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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proposta metodológica para mapeamento de vulnerabilidade à inundação

Ramos, Paola de Assis de Souza January 2017 (has links)
A expansão dos centros urbanos, determinada pela demanda de áreas, está fortemente associada à vulnerabilidade da população. Este avanço, muitas vezes ocorre em direção a ambientes frágeis como margens de rios, encostas e mananciais. Desta maneira, as mudanças no ambiente, deflagradas pelas atividades antrópicas, têm contribuído fortemente para maior exposição da população e consequente impactos relacionados às inundações, em relação às inundações. Os mapeamentos de vulnerabilidade são medidas não estruturais muito importantes para avaliar as características de determinada população, que as tornam mais ou menos propensas aos impactos de uma inundação. Desta forma, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é propor uma metodologia, baseada na utilização de SIG, para mapeamento de vulnerabilidade à inundação a partir da integração de dados censitários e de outras fontes, usando como estudo de caso o município de Igrejinha, RS. Determinou-se- como unidade de estudo a mancha urbana presente em cada setor censitário do IBGE. Foram elaborados 10 indicadores distribuídos em 3 dimensões que buscaram avaliar aspectos demográficos, sociais e de infraestrutura e saneamento. Os dados utilizados são provenientes do IBGE e também de outras pesquisas realizadas no município por outros autores. Compreende-se nesta pesquisa que cada indicador possui uma importância diferente e atribui-se um peso especifico para cada indicador e dimensão pelo método Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Os pesos foram atribuídos por especialistas da área e por agentes de Proteção e Defesa Civil. Os pesos foram atribuídos para duas fases distintas do gerenciamento de um desastre: resposta e recuperação. Através de ferramentas presente em SIG, foi utilizado o método dasimétrico para os dados à mancha urbana de cada setor censitário. Como resultado obteve-se um mapa de cada indicador e dimensão, bem como o mapa final de vulnerabilidade à inundação. Foram gerados mapas com pesos atribuídos para resposta e para recuperação. Em cada mapa gerado pode-se obter as áreas mais vulneráveis da área de estudo, que corresponderam as Zonas de Interesse Social de Igrejinha. Para observar certos aspectos que poderiam acarretar na vulnerabilidade, segundo o indicadores utilizados, foi empregada a ferramenta Google Street View. Devido ao seu baixo custo, bem como a facilidade da obtenção dos dados, a metodologia proposta pode ser replicada em qualquer município brasileiro. / The expansion of urban centers, determined by area demand, is strongly associated with the vulnerability of the population. This breakthrough often occurs toward fragile environments such as riverbanks, slopes and springs. In this way, environmental changes triggered by anthropic activitythe changes in the environment, triggered by the anthropic activities, have contributed strongly to greater exposure of the population and consequent flood impacts. Vulnerability mappings are very important non-structural measures to assess the characteristics of a given population, which make them more or less prone to the impacts of a flood. Along these lines, the main objective of this work is to propose a methodology, based on the use of GIS, to map vulnerability to flood, from the integration of census data and other sources, using as a case study, the municipality of Igrejinha, RS. The urban spot present in each IBGE census tract was used as the unit of study. Ten indicators were elaborated in three dimensions that sought to evaluate demographic, social, and infrastructure and sanitation aspects. The data used come from IBGE and also from other surveys conducted in the municipality by other authors. It is understood in this research that each indicator has a different importance and is assigned a specific weight for each indicator and dimension by the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The weights were assigned by specialists in the area and by Civil Protection and Defense agents to two distinct phases of disaster management: response and recovery. By means of tools present in GIS, the dasymetric method was used for the data to the urban spot of each census sector. As a result, a map of each indicator and size was obtained, as well as the final map of vulnerability to flooding. Maps with weights assigned for response and retrieval were generated. In each generated map, it is possible to observe the most vulnerable areas of the study area, which corresponded to the Igrejinha Social Interest Zones. In order to observe certain aspects that could lead to vulnerability, according to the indicators used, the Google Street View tool was used. Due to its low cost, as well as the ease of obtaining the data, the proposed methodology can be replicated in any Brazilian municipality.

