel et la dynamique stratégique de l’entreprise varient entre les cas de continuité et les cas de changement, tandis que le contexte culturel influence la formation des générations et les pratiques d’apprentissage intergénérationnel. Nous montrons ainsi le rôle de l’organisation dans la formation des générations, les enjeux stratégiques de l’apprentissage intergénérationnel et l’encastrement culturel des pratiques managériales. / This thesis is a comparative study of the relationships between intergenerational learning and the firm’s strategic dynamic, lead in France and Japan. The conceptual framework builds on the literature regarding generation, learning and dynamic capabilities. A qualitative multi-case study was conducted in France and Japan and fourteen cases of intergenerational learning were analyzed. The empirical results show that the relationships between intergenerational learning and the dynamic of the firm’s strategy vary between the state of stability and change. The cultural contexts influence the creation of the generations and intergenerational learning practices. These results highlight the role of organizations in the creation of generations, the strategic issue of intergenerational learning and give insights about the cultural embeddedness of managerial practices.
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Capacidades dinâmicas, sensemaking e ambidestria organizacional : estudo de caso de uma instituição de ensino superior privada ofertante de ensino a distânciaSouza, Carla Patricia da Silva January 2016 (has links)
Orientador : Profª Drª Adriana Roseli Wünsch Takahashi / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração. Defesa: Curitiba, 30/03/2016 / Inclui referências : f. 167-181 / Área de concentração: Estratégia e Análise Organizacional / Resumo: O estudo assume que as capacidades dinâmicas são socialmente construídas. Entende-se que o processo de desenvolvimento destas capacidades inclui a ação de agentes que por meio da interação monitoram o ambiente, identificam oportunidades, constroem e compartilham sentidos sobre os eventos de mudança. É a partir do aproveitamento das oportunidades que a organização irá selecionar, por meio de seus indivíduos, os meios de reconfigurar seus recursos e capacidades. Dessa forma, para compreender as capacidades dinâmicas em um enfoque processual foi incorporado o conceito de sensemaking, que está relacionada ao monitoramento do ambiente (sense) e aproveitamento de oportunidades (seize). Outro conceito foi adotado, de ambidestria organizacional, que está relacionado às formas com que a organização lida com as tensões relativas às possibilidades de aproveitamento e reconfiguração (reconfiguring) de recursos (exploration e exploitation). Em face desse posicionamento, o objetivo geral do trabalho é analisar o processo de desenvolvimento das capacidades dinâmicas por meio do sensemaking e da ambidestria organizacional em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) ofertante de Ensino a Distância (EAD). Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos, o delineamento do estudo foi descritivo-exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, dimensão de análise transversal com aproximação longitudinal, e com o método de estudo de caso único, realizado em uma IES de capital aberto ofertante de EAD. Para tanto, utilizou-se a análise de narrativas das entrevistas realizadas por meio de roteiro semiestruturado com diretores, gerentes e coordenadores que participaram dos eventos relacionados à oferta da modalidade na IES. Foi realizado também observação não-participante e pesquisa documental. Os resultados encontrados apresentaram que as etapas do processo de desenvolvimento das capacidades dinâmicas não são estanques, podendo ser considerado recursivo e social, onde atores de vários níveis hierárquicos interagem entre si. Portanto, confirmou-se que há necessidade de conceitos que permitam compreender a inter-relação entre as capacidades ou dimensões das capacidades dinâmicas. Em síntese, os resultados sustentam que a inserção do conceito de sensemaking permite uma perspectiva social à análise desse processo, o qual na literatura não tem sido contemplado. Assim, novas perspectivas epistemológicas e teóricas emergem auxiliando a estudar um fenômeno cuja ênfase tem sido determinista e positivista. Da mesma forma, o conceito de ambidestria contribuiu para entender como as mudanças são realizadas por meio da capacidade de lidar com a tensão entre exploration e exploitation, o que está relacionado a aspectos relevantes como a cultura organizacional. O processo de capacidades dinâmicas no caso estudado favoreceu o desenvolvimento de novas capacidades operacionais, a exemplo do gerenciamento do EAD, criação de novos processos, produtos e serviços, ou seja, não se trata apenas de mudanças