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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza možností využití tepla pro ohřev teplé užitkové vody, vytápění a chlazení domácností / The Analysis of the Possibilities of Using Heat Energy for Water Heating, Space Heating and Air Conditioning in the Domestic Sector

Almabrok, Almabrok Abdoalhade January 2014 (has links)
Rostoucí světová poptávka po méně efektivních zdrojích energie vede ke zvýšení zájmu o kogenerační technologie v sektoru domácností. Pomocí této technologie lze významně snižovat množství znečišťujících látek emitovaných při výrobě elektřiny a tepla pro domácnosti. Kogenerační systémy v sektoru domácností nabízí možnost produkce jak užitného tepla a elektřiny z jednoho zdroje paliva, např. motorové nafty či zemního plynu. Tato práce se zaměřuje na analýzu možností užití kogeneračních a tri-generačních technologií ke zlepšení efektivity využití primárního zdroje energie, zejména v zemích severní Afriky. První část práce se orientuje na obecné definice v oblasti elektroenergetiky, aktuální i budoucí výhled energetické bilance v Libyi. Následující kapitoly se věnují kogeneračním a tri-generačních systémům, jejich charakteristikám se zaměřením na technické parametry, výhodám a nevýhodám těchto systémů a jejich dalšímu rozvoji. Hlavní část práce se zabývá problematikou spotřeby typických rodinných domů ve třech nejdůležitějších městech Libye. Dále předkládá citlivostní analýzu, která je zaměřená na výpočet množství energie vyžadované k pokrytí energetických potřeb typického domu (vytápění, ohřev vody a klimatizace) a porovnání naplnění těchto potřeb při uvažování technických a ekonomických hledisek. Výsledky práce budou využity pro tvorbu pokladů pro Libyjské energetické úřady.

Resilient cooling technologies : Simulation study to determine the cooling capacity in old residentialbuildings located in mid-Sweden

Ali, Ali Talib January 2022 (has links)
The Long-term changes in the climate conditions have increased the need foradequate thermal comfort systems. These alternations influence extremeevents, which their intensity and frequency have increased over the past years.Moreover, this study focuses on space cooling and parameters that the systemshould have to be considered as resilient. Literature study was done to presentthe concept of resilience as well as the different methods used to provide spacecooling. In addition, the cooling systems suggested in this study, which aredistrict cooling and absorption cooling, were presented and explained.Furthermore, the study focuses on cooling demand in a group of residentialbuildings based on different thermal characteristics, which were implementedbased on building regulations from late 1960s to early 1980s. The buildingthermal properties were used as input to obtain their cooling demand by usingbuilding energy simulation tool. Based on the acquired results, an evaluationhas been made for the cooling demand of those buildings. Further analysispresented a correlation between the cooling demand and thermal properties ofthe buildings and aided in the determination of the required cooling capacity.The selection of the capacities was based on the resilience criterion as the systemhas to be able to provide adequate performance and safety for the occupantsduring extreme events. Furthermore, an assessment was done to compare thesuggested system based on their capacities and the primary energy use.

Solar hot water production and thermal energy storage using phase change materials (PCMs) for solar air-conditioning applications in Morocco / Production de l’eau chaude solaire et stockage latent par matériaux à changement de phase (MCPs) pour les applications de rafraîchissement solaire au Maroc

