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Diagnostika dohasínajícího dusíkového plazmatu metodou optické emisní spektroskopie / Diagnostic of nitrogen post-discharge by optical emission spectroscopyKabeláčová, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is diagnose post-discharge nitrogen plasma with optical emission spectroscopy. There is long interest of investigated of nitrogen post-discharge plasma and study how to use it in theory as well as in practice. All results were measured with method of optical emission spectroscopy of post-discharge plasma. Discharge was generated by direct-current voltage generator with flowing regime. In this thesis was used for different series of experiments. First experiment was performed with adding water vapour into argon plasma. Measuring was processed at constant current 140 mA, voltage 1.5 V and pressure 1 000 Pa. It was changed flow rate and for each individual flow rate was measured in range 1–25 cm from end of active discharge. Second experiment was with adding nitrogen into argon plasma. Measuring was processed at constant current 140 mA, voltage 1.5 V and pressure 1 000 Pa. We were changing flow rate of nitrogen (0,2 sccm, 0,4 sccm and 0,8 sccm). For each individual flow rate was same experiment with changing distance from active discharge. Third experiment was about adding mercury vapour into nitrogen post-discharge. Measuring was processed at constant current 120 mA, voltage 3.5 V and pressure 1 000 Pa. Measuring was performed with two configuration: with diaphragm and without it. Last experiment was about adding air into argon plasma. Measuring was processed at constant current 140 mA, voltage 1.0 V and pressure 1 000 Pa. Temperature of outer face of tube was measured by thermocouple and infrared thermometer, was measured for last two experiments (argon – air and nitrogen). During experiments with pure nitrogen was visible phenomenon called pink afterglow which is manifested by noticeable increase pink coloration. Optical emission spectrums post-discharge was take at various range of wavelength. At argon with water vapour was 280–600 nm and at adding nitrogen into argon was at range 320–500 nm. At added mercury vapour into nitrogen was 320–600 nm. For experiment argon – air was wavelength range 320–600 nm. From results of experiments were designed dependencies of calculated intensity from measured spectra on distance from active discharge. Also were constructed dependencies of measured temperature on distance from active discharge.
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Magnetohydrodynamics of magnetars' high-energy and radio emissions: A simulation studyRiddhi A Mehta (10660724) 07 May 2021 (has links)
<p>This article-based dissertation provides a review on the broad subject of magnetars-their characteristics, giant flares (GFs) and associated observations of X-ray, gamma-ray, and radio emissions and their proposed physical mechanisms. The primary purpose of this dissertation is to provide an extensive description of the two research projects I undertook during my tenure as a Graduate Research Assistant, under the guidance of my advisor. Broadly, my research was focused on building analytical models and running three-dimensional (3-D), high-resolution magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations using the astrophysical PLUTO code to investigate the physical mechanisms behind high-energy (X-ray and gamma-ray) and radio emissions associated with magnetar GFs using observational constraints. This, in turn, aided in either validating or disfavoring existing theories behind such energetic explosions.</p><p>Chapter 1 provides a review on magnetars, their GFs and associated high-energy and radio emissions, largely based on excellent reviews by [1]–[5]. I summarize interesting observational features of magnetars, specifically those of soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs) and anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs), along with known aspects of their X-ray and gamma-ray activity. I focus on the December 27, 2004 GF emitted by SGR 1806-20, the most energetic GF out of the three that occurred to date, describe its energetics and summarize existing theories behind the physical mechanisms that give rise to two emission characteristics associated with the GF - (i) quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) seen in the tail, and (ii) a radio afterglow detected a week after the GF. Lastly, I describe the methods I used to hypothesize the physical mechanisms behind QPOs and the radio emission and compare and contrast them with those suggested previously.</p><p>In chapter 2, I present a version of the research article in preparation and pending publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The work titled “Radio afterglow of magnetars’ giant flares”, undertaken under the supervision of Dr. Maxim Lyutikov and in collaboration with Dr. Maxim Barkov, explores the possible physical mechanisms behind the radio afterglow associated with the SGR 1806-20 GF using high-resolution 3-D MHD simulations.