我國航空工業維修策略之研究 / Study of Service Strategies in ROC Aeronautical Industry

康福山, Kan, Fu Shan Unknown Date (has links)
現階段我國刻正發展航空工業,而維修係屬我國發展航空工業之一環,其重要性不言可喻,爰特探討我國航空維修工業發展策略為何?本研究先以檢視組織優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅,據以擬定組織未來所應採取策略之SWOT分析法探討我國航空維修工業未來可能發展;再以腦力激盪方式,在國家整體利益立場下,依政策、經濟、技術、社會及執行等五個層面,研擬十三項評估準則;並從各種研討會、公聽會、蒐集資料及參酌產官學研界所提出發展我國成為「亞太飛機維修中心」策略,擬出我國適合四個策略,再運用社會科學統計方法中之層級分析法(AHP)及模糊優先方案選擇(TOPSIS)法可進行優勢排序之特性,即以問卷方式結合國內產官學研界專家之意見,利用多評準決策方法(MADM)中之AHP法,得出各評估準則之相對重要度,在各準則下,將所研擬各策略依專家知識進行直觀之評點;最後以模糊優先方案選擇(TOPSIS)法將評估矩陣結合各準則之權重,得出各策略之優勢排序,以得知產官學研界認為我國發展航空工業最適維修策略,並做為我國發展航空工業政策之參考。   本文研究發現,由華航、長榮、亞航及軍方形成策略聯盟在現有維修能量基礎上,採分工合作,資源共享方式,最符合航空產業各層面需求,而政府僅需扮演導航與輔導者角色即可。其次,為全面提昇我國航空工業科技水準,建議後續研究者,可對航空工業合作及軍機製造模式作更深入之研究,俾有助我國航空工業之健全發展。

Pre-Study of the Important Factors for the Factory Start-Up Abroad

Checherenkova, Svitlana January 2008 (has links)
<p>In the past years Väderstad Verken has been developing rapidly and expanding the sales of its machines in new markets, in particular in Eastern Europe. Due to the growing sales and some risks related to possible increases in the import duties on some agricultural equipment the company is considering the possibility of building a factory in the Eastern Europe to serve that market.</p><p>For this reason the company was interested in a pre-study on the important factors for the factory start-up in Eastern Europe, in particular, Russia and Ukraine. Thus the scope of the thesis included the research and identification of the factors important particularly for Väderstad Verken as well as identifying some general steps necessary for the factory start-up. In order to identify and analyse location factors critical for Väderstad Verken, literature on location analysis was analysed in order to identify a list of possible factors as well as tools which could be used to evaluate them.</p><p>Center of Gravity and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) have been selected to evaluate the performance of several regions on these factors to identify the suitable location of the factory. Expert Choice software was applied in order to simplify the comparison of various factors following the AHP steps.</p><p>A specification for the potential factory has been defined given the desired production capacity and requirements. Two factory layouts have been suggested taking into consideration the possibility of the factory expansion.</p><p>In some way this master thesis could be used as a guideline for the selection of suitable manufacturing location as well as factory start-up.</p>

Introducing GIS and Multi-criteria analysis in road path planning process in Nigeria : A case study of Lokoja, Kogi State

Anavberokhai, Isah January 2008 (has links)
<p>In planning a suitable road network, planners put into consideration factors like gradients or slope of the area, available land-use and soil type, community or national landmarks and governmental interest. These different considerations and interest make the planning process complex and as such there might be confusion of interest in the decision making. The use of GIS and Multi-criteria analysis has helped planners to achieve desired and more accurate results and as such reducing the complex nature in the planning process allowing different stakeholders to reach a general conclusion.</p><p>Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) prevents the imposition of limit on the form of criteria and gives opportunity to decision makers to enter their own judgments. This provides a better communication among the decision makers and the entire community and as such creating a more open choice for analysis and possible changes if necessary. The aim of this thesis is to introduce the possibility of using GIS and MCA in road path planning in Nigeria, using Lokoja, the capital of Kogi state as a case study.</p><p>In actualizing the aim, satellite images of the area of study was obtained from the Landsat home page and analyzed to derive the land-use map. The land-use over the area of study was classified into five different classes using the unsupervised method of classification. A DEM over the area of study was downloaded from the website of the Consortium of Spatial information (CSI) and the DEM was used to derive the slope map over the area of study and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method was used in weighting the criterions according to preference.</p><p>As the conclusion of the analysis, a road path between two points was obtained. The start point of the road was located on an approximate coordinate of 219002, 958986 meters and the destination point on an approximate coordinate of 320322, 878101 meters. The start and destination point were selected randomly without any pre-knowledge of the area. The thesis has succeeded in showing that it is possible to determine a road path between two points using Geographic information system (GIS) and Multi-criteria analysis in Nigeria.</p>

Kan den systematiska riskpremien för ickepublika företag estimeras utifrån redovisningsdata? : Ett test av en modifierad AHP-modell