Bouhal, Tarik 02 May 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse présente les résultats de recherche, de modélisation et de simulation d'un système de rafraîchissement solaire au Maroc dans le cadre du projet PRSM (Procédés de Rafraîchissement Solaire au Maroc) financé par l'IRESEN (Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies Nouvelles). L'objectif est d'étudier les facteurs concernant l'optimisation d'une machine à absorption solaire (LiBr-H2O) sous les conditions marocaines. De plus, un certain nombre de critères de conception, qui peuvent être utilisés par les concepteurs de systèmes de climatisation et de chauffage solaires, ont été établis en tenant compte de considérations énergétiques et économiques. En conséquence, cette thèse couvre quatre aspects. Le premier aspect présente un aperçu de recherche bibliographique sur les technologies solaires, en mettant l'accent sur les systèmes du froid solaire, les processus pertinents existants, l'état du marché, les développements récents des technologies les plus prometteuses et les principaux indicateurs de performance qui figurent dans la littérature. De plus, l'aspect expérimental de l'installation de climatisation solaire adopté dans le projet PRSM a été décrit pour identifier les caractéristiques techniques importantes de l'installation et les difficultés rencontrées lors de la réalisation du prototype. La deuxième dimension concerne la faisabilité technique d'un système de climatisation solaire en se basant sur des indicateurs énergétiques et économiques et prenant en compte les effets combinés des climats, des catégories de bâtiments et des besoins en climatisation dans les conditions marocaines. Le troisième aspect présente le stockage latent de l'énergie thermique utilisant les matériaux à changement de phase (MCPs). Il porte sur l'étude des méthodes numériques utilisées dans la modélisation des phénomènes de changement de phase et se concentre également sur l'ajout des MCPs dans le système de climatisation solaire intégré à l'intérieur du ballon solaire connecté au générateur de la machine à absorption pour évaluer l'amélioration possible du rendement du système. Le quatrième volet de cette thèse présente l'analyse technico-économique et de sensibilité appliquée au développement d'un procédé solaire combiné d'eau chaude sanitaire, chauffage et climatisation au Maroc. L'analyse globale via une généralisation des résultats au niveau national a été réalisée en complément d'une analyse de sensibilité liée à l'investissement dans ces systèmes afin d'évaluer le potentiel de remplacement des technologies traditionnelles par les systèmes solaires et les gains éventuels liés à leur implantation au Maroc. / This thesis reports the results of research into the modeling and simulation of a solar air-conditioning system for Morocco in the framework of the project SCPM (Solar Cooling Process in Morocco) funded by IRESEN (Research Institute for Solar Energy and New Energies). The aim is to investigate the factors concerning the optimization of a LiBr-H2O solar absorption chiller under Moroccan conditions. Further, a number of design criteria, which can be used by designers of solar cooling and heating systems, have been established using energy and economic considerations. Accordingly, this thesis covers four aspects. The first overviews the literature survey on solar technologies with a focus on solar cooling systems which reports the relevant processes, summarizes the market status, presents the recent developments of the most promising technologies and describes the main performance indicators figuring in the literature. Moreover, the experimental aspect of the solar air-conditioning installation adopted in the SCPM project was described to identify the important technical characteristics of the installation and the difficulties encountered during the realization of the prototype. The second dimension concerns the technical feasibility of solar air-conditioning system using energy and economic indicators taking into account the combined effects of climates, building categories and cooling demands under Moroccan conditions. The third aspect presents the latent thermal energy storage using Phase Change Materials (PCMs). It concerns the investigation of numerical methods used in the modeling of phase change phenomena and also focuses on PCMs addition in the solar cooling process integrated inside solar storage tank connected to the generator of the absorption chiller to evaluate the possible enhancement in the system efficiency. The fourth aspect of this thesis outlines the technico-economic and sensitivity analysis applied to the development of a combined processes of solar DHW, heating and air-conditioning in Morocco. The overall analysis via a generalization of the results to the national level was carried out in addition to a sensitivity analysis related to the investment in these systems in order to assess the potential of replacing traditional technologies with the solar systems and the possible earnings related to their implementation in Morocco.

Desempenho de sistemas de condicionamento de ar com utilização de energia solar em edifícios de escritórios. / Performance of solar air conditioning systems in office buildings.