nos recursos, mas de um fluxo contínuo e social de transformação organizacional. Palavras-chave: Capacidades dinâmicas. Sensemaking. Ambidestria organizacional. Instituições de Ensino Superior. Ensino a distância. / Abstract: This study assumes that the dynamic capabilities are socially constructed. It is understood that these capabilities development process includes the action of agents through interaction they monitor the environment, identify opportunities, build, and share directions about the turn of events. It is from the use of the opportunities that the organization will select, through its individuals the means to reconfigure its resources and capabilities. Thus, to understand the dynamic capabilities in a procedural approach has been incorporated into the concept of sensemaking, which is related to environmental monitoring (sense) and seizing opportunities (seize). Another concept was adopted, organizational ambidexterity, which is related to the ways in which the organization deals with the tensions regarding the use and reconfiguration possibilities (reconfiguring) resources (exploration and exploitation). Thus exposed, general objective of this study is to analyze the development process of dynamic capabilities through sensemaking and organizational ambidexterity in a Higher Education Institution (HEI) offerer of Distance Learning (ODL). As for the methodological procedures, the study design was descriptive and exploratory qualitative approach, scale cross-sectional analysis with longitudinal approach, and the single case study method, performed in a public HEI offerer of EAD. Thus, it was made the analysis of narrative interviews conducted through semi-structured with directors, managers and coordinators who participated in the events related to the mode of supply in HEI. It was also performed non-participant observation and documentary research. The findings showed that the stages of the development process of dynamic capabilities are not watertight and could be considered recursive and social, where actors of various hierarchical levels interact. Therefore, it was confirmed that there is need for concepts that understand the interrelationship between capacity or dimensions of dynamic capabilities. In summary, the results support the concept of sensemaking insertion allows a social perspective to the analysis of this process, which in literature has not been addressed. Thus, new epistemological and theoretical perspectives emerge helping to study a phenomenon whose emphasis has been determinist and positivist. Similarly, the concept of ambidexterity helped to understand how changes are made through the ability to deal with the tension between exploration and exploitation, which is related to relevant aspects such as organizational culture. The process of dynamic capabilities in the case studied favored the development of new operational capabilities, such as the management of distance education, creation of new processes, products and services, that is, not just changes in resources, but in a continuous stream and social organizational transformation. Key words: Dynamic capabilities. Sensemaking. Ambidexterity. Higher Education Institutions. Distance Learning.
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Desenvolvimento da competência intercultural grupal em equipes multiculturais de empresas multinacionaisSchmidmeier, Janete January 2016 (has links)
Orientadora : Profª Drª Adriana Roseli Wünsch Takahashi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração. Defesa: Curitiba, 23/02/2016 / Inclui referências : f. 285-301 / Área de concentração : Estratégia e organizações / Resumo: Esta pesquisa investigou o processo de desenvolvimento da competência intercultural grupal, por meio da análise deste fenômeno a partir de um estudo de caso desenvolvido junto a uma equipe multicultural em uma organização multinacional. A literatura sobre competência intercultural individual é ampla e permeada de muitos conceitos e modelos de desenvolvimento da competência intercultural, porém o foco predominante destes conceitos e modelos é cognitivo e comportamental, havendo uma escassez de estudos sobre o processo de desenvolvimento da CIG em nível grupal com uma abordagem que enfatize o processo. A pesquisa desenvolvida pode ser caracterizada como de natureza qualitativa, do tipo exploratório-descritivo, de abordagem predominantemente interpretativa, e de corte transversal com aproximação longitudinal. Foi adotado, ainda, o método de estudo de caso, onde o fenômeno é o caso. O estudo de caso foi realizado em fases, onde a primeira buscou uma aproximação de campo e a segunda a imersão no campo. Na primeira fase, foi utilizado um questionário o qual foi aplicado em membros de equipes multiculturais diversas, resultando em uma análise estatística de frequência. Já na segunda fase, foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas e um focus group com uma equipe multicultural. Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo e foi utilizada uma triangulação intramétodo sequencial a fim de garantir a precisão dos resultados. Ao iniciar os estudos sobre o desenvolvimento da CIG, evidenciou-se a falta de um conceito para a CI em nível grupal, levando a necessidade de um aprofundamento na literatura de CI individual e de uma investigação de como seria possível trabalhar o conceito em nível grupal. Estes conceitos foram analisados empiricamente por meio do estudo de caso para verificar sua consistência. Algumas alterações foram realizadas baseadas nas análises, resultando em um conceito para a CIG e para o desenvolvimento da mesma. Foi realizado, ainda, um levantamento dos fatores que facilitaram e dificultaram este desenvolvimento. Após analisar os dados, concluiu-se que o processo de desenvolvimento da CIG ocorre em direção a níveis mais maduros de CIG e é caracterizado por um processo em espiral piramidal ascendente, onde o nível mais baixo evolui para níveis mais altos de CIG por meio de um ciclo de aprendizagem intercultural. Esta evolução ocorre ao longo do tempo e é permeada pelo conflito, reflexão e mudança, abrangendo os elementos da CIG: interação, eficácia, diferenças culturais, aprendizagem intercultural e comunicação intercultural, como causa e consequência. Dada a característica de espiral piramidal ascendente, a medida que a equipe se desenvolve em direção aos níveis mais altos de CIG, o tempo do ciclo de aprendizagem fica reduzido, acelerando a resposta aos conflitos culturais. Este processo de desenvolvimento da CIG resulta na criação de práticas no grupo a fim de minimizar as dificuldades da vivência em um ambiente intercultural. A implantação destas práticas também acelera o processo de desenvolvimento da CIG, contribuindo para a evolução dos níveis de CIG do grupo. / Abstract: This research looked into the development process of the intercultural group competence through the analysis of this phenomenon based on a case study developed in collaboration with a multicultural team in a multinational organization. The references on intercultural individual competence are broad, contain several concepts, and intercultural competency developing models however the main focus of these concepts and models is cognitive and behavioral. There is a lack of studies about the intercultural group competence (IGC) development process with emphasis in the process. The research can be considered of qualitative nature, exploratory, and descriptive with a primary interpretative approach of a transversal cut with longitudinal approximation. It was also adopted the method of case study where the phenomenon is the case. The case study was comprised of two phases. The first one looked for a field approximation and the second one for field immersion. In the first phase a survey was applied to the members of various multicultural teams, resulting in a frequency statistical analysis. The second phase was based on semi-structured interviews and the focus group was a multicultural team. The data obtained was analyzed through analysis of content and a sequential triangulation method was used to assure the accuracy of results. When starting the studies on the IGC it became evident the lack of a group-level concept on IC, which indicated the need to further study the references of individual IC and an investigation on the possibilities of working this concept as a group. These concepts were analyzed empirically with a case study to verify its consistency. Some changes were necessary based on the analysis, resulting in a concept for the IGC and its own development. Data about the elements that helped and hampered this development was also collected. After looking into the data it was possible to conclude that the development process of the IGC occurs towards mature levels of IGC, and an upward pyramidal spiral process characterizes it, in which the lowest level evolves to higher levels of IGC through a cycle of intercultural learning. This evolution happens over time and it is comprised of conflicts, reflections, and changes embracing the elements of IGC: interaction, efficacy, cultural disparities, intercultural learning, and communication, both as cause and consequence. Given the description of the upward pyramidal spiral, as the team develops towards the highest levels of IGC, the learning cycle duration is reduced, improving the response time to cultural conflicts. This development process results on the creation of group practices aiming to mitigate the difficulties of living in an intercultural environment. Applying these practices also accelerates the development process of IGC helping the team?s IGC reach higher levels.
