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Mechatronická soustava pro prezentaci kmitání a tlumení / Mechatronic system for presentation of damped oscillationSirota, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This work is aimed to creating a system for presentation of oscilations. The main part consist of electromagnetic damper, which properties are suitable for use in this system. In the first part are some conditions for design of damper body . In he second part are selected next parameters for electromagnetic damper and of the whole system by MATLAB / Simulink with iterative method. In last part is whole system analyzed and the results indicate next changes in the structure of the system.
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Bariérové polymerní vrstvy pro ochranu inkjetových tisků / Barrier Polymeric Layers for Inkjet Prints ProtectionŠtěpánková, Eva January 2015 (has links)
Práce podává přehled o dostupných a využívaných metodách, normách pro testování a hodnocení světlostálosti barevných fotografií a tisků. Bylo provedeno porovnání jednotlivých platných norem a návrhů na hodnocení. Tato práce pojednává o ochraně inkjetových tisků pomocí lakování. Byl připraven lak kompatibilní s fotografickými médii. Připravená kompozice byla obohacena o UV absorbéry EVERSORB ve dvou koncentracích. Pro srovnání byly také testovány tři druhy komerčních ochranných fotografických laků. Výtisky se třemi barvivovými inkousty opatřené lakovou vrstvou, byly vystaveny jak urychlenému světelnému stárnutí v xenonové testovací komoře, tak urychlenému stárnutí v ozonové testovací komoře. Na základě měřených odrazových spekter byl vypočítaný objem barvového gamutu pomocí softwaru Volga. Byl sledován úbytek gamutů v průběhu světelného stárnutí i při expozici ozonem. Stárnutí vzorků probíhalo do ukončení testu, nebo do dosažení kritéria 30% úbytku objemu barvového gamutu. Také bylo pozorováno selhání recipročního zákona, které ukazuje na jistou nepřesnost při předpovědi dlouhé životnosti vzorků. Pomocí změny barvového gamutu byla posuzována ochrana připraveného laku před UV záření a ozonem. Studované vrstvy laků byly dále charakterizovány na prostupnost kyslíku a vodní páry.
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Entwicklung des Neutronentransportcodes TransRay und Untersuchungen zur zwei- und dreidimensionalen Berechnung effektiver GruppenwirkungsquerschnitteBeckert, C. January 2008 (has links)
Standardmäßig erfolgt die Datenaufbereitung der Neutronenwirkungsquerschnitte für Reaktorkernrechnungen mit 2D-Zellcodes. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, einen 3D-Zellcode zu entwickeln, mit diesem Code 3D-Effekte zu untersuchen und die Notwendigkeit einer 3D-Datenaufbereitung der Neutronenwirkungsquerschnitte zu bewerten. Zur Berechnung des Neutronentransports wurde die Methode der Erststoßwahrscheinlichkeiten, die mit der Ray-Tracing-Methode berechnet werden, gewählt. Die mathematischen Algorithmen wurden in den 2D/3D-Zellcode TransRay umgesetzt. Für den Geometrieteil des Programms wurde das Geometriemodul eines Monte-Carlo-Codes genutzt. Das Ray-Tracing in 3D wurde auf Grund der hohen Rechenzeiten parallelisiert. Das Programm TransRay wurde an 2D-Testaufgaben verifiziert. Für einen Druckwasser-Referenzreaktor wurden folgende 3D-Probleme untersucht: Ein teilweise eingetauchter Regelstab und Void (Vakuum oder Dampf) um einen Brennstab als Modell einer Dampfblase. Alle Probleme wurden zum Vergleich auch mit den Programmen HELIOS (2D) und MCNP (3D) nachgerechnet. Die Abhängigkeit des Multiplikationsfaktors und der gemittelten Zweigruppenquerschnitte von der Eintauchtiefe des Regelstabes bzw. von der Höhe der Dampfblase wurden untersucht. Die 3D berechneten Zweigruppenquerschnitte wurden mit drei üblichen Näherungen verglichen: Lineare Interpolation, Interpolation mit Flusswichtung und Homogenisierung. Am 3D-Problem des Regelstabes zeigte sich, dass die Interpolation mit Flusswichtung eine gute Näherung ist. Demnach ist hier eine 3D-Datenaufbereitung nicht notwendig. Beim Testfall des einzelnen Brennstabs, der von Void umgeben ist, erwiesen sich die drei Näherungen für die Zweigruppenquerschnitte als unzureichend. Demnach ist eine 3D-Datenaufbereitung notwendig. Die einzelne Brennstabzelle mit Void kann als der Grenzfall eines Reaktors angesehen werden, in dem sich eine Phasengrenzfläche herausgebildet hat.
