Spelling suggestions: "subject:"A – tar"" "subject:"A – star""
891 |
France and the United States: Borrowed and Shared National SymbolsCrawford, Katlyn Marie 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis analyzes and demonstrates the similarities and differences
between some of the national symbols of France and the United States. This
includes the shared and borrowed aspects of each one and the ways in which
each culture is reflected through, and built around them. The flags, national
anthems, and several national icons such as France's Marianne and Uncle Sam are discussed. This analysis deals with the historical contexts and cultural
meanings of the symbols, showing the changes each has undertaken in form and in national and international importance. Through the study of national symbols, this thesis reveals the similarities along with the differences between the two nations, which are often perceived as being highly dissimilar and even opposing in belief systems, cultures, and histories.
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Data Warehouses na era do Big Data: processamento eficiente de Junções Estrela no Hadoop / Data Warehouses na era do Big Data: processamento eficiente de Junções Estrela no HadoopJaqueline Joice Brito 12 December 2017 (has links)
The era of Big Data is here: the combination of unprecedented amounts of data collected every day with the promotion of open source solutions for massively parallel processing has shifted the industry in the direction of data-driven solutions. From recommendation systems that help you find your next significant one to the dawn of self-driving cars, Cloud Computing has enabled companies of all sizes and areas to achieve their full potential with minimal overhead. In particular, the use of these technologies for Data Warehousing applications has decreased costs greatly and provided remarkable scalability, empowering business-oriented applications such as Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). One of the most essential primitives in Data Warehouses are the Star Joins, i.e. joins of a central table with satellite dimensions. As the volume of the database scales, Star Joins become unpractical and may seriously limit applications. In this thesis, we proposed specialized solutions to optimize the processing of Star Joins. To achieve this, we used the Hadoop software family on a cluster of 21 nodes. We showed that the primary bottleneck in the computation of Star Joins on Hadoop lies in the excessive disk spill and overhead due to network communication. To mitigate these negative effects, we proposed two solutions based on a combination of the Spark framework with either Bloom filters or the Broadcast technique. This reduced the computation time by at least 38%. Furthermore, we showed that the use of full scan may significantly hinder the performance of queries with low selectivity. Thus, we proposed a distributed Bitmap Join Index that can be processed as a secondary index with loose-binding and can be used with random access in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). We also implemented three versions (one in MapReduce and two in Spark) of our processing algorithm that uses the distributed index, which reduced the total computation time up to 88% for Star Joins with low selectivity from the Star Schema Benchmark (SSB). Because, ideally, the system should be able to perform both random access and full scan, our solution was designed to rely on a two-layer architecture that is framework-agnostic and enables the use of a query optimizer to select which approaches should be used as a function of the query. Due to the ubiquity of joins as primitive queries, our solutions are likely to fit a broad range of applications. Our contributions not only leverage the strengths of massively parallel frameworks but also exploit more efficient access methods to provide scalable and robust solutions to Star Joins with a significant drop in total computation time. / A era do Big Data chegou: a combinação entre o volume dados coletados diarimente com o surgimento de soluções de código aberto para o processamento massivo de dados mudou para sempre a indústria. De sistemas de recomendação que assistem às pessoas a encontrarem seus pares românticos à criação de carros auto-dirigidos, a Computação em Nuvem permitiu que empresas de todos os tamanhos e áreas alcançassem o seu pleno potencial com custos reduzidos. Em particular, o uso dessas tecnologias em aplicações de Data Warehousing reduziu custos e proporcionou alta escalabilidade para aplicações orientadas a negócios, como em processamento on-line analítico (Online Analytical Processing- OLAP). Junções Estrelas são das primitivas mais essenciais em Data Warehouses, ou seja, consultas que realizam a junções de tabelas de fato com tabelas de dimensões. Conforme o volume de dados aumenta, Junções Estrela tornam-se custosas e podem limitar o desempenho das aplicações. Nesta tese são propostas soluções especializadas para otimizar o processamento de Junções Estrela. Para isso, utilizamos a família de software Hadoop em um cluster de 21 nós. Nós mostramos que o gargalo primário na computação de Junções Estrelas no Hadoop reside no excesso de operações escrita do disco (disk spill) e na sobrecarga da rede devido a comunicação excessiva entre os nós. Para reduzir estes efeitos negativos, são propostas duas soluções em Spark baseadas nas técnicas Bloom filters ou Broadcast, reduzindo o tempo total de computação em pelo menos 38%. Além disso, mostramos que a realização de uma leitura completa das tables (full table scan) pode prejudicar significativamente o desempenho de consultas com baixa seletividade. Assim, nós propomos um Índice Bitmap de Junção distribuído que é implementado como um índice secundário que pode ser combinado com acesso aleatório no Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS). Nós implementamos três versões (uma em MapReduce e duas em Spark) do nosso algoritmo de processamento baseado nesse índice distribuído, os quais reduziram o tempo de computação em até 77% para Junções Estrelas de baixa seletividade do Star Schema Benchmark (SSB). Como idealmente o sistema deve ser capaz de executar tanto acesso aleatório quanto full scan, nós também propusemos uma arquitetura genérica que permite a inserção de um otimizador de consultas capaz de selecionar quais abordagens devem ser usadas dependendo da consulta. Devido ao fato de consultas de junção serem frequentes, nossas soluções são pertinentes a uma ampla gama de aplicações. A contribuições desta tese não só fortalecem o uso de frameworks de processamento de código aberto, como também exploram métodos mais eficientes de acesso aos dados para promover uma melhora significativa no desempenho Junções Estrela.
