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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transmediální vyprávění fikčního světa Star Wars / Transmedial storytelling of the Star Wars fictional world

Vitoušová, Valérie January 2013 (has links)
In my thesis I focus on the problematics of the transmedia storytelling which can influence the original story, even if its main aim is to elaborate that story. Innterferencies can be done on the level of the very story or on the level of the theories,, which can be applicable on it. I'm using the example of Star Wars fictional world, to which theories of Vladimir Propp, Joseph Campbell, J.R.R. Tolkien can be applied, just as the concept of mythology created by Roland Barthes. I'm going to present how transmedia storytelling influences the original story, presented mainly by the film episodes and "G-canon", on the chosen examples of Star Wars transmedia. At the same time transmedia storytelling changes the meaning of the theoretical frames named above, which can be applied to the original story. My aim is to show that the impact of transmedia is much greater that it is usually presented.

Ground Based Attitude Determination Using a SWIR Star Tracker

Gudmundson, Karl January 2019 (has links)
This work investigates the possibility of obtaining attitude estimates by capturing images of stars using a SWIR camera. Today, many autonomous systems rely on the measurements from a GPS to obtain accurate position and attitude estimates. However, the GPS signals are vulnerable to both jamming and spoofing, making any system reliant on only GPS signals insecure. To make the navigation systems more robust, other sensors can be added to acquire a multisensor system. One of these sensors might be a ground based SWIR star camera that is able to provide accurate attitude estimates. To investigate if this is possible, an experimental setup with a SWIR camera was placed at the office of FOI Linköping, where the camera in a rigid position has captured images of the sky. The SWIR camera possesses several advantages over a camera operating in the visual spectrum. For example, the background radiation is weaker and the transmission through the atmosphere is higher in certain wavelength bands.  The images captured by the SWIR camera was provided to a star tracker software that has been developed. The star tracker software contains algorithms to detect stars, position them in the image at subpixel accuracy, match the stars to a star database and finally output an attitude based on the stars from the image and the identified stars in the database. To further improve the attitude estimates, an MEKF was applied. The results show that attitude estimates could be obtained consistently from late evenings to early mornings, when the sky was dark. However, this required that the weather conditions were good, i.e., a limited amount of clouds. When more clouds were present, no attitude estimates could be provided for a majority of the night. The SWIR camera was also compared to a camera operating in the visual spectrum when clouds were present, to see if the results were any different. With the camera settings applied in this work, the two cameras seemed to perform equally. The accuracy of the estimated attitudes is hard to validate, since no true attitude is available. However, the variance of the estimates was low, and the major differences in the attitude estimates over a night's measurements seemed to be a drift present in all angles. The maximum estimated error in declination during a night's measurements varied from about 40 to 60 arc seconds, depending on the data set. The maximum estimated error in right ascension varied between 200 and 2000 arc seconds, and the same metric in the roll estimate were about 100 to 2500 arc seconds. The reason for the drifts is assumed to be atmospheric effects not being accounted for, and astronomical effects moving the direction of the rotation axis of the earth, creating errors in the star positions given in the database.

Planet Engulfment: Do Stars Eat Their Own Children?

Tuma Niemi, Toivo January 2019 (has links)
Some stars with similar properties to our sun (solar twins) have differ- ent chemical composition than the rest of the solar twins. One explanation might be planet engulfment. Therefore we did a large number of simu- lations where a disturbing star passed a sun and a planet at a distance closer than 100 AU to see how often the planet was engulfed. The result was that the planet in most cases was thrown out of the system, but it was engulfed in about 10 − 30% of the simulations when the planet was close to its star. The conclusion was that planet engulfment indeed can be a good explanation for the different chemical compositions of solar twins, at least in dense stellar clusters where such close passages should be quite common. / Vissa solliknande stja ̈rnor (s ̊a kallade soltvillingar) har en annorlunda kemisk sammansa ̈ttning ja ̈mfo ̈rt med resten av soltvillingarna. En mo ̈jlig fo ̈rklaring kan vara att dessa stja ̈rnor har slukat planeter. Da ̈rf ̈or gjorde vi ett stort antal simuleringar d ̈ar en sto ̈rande stja ̈rna passerade ett sys- tem best ̊aende av solen och en planet. Stj ̈arnan passerade p ̊a ett avst ̊and under 100 AU och vi observerade hur ofta planeten slukades. Resultatet var att planeten oftast slungades ut i rymden, men den slukades i 10-30% av simuleringarna da ̈r planeten kretsade na ̈ra sin stja ̈rna. Slutsatsen vara att planetslukning kan vara en rimlig f ̈orklaring till de annorlunda kemiska sammansa ̈ttningarna hos soltvillingar, ̊atminstone i ta ̈ta stja ̈rnhopar da ̈r na ̈ra stja ̈rnpassager bo ̈r vara ganska vanliga.

