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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Daylight operation of a sodium laser guide star

Hart, Michael, Jefferies, Stuart, Murphy, Neil 27 July 2016 (has links)
We report photometric measurements of a sodium resonance guide star against the daylight sky when observed through a tuned magneto-optical filter (MOF). The MOF comprises a sodium vapor cell in a kilogauss-level magnetic field between crossed polarizers and has a very narrow transmission profile at the sodium D-2 resonance of approximately 0.008 nm. Our observations were made with the 1.5 m Kuiper telescope on Mt. Bigelow, AZ, which has a separately mounted guide star laser projecting a circularly polarized single-frequency beam of approximately 6.5 W at 589.16 nm. Both the beam projector and the 1.5 m telescope were pointed close to zenith; the baseline between them is approximately 5 m. Measurements of the guide star were made on the morning of 2016 March 24 using an imaging camera focused on the beacon and looking through the full aperture of the telescope. The guide star flux was estimated at 1.20x10(6) photon/m(2)/s while at approximately 45 minutes after sunrise, the sky background through the MOF was 1100 photon/m(2)/s/arcsec(2). We interpret our results in terms of thermal infrared observations with adaptive optics on the next generation of extremely large telescopes now being built.

A discourse concerning certain stochastic optimization algorithms and their application to the imaging of cataclysmic variable stars

Wood, Derren W 27 July 2005 (has links)
This thesis is primarily concerned with a description of four types of stochastic algorithms, namely the genetic algorithm, the continuous parameter genetic algorithm, the particle swarm algorithm and the differential evolution algorithm. Each of these techniques is presented in sufficient detail to allow the layman to develop her own program upon examining the text. All four algorithms are applied to the optimization of a certain set of unconstrained problems known as the extended Dixon-Szegö test set. An algorithm's performance at optimizing a set of problems such as these is often used as a benchmark for judging its efficacy. Although the same thing is done here, an argument is presented that shows that no such general benchmarking is possible. Indeed, it is asserted that drawing general comparisons between stochastic algorithms on the basis of any performance criterion is a meaningless pursuit unless the scope of such comparative statements is limited to specific sets of optimization problems. The idea is a result of the no free lunch theorems proposed by Wolpert and Macready. Two methods of presenting the results of an optimization run are discussed. They are used to show that judging an optimizer's performance is largely a subjective undertaking, despite the apparently objective performance measures which are commonly used when results are published. An important theme of this thesis is the observation that a simple paradigm shift can result in a different decision regarding which algorithm is best suited to a certain task. Hence, an effort is made to present the proper interpretation of the results of such tests (from the author's point of view). Additionally, the four abovementioned algorithms are used in a modelling environment designed to determine the structure of a Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable. This 'real world' modelling problem contrasts starkly with the well defined test set and highlights some of the issues that designers must face in the optimization of physical systems. The particle swarm optimizer will be shown to be the algorithm capable of achieving the best results for this modelling problem if an unbiased <font face="symbol">c</font>2 performance measure is used. However, the solution it generates is clearly not physically acceptable. Even though this drawback is not directly attributable to the optimizer, it is at least indicative of the fact that there are practical considerations which complicate the issue of algorithm selection. / Dissertation (MEng (Mechanical Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / unrestricted

A origem do carbono no universo - insights a partir de observações de estrelas pobres em metais nas nuvens de Magalhães / The origin of carbon in the Universe - insights from observations of metal-poor stars in Magellanic Clouds

