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Brazil’s Ópera Nacional (1857-1863) : music, society and the birth of Brazilian opera in nineteenth-century Rio de JaneiroHeller-Lopes, Andre´ January 2010 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the Brazilian Opera National, its history, and the relations between music, culture and society in Rio de Janeiro during the second half of the nineteenth century. As a contribution to Brazilian cultural history, it examines the initiatives that led to the creation of a `Brazilian opera' between 1857 and 1863, and the activities performed by the three institutions that officially represented it: the Imperial Academia de Mzisica & Opera National (1857-1860), Opera Lyrica National (1860- 1862), Opera National & Italiana (1862-1863). Each of these `versions' of the company is discussed in a separate chapter, as a chronological narrative. The Opera Nacional is associated with the forging of the country's national identity, and as such is comparable to the many `national opera schools/movements' that appeared in Europe during the nineteenth century; it enjoyed the collaboration of prominent writers, politicians and intellectuals living in the Brazilian court during that period, and produced Latin America's most important opera composer, Carlos Gomes. However, the subject has not, previously been thoroughly studied, and the thesis represents the first attempt in half a century to establish an accurate academic account of its history in context. The research also unearths much new information, obtained from important newspapers published at the time in Rio de Janeiro: the Didrio do Rio de Janeiro, Correio Mercantil and Jornal do Gommercio. These sources allow one to understand some important aspects of the institution, such as its evolution and ultimate extinction, the development of audiences and repertoire - the peculiar fact that the first national operas were actually Spanish zarzuelas and Italian opera bu r, the artists and the operas in which they performed. Also images, musical scores and 4 the description of operatic plots published in the newspapers, contributed to reconstruction the Opera Yacional's history. Finally, the thesis aims to redefine the significance of the company during the Segundo Reinado, offering a new understanding of its contribution to Brazilian history and to the development of the country's cultural identity,
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The abolition of slavery and its aftermath in Pernambuco (1880-1920)Reis, Jaime B. G. January 1974 (has links)
No description available.
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The Problem Of Multiculturalism In Turkey Within The Context Of European IntegrationGulec, Asli 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Starting from the 1970&rsquo / s, as a result of influx of immigration and of rise of ethno- cultural conflicts the issue of multiculturalism has come to become one of the significant themes of contemporary politics. In this respect, new policies have been developed in order to manage this increasing ethnic and cultural diversity. In this study it is aimed to get a critical perspective for the analysis of the question of multiculturalism in Turkey with reference to Turkey-EU relationships. As is widely accepted, the issue of multiculturalism is a conjunctural historical phenomenon emerging within the objective conditions of Western liberal democracies. When this issue is put within Turkey&rsquo / s political framework, Turkey with its own historical and political conditions constitute a distinct context in the sense that this question is taken into account with respect to broader problems including democratization or the extension of human rights. On this basis, it will be argued that, the politics of multiculturalism and normative premises associated with it have no taken for granted progressive meaning or role rather to what extent the relevant multicultural policy measures contribute to the solution of various ethnic or cultural conflicts is itself an empirical and political matter, and also part of changing power relations.
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Shoulder Proprioception In Male Tennis Players Between Ages 14-16Boyar, Alaaddin 01 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Proprioceptive information appear to play an important role in stability and movements of shoulder joint in sporting activities especially in tennis. The purpose of this study was to measure the shoulder proprioceptive differences, and assess proprioceptive sense between dominant and non-dominant shoulders between male tennis players and controls between ages 14 - 16. 15 young male tennis players with a mean age 14.6 ± / 0.7 years and 15 young male sedentary individuals with a mean age 14.8 ± / 0.9 years participated in this cross-sectional descriptive study. Average height, weight, and BMI of the players were 169.4 ± / 5.9 cm., 63.9 ± / 5.5 kg., and 22.2 ± / 1.0 kg/m2 respectively. Mean height, weight, and BMI of the non-players were 168.3 ± / 5.3 cm., 64.4 ± / 10.2 kg., and 23.1 ± / 3.9 kg/m2 respectively. Proprioceptive sense was measured with an isokinetic dynamometer. Measurements were made in two positions: &lsquo / sitting&rsquo / versus &lsquo / standing&rsquo / for service, forehand, and backhand positions. Differences between players and control groups were investigated by MANOVA. Paired t-test was used to evaluate differences between dominant and non-dominant shoulders and sitting and standing positions. There was no statistically difference between players and non-players in means of age, body height, weight, and BMI. The study revealed the following results: 1) There was a significant difference between shoulder proprioceptive senses of players and controls (p < / 0.05) at service, forehand, and backhand positions. 2) Significant difference between dominant and non-dominant shoulders at 15º / and 30º / was not observed (p < / 0.05). 3) No significant difference was observed between sitting and standing positions at 30º / (p < / 0.05). It was concluded that tennis players had better proprioceptive sense than their age matched sedentary controls.