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Entwicklung eines 3D Neutronentransportcodes auf der Basis der Ray-Tracing-Methode und Untersuchungen zur Aufbereitung effektiver Gruppenquerschnitte für heterogene LWR-ZellenRohde, Ulrich [Projektleiter], Beckert, Carsten January 2006 (has links)
Standardmäßig erfolgt die Datenaufbereitung der Neutronenwirkungsquerschnitte für Reaktorkernrechnungen mit 2D-Zellcodes. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, einen 3D-Zellcode zu entwickeln, mit diesem Code 3D-Effekte zu untersuchen und die Notwendigkeit einer 3D-Datenaufbereitung der Neutronenwirkungsquerschnitte zu bewerten. Zur Berechnung des Neutronentransports wurde die Methode der Erststoßwahrscheinlichkeiten, die mit der Ray-Tracing-Methode berechnet werden, gewählt. Die mathematischen Algorithmen wurden in den 2D/3D-Zellcode TransRay umgesetzt. Für den Geometrieteil des Programms wurde das Geometriemodul eines Monte-Carlo-Codes genutzt. Das Ray-Tracing wurde auf Grund der hohen Rechenzeiten parallelisiert. Das Programm TransRay wurde an 2D-Testaufgaben verifiziert. Für einen Druckwasser-Referenzreaktor wurden folgende 3D-Probleme untersucht: Ein teilweise eingetauchter Regelstab und Void (bzw. Moderator mit geringerer Dichte) um einen Brennstab als Modell einer Dampfblase. Alle Probleme wurden zum Vergleich auch mit den Programmen HELIOS (2D) und MCNP (3D) nachgerechnet. Die Abhängigkeit des Multiplikationsfaktors und der gemittelten Zweigruppenquerschnitte von der Eintauchtiefe des Regelstabes bzw. von der Höhe der Dampfblase wurden untersucht. Die 3D berechneten Zweigruppenquerschnitte wurden mit drei üblichen Näherungen verglichen: linearer Interpolation, Interpolation mit Flusswichtung und Homogenisierung. Am 3D-Problem des Regelstabes zeigte sich, dass die Interpolation mit Flusswichtung eine gute Näherung ist. Demnach ist hier eine 3D-Datenaufbereitung nicht notwendig. Beim Testfall des einzelnen Brennstabs, der von Void (bzw. Moderator geringerer Dichte) umgeben ist, erwiesen sich die drei Näherungen für die Zweigruppenquerschnitte als unzureichend. Demnach ist eine 3D-Datenaufbereitung notwendig. Die einzelne Brennstabzelle mit Void kann als der Grenzfall eines Reaktors angesehen werden, in dem sich eine Phasengrenzfläche herausgebildet hat.
