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The Effects of Content and Layout Variation in Newspaper Advertising for Legal ServicesWebster, Cynthia 08 1900 (has links)
The focus of this investigation is on the effects that content and layout forms of newspaper advertising have on consumer attitudes toward the legal profession. A second major purpose of the study was to determine the differences which exist between certain socio-demographic categories with respect to attitude towards the advertised lawyer and the legal advertisements. Thirteen variations of a legal advertisement for the newspaper medium were developed and shown to consumers and then tested by measuring consumers' attitudes toward twelve lawyer-related attributes and ten advertisement-related attributes.
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Evropské právo proti nekalé soutěži / European law against unfair competitionNeuvirtová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
Resumé European Law against Unfair Competition This thesis focuses on the regulation of law against unfair competition adopted on the European Union level. The thesis is composed of two parts - the first one introduces legislative regulation of law against unfair competition, the second part analyses legal regulation of misleading and comparative advertisement as the examples of merits of unfair competition. The first part of the thesis firstly overviews the law against unfair competition on the international level; the core of the thesis, however, lies in the overview of legislation adopted by the European Union. Within the summary of the European legislation it firstly introduces the background for the legislative activity of the European Union in the field of unfair competition. Subsequently, it is followed up by the overview of directives with the primary aim to protect European businesses and consumers against unfair competition. When introducing the directives it emphasises mainly the findings whether it was adopted under minimum or maximum harmonisation, therefore to which extend the member state legislators are free to diverge from the regulation adopted by the European Union. The aim of the forth chapter is to look at the law against unfair competition as a part of private law. The second part of...
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內容網站型態與橫幅廣告表現方式對廣告效果之影響 / Effect of Content Site Type and Banner Advertisement Approach on Advertisement Effectiveness黃馨瑤, Hsing-yao Huang Unknown Date (has links)
FIND 99年網際網路應用調查指出,資訊互動與生活休閒已成為網際網路的角色及市場定位。在此角色與定位下,網路內容業者實為跨資訊、傳播兩大領域下的新產業,提供網友即時、互動及個人化的資訊,以吸引網友到站瀏覽。網站所帶來的人潮及網路廣告低成本,使得傳統廣告主將網際網路視為行銷通路上的另一個新管道,期望能在網路這群潛在消費者中,增加商品曝光的機會。
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 3
第四節 研究範圍與限制 4
第五節 研究程序 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 網路廣告 7
第二節 內容網站型態 17
第三節 廣告內容表現方式 19
第四節 涉入度之研究 24
第五節 廣告態度之研究 32
第六節 廣告效果之衡量 37
第三章 研究方法 46
第一節 研究架構 47
第二節 研究假說 48
第三節 變數的定義與操作化 51
第四節 研究設計 57
第五節 問卷設計 63
第六節 實驗流程 64
第四章 研究結果分析與討論 66
第一節 資料分析程序 66
第二節 統計方法 67
第三節 量表信度與效度分析 70
第四節 實驗樣本描述統計 74
第五節 內容網站型態、廣告表現方式對廣告效果的影響 85
第六節 網頁內容涉入度與內容網站型態、廣告表現方式對廣告效果的影響 92
第七節 產品涉入度與內容網站型態、廣告表現方式對廣告效果的影響 98
第八節 網路廣告態度與內容網站型態、廣告表現方式對廣告效果的影響 103
第九節 個人背景與內容網站型態、廣告表現方式對廣告效果的影響 109
第五章 結論與建議 136
第一節 研究結論 136
第二節 對實務的建議 141
第三節 研究限制 142
第四節 後續研究的建議 143
參考文獻 144
【中文部份】 144
【英文部份】 146
附錄一 完整線上問卷 152
附錄二 實驗廣告與網站的內容 161
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Produktová reklama 70. - 80. let v Československu a její návrat / Product Advertisement in Czechoslovakia in 70s - 80s and its comebackVomelová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
- the market through the campaign RETRO Týden comparing fifteen "retro" packages that were sold during socialistic era fifteen "present" s'
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Fair-skinned and Happy housewives : How women are portrayed in advertisements in Mexican fashion magazinesCaroline, Jansson, Li, Sahlin January 2016 (has links)
