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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation of a quality improvement cycle intervention in the provision of PMTCT at a regional hospital

Van Niekerk, Elizabeth C 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The vast majority of new Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections in infants and young children occur through mother-to-child-transmission (MTCT), either during pregnancy, labour or delivery or by breastfeeding. Without access to perinatal MTCT (PMTCT) programmes approximately 30% of all babies born annually will be infected with HIV. OBJECTIVES The aim was to implement and audit a quality improvement cycle at the Worcester Obstetric Unit, which comprises of Worcester Hospital, a regional hospital in the Western Cape Province and its level one midwife obstetric Unit (MOU), in order to improve the quality of the PMTCT programme. The intervention included the implementation of easy changes and tools in the Antenatal Clinic, Infectious Diseases Clinic and Labour ward. METHODS The files and antenatal records of all HIV positive patients and patients with an unknown HIV status, who delivered at the Worcester Obstetric Unit during January, February and March of 2010 and 2011, were reviewed. All HIV negative patients and patients that had stillbirths and miscarriages were excluded. The pre-interventional findings of 2010 were compared with the post-interventional findings of 2011. RESULTS At the Worcester Obstetric Unit, for the study time period, there were 907 deliveries in 2010, of which 102 (11.2%) patients were HIV positive and 4 (0.4%) had an unknown HIV status compared to 2011, with 865 deliveries of which 108(12.5%) patients were HIV positive and no patients had an unknown HIV status. Significantly more patients were diagnosed with HIV before they fell pregnant than during pregnancy in the 2011 group, when compared with the 2010 group. A CD4 count was done on 94% of patients who were newly diagnosed with HIV and those with an unknown CD4 count result in the 2010 group, compared to 92% in 2011. There was a significant improvement after the intervention in the time it took from when blood was drawn for a CD4 count until the result was followed up, the median time decreased from 34 to 8 days (p=0.000001). Significantly more patients qualified for highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) after the guidelines were changed and the CD4 cut off was increased to 350 cells/l (p=0.001). Prior the intervention 18 patients did not receive the correct management before delivery due to preventable reasons, compared to one at the MOU. After the intervention this decreased significantly to only one patient at Worcester Hospital and none at the MOU (p=0.000001). Before the intervention adherence to the PMTCT protocol at the MOU was significantly better than at the hospital (p=0.0005) and after the intervention there was no significant difference (p=1.0). CONCLUSION Although the audit and quality improvement cycle was performed at a single hospital, with specific changes geared towards their needs, the basic principles can be applied to any Unit in the country providing a PMTCT service. Educating staff, creating awareness and reminding staff of the basic principles of PMTCT, implementing small changes and streamlining processes and setting specific goals or timelines, can lead to significant improvements in care, which ultimately will lead to a decrease in PMTCT of HIV and HIV related maternal and infant morbidity and mortality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die oorgrote meerderheid (>90%) van nuwe Menslike Immuniteitsgebreksvirus (MIV) infeksies in babas en jong kinders vind plaas deur middel van moeder-na-kind-oordrag, hetsy gedurende swangerskap, die kraamproses of borsvoeding. Sonder toegang tot perinatale voorkomingsprogramme (PMTCT) sal ongeveer 30% van alle babas jaarliks met MIV geïnfekteer word. DOELWITTE Die doel van die studie was om ‘n gehalteverbeteringsiklus by die Worcester Verloskunde Eenheid, wat bestaan uit Worcester Hospitaal, 'n streekshospitaal in die Wes-Kaapprovinsie en sy vlak een vroedvrou verlossingseenheid (VVE), te implementer en daarna te oudit, om sodoende die gehalte van die PMTCT-program te verbeter. Die intervensie het bestaan uit die implementering van eenvoudige veranderinge en prosesse in die voorgeboortekliniek, infeksiesiekte-kliniek en kraamsaal. METODES Die lêers en voorgeboorte rekords van alle MIV-positiewe pasiënte en pasiënte met 'n onbekende MIV-status, wat gedurende Januarie, Februarie en Maart van 2010 en 2011 verlos het by die Worcester Verloskunde Eenheid, is nagegaan. Alle MIV-negatiewe pasiënte en pasiënte met doodgebore babas en miskrame is uitgesluit. Die pre-intervensie bevindings van 2010 is vergelyk met die post-intervensie bevindings van 2011. RESULTATE By die Worcester Verloskunde Eenheid was daar 907 geboortes gedurende die studietydperk in 2010, waarvan 102 (11,2%) pasiënte MIV-positief was en 4 (0,4%) met ‘n onbekende MIV-status. In 2011 was daar 865 geboortes waarvan 108 (12,5%) pasiënte MIV-positief was en geen met 'n onbekende MIV-status. In die 2011-groep is beduidend meer pasiënte gediagnoseer met MIV voor as tydens swangerskap. In die 2010-groep is daar 'n CD4-telling gedoen vir 94% van nuut gediagnoseerde pasiënte en diegene met 'n onbekende CD4-telling, in vergelyking met 92% in 2011. Daar was 'n beduidende verbetering na die intervensie in die tyd wat dit geneem het vandat bloed getrek is vir 'n CD4-telling totdat die resultaat opgevolg is. Die mediane tyd het verminder vanaf 34 na 8 dae (p = 0.000001). Nadat die riglyne vir kwalifisering vir hoogs aktiewe antiretrovirale terapie (HAART) verander is na ‘n CD4 telling 350 selle/l het daar beduidend meer pasiënte gekwalifiseer vir HAART. By Worcester Hospitaal het 18 pasiënte voor die intervensie nie die korrekte behandeling intrapartum ontvang nie weens voorkombare redes, in vergelyking met slegs een pasiënt by die VVE. Na die intervensie was daar ‘n beduidende afname na slegs een pasiënt by Worcester Hospitaal en geen by die MOU (p = 0.000001). Voor die intervensie was die korrekte uitvoering van die PMTCT-protokol by die MOU beduidend beter as by die hospitaal (p = 0,0005) en na die intervensie was daar geen beduidende verskil (p = 1.0). GEVOLGTREKKING Alhoewel die oudit en gehalteverbeteringsiklus uitgevoer is by 'n enkele hospitaal, met spesifieke veranderinge gerig tot hul behoeftes, kan die basiese beginsels toegepas word in enige eenheid in die land wat ‘n PMTCT diens verskaf. Opvoeding van personeel en bewusmaking rakende die basiese beginsels van PMTCT, klein veranderinge en die vaartbelyning van prosesse by die voorgeboorte klinieke en die stel van spesifieke doelwitte of tydlyne, kan lei tot aansienlike verbeteringe in pasiënte sorg. Dit sal uiteindelik lei tot 'n afname in die MIV oordrag van moeder na kind, asook MIV-verwante morbiditeit en mortaliteit in moeders en kinders.

