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Effectiveness of pull-based print advertising with QR codes Role of consumer involvement and advertisement appealTrivedi, Rohit, Teichert, T., Hardeck, D. 12 December 2019 (has links)
Yes / Despite quick response (QR) codes’ prominence, little is known about their embedding in pullbased communications. This study aims to measure QR code effects in print advertising along five different stages of consumer decision making, using advertisement appeals with moderating effects of product category involvement. Data were derived from a German market research initiative with 326,212 consumer evaluations for 792 real print advertisements from 26 product categories. Multinomial logit models were used to investigate the effects of QR code presence on consumer reactions. QR codes steer purchase intention in a low-involvement product category if used alongside an emotional appeal. Advertisements for high-involvement products benefit if QR codes are combined with an overall informational appeal. QR codes do not enhance the persuasive effects of advertisements’ informational appeals in a low-involvement product category. The effects of QR codes on consumers’ responses cannot be analysed in isolation but depend on advertisement context. They interact with advertisements’ informational and emotional appeals and product category involvement. Marketers should not use QR codes indiscriminately but should carefully consider advertisement context. QR codes should be used alongside an emotional appeal if the marketer’s objective is to induce purchase intention in low-involvement settings. Advertisements for high-involvement products need to combine QR codes with an informational appeal. This study highlights the interplay of effects in print advertisements, which are typically considered push-based when they are combined with QR codes as pull-based communications in the digital marketing area.
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The Influence of Content and Context Motivation on Advertisement Effectiveness OnlineKu, Sung Mo 01 January 2015 (has links)
This research proposal provides literature review regarding context motivation and its influence on advertisement effectiveness. I propose two quasi-experiments using motivation as an independent variable while measuring memory for the advertisement in order to predict advertisement effectiveness. The first experiment solely investigates the role of program motivation on advertisement memory. The secondary experiment proposed an investigation looking into the interaction between program motivation and advertisement motivation. Based on previous literature on advertisements, persuasion, and motivation, I hypothesized that high program motivation may impair memory for the advertisements. For Experiment 2, I hypothesized that both independent variables regarding content and context motivation will interact to show different results than Experiment 1, in which only the context motivation is measured. This paper aims to provide an effective marketing strategy in a relatively new yet potent advertising market in OTV (online television).
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The Effects Of Superimposed Advertisements Vs. Traditional CommercialsKocabiyikoglu, Pinar Ayse 01 August 2004 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to find out the effect of type of advertisement & / number of advertisement
manipulation on memory for and attitude towards advertisements. Type of advertisement was
manipulated via embedding either superimposed advertisement(s) or traditional commercial(s) in
a movie. The number of advertisement manipulation was made through embedding either 1 or 7
advertisements for both types of advertisements in the same movie. With respect to type of
advertisement manipulation, it was hypothesized that, both superimposed advertisements and
traditional commercials may have an access to LTM for later recall and recognition. However, it
was expected that, the recall and recognition scores of the viewers exposed to superimposed
advertisement(s) will be lower compared to traditional commercial viewers due to the shorter
duration and background distraction characteristics of superimposed advertisements. Regarding
number of advertisements manipulation, it was hypothesized that, regardless of the type of advertisement, the recall and recognition scores of the viewers exposed to 7 advertisements will
be lower compared to viewers exposed to only 1 advertisement due to retroactive and proactive
inhibition. Secondly, it was hypothesized that, for both types of advertisements the viewers
exposed to 7 advertisements will be able to recall at most 5 advertisements concerning that, at
most 4 or 5 chunks (advertisements) could be processed in STM at one time (Simon, 1973).
Further, it was expected that, the processing capacity of STM for viewers exposed to 7
superimposed advertisements might be reduced due to simultaneous view of the advertisements
with the ongoing program, which may result in less processing of chunks (advertisements) and
therefore lower levels of recall as compared to viewers exposed to 7 traditional commercials. In
the present study, in addition to attitude towards the embedded advertisements, viewers&rsquo / attitude
towards to program was also measured concerning the potential effects of program environment
related variables on attitude towards advertisements. However, in relation to both attitude
towards program and attitude towards embedded advertisements, it was proposed that, the
variations will be on an individual basis / thus, no main effect was expected with respect to both
aspects of attitude measurements. 60 undergraduate students from METU participated in the
study. Data gathered via administration of 2 different attitude scales and 3 different memory
scales. The results of the present study confirmed some of the hypothesizes. However, some
were only partially confirmed and for some, no evidence could be obtained. On the whole, it was
concluded that, the effectiveness of traditional commercials are superior compared to
superimposed advertisements with respect to memory for advertisements. However, when
individuals are exposed to multiple advertisements (7 in our case) this difference was negligible
between traditional commercials and superimposed advertisements. The implications of the
study were discussed.