Formação estelar no complexo de nuvens moleculares em Monoceros / Star Formation in the Molecular Cloud Complex in Monoceros

Gama, Diana Renata Gonçalves 04 May 2012 (has links)
Comparamos duas nuvens moleculares, Rosette (RMC) e Monoceros R2 (Mon R2), localizadas no Complexo de Monoceros com o objetivo de estudar suas condições físicas relacionadas às primeiras fases da formação estelar. Tratam-se de regiões interessantes por apresentarem características que podem ser confrontadas com a hipótese de formação estelar provocada pela passagem de nuvens de altas velocidades atravessando o plano Galáctico (HVCs). Avaliamos as propriedades dessas nuvens por meio de mapas de vários traçadores da formação estelar com base em diferentes bandas espectrais visando estudar a estrutura de densidade das nuvens, bem como os objetos estelares jovens, em particular as fontes masers de H2O que apresentam características típicas de protoestrelas massivas. Nossa análise permitiu verificar algumas semelhanças entre RMC e Mon R2, mas também nos revelou diferenças interessantes. De uma forma geral há concordância entre AV, CO e emissão de poeira em 100 microns; RMC possui muitos clumps, entretanto poucos aglomerados e nebulosidades exceto uma única região HII principal (NGC2244) enquanto Mon R2 apresenta poucos clumps, vários aglomerados jovens e pequenas nebulosidades; em RMC há mais estrelas massivas, distribuídas uniformemente; Mon R2 tem poucas estrelas B, distribuídas em estruturas filamentárias com maiores índices de AV, do que em RMC; as fontes emissão maser apresentam cores IRAS compatíveis com candidatas a protoestrelas massivas, mas não parecem estar associadas a fontes de raios-X, sugerindo que masers estão relacionados à fase protoestelar, ao passo que fontes-X representam fase Pré-Sequência Principal. Concluímos que a distribuição de objetos e a estrutura das nuvens estão de acordo com as simulações dos modelos de HVCs. Porém, nossos resultados também são compatíveis com modelos alternativos, que simulam a dinâmica da Galáxia, para explicar o cenário de formação estelar no Complexo de Monoceros. / We compare two molecular clouds of the Monoceros Complex in order to study their physical conditions related to the early stages of star formation. The selected clouds, Rosette (RMC) and Monoceros R2 (Mon R2), are interesting regions due to their characteristics that may be confronted with the hypothesis of star formation triggered by high velocity clouds (HVCs) crossing through the Galactic plane. We evaluate the properties of these clouds using maps obtained on the basis of dierent spectral bands to trace the density of the clouds and the young stellar objects, in particular H2O masers that show typical features of massive protostars. This analysis allowed us to verify some similarities between RMC and Mon R2, but also revealed interesting dierences. In a general way there is an agreement between Av, CO and dust emission at 100 microns; RMC has many clumps, a few clusters and a single main nebulosity that is an HII region around NGC2244, while Mon R2 has a few clumps, several young clusters and small nebulosities. In RMC there is a large number of massive stars, uniformly distributed, while Mon R2 has a few B stars, distributed in lamentary structures with levels of Av higher than in RMC; maser sources have IRAS colors compatible with massive protostars candidates, but do not seem to be associated with X-ray sources, suggesting that masers are more related to the protostellar phase, while X-ray sources are related to pre main sequence phase. We conclude that the distribution of objects and the structure of the clouds are in accordance with the simulations of HVC models. However, our results are also compatible with alternative models of the Galaxy dynamics that explain the scenario of star formation in the Monoceros Complex.

