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Ökophysiologie und Verwendungsmöglichkeiten der Wildobstarten Adansonia digitata und Tamarindus indica im SudanGebauer, Jens 05 June 2003 (has links)
Der Baobab (Adansonia digitata) ist ein mächtiger und laubabwerfender Baum, der im Sudan heimisch ist. Neben den Früchten bietet er eine Vielzahl von Verwendungsmöglichkeiten u.a. als Nahrungs- und Heilmittel. Die Tamarinde (Tamarindus indica) ist ein graziöser und immergrüner Baum, der im Sudan verbreitet ist. Die Früchte sind bei der Bevölkerung sehr begehrt. Weiterhin ist er Grundlage für viele Forstprodukte. Im Zentralsudan konnten weitere Wildobstarten identifiziert werden, die zur Sicherung der Nahrungsgrundlage der ländlichen Bevölkerung in den Savannen beitragen. Vor allem im Nordsudan existieren große, potenzielle Agrarflächen, auf denen die Bodenversalzung als limitierender Faktor wirkt. Um Nahrungssicherheit für die zunehmende Bevölkerung zu gewährleisten, erlagen diese marginalen Flächen immer mehr an Bedeutung. Die Gewächshausversuche über einen Zeitraum von 20 Wochen zeigten, dass bei Adansonia digitata-Sämlingen das Wachstum und der Stoffwechsel bereits bei Salzbelastungen von 20 mM NaCl stark beeinflusst wurden. Daher kann diese Art im Sämlingsstadium als sehr salzempfindlich eingestuft werden. Tamarindus indica-Sämlinge tolerierten Salzbelastungen von 40 mM NaCl. Daraus folgt, dass die Tamarinde im Vergleich zu anderen Obstarten im Sämlingsstadium relativ salzverträglich ist. Unter den gegebenen Versuchsumständen ist zu vermuten, dass die Tamarinde eher geeignet scheint für die Kultivierung in salzbelasteten semiariden Gebieten. / The Baobab (Adansonia digitata) is a massive, deciduous tree and native to Sudan. Beside its fruits, the Baobab has an exceedingly wide range of uses ranging from food and beverages to medicinal uses. The tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is an aesthetic, evergreen tree and grows wild throughout Sudan. Its fruits are highly appreciated by the people. In addition, the tree provides a diversity of further important forest products. A number of under-utilised species with edible fruits were identified in Central Sudan. Fruits of these indigenous species play an important role in the diet of rural people in the savanna belt, especially during famines and food shortages. Particularly in Northern Sudan there are vast areas of potentially arable land which are affected by salinity to variable degrees. In order to maintain food security for the increasing population, this land is becoming more and more important. The results of the greenhouse experiments over a period of 20 weeks indicate that a salinity level of 20 mM NaCl strongly influences growth and metabolism of Adansonia digitata seedlings. Therefore in the seedling stage the species can be characterised as salt-sensitive. Tamarindus indica seedlings tolerated a salinity level of 40 mM NaCl. This indicates that in the seedling stage tamarind is a fairly salt tolerant tree species compared to other fruit trees. The conclusion of the greenhouse experiments indicates that the tamarind seems to be the more suitable under-utilized fruit tree species for cultivation in semi-arid areas with salinity problems.
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Ethnobotanical study of the cultural value and preservation status of adansonia digitata (baobab species) among Vhavenda of Sagole Community in the LImpopo ProvinceMathaba, Matsheremane Godfry January 2016 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (Anthropology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2016 / The baobab tree (Adansonia digitata), with more than 300 cultural and ethnobotanical uses in Africa has been identified as one of the most important savanna trees to be conserved, domesticated and valorised on the continent. A decline in baobab populations due to overexploitation could have a significant negative effect on African livelihoods. Therefore, it is important to determine potential strategies for the conservation of this tree species. The study aimed to explore the cultural significance and ethnobotanical use, as well as conservation of baobab trees by the Sagole community in the Vhembe District of the Limpopo Province, South Africa. Furthermore, the conservation efforts of this community and the provincial government were also elucidated.
