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Motivation : En studie över vad som står i kurslitteraturen på ämneslärarprogrammet vid Uppsala universitet om ämnet motivationLundberg, Linnea January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad som tas upp om motivation med koppling till elevers lärande och lärarens arbete i kurslitteraturen på ämneslärarprogrammet vid Uppsala universitet. Uppsatsen utgår från den tidigare forskning och som bedrivits inom motivation, främst i relation till beteende och lärande. Studien i denna uppsats utgörs av en kvalitativ textanalys av kurslitteraturen på ämneslärarprogrammet vid Uppsala universitet. Analysen av litteraturen syftar till att undersöka innehållet av det empiriska materialet med utgångspunkt i följande frågeställningar: Vad står det i kurslitteraturen på ämneslärarprogrammet vid Uppsala universitet om elevers motivation? Vad står i kurslitteraturen på ämneslärarprogrammet om hur lärare kan arbeta med att motivera sina elever? Detta för att vidare kunna studera om det finns någon konsensus mellan den undersökta litteraturen och den tidigare forskningen om motivation. Resultaten av analysen ställs sedan i relation till den tidigare forskning som denna uppsats utgår ifrån, för att se om det går att finna några samband mellan dessa. Resultatet i studien visar att det finns många samband mellan det som står i den undersökta kurslitteraturen och den tidigare forskningen. Analysen av kurslitteraturen resulterar även i en rad olika förklaringar till vad som ligger till grunden för elevers motivation och hur lärare kan arbeta för att gynna elevers motivationsprocess och skapa ett mer studiemotiverande klimat i skolan. Jag har valt att i denna uppsats fokusera på motivation i relation till eleven och lärarens arbete eftersom jag anser att detta är mest relevant att ha kunskap om som blivande lärare och även på grund av att detta är ämnen som litteraturen främst har berört. Uppsatsen utgår därmed från att beskriva motivation utifrån ett perspektiv som är kopplat till lärande och individers lust att lära. Jag syftar därmed till att med detta arbete studera vad som påverkar elevers motivation och hur lärare kan arbeta för att främja elevers motivation i undervisningen.
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Hur manliga respektive kvinnliga HR-chefer motiverar sina medarbetare i arbetetHåkanson, Elin, Hermansson, Annika January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Lifestyle orientation of high versus low achievers in traditional school sports: an holistic analysisDavies, Simeon January 1994 (has links)
One hundred and four subjects aged 16-18 years volunteered to participate in this study which sought to identify via an holistic model those factors that characterise the lifestyle orientations of high and low achievers (male and female) in traditional school sport. Subjects were evaluated with respect to their anthropometric, physiological, psychological and perceptual responses. The data were statistically analyzed by one way ANOVAS for significant differences in the following pairs; males and females, high and low achievers, Mhi (male high achievers) and Mlo (male low achievers), and Fhi (female high achievers) and Flo (female low achievers). Anthropometric results indicate that Fhi and Flo were significantly different in their stature, mass and body fat, while Mhi and Mlo show no significant differences. A greater disparity existed between VO, max of Fhi and Flo compared with Mhi and Mlo, along with trends in heart rate and RPE responses that were also more divergent. Psychological responses indicate that Fhi and Flo were significantly different in five of the seven sub-domains of CATPA, while Mhi and Mlo were only identifiable in one. In the PSPP Fhi and Flo were significantly different in all five subscales, while Mhi and Mlo in only two. This contrast in variability between the paired group analysis of Fhi and Flo as compared to Mhi and Mlo appears throughout the data.