Ara, Paulo José Schiavon 14 December 2010 (has links)
A preocupação energética tem impulsionado a humanidade a buscar alternativas sustentáveis de energia. Neste contexto, os edifícios de escritórios têm um papel importante, em especial, devido ao elevado consumo de energia dos sistemas de condicionamento de ar. Para esses sistemas, a possibilidade de utilização de energia solar é uma alternativa tecnicamente possível e interessante de ser considerada, principalmente porque, quando a carga térmica do edifício é mais elevada, a radiação solar também é mais elevada. Dentre os sistemas de condicionamento de ar solar, o sistema térmico - que associa coletores solares térmicos com chiller de absorção - é o mais disseminado, na atualidade. Entretanto, dependendo do caso, outras tecnologias podem ser vantajosas. Uma opção, por exemplo, no caso de edifícios de escritórios, é o sistema elétrico - que associa painéis fotovoltaicos ao chiller convencional de compressão de vapor. Neste trabalho, para um edifício de escritórios de 20 pavimentos e 1000 m2 por pavimento, na cidade de São Paulo, no Brasil, duas alternativas de ar condicionado solar tiveram seus desempenhos energéticos analisados: o sistema térmico - com coletores solares térmicos somente na cobertura e o sistema elétrico - com painéis FV somente nas superfícies opacas das fachadas. Para isso, com o software EnergyPlus do Departamento de Energia dos Estados Unidos obteve-se as carga térmica atuantes no edifício e com a aplicação do método de cálculo de consumo de energia dos sistemas de ar condicionado solar, proposto pelo Projeto SOLAIR da União Européia, adaptado para a realidade da pesquisa, obteve-se o desempenho energético dos sistemas. Os resultados mostraram que, para o edifício de 20 pavimentos, o sistema elétrico tem o melhor desempenho energético, economizando 28% e 71% da energia elétrica que consumiria um sistema de ar condicionado convencional, em um dia de verão e de inverno, respectivamente. O sistema térmico, ao contrário, apresentou um desempenho energético ruim para o edifício estudado, consumindo, por exemplo, em um dia de verão, cerca de 4 vezes mais energia elétrica do que um sistema de ar condicionado convencional. Constatouse que isso ocorreu, pois a área coletora limitada à cobertura foi insuficiente para atender a demanda do chiller de absorção, que passou a operar com frações solares baixas, da ordem de 50% e 20%, de pico, no dia de inverno e de verão, respectivamente. Assim, constatou-se que para que o sistema térmico apresente um desempenho energético satisfatório é preciso que o edifício não seja tão alto. De fato, os resultados mostraram que somente se o edifício tivesse no máximo 2 pavimentos, o sistema térmico teria um desempenho energético melhor do que um sistema convencional. No caso de ser aplicado ao edifício térreo de 1000m2 de área, por exemplo, esse sistema economizaria aproximadamente 65% da energia elétrica do sistema convencional. Por fim, constatou-se também que o desempenho energético do sistema térmico seria elevado com a otimização da área e da tecnologia de coletores solares, com o aprimoramento do sistema de aquecimento auxiliar e com a redução da carga térmica do edifício por meio de técnicas passivas de climatização. / Energy concern has driven human kind to seek sustainable energy alternatives. In this context, office buildings have an important role, especially due to the high energy consumption of air conditioning systems. For these systems, the possibility of using solar energy is technically feasible and interesting to be considered, mainly because generally when the building thermal load is higher, the solar radiation is also higher. Among solar airconditioning systems, the thermal system - which combines solar collectors with absorption chiller - is the most widespread, nowadays. However, depending on the case, other technologies may take advantage. One option, for example, in the case of office buildings, is the electrical system - which combines photovoltaic panels with conventional vapor compression chiller. In this work, an office building of 20 floors with 1,000 m2 floor area, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, two technologies of solar air conditioning had their performance analyzed: the thermal system - presenting solar thermal collectors only on the roof and the electrical system with PV panels only on the opaque surfaces of the facades. For this, the software EnergyPlus of the United States Department of Energy obtained the building thermal load and the with the solar air conditioning energy consumption calculating method proposed by SOLAIR project of the European Union and adapted to this work, energy performance of systems was obtained. The results showed that for this building, the electrical system had the best energy performance, saving 28% and 71% of electricity that would consume a conventional air conditioning system in a summer day and a winter day, respectively. The thermal system, in contrast, showed a poor energy performance, consuming, for example, on a summer day, about four times more electricity than a conventional air conditioning system. It was found that this occurred because the collectors area limited to the roof of the building was insufficient to meet the absorption chiller demand, causing low solar fractions in the operation, of around 50% and 20% peak, in a winter day and in a summer day, respectively. Thus, in order of provide a satisfactory energy performance, the thermal system requires that the building not to be so tall. In fact, the results showed that only if the building had up to two floors, the system would perform better than a conventional system. In case of be installed in a building with the ground floor only, and floor area of 1000m2, for example, this system would save about 65% of the electricity comparing to a conventional system. Finally, it was found that this energy performance would be elevated as well with the optimization of solar collectors area and technology, with auxiliary heating system improvement and with the reduction of thermal load of the building by means of passive air conditioning techniques.