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Innovation management and ambidexterity in the US context : the case of family-owned companies / Le management de l'innovation et l'mbidextrie dans le contexte américain : le cas des entreprises familialesSafarova, Gunel 13 September 2019 (has links)
Notre travail de recherche traite des thématiques de l’innovation et de l’ambidextrie dans le management. Notre but est de procéder à une étude comparative des pratiques managériales au sein d’un panel de PME américaines afin d’identifier les déterminants de l’équilibre entre pratiques nouvelles et pratiques ordinaires ou traditionnelles. Notre recherche présente deux intérêts particuliers. D’une part, elle se centre sur le cas des entreprises américaines compte tenu de leurs spécificités en matière d’innovation et de conduite du changement, ce qui permet d’enrichir les connaissances sur certaines formes de management aux États-Unis. D’autre part, nous mobiliserons et croiserons un certain nombre de travaux traitant à la fois du management de l’innovation de manière générale et des facteurs qualitatifs dans les conceptions et pratiques de l’ambidextrie de manière particulière, notamment en lien avec les styles de « leadership ».En ce qui concerne les choix méthodologiques, nous nous sommes orientées vers une démarche abductive, avec des allers-retours entre littérature et terrain. En effet, notre recherche se base sur une approche qualitative avec des études de cas (Yin, Glaser et Strauss, Eisenhardt…), tandis que nos questionnements et notre problématique ont été amenés à s’affiner en fonction des résultats obtenus.Ce travail de recherche nous permet de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement et le management des entreprises américaines, en particulier lorsqu’elles sont familiales, et de mettre en lumière les spécificités de leurs méthodes en matière de management de l’innovation et l’ambidextrie. Il aide à relativiser le concept d’innovation pour montrer les apports potentiels de certaines approches dosées, visant à la fois l’exploitation de l’existant et l’exploration de voies nouvelles. En outre, nos résultats permettent de dégager des recommandations managériales pour les entreprises américaines, mais également pour d’autres organisations ou managers en relation avec le contexte des États-Unis. / Our research work deals with the subjects of innovation and ambidexterity in the management. Our goal is to conduct a comparative study of managerial practices with several U.S. SMEs in order to identify the determinants of the balance between new and common or traditional practices. Throughout the research period we keep following our two main purposes. On the one hand, our research work focuses on the case of U.S. companies specifically proactive with regard to innovation and change management. This allows us to widen our knowledge concerning certain forms of management in the United States. On the other hand, we will draw on large number of studies dealing with both innovation management in general and particularly qualitative factors in the in the conceptions and practices of ambidexterity, especially in relation to “leadership” styles.Concerning the methodological choices, we keep up with abductive approach, because there is back and forth between literature and research field. Indeed, our research is based on a qualitative approach with case studies (Yin, Glaser et Strauss, Eisenhardt...), while our research question and problem have been refined according to the obtained results.This research work helps us to better understand business operation and management of U.S. companies, especially when they are family-owned and to highlight the specificities of their methods in terms of innovation management and ambidexterity. It helps to put the concept of innovation in perspective to show the potential contributions of certain measured approaches, aiming both the exploitation of existing and the exploration of new ways. In addition, our results provide managerial recommendations for U.S. companies, but also for other organizations or managers related to the U.S. context.
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Des modèles de diffusion et de transfert de l’innovation à celui de déploiement : une conceptualisation nouvelle de la phase aval des processus d’innovation des firmes multinationale / From diffusion and transfer models to deployment of innovation : a new conceptualization of the downstream phase of the innovation processes of multinational firms.Guerineau, Mathias 11 December 2017 (has links)
Dans un contexte de mondialisation accrue et d’apparition de nouvelles forces issues des marchés dits émergents, les firmes multinationales (FMNs) ont développé des stratégies d’innovation novatrices. C’est en particulier au niveau des processus d’innovation que s’est opérée une des transformations les plus importantes. Elles doivent aujourd’hui faire face à une multiplication des sources d’innovation en matière de recherche et de développement (phase amont du processus d’innovation). Dans le même temps, les FMNs doivent aussi saisir toutes les opportunités de commercialisation et d’appropriation des innovations à l’échelle mondiale (phase aval) à travers leur réseau de filiales. La phase amont de ce processus est par nature complexe et itérative du fait de l’intégration de connaissances multiples et dispersées géographiquement. Cette particularité du processus d’innovation des FMNs se traduit par un