Molecular epidemiology of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 in children at Tygerberg Hospital

Korsman, Stephen Nicolaas Jacques 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed (Medical Microbiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / One of the major routes of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the developing world is vertical transmission from mother to infant – pre-, intra-, or post-partum. In the Western Cape, HIV-1 subtype C is the predominant subtype in the heterosexual population, and this trend was expected to be seen amongst cases of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. The aim of this study was to perform genetic characterisation and phylogenetic analysis of the HIV-1 genome in positive serum/plasma samples obtained from children (age 0 to 18 months) from 2000-2002, and temporally related specimens from their mothers. We obtained 27 suitable pairs of samples taken within 6 months of delivery. From this pool, we obtained 21 infant DNA sequences and 17 maternal sequences, resulting in 16 mother-infant pairs. All patient sequences were identified as HIV-1 subtype C, and, as expected, mother and infant viral sequences clustered together. In some cases where a mother was suspected to have two dominant quasispecies based on the electropherogram, only one sequence was detectable in the infant. Single or multiple amino acid deletions were consistent between mothers and infants, and some pairs showed the same amino acid deletions seen in other pairs.

The cost effectiveness of a mother-to-child-transmission prevention programme in the Western Cape

Osman, Yusuf Ismail 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: After sexual transmission of HIV, mother-to-child (MTCT) transmission is the most common cause of HIV infection in South Africa. The Western Cape government, through the Premier, has committed itself to providing access for all HIV positive women in the province attending antenatal clinics to MTCT prevention programmes by the end of 2003. The MTCT prevention programme is aimed at intervening transmission during pregnancy, during the birth of the baby and post delivery during breast-feeding of the newborn baby. The HIV virus attacks and destroys the cells of the immune system by being incorporated into the reproductive cycle of the cell. Antiretroviral drugs in the fight against HIV target two aspects of this replication cycle of the virus and as such do not halt the infection but slow it down by preventing the replication of the virus. MTCT internationally has been reduced dramatically by the use of antiretroviral drugs (AZT) antenatally, during birth and post-natally for mother and baby. However this regimen was found to be not suitable for resource-poor countries due to the complexity in administration, compliance and costs. Poor countries have developed alternative MTCT prevention programmes based on shorter course regimens and on alternative antiretroviral drugs. MTCT prevention In South Africa initially did not have the support of the national government. However, the -Western Cape Administration had developed a regional programme phasing in MTCT prevention at all state clinics within the province. The cost drivers associated with the MTCT prevention programme include costs associated with the HIV tests, costs for pre- and post-test counselling, costs for the antiretroviral drugs and costs for substitute feeding to replace breast-feeding to prevent viral transmission during breast-feeding. Depending on the option exercised, costs can be calculated per HIV positive baby averted. As regards substitute feeding, which is a substantial cost driver and a major disadvantage to the newborn baby as regards protection from common childhood diseases such as diarrhea, research from Tanzania showed that ARV therapy during childbirth could suppress HIV transmission through breast-feeding during the first few weeks after childbirth, thus enabling an optimal combination of breast-feeding in the first few crucial weeks of the newborn's life for the protective benefits of breast-milk and formula feeding thereafter to ensure protection for the infant from HIV transmission through breastfeeding. The data were subjected to