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Procura de Estrelas de Alta Massa em Formação / Search for Massive Stars in Early Stages of FormationFelipe Donizeti Teston Navarete 29 October 2013 (has links)
O mecanismo de formação de estrelas de alta massa é um dos problemas fundamentais em Astrofísica e um dos menos compreendidos. Duas teorias predizem a formação destes objetos, que se formariam via i) colisão de estrelas de baixa massa, ou ii) acreção por disco circunstelar. Atualmente, ambas as teorias carecem de testes observacionais críticos. Não obstante, o número de estrelas de alta massa jovens já identificadas na Galáxia corresponde a uma fração muito menor do que o esperado pela função de massa inicial. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo observacional de candidatos a MYSOs, selecionados a partir do levantamento Red MSX Source. Observações de 376 objetos nos filtros estreitos do H2 em 2.12 mícrons e num contínuo adjacente foram realizadas para identificar jatos moleculares colimados e 296 delas são apresentadas nesse trabalho. As observações do hemisfério Norte foram realizadas com o telescópio CFHT (Havaí) enquanto os objetos do hemisfério Sul, foram observados com o telescópio SOAR (Chile). A análise dos mapas de emissão em H2 permitiu concluir que 150 dos 296 objetos (51%) estão associados a emissões extensas em H2, e 62 delas foram classificadas como emissões polares. A análise da razão de aspecto das estruturas identificadas mostra que as emissões associadas a fontes com maior luminosidade apresentam baixo grau de colimação, tal como sugere o cenário de geração dos jatos a partir de ventos emanados pela pressão de radiação do disco circunstelar. A baixa fração de emissões polares (apenas 21% da amostra) indica que o tempo de vida dessas estruturas devem ser curtos. As evidências observacionais encontradas nesse trabalho corroboram o cenário de acreção via disco circunstelar e invalidam o modelo formação via coalescência de estrelas de baixa massa, que requer ambientes relativamente densos e não é capaz de produzir jatos colimados. / Very few massive stars in early formation stages were clearly identified in our Galaxy. The formation process of these objects is still unclear and two theories predict the formation of massive stars: i) by merging of low mass stars or ii) by an accretion disk. There are no critical observational evidences to choose between them. The lack of observational evidences combined with the small number of known massive stars in formation in our Galaxy does not allow us to choose between these scenarios. We present a near-infrared survey of MYSOs candidates selected from the Red MSX Source survey. Such catalog is based on an accurate revision of distances and luminosities, overcoming the limitations and failures in previous searches of this kind. 376 targets were observed through the H2 narrow-band filter at 2.12 microns and in the continuum to identify collimated molecular jets. 296 targets were successfully processed using the THELI pipeline and are presented. Observations in the Northern Hemisphere were carried at the CFHT telescope (Hawaii) while the Southern targets were observed with the Soar Telescope (Chile). The results show that 150 of the 296 sources display extended H2 emission and 62 of them are polar. The analysis of the aspect ratio of the structures indicates that emissions associated with higher luminosity sources have low degree of collimation. This is in agreement with the scenario of the radiation pressure-driven outflows from the circunstellar discs. The low fraction of sources associated with polar jets (21%) indicates a short timescale of such structures. The observational evidences found on this work support the accretion scenario and show that coalescence of low-mass stars (which may require relatively dense environments and is not expected to produce jet-like structures) is not likely to explain most of the studied MYSOs candidates.