</p><p>In chapter 3, I present a version of the research article previously published by the Journal of Plasma Physics. The work titled “Tilting instability of magnetically confined spheromaks”, undertaken under the supervision of Dr. Maxim Lyutikov, in collaboration with Dr. Lorenzo Sironi and Dr. Maxim Barkov, investigates the tilting instability of a magnetically confined spheromak using 3-D MHD and relativistic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations with an application to astrophysical plasmas, specifically to explain the QPOs arising in the tail of the SGR 1806-20 GF.</p><p>I summarize the main results and conclusions of the two research projects and describe future prospects in chapter 4, followed by appendices A and B which describe additional theoretical concepts and simulation results for a better understanding of the nature of radio afterglows associated with GFs, and structure of spheromaks. References are compiled after the appendices in order that they are first cited, followed by a brief autobiographical sketch, and a list of publications.<br></p>
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Etude des objets transitoires à haute énergie dans l'univers dans l'ère des observations multi-messager / Study of the high-energy transeint objects in the Universe in the era of the multimessenger observationsTurpin, Damien 07 December 2016 (has links)
L'Univers est continûement le théâtre d'événements explosifs capables de relâcher une énorme quantité d'énergie sur des courtes échelles de temps. Ces sources transitoires comme les sursauts gamma, les supernovae ou les noyaux actifs de galaxie sont souvent associées à des objets extrêmes comme des étoiles à neutrons ou des trous noirs. De manière générale, ces sources émettent des radiations électromagnétiques dans une large bande spectrale voire sur la totalité du spectre pour les cas les plus extrêmes. Dès lors, une analyse multi-longueur d'onde est vitale pour étudier et comprendre la physique complexe de ces objets. De plus, au voisinage de ces sources, des particules (rayons cosmiques, RC) pourraient être efficacement accélérées jusqu'à des énergies très elevées dans des processus de chocs violents. L'interaction de ces RCs avec l'environnement peut conduire à la production d'un nombre significatif de neutrinos de hautes énergies. Par conséquent, l'étude des objets transitoires par le biais de l'astronomie neutrino offre la possibilité d'identifier enfin la nature des puissants accélérateurs cosmiques.Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude de deux sources transitoires parmi les plus extrêmes dans l'Univers : les sursauts gamma (en anglais, Gamma-Ray Bursts : GRBs) détectés il y a ~ 50 ans et les sursauts radio (en anglais, Fast Radio Bursts : FRBs) fraîchement découverts il y a ~ 15 ans. Ces sources sont caractérisées par l'émission "prompte" d'un flash gamma (keV-MeV) durant de quelques ms à plusieurs secondes dans le cadre des GRBs et d'un flash intense en radio (GHz) durant quelques ms pour les FRBs. Dans le cas des GRBs une émission rémanente dite "afterglow" est observée dans une large gamme spectrale (X, visible et radio) alors que jusqu'à présent aucune autre contrepartie électromagnétique provenant d'un FRB n'a été découverte. Ces dernières années des modèles d'émission multi-longueur d'onde et multi-messager ont été développés afin d'expliquer ces 2 phénomènes. L'objectif majeur de ce travail de thèse est de tester ces modèles d'émission afin de contraindre la physique et la nature de ces deux objets. Pour cela, une analyse détaillée des propriétés physiques de l'émission afterglow des GRBs a été menée grâce à un large échantillon de données collectées ces 20 dernières années par diverses télescopes. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence les lacunes et les réussites du modèle GRB dit "standard" mais aussi les liens physiques subtils existant entre l'émission prompte des GRBs et leurs rémanences. Une recherche de signal neutrino en coïncidence avec les GRBs/FRBs a aussi été réalisée avec le télescope à neutrinos ANTARES. Les résultats sont décrits dans cette thèse ainsi que les contraintes apportées sur les processus d'accélération des particules durant ces phénomènes transitoires. Enfin, ce manuscrit rend compte des différents programmes d'observations innovants qui ont été engagés sur les télescopes optiques TAROT et Zadko et le télescope à neutrinos ANTARES afin de contraindre la nature des progéniteurs des GRBs/FRBs. / The Universe is continuously the scene of explosive events capable of releasing a tremendous amount of energy in short time scales. These transients like Gamma-Ray Bursts, Supernovae or Active Galactic Nuclei are often associated with extreme objects such as neutron stars or black holes. Generally, these sources emit light in a large spectral energy range and sometimes in the whole electromagnetic spectrum for the most extreme