Navander, Markus, Lundberg, Johan January 2006 (has links)
<p>I publika börsföretag kan kostnad eget kapital estimeras med hjälp av Capital Asset Pricing Model – CAPM utifrån marknadsdata av dess aktiepriser. Eftersom marknadsdata saknas för ickepublika företag måste estimering av kostnad eget kapital utföras på annat sätt, varpå approximativa metoder utvecklats. Då inga av dessa metoder fungerar tillfredsställande har syftet i denna undersökning varit att utreda om Analytisk Hierarki Process kan användas för att utifrån redovisningsdata estimera den systematiska riskpremien för ickepublika företag. Undersökningen har sin utgångspunkt i Cotner & Fletchers (2000) användande av AHP för estimering av den totala riskpremien. Cotner & Fletchers (2000) modell har modifierats för att svara mot undersökningens syfte.</p><p>Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det inte har varit möjligt att estimera den systematiska riskpremien utifrån redovisningsdata. Genom att endast fokusera på redovisningsdata utelämnas viktiga faktorer såsom potentiell marknadstillväxt, konkurrens, patent och möjligheter att förbättra vinstmarginaler.</p>

The International Marketing Key Success Factors for Chemical Engineering Equipment Manufacturing Industry ¡V A case study of F company

Chiou, Huey-Ming 31 July 2007 (has links)
Because of the globalization, oil/energy crisis, divergent political senses, conflicts between economy development and eco strategy, local protest, and China¡¦s open economical strategy, the economy in Taiwan is beaten heavily, especially petrochemical industry. Since Mai-Liao No.6-Naphtha Cracking prject was finished, the manufacturers who supply the equipments are seriously damaged. They can only try to earn orders from international markets. Fortunately, Middle-east, Thailand and China constructing new petrochemical industrial areas in the recent years, and this gives Taiwan manufacturers a slim chance to survive. Certainly, they are facing more difficulties include the business scale, closeness, material-specialty, and the specific request of clients. To the traditional engineering-service industry, no matter to F-company or others, global marketing is the way they must go ahead. Therefore, through the questionnaire which directs to the key factors of success global marketing of petrochemical equipment manufacturers, and analyzed by AHP method, I advance the following opinions: A.In the key factors of success global marketing of petrochemical equipment manufacturers, the internal process is the most important, the secondary are relationship marketing and customer management, and organization and human resource. B.All key factors of global marketing in order are: 1. Match the quality requested by customer. 2. Price with competition. 3. Date of delivery with competition. 4. Promotion of customer-value, satisfied and reliable products/services. 5. Build and maintain good customer relationship. 6. Collaboration of up-down stream (strategy alliance) 7. Attitude and enthusiasm of employees. 8. Promotion of employees¡¦ skill (training) 9. Knowledge management of core competition. 10. Brand image (Complementary Asset.) 11. Corporation of organization and system. 12. Excellent marketing brain. 13. Ability of global marketing. 14. Analysis of customer request and self-SWOT. This research may be referred to petrochemical equipment manufacturers, and help them to learn and bring their own character and successful factors into play to achieve the success of global marketing.

Kan den systematiska riskpremien för ickepublika företag estimeras utifrån redovisningsdata? : Ett test av en modifierad AHP-modell

Navander, Markus, Lundberg, Johan January 2006 (has links)
I publika börsföretag kan kostnad eget kapital estimeras med hjälp av Capital Asset Pricing Model – CAPM utifrån marknadsdata av dess aktiepriser. Eftersom marknadsdata saknas för ickepublika företag måste estimering av kostnad eget kapital utföras på annat sätt, varpå approximativa metoder utvecklats. Då inga av dessa metoder fungerar tillfredsställande har syftet i denna undersökning varit att utreda om Analytisk Hierarki Process kan användas för att utifrån redovisningsdata estimera den systematiska riskpremien för ickepublika företag. Undersökningen har sin utgångspunkt i Cotner &amp; Fletchers (2000) användande av AHP för estimering av den totala riskpremien. Cotner &amp; Fletchers (2000) modell har modifierats för att svara mot undersökningens syfte. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det inte har varit möjligt att estimera den systematiska riskpremien utifrån redovisningsdata. Genom att endast fokusera på redovisningsdata utelämnas viktiga faktorer såsom potentiell marknadstillväxt, konkurrens, patent och möjligheter att förbättra vinstmarginaler.

