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Semiautomatische Entfernung des duplizierten CodesLiu, Yidong. January 2004 (has links)
Stuttgart, Univ., Diplomarb., 2004.
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Making amusement parks friendly for allJanuary 2018 (has links)
0 / SPK / specialcollections@tulane.edu
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Essential Standards for Institutional Self-Evaluation of The Americans with Disabilities ActReilly, Virginia J. Jr. 18 December 1997 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to identify standards related to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that are desirable for colleges conducting a self-study regarding program accessibility. A Delphi technique was used to determine standards and reach agreement among a panel of professionals concerning criteria to evaluate implementation of the ADA during a self-study or during an accreditation process. The panel's standards were compared to information from a focus group of university students with disabilities.
The panel of experts consisted of 30 professionals representing three areas: (a) agencies involved in the implementation and enforcement of the ADA, (b) postsecondary service providers recognized as leaders in their field by the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD), and (c) legal professionals specializing in the ADA. Students with various disabilities comprised a focus group to provide different voices of the stakeholders' perspective.
The panel generated standards from an open questionnaire in the first round of the Delphi. The results were compiled and organized into questionnaire form for phase II. The questionnaire was structured with a four point Likert-type scale allowing the panel to react positively or negatively to including each standard in the evaluation criteria. The scale consisted of: (4) critical, (3) valuable, (2) minimal, and (1) unnecessary. The panel was able to add or change standards in Phase II. In Phase III the standards were listed, and the mean from the ratings in Phase II were reported along with a reminder of the individual's rating in Phase II. The panel could change their ratings to agree with the mean, or they could provide their argument for keeping their original ranking if not matching the mean.
The mean was recalculated after Phase III, and data from this round was used to establish the acceptable standards. All standards receiving a total of two-thirds of the responding panel members' votes in the critical and valuable categories were included in the proposed evaluation model. This information was then compared to information collected in the student focus group.
The results of both the student focus group and the Delphi technique indicated a difference in perspectives of the stakeholders and experts. The research study revealed that the students were more concerned about services for high-schoolers prior to entering college. In contrast, the experts focused more on policy and administrative responsibilities. The Delphi panel and student focus group agreed on several issues important to program access. Both groups saw financial assistance, including support of assistive technology, as critical. They also agreed on the importance of training faculty, administrators and students about accommodations, as well as legal rights and responsibilities under the ADA. Students and panelists acknowledged a shared responsibility between the college and agencies such as the Department of Rehabilitative Services. However, the panelists did not agree with the students on the areas of outreach and collaboration. Although students valued strengthened transition services and training sessions in secondary schools, the Delphi panel did not mention these as areas for an ADA self-evaluation.
It was recommended that the accepted standards be shared with AHEAD, the National Association of ADA Coordinators (NAADAC) and the Council for the Advancement of Standards for Student Services/Development Programs (CAS). AHEAD and NAADAC can use the standards as guidelines for self-evaluation and as a resource for training. It was also recommended that CAS and other accreditation agencies use the developed standards to add more guidance regarding accessibility to the accreditation and self-study process. / Ph. D.
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Bodies in Contempt: A Mixed Methods Study of Federal ADA Employment CasesDick-Mosher, Jennifer 09 January 2014 (has links)
This paper draws on theories of gendered organizations to examine discrimination against people with disabilities in the workplace. A sample of 200 cases which document disability discrimination lawsuits was drawn from the Westlaw legal database. Each case was coded for gender, job, disability and discrimination type and analyzed using multinomial logistic models. Of those 200 cases, 34 were selected for in depth qualitative analysis. This study finds that disability type and gender do have an influence on the type of discrimination someone is likely to experience. In addition, the qualitative analysis finds that the social processes of discrimination differ based on job type and gender pointing to intersections of disability and class as well as gender and disability. / Master of Science
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Diary of an internship with the Ada County Probation Court, Juvenile Division, Probation Department Facility dates June 10, 1968 to August 21, 1968 State of IdahoAnduiza, Janet Mary January 1969 (has links)
No description available.