cases. Thus, a multi-wavelength analysis is crucial to study and understand the complex physical processes at work. Furthermore, in the vicinity of these sources, particles (cosmic-rays, CRs) could be efficiently accelerated up to very high energies by violent shock mecanisms. The interaction of these CRs with the surrounding environment may lead to a substantial production of high-energy neutrinos. Therefore, the study of the high-energy transient objects through neutrino astronomy offer the possibility to finally identify the nature of the powerful cosmic accelerators a hundred year after the discovery of the cosmic-rays.This thesis is dedicated to the study of two transient sources among the most extreme ones observed in the Universe: the Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) detected ~ 50 years ago and the Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) newly discovered ~ 15 years ago. These sources are characterised by the "prompt" emission of a gamma-ray flash (keV-MeV) lasting few ms up to few seconds for GRBs and an intense pulse of radio light (GHz) lasting few ms for FRBs. In the case of GRBs a late broadband afterglow emission is observed in X-rays/optical/radio domain while up to now no other electromagnetic counterpart has ever been detected in coincidence with any FRBs. These last years, many models predicting a multi-wavelength and a multi-messenger emission from these two phenomena have been developped. The main goal of this thesis work is to test these models in order to constrain the physics and the nature of the GRBs/FRBs. To do so, a detailed analysis on the physical properties of the GRB afterglow emission was made thanks to a large set of data collected these last 20 years by various facilities. The study reveals the major problems but also the successes encountered with the so-called "standard" GRB model. Subtle connections between the prompt and the afterglow emission are also discussed. In addition, a search for a neutrino signal from GRBs/FRBs was realised with the ANTARES neutrino telescope. The results are described in this thesis as well as the constraints on the particle acceleration mecanisms occuring during these transient phenomena.At last, this manuscript presents the different innovative observational programs realised in the optical domain with the TAROT and Zadko telescopes and in the astroparticle side with the ANTARES neutrino telescope in order to probe the nature of the GRBs/FRBs progenitors.
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Transport neutraler angeregter Spezies im AfterglowBeier, Matthias 28 January 1998 (has links)
Das Afterglow tritt am Übergang vom Plasma zur Gasphase auf.
Die dominierende aktive Spezies im Afterglow sind metastabil angeregte
Neutralteilchen. Der Abbau der Metastabilen erfolgt in drei verschiedenen
Prozessen: dem radiativen Zerfall, den Quenching-Stößen sowie
der Relaxation in Stößen mit Oberflächen. Potentielle
Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Afterglows für Schichtabscheidung
und Oberflächenmodifizierung werden diskutiert. Zur theoretischen
Beschreibung des strömenden Afterglows wurde ein Collisional
Radiative Modell entwickelt, welches die Reflexion angeregter Spezies an
Oberflächen berücksichtigt. Als Diagnostikmethoden wurden die
optische Emissionsspektroskopie (OES), die Chemolumineszenz sowie die
Langmuir-Sondenmessungen eingesetzt, um die Konzentration metastabil
angeregter Spezies zu bestimmen. Es wurde der Einfluß von
konstruktiven und äußeren Paramentern auf die Konzentration
metastabil angeregter Spezies im Afterglow untersucht. Es zeigt sich,
daß unter den gegebenen Bedingungen die Quenching-Stöße
der dominierende Verlustprozeß im Afterglow sind. Die Parameter
Druck, Strömungsgeschwindigkeit und Länge des Afterglows
können zu einem Skalierungsparameter zusammengefaßt werden,
der zur online-Prozeßregulierung verwendet werden kann. Es werden
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Osvětlovací technika moderních vozidel a měření dohlednosti na dosvit hlavních světlometů / The Lighting Equipment Used in Modern Vehicles and the Measurement of the Range of Visibility of the Main HeadlightsMartínek, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This magister’s thesis is about modern lighting of vehicles, the visual range and afterglow in poor visibility. The first part of the thesis provides a detailed analysis of the current situation and problems, including a comprehensive description of the sources of light radiation, lamps, structures, and describe the systems used in modern lighting technology of vehicles. In the second part of the thesis there are the scientific methods to determine the issue of visual range and afterglow of the headlights. The second part is about the application of acquired techniques to detect an afterglow and the visual range of vehicles with modern headlights with a light source with xenon lamp, compared with a vehicle with a halogen lamp and a vehicle with an older halogen headlight.