a sensitivity or a "what-if' analysis usmg an Excel spreadsheet. Costs per HIV averted were calculated for each assumed parameter in the model that was developed. As regards prevalence, the MTCT prevention programme is most cost effective at the lower levels of the seroprevalence of HIV in the population served. If the seroprevalence is above the "cross-over" or "optimal" point for the regimen an alternative regimen should be assessed. As regards levels of identification and number accepting intervention the principle of an economy of scale applies and therefore, a level of 100 percent in both cases should be targeted. This will be dependent on wide scale advertisements and support for the programme with active efforts to destigmatise the infection. Innovative programmes such as the mothers-to-mothers-to-be (M2M2B) programme must be encouraged. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Na seksuele oordraging van HIV is moeder tot kind (MTK) oordraging die algemeenste rede van HIV infeksie in Suid Afrika. Die Wes-Kaapse regering, deur die Premier, het hulself verbind om toegang vir alle HIV positiewe vroue in die provinsie, wat voorgeboorte klinieke bywoon, tot MTK voorkomingsprogramme voor die einde van 2003 moontlik te maak. Die MTK voorkomingsprogram is gerig op die tussenkoms van transmissie gedurende swangerskap, gedurende die geboorte en die nasorg tydens die borsvoeding periode van die pasgebore baba. Die HIV virus val die selle van die immuun sisteem aan en' vernietig dit. Die virus word geïnkorporeer tot die reproduksie siklus van die sel. Antiretrovirale wat teen die virus gerig is, is gerig teen twee aspekte van die replikasie siklus van die virus en sodoende sal die medikasie die infeksie nie staak nie, maar eerder vertraag as gevolg van die voorkoming van die replikasie. Moeder-tot-kind infeksie is internasionaal drasties verminder deur die gebruik van antiretrovirale (AZT) gedurende die tydperk voor geboorte, gedurende die geboorte en gedurende nasorg van die moeder en baba. Hierdie regimen is egter nie altyd moontlik in arm lande nie vanweë die kompleksiteit van die administratiewe toepassing en kostes. Arm lande het alternatiewe MTK voorkomingsprogramme ontwikkel, gebaseer op korter kursusse en alternatiewe antiretrovirale. Die voorkoming van MTK infeksie in Suid-Afrika het eers nie die ondersteuning van die nasionale regering geniet nie. Die Wes-Kaapse Adminstrasie het onafhanklik van die nasionale regering, streeksprogramme ontwikkel vir die infasering van MTK voorkoming in alle klinieke in die Provinsie. Die kostedrywers wat met MTK voorkomingsprogramme geassosieer word, sluit in die koste van HIV toetse, koste van voor-en-na toets berading, koste van die antiretrovirale en alternatiewe voeding om virale transmissie te voorkom gedurende die tydperk van borsvoeding. Afhangende van die opsies wat gebruik is, kan die koste van elke baba wat nie HIV opdoen nie, bereken word. Sover dit alternatiewe voeding aangaan, wat 'n belangrike kostedrywer is en 'n nadeel vir elke baba is sover dit teen beskerming van algemene kindersiekte soos diarrhea gaan het navorsing in Tanzanië bewys dat ARV terapie gedurende geboorte ook HIV transmissie deur borsvoeding gedurende die eerste paar weke na geboorte onderdruk wat 'n optimale kombinasie van borsvoeding in die eerste paar kritiese weke van die nuutgebore baba se lewe vir die beskermende voordele van moedersmelk en formulêre voeding daarna te versterk met beskerming van die baba teen HIV transmissie deur borsvoeding. Deur die gebruik van 'n Excel werkblad en 'n "wat as" metode van analiese koste van HIV opdoen in bereken word vir elke aanvaarding. Sover dit voorkoms betref is die MTK voorkomingsprogramme die mees effektief hoe laer die "seroprevalence" van HIV in die populasie gedien word. As die "seroprevalence" hoër as die optimale punt is, moet 'n ander metode bereken word. Sover dit die mate van identifisering en hoeveelheid die tussenkoms aanvaar in 'n mate van 100 persent moet in beide gevalle die mikpunt wees. Dit sal afhang van grootskaalse advertensies en ondersteuning van die programme met bedrywige pogings om die' infeksie te destigmatiseer. Nuwe programme soos die moeder tot nuwe moeder (M2M2B) program moet aangemoedig word.