Tiago Mendes de Almeida 30 October 2009 (has links)
Neste projeto de pesquisa planeja-se obter indícios da correlação entre o conteúdo metálico estelar deduzido para a Via Láctea e os indíces metálicos obtidos para as Nuvens de Magalhães. O ponto de apoio para tal comparação é que cada encontro deixará importantes traços na eficiência de formação dos membros do tripleto. À medida que os encontros dependem da história dinâmica, suas ``impressões digitais\'\' deixadas nos conteúdos estelares colocam importantes limitações na história dinâmica e vice-versa. Para tanto, são utilizados os dados espectroscópicos já obtidos com o telescópio Magellan Clay, para uma amostra contendo 28 estrelas ricas em carbono encontradas nas Nuvens de Magalhães. A quantidade de carbono bem como a existência ou não de binaridade nas estrelas da amostra são indícios das possíveis fontes da sobreabundância do carbono. A caracterização da amostra é essencial para o estudo da relação entre duas populações estelares aparentemente distintas: a de estrelas de carbono e a de estrelas pobres em metais enriquecidas em carbono. Para tanto, são utilizados catálogos de espectros assim como critérios fotométricos. A descoberta de alguma relação entre as duas populações pode ajudar a esclarecer o problema dos processos de enriquecimento de carbono, notado nas atmosferas estelares. A futura determinação dos parâmetros físicos das estrelas que compõem a amostra pode revelar detalhes sobre a história de formação estelar dos objetos das Nuvens e, portanto, vincular a evolução dessas duas galáxias-satélites à história da Via Láctea. / This project searches for signs of correlation between metallic stellar content, available for the Milky Way, and the metallicities indices obtained for the Magellanic Clouds. This comparison is supported by the traces on the formation of these three galaxies, that should have been left by each triplet members encounter. Since these crosses depend on the dynamical history, their fingerprints left by stellar content can estabilish constraints to the Galactic dynamical history. Spectroscopic data for a sample of carbon stars, obtained on the Magellanic Telescope, are used in this work. The amount of carbon, as the existence or not of binary stars in this sample, indicates possible sources of this element. The determination of sample properties is essential for studying the constraints between two stellar populations that are apparently distincts: carbon stars and carbon enhanced metal-poor stars. To do this, spectral catalogues and photometric criteria are used. Finding the correlations between both populations will bring some light to the unknown carbon enrichment processes that occured at the stellar atmospheres. Variability, emission lines, and binarity are studied for the sample. Stellar parameters are discussed, although there is no method applicable to this sample. By estimating the physical parameters of the stars presented in this sample and by analysing their carbon abundances, one can provide hints of the star formation history of objects in the Magellanic Clouds and therefore constraint the evolution of these satellite-galaxies to the Milky Way.

Formação estelar no complexo de nuvens moleculares em Monoceros / Star Formation in the Molecular Cloud Complex in Monoceros

