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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Toward a New Understanding of the Project Manager as a Mixing Value of Organizational Knowledge: A Case Study Approach

Bibbes, Ted 11 May 2013 (has links)
In the areas of Project Management and Knowledge Management, past and current literature have included studies on the project and project team levels, but a specific focus on the role of the Project Manager in managing knowledge within the team has not yet been explored. In order to add to the discussion and close the gap, this research illustrates how knowledge is created within the project team environment, and the specific role the Project Manager plays in the process. By combining a modified model of Nonaka’s SECI Knowledge Creation Theory and the role of the Project Manager, this research shows how PM’s act as a “mixing valve” in the flow of knowledge in a dynamic, multi-directional, process within the project team environment. By developing this view, this research contributes to the knowledge management literature by describing a more dynamic SECI Model of knowledge creation than previously discussed. It contributes to the project management literature by applying the SECI process model of knowledge creation to the field of project management, and the specific actions of the Project Manager when acting within the project team environment. By outlining these actions, this research identifies possibilities for future research in measuring knowledge creation.

Hur leder man de som är tänkta att leda sig själva? : En kvalitativ studie av ledarskap i självstyrande team / How do you lead those who are supposed to lead themselves?

Nielsen, Sofie, Hägerström, Jennie January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka och öka förståelsen för hur ledarskapet i självstyrande team är utformat samt hur ledare arbetar för att motivera självstyrande team. Genom att beskriva och analysera hur ledarskapet i de självstyrande teamen är utformat är målet att besvara följande frågor: på vilket sätt medlemmarna i de undersökta teamen är självstyrande, hur rollen som ledare för ett självstyrande team är utformad, hur ledarna anser att de självstyrande teamen arbetar för att motivera sig själva, vad ledarna anser motiverar och inspirerar de självstyrande teamen till att göra ett gott arbete samt hur ledarna arbetar med att motivera de självstyrande teamen. Undersökningen är av en kvalitativ ansats och enskilda intervjuer har använts för att samla in empiri. Sju ledare i olika led med olika personalansvar har intervjuats för att besvara våra frågeställningar. Studiens resultat visade att medlemmarna i de självstyrande teamen till viss del fungerar självstyrande och att rollen som ledare för ett självstyrande team är vägledande och stödjande i sin karaktär. Ledarna anser att teamen motiverar sig själva genom att det arbete de utför genomförs tillsammans vilket i sin tur ökar gruppsammanhållningen. Genom att göra medarbetarna delaktiga i beslutsfattande och problemlösande ökar ledarna motivationen hos medarbetarna. Studiens resultat visar att ledarna anser att medarbetarna i de självstyrande teamen motiveras av utveckling, ansvar och av det arbetssätt de använder sig av på avdelningen, nämligen arbetsrotation.

When Should We Disagree? The Effect of Conflict on Team Identity in North American and East Asian Teams

Liang, Lindie Hanyu 06 July 2012 (has links)
Prior literature on conflict in teams has generally established that team heterogeneity (vs. homogeneity) influences the extent to which conflict occurs in teams. However, to date literature has not examined different types of culturally homogeneous teams’ experience of team conflict and its effect on team identity. In two field studies, I look at the effect of team cultural composition and conflict on team identity (Study 1) and the effect of team cultural composition on the tendency to engage in conflict over time (Study 2). Consistent with the literature on culture and dialectical reasoning that suggests East Asians are better able to tolerate contradictions and mixed emotions which usually accompany conflict situations, my results revealed that conflict did not affect East Asian teams’ identity, but it negatively impacted North American teams’ identity. Further, my results revealed that North American teams reported higher levels of conflict during the initial team interaction, but East Asian teams reported higher levels of conflict during later team interactions. I discuss contributions to theory on team conflict and identity and implications for managing culturally homogeneous North American and East Asian teams.

Composition of Skunk works team

Estevez Luna, Antonio, Yunicheva, Rinata January 2012 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is to explore the composition of the Skunk works’ innovation team, which directly influences team performance. Such research is important in order to understand how the Skunk works team deals with innovation. Specifically, how the team’s size, diversity and the roles of team members can influence its performance and have an effect on its success. During the time when we were looking for the definition of Skunk works we mostly found that it is a small group of highly qualified and skilled people in different fields. However, we did not find so many theories about the composition of Skunk works teams. This was due to the high level of secrecy in this field, because Skunk works was originally used only for military purposes. To have a more clear view, we decided to use theories from different research fields, such as research about Skunk works itself, and about team and team composition. We found that it is quite easy to find literature about the role of the leader as a member of the innovation team, who can also be known as the “champion”. However, on another hand we found that it is quite difficult to find information about the whole team, specifically about roles in the team. We believe that, even though the leader has a key role, a well-balanced combination of roles should be also taken into consideration in such teams. The research method deployed in this thesis is multiple-case study, where we have used three cases which are operating in different companies and industries, such as entertainment, scientific research and industrial manufacturing, as well in different geographical positions, such as Sweden and Spain. We have collected data via interviews and secondary data, where we interviewed a representative of these three companies via personal interviews and by e-mail. The findings from this thesis provide evidence that the team composition elements, such as roles in the team, as well its size and diversity can influence on further efficiency of the team. During our research we found that all three companies, especially teams in those companies, could be good examples of Skunk works. Moreover, during the research we found that our findings can be in line with existing studies, that it is unnecessary that the project should be in total secret or fully mandated and that there are a lot of other types of Skunk works teams as well. Also during the research we confirmed with other present studies required characteristics for the “champion” and for other team members. Another finding was about the optimal number of team members in a Skunk works team. The main conclusions drawn from this thesis are that firstly, the composition of a Skunk works team can influence the further team productivity and success of the project. Secondly, that the optimal size of team should not exceed ten people. Thirdly, we can conclude that properly chosen roles as well as characteristics of team members can have an influence on the further success of an innovation project. / Antonio Estevez Luna