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Elementární procesy p̌ri nízkých teplotách - reakce iont ̊u H3+ a N2H+ v dohasínajícím plazmatu / Elementary Processes at Low Temperatures - Reactions of H3+ and N2H+ in Afterglow PlasmasKálosi, Ábel January 2019 (has links)
Electron-ion recombination and ion-neutral interactions play a piv- otal role in the chemical evolution of molecules in the Interstellar Medium (ISM). Physical conditions under which these processes un- dergo in the ISM include a wide range of temperatures and particle number densities. This work contributes to the experimental study of named low temperature phenomena in the range of 30 K to 300 K focusing on the reactions of hydrogen-containing light molecules. The employed experimental techniques are based on a combination of a Stationary Afterglow (SA) instrument with a Continuous Wave Cavity Ring-down Spectrometer (cw-CRDS). The main contributions of this work can be split into three topics. (1) The proton and deuteron con- taining isotopic system of H3 + ions. The isotopic fractionation process in collisions with hydrogen and deuterium gas was investigated in low temperature discharges, nominal ion temperatures of 80 K to 140 K, to deduce relative ion densities in the experiments. These are necessary for afterglow studies of isotopic effects in electron-ion recombination of the studied ions. (2) Vibrational spectroscopy of N2H+ ions focusing on first overtone (2ν1 band) transitions and ion thermometry, the first step towards studies of electron-ion recombination. (3) The role of para/ortho spin...
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Transients From Rare, Violent Stellar DeathsAdithan Kathirgamaraju (6726401) 16 October 2019 (has links)
Some of the brightest and most energetic events in the Universe are associated with the death of stars. These stellar deaths power transient electromagnetic emission which are routinely observed on Earth. This dissertation presents our research on various such transients. Its topics includes, supernova remnants, kilonovae, gamma-ray bursts (GRBs): The "long'' type produced from core-collapse supernovae and the "short'' type associated with neutron star merger events. It also focuses on the disruption of stars by the tidal forces of supermassive black holes i.e., tidal disruption events (TDEs). We model the emission from these transients and compare them to observations in order to draw a number of conclusions and make predictions for future detections. For example, we find that the non-thermal emission from supernovae and kilonovae associated with GRBs can produce long term emission which may be detected as a re-brightening in the overall emission. The sharp cut off observed in some TDE flares can be caused by a pre-existing accretion disk present around a supermassive black hole, which is expected in active galactic nuclei. Our work successfully predicted the nature of the very first electromagnetic detection from a neutron star merger, and was able to reproduce the emission that had been observed for more than one hundred days after the merger. This dissertation also provides frameworks on how the observable features of these transients can be leveraged to probe the properties of the progenitor system and their environment. <br>
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Synthesis and characterization of long persistent phosphors using combustion methodColen, Manaka Mmakgabo January 2015 (has links)
In this work, alkaline earth aluminate phosphors doped with rare-earth ions and manganese were
synthesized using combustion method. Several characterization techniques were used to study
the structural and luminescent properties of the as-synthesized phosphors, namely X-ray
diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-ray energy Dispersive
Spectroscopy (EDS), Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) Spectroscopy, Photoluminescence (PL), and
Thermoluminescence (TL). The structural properties were studied by collecting the XRD
patterns of the samples using an X'Pert PRO PANalytical diffractometer with CuKα at λ =
0.15405 nm. The particle morphologies of the as-synthesized powder phosphors were
investigated using a JEOL JSM-7500F field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). The
optical properties of the phosphors were studied using Perkin-Elmer Lambda 750s UV-Vis
spectrometer, Jobin Yvon/SPEX FluoroLog spectrofluorometer (Model FL-1040) and Riso
TL/OSL reader (Model DA-20).