Diana Renata Gonçalves Gama 04 May 2012 (has links)
Comparamos duas nuvens moleculares, Rosette (RMC) e Monoceros R2 (Mon R2), localizadas no Complexo de Monoceros com o objetivo de estudar suas condições físicas relacionadas às primeiras fases da formação estelar. Tratam-se de regiões interessantes por apresentarem características que podem ser confrontadas com a hipótese de formação estelar provocada pela passagem de nuvens de altas velocidades atravessando o plano Galáctico (HVCs). Avaliamos as propriedades dessas nuvens por meio de mapas de vários traçadores da formação estelar com base em diferentes bandas espectrais visando estudar a estrutura de densidade das nuvens, bem como os objetos estelares jovens, em particular as fontes masers de H2O que apresentam características típicas de protoestrelas massivas. Nossa análise permitiu verificar algumas semelhanças entre RMC e Mon R2, mas também nos revelou diferenças interessantes. De uma forma geral há concordância entre AV, CO e emissão de poeira em 100 microns; RMC possui muitos clumps, entretanto poucos aglomerados e nebulosidades exceto uma única região HII principal (NGC2244) enquanto Mon R2 apresenta poucos clumps, vários aglomerados jovens e pequenas nebulosidades; em RMC há mais estrelas massivas, distribuídas uniformemente; Mon R2 tem poucas estrelas B, distribuídas em estruturas filamentárias com maiores índices de AV, do que em RMC; as fontes emissão maser apresentam cores IRAS compatíveis com candidatas a protoestrelas massivas, mas não parecem estar associadas a fontes de raios-X, sugerindo que masers estão relacionados à fase protoestelar, ao passo que fontes-X representam fase Pré-Sequência Principal. Concluímos que a distribuição de objetos e a estrutura das nuvens estão de acordo com as simulações dos modelos de HVCs. Porém, nossos resultados também são compatíveis com modelos alternativos, que simulam a dinâmica da Galáxia, para explicar o cenário de formação estelar no Complexo de Monoceros. / We compare two molecular clouds of the Monoceros Complex in order to study their physical conditions related to the early stages of star formation. The selected clouds, Rosette (RMC) and Monoceros R2 (Mon R2), are interesting regions due to their characteristics that may be confronted with the hypothesis of star formation triggered by high velocity clouds (HVCs) crossing through the Galactic plane. We evaluate the properties of these clouds using maps obtained on the basis of dierent spectral bands to trace the density of the clouds and the young stellar objects, in particular H2O masers that show typical features of massive protostars. This analysis allowed us to verify some similarities between RMC and Mon R2, but also revealed interesting dierences. In a general way there is an agreement between Av, CO and dust emission at 100 microns; RMC has many clumps, a few clusters and a single main nebulosity that is an HII region around NGC2244, while Mon R2 has a few clumps, several young clusters and small nebulosities. In RMC there is a large number of massive stars, uniformly distributed, while Mon R2 has a few B stars, distributed in lamentary structures with levels of Av higher than in RMC; maser sources have IRAS colors compatible with massive protostars candidates, but do not seem to be associated with X-ray sources, suggesting that masers are more related to the protostellar phase, while X-ray sources are related to pre main sequence phase. We conclude that the distribution of objects and the structure of the clouds are in accordance with the simulations of HVC models. However, our results are also compatible with alternative models of the Galaxy dynamics that explain the scenario of star formation in the Monoceros Complex.

Formação estelar induzida por choques de Supernovas e por Turbulência Magneto-hidrodinâmica / Star formation triggered by Supernovae shocks and magneto-hydrodynamical turbulence