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The Portuguese conquest of the Amazon Estuary : identity, war, frontier (1612-1654)Ibáñez-Bonillo, Pablo January 2016 (has links)
The Portuguese conquest and colonization of Brazil was mediated by the Tupi-Guarani societies that inhabited the Atlantic coast in a discontinuous pattern from the estuary of the River Plate to the mouth of the Amazon. In fact, the extension of Portuguese occupation coincides with the limits of expansion of these Tupi-Guarani societies in most regions, suggesting a historical relation with deep potential implications. This work studies the conquest and construction of the Portuguese colonial frontier in the Lower Amazon and its estuary at the beginning of the XVIIth century, aiming to unveil the nature of the relations between Portuguese and Amerindian societies. The starting point is the hypothesis that the presence of Tupinamba societies from the Brazilian northeast, and of many other groups linked with them through language and culture, helped the Portuguese cause in their dispute for the control of the southern Amazon shores with other European competitors trading in the region. However, this very same dependency on the Tupinamba also acted as a brake on the Portuguese conquest as it headed north. This is supposed by the fact that almost no Tupi-Guarani traces have been recorded on the northern shore of the Amazon. After analyzing native American dynamics in Brazil and Guayana, this work presents a detailed study of the battles and skirmishes fought by opposed European interests, and their natives allies, in the Amazon from 1616 to 1632. The last part is devoted to the analysis of the process of cultural construction on the colonial frontier, through conquest mechanisms that were also deployed on other colonial American frontiers. Among these mechanisms I emphasise the implementation of a set of institutions and the construction of a negative and savage native alterity through narratives that have been reproduced by the regional historiography.
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Práticas de sociabilidade de proprietários fundiários de Floresta e de Tacaratú : sertão de Pernambuco (1840-1880) / Les pratiques de sociabilité des copropriétaires fonciers de Floresta et de Tacaratu : deux villes de l'arrière-pays du Pernambouc (1840-1880)Ferreira Burlamaqui Proa, Maria do bom parto 14 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse repose sur l'analyse de la trajectoire sociale de cent cinquante-quatre propriétaires fonciers de Floresta et Tacaratú, deux villes moyennes de la région du Médio São Francisco1, l'arrière-pays du Pernambouc. La recherche de documents judiciaires et notariaux permet de situer les caractéristiques de la formation sociale de cette catégorie de propriétaires, dans la période de l'exécution de la Loi de Terres de 1850, moment où le gouvernement impérial du Brésil cherchait à concrétiser des transformations économiques et sociales importantes, telles que les ventes de terres publiques à des particuliers.Pour ce faire, nous nous proposons d'analyser le régime de copropriété qui caractérisait nombre de biens de propriétaires fonciers. L’étude comparative des sources a permis de mettre en évidence des caractéristiques sociales, politiques, culturelles et économiques de ces membres des familles traditionnelles de la région. À partir d'une approche d’histoire sérielle et prosopographique, nous avons constitué les réseaux de sociabilité développés par ce groupe élitaire, tel que le réseau matrimonial, le réseau patrimonial et le réseau politique bureaucratique.Nous avons constaté que ces familles de copropriétaires fonciers ont participé de la construction de cet espace de l'arrière-pays, comme catégorie socialement dominante et tant que de membres de la bureaucratie administrative locale. / This thesis is based on the analysis of the social trajectory of one hundred and fifty to four landowners Tacaratú and Floresta, two towns in the region of Medio Sao Francisco, the interior of Pernambuco. The analysis of court documents and notary can put the characteristics of the social formation of the class property owners, in the period of implementation of the Land Act of 1850, when the Imperial Government of Brazil sought to implement changes economic and social importance, such as sales of public land to individuals.To do this, we propose to analyze the co-ownership of property that characterized many of the landowners. Comparative research has highlighted the social, political, cultural and economic of the members of traditional families in the region. Using an approach prosopographic and serial history, we established the social networks developed by this elite group, such as matrimonial network, the network and the network patrimonial bureaucratic politics.We found that these families of land owners were involved in the construction of this area of the hinterland, as socially dominant class and as members of the local government bureaucracy.