Formação estelar induzida por choques de Supernovas e por Turbulência Magneto-hidrodinâmica / Star formation triggered by Supernovae shocks and magneto-hydrodynamical turbulence

Leão, Márcia Regina Moreira 30 November 2012 (has links)
Neste trabalho investigamos os efeitos de choques (induzidos por supernovas) e de turbulência magneto-hidrodinâmica no processo de formação estelar. Primeiramente, considerando o impacto de um remanescente de supernova (RSN) com uma nuvem neutra magnetizada derivamos analiticamente um conjunto de condições através das quais estas interações podem levar à formação de estruturas densas capazes de tornarem-se gravitacionalmente instáveis e formar estrelas. Usando estas condições, construímos diagramas do raio do RSN, $R_$, versus a densidade inicial da nuvem, $n_c$, os quais delimitam um domínio no espaço paramétrico onde a formação estelar é permitida. Estes diagramas foram testados através de simulações numéricas magneto-hidrodinâmicas tridimensionais (3D MHD) onde seguimos a evolução espaço-temporal da interação de um RSN com uma nuvem auto-gravitante. Verificamos que a análise numérica está de acordo com os resultados previstos pelos diagramas. Observamos ainda que a presença de um campo magnético fraco, $\\sim 1 \\; \\mu$G, inicialmente homogêneo e perpendicular à velocidade de impacto do RSN, resulta em uma pequena diminuição da região permitida para formação estelar nos diagramas quando comparado a diagramas para nuvens não magnetizadas. Já um campo magnético mais intenso ($\\sim 10\\;\\mu$G) causa um encolhimento significativo nestas, como esperado. Embora derivados de considerações analíticas simples estes diagramas fornecem uma ferramenta útil para identificar locais onde a formação estelar pode ter sido induzida pelo impacto de uma onda de choque de SN. Aplicações a algumas regiões de nossa Galáxia (como a Grande Concha de CO na direção de Escorpião e a Nuvem Periférica 2 na direção da constelação de Cassiopeia) mostram que a formação estelar nestes locais pode ter sido induzida por uma onda de choque de um RSN em passado recente, quando se consideram valores específicos para as condições iniciais das nuvens impactadas.%, para valores específicos de raio do RSN e uma faixa de densidades iniciais possíveis para estas nuvens. Avaliamos também a eficiência de formação estelar efetiva para estas interações e encontramos que esta é geralmente menor do que os valores observados para a nossa Galáxia (sfe $\\sim$ 0.01$-$0.3). Este resultado é consistente com outros trabalhos da literatura e também sugere que este mecanismo, embora poderoso para induzir a formação de estruturas, turbulência supersônica e eventualmente formação estelar local, não parece ser suficiente para induzir a formação estelar global em galáxia normais, nem mesmo quando o campo magnético é desprezado. Além do estudo acima, exploramos ainda a formação estelar considerando a injeção prévia de turbulência (por um mecanismo físico arbitrário) em nuvens magnetizadas. Para uma nuvem ou glóbulo de nuvem molecular formar estrelas deve haver transporte de fluxo magnético das regiões internas mais densas para as regiões externas menos densas da nuvem, de outra forma o colapso poderá ser impedido pela força magnética. Consideramos aqui um novo mecanismo. Reconexão magnética rápida, a qual ocorre em presença de turbulência, pode induzir um processo de difusão eficiente dos campos magnéticos. Neste trabalho investigamos esse processo por meio de simulações numéricas 3D MHD e suas implicações para a formação estelar, estendendo um estudo prévio realizado para nuvens de simetria cilíndrica e sem auto-gravidade (Santos-Lima et al. 2010). Aqui consideramos nuvens mais realistas com potenciais gravitacionais esféricos (devido a estrelas embebidas) e também levando em conta os efeitos da auto-gravidade do gás. Determinamos, pela primeira vez, quais as condições em que o transporte do campo magnético devido à difusão por reconexão turbulenta leva uma nuvem inicialmente subcrítica a tornar-se super-crítica e capaz de colapsar para formar estrelas. Nossos resultados indicam que a formação de um núcleo supercrítico é resultado de uma complexa interação entre gravidade, auto-gravidade, intensidade do campo magnético e turbulência aproximadamente trans-sônica e trans-Alfvénica. Em particular, a auto-gravidade favorece a difusão do campo magnético por reconexão turbulenta e, como resultado, seu desacoplamento do gás colapsante torna-se mais eficiente do que quando apenas um campo gravitacional externo está presente. Demonstramos que a difusão por reconexão turbulenta é capaz de remover fluxo magnético da maior parte das nuvens investigadas, porém somente uma minoria desenvolve núcleos aproximadamente críticos ou super-críticos, o que é consistente com as observações. A formação destes é restrita ao seguinte intervalo de condições iniciais para as nuvens: razão pressão térmica-pressão magnética, $\\beta \\sim 1$ a $3$, razões entre a energia turbulenta e a energia magnética $E_/E_\\sim 1.62$ a $2.96$, e densidades $50 < n < 140$ cm$^$, quando consideramos massas estelares M$_{\\star}\\sim 25$M$_{\\odot}$, implicando uma massa total da nuvem (gás + estrelas) M$_\\lesssim 120$M$_{\\odot}$. / In this work, we have investigated the effects of shocks (induced by supernovae) and magnetohydrodynamical turbulence in the process of star formation. Considering first, the impact of a supernova remnant (SNR) with a neutral magnetized cloud we derived analytically a set of conditions through which these interactions can lead to the formation of dense structures able to become gravitationally unstable and form stars. Using these conditions, we have built diagrams of the SNR radius, $R_{SNR}$, versus the initial cloud density, $n_c$, that constrain a domain in the parameter space where star formation is allowed. These diagrams have been also tested by means of three-dimensional magneto-hydrodynamical (3D MHD) numerical simulations where the space-time evolution of a SNR interacting with a self-gravitating cloud is followed. We find that the numerical analysis is in agreement with the results predicted by the diagrams. We have also found that the effects of a weak homogeneous magnetic field ($\\sim 1 \\; \\mu$G) approximately perpendicular to the impact velocity of the SNR results only a small decrease of the allowed zone for star formation in the diagrams when compared with the diagrams with non-magnetized clouds. A larger magnetic field ($\\sim 10\\;\\mu$G) on the other hand, causes a significant shrinking of the star formation zone, as one should expect. Although derived from simple analytical considerations, these diagrams provide a useful tool for identifying sites where star formation could be triggered by the impact of a SN blast wave. Applications of them to a few regions of our own Galaxy (e.g., the large CO shell in the direction of Scorpious, and the Edge Cloud 2 in the direction of the Cassiopeia constellation) have revealed that star formation in those sites could have been triggered by shock waves from SNRs in a recent past, when considering specific values of the SNR radius and the initial conditions in the neutral clouds. We have also evaluated the effective star formation efficiency for this sort of interaction and found that it is generally smaller than the observed values in our Galaxy (sfe $\\sim$ 0.01$-$0.3). This result is consistent with previous work in the literature and also suggests that the mechanism presently investigated, though very powerful to drive structure formation, supersonic turbulence and eventually, local star formation, does not seem to be sufficient to drive $global$ star formation in normal star forming galaxies, not even when the magnetic field is neglected. Besides the study above, we have also explored star formation considering a priori injection of turbulence (by an arbitrary physical mechanism) in magnetized clouds. For a molecular cloud clump to form stars some transport of magnetic flux may be required from the denser, inner regions to the outer regions of the cloud, otherwise this can prevent the gravitational collapse. We have considered here a new mechanism. Fast magnetic reconnection which takes place in the presence of turbulence can induce a process of reconnection diffusion of the magnetic field. In this work, we have investigated this process by means of 3D MHD numerical simulations considering its implications on star formation. We have extended a previous study which considered clouds with cylindrical geometry and no self-gravity (Santos-Lima et al. 2010). Here, we considered more realistic clouds with spherical gravitational potentials (from embedded stars) and also accounted for the effects of the gas self-gravity. We demonstrated that reconnection diffusion takes place. We have also, for the first time, determined the conditions under which reconnection diffusion is efficient enough to make an initially subcritical cloud clump to become supercritical and collapse. Our results indicate that the formation of a supercritical core is regulated by a complex interplay between gravity, self-gravity, magnetic field strength and nearly transonic and trans-Alfvénic turbulence. In particular, self-gravity helps reconnection diffusion and, as a result, the magnetic field decoupling from the collapsing gas becomes more efficient than in the case when only an external gravitational field is present. We have demonstrated that reconnection diffusion is able to remove magnetic flux from most of the collapsing clumps analysed, but only a few of them develop nearly critical or supercritical cores, which is consistent with the observations. Their formation is restricted to a range of initial conditions for the clouds as follows: thermal to magnetic pressure ratios $\\beta \\sim$ 1 to 3, turbulent to magnetic energy ratios $E_{turb}/E_{mag}\\sim 1.62$ to $2.96$, and densities $50 < n < 140$ cm$^{-3}$, when considering stellar masses M$_{\\star}\\sim 25$M$_{\\odot}$, implying total (gas+stellar) masses M$_{tot} \\lesssim 120$M$_{\\odot}$.