Márcia Regina Moreira Leão 30 November 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho investigamos os efeitos de choques (induzidos por supernovas) e de turbulência magneto-hidrodinâmica no processo de formação estelar. Primeiramente, considerando o impacto de um remanescente de supernova (RSN) com uma nuvem neutra magnetizada derivamos analiticamente um conjunto de condições através das quais estas interações podem levar à formação de estruturas densas capazes de tornarem-se gravitacionalmente instáveis e formar estrelas. Usando estas condições, construímos diagramas do raio do RSN, $R_$, versus a densidade inicial da nuvem, $n_c$, os quais delimitam um domínio no espaço paramétrico onde a formação estelar é permitida. Estes diagramas foram testados através de simulações numéricas magneto-hidrodinâmicas tridimensionais (3D MHD) onde seguimos a evolução espaço-temporal da interação de um RSN com uma nuvem auto-gravitante. Verificamos que a análise numérica está de acordo com os resultados previstos pelos diagramas. Observamos ainda que a presença de um campo magnético fraco, $\\sim 1 \\; \\mu$G, inicialmente homogêneo e perpendicular à velocidade de impacto do RSN, resulta em uma pequena diminuição da região permitida para formação estelar nos diagramas quando comparado a diagramas para nuvens não magnetizadas. Já um campo magnético mais intenso ($\\sim 10\\;\\mu$G) causa um encolhimento significativo nestas, como esperado. Embora derivados de considerações analíticas simples estes diagramas fornecem uma ferramenta útil para identificar locais onde a formação estelar pode ter sido induzida pelo impacto de uma onda de choque de SN. Aplicações a algumas regiões de nossa Galáxia (como a Grande Concha de CO na direção de Escorpião e a Nuvem Periférica 2 na direção da constelação de Cassiopeia) mostram que a formação estelar nestes locais pode ter sido induzida por uma onda de choque de um RSN em passado recente, quando se consideram valores específicos para as condições iniciais das nuvens impactadas.%, para valores específicos de raio do RSN e uma faixa de densidades iniciais possíveis para estas nuvens. Avaliamos também a eficiência de formação estelar efetiva para estas interações e encontramos que esta é geralmente menor do que os valores observados para a nossa Galáxia (sfe $\\sim$ 0.01$-$0.3). Este resultado é consistente com outros trabalhos da literatura e também sugere que este mecanismo, embora poderoso para induzir a formação de estruturas, turbulência supersônica e eventualmente formação estelar local, não parece ser suficiente para induzir a formação estelar global em galáxia normais, nem mesmo quando o campo magnético é desprezado. Além do estudo acima, exploramos ainda a formação estelar considerando a injeção prévia de turbulência (por um mecanismo físico arbitrário) em nuvens magnetizadas. Para uma nuvem ou glóbulo de nuvem molecular formar estrelas deve haver transporte de fluxo magnético das regiões internas mais densas para as regiões externas menos densas da nuvem, de outra forma o colapso poderá ser impedido pela força magnética. Consideramos aqui um novo mecanismo. Reconexão magnética rápida, a qual ocorre em presença de turbulência, pode induzir um processo de difusão eficiente dos campos magnéticos. Neste trabalho investigamos esse processo por meio de simulações numéricas 3D MHD e suas implicações para a formação estelar, estendendo um estudo prévio realizado para nuvens de simetria cilíndrica e sem auto-gravidade (Santos-Lima et al. 2010). Aqui consideramos nuvens mais realistas com potenciais gravitacionais esféricos (devido a estrelas embebidas) e também levando em conta os efeitos da auto-gravidade do gás. Determinamos, pela primeira vez, quais as condições em que o transporte do campo magnético devido à difusão por reconexão turbulenta leva uma nuvem inicialmente subcrítica a tornar-se super-crítica e capaz de colapsar para formar estrelas. Nossos resultados indicam que a formação de um núcleo supercrítico é resultado de uma complexa interação entre gravidade, auto-gravidade, intensidade do campo magnético e turbulência aproximadamente trans-sônica e trans-Alfvénica. Em particular, a auto-gravidade favorece a difusão do campo magnético por reconexão turbulenta e, como resultado, seu desacoplamento do gás colapsante torna-se mais eficiente do que quando apenas um campo gravitacional externo está presente. Demonstramos que a difusão por reconexão turbulenta é capaz de remover fluxo magnético da maior parte das nuvens investigadas, porém somente uma minoria desenvolve núcleos aproximadamente críticos ou super-críticos, o que é consistente com as observações. A formação destes é restrita ao seguinte intervalo de condições iniciais para as nuvens: razão pressão térmica-pressão magnética, $\\beta \\sim 1$ a $3$, razões entre a energia turbulenta e a energia magnética $E_/E_\\sim 1.62$ a $2.96$, e densidades $50 < n < 140$ cm$^$, quando consideramos massas estelares M$_{\\star}\\sim 