The as-prepared SrAl2O4:Eu
; SrAl2O4:Dy
3+; SrAl2O4:Mn
2+; phosphors were synthesized at an
initiating temperature of 600 oC. The XRD patterns were consistent with the low temperature
monoclinic structure of SrAl2O4 for all the as-synthesized phosphor powders. SEM
measurements showed nano-rod like particles. The SrAl2O4:Eu
; SrAl2O4:Dy
3+; SrAl2O4:Mn
samples were excited using a 450 W Xenon light source at 364 nm, 390 nm, and 426 nm
respectively. A broad blue emission peak at 500 nm shown by the SrAl2O4:Eu
2+ sample is
attributed to the 6 1 7 4f 5d 4f transition of the Eu
ion. Also, the red sharp emission lines due
to the 4f-4f transition of the Eu
were observed.
SrAl2O4:Dy3+ samples exhibited blue, green, and red emissions which can be atributed to the
4 6
9/2 15/2 F H ,4 6
9/2 13/2 F H , and 4 6
9 11
2 2
F H transitions of Dy
ions respectively. The
two broad emissions (green at 513 nm and red at 650 nm) shown by 2+
0.98 2 4 0.02 Sr Al O :Mn
sample can be atributed to the 4 4 6 6
1 1 T ( G) A ( S) transition of the Mn
ion in the sample.
The SrAl2O4:Eu
, Dy
; SrAl2O4:Eu
2+, Mn
; SrAl2O4:Dy
3+, Mn
2+; and SrAl2O4:Eu
phosphors were synthesized by combustion method at an initiating temperature of 600 oC.
The blue emissions were observed in all the samples except SrAl2O4:Eu
2+, Dy
The SrAl2O4:Eu
2+, Dy
phosphor showed the longest afterglow intensity.
The BaAl2O4 doped with Eu
, Mn
and Dy
phosphors synthesized at an initiating
temperature of 600 oC using combustion method. The XRD patterns confirmed the hexagonal
structure of BaAl2O4 in all the as-synthesized samples. A broad blue emission of the
sample at 490 nm is attributed to the 6 1 7 4f 5d 4f transition of the Eu
ion in
the sample. A red emission peak observed at 611 nm is due to the 4f - 4f transition of un-reduced
ions during the combustion reaction. A blue emission at 482 nm, a green emission at 575
nm, and a red emission at 663 nm of the BaAl2O4:Dy
sample can be associated with
4 6
9/2 15/2 F H ,4 6
9/2 13/2 F H , and 4 6
9 11
2 2
F H transitions of the Dy
ions respectively. The
green emission peaks exhibited by BaAl2O4:Mn
sample at 512 nm is due to the
4 4 6 6
1 1 T ( G) A ( S) transitions of the Mn
Barium aluminate phosphors doped with different concentrations of Dy
3+ ion were synthesized
by combustion method at an initiating temperature of 600 oC. The XRD patterns confirmed the
hexagonal structure of BaAl2O4. The emission peaks observed at 482 nm, 575 nm, and 663 nm
are due to4 6
9/2 15/2 F H ,4 6
9/2 13/2 F H and 4 6
9 11
2 2
F H transitions of Dy
ion respectively.