Um estudo teórico da evolução temporal das características polarimétricas de estrelas Be / A Theoretical Study of the Polarimetric Characteristics of Be Stars

Mota, Bruno Correia 02 July 2013 (has links)
Estrelas Be são reconhecidas pela sua rápida rotação e pulsação não radial. São as únicas estrelas da Sequência Principal que apresentam discos circunstelares, os quais são formados por meio de processos ainda não completamente compreendidos. A modelagem das forças que atuam neste sistema conduz a previsões teóricas sobre a estrutura do disco que podem ser comparadas com dados observacionais. Podemos estudar as propriedades físicas dos discos de estrelas Be pelo efeito que a luz estelar sofre ao passar por eles, por exemplo, modelando a transferência radiativa. Neste ponto, a polarização surge como uma ferramenta muito útil para a investigação destes discos, permitindo a determinação de quantidades físicas importantes do sistema, como a densidade numérica de partículas e o ângulo de inclinação. Uma variabilidade intrigante observada em estrelas Be é a transição aperiódica entre uma fase B normal (sem disco) e uma fase Be (com disco). Estudos de monitoramento recentes encontraram, a partir da análise da polarização intrínseca decorrente da transição entre estas fases, uma relação significante entre a mudança da polarização através do salto de Balmer versus a polarização na banda V, fazendo surgir uma estrutura em loop como função do tempo, no assim denominado Diagrama Cor-Polarização. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma análise do Diagrama Cor-Polarização por meio de modelos diversos. Fazemos uso do Disco de Decréscimo Viscoso que é o paradigma atual para explicar a formação e evolução dos discos de estrelas Be. Com isso, visamos determinar como a polarimetria pode contribuir para a compreensão dos mecanismos fundamentais envolvidos no processo de formação e dissipação do disco. / Be stars are recognized by their rapid rotation and non-radial pulsation. They are the only stars in the Main Sequence that have circumstellar disks that are formed by processes not yet fully understood. The modeling of the forces acting on this system leads to theoretical predictions about the structure of the disk that can be compared to observational data. We can study physical the properties of Be disks by modeling how stellar light is reprocessed by them. This requires solving the detailed radiative transfer problem involved. In this point, the study of polarization arise as a useful tool to investigate these disks, allowing for the determination of important physical quantities of the system, such as the particle number density and inclination angle. An intriguing variability observed in Be stars is the aperiodic transition between a B normal phase (without disk) to a Be phase (with disk). Recent monitoring studies found, from the analysis of the intrinsic polarization arising of the transition between these phases, a significant relation between the polarization change through the Balmer jump versus the V-Band polarization, giving rise to a loop structure as a function of time, in the so-called Color-Polarization Diagram. This work presents an analysis of the Color-Polarization Diagram by several models. We make use of the Viscous Decretion Disk Model, which assumes the existence of some injection mechanism of material at keplerian velocities in the disk base, where the turbulent viscosity acts carrying angular momentum from de inner parts to the outer regions. With this, we aimed to extend our knowledge about the fundamental mechanisms involved in the formation and dissipation processes of the disk.