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Solar photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) modules produce heat and power via a heat exchanger attached to the rear of the PV cells. The novel PVT collector in this study is previously untested and therefore its behaviour and thermo-electric performance due to fluid channel configuration and in various climate and operating conditions are unknown. Moreover, the working fluid flowing through the heat exchanger cause a temperature gradient across the module such that a cell near the inlet and a cell near the outlet may have significant temperature differences. PV cells are sensitive to temperature; however the most common way to simulate power output from a PVT is to use the average temperature and ignore the gradient. In this study, a single diode PV model is incorporated into a commercial thermal solver to co-simulate the thermal and electrical output of a novel PVT module design with cell level resolution. The PVT system is modelled in steady state under various wind speeds, inlet temperatures, ambient temperatures, flow rates, irradiation, convection coefficients from coolant and back of the module and two different fluid channel configurations. The results show that of the controllable variables, the inlet temperature has the highest influence of the total power output and that a parallel flow of the fluid channel configuration is preferable. The difference between the cell resolution and the module resolution simulations do not motivate the use of a higher resolution numerical simulation. / En kombinerad solcellspanel och solvärmefångare (PVT) producerar värme och elenergi på samma yta genom att en värmeväxlare upptar värmen från baksidan av solcellspanelen. Den PVT som berörs i denna studien är nyutvecklad och har aldrig tidigare testats, vilket medför att data för hur den beter sig samt dess termo-elektiska prestanda saknas för olika driftförhållanden samt flödeskonfigurationer. Vidare ger mediet som flödar genom värmeväxlaren upphov till en temperaturgradient, vilken kan innebära en påtaglig skillnad i temperatur mellan solcellerna i solcellspanelen vid mediets in- respektive utlopp. Trots solcellers temperaturkänslighet, så sker simulering i allmänhet med avseende på panelens medeltemperatur istället för att hänsyn tas till denna temperaturgradient. I den här studien implementeras en så kallad ”single diode”-modell i en kommersiell numerisk mjukvara termiska beräkningar för att samsimulera termiskt och elektriskt effektuttag ur den nyutvecklade PVT-designen. Designen modelleras statiskt under givna variationer av vindhastighet, inloppstemperatur, omgivande temperatur, flödeshastighet, solinstrålning och konvektionskoefficienter för mediet samt baksidan av modulen. Resultaten visar att kontrollerbara variabler som inloppstemperatur har högst inverkan på den totala effekten samt att en parallell flödeskonfiguration lämpar sig bäst. Studien visar också att skillnaden mellan simulering på cellnivå och modulnivå inte motiverar en numerisk beräkningsmetod med upplösning satt till solcellsnivå.
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Lagring och visualisering av information om stötdämpareSettlin, Johan, Ekelund, Joar January 2019 (has links)
Att genom simuleringar få en förståelse för hur en stötdämpares inställningar påverkar dess egenskaper kan leda till förbättrad väghållning, ökad trafiksäkerhet samt snabbare varvtider på racerbanan. Genom att visualisera de simulerade data för att ge användare en uppfattning om hur inställningarna på stötdämparen kommer att bete sig i praktiken.Det här arbetet hade som mål att utforma en databas som efterliknar en stötdämpares egenskaper samt att visualisera dessa egenskaper på en webbsida. Kravinsamling gjordes genom intervjuer med experter och information införskaffades via litteraturstudier. Utifrån insamlade krav och fallstudier utvecklades en relationsdatabas som innehåller information om en dämpares komponenter och uppbyggnad samt ett visualiseringsverktyg där egenskaperna hos dämparen visualiserades på en webbsida. Databasen och visualiseringsverktyget sammanfogades sedan till en prototyp för att möjliggöra simulering av en dämpares egenskaper på webben.Resultatet av fallstudierna visade att databashanteringssystemet MySQL och grafbiblioteket Chart.js var bäst lämpade för prototypen utifrån de insamlade kraven. Funktionaliteten av protypen validerades av projektets uppdragsgivare och felmarginalen för simuleringarna var under 1%. Detta implicerar att databasmodellen som tagits fram håller god kvalitet och att resultatet visualiseras på ett korrekt och förståeligt sätt. / By perform simulations to achieve an understanding of how a shock absorbers setting affect its characteristics could result in improved road holding, increased roadworthiness and faster lap times at the racetrack. By visualizing the simulated data, users can get an understanding in how the settings on the shock absorber will behave.This work had as a goal to design a database that mimic a shock absorbers characteristic and to visualize these characteristics on a website. Requirements was gathered through interviews with experts and information was procured through literature studies. From the gathered requirements and case studies a relational database, that contain information about a shock absorbers components and construction, was developed. A visualization tool to visualize the characteristics of a shock absorber was also developed. The database and the visualization tool where then joined to create a prototype for simulating a shock absorbers characteristic on the web.The result from the case studies indicated that the database management system MySQL and the graph library Chart.js was best suited for the prototype, based on the collected requirements. The functionality of the prototype was validated by the client and the margin of error for the simulation was below 1%. This implies that the database model that has been produced is of good quality and that the visualization of the result is presented in a correct and apprehensible manner.
