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”Inget om oss utan oss” : Ett användarcentrerat tillvägagångssätt för att utveckla Canvas för studenter med ADHD/ADD / ”Nothing about us without us” : A user centered approach to developing Canvas for students with ADHD/ADDBerg, Hulda January 2022 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker hur ett användarcentrerat tillvägagångssätt kan utveckla gränssnittet för den digitala läroplattformen Canvas, baserat på hur plattformen upplevs av studenter med ADHD/ADD. Genom intervjuer och observationer har data samlats in kring studenternas interaktion med Canvas och vad de upplever för problematik med plattformen. Baserat på studenternas upplevelse, samt riktlinjer som går att återfinna i teorin, har ett alternativt gränssnitt har sedan skapats. Detta gränssnitt har sedan testats av studenterna för att samla in ytterligare information om vad som kan förbättras samt för att testa om förändringarna som gjorts är något studenterna upplever positivt. För att utveckla en produkt som fungerar för samtliga användare är det viktigt att i ett tidigt skede ta i beaktning de med funktionsnedsättningar, och genom att involvera dessa tidigt i designprocessen kan en digitalt tillgänglig produkt utvecklas. Data från denna studie har gett värdefulla insikter i vad studenter med ADHD/ADD upplever problematisk med digitala läroplattformar. / This study examines how a user centered approach can develop the learning management system Canvas, based on how it is perceived by students with ADHD/ADD. By conducting interviews and observations data has been collected about the students interaction with Canvas and what they experience as problems with the platform. Based on the students experiences and guidelines that can be found in the theory, an alternative interface has since been created. This interface has since been tested by the students to gather additional information about what can be improved, and to test whether the changes that have been made are well met. In order to develop a product that work for all users, it is important to take those with disabilities into account at an early stage in the design process, and by doing so a digitally accessible product can be developed. Data from this study provides valuable insights into what students with ADHD/ADD experience as problematic with learning management systems.
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Häktning av barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningarMunoz Huapaya, Sussy January 2019 (has links)
“You only try to stay in the real world”, “you get strange, cold and off”. These are citations from childrens own stories about being in detention and isolated. Approximately 10 000 people are detained annually in Sweden with and without restrictions and several of these are children, persons between 15 - 17 years old. Sweden has ratified the ’Convention on the Rights of the Child’ up to a lot of criticism against the way Sweden detains children. The law that is applied to adults in the case of detention also applies to children. Although, there are some special laws that only apply to detention of children, 24 chapter 4 § RB and 23 § LUL. If due to the childs age it may be feared that the detention would bring serious harm to the child, detention may only occur if it is clear that adequate supervision cannot be arranged. It is also required that there are extraordinary reasons for detention. There is a special group of children who have certain disabilities, children with neuropsychiatric disorders. Problems can occur when these children are detained and isolated. According to Swedish national law, detention of children can take place when the basic conditions in the 24 chapter 1 § RB are fulfilled, when it is clear that adequate supervision cannot be arranged in accordance with 24 chapter 4 § RB. Detention of children may only occur under extraordinary reasons, 23 § LUL. However extraordinary reasons are interpreted in different ways, this leads to children being arrested more often than in exceptional cases. In case of detention of children with neuropsychiatric disorders the disorder may be taken into consideration in the proportionality assessment by some judges and some judges will not. The stay in detention can affect children with neuropsychiatric disorders in different ways. They can develop phobias, self-harm, more anxiety, nervousness and depression. As there are several children with neuropsychiatric disorders who also have an increased risk of developing other psychological problems, this group of children is more likely to be affected by detention. In conclusion, these Swedish laws do not meet the requirements set by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, neither practical nor theoretical.