A origem do carbono no universo - insights a partir de observações de estrelas pobres em metais nas nuvens de Magalhães / The origin of carbon in the Universe - insights from observations of metal-poor stars in Magellanic Clouds

Almeida, Tiago Mendes de 30 October 2009 (has links)
Neste projeto de pesquisa planeja-se obter indícios da correlação entre o conteúdo metálico estelar deduzido para a Via Láctea e os indíces metálicos obtidos para as Nuvens de Magalhães. O ponto de apoio para tal comparação é que cada encontro deixará importantes traços na eficiência de formação dos membros do tripleto. À medida que os encontros dependem da história dinâmica, suas ``impressões digitais\'\' deixadas nos conteúdos estelares colocam importantes limitações na história dinâmica e vice-versa. Para tanto, são utilizados os dados espectroscópicos já obtidos com o telescópio Magellan Clay, para uma amostra contendo 28 estrelas ricas em carbono encontradas nas Nuvens de Magalhães. A quantidade de carbono bem como a existência ou não de binaridade nas estrelas da amostra são indícios das possíveis fontes da sobreabundância do carbono. A caracterização da amostra é essencial para o estudo da relação entre duas populações estelares aparentemente distintas: a de estrelas de carbono e a de estrelas pobres em metais enriquecidas em carbono. Para tanto, são utilizados catálogos de espectros assim como critérios fotométricos. A descoberta de alguma relação entre as duas populações pode ajudar a esclarecer o problema dos processos de enriquecimento de carbono, notado nas atmosferas estelares. A futura determinação dos parâmetros físicos das estrelas que compõem a amostra pode revelar detalhes sobre a história de formação estelar dos objetos das Nuvens e, portanto, vincular a evolução dessas duas galáxias-satélites à história da Via Láctea. / This project searches for signs of correlation between metallic stellar content, available for the Milky Way, and the metallicities indices obtained for the Magellanic Clouds. This comparison is supported by the traces on the formation of these three galaxies, that should have been left by each triplet members encounter. Since these crosses depend on the dynamical history, their fingerprints left by stellar content can estabilish constraints to the Galactic dynamical history. Spectroscopic data for a sample of carbon stars, obtained on the Magellanic Telescope, are used in this work. The amount of carbon, as the existence or not of binary stars in this sample, indicates possible sources of this element. The determination of sample properties is essential for studying the constraints between two stellar populations that are apparently distincts: carbon stars and carbon enhanced metal-poor stars. To do this, spectral catalogues and photometric criteria are used. Finding the correlations between both populations will bring some light to the unknown carbon enrichment processes that occured at the stellar atmospheres. Variability, emission lines, and binarity are studied for the sample. Stellar parameters are discussed, although there is no method applicable to this sample. By estimating the physical parameters of the stars presented in this sample and by analysing their carbon abundances, one can provide hints of the star formation history of objects in the Magellanic Clouds and therefore constraint the evolution of these satellite-galaxies to the Milky Way.

Hardware/Software prototyping of a miniaturized star tracker system for a nanosatellite platform / Prototypage matériel et logiciel d'un senseur stellaire embarqué pour les nanosatellites