Advertising has a powerful role in today’s society, especially since we are constantly surrounded by it. Advertisement does not only encourage people to make decisions about their purchases but has a big impact on the culture (Lin & Yeh, 2009; Lindner, 2004). Hence, it is a big factor of creating norms and ideas of what is feminine and masculine; thus affecting the perception on gender within societies. Unfortunate is however that to be able to cut through the enormous advertising clutter that people are exposed to daily, advertisers tend to use sexual content and portrayals as tactic, leading to an obscure ideal (Dahl, Segupta & Vohs, 2009; Cortese, 2008; Connell & Pearse, 2015; Butler & Almqvist, 2007). This quantitative and qualitative study examines from a Gender and Feminist theory perspective how women are portrayed sexually and stereotypically in advertisements within Mexican fashion magazines. The advertisements found within the seven biggest fashion magazines in Mexico are being studied both through a quantitative content analyse and qualitative text analyse using a semiotic approach. The result of the study shows that the content of advertisements in Mexican magazines frequently portray females in a sexualised and stereotypical way. Within our qualitative result six different stereotypes could be found. Furthermore, our quantitative result shows that the most commonly portrayed female within the advertisements are White. Henceforth, our result shows that a female ideal where the most crucial attributes are: to be sexy, beautiful, obtain an attractive appearance and to be White.
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Journalistiken förändras : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av hur mycket textreklam som finns i tre svenska lokaltidningarAndersson, Anton, Urborn, Christoffer January 2016 (has links)
Problem definition and purpose: The media industry is a sphere faced with constant challenges. Technological inventions and economy are changing the rules of how and what media reports. To be able to stay current and make profit the newspapers have to adapt new thinking and evolve. In Sweden the journalistic union have stated that the line between editorial material and advertisement has became thinner. The purpose of this study is therefore to examine the state of three local newspapers today and the ten years back. It will examine if the occurence of what can be define as advetorial news – articles made by the newspapers own reporters but which serve and obvious profit for a second part – has increased or decreased. Method and material: To find an answer to the purpose of this thesis a quantitative content analysis have been done on a total of 1005 local news articles from three Swedish local newspapers in 2005 and 2015. Main result: The result of the content analysis shows that news defined as advetorial occur more frequently in two of the three studied news papers 2015 compared to 2005, while news defined as advetorial decreased in one of the news papers. The result also show that the total number of local news articles has decreased from 2005 to 2015.
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Variation in advertisement call structure of whistling frogsHay, Timothy D January 1994 (has links)
Variation in advertisement call structure of whistling frogs, Litoria ewingi, was studied among breeding sites in the vicinity of Christchurch on the East coast and Harihari on the West coast of the South Island. Males vocalized in breeding choruses throughout the year and females moved toward and appeared to evaluate calls of territorial males before initiating amplexus. Acoustic interactions between neighbours led to modification of call structure and timing, and wrestling matches between males were frequent. I quantified call structure for 1623 calls of 168 individuals using 24 call parameters. Most temporal characteristics were significantly correlated with the caller's body temperature and dominant frequency was negatively correlated with body size. These results are consistent with the prediction of temperature-dependent metabolic rates in a poikilotherm's nervous system. I compared call structure among the study populations using both multivariate and univariate analyses. Advertisement call structure showed highly significant variation among populations for most call variables. The greatest difference occurred between the West and East coast populations, and a clinal trend occurred in the East coast populations on a microgeographic scale. Variation among East coast populations in some variables was comparable to the scale of variation between coasts. These results suggest that whistling frogs exhibit natal philopatry. I obtained repeated recordings for 21 individuals and examined variation in call structure within and among individuals using nested multivariate analyses of variance. Highly significant variation occurred both within and among individuals for most call characters, but certain call characters were more variable among individuals. This suggests that whistling frog advertisement calls are individually distinctive.