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Är Ada Stark-Ahlbergs altartavlor konst? En studie om frikyrkans bildbruk 1900-1940Carlsson, Lina Unknown Date (has links)
<p>Frikyrkorörelsen i Sverige hade sina rötter i pietismen som ursprungligen kom från Tyskland. Pietismen präglade frikyrkorörelsens synsätt på bildbruket inom kyrkan. Från 1800-talets mitt och framåt värderade frikyrkan äkthet och sanning i bilder som på något sätt skulle användas i frikyrkans arbete. I min underökning av frikyrkolokaler kring Värnamo och Sävsjö finns ett flertal bilder av Ada Stark-Ahlberg. Ada Stark-Ahlberg befann sig mitt i den frikyrkliga kontexten dels som troende men även gift med en pastor i missionskyrkan. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur Ahlbergs bilder fungerade i förhållande till den rådande synen på bilder som frikyrkan hade mellan 1900-1940. Jag har studerat frikyrkans framväxt och på vilket sätt Evangeliska fosterlandsstiftelsen bidrog till den syn på bildbruk som rådde i frikyrkan då Ahlberg var verksam. Jag har även diskuterat huruvida man kan kalla henne för konstnär eller inte. Jag har tittat närmare på hennes tekniska kunskaper och den frikyrkliga kontext hon befann sig i. Jag upplever Ahlbergs bilder som en omedveten strävan mot naivism. Troligtvis hade hon för avsikt att framställa sina bilder på ett naturalistiskt vis såsom de förlagor hon använde sig av, dock räckte inte hennes tekniska kunskaper inom färg, anatomi m.m. till. Ändå anser jag att hon kan benämnas som konstnär. Ada Stark-Ahlbergs liv och hennes konstnärskap har både fascinerat men också inspirerat mig under arbetets gång. Hon var en ovanligt stark och mycket modern kvinna för sin tid. Hon brann för sitt måleri men också för att hennes barn skulle få så bra utbildning som möjligt särskilt då flickorna. Trots sina många bilder till både frikyrkor och privatpersoner är hon nästan okänd av en senare generationer, vilket gjort mitt arbete mer spännande, att lyfta fram hennes bilder som nu nästan är bortglömda.</p>
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Execution Time Control : A hardware accelerated Ada implementation with novel support for interrupt handlingGregertsen, Kristoffer Nyborg January 2012 (has links)
Execution time control is a technique that allows execution time budgets to be set and overruns to be handled dynamically to prevent deadline misses. This removes the need for the worst-case execution time (WCET) of tasks to be found by offline timing analysis – a problem that can be very hard to solve for modern computer architectures. Execution time control can also increase the processor utilization, as the WCET will often be much higher than the average execution time. This thesis describes how the GNU Ada Compiler and a bare-board Ravenscar run-time environment were ported to the Atmel AVR32 UC3 microcontroller series making the Ada programming language available on this architecture for the first time, and an implementation of Ada execution time control for this system that supports full execution time control for interrupt handling. Usage patterns for this brand new feature are demonstrated in Ada by extending the object-oriented real-time framework with execution time servers for interrupt handling, allowing the system to be protected against unexpected bursts of interrupts that could otherwise result in deadline misses. Separate execution time measurement for interrupt handling also improves the accuracy of measurement for tasks. As a direct result of the work presented in this thesis separate execution time measurement for interrupts will be included in the forthcoming ISO-standard for Ada 2012. While the implementation of execution time control is for the Ada programming language and the UC3 microcontroller series, the design and implementation should be portable to other architectures, and the principles of execution time control for interrupt handling applicable to other programming languages. Low run-time overhead is important for execution time control to be useful for real-time systems. Therefore a hardware Time Management Unit (TMU) was designed to reduce the overhead of execution time control. This design has been implemented for the UC3 and performance tests with the developed run-time environment shows that it gives a significant reduction of overhead. The memory-mapped design of the TMU also allows it to be implemented on other architectures.