Khorev, Andrey 13 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis les tous premiers jours de l'ère spatiale, les satellites artificiels ont été considérés comme un outil pour la résolution de problèmes scientifiques et pratiques, notamment dans l'astronomie, l'observation de la Terre et les télécommunications. Traditionnellement, les gros satellites artificiels, avec une masse allant de plusieurs centaines de kilogrammes jusqu'à plusieurs tonnes, ont été utilisés pour ces besoins. Un élément clef pour permettre le succès de ces missions spatiales est un contrôle précis de l'attitude du satellite. Afin d'assurer la haute précision de pointage, un système de contrôle d'attitude et d'orbite (SCAO) repose sur les données fournies par un instrument optoélectronique appelé un senseur stellaire (ou Star Tracker, ST). L'utilisation des étoiles éloignées comme points de repère permet la détermination de l'attitude du satellite avec une précision de l'ordre de la seconde d'arc. Beaucoup de travaux sur la miniaturisation des sous-systèmes des satellites artificiels ont été entrepris au court des vingt dernières années. Cela a permis à l'industrie et aux passionnés de développer et construire des satellites de quelques kilogrammes pouvant accomplir de véritables missions spatiales. Centaines de ces satellites appelés « nano-satellites » sont lancé chaque année et certains parmi eux peut être considéré comme un replacement des gros satellites. Cependant, dû à de grosses contraintes de masse et de volume définis par les standards na no-satellites, tel que lU-3U CubeSat Design Specification, l'intégration de senseur stellaire dans ces nano-satellites n'était jusqu'à présent pas possible, limitant l'application de ces plateformes. Dans ce travail, senseur stellaire est considéré comme un système composé par un module caméra et un module de traitement d'image. les solutions possibles pour chaque module sont analysées séparément dans un contexte de miniaturisation de ST par modélisation et simulation. Elles sont ensuite évaluées ensemble comme les prototypes fonctionnels dans un installation hardware-in-the-loop (Hll). Cette recherche aborde plusieurs problèmes liés à la miniaturisation d'optique de caméra et du capteur d'image à pixel actif (active pixel sensor, APS), tels que la sensibilité réduite à la lumière des étoiles et l'incertitude de position des centroïdes à cause de la distorsions et l'aberrations chromatique d'optique miniaturisée. L'évaluation dans l'installation Hll se concentre autour des performances du module de traitement et plus particulièrement sur les performances du logiciel ST dans le mode d'opération « perdu dans l'espace» ("Iost-in-space", LIS). Une contribution originale de cette recherche est un algorithme de reconnaissance d'étoiles (StarID) nommé « RING-O » développé et breveté par l'auteur. Par rapport aux autres algorithmes existants, RING-O peut facilement être adapté et ajusté à différentes caméras et plateformes de traitement. Des implémentations logicielles d'algorithme ont été effectuées sur deux prototypes, l'un basé sur smartphone et l'autre basé sur une plateforme Xilinx Zynq, afin de réaliser une analyse des goulets et d'extraire les performances du système. Optimisé pour les plateformes multi-coeurs, RING-O garantit les délais d'acquisition initiale d'attitude comparable et souvent plus petits que les délais d'acquisition déclaré par les autres développeurs de senseur stellaires européens. / From the early days of the space age, satellites were considered as a solution for many scientific and practical tasks, notably astronomy, Earth observation and telecommunication. Traditionally and to the present day, mostly large satellites with a mass from several hundred kilograms to several tons are used for these purposes. The key success factor of such space missions is a fine control of satellite’s attitude. To ensure high pointing accuracy, satellite’s attitude determination and control subsystem (ADCS) relies on precise three-dimensional attitude data provided by an opto-electronic instrument called star tracker (ST). The use of stars as reference objects allows to determine the satellite’s attitude in real time with an arc-second precision.A significant work on miniaturization of satellite subsystems carried out in the past twenty years, allows us today to build a complete satellite with a mass of only a few kilograms. An increasing number of successful nano- and picosatellite missions demonstrates constantly improving capabilities of modern miniaturized satellite platforms. However, until recently, integration of a star tracker into a nanosatellite was not possible because of a large size of the device and relatively high power consumption, and that limited possible applications of the nanosatellites. In attempt to change the situation, in the last five years about a dozen of miniature star tracker prototypes, suitable for nanosatellite platforms, were proposed by various developers. Some were successfully tested in space, yet most prototypes, including the tiniest ones, are still at the development stage.A modern star tracker is a system, that can be represented as two modules, a digital camera module and a processing module. Use of a compact camera lens and a small-size image sensor allows to significantly reduce overall mass and size of the device, and at the same time, may cause significant image quality deterioration, due to increased distortion, uncompensated spherical and chromatic aberration, lower signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and overall lower light sensitivity of the camera module. Thus, embedded software of the processing module, responsible for pre-processing, star identification and attitude calculation, should take into account the limitations imposed by the miniaturization of the camera module. At the same time, hardware architecture of the processing module should have the capacity to perform necessary correction of the digital image in real time, and to ensure stability and expected performance of the star identification and attitude calculation routines.The goal of hardware and software prototyping of a miniature star tracker system, carried out in this work, is to evaluate various design solutions, that could be brought into the camera or into the processing module, in order to help the miniaturization of the system. Another goal is to analyze the impact of every hardware and software component on the overall performance of a miniaturized star tracker system. Among the list of star tracker characteristics, the initial attitude estimation time and the attitude output rate became the focus of the research. Current work addresses possible performance bottlenecks, that may appear on any step of star tracker operation, from capturing starlight to calculation of components of the attitude quaternion, and proposes an original solution to speed-up the star identification routine.