Estudo de viabilidade técnico-econômica de pequenas centrais de cogeração a gás natural no setor terciário do Estado de São Paulo / Study of technical and economic feasibility of small cogeneration plants powered by natural gas in the tertiary sector of the state of São Paulo

Andreos, Ronaldo 28 February 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa a viabilidade técnico-econômica de pequenas centrais de cogeração a gás natural no setor terciário do estado de São Paulo, os estudos de cogeração foram baseados em casos reais de estabelecimentos comerciais dos principais segmentos do setor terciário com demanda elétrica e térmica compatível ao balanço energético para a configuração de cogeração. A análise dos resultados inclui o fator de utilização de energia (FUE), investimentos iniciais, economia operacional (fluxo de caixa), retorno dos investimentos (Payback), taxa interna de retorno (TIR) e valor presente líquido (VPL). As tecnologias empregadas nos estudos foram gerador do tipo Motor a Combustão Interna (MCI) e Microturbina (TG), resfriador de líquido por absorção (ABS) e resfriador de líquido elétrico convencional. Foi realizada análise do potencial de mercado para aplicação de cogeração através do mapeamento dos principais segmentos do setor terciário e realizado o levantamento do estado da arte. Foram estudadas as legislações brasileiras tanto no que se refere à cogeração qualificada como geração distribuída, realizado análise de emissões com destaque ao comparativo entre emissão de CO2 das centrais de cogeração e a emissão de CO2 das termelétricas a gás natural. Foi realizado estudo do cenário energético brasileiro do ponto de vista geração e distribuição de energia elétrica, cenário da oferta de gás natural no Brasil e a sua estrutura de distribuição no estado de São Paulo e, por fim, foram destacados os benefícios e barreiras da cogeração no Brasil. Os resultados alcançados apontam para um revés na viabilidade financeira da cogeração devido aos consecutivos aumentos no preço da tarifa de gás natural, apesar de bastante racional e com benefícios diretos ao meio ambiente e ao país, fazem-se necessários incentivos específicos relacionados à tarifa do gás natural para o crescimento da aplicação de cogeração no setor terciário do estado de São Paulo. / This dissertation examines the technical and economic feasibility of small cogeneration plants powered by natural gas in the tertiary sector of the state of São Paulo. Cogeneration studies were based on real cases of commercial facilities of the main segments of the tertiary sector with electrical and thermal demands compatible for energy usage in cogeneration configuration. The analysis results include energy utilization factor (EUF), initial investments, operational savings (cash flow), return on investment (payback), internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV). The technologies investigated in the study were Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) and Microturbine (TG) generator, absorption chiller (ABS) and conventional electrical chiller. It was carried out an analysis of the potential market for application of cogeneration by mapping the main segments of the tertiary sector and conducted a survey of the state of the art. Brazilian laws were studied both with regard to qualified cogeneration and distributed generation, performed emissions analysis with emphasis on the comparative between CO2 emission from cogeneration plant and CO2 emission from power plants by natural gas. It was made a study of Brazilian energy scenario from the viewpoint of generating and distributing of electricity, scenario of supply of natural gas in Brazil and its distribution structure in the São Paulo state and, finally, it was appointed the benefits and barriers of cogeneration in Brazil. The results indicate a setback on the financial viability of cogeneration due to consecutive increases in the price of natural gas, although quite rational and with direct benefits to the environment and the country, it\'s necessary specific incentives related to the natural gas price for the growth of the application of cogeneration in the tertiary sector of the state of São Paulo.