The PL measurements also confirmed the quenching of luminescence at higher concentrations of
the Dy
ion. The UV-Vis measurements has confirmed the increase in the band-gap of the
BaAl2O4 sample followed by a decrease and an increase again as doping concentration of the
The X-ray diffraction patterns of the Ca0.97M0.3Al2O4:Eu
, Dy
(M = Ba, Mg, and Sr) powder
samples prepared by combustion method confirms the monoclinic structure of CaAl2O4 in all
samples. A broad emission peak at 490 nm for both Ba
and Mg
substituted samples and the one for Sr
substituted sample at 485nm are attributed to the 6 1 7 4f 5d 4f transition of the
. The decay curves confirmed that the Mg
substituted sample has a longer persistence
(phosphorescence) than all the other samples. / Physics / M. Sc. (Physics)
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Élaboration de nanostructures d’oxydes métalliques par post-décharge micro-ondes pour la photolyse de l’eau / Elaboration of metallic oxide nanostructures by microwave plasma afterglow for water splittingImam, Abdallah 15 December 2017 (has links)
Durant cette thèse, des couches minces de fer, de fer-cuivre et de cuivre-zinc déposées par pulvérisation magnétron ont été oxydées par des post-décharges plasma pour synthétiser des nanostructures d’oxydes métalliques. L’oxydation par post-décharge permet un abaissement de la température par rapport à l’oxydation thermique dans la mesure où l’oxygène moléculaire est excité ou dissocié, ce qui fournit des espèces plus réactives comme l’oxygène singulet ou l’oxygène atomique. Cette oxydation à température modérée favorise une croissance anisotrope des cristaux. L’oxydation de couches minces de Fe-Cu a conduit à la croissance de nanolamelles de Fe2O3 et de nanoparois, nanotours et nanofils de CuO. La distribution surfacique de ces nanostructures dépend de la température d’oxydation, de la concentration des espèces réactives et de la composition initiale de la couche mince. L’oxydation de couches minces de Cu-Zn a conduit à la croissance de nanofils ultra-minces de ZnO dans lesquels un confinement quantique peut se produire. Les nanostructures obtenues ont été caractérisées par différentes techniques (microscopies électroniques, diffraction des rayons X et spectrométrie de masse des ions secondaires). Les mécanismes de croissance de ces nanostructures sont basés sur le rôle des contraintes, de la température, de la concentration des espèces réactives ainsi que sur l’influence de la taille des grains sous-jacents. Les nanostructures d’oxydes métalliques obtenues serviront comme photocatalyseurs pour produire de l’hydrogène par photolyse de l’eau. Par ailleurs, les nanofils ultra-minces de ZnO serviront de photocatalyseurs pour la purification de l’eau / In this manuscript, metallic oxide nanostructures were synthesized by the oxidation of iron, iron-copper and copper-zinc thin films by means of a plasma afterglow. Thin films were deposited by magnetron sputtering. The use of plasma afterglows allows a lowering of the temperature compared with the thermal oxidation conditions, given that molecular oxygen is excited or dissociated, which provides more reactive species such as singlet oxygen or atomic oxygen. This oxidation at moderate temperature promotes anisotropic crystal growth. The oxidation of iron–copper thin films leads to the synthesis of Fe2O3 nanoblades and CuO nanowalls, nanotowers and nanowires. The surface distribution of these nanostructures depends on the oxidation temperature, the concentration of the reactive species and the initial composition of the thin layers. The oxidation of copper-zinc thin films leads to the synthesis of ultra-thin ZnO nanowires in which quantum confinement could occur. As-grown nanostructures were characterized by various techniques (electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and secondary ion mass spectrometry). The growth mechanisms described for these nanostructures relies on the role of stress, temperature, reactive species concentration and on the effect of underlying grain size. As-synthesized nanostructures will serve as photocatalysts to produce hydrogen by water splitting. In addition, ultra-thin ZnO nanowires will also serve as photocatalysts for water purification