A lede seg selv i relasjon med andre : En fenomenologisk studie om hvordan opplevelsen av selvledelse virker på motivasjonen i et arbeidsteam / Leading yourself in relation with other

Fiksdahl, Gro Hovde January 2011 (has links)
Jeg har i denne masteroppgave belyst temaene selvledelse, motivasjon og team. Problemstillingen er: ”Hvordan virker opplevelsen av selvledelse på motivasjonen i et arbeidsteam?” Formålet med studien er å se hvordan selvledelse påvirker motivasjonen i et arbeidsteam, en konkret ledergruppe. Jeg ønsker å se om det kun er positive aspekter med det at ledere og medarbeidere evner å lede seg selv. Kvalitativ metode med fenomenologisk tilnærming er benyttet som forskningsmetode. På bakgrunn av dette gjennomførte jeg fem intervjuer i en større norsk ideell organisasjon.For å bevare anonymitet blir denne omtalt som organisasjonen, og intervjupersonene A, B, C, D, og E. Resultatene etter Grounded Theory- analysen viste fire ulike hovedkategorier. Disse ble utledet videre til tre delspørsmål; 1.) Kan det å ha et sterkt felles kall og engasjement svekke eller styrke utvikling av autonomi? 2.) Hva betyr det å ha en leder som sterk og tydelig rollemodell i forhold til det å være selvledende? 3.) Selvledelse – hvilken konsekvens kan dette ha for å arbeide som et team? Delspørsmålene ble drøftet opp mot presentert teori. Det felles engasjementet, ”felleskallet”, ble sett i tilknytning til relasjonsdimensjonene avhengighet, uavhengighet og gjensidighet (Kvalsund & Meyer, 2005). Her diskutertes blant annet hvordan dimensjonene gir utslag i forskjellige erfaringer av møtene mellom de enkelte. Diskusjon rundt selvbestemmelsesteorien (Deci & Ryan 1985) og mine funn, synliggjorde at ledergruppen styres av indre motivasjon. På tross av dette antyder jeg at ulike psykologiske behov, kan være avgjørende for om motivasjonen er indre- eller ytrestyrt. Da lederen er en sterk rollemodell er det likeledes grunnlag for Banduras (1965) modell-læring. Drøftingen viser at dette potensialet ikke blir utnyttet. Teori om selvledelse, utviklet av Manz og Sims med flere på 1980-1990-tallet, definerte at ledergruppen bedrev selvledelse. I lys av relasjonsdimensjonene (Kvalsund & Meyer, 2005) kan dette derimot påvirke motivasjonen til gruppen som et team, og den enkeltes evne til å være selvledende. Teori om team, med støtte i Levi (2001), ble i tillegg benyttet i enkelte av delspørsmålene. Jeg har funnet at selvledelse har stor virkning på motivasjonen i et arbeidsteam. Selvledelse kan påvirke motivasjonen til både å være indre- og ytrestyrt. Samtidig kan behovet for å være selvledende, etter min mening, gå så langt at det begrenser optimal utnyttelse av teamet!

Samordning med liv som insats : ‐ En studie av avdelningen för luftburen intensivvård på Akademiska universitetssjukhuset i Uppsala

Ahlgren, Mikaela, Westin, Mikaela January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och analysera hur det multiprofessionella teamet vid avdelningen luftburen intensivvård på Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala samordnas, samt om detta ställer särskilda krav på samordningen. De frågor som uppsatsen ämnar besvara är vad som händer när utomstående professioner som inte vanligtvis arbetar inom sjukvården ska medverka i ett sjukvårdsteam samt vilka särskilda krav denna situation ställer på samordningen. För att besvara frågorna har tidigare forskning inom samordning, samarbete, multiprofessionella team samt kultur i främst en sjukvårdskontext använts. En fallstudie genomfördes på avdelningen för luftburen intensivvård vid Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala där åtta intervjuer genomfördes med professioner på avdelningen. Intervjuerna kompletterades med en observation samt dokumentation. Studien kom fram till att kommunikation får särskild betydelse när en utomstående profession lyfts in i ett sjukvårdsteam. Samordningsformen av implicit karaktär är något team i sjukvården bör ta hänsyn till eftersom hög grad av implicit samordning kan vara en säkerhetsrisk för både besättning samt patienten. Vid interprofessionellt arbete där det krävs interaktion blir tydliga gränser mellan professioner viktigt, då en gränsöverskridning mellan professionerna kan resultera i negativa konsekvenser för patienten.