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Design of Driveline for Mobile Robot Platform / Design av drivmodul för mobilrobotplattformSavant, Chirag January 2018 (has links)
Avhandlingen presenterar resultatet av ett examensarbete i maskindesign på KTH. Uppgiften utfördes för ABB AB, Corporate Research.ABB vill undersöka en ny drivlinjekonstruktion för lågkostnadsautomatisering. ABB Robotiks har begränsat utbud av produkter rörande mobila plattformar. Det finns en stor marknadspotential för samarbetsrobotar på mobila plattformar bland kunder med både låg och hög grad av automation.I denna rapport diskuteras en möjlig designlösning av drivlinan för en mobil robotplattform. Generellt är utformningen av en robust drivlina för mobilplattform en komplex uppgift eftersom inte alla arbetsförhållanden är lika i en industriell installation. Till exempel kan vissa industriområden för logistik och andra för tung teknik etc. Idag finns det mycket fa designer av mobila industriplattformar konstruerade för ojämn yta, ytor med sprickor, stötar och liknande ojämna egenskaper. Befintliga industriella lösningar är utformade för jämna ytor inom gränserna for golvdesignen och överensstämmer också med lasterna på plattformens drivlina. En robust lösning föreslås i denna rapport. Detta baseras på en litteraturöversikt med konstruktionsarbete inkluderande lättillgängliga billiga komponenter samt modellutvärdering för att klara specifikationen av grova golv ojämnheter. Studien för att implementera en stötdämpare baserad drivlinjemodul har också inkluderats för att undersöka möjligheten att ha ett sådant drivsystem. Andra funktioner inkluderar också en inbyggd styrenhet som gör den mer kompakt genom att minska ledningar runt plattformen. Prestanda utfördes i en simuleringsmiljö för att se stötdämparens beteende. Den slutliga konstruktionen versionen byggdes som prototyp för vidare utvärdering i test. / This thesis presents the result of a master thesis in Machine Design at KTH. The task was performed for ABB AB, Corporate Research.ABB wants to investigate in a new driveline designs for low cost automation. ABB robotics doesn’t have any products concerning mobility application. There is a huge market potential for collaborative robots on mobile platforms with customers with both low and high budget of automation.This report discusses one possible design solutions of the driveline for a mobile robot platform. Generally, designing a robust driveline for mobile platform is a complex task since not all working conditions are alike in an industrial setup. For instance, some industrial area might for logistics, some might be for heavy engineering, etc. Moreover, there aren’t industrial platforms designed for uneven surface, surfaces having cracks, bumps and similar uneven features. The ones which can cope unevenness are for extreme off-road military conditions. Existing industrial solutions are designed for even surfaces within limits and the floor design is also in accordance to the platform driveline. A robust solution is proposed here after conducting a literature review with solid evidence and evaluation for the same to sustain rough floor designs with readily available inexpensive components. Study for implementing a shock absorber-based driveline module has also been included within to look at a possibility to have such a drive system. Other features also include an on-board controller which reduces the hassle of wiring around the complete platform. The performance was conducted on a simulation environment to see the behaviour of the shock absorber. The final design was prototyped for further evaluation.