25$M$_{\\odot}$, implicando uma massa total da nuvem (gás + estrelas) M$_\\lesssim 120$M$_{\\odot}$. / In this work, we have investigated the effects of shocks (induced by supernovae) and magnetohydrodynamical turbulence in the process of star formation. Considering first, the impact of a supernova remnant (SNR) with a neutral magnetized cloud we derived analytically a set of conditions through which these interactions can lead to the formation of dense structures able to become gravitationally unstable and form stars. Using these conditions, we have built diagrams of the SNR radius, $R_{SNR}$, versus the initial cloud density, $n_c$, that constrain a domain in the parameter space where star formation is allowed. These diagrams have been also tested by means of three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamical (3D MHD) numerical simulations where the space-time evolution of a SNR interacting with a self-gravitating cloud is followed. We find that the numerical analysis is in agreement with the results predicted by the diagrams. We have also found that the effects of a weak homogeneous magnetic field ($\\sim 1 \\; \\mu$G) approximately perpendicular to the impact velocity of the SNR results only a small decrease of the allowed zone for star formation in the diagrams when compared with the diagrams with non-magnetized clouds. A larger magnetic field ($\\sim 10\\;\\mu$G) on the other hand, causes a significant shrinking of the star formation zone, as one should expect. Although derived from simple analytical considerations, these diagrams provide a useful tool for identifying sites where star formation could be triggered by the impact of a SN blast wave. Applications of them to a few regions of our own Galaxy (e.g., the large CO shell in the direction of Scorpious, and the Edge Cloud 2 in the direction of the Cassiopeia constellation) have revealed that star formation in those sites could have been triggered by shock waves from SNRs in a recent past, when considering specific values of the SNR radius and the initial conditions in the neutral clouds. We have also evaluated the effective star formation efficiency for this sort of interaction and found that it is generally smaller than the observed values in our Galaxy (sfe $\\sim$ 0.01$-$0.3). This result is consistent with previous work in the literature and also suggests that the mechanism presently investigated, though very powerful to drive structure formation, supersonic turbulence and eventually, local star formation, does not seem to be sufficient to drive $global$ star formation in normal star forming galaxies, not even when the magnetic field is neglected. Besides the study above, we have also explored star formation considering a priori injection of turbulence (by an arbitrary physical mechanism) in magnetized clouds. For a molecular cloud clump to form stars some transport of magnetic flux may be required from the denser, inner regions to the outer regions of the cloud, otherwise this can prevent the gravitational collapse. We have considered here a new mechanism. Fast magnetic reconnection which takes place in the presence of turbulence can induce a process of reconnection diffusion of the magnetic field. In this work, we have investigated this process by means of 3D MHD numerical simulations considering its implications on star formation. We have extended a previous study which considered clouds with cylindrical geometry and no self-gravity (Santos-Lima et al. 2010). Here, we considered more realistic clouds with spherical gravitational potentials (from embedded stars) and also accounted for the effects of the gas self-gravity. We demonstrated that reconnection diffusion takes place. We have also, for the first time, determined the conditions under which reconnection diffusion is efficient enough to make an initially subcritical cloud clump to become supercritical and collapse. Our results indicate that the formation of a supercritical core is regulated by a complex interplay between gravity, self-gravity, magnetic field strength and nearly transonic and trans-Alfvénic turbulence. In particular, self-gravity helps reconnection diffusion and, as a result, the magnetic field decoupling from the collapsing gas becomes more efficient than in the case when only an external gravitational field is present. We have demonstrated that reconnection diffusion is able to remove magnetic flux from most of the collapsing clumps analysed, but only a few of them develop nearly critical or supercritical cores, which is consistent with the observations. Their formation is restricted to a range of initial conditions for the clouds as follows: thermal to magnetic pressure ratios $\\beta \\sim$ 1 to 3, turbulent to magnetic energy ratios $E_{turb}/E_{mag}\\sim 1.62$ to $2.96$, and densities $50 < n < 140$ cm$^{-3}$, when considering stellar masses M$_{\\star}\\sim 25$M$_{\\odot}$, implying total (gas+stellar) masses M$_{tot} \\lesssim 120$M$_{\\odot}$.