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Besvärliga barn, osynliga barn. En studie om barn med ADHD/ADD i skolanJuambeltz, Laura January 2010 (has links)
Bokstavsdiagnosen ADHD/ADD är omdiskuterad i Sverige. Neuropsykiatrerna och sociologerna kommer inte överens. Men, vad tycker pedagoger när de arbetar med barnen? Vad tycker barnen? I detta arbete behandlar jag två pedagogers, två föräldrars och två barns syn på diagnosen ADHD/ADD. Syftet med arbetet är att synliggöra problemet med att ha ADHD/ADD för att kunna undersöka och diskutera åtgärderna samt få en större beredskap att arbeta med olikheter. Min frågeställning blir således: Hur uppfattas situationen för barn med ADHD/ADD i skolan? Vilka resursmöjligheter har skolan när det gäller barn med ADHD/ADD? Vilka åtgärder finns för dessa barn? Hur ser samarbetet ut mellan skolan - och hem? Jag gör en beskrivning av problemområdet utifrån det historiska perspektivet på diagnosen samt definierar grundläggande begrepp som är viktiga för mitt arbete. På detta följer tidigare forskning på området, en introduktion till olika teorier och deras relevans till min undersökning samt en redovisning av skolans syn på barn med ADHD/ADD. Jag redogör för mitt metodval i undersökningen, urval av undersökningsgrupp och undersöknings genomförande för att sedan analysera materialet utifrån teorier inom psykiatri, utifrån skolans roll, det pedagogiska syn och pedagogiska åtgärder. Avslutningsvis för jag en diskussion om min studie och möjliga vägar för fortsatt forskning på området.
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Reedukace motorických obtíží u dětí mladšího školního věku / Re-education of children with motor difficulties of primary school ageTichý, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
BIBLIOGRAPHIC IDENTIFICATION Name and surname of the author: Mgr. Pavel Tichý Name of the dissertation: Re-education of children with motor difficulties of primary school age Workplace: FTVS UK, Department of Sport Games Supervisor of the work: Doc. PhDr. Vladimír Süss, Ph.D. Year of presentation: 2016 ABSTRACT Objective: The aim was to find out the possibility of the re-education of motor difficulties in children of primary school age and create a re-education intervention program, the aim of which is to reduce these difficulties. Subsequently, to verify whether the intervention program had an effect on the motor difficulties of the children. Method: The research was designed as a prospective intervention study where there were two combined orientations ofeducational research: quantative and qualitative. To solve the problem a research design was used, called Crossover Design (Wilmore et al., 2008, Thomas et al., 2005), which was conceived as an experiment with an intervention re-education program aimed at improving the motor difficulties of children. The quantative part of the research was focused on the assessment of motor skills and to detect motor problems in children of primary school age. MABC-2 (Henderson et al., 2007) battery of motor tests were used for this purpose. The qualitative part of the...
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Reedukace motorických obtíží u dětí mladšího školního věku / Re-education of children with motor difficulties of primary school ageTichý, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
BIBLIOGRAPHIC IDENTIFICATION Name and surname of the author: Mgr. Pavel Tichý Name of the dissertation: Re-education of children with motor difficulties of primary school age Workplace: FTVS UK, Department of Sport Games Supervisor of the work: Doc. PhDr. Vladimír Süss, Ph.D. Year of presentation: 2016 ABSTRACT Objective: The aim was to find out the possibility of the re-education of motor difficulties in children of primary school age and create a re-education intervention program, the aim of which is to reduce these difficulties. Subsequently, to verify whether the intervention program had an effect on the motor difficulties of the children. Method: The research was designed as a prospective intervention study where there were two combined orientations ofeducational research: quantative and qualitative. To solve the problem a research design was used, called Crossover Design (Wilmore et al., 2008, Thomas et al., 2005), which was conceived as an experiment with an intervention re-education program aimed at improving the motor difficulties of children. The quantative part of the research was focused on the assessment of motor skills and to detect motor problems in children of primary school age. MABC-2 (Henderson et al., 2007) battery of motor tests were used for this purpose. The qualitative part of the...
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