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Är Ada Stark-Ahlbergs altartavlor konst? En studie om frikyrkans bildbruk 1900-1940Carlsson, Lina Unknown Date (has links)
Frikyrkorörelsen i Sverige hade sina rötter i pietismen som ursprungligen kom från Tyskland. Pietismen präglade frikyrkorörelsens synsätt på bildbruket inom kyrkan. Från 1800-talets mitt och framåt värderade frikyrkan äkthet och sanning i bilder som på något sätt skulle användas i frikyrkans arbete. I min underökning av frikyrkolokaler kring Värnamo och Sävsjö finns ett flertal bilder av Ada Stark-Ahlberg. Ada Stark-Ahlberg befann sig mitt i den frikyrkliga kontexten dels som troende men även gift med en pastor i missionskyrkan. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur Ahlbergs bilder fungerade i förhållande till den rådande synen på bilder som frikyrkan hade mellan 1900-1940. Jag har studerat frikyrkans framväxt och på vilket sätt Evangeliska fosterlandsstiftelsen bidrog till den syn på bildbruk som rådde i frikyrkan då Ahlberg var verksam. Jag har även diskuterat huruvida man kan kalla henne för konstnär eller inte. Jag har tittat närmare på hennes tekniska kunskaper och den frikyrkliga kontext hon befann sig i. Jag upplever Ahlbergs bilder som en omedveten strävan mot naivism. Troligtvis hade hon för avsikt att framställa sina bilder på ett naturalistiskt vis såsom de förlagor hon använde sig av, dock räckte inte hennes tekniska kunskaper inom färg, anatomi m.m. till. Ändå anser jag att hon kan benämnas som konstnär. Ada Stark-Ahlbergs liv och hennes konstnärskap har både fascinerat men också inspirerat mig under arbetets gång. Hon var en ovanligt stark och mycket modern kvinna för sin tid. Hon brann för sitt måleri men också för att hennes barn skulle få så bra utbildning som möjligt särskilt då flickorna. Trots sina många bilder till både frikyrkor och privatpersoner är hon nästan okänd av en senare generationer, vilket gjort mitt arbete mer spännande, att lyfta fram hennes bilder som nu nästan är bortglömda.
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Impacte dels sistemes de reparació de lesions produïdes per agents alquilants en la virulència de Salmonella enterica ser. TyphimuriumÀlvarez Juste, Gerard 05 March 2010 (has links)
Salmonella enterica ser. Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) és un enterobacteri patogen que afecta a diverses espècies de mamífers i que generalment causa infeccions lleus, com gastroenteritis, si bé pot arribar a generar malalties sistèmiques, produint septicèmia i, fins i tot, la mort de l'hoste infectat.Com molts altres enterobacteris, el seu genoma codifica per proteïnes que permeten reparar les lesions alquilants en el DNA, les quals són causades quan agents alquilants, siguin procedents de l'ambient extern o bé originats pel propi metabolisme cel·lular, introdueixen grups alquil a les bases nitrogenades. Entre els gens que les codifiquen cal destacar ada, alkA, alkB i aidB, que componen l'anomenada resposta adaptativa a agents alquilants (resposta Ada); i ogt i tag, que desenvolupen funcions similars als anteriors però que no formen part de la resposta Ada. Altres sistemes de reparació més genèrics també intervenen en l'eliminació de lesions alquilants, essent particularment rellevants els gens que constitueixen les vies GGR (realitzada pel complex enzimàtic) i TCR (dirigida a les zones transcripcionalment actives i portada a terme per la proteïna Mfd en conjunció amb el complex UvrABC o amb MutSL) de la reparació per escissió de nucleòtids (NER). Entre tots ells formen un grup molt ampli d'activitats de reparació que permeten reconèixer la gran varietat de dianes que poden ser generades per agents alquilants.Per comprendre el paper de cada un d'aquests gens durant el transcurs del procés infectiu es van construir soques defectives en un o en varis d'aquests gens. Seguidament es va analitzar la capacitat de supervivència de cadascuna d'elles al ser exposades a diferents agents alquilants. Malgrat de disposar de tantes proteïnes de reparació d'alquilacions, en la majoria de casos la manca d'una o vàries d'elles va suposar una disminució de la viabilitat cel·lular quan aquestes soques creixien en presència d'agents alquilants. A continuació es van realitzar assajos de competitivitat en ratolins BALB/c per a determinar la capacitat infectiva de cada un dels mutants construïts. Els resultats experimentals obtinguts demostren