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Probing Coherent States and Nonlinear Properties in Multifunctional Material SystemsHerath Mudiyanselage, Rathsara Rasanjalee Herath 15 April 2021 (has links)
The rapid progress on developing new and improved multifunctional materials, for optoelectronic and spin based phenomena/devices, have increased the importance of the fundamental understanding of their coherent states and nonlinear optical properties. This study is aimed at characterizing, modeling, and controlling the fundamental electronic, phononic, and spin properties of several classes of materials through nonequilibrium and nonlinear light-matter interactions, coupled with a novel design of the material phases, interfaces, and heterostructures. This research directly addresses the Grand Challenges identified in the Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee report "Directing Matter and Energy: Five Challenges for Science and the Imagination" (Hemminger, 2007) [1], in particular, the area: "Matter far beyond equilibrium" and addresses the questions, "How do remarkable properties of matter emerge from complex correlations of the atomic or electronic constituents and how can we control these properties?" and "How do we design and perfect atom- and energy-efficient synthesis of revolutionary new forms of matter with tailored properties?". The knowledge gained from these fundamental studies can provide new information for a broad community to provide concepts for the next generation of multifunctional materials and devices, and resulted in several publications and conference presentations. The materials studied in this dissertation included multiferroic BaTiO3-BiFeO3 [2], ferroelectric Pb0.52Zr0.48TiO3 (PZT), InAs/AlAsSb multi-quantum-well [3], lead halide perovskite [4], n-type InAsP films [5, 6], and nanolaminate plasmonic crystals [7]. Probing multiferroics, which are materials that can exhibit ferromagnetic, ferroelectric, and ferroelastic orders simultaneously in a single phase, was a main focus of this study. BiFeO3 (BFO) is the most widely investigated multiferroic due to its high Neel and Curie temperatures and has antiferromagnetic and ferroelectric properties [8]. An inherent drawback of BFO is its large leakage currents. In this project, (1 − x)BaTiO3-(x)BiFeO3, x = 0.725 (BTO-BFO) heterostructures were investigated [9], where the conductivity of the solid solution can be reduced by adding another perovskite material, BaTiO3 [2]. We aimed to study optically induced coherent states in our BTO-BFO structures. Time resolved pumpprobe spectroscopic measurements were performed at room temperature as well as at low temperature (100 K) up to 10 T. Coherent acoustic phonons were observed both in a film and nanorods, resulting in coherent phonon frequencies of 27 and 33 GHz, respectively [2]. Coherent phonon spectroscopy is a sensitive tool to characterize the interfaces and can be employed as an effective ultrasensitive quantum sensor [10]. Furthermore, in the nanorods arrays of BTO-BFO, an additional oscillation with frequency in the range of 8.1 GHz was observed. This frequency is close to a theoretically predicted magnon frequency which could indicate the coexistence of coherent phonons and magnons in the nanorods arrays [2]. In an analogy to photonics which relies on electromagnetic waves, magnonics utilizes spin waves to carry and process information, offering several advantages such as an operation frequency in the THz range. Recently, "a quantum tango" [11] was reported where coupled coherent magnon and phonons modes were formed on a surface patterned ferromagnet. Furthermore, BTO-BFO heterostructures were probed using transient birefringence and magneto-optical Kerr effect spectroscopy. The results demonstrated that the magnetic field dependence of coherent phonons, measured by these two techniques, exhibits more sensitivity to the external magnetic fields compared to the differential reflectivity technique [2]. Moreover, nonlinear optical properties of this structure were investigated via second harmonic generation spectroscopy, where wavelength and polarization dependence of this nonlinear observation will be discussed in this dissertation. As part of this study, another class of multiferroic materials, with strong ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties, Pb0.52Zr0.48TiO3 (PZT) was studied [12]. In this project, the nonlinear optical properties of PZT nanorod arrays were investigated. Clear signatures of second harmonic generations from 490-525 nm (2.38-2.53 eV) at room temperature, were observed. Furthermore, time resolved differential reflectivity measurements were performed to study dynamical properties in the range of 690-1000 nm where multiphoton processes were responsible for the photoexcitations. We compared this excitation scheme, which is sensitive mainly to the surface states, to when the photoexcited