Integration of waste heat recovery in process sites

Oluleye, Oluwagbemisola Olarinde January 2016 (has links)
Exploitation of waste heat could achieve economic and environmental benefits, while at the same time increase energy efficiency in process sites. Diverse commercialised technologies exist to recover useful energy from waste heat. In addition, there are multiple on-site and offsite end-uses of recovered energy. The challenge is to find the optimal mix of technologies and end-uses of recovered energy taking into account the quantity and quality of waste heat sources, interactions with interconnected systems and constraints on capital investment. Explicit models for waste heat recovery technologies that are easily embedded within appropriate process synthesis frameworks are proposed in this work. A novel screening tool is also proposed to guide selection of technology options. The screening tool considers the deviation of the actual performance from the ideal performance of technologies, where the actual performance takes into account irreversibilities due to finite temperature heat transfer. Results from applying the screening tool show that better temperature matching between heat sources and technologies reduces the energy quality degradation during the conversion process. A ranking criterion is also proposed to evaluate end-uses of recovered energy. Applying the ranking criterion shows the use to which energy recovered from waste heat is put determines the economics and potential to reduce CO2 emissions when waste heat recovery is integrated in process sites. This thesis also proposes a novel methodological framework based on graphical and optimization techniques to integrate waste heat recovery into existing process sites. The graphical techniques are shown to provide useful insights into the features of a good solution and assess the potential in industrial waste heat prior to detailed design. The optimization model allows systematic selection and combination of waste heat source streams, selection of technology options, technology working fluids, and exploitation of interactions with interconnected systems. The optimization problem is formulated as a Mixed Integer Linear Program, solved using the branch-and-bound algorithm. The objective is to maximize the economic potential considering capital investment, maintenance costs and operating costs of the selected waste heat recovery technologies. The methodology is applied to industrial case studies. Results indicate that combining waste heat recovery options yield additional increases in efficiency, reductions in CO2 emissions and costs. The case study also demonstrates that significant benefits from waste heat utilization can be achieved when interactions with interconnected systems are considered simultaneously. The thesis shows that the methodology has potential to identify, screen, select and combine waste heat recovery options for process sites. Results suggest that recovery of waste heat can improve the energy security of process sites and global energy security through the conservation of fuel and reduction in CO2 emissions and costs. The methodological framework can inform integration of waste heat recovery in the process industries and formulation of public policies on industrial waste heat utilization.

Estudo de viabilidade técnico-econômica de pequenas centrais de cogeração a gás natural no setor terciário do Estado de São Paulo / Study of technical and economic feasibility of small cogeneration plants powered by natural gas in the tertiary sector of the state of São Paulo