In the Sagole community 40 local community members, aged 20 years and older, were selected via convenience sampling. A semi-structured questionnaire was employed to collect information on the cultural significance of baobab trees to members of this community. Research questions focussed specifically on identifying folk taxonomy, the transfer of species-specific information to younger generations, and cultural taboos pertaining to the baobab. It has been discovered that young people of Sagole are not well versed in the cultural value pertaining to baobabs. Furthermore, members of the community and the village head (chief) have limited knowledge related to taboos associated with this species. Thus, when individuals transgressed a taboo related to this tree species there is no formal punishment.
Sagole community members use baobab trees for various purposes such as food and medicine. The species is used medically to cure various ailments. Most inhabitants in the community harvest this tree. The most common plant parts harvested for cultural use are the fruits, bark, roots and leaves. However, community members have limited knowledge about the taboos related to harvesting of this majestic tree.
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Metanpotential för alger och bioslam blandat med pappersfiber / Methane gas potential for algaes and biosludge mixed with paper fiberEbba, Lejeby January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis the methane gas potential of three different substrates, two algaes Saccharina latissima and Laminaria digitata and biosludge mixed with paper fiber was studied. This was done by batch experiments in a laboratory environment to examine the gas production and composition of the produced gas. Biogas production is a complex anaerobic digestion process in which various microorganisms decompose the substrate in steps and at the end produce biogas and a residue. Many factors affect the production of gas, for example the substrate content, temperature and pH in the digester. The analysis of methane potential were divided into two experiments. In experiment 1 substrates were digested along with inoculum from Växjö waste water treatment plant in a temperature of about 37 ˚C. In experiment 2 substrates were digested along with inoculum from Kalmar Biogas AB at about 52 ˚C. Both experiments contained 15 bottles each with three replicates for each substrate: only inoculum, inoculum + Algae 1 (Saccharina latissima), inoculum + Algae 2 (Laminaria digitata), inoculum + Paper (biosolids mixed with paper fiber), inoculum + Reference (Cellulose). The inoculum and the reference were running to assess the quality of the inoculum. Mixtures between the inoculum and the substrate was first set to 5:1 and then 4:1, based on the material's VS-concentration. All experiments went on until gas production was minimal. For experiment 1 ,with the ratio of 5:1, the end results of the accumulated methane for Algae 1, Algae 2, Paper and Reference were 315, 313, 88 and 381 Nml CH4/g VS substrate respetively. The batch with inoculum + Paper was ended after seven days because the difference between inoculum + Paper and only inoculum was small. In experiment 1, with a ratio of 4:1, inoculum + Reference and inoculum batches were not prepared mainly because of lack of space.The batch with only inoculum was assumed to give the same results as in experiment 1, with the ratio of 5:1. The end results of the accumulated methane for Algae 1, Algae 2 and Paper were: 199, 214 and 41 Nml/g VS substrate repectively For experiment 2, with the ratio of 5:1, the end results of accumulated methane for Algae 1, Algae 2, Paper and Reference were: 191, 183, 33, 243 Nml/g VS substrate respectively In experiment 2, with the ratio 4:1, the end result of accumulated methane for Algae 1, Algea 2, Paper and Reference were: 288, 179, 18, 337 Nml/g VS substrate respectively. / I detta examensarbete studerades metanpotentialen för algerna Saccharina latissima, Laminaria digitata samt bioslam blandat med pappersfiber. Detta gjordes i satsvisa försök i laboratoriemiljö där gasproduktionen och sammansättning av den producerade gasen undersöktes. Biogasproduktion sker i en anaerob rötningsprocess och är ett komplext förlopp där olika mikroorganismer sönderdelar substratet i flera steg för att slutligen bilda biogas samt en rötrest. Många faktorer så som substratets kemiska innehåll, temperatur och pH i rötkammaren påverkar produktionen av biogas. Analysen av metanpotential delades in i två försök. I försök 1 rötades substraten tillsammans med ymp från Växjö avloppsreningsverk vid en temperatur på cirka 37 ˚C. I försök 2 rötades substraten tillsammans med ymp från Kalmar Biogas AB vid cirka 52˚C. Båda försöken bestod av 15 stycken flaskor vardera med tre replikat för varje exmperiment: endast ymp, ymp + Alg 1 (Saccharina latissima), ymp + Alg 2 (Laminaria digitata), ymp + Papper (bioslam blandad med