Um estudo teórico da evolução temporal das características polarimétricas de estrelas Be / A Theoretical Study of the Polarimetric Characteristics of Be Stars

Bruno Correia Mota 02 July 2013 (has links)
Estrelas Be são reconhecidas pela sua rápida rotação e pulsação não radial. São as únicas estrelas da Sequência Principal que apresentam discos circunstelares, os quais são formados por meio de processos ainda não completamente compreendidos. A modelagem das forças que atuam neste sistema conduz a previsões teóricas sobre a estrutura do disco que podem ser comparadas com dados observacionais. Podemos estudar as propriedades físicas dos discos de estrelas Be pelo efeito que a luz estelar sofre ao passar por eles, por exemplo, modelando a transferência radiativa. Neste ponto, a polarização surge como uma ferramenta muito útil para a investigação destes discos, permitindo a determinação de quantidades físicas importantes do sistema, como a densidade numérica de partículas e o ângulo de inclinação. Uma variabilidade intrigante observada em estrelas Be é a transição aperiódica entre uma fase B normal (sem disco) e uma fase Be (com disco). Estudos de monitoramento recentes encontraram, a partir da análise da polarização intrínseca decorrente da transição entre estas fases, uma relação significante entre a mudança da polarização através do salto de Balmer versus a polarização na banda V, fazendo surgir uma estrutura em loop como função do tempo, no assim denominado Diagrama Cor-Polarização. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma análise do Diagrama Cor-Polarização por meio de modelos diversos. Fazemos uso do Disco de Decréscimo Viscoso que é o paradigma atual para explicar a formação e evolução dos discos de estrelas Be. Com isso, visamos determinar como a polarimetria pode contribuir para a compreensão dos mecanismos fundamentais envolvidos no processo de formação e dissipação do disco. / Be stars are recognized by their rapid rotation and non-radial pulsation. They are the only stars in the Main Sequence that have circumstellar disks that are formed by processes not yet fully understood. The modeling of the forces acting on this system leads to theoretical predictions about the structure of the disk that can be compared to observational data. We can study physical the properties of Be disks by modeling how stellar light is reprocessed by them. This requires solving the detailed radiative transfer problem involved. In this point, the study of polarization arise as a useful tool to investigate these disks, allowing for the determination of important physical quantities of the system, such as the particle number density and inclination angle. An intriguing variability observed in Be stars is the aperiodic transition between a B normal phase (without disk) to a Be phase (with disk). Recent monitoring studies found, from the analysis of the intrinsic polarization arising of the transition between these phases, a significant relation between the polarization change through the Balmer jump versus the V-Band polarization, giving rise to a loop structure as a function of time, in the so-called Color-Polarization Diagram. This work presents an analysis of the Color-Polarization Diagram by several models. We make use of the Viscous Decretion Disk Model, which assumes the existence of some injection mechanism of material at keplerian velocities in the disk base, where the turbulent viscosity acts carrying angular momentum from de inner parts to the outer regions. With this, we aimed to extend our knowledge about the fundamental mechanisms involved in the formation and dissipation processes of the disk.

Evolutionary sequences for H and He atmosphere massive white dwarf stars / Sequências evolucionárias de estrelas anãs brancas massivas com atmosfera de H e He

Ramos, Gabriel Lauffer January 2018 (has links)
White dwarf stars are the most common final stage of stellar evolution, corresponding to 99% of all stars in the Galaxy. White dwarf models can be used to obtain the age of stellar populations, to build an initial to final mass relation to understand the connection between the properties of white dwarfs and their progenitors, determine the upper mass limit that separates white dwarfs progenitors from Type II supernovae, enhance the comprehension of the physical properties of high density matter and derive ages and masses for observed white dwarfs from the cooling tracks. The literature is populated with low mass and intermediate mass white dwarf models, however the massive white dwarfs are often forgotten and the evolutionary sequences are incomplete. In this dissertation, we compute full evolutionary sequences for massive white dwarfs, exploring the evolution of hydrogen-rich and hydrogen-deficient white dwarfs stars with masses between 1.012 and 1.307 M , and initial metallicity of Z = 0.02. These sequences are the result of main sequence stars with masses between 8.8 and 11.8 M . The simulations were performed with the Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics - MESA code, starting at the zero-age main sequence, through thermally pulsing and mass-loss phases, ending as the white dwarfs at the cooling sequence. Our simulations are full evolutionary, in which we consider the entire evolutionary history of the progenitors. We present reliable nuclear chemical profiles for the whole mass range considered, covering the different expected central compositions, i.e. C/O, O/Ne and Ne/O/Mg, and their dependence with the stellar mass. In addition, we present detailed chemical profiles of hybrid C/O-O/Ne core white dwarfs, found in the mass range between 1.024 and 1.150 M . We present the initial-to-final mass relation, mass-radius relation, and cooling times with improved crystallization limits, considering the effects of atmosphere and core composition.