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The External Dimension Of The European Union' / s Immigration Policy And Its Implications For Transit Countries: A Comparison Of Turkey And MoroccoYildiz, Ayselin Gozde Gozde 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the external dimension of the European Union&rsquo / s (EU) immigration policy and its implications for transit countries through a comparative study of Turkey and Morocco. The thesis examines the development and
institutionalization of the EU&rsquo / s externalization of its immigration policy within a chronological and theoretical context. Applying the theoretical debate concerning &ldquo / Europeanization beyond EU borders&rdquo / , it investigates to what extent the EU has successfully externalised its immigration policy to non-EU members, and what kind of intended and unintended impacts this has had on these countries. The thesis tries to explore both the successes and limits of the Europeanization of Turkey&rsquo / s and Morocco&rsquo / s
domestic immigration policies by benchmarking progress in the harmonization of legal contexts, border management, visa policies, readmission agreements and asylum policies in each case. This study reaches similar conclusions concerning Turkey, as a candidate country within the EU&rsquo / s enlargement policy, and Morocco, as a country without membership prospect within the European Neighbourhood Policy, not only in terms of conceptualizing the EU&rsquo / s externalization of its immigration policy, but also for understanding the negative externalities it creates for transit countries which also limit further policy expansion.
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A Sociological Analysis On Recent Decentralization Practices In Global And Turkish ContextsAkbas, Meral 01 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The debates over the structure of the Turkish government in the context of Public Administration Reform that point to restructuration of state and/or to re-organization of social relations between state, market and & / #8216 / civil society& / #8217 / have gained momentum especially since the arrival of draft law about Main Principles of Public Administration and Restructuring of Public Administration to the Turkish Parliament. This thesis attempts to analyze the debate on recent public administration reform in Turkey in the contexts of the socio-economic transformations of new capitalism/neo-liberalism within the notion of decentralization and of how/in what ways the neoliberal policies have been legitimated within the specific historical context of Turkish public administration reform. The purpose of the study is to understand the connection between the legal text of public sector reform and the social context in which these legal regulations find their meanings. For this aim, the debate on public administration reform in the Turkish Parliament was argued as a discursive battlefield where the demands and interests of the conflicting social groups & / #8216 / clash& / #8217 / with each other. Therefore, this study concentrates its attention on the critical analysis of the discursive acts of the Justice and Development Party government, and of the Republican People& / #8217 / s Party on reform for understanding how both authority/legitimacy and resistance/de-legitimacy are (re)produced within the parliamentary debates/discourse.
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The Role Of The Young Ottomans In The Transformation Of Mentality In The Ottoman EmpireKaplan, Ferhat 01 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The main topic of this study is determining the role of the Young Ottomans in mentality transformation in the Ottoman Empire from the traditional one to a modern one. Their proposals aim to change three patterns of the Ottoman state and society. The relation between state and the individual is the first issue. They tried to create an Ottoman citizenry, enhanced with freedom and political rights, from a reaya. In the second step they imagined a modern society. Their proposals, which imply a secular system, aim to secure the people from the yoke of the tradition and some religious bonds. Nationalism is also important for the abolition of the traditional stratification of the Ottoman society. As a last point, the individual, himself, is tried to be changed into an active, enthusiastic, this-worldly, and rational being. However what is interesting is that while their main concern had been the survival of the Ottoman Empire and the Islamic order, their proposals had the potential to undermine these very institutions. This study will try to find the traces of these contradictions and the beginning of a mental transformation.
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An Unintended Consequence Of Modernization In Turkey: Nationalist Reactions From Its PeripheryYuksel, Mezher 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation studies the impact of a nation-state oriented modernization project on the socio-political and economic structure of the Kurdish speaking areas in Turkey with specific reference to center-periphery relations. The primary objective of this study is to document and analyze strategies and practices that have been introduced by the center to transform the Kurdish speaking periphery and integrate it with the Turkish nation-state. It also analyses the impacts of this process on the periphery alongside the latter&rsquo / s responses to them. The analysis focuses on the application of the modernization project in three different fields: namely the economic, political and educational spheres. For this purpose the history of modern Turkey is divided into three periods. The first period covers the years from the foundation of the Turkish Republic until transition to the multi-party political system, that is, from 1923 to 1950. The second period is between 1950 and 1980. The post 1980 period is the third period.
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