papperfiber) samt ymp + Referens (Cellulosa). Ymp och referenssubstratet kördes för att bedöma ympens kvalitet. Blandningar mellan ymp och substrat valdes först till 5:1 och därefter till 4:1, baserat på materialens VS-halter. Alla försök pågick tills gasproduktionen var minimal. För försök 1 med kvot 5:1 var slutresultatet av den ackumulerande metanmängden för Alg 1, Alg 2, Papper respektive Referens 315, 313, 88 respektivt 381 Nml/g VS substrat. Försöket med papper avslutades redan efter sju dagar eftersom skillnaden i metanmängd mellan flaskorna med ymp + Papper samt flaskor endast ymp var mycket liten. I försök 1 med kvot 4:1 rötades inte referenssubstratet och endast ymp främst på grund av platsbrist. Här antogs istället att endast ymp skulle ge samma resultat som i föregående försök med mesofil temperatur. Slutresultatet för försök 1 med kvot 4:1 blev 199, 214 samt 41 Nml CH4/g VS substrat för Alg 1, Alg 2 samt Papper. För försök 2 med kvoten 5:1 blev slutresultaten (den ackumulerade metanmängden) för Alg 1, Alg 2, Papper respektive Referens 191, 183, 33 respektive 243 Nml/g VS substrat. I försök 2 med kvoten 4:1 blev slutresultaten för Alg 1, Alg 2, Papper respektive Referens 288, 179, 18 respektive 337 Nml CH4/g VS substrat.
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Trunk call answered16 August 1980 (has links)
Newspaper article: "Trunk call answered”. With two handwritten notes: "Also shown on S.A.B.C. Television July 1980", and, "Note some scars on bark to left of the door ...".
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Framtidens substrat? : En tvåstegsprocess för rötning av alger och vass i pilotskalaOhlsson, Lars-Ola, Karlsson, Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
Detta arbete är en delstudie i projektet Seafarm. Syftet med denna studie är att utreda om algen Laminaria Digitata och vassen Phragmites Australis är lämpliga substrat i en samrötningsprocess för biogasproduktion. Metoden som användes är experimentell och utfördes under 35 dagar med en tvåstegsreaktor bestående av en lakbädd och en UASB-reaktor. Under försökets gång upptäcktes vissa fel och brister hos apparatuppställningen vilka orsakade läckage och andra brister. Detta resulterade i ett systemförslag med skiss till en ny lakbädd samt optimering av driftparametrar om försöket ska återupprepas. Efter 35 dagar avslutades försöket och utifrån den data som sammanställts uppvisar processen en bra metanpotential på 589 liter CH 4/kg COD. Processen uppvisade en låg alkalinitet med ett sjunkande pH som till följd av inmatning. Detta var grunden för den låga belastningen som processen klarade av. För framtida försök för just dessa substrat så rekommenderas en tillförsel av buffert så att alkaliniteten ökar och även möjligheterna för en högre belastning.
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Identification of Saccharina groenlandica (Phaeophyceae) Around the Svalbard Archipelago: DNA Barcoding Using Cytochrome C Oxidase Subunit 1 (COI)Lydon, Anniken 01 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In the Arctic, brown algae (kelps) and seaweeds are ecologically important: providing habitat, protection, and nutrients for invertebrate and vertebrate species living in nearshore environments. Migrations of biota between the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans have occurred periodically during Earth’s history leading to colonization of the Arctic Ocean. Around 3.5 Mya the “Great Trans-Arctic Biotic Interchange” occurred and the Laminariales order of kelp, thought to be of North Pacific origin, underwent a massive radiation and speciation event around the Arctic Ocean. Phylogenetic analysis performed on “Laminaria-like” specimens collected from six sampling locations around the Svalbard Archipelago identified both the presence of Saccharina groenlandica and Laminaria digitata. This research represents new records for the presence of S. groenlandica around the Svalbard Archipelago. S. groenlandica and L. digitata exhibit phenotypic similarities such that these two species can be difficult to tell apart in the field. In this study we have shown that the COI gene region can be used for DNA barcoding and can provide species level resolution between these two cryptic species. Prior to this study and Lund (2014), a number of biodiversity studies conducted around the Svalbard Archipelago identified the presence of L. digitata in a number of locations around the archipelago, however S. groenlandica was not identified in any of these prior studies. Phylogenetic analysis conducted here showed that all Svalbard specimens of S. groenlandica had identical COI sequences and up to 0.30% sequence diversity with S. groenlandica specimens from other parts of the Arctic Ocean. Further analysis is needed to understand the abundance of this newly recorded species around the archipelago and to investigate both the timing of arrival and mechanisms of colonization.