energy (∼ 3.1 eV) was close to the bandgap of the nanorods. Our results offer promises for employing these nanostructures in nonlinear photonic applications. Furthermore, the established techniques during my research provided new insights on optical properties of InAs/AlAsSb multi-quantum-well [3], lead halide perovskite [4], n-type InAsP films [5, 6], and nanolaminate plasmonic crystals [7], and the results will be briefly presented in this dissertation. / Doctor of Philosophy / My research activities have explored multifunctional materials and heterostructures with strongly enhanced coupled electric and magnetic orders and optical properties. In particular, pursuing novel heterostructure designs such as multiferroics can provide control over electric and magnetic ordering in mixed dimensionality. This, together with control at the level from lattice structure to electron spin states can give rise to improved or even qualitatively new and robust materials properties. For example, a better understanding of the phenomena associated with the spin degree of freedom of electrons allows for advancement in spintronic device applications such as storage, logic, and sensors, which are associated with quantum computers and quantum communications [13, 14, 15]. Overarching questions and goals of my activities included: What are the microscopic origins and mechanisms of nonlinear response in strongly coupled nanostructured materials and its relationship to electronic, spin, and lattice degrees of freedom? (2) What are the effects of dimensionality and quantum confinement on optical properties? (3) How do we control and manipulate the coherent states, such as coherent phonons and magnons using external and internal fields, material composition, and morphology to achieve maximal efficiency and tunability? Addressing many of the challenges in the fast-paced technological world requires continued developments of new materials with enhanced optical properties. The knowledge gained from my fundamental studies can provide new information for the next generation of multifunctional materials and devices with advanced optical properties and resulted in several publications and conference presentations.
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Vibration Control for Chatter Suppression with Application to Boring BarsPratt, Jon Robert Jr. 18 December 1997 (has links)
A mechatronic system of actuators, sensors, and analog circuits is demonstrated to control the self-excited oscillations known as chatter that occur when single-point turning a rigid workpiece with a flexible tool. The nature of this manufacturing process, its complex geometry, harsh operating environment, and poorly understood physics, present considerable challenges to the control system designer. The actuators and sensors must be rugged and of exceptionally high bandwidth and the control must be robust in the presence of unmodeled dynamics. In this regard, the qualitative characterization of the chatter instability itself becomes important. Chatter vibrations are finite and recognized as limit cycles, yet modeling and control efforts have routinely focused only on the linearized problem. The question naturally arises as to whether the nonlinear stability is characterized by a jump phenomenon. If so, what does this imply for the "robustness" of linear control solutions?
To answer our question, we present an advanced hardware and control system design for a boring bar application. Initially, we treat the cutting forces merely as an unknown disturbance to the structure which is essentially a cantilevered beam. We then approximate the structure as a linear single-degree-of-freedom damped oscillator in each of the two principal modal coordinates and seek a control strategy that reduces the system response to general disturbances. Modal-based control strategies originally developed for the control of large flexible space structures are employed; they use second-order compensators to enhance selectively the damping of the modes identified for control.
To attack the problem of the nonlinear stability, we seek a model that captures some of the behavior observed in experiments. We design this model based on observations and intuition because theoretical expressions for the complex dynamic forces generated during cutting are lacking. We begin by assuming a regenerative chatter mechanism, as is common practice, and presume that it has a nonlinear form, which is approximated using a cubic polynomial. Experiments demonstrate that the cutting forces couple the two principal modal coordinates. To obtain the jump phenomena observed experimentally, we find it necessary to account for structural nonlinearies. Gradually, using experimental observation as a guide, we arrive at a two-degree-of-freedom chatter model for the boring process. We analyze the stability of this model using the modern methods of nonlinear dynamics.