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Caractérisation par infrarouge à transformée de Fourier des réactions chimiques entre post-décharges et précurseurs organosiliciés : cas du 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) / Characterization by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of chemical reactions between post-discharge and organosilicons precursors : case of 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilaneGueye, Magamou 04 April 2016 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire concernent la caractérisation par infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (FTIR) et par spectroscopie d’émission optique (SEO) des réactions chimiques entre post-décharges et précurseurs organosiliciés, avec comme exemple le cas du 3-aminopropyltriéthoxysilane (APTES). Le but est d’obtenir la rétention la plus élevée possible de fonctions amine -NH2 dans les revêtements ou dans les nanoparticules synthétisées. Tout d’abord, un état de l’art des post-décharges Ar-N2 et Ar-O2 et leurs applications est présenté ainsi que la cinétique d’interaction de l’APTES dans ces post-décharges, mettant en évidence le rôle des mélanges plasmagènes sur la décomposition du précurseur et sur la nature des films déposés. Ensuite l’étude de la décomposition de l’APTES dans une post-décharge Ar-N2 est réalisée. Les analyses par SEO et par FTIR in situ montrent le rôle des atomes d’azote N dans la formation des différents sous-produits, à savoir HCN, CO et C=O. Les nanoparticules synthétisées contiennent peu d’amine primaire, et présentent une concentration non négligeable d’azote sous forme d’amide secondaire. Dans le cas de l’étude de la décomposition de l’APTES dans la post-décharge Ar-O2 en mode pulsé, une tendance se dessine : les nanoparticules synthétisées en phase gazeuse lorsque les rapports cycliques augmentent ont une composition qui s’appauvrit en azote et en carbone mais s’enrichit en oxygène. Les groupements NH2 initiaux sont fortement convertis en groupement amide. Les nanoparticules synthétisées avec des rapports cycliques élevés ont des compositions différentes de celles des films minces déposés sur les parois, plus proches de la silice et ce en raison de la gravure par l’oxygène atomique qui les affecte davantage. Le comportement spécifique des atomes d’oxygène et d’azote en post-décharge rend difficile la rétention des amines dans les polymères plasmas. Enfin nous avons terminé par une étude de l’hydrodynamique dans le cas de l’interaction entre l’acétylène et une post-décharge Ar-O2 et établi l’importance de l’écoulement sur toute approche visant à faire des mesures FTIR résolues temporellement / The present work deals with the characterization by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and by optical emission spectroscopy of chemical reactions between a post-discharge and an organosilicon precursor: the 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES). The aim is to keep the highest retention of amine functions -NH2 in coatings or in the synthesized nanoparticles. First, a state of the art of Ar-N2 and Ar-O2 post-discharges and their applications is presented as well as the kinetics of the interaction of APTES in these post-discharges, highlighting the role plasma gases on the decomposition of the precursor and the nature of the deposited films. Then, the study of the decomposition of APTES in an Ar-N2 post-discharge is carried out. Analysis by optical emission spectroscopy (OES) and in situ FTIR show the role of the nitrogen atoms N in the formation of various main by-products, namely HCN, CO and C=O. The synthesized nanoparticles contain few primary amines, and have a significant concentration of nitrogen in the form of secondary amide. In the case of interaction APTES with pulsed Ar-O2 afterglow, there is one main trend: the nanoparticles synthesized in the gas phase when the duty cycle increases have a composition that decreases in nitrogen and carbon but increases in oxygen. The -NH2 groups are efficiently converted into amide groups. The nanoparticles synthesized with high duty cycle exhibit compositions that are different from those of thin films deposited on the walls, the latter being close to silica because of the etching by atomic oxygen, which affects them more. The specific behavior of oxygen and nitrogen atoms in post-discharge makes difficult the retention of a high level of amines in plasma polymers. Finally, we finished with a study of the hydrodynamics in the case of the interaction of acetylene with an Ar-O2 post-discharge and proved the key role of the flow for any approach aiming at getting time-resolved FTIR measurements
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