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Success Factors of the Product Relaunch : The Influence of the Advertising Strategy on the Success of Product Relaunch CampaignsBissdorf, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: The product relaunch, in terms of the recycling of an existing product lifecycle, is a common marketing tool within the consumer goods industry. Cases like the reintroductionof Mondelēz Oreo cookie and the promotion of the facelift of the PorscheCayenne are examples how relaunch campaigns can successfully introduce existingproducts in a modified version and increase their sales and brand recall drastically.Advantages like lower flop risks, and lower research and development costs make thisalternative quite attractive when it comes to the decision between the introduction ofinnovations and revitalization of existing products.Method: In order to identify promising advertisement strategies, four potential successfactors has been stated, based on existing marketing communication models: media usage,message credibility, message appeal and scheduling pattern. Related to them, a survey wasconducted which asked the respondents to choose the applied alternatives within the fourdecision areas and indicate to which extent the set success goals were achieved. The surveycould give hints, which strategy alternatives are associated with the achievement of thecampaigns goals by using the correlation analysis. Furthermore, the frequency distributionwas used to identify handling patterns in practice.Results: The results of the survey, which was executed as self-completing questionnaire,revealed that two of the assumed success factors, namely media strategy and credibilitysource, indeed show a correlation to the perceived achievement of success goals. For thethird aspect, the decision about the message appeal, a clear usage pattern could beidentified in the non-durable goods industry. Finally, the two advertisement schedulingpatterns showed no correlation to the perceived success and there was also no preferredalternative identifiable in the durable and non-durable goods industry.Implications: Based on the study results it is to summarize that the usage of TV and onlineadvertisement, as well as POS material appears particularly appropriate for the durablegoods industry, whereas the application of Magazine advertisement showed a positiverelation to the perceived success of relaunch campaigns for non-durable goods. Regardingthe creation of awareness and trustworthiness, the link to the brand and or manufacturername seems more promising than the one to the previous product version, particularly forthe durable goods industry. Finally, the application of an emotional argumentation wasused by 80% of the non-durable goods firms, whereas the relaunch of durable goods wasequally communicated with emotional and informational messages.
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Nedovolená srovnávací reklama / Unlawful comparative advertisementŠulc, Martin January 2013 (has links)
- 65 - Abstract Unlawful comparative advertisement The thesis, whose subject is unlawful comparative advertising, deals in detail with regulation of such advertising not only in the Czech law but also in the European Union law. The aim of the thesis is to analyse thoroughly the conditions of permissibility which decide whether a particular advertising is an unlawful and unfair one and introduce the readers to the means of legal protection against unlawful comparative advertising. Unlawful comparative advertising is one of nine listed facts of unfair competition, which are among the most frequent ones in economic competition. The unfair competition law and the law against restriction of economic competition are two fundamental branches of the economic competition law, whose main purpose is to affect conduct directed generally against competition. Nowadays, comparative advertising is regulated by the provision § 50a of the Commercial Code. In the new Civil Code, which will come into force on 1 January 2014, comparative advertising will be slightly modified and regulated by the provision § 2980. The regulation of unfair competition in the Czech Republic is greatly influenced by the Act against unfair competition of 1927, whose general clause made it possible to affect subjects acting contrary to the rules of...
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Marketingový význam body image: Komparace vnímání body image v americkém a čínském kulturním prostředí na vybraném segmentu / Importance of Body Image Marketing: Comparison of Body Image Perception in American and Chinese cultural environment on selected segmentSkokanová, Dagmar January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation is focused on exploring differences of perception of body image in consumer marketing in two relatively diverse cultural backgrounds - the United States and China - on a sample of respondents (university students), their fundamental differences in perceptions of ideal body image, differences in attitude to decorate, and modify body. Using content analysis of selected print media portrayed examines differences in female and male bodies in advertising in both countries examined, including analysis of product categories.
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