We apply the method of multiple scales to determine the local nonlinear normal form of the bifurcation from static to dynamic cutting. We then find the subsequent periodic motions by employing the method of harmonic balance. The stability of these periodic motions is analysed using Floquet theory.
Working from a model that captures the essential nonlinear behavior, we develop a new post-bifurcation control strategy based on quench control. We observe that nonlinear state feedback can be used to control the amplitude of post-bifurcation limit cycles. Judicious selection of this nonlinear state feedback makes a supplementary open-loop control strategy possible. By injecting a harmonic force with a frequency incommensurate with the chatter frequency, we find that the self-excited chatter can be exchanged for a forced vibratory response, thereby reducing tool motions. / Ph. D.
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Dynamics of Pitching Wave Energy Converter with Resonant U-Tank Power Extraction DeviceAfonja, Adetoso J. 05 1900 (has links)
This research revolves around the concept design and theoretical validation of a new type of wave energy converter (WEC), comprising a pitching floater integrated with a resonant U-tank (RUT) and a Wells turbine as power take-off (PTO). Theoretical formulation of a fully coupled multi-body dynamic system, incorporating the thermodynamic processes of the RUT air chamber, its interaction with the PTO dynamics and their coupling with the floater is presented.
Inaccuracies of the dynamic modeling of RUT based on Lloyd's low order model, which assumes constant hydrodynamic parameters irrespective of the frequency, are demonstrated by a series of high fidelity CFD simulations. These simulations are a systematic series of fully viscous turbulent simulations, using unsteady RANSE solvers, of the water sloshing at different frequencies of oscillation. Calibration of Lloyd’s model with CFD results evidenced that the RUT hydrodynamic parameters are not invariant to frequency.
A numerical model was developed based on Simulink WEC-Sim libraries to solve the non-linear thermo-hydrodynamic equations of the device in time domain. For power assessment, parametric investigations are conducted by varying the main dimensions of the RUT and power RAOs were computed for each iteration.
Performance in irregular sea state are assessed using a statistical approach with the assumption of linear wave theory. By superimposing spectrum energy density from two resource sites with RAO, mean annual energy production (MEAP) are computed. The predicted MEAP favorably compares with other existing devices, confirming the superior efficiency of the new proposed device over a larger range of incident wave frequency. / M.S. / This study present results of an investigation into a new type of wave energy converter which can be deployed in ocean and by its pitch response motion, it can harvest wave energy and convert it to electrical energy. This device consist of a floater, a U-tank (resonant U-tank) with sloshing water free to oscillate in response to the floater motion and a pneumatic turbine which produces power as air is forced to travel across it. The pneumatic turbine is used as the power take-off (PTO) device. A medium fidelity approach was taken to carry out this study by applying Lloyd’s model which describes the motion of the sloshing water in a resonant U-tank. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) studies were carried out to calibrate the hydrodynamic parameters of the resonant U-tank as described by Lloyd and it was discovered that these parameters are frequency dependent, therefore Lloyd’s model was modelled to be frequency dependent. The mathematical formulation coupling the thermodynamic evolution of air in the resonant U-tank chamber, modified Lloyd’s sloshing water equation, floater dynamics and PTO were presented for the integrated system. These set of thermo-hydrodynamic equations were solved with a numerical model developed using MATLAB/Simulink WEC-Sim Libraries in time domain in other to capture the non-linearity arising from the coupled dynamics. To assess the annual energy productivity of the device, wave statistical data from two resource sites, Western Hawaii and Eel River were selected and used to carrying out computations on different iterations of the device by varying the tank’s main dimensions. This results were promising with the most performing device iteration yielding mean annual energy production of 579 MWh for Western Hawaii.
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