que, fins i tot en les soques defectives en múltiples gens, la manca de la majoria d'aquestes proteïnes no suposa una disminució de la capacitat infectiva de S. Typhimurium ja que, malgrat les dades recollides prèviament a partir dels assajos in vitro, tan sols el mutant UA1869, deficient en els gens ada, ogt, tag, uvrA i mfd, va presentar una reducció de la competitivitat en relació a la soca salvatge. Per consegüent, la concentració d'agents alquilants generats a l'organisme deu ser menor a la utilitzada durant els assajos in vitro, de manera que la conservació dels gens de reparació d'alquilacions a S. Typhimurium podria ser deguda a la supervivència fora de l'hoste.El fet que la disminució de la competitivitat s'hagi donat en la soca UA1869 i no en altres mutants, alguns amb un nombre major de mutacions, però on les funcions absents no eren tan diverses, fa pensar en l'existència d'activitats redundants entre diferents sistemes de reparació, de manera que la manca de proteïnes de reparació d'un mecanisme podria ser compensada per altres pertanyents a sistemes amb una activitat aparentment diferent. / Salmonella enterica ser. Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) is an enteropathogen able to infect several mammalian species, generally causing mild diseases, such as gastroenteritis, although it can also become a systemic infection, producing septicaemia and even the death of the infected host.Like other enterobacteria, the genome of S. Typhimurium codes for alkylation damage repair proteins. This kind of damage appears when alkylating agents, which are present in the environment or are produced endogenously as byproducts of normal metabolism, introduce alkyl groups in the DNA bases. Some of the most important genes coding for these proteins are ada, alkA, alkB and aidB, which generate the adaptive response to alkylation damage (known as the Ada response); and ogt and tag, which are not included in this response but possess similar functions. Other repair systems with a wider range of activities can also repair alkylation damage, being especially important the genes belonging to the global genome repair (GGR, which is carried out by the UvrABC enzymatic complex) and the transcription-coupled DNA repair (TCR, focused on the transcriptionally active genes and directed by the Mfd protein, which recruits the UvrABC or the MutSL complexes) pathways of the nucleotide excision repair system (NER). Altogether compound a large variety of repair activities which allow the recognition of a broad diversity of targets generated by alkylating agents.In order to establish the role of each of these genes and the consequences of their lack during the infection process, strains defective in one or several of them were constructed. Afterwards, each strain was treated with alkylating agents to analyze its survival. Although S. Typhimurium possesses so many alkylation damage repair proteins, in most strains the survival decreased due to the absence of just one or some of those proteins. Moreover, competitive assays using BALB/c mice were performed to determine the fitness of each strain. The results show that, even in those strains defective in several genes, the in vivo fitness of S. Typhimurium is not affected by the lack of most of the alkylation damage repair proteins studied, since only the strain UA1869 defective in the ada, ogt, tag, uvrA, and mfd genes presented a reduction of its virulence when it was orally inoculated. Therefore, the amount of alkylating agents generated in the organism might be lower than that used in the in vitro assays. Thus, the evolutionary conservation of the alkylation damage repair genes in S. Typhimurium may be due to survival outside the host.The fact that the fitness decreased in the UA1869 strain and not in other mutants, some of them defective in a larger number of genes, suggests the existence of certain overlap between different repair systems. Thus, the absence of some repair proteins might be compensated by other belonging to other systems apparently different.
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L'évolution de la volonté d'enseigner dans le premier degré (étude de représentations)Basco, Louis. Avanzini, Guy. January 2001 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de l'éducation : Lyon 2 : 2001. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr.
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