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L'apport des théories de l'autorégulation dans le vécu des blessures chez les sportifs / The contribution of self-regulation theories in the experience of sport injuriesTouré, Alioune Badara 19 October 2010 (has links)
Il est admis que pour atteindre le niveau d’élite en sport qu’au moins dix années d’entrainements et de compétitions sont nécessaires. Cet engagement peut être anéanti par une blessure qu’elle soit mineure, modérée ou sévère. Ainsi nous pensons qu’une réponse psychologique accompagne la phase de réhabilitation et de retour au sport. Il nous est apparu intéressant de mieux comprendre les facteurs psychologiques qui accompagnent la réhabilitation, ainsi nous avons suggérée une analyse des processus psychologiques en quatre points. Un premier point permet d’expliciter le modèle psychologique de réponse aux blessures proposé par Wiese-Bjornatal et al. (1998). Le deuxième point compare les stratégies de coping utilisées par des athlètes blessées et non blessés. Le troisième point porte sur l’évolution des motivations (intrinsèques, extrinsèque et amotivation) du début de la réhabilitation jusqu’au « retour-au-sport » chez des athlètes ayant une blessure modérée. Notre dernier article est une proposition de modélisation des facteurs influençant l’anxiété au cours de la réhabilitation chez des athlètes ayant des blessures sévères. Nos résultats montrent que les athlètes utilisent des stratégies variées au cours de la réhabilitation, ces stratégies sont orientées vers la recherche de solutions centrées sur le problème. Enfin nous suggérons qu’un modèle complétant le modèle de Wiese-Bjornstal et al. (1998) intégrant la problématique du retour au sport permettrait de mieux cerner la complexité des phénomènes psychologiques qui accompagnent la blessure. / It is recognized that to reach elite level in sports at least ten years of trainings and competitions are required. This commitment can be ruined by an injury that is minor, moderate or severe. Thus we believe that psychological response accompanies the rehabilitation process and “return to sport” phase.It's interesting to better understand the psychological factors that accompany the rehabilitation, so we conducted an analysis of the psychological process in four points. The first point underlines the model of psychological response to sport injury proposed by Wiese-Bjornatal et al. (1998). The second point is on the comparison of the coping strategies used by injured and uninjured athletes. The third point concerns the evolution of motivations (intrinsic and extrinsic amotivation) from the beginning of the rehabilitation to the "return-to-sports” in athletes with a moderate injury. Our last article is a proposal for modeling the factors influencing anxiety during the rehabilitation in athletes with severe injuries.Our results suggest that athletes use different strategies during rehabilitation; these strategies are mainly problem-focused strategies. Finally we suggest that a model completing the model of Wiese-Bjorstal et al (1998) including “return to sport” issues would help to better understand the complexity of psychological phenomena that accompany the injury.
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The Moderating Effects of the "Big Five" Personality Traits on the Relationship Between Budgetary Participation and MotivationStearns, Justin Paul 01 December 2012 (has links)
This dissertation presents an experiment exploring the moderating effects of individual differences in personality on the motivational effects of increased participation in setting budget goals. This experiment hypothesizes that individual differences in personality will correlate with changes in the strength and/or direction of participation's effect on individual motivation to reach the budget goal. To test these hypotheses an experiment was conducted utilizing undergraduate students as proxies for front line managers. The experiment used a basic decoding task similar to tasks used in many participative budgeting experiments and manipulated participation in establishing a budget target for the number of items to decode at three levels. Instruments measuring the participant's personality according to the "Big Five" personality traits, perception of participation and motivation were administered during the experiment. A regression analysis was conducted to assess the correlation of perception of participation, levels of each of the five personality dimensions and interactions between perception of participation and each of the five personality dimensions with motivation. Results indicate an interaction between levels of the personality trait neuroticism and perception of participation correlating with a significant reduction in motivation. These results suggest a implementation of a participative budgeting system intended to increase motivation to achieve the budget goal may in fact result in lower motivation if the managers participating in the system possess higher levels of neuroticism. Moreover, a supplemental analysis of the data used in this analysis suggests the personality traits agreeableness and conscientiousness may correlate with consistently higher perceptions of personality.
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AN ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION OF Kelli D. Whittington, for the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Work Force Education, presented on June 23, 2014, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. TITLE: UTILIZING THE EXPECTANCY THEORY AS A PREDICTOR OF STUDENT ACADEMIC SUCCESS ON THE ILLINOIS NURSE ASSISTANT COMPETENCY EXAMINATION MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. C. Keith Waugh This study researches the relationship between motivation and academic success as measured by the Valence, Instrumentality, Expectancy Scale. Utilizing Vroom's Expectancy Theory as the framework for study, the research assessed the responses of 375 nurse assistant students in the state of Illinois to evaluate the self-report of the constructs of Vroom's Expectancy Theory in relation to their performance on the Illinois Nurse Assistant Training Competency Examination.
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Running for Your Life: Motivational Factors for Increased Physical ActivityFeeser, Kristiana Marie 01 December 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between message framing and behavioral expectancy in maintenance stage runners. Further, correlational analyses were computed to examine the relationship between level of motivation and Locus of Control (LOC). Motivation and LOC were measured before the participant was presented with positively, negatively, or neutrally framed messages (based on random assignment). Participants then answered a level of behavioral expectancy (i.e., how likely or unlikely they are to engage in this behavior) and an explanation of cognitive evaluation in the form of a qualitative question (why the provided message was persuasive or not). This stage was operationalized as running for at least one year, competing in at least one race per year, and running at least one mile per week. The sample consisted of mTurk (Amazon’s Mechanical Turk) users. Results indicated that the neutral message framing condition was significantly different in terms of behavioral expectancy from that of both the positive and negative message framing conditions. The positive and negative message framing conditions, however, did not result in significant differences in behavioral expectancy. Finally, while Locus of Control and levels of motivation are positively correlated in the literature, there was no significant correlation between these variables in this study. Conclusions from this research can be used to inform future health campaigns directed towards those already engaging in physical activity. Furthermore, results can be used to inform future research on message framing in non-active populations.