Ronaldo Andreos 28 February 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa a viabilidade técnico-econômica de pequenas centrais de cogeração a gás natural no setor terciário do estado de São Paulo, os estudos de cogeração foram baseados em casos reais de estabelecimentos comerciais dos principais segmentos do setor terciário com demanda elétrica e térmica compatível ao balanço energético para a configuração de cogeração. A análise dos resultados inclui o fator de utilização de energia (FUE), investimentos iniciais, economia operacional (fluxo de caixa), retorno dos investimentos (Payback), taxa interna de retorno (TIR) e valor presente líquido (VPL). As tecnologias empregadas nos estudos foram gerador do tipo Motor a Combustão Interna (MCI) e Microturbina (TG), resfriador de líquido por absorção (ABS) e resfriador de líquido elétrico convencional. Foi realizada análise do potencial de mercado para aplicação de cogeração através do mapeamento dos principais segmentos do setor terciário e realizado o levantamento do estado da arte. Foram estudadas as legislações brasileiras tanto no que se refere à cogeração qualificada como geração distribuída, realizado análise de emissões com destaque ao comparativo entre emissão de CO2 das centrais de cogeração e a emissão de CO2 das termelétricas a gás natural. Foi realizado estudo do cenário energético brasileiro do ponto de vista geração e distribuição de energia elétrica, cenário da oferta de gás natural no Brasil e a sua estrutura de distribuição no estado de São Paulo e, por fim, foram destacados os benefícios e barreiras da cogeração no Brasil. Os resultados alcançados apontam para um revés na viabilidade financeira da cogeração devido aos consecutivos aumentos no preço da tarifa de gás natural, apesar de bastante racional e com benefícios diretos ao meio ambiente e ao país, fazem-se necessários incentivos específicos relacionados à tarifa do gás natural para o crescimento da aplicação de cogeração no setor terciário do estado de São Paulo. / This dissertation examines the technical and economic feasibility of small cogeneration plants powered by natural gas in the tertiary sector of the state of São Paulo. Cogeneration studies were based on real cases of commercial facilities of the main segments of the tertiary sector with electrical and thermal demands compatible for energy usage in cogeneration configuration. The analysis results include energy utilization factor (EUF), initial investments, operational savings (cash flow), return on investment (payback), internal rate of return (IRR) and net present value (NPV). The technologies investigated in the study were Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) and Microturbine (TG) generator, absorption chiller (ABS) and conventional electrical chiller. It was carried out an analysis of the potential market for application of cogeneration by mapping the main segments of the tertiary sector and conducted a survey of the state of the art. Brazilian laws were studied both with regard to qualified cogeneration and distributed generation, performed emissions analysis with emphasis on the comparative between CO2 emission from cogeneration plant and CO2 emission from power plants by natural gas. It was made a study of Brazilian energy scenario from the viewpoint of generating and distributing of electricity, scenario of supply of natural gas in Brazil and its distribution structure in the São Paulo state and, finally, it was appointed the benefits and barriers of cogeneration in Brazil. The results indicate a setback on the financial viability of cogeneration due to consecutive increases in the price of natural gas, although quite rational and with direct benefits to the environment and the country, it\'s necessary specific incentives related to the natural gas price for the growth of the application of cogeneration in the tertiary sector of the state of São Paulo.

Desempenho de sistemas de condicionamento de ar com utilização de energia solar em edifícios de escritórios. / Performance of solar air conditioning systems in office buildings.