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Valorisation en synthèse organique des phytoconstituants (dérivés du gossypol) extraits de Cienfuegosia Digitata. Cav / Valorization in organic synthesis of phytoconstituents (Gossypol derivatives) extracted from Cienfuegosia Digita. CavSidi Boune, Mohamed Vall 15 January 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse décrit une méthodologie innovante d’extraction et d’hémisynthèse simultanée, dénommée SECheM (Simultaneous Extraction and Chemical Modification) sur une plante mauritanienne le Cienfuegosia digitata Cav. Cette méthodologie présente plusieurs avantages : (a) elle permet d’éviter les étapes critiques au niveau de la séparation et de la purification du gossypol, un polyphénol instable isolé de la plante ciblée (b) elle permet de stabiliser le gossypol thermiquement en le transformant en base de Schiff beaucoup plus stable. (c) elle présente un avantage en termes de réduction du nombre d’étapes et de temps. La même méthodologie a été utilisée pour accéder à des analogues bases de Schiff énantiomériquement pures du gossypol seulement en 2 étapes. Ces dernières transformées efficacement en complexes métalliques énantiomériquement purs se sont montrés être intéressants d’un point de vue catalytique. / This PhD work describes an innovative methodology for simultaneous extraction and semisynthesis, named SECheM (Simultaneous Extraction and Chemical Modification) on a Mauritanian plant: Cienfuegosia digitata Cav. This methodology offers many advantages: (a) It is a perfect solution to circumvent critical steps in the extraction, separation and purification processes of gossypol that is unstable polyphenol isolated from the targeted plant (b) It allows an in-situ preparation of more stable gossypol Schiff base derivatives (c) It shows an important reduction of step number and also the time needed for the process. The same SECheM methodology was used to access enantiomerically pure Schiff base derivatives of gossypol in only two steps. The latters were efficiently transformed into enantiomerically pure metallic complexes that appear to be very interesting in a catalytic reaction.
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Etude des mécanismes d'accumulation de l'iode chez l'algue brune Laminaria digitata et chez les mammifèresVerhaeghe, Elodie 23 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Les halopéroxydases à vanadate (vHPO) seraient des enzymes clés du métabolisme iodé des algues brunes en assurant la captation de l'iode et en participant à la biosynthèse de composés volatils iodés. Pour vérifier ces hypothèses, nous avons mis en place une stratégie de génétique chimique inverse dans le but d'étudier in vivo les effets de l'invalidation des vHPOs. A cette fin, nous avons réalisé un test de criblage à haut-débit sur la bromopéroxydase à vanadate d'Ascophyllum nodosum pour identifier des inhibiteurs de cette enzyme. Les tests secondaires ont montré que les molécules sélectionnées ne sont pas des inhibiteurs mais qu'elles sont très réactives envers les espèces oxydées de l'iode générées par l'enzyme. Un test in vivo a permis de montrer que ces molécules inhibent l'influx des iodures par Laminaria digitata, ce qui corrobore l'implication d'une vHPO dans ce mécanisme. Nous avons étudié la distribution tissulaire et subcellulaire de l'iode chez L. digitata par microsonde nucléaire et par microsonde SIMS. Cette étude a mis en évidence que l'iode est principalement stocké au niveau du tissu périphérique dans le compartiment apoplastique et non au sein de structures intra-cellulaires. Cette découverte remet en cause le modèle de captation des iodures proposé dans la littérature et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives de recherche. Parallèlement à ces études, nous avons poursuivi les travaux concernant les inhibiteurs de la captation des iodures chez des modèles cellulaires exprimant le symporteur Na+/I- en mettant au point leur synthèse, en validant leur activité et en initiant la recherche de leur protéines cibles par photomarquage d'affinité.