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Boredom and the Need for AgencyKahn, Lauren 06 September 2018 (has links)
Humans are highly motivated to avoid boredom. What is the functional role of boredom, and why is it so aversive? An empirical study tested the hypothesis that a need for agency, or control over one’s actions and their effects, plays a role in our avoidance of boredom. The study also explored the role of an individual difference called experiential avoidance, which captures the tendency to avoid negative internal experiences, sometimes via problematic behaviors. Results were integrated with current clinical techniques that use mindfulness and acceptance-based approaches to address such avoidance of internal experiences.
In the study, one hundred twenty-three adults completed a series of computer tasks in which their sense of agency was manipulated. After being oriented to high and medium levels of agency, participants completed a series of 30-second low agency trials in which they had the opportunity to escape to high or medium agency, at a cost. The amount of money they were willing to forego indicated their motivation to avoid low agency, or “need for agency.” After a break, they were then asked to complete a series of 30-second trials in which they did nothing, but again had the option to escape to high or medium agency at a cost. The amount of money they were willing to forego in this task indicated their motivation to avoid doing nothing, or “need for action.” Results demonstrated that on average, people were willing to give up money to avoid both low agency and to avoid a boring situation (doing nothing). Furthermore, their motivation to avoid boredom indeed was driven by the extent to which they felt that doing nothing afforded them a low sense of agency. Finally, those who were higher in experiential avoidance demonstrated a higher need for agency and action, and those lower in mindfulness demonstrated a higher need for agency. These results demonstrate that the motivation to avoid boredom may be rooted in a need for agency, and that acceptance- based clinical approaches may have success addressing this avoidance and the problematic behaviors that follow.
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变革型领导对部属实际经营绩效的影响 : 探讨领导-部属交换的仲介作用 = Transformational leadership and followers' objective performance : the mediating role of leader-member exchange蒋勤, 23 May 2018 (has links)
关于变革型领导和实际经营绩效的研究比较有限,我们希望能补充这个部分的空白,因此采用了变革型领导风格中针对个体层面的两个维度:智力激发和个性化关怀,作为主要变量,提出了一个针对实际经营绩效的领导力模型。在这个模型里,领导-部署交换(LMX)作为中介变量,领导的教育程度作为调节变量。从结果看到领导-部署交换对于智力激发和部属实际经营绩效的完全中介成立,领导教育程度对于智力激发的调节作用也同样成立。研究对于变革型领导理论和领导-部属交换理论以及对于实践的意义在文章有被讨论。There is little study on the transformational leadership and its connections with real business performance. We seek to fill this gap and propose a model using intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration as key independent variables to explain real business performance. We use leader-member-exchange as a mediator and leaders' education level as a moderator. We show that the leader-member exchange fully mediate intellectual stimulation and real performance, and leaders' education level moderates intellectual stimulation. Implications for the theory and practice of leadership are discussed.
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Goal-orientations, intrinsic motivation & adherence to regular physical activityMarkland, David January 1993 (has links)
This research has investigated exercise adherence from the perspective of Cognitive Evaluation Theory (CET: Deci & Ryan, 1985a). In particular, the motivational consequences of internally controlling and internally informational modes of behavioural regulation was explored with respect to the kinds of exercise goals that individuals adopt. It was proposed that goals will influence intrinsic motivation for exercise to the extent that they are controlling or informational in nature. The first part of the thesis describes conceptual and operational issues and the development and validation of measures of perceived locus of causality (the Locus of Causality for Exercise Scale: LCE) and participation motives (the Exercise Motivations Inventory: EMI). In addition, the psychometric -integrity of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI: McAuley et al., 1989, 1991) was examined. Results suggested that the LCE and the EMI possessed reasonably good factorial and construct validity. However, questions were raised about the theoretical underpinnings and item content of the IMI. The second part of the research involved an intervention in which subjects were trained to set effective, personally-controllable goals for exercise. Results showed that goal-setting training was not superior to an attentioncontrol procedure, with both treatments leading to a significant increase in exercise levels. However, large individual differences were noted in the effects of both treatments. These were explained in terms of Causality Orientations Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985a), which proposes that people differ in the extent to which they seek to be autonomous or controlled in the regulation of their behaviour. Follow-up analyses supported this interpretation. The results of the research programme suggest that the internally controlling/internally informational distinction is important in the exercise context, but that CET, and the more wide-ranging Self-Determination Theory of which it is a part, suffer from a degree of conceptual confusion and operational difficulties which need to be addressed if progress is to be made in understanding and explaining exercise behaviour.
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