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The effect of ad smiles on consumer attitudes and intentions: influence of model gender and consumer genderTrivedi, Rohit, Teichert, T. 03 February 2019 (has links)
Yes / Firms widely use smiling models to create a positive background setting for advertisements. This study assesses the various effects of smiling in print advertisements across different stages of consumer decision-making, while also considering interaction effects between the genders of models and viewers. Empirical evidence comes from 175,647 consumer evaluations of 421 real advertisements across a broad spectrum of product categories (22). Beyond gender, a smiling model not only effects a positive attitude change but also influences a product's integration into a relevant set and a consumer's purchase intention. For female consumers, a smiling model of the same gender exerts a greater influence on positive brand attitude change and on purchase intention. Advertisers should avoid using non-smiling male models when targeting female consumers. In contrast, smiling models of both genders can positively influence male consumer reaction, while use of a female model should be avoided during the early stages.
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Consumer Reactions to Animal And Human Models in Print Ads: How Animals and People in Ads Influence the Purchase-Decision JourneyTrivedi, Rohit, Teichert, T. 12 January 2020 (has links)
Yes / For decades, animals have been widely used in advertisements, and yet little is known about the effects on consumer reactions along the entire purchase decision process. This study disentangles the effects of using animal stimuli in isolation or jointly with a human model in print advertisements. Empirical evidence is derived from 126,220 consumer evaluations of 302 actual print advertisements across 18 product categories. Animals do not only support a positive attitude change, they also influence how products integrate into consumers´ relevant set and the purchase intention by itself. By comparison, female consumers react more pronounced than their male counterparts on animal stimuli. However, it should be avoided to combine an animal stimulus with a human model to preserve a better influence over consumer reaction.
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行動廣告效果衡量指標之研究 / The advertisement effectiveness of mobile advertising陳惠雯 Unknown Date (has links)
2.以刺激銷售並提升業績為主時,建議可開啟廣泛比對的購買機制,增加曝光度,避免預算浪費,可做篩選字根操作避免不相關的字根大量出現,導致消費者誤觸點擊而需耗費成本。 / Smartphone has been changing our life is an indisputable fact. The biggest change is that mobile phone is used from talking to browsing. The more consumer use smartphone, the more consumer decrease their attention in digital banners or advertisements. Hence, advertisers should base on different digital campaign’s objective to deliver different banners or creative ads. Since digital is getting more and more important, and the overall market research can’t catch up with the mobile marketing’s growth, this research will base on Modified Delphi Method to survey the mobile advertisement effectiveness in different campaign objectives. The sampling of experts will secure specialists who have related digital experience and must work over 5 years in this advertisement industry. After second round’s survey, this research come out 2 scopes and 5 principles.
1.Impressions and clicks are not key KPI for different campaign objectives
*To maximize brand awareness: not only impressions and clicks, but also click rate and CPM should take as main KPIs (key performance implementation).
*To have a strong relationship with consumer: click, click rate and impressions are the top 3 KPIs should be covered to review in campaign’s post-evaluation.
*To drive the sales: conversion rate, CPM and clicks become the most important elements to review campaign objective.
2.Advertisers should have a long-term strategy in paid key word search
*To maximize brand awareness and have a strong relationship with consumer: recommend to have always-on strategy which means open widespread comparison, phase comparison, and completed comparison all the time to find the potential consumers and drive the sales.
*To drive the sales: recommend to select widespread comparison and filter non-related words to avoid wasting media budget and campaign cost.
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探討Instagram對品牌體驗及廣告效果之影響:以高中生為例 / Exploring the Influence of Instagram on Brand Experience and Advertisement Effectiveness: An Example of Senior High School Students鄭心怡, Cheng, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
探討Instagram對品牌體驗及廣告效果之影響:以高中生為例 / Having a presence on social mobile applications has become a popular marketing strategy for brands. Instagram, a photo-sharing and video-sharing social mobile application became the second largest social network site in the US in 2014 (eMarketer, 2015). Its image-intensive and social interactive nature provides brands a perfect environment for marketing. However, does it help brands to improve the brand experience? Is it a good platform for enhancing advertisement effectiveness? This study aims at exploring Instagram’s influence on brand experience and advertisement effectiveness. Four brands were chosen in this study, they are Nike, Starbucks, Hollister, and BMW. Senior high school students in Taiwan were chosen as the participants of this study. Quasi-experiment and Latin square design were used in this research to explore the influence of Instagram on these senior high school students. The four brands’ Instagram contents were taken as experimental treatment. Students completed measurements in both controlled condition and experimental condition. The result of these two conditions was compared to see Instagram’s influence on brand experience and advertisement effectiveness. The results showed that Instagram significantly improved students’ overall brand experience towards Nike and Starbucks. Instagram also improved the overall advertisement effectiveness of Starbucks and Hollister. However, the Instagram contents of BMW did not have any influence on improving students’ brand experience or advertisement effectiveness. Moreover, participants’ purchase intention toward the four brands was also not affected by Instagram. Based on the insight of this study, Instagram did help improve the brand experience and advertisement effectiveness for some brands. These brands were mostly the apparel and food & beverage brands which was welcomed among younger audiences. Brands that participants were most familiar with were also successful in improving its brand experience on Instagram. Instagram contents that participants can relate to were most influential in improving the advertisement effectiveness. Brands that were less familiar with participants could also gain success on Instagram by providing the right contents. Therefore, when marketing brands among senior high school students in Taiwan, brand types, strengths of brand, and the force of pull from familiarity are crucial on improving their brand experience and advertisement effectiveness on Instagram.