encastrement de l’innovation à un niveau dit local. Cet encastrement rend alors la phase aval elle aussi très complexe, ne se limitant pas à une démarche uniquement marketing. Jusqu’ici, la phase aval a été conceptualisée de manière centralisée et désincarnée d’un point de vue organisationnel à travers les concepts de diffusion et de transfert. Ces approches ne permettent pas de rendre compte des modifications du processus d’innovation des FMNs et de comprendre des phénomènes empiriques tels que par exemple l’innovation inversée ou l’innovation dite frugale. C’est à travers l’étude d’un cas unique, une grande FMN française, que nous avons exploré et analysé cette phase aval. Grâce à ce travail, nous avons défini un cadre intégrateur: le déploiement des innovations. C’est un processus qui comprend l’enchaînement des commercialisations d’une innovation par des filiales situées dans des contextes locaux différenciés et nécessitant à chaque fois son adaptation. Ce déploiement est ainsi spatial, car l’innovation est exploitée dans différentes géographies, et temporel, car les adaptations peuvent s’étendre sur une durée. Nos principaux résultats s’articulent autour de trois niveaux d’analyses. Nous étudions d'abord les projets et communautés de déploiement pour mieux comprendre l’articulation du déploiement entre l’organisation et les individus. Ensuite, nous analysons le déploiement au niveau des individus et des compétences en défendant l’idée que la FMN doit aujourd’hui penser une fonction "chef de projet déploiement" en son sein. Enfin, nous nous positionnons au niveau de la stratégie d’innovation des FMNs en mettant en perspective le rôle du siège et celui des filiales. / In a context of increased globalization and the rise of new forces from so-called emerging markets, multinational corporations (MNCs) have developed new innovation strategies. In particular, one of the most considerable transformations has taken place in their innovation processes. MNCs must now face a multiplication of sources of innovation in terms of research and development (upstream phase of the innovation process). They also have to seize all the opportunities for commercialization and appropriation of innovations on a global scale (downstream phase) through their subsidiaries’ network. The upstream phase of this process is complex and iterative in nature because of the integration of multiple and geographically dispersed knowledge. The result of this peculiarity of the MNC’s innovation process is the embededness of innovation at a local level. This embedding makes the downstream phase also complex, not just a marketing process. Up to now the downstream phase has been centrally conceptualized and disembodied from an organizational point of view through the concepts of diffusion and transfer. These approaches do not capture changes in the MNC’s innovation process and do not succed to frame empirical phenomena such as reverse innovation or the specialisation of subsidiaries in certain phases of the innovation process. It is through the study of a unique case, a large French MNC that we explored and analyzed this downstream phase. Thanks to this work, we have defined an integrative framework: the deployment of innovations. It is a process that includes sequencing of the commercialization of an innovation by subsidiaries located in differentiated local contexts and requiring each time to be adapted. This deployment is thus both spatial, because the innovation is utilized in different geographies, and temporal, because adaptations may take place over time. Deployment is therefore a concept that has a descriptive scope (understanding the downstream phase) but can also be utilized by companies (the means to be implemented to optimize this downstream phase). Our main results are based on three levels of analysis. First, at the level of deployment projects and communities to better understand the articulation of deployment between the organization and individuals. Then we put the stress on the skills needed for deployment with the idea that the MNCs must now think of a project deployment function. Finally, on the innovation strategy of MNCs, where we put the role of headquarter and subsidiaries in perspective.
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The impact of feedback on the changing of organisational cultureLa Grange, Annette 30 June 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the impact of feedback on organisational culture change. The empirical study was conducted among the employees of a financial institution in South Africa by means of a one-group Pre-test-Post-test design using the Corporate Culture Lite Questionnaire. The sample size for the pre-test and post-test measurement was 1584 and 927 employees respectively. A total of 203 feedback sessions were facilitated in five business units after the pre-test measurement according to the survey feedback approach. The data of the two measurements were compared using independent t-tests and p-values, to determine any areas of statistical and practical significant differences. The results indicate that in one of the five business units there was a practical significant difference between the two measurements of organisational culture on ten of the dimensions. This research therefore confirms that feedback has a limited impact on organisational culture change. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Comm. (Industrial Psychology)
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