Dissipation de marée dans les étoiles de faible masse et les planètes géantes : ondes inertielles, structure interne et rotation différentielle / Tidal dissipation in low-mass stars and giant planets : inertial waves, internal structure and differential rotation

Guenel, Mathieu 21 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les mécanismes de dissipation de marée dans les étoiles de faible masse, possédant comme notre Soleil une enveloppe convective externe (i.e. de types M à F), ainsi que dans les planètes géantes gazeuses similaires à Jupiter et Saturne. En particulier, nous cherchons à comprendre et à caractériser l’influence de la structure et de la dynamique internes de ces corps sur les différents mécanismes physiques à l’origine de cette dissipation afin d’évaluer leur importance relative.Dans le cas des planètes géantes, nous utilisons des modèles semi-analytiques préexistants et nous montrons que la dissipation induite par la présence éventuelle d’un cœur solide viscoélastique n’est pas négligeable par rapport à celle induite par les ondes inertielles (dont la force de rappel est l’accélération de Coriolis) dans l’enveloppe convective. Pour les étoiles de faible masse, nous développons de nouvelles méthodes semi-analytiques ainsi que des simulations numériques d’ondes inertielles de marée se propageant dans l’enveloppe convective externe, dont nous calculons et caractérisons la dissipation d’énergie associée. Pour la première fois, nous prenons en compte les effets d’une rotation différentielle latitudinale telle qu’observée dans le Soleil et prédite par de nombreuses simulations numériques de convection dans les étoiles de faible masse. Nous mettons en évidence l’existence de nouvelles familles de modes inertiels ainsi que l’importance des résonances de corotation pour la dissipation de marée. Enfin, nous dérivons une nouvelle prescription pour la viscosité turbulente appliquée à ces ondes de marées en prenant en compte l’influence de la rotation sur les propriétés de la convection le long de l’évolution des étoiles. / This thesis studies the tidal dissipation mechanisms in low-mass stars that have an external convective envelope like the Sun (i.e. from M- to F-type stars), as well as in Jupiter- and Saturn-like gaseous giant planets. We particularly focus on understanding and characterizing the influence of the internal structure and dynamics of these bodies on the various physical mechanisms that cause this tidal dissipation, in order to assess their relative strength.In the case of giant planets, we use preexisting semi-analytical models and we show that the dissipation induced by the possible presence of a viscoelastic solid core is not negligible compared to the one induced by inertial waves (whose restoring force is the Coriolis acceleration) in the convective envelope. For low-mass stars, we perform a new semi-analytic study as well as numerical simulations of tidal inertial waves propagating in the external convective envelope, and we compute the associated energy dissipation. For the first time, the effects of a background latitudinal differential rotation, as observed in the Sun and predicted by various numerical simulations of convection in low-mass stars, is taken into account. We highlight the existence of new families of inertial modes as well as the importance of corotation resonances for tidal dissipation. Finally, we derive a new prescription for the turbulent viscosity applied to these tidal waves that takes into account the influence of rotation on the properties of convective flows along the evolution of stars.

Oenigheten mellan fans och kritiker: The Last Jedi : En innehållsanalys av de kritiska positionerna kring Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi.

Rudervall, Mathias January 2020 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de kritiska positionerna kring den kontroversiella filmen Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. Den innehåller en omfattande överblick om hur Star Wars kritiserats förr och nu för att sätta perspektiv på ämnet, samt information om hur fans och så kallade ”fandoms” ibland fungerar som ett ”hivemind” när det kommer till tyckande och organisering på nätets sajter och forum.

Observational Research on Dwarf Novae: Superoutburst, Evolution, and Development of a Classification Method Using Gaia DR2 / 矮新星の観測的研究:スーパーアウトバースト、進化、そしてGaia DR2を用いた分類手法の開発

Isogai, Keisuke 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第21572号 / 理博第4479号 / 新制||理||1643(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査)准教授 野上 大作, 教授 長田 哲也, 教授 嶺重 慎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

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