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Braços espirais da galáxia: posição das regiões HII gigantes e formação estelar / Spiral Arms of the Galaxy: Position of the giant HII Regions and Star FormationAlessandro Pereira Moisés 08 April 2010 (has links)
Nesta tese é apresentado um catálogo fotométrico no infravermelho próximo de 35 Regiões HII, todas pertencentes ao disco Galáctico. Esta faixa espectral é útil uma vez que os comprimentos de onda são grandes o suficiente para se ter uma baixa extinção interestelar comparada ao visível, e são pequenos o suficiente para diagnosticar as fotosferas estelares. Foram obtidas imagens nas bandas J, H e K e imagens do Spitzer nos canais de 3,5, 5,8 e 8,0 m. Após a fotometria nas imagens JHK, foi possível construir diagramas cor-cor e cor-magnitude. Foram utilizadas imagens coloridas, compostas de uma combinação RGB das imagens nas três bandas, tanto para as imagens JHK quanto para as imagens do Spitzer. Estas imagens, junto com os diagramas, foram utilizadas para levantar candidatos a fontes ionizantes das regiões HII, assim como objetos ainda em estágios primordiais de evolução (CTTs e MYSOs). Estes dados também foram utilizados para associar à cada região HII um estágio evolutivo (de A até D, da região mais jovem à mais evoluída). Baseado na posição da Sequência Principal em diagramas cor-magnitude, foi possível comparar as distâncias cinemáticas com nossos dados. Além disso, quando possível, foram utilizadas distâncias de regiões HII determinadas por paralaxe espectrofotométrica (disponíveis na literatura) e utilizando duas leis de extinção interestelar extremas mostrou-se que estas distâncias são menores que suas contrapartidas cinemáticas, e estão em acordo com distâncias determinadas por outros métodos, como por paralaxe trigonométrica. Sabendo que estas regiões de formação estelar seguem a dinâmica do gás, o mapeamento da distribuição destas regiões permite checar a estrutura espiral da Via Láctea. / In this work, a near infrared photometric catalog of 35 HII regions that belongs to the Galactic plane is presented. This spectral range is useful since the wavelengths are long enough to have less influence of the interstellar extinction compared to the visible domain, and they are small enough to still show stellar photospheric features. Images of these HII regions in the J, H and K-band together with IRAC-Spitzer images (channels 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0 m) were used. After the photometry in the JHK images, color-color and color-magnitude diagrams were constructed. These two group of images (JHK and 4.5, 5.8 and 8.0 m) colored in a RGB combination were used, together with the diagrams, to identify the ionizing sources candidates, as well as objects still embedded in their natal cocoon (CTTs and MYSOs). An evolutionary stage to these regions (from A to D, from the younger region to the more evolved) was inferred based on the images and diagrams. These diagrams were also used to infer if the kinematic distance is correct, based on the Main Sequence location. Non-kinematic distances to several HII regions, when it was possible, were collected from the literature. Using two extreme interstellar extinction laws, it was possible to compare these distances with the kinematic results. These non-kinematic distances are lower than that from kinematic techniques. Also, these distance discrepancies are in agreement with distances derived by others methodologies, as trigonometric parallax. Since these star forming regions follow the gas dynamics, mapping their distribution along the Galaxy allows to check the spiral pattern of the Milky Way.