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Increasing bioinformatics in third world countries : Studies of S.digitata and P.Polymyxa to further bioinformatics in east Africa / Bioinformatiska förbättringsåtgärder för u-länder : Studier av S.digitata och P.Polymyxa för att förbättra bioinformatiken i östra AfrikaIsak, Sylvin January 2016 (has links)
Despite an increase of biotechnical studies in third world countries, the bioinformatical side is largely lacking. In this paper we attempt to further the bioinformatical capabilities of east Af-rica. The project consisted of two teaching segments for east African doctorates, one as part of an academic workshop at ILRI, Kenya, and one in a small class at SLU, Sweden. The project also included the generation of two simple to use bioinformatical pipelines with the explicit aim to be reused by novice bioinformaticians from the very same region. The viability of the piplines were verified by generating transcriptional expression level differences for Paeni-bacillus polymyxa strain A26 and whole genome annotations for Setaria digitata. Both pipe-lines may have some merit for the collaborative effort between ILRI and SLU to annotate Eleusine coracana, a draught resilient crop, the annotation of which may save lives. The teaching material, source code for the pipelines and overall teaching impression have been included in this paper.
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Evaluation of oil cakes from Amarula (Sclerocarya birrea), Macadamia (Integrifolia) and Baobab (Adansonia digitate L.) as protein supplements for ruminant dietsPhenya, Johannes Solomon Mogotsi 10 1900 (has links)
The current research was done to evaluate the nutritive values and the ruminal degradation of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) from three non-conventional oil cakes, viz: amarula (Sclerocarya birrea) (AOC), macadamia (Integrifolia) (MOC) and baobab (Adansonia digitate L.) (BOC). The oil cakes were collected from biodiesel producers in Limpopo Province, transported to the ARC-Animal Production campus, where proximate and ruminal nutrient degradation analysis were conducted. Triplicates samples from each oil cake were analyzed for the nutritive values, mineral and amino acids contents. Three rumen cannulated mid-lactating (days in milk; DIM: 180±5) Holstein cows weighing 667±43 kg body weight were allocated to determine the in situ ruminal dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) degradation. The cows were offered a totally mixed ration (TMR) (60 concentrate: 40 forage ratio) that was compounded according to their daily nutrient requirements, and were milking was done twice per day at 12 hrs intervals. The three oil cake samples were ground using a 2-mm screen after which sub-samples (6.5 g) were put in 10 x 20 cm; 50 μm pore size polyester bags to achieve 15 mg/cm² (ratio of the sample size to surface area). The bags were then fistulated in each cow’s rumen in triplicate for a period of 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, or 48 hrs. After being incubated, the bags were removed from the rumen and washed with cold (4°C) water in 20-L buckets. Following immersing in cold water, the bags were machine washed until clean water was obtained. The bags were then dried at 60 °C in an oven for 48 hrs. The dried bags were individually weighed, and the content of each bag were removed and stored into glass vial until analysis. The remaining two duplicate sets of each sample were rinsed using cold water in order to determine solubility at 0 hrs. The AOC had higher (P<0.05) ether extract (EE) and CP content than both BOC and MOC. Macadamia oilcake (MOC) and BOC had higher (P<0.05) fractions of fibre (NDF, ADF and ADL) compared to the AOC. The AOC had greater (P<0.05) content of essential amino acids than in the BOC and MOC. Additionally, AOC had a high (P<0.05) phosphorus, but low calcium and potassium concentration. While AOC had high effective degradability of DM, it also had high water soluble as well as DM and CP rapidly degradable fractions. Effective degradation of CP was higher in AOC and BOC than in MOC. However, BOC had a high insoluble but degradable fraction of CP. Further work to determine the toxicology of these non-conventional oil cakes and animal feeding experiments is needed / Agriculture and Animal Health / MSc. Agriculture
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