Paulo José Schiavon Ara 14 December 2010 (has links)
A preocupação energética tem impulsionado a humanidade a buscar alternativas sustentáveis de energia. Neste contexto, os edifícios de escritórios têm um papel importante, em especial, devido ao elevado consumo de energia dos sistemas de condicionamento de ar. Para esses sistemas, a possibilidade de utilização de energia solar é uma alternativa tecnicamente possível e interessante de ser considerada, principalmente porque, quando a carga térmica do edifício é mais elevada, a radiação solar também é mais elevada. Dentre os sistemas de condicionamento de ar solar, o sistema térmico - que associa coletores solares térmicos com chiller de absorção - é o mais disseminado, na atualidade. Entretanto, dependendo do caso, outras tecnologias podem ser vantajosas. Uma opção, por exemplo, no caso de edifícios de escritórios, é o sistema elétrico - que associa painéis fotovoltaicos ao chiller convencional de compressão de vapor. Neste trabalho, para um edifício de escritórios de 20 pavimentos e 1000 m2 por pavimento, na cidade de São Paulo, no Brasil, duas alternativas de ar condicionado solar tiveram seus desempenhos energéticos analisados: o sistema térmico - com coletores solares térmicos somente na cobertura e o sistema elétrico - com painéis FV somente nas superfícies opacas das fachadas. Para isso, com o software EnergyPlus do Departamento de Energia dos Estados Unidos obteve-se as carga térmica atuantes no edifício e com a aplicação do método de cálculo de consumo de energia dos sistemas de ar condicionado solar, proposto pelo Projeto SOLAIR da União Européia, adaptado para a realidade da pesquisa, obteve-se o desempenho energético dos sistemas. Os resultados mostraram que, para o edifício de 20 pavimentos, o sistema elétrico tem o melhor desempenho energético, economizando 28% e 71% da energia elétrica que consumiria um sistema de ar condicionado convencional, em um dia de verão e de inverno, respectivamente. O sistema térmico, ao contrário, apresentou um desempenho energético ruim para o edifício estudado, consumindo, por exemplo, em um dia de verão, cerca de 4 vezes mais energia elétrica do que um sistema de ar condicionado convencional. Constatouse que isso ocorreu, pois a área coletora limitada à cobertura foi insuficiente para atender a demanda do chiller de absorção, que passou a operar com frações solares baixas, da ordem de 50% e 20%, de pico, no dia de inverno e de verão, respectivamente. Assim, constatou-se que para que o sistema térmico apresente um desempenho energético satisfatório é preciso que o edifício não seja tão alto. De fato, os resultados mostraram que somente se o edifício tivesse no máximo 2 pavimentos, o sistema térmico teria um desempenho energético melhor do que um sistema convencional. No caso de ser aplicado ao edifício térreo de 1000m2 de área, por exemplo, esse sistema economizaria aproximadamente 65% da energia elétrica do sistema convencional. Por fim, constatou-se também que o desempenho energético do sistema térmico seria elevado com a otimização da área e da tecnologia de coletores solares, com o aprimoramento do sistema de aquecimento auxiliar e com a redução da carga térmica do edifício por meio de técnicas passivas de climatização. / Energy concern has driven human kind to seek sustainable energy alternatives. In this context, office buildings have an important role, especially due to the high energy consumption of air conditioning systems. For these systems, the possibility of using solar energy is technically feasible and interesting to be considered, mainly because generally when the building thermal load is higher, the solar radiation is also higher. Among solar airconditioning systems, the thermal system - which combines solar collectors with absorption chiller - is the most widespread, nowadays. However, depending on the case, other technologies may take advantage. One option, for example, in the case of office buildings, is the electrical system - which combines photovoltaic panels with conventional vapor compression chiller. In this work, an office building of 20 floors with 1,000 m2 floor area, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, two technologies of solar air conditioning had their performance analyzed: the thermal system - presenting solar thermal collectors only on the roof and the electrical system with PV panels only on the opaque surfaces of the facades. For this, the software EnergyPlus of the United States Department of Energy obtained the building thermal load and the with the solar air conditioning energy consumption calculating method proposed by SOLAIR project of the European Union and adapted to this work, energy performance of systems was obtained. The results showed that for this building, the electrical system had the best energy performance, saving 28% and 71% of electricity that would consume a conventional air conditioning system in a summer day and a winter day, respectively. The thermal system, in contrast, showed a poor energy performance, consuming, for example, on a summer day, about four times more electricity than a conventional air conditioning system. It was found that this occurred because the collectors area limited to the roof of the building was insufficient to meet the absorption chiller demand, causing low solar fractions in the operation, of around 50% and 20% peak, in a winter day and in a summer day, respectively. Thus, in order of provide a satisfactory energy performance, the thermal system requires that the building not to be so tall. In fact, the results showed that only if the building had up to two floors, the system would perform better than a conventional system. In case of be installed in a building with the ground floor only, and floor area of 1000m2, for example, this system would save about 65% of the electricity comparing to a conventional system. Finally, it was found that this energy performance would be elevated as well with the optimization of solar collectors area and technology, with auxiliary heating system improvement and with the reduction of thermal load of the building by means of passive air conditioning techniques.

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