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內容網站型態與橫幅廣告表現方式對廣告效果之影響 / Effect of Content Site Type and Banner Advertisement Approach on Advertisement Effectiveness黃馨瑤, Hsing-yao Huang Unknown Date (has links)
FIND 99年網際網路應用調查指出,資訊互動與生活休閒已成為網際網路的角色及市場定位。在此角色與定位下,網路內容業者實為跨資訊、傳播兩大領域下的新產業,提供網友即時、互動及個人化的資訊,以吸引網友到站瀏覽。網站所帶來的人潮及網路廣告低成本,使得傳統廣告主將網際網路視為行銷通路上的另一個新管道,期望能在網路這群潛在消費者中,增加商品曝光的機會。
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 3
第四節 研究範圍與限制 4
第五節 研究程序 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 網路廣告 7
第二節 內容網站型態 17
第三節 廣告內容表現方式 19
第四節 涉入度之研究 24
第五節 廣告態度之研究 32
第六節 廣告效果之衡量 37
第三章 研究方法 46
第一節 研究架構 47
第二節 研究假說 48
第三節 變數的定義與操作化 51
第四節 研究設計 57
第五節 問卷設計 63
第六節 實驗流程 64
第四章 研究結果分析與討論 66
第一節 資料分析程序 66
第二節 統計方法 67
第三節 量表信度與效度分析 70
第四節 實驗樣本描述統計 74
第五節 內容網站型態、廣告表現方式對廣告效果的影響 85
第六節 網頁內容涉入度與內容網站型態、廣告表現方式對廣告效果的影響 92
第七節 產品涉入度與內容網站型態、廣告表現方式對廣告效果的影響 98
第八節 網路廣告態度與內容網站型態、廣告表現方式對廣告效果的影響 103
第九節 個人背景與內容網站型態、廣告表現方式對廣告效果的影響 109
第五章 結論與建議 136
第一節 研究結論 136
第二節 對實務的建議 141
第三節 研究限制 142
第四節 後續研究的建議 143
參考文獻 144
【中文部份】 144
【英文部份】 146
附錄一 完整線上問卷 152
附錄二 實驗廣告與網站的內容 161
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Cross-Cultural Responses to Cause-Related Marketing Advertising Moderated by Message Framing EffectsChristopher Boulanger, Nolan 13 August 2008 (has links)
This thesis was concerned with the branch of Cooperate Social Responsibility known as Cause-Related Marketing, and focused on the moderating effects of cultural orientation and message framing on CRM advertisement effectiveness. The well-established individualist/collectivist cultural domain was employed through application to Taiwanese and Canadian cultural contexts. With regards to framing, differences between altruistically and egoistically framed messages were explored. It was hypothesized that members of collectivist societies would have increased positive attitudes and purchase intentions towards altruistically framed messages, while members of individualistic societies would have more favorable attitudes towards egoistically framed messages. The primary rationale cited was cultural congruency between the participants and the messages. An experimental design was performed, making use of real world style simulated print advertisement copies, as well as pre and post exposure questionnaires. Overall, the two-way interaction between cultural orientation and message framing was upheld, albeit with interesting and notable secondary results. Although the collectivist orientation was correlated with higher altruistic tendencies and as a result higher overall attitudes towards the CRM advertisements presented, this did not translate into higher overall purchase intentions. Potential reasons discussed included the relatively hedonic nature of the product used in the experiment, which could explain the higher overall purchase intentions of the individualistically oriented participants, based on affect-based complementary theory. As well, the increased level of past exposure to and familiarity with CRM campaigns of the individualist group was considered as a possible covariate factor. This was the first study to explicitly relate CRM advertisement attitude to a crosscultural framework through message framing, thereby offering significant theoretical contributions to the social marketing literature. Managerial implications have been stressed throughout, with the findings of clear relevance to the marketer interested in launching CRM campaigns internationally.
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