Pre-Study of the Important Factors for the Factory Start-Up Abroad

Checherenkova, Svitlana January 2008 (has links)
In the past years Väderstad Verken has been developing rapidly and expanding the sales of its machines in new markets, in particular in Eastern Europe. Due to the growing sales and some risks related to possible increases in the import duties on some agricultural equipment the company is considering the possibility of building a factory in the Eastern Europe to serve that market. For this reason the company was interested in a pre-study on the important factors for the factory start-up in Eastern Europe, in particular, Russia and Ukraine. Thus the scope of the thesis included the research and identification of the factors important particularly for Väderstad Verken as well as identifying some general steps necessary for the factory start-up. In order to identify and analyse location factors critical for Väderstad Verken, literature on location analysis was analysed in order to identify a list of possible factors as well as tools which could be used to evaluate them. Center of Gravity and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) have been selected to evaluate the performance of several regions on these factors to identify the suitable location of the factory. Expert Choice software was applied in order to simplify the comparison of various factors following the AHP steps. A specification for the potential factory has been defined given the desired production capacity and requirements. Two factory layouts have been suggested taking into consideration the possibility of the factory expansion. In some way this master thesis could be used as a guideline for the selection of suitable manufacturing location as well as factory start-up.

Introducing GIS and Multi-criteria analysis in road path planning process in Nigeria : A case study of Lokoja, Kogi State

Anavberokhai, Isah January 2008 (has links)
In planning a suitable road network, planners put into consideration factors like gradients or slope of the area, available land-use and soil type, community or national landmarks and governmental interest. These different considerations and interest make the planning process complex and as such there might be confusion of interest in the decision making. The use of GIS and Multi-criteria analysis has helped planners to achieve desired and more accurate results and as such reducing the complex nature in the planning process allowing different stakeholders to reach a general conclusion. Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) prevents the imposition of limit on the form of criteria and gives opportunity to decision makers to enter their own judgments. This provides a better communication among the decision makers and the entire community and as such creating a more open choice for analysis and possible changes if necessary. The aim of this thesis is to introduce the possibility of using GIS and MCA in road path planning in Nigeria, using Lokoja, the capital of Kogi state as a case study. In actualizing the aim, satellite images of the area of study was obtained from the Landsat home page and analyzed to derive the land-use map. The land-use over the area of study was classified into five different classes using the unsupervised method of classification. A DEM over the area of study was downloaded from the website of the Consortium of Spatial information (CSI) and the DEM was used to derive the slope map over the area of study and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method was used in weighting the criterions according to preference. As the conclusion of the analysis, a road path between two points was obtained. The start point of the road was located on an approximate coordinate of 219002, 958986 meters and the destination point on an approximate coordinate of 320322, 878101 meters. The start and destination point were selected randomly without any pre-knowledge of the area. The thesis has succeeded in showing that it is possible to determine a road path between two points using Geographic information system (GIS) and Multi-criteria analysis in Nigeria.

A Study on the Strategies of Value-added Supply Chain Management in Nuclear Medicine

Chang, Chung-shihn 24 June 2010 (has links)
Since the Canadian nuclear reactor ¡§NRU¡¨ was shut down on 14th May, 2009, the global Moly shortage has occurred for a year. The crisis was not only an impact for the patients of the hospitals in Taiwan, but also decreased the sales and margin profit of the nuclear medicine distributors. The S company, a leading and monopolistical distributor in Taiwan, was no longer reliable for its customers because of the nuclear medicine shortage. Actually it looks like the advantage of the S company is lost and the reputation is damaged. This research is trying to figure out how a nuclear medicine distributor like the S company can pursue some effective supply chain strategies to turn around and keep the growth of profit. AHP is the study method for this research. But at first we¡¦ll plan some strategies and tactics for the nuclear medicine distributors (especial the S company), according to Potters¡¦ competition theory and the resource based view of the firm. And then develop the two levels structure for the AHP study in this research. The factors of upper level are 4 strategies, like ¡§Research & Development Strategy¡¨ etc. The factors of lower level are 18 tactics or plans just like ¡§Try to acquire new technology from the advanced radiopharmaceutical institutes¡¨ etc. The AHP will be performed by surveys of experts¡¦ opinions, including both qualitative and quantitative surveys. Five different groups of experts were sampling and chosen for the surveys. By the AHP, the two most weights of the tactics are determined. They are ¡§Integrate individual (country) procurement into multinational procurement for reducing cost¡¨ and ¡§Actively globalized procurement, and monopolistically securing the sources¡¨. Besides, we can discover more valuable opinions from the qualitative analysis of the expert¡¦s surveys. So the results of this research, the effective and advanced strategies and tactics, are the first securing more reliable sources of the nuclear medicine and the second improving globalized procurement. And then try to enhance marketing and strengthen customer relationship. These will be expected to be helpful on both distributors¡¦ profit and customers¡¦ satisfaction.

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