The Identity Transformation of Technological entrepreneurial team¡Xa F Company Case

Luo, Yen-feng 13 September 2004 (has links)
The concept of the team identity transformation in entrepreneurial process was addressed in this thesis. In order to effectively and delicately descript the formation and transformation process of the team identity, Qualitative research and single case method were explored that an electronic component manufacturer (thereafter called F company) in Kaohsiung was chosen. I collect the first-hand data not only by interviewing with interviewees but emailing or talking via phone. In aspects of interview, formal interviews took 17hours, informal interviews took about 10hours and 2 hours was used to get data via telephone communication. Except for first-hand data, we collect the secondary data as well. With comparison on differences of technological team identity(ies) between in and after business creation, three categories grounded on interviews was developed, including think¡Bwork and learn. Based on these, we would try to analyze the reasons of transformation. After almost year of observation and data collection, I conclude these below: 1¡BThere is existence of technological team identity in initial stage of entrepreneurship and this will be beneficial to drive the entrepreneurship. The mechanism of formation is how to pick up the members to make them highly consistent in thinking and behaviors. 2¡BAs changes of contexts and self adaptation, the technological team identity would be transformed as the figure6.1 shown. 3¡BI found that the team identity would transform into organizational identity, and that would make the border between technological team and the other groups more and more unspecific. 4¡BIn the process of team transformation, managerial action and machismo play an important roles to harness how the process goes to make the organization more flexible and actively response to the complex environments.

A Study of Virtual Project Team's Knowledge Integration and Effectiveness - A Case Study of ERP Implementation

Yu, Yuan-Hang 19 July 2005 (has links)
The importance of knowledge management has been on the spotlight for many years. Many researches related to the knowledge management are focused on the issues of knowledge sharing and knowledge creation, but only few are directly linked to the knowledge integration process. In this thesis, we will exam the AnTec operation to discover the benefits and incentives of knowledge integration process to it's software development. This study will also explore how the company can establish goal, make decision, confirm the knowledge requirements,and obtain knowledge externally and internally by utilizing the knowledge integration process. Performance of the software development can be dramatically improved from the knowledge integration elements of "direction", "sequencing", "routines", and "group problem soling and decision making" in a virtual team. The finding of the study has suggested: (1) The knowledge integration process requires efficient communication among system analyses, department managers, and the end users. IT manager should be responsible for the quality of all questions proposed. (2) Fully utilize the knowledge integration structure and properly extract know-hows from different areas to proceed the software development in the virtual team are essential to the success of the knowledge integration process. (3) This study will be govern into two models - "Knowledge Sharing Process and Structure" and "Virtual Team Operation" models and can be reviewed by AnTec for further reference. Keywords : Virtual Team, Knowledge Integration, Project Management

How top management team form and its effectiveness:the chaxu geju management behavior view

Hsu, Wen-chung 12 August 2005 (has links)
We tested the hypothesis that top management team¡¦s effectiveness and Chaxu Geju have an positive effect relationship. Our analysis was base on data from 650 schools , including 120 pairs of team leaders and their team's members .To survey whether the leader's Chaxu Geju which is Guanxi , loyalty and talent has positive effect on team's effectiveness. The first result shows, Team leader will divide team members into insiders and outsiders according to Chaxu Geju . Finally, indicated leader¡¦s criterion of categorization didn¡¦t significant affect the top management team¡¦s effectiveness. The two group insiders and outsiders are the same .

Research on the Relationship between Team Personality, Transformation Leadership and Team Efficacy --The Role of Team Cohesion

Chiu, Su-Miao 22 June 2006 (has links)
¡§Team¡¨ has been the essential working unit for companies nowadays. Researchers do not regard it as an important issue of telling ¡§groups¡¨ from ¡§teams¡¨ for team research, because they are all for being interdependent and being responsibility-apportioned working units, and the former is the major characteristic of being a team. The writer aims at mission-interdependent and affiliation-interdependent working departments, which being referred to the past research, meanwhile taking team personality and transformational leadership as independent variables, team efficacy as dependent variable, and coherence as the major medium. The writer released 795 questionnaires to the working units in hospitality and tourism industry, including 103 questionnaires to management level, 692 to subordinates level, totally 103 work units, eventually ended up effective 418 questionnaires in 66 units with 64.08% return rate for work units and 52.58% return rate for individuals. The findings are as follows. 1.The agreeableness of team personality, and the ideal influence, spiritual encouragement and talent development of transformational leadership have positive influence on team cohesion. 2.Team cohesion is indeed helpful to team efficacy enhancement. 3.Team cohesion merely has partial medium to team personality, transformational leadership and team efficacy.

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