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L'origine des jets protostellaires à l'ère d'ALMA : de la modélisation aux observations / The origin of protostellar jets in the ALMA era : from modelling to observationsTabone, Benoît 04 October 2018 (has links)
L’extraction du moment cinétique au sein des disques protostellaires est le processus clé qui détermine la masse finale accrétée par une étoile, ainsi que les conditions de formation de son cortège planétaire. Il a été proposé que les jets protostellaires pourraient jouer un rôle essentiel dans cette extraction, via un processus magnétohydrodynamique (MHD). L’objectif principal de ce travail de thèse est de mettre à profit le gain révolutionnaire en résolution et en sensibilité apporté par l’interféromètre submillimétrique ALMA afin de clarifier le processus d’accrétion-éjection à l’œuvre dans les protoétoiles. Cette pro- blématique est abordée selon trois axes complémentaires i) confrontation des modèles théoriques de vent de disque MHD à la dynamique du jet de HH212 observé par ALMA à haute résolution angulaire. Je présente la découverte de signatures de rotation en SO/SO2 dans le jet qui, avec la dynamique de SiO, sont cohérentes avec un vent de disque MHD lancé entre 0.05 et 40au. ii) étude analytique et numérique de l’impact de la variabilité d’un jet rapide pulsant sur un vent de disque. J’identifie des signatures observationnelles de la présence d’un vent de disque à partir de l’étude morphologique et cinématique des coquilles de choc d’étrave. iii) signatures chimiques d’un jet lancé en deçà de la région de sublimation des poussières (∼ 0.2 au). Je montre que malgré la forte irradiation du jet et l’absence de poussière, des molécules telles que SiO ou CO peuvent se former efficace- ment à partir d’une faible fraction de H2. Ce scénario pourra être confronté aux futures observations JWST. / The question of angular momentum extraction from protoplanetary disks (hereafter PPDs) is fundamental in understanding the accretion process in young stars and the formation conditions of planets. Pioneering semi-analytical work, followed by a growing body of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, have shown that when a significant vertical magnetic field is present, MHD disk winds (hereafter MHD-DWs) can develop and ex- tract some or all of the angular momentum flux required for accretion. The aim of this PhD thesis is to exploit the unprecedented capabilities provided by ALMA to clarify the accretion-ejection process in protostars. This goal is achieved following three approaches: 1) comparison of MHD-DW models with the kinematics of HH 212 jet observed by ALMA at high angular resolution. I report the discovery of a rotating SO/SO2 wind consistent with a MHD-DWs launched out to ∼40 au with SiO tracing dust-free streamlines launched from 0.05−0.3 au. 2) Analytical and numerical study of the interaction between a pulsat- ing inner jet embedded in a stationary disk wind. Observational signatures are identified from the morphology and the kinematics of bow-shock shells. 3) Chemical signatures of a jet launched inside the dust sublimation radius (∼ 0.2 au). I show that despite the strong X-FUV field and the absence of dust, molecules like SiO or CO can form efficiently from a small fraction of H2. This scenario will be confronted to JWST observations.
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Uniqueness Results for the Infinite Unitary, Orthogonal and Associated GroupsAtim, Alexandru Gabriel 05 1900 (has links)
Let H be a separable infinite dimensional complex Hilbert space, let U(H) be the Polish topological group of unitary operators on H, let G be a Polish topological group and φ:G→U(H) an algebraic isomorphism. Then φ is a topological isomorphism. The same theorem holds for the projective unitary group, for the group of *-automorphisms of L(H) and for the complex isometry group. If H is a separable real Hilbert space with dim(H)≥3, the theorem is also true for the orthogonal group O(H), for the projective orthogonal group and for the real isometry group. The theorem fails for U(H) if H is finite dimensional complex Hilbert space.
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Vzestup protestních stran v jižní Evropě / The Rise of Protest Parties in Southern EuropeTřasáková, Irina January 2017 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the rise of populist parties in southern Europe - italian Five Star Movement, greek SYRIZA and spanish Podemos. The aim is to define the key factors, that contributed to the perception of these protest political formations as political alternatives. The thesis chronologically follows development of examined political parties. Further it defines their strategy in terms of levels of protests and programme. Finally it outlines probable transformations of party systems, which is caused by the rise of protest parties.
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Aerodynamická interakce autonomních vozidel / Aerodynamic interaction of autonomous vehiclesOpátová, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with CFD simulation of platooning vehicles and their aerodynamic characteristics, created in Star CCM+ software. The main focus is on their aerodynamic drag dependency on different spacing between vehicles which allowed to evaluate the most energy efficient distance for platoon of vehicles. Furthermore, the procedure how to calculate the fuel consumption is described for set of variables.
899 |
Recherche de compagnons de type Jupiter à très grandes séparations autour d’étoiles jeunes dans le voisinage solaireBaron, Frédérique 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Kalibrace fluorescenčních detektorů kosmického záření s použitím astronomických metod / Kalibrace fluorescenčních detektorů kosmického záření s použitím astronomických metodKotíková, Irena January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the possibilities of a new method of astronomical calibration at the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina. Its goal is to use stars as objects with known brightness to calibrate the fluorescence detectors and compare these results with the existing calibration. The analysis was done using computer programs which use the star catalog and experimental background data to compare the current calibration with our method. Results that are presented conclude that the calibration using stars is consistent with the existing calibration, however, the error of the new method is much higher. Nevertheless, there is a good potential for scale - it could be used for all past and future data. Potential improvements to this method and its error are suggested.
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