A 230 GHz focal plane array using a wide IF bandwidth SIS receiver

Garrett, John January 2018 (has links)
Superconductor-Insulator-Superconductor (SIS) mixers offer the best noise properties of any heterodyne mixing technique at millimetre wavelengths. In astronomy, they are used for sensitive spectroscopy, which is vital for understanding the properties of the cold interstellar medium, including regions of star formation activity. Modern SIS receivers have noise properties that are &Tilde;3 times the quantum limit, and it is now becoming increasingly difficult to lower the noise properties any further. In this thesis, I investigate two techniques that extend the capability of SIS receivers. The first technique is extending the instantaneous bandwidth of the receivers, i.e., the intermediate frequency bandwidth (IFBW). For spectral line sources, wide IFBW expands the survey depth to allow multiple emission lines to be observed simultaneously. Here, I present a new SIS mixer device at 230 GHz. The planar circuit was minimised to reduce any parasitic capacitances that may limit the IFBW. Experimentally, the device provides excellent noise temperatures down to 36 K and an IFBW extending from approximately 0-11 GHz. Simulation software was developed to better understand the performance of this device, and it suggests that the IFBW can be extended to higher frequencies if the IF measurement chain is upgraded. The second technique that I investigate is increasing the number of receivers in the focal plane of the receiver, i.e., adding more pixels. There are many challenges involved in this task including how to fit multiple receivers into a small space, how to properly cool the receiver, and how to deliver the local-oscillator signal. Here, I present a new 1 × 4 focal plane array. This array is acting as a demonstrator for a new array architecture that can be expanded into many more pixels in the future. It uses cascaded waveguide power splitters to divide the local-oscillator signal, and then waveguide directional couplers to combine the LO with the astronomical signals. Finally, I present CO(J=1&rarr;0) measurements from 34 galaxies in the 5MUSES survey. These measurements trace the amount of cold molecular gas present in these galaxies. By comparing these measurements to other metrics that trace star formation activity (e.g., infrared luminosity), I was able to form empirical relationships between the observed quantities. I also combined these results with other star formation studies from nearby and high redshift galaxies to form scaling relationships spanning a large fraction of cosmic time.

Visual Hierarchical Dimension Reduction

Yang, Jing 09 January 2002 (has links)
Traditional visualization techniques for multidimensional data sets, such as parallel coordinates, star glyphs, and scatterplot matrices, do not scale well to high dimensional data sets. A common approach to solve this problem is dimensionality reduction. Existing dimensionality reduction techniques, such as Principal Component Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, and Self Organizing Maps, have serious drawbacks in that the generated low dimensional subspace has no intuitive meaning to users. In addition, little user interaction is allowed in those highly automatic processes. In this thesis, we propose a new methodology to dimensionality reduction that combines automation and user interaction for the generation of meaningful subspaces, called the visual hierarchical dimension reduction (VHDR) framework. Firstly, VHDR groups all dimensions of a data set into a dimension hierarchy. This hierarchy is then visualized using a radial space-filling hierarchy visualization tool called Sunburst. Thus users are allowed to interactively explore and modify the dimension hierarchy, and select clusters at different levels of detail for the data display. VHDR then assigns a representative dimension to each dimension cluster selected by the users. Finally, VHDR maps the high-dimensional data set into the subspace composed of these representative dimensions and displays the projected subspace. To accomplish the latter, we have designed several extensions to existing popular multidimensional display techniques, such as parallel coordinates, star glyphs, and scatterplot matrices. These displays have been enhanced to express semantics of the selected subspace, such as the context of the dimensions and dissimilarity among the individual dimensions in a cluster. We have implemented all these features and incorporated them into the XmdvTool software package, which will be released as XmdvTool Version 6.0. Lastly, we developed two case studies to show how we apply VHDR to visualize and interactively explore a high dimensional data set.

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