Innate immune mechanisms in limiting HIV-1 pathogenesis among South African adults and mother-infant pairs.

Ndlovu, Bongiwe Goodness. 11 November 2013 (has links)
This study was conducted to investigate the role of natural killer cell surface receptors, KIRs and their cognate HLA ligands in preventing HIV-1 acquisition and disease progression in HIV-1 exposed infants. Using DBS stored for 8 years from 21 pregnant South African women we evaluated 3 methods of gDNA extraction with and without whole genome amplification (WGA) to characterize immune-related genes: IL-10, KIR and HLA class I. However, IL-10 SNP typing was only for testing the quality of gDNA. QIAamp DNA mini kit yielded the highest gDNA quality (p<0.05; Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test) with sufficient yield for subsequent analyses. In contrast, WGA was not reliable for SSP-PCR analysis of KIR2DL1, KIR2DS1, KIR2DL5, and KIR2DL3 or high resolution HLA genotyping using a sequence-based approach. A cohort of 370 infants; 124 HIV-1 perinatally infected, 120 exposed uninfected and 126 unexposed healthy infants was used for KIR and HLA genotyping. After adjustment for viral load and multiple comparisons, the frequency of HLA-Cw*04:01 allele was likely to be associated with susceptibility to mother-to-child acquisition of HIV-1 in exposed infected (EI) infants (p=0.05; Logistic Regression analysis). HLA-A*23:01 was likely to be associated with decreased CD4 T lymphocyte count in HIV-1 infected infants (p=0.01; ANOVA), whereas HLA-B*81 tended to be associated with higher CD4 T lymphocyte count (p=0.04, ANOVA). We speculate that HLA-Cw*04:01 interacts with KIR2DL1 and inhibit NK cell responses which predispose the infants to HIV-1 infection. KIR2DS1 and KIR2DL5 were both associated with faster HIV-1 disease progression. Identified protective HLA-class I alleles could be used to present viral epitopes to either NK cells via KIRs or CTLs and enhance immune activation which may promote resistance to HIV-1 infection. / Thesis (M.Med.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.

The views of midwives regarding the implementation of PMTCT programmes in public health centres in Soweto

Loti, Dorothy 02 June 2014 (has links)
M.Cur. (Maternal and Child Nursing Science) / The implementation of the PMTCT programme was conceptualised in 2000. The aim of this study was to determine the views of midwives regarding the implementation of the PMTCT programmes in the public health centres in Soweto. Data was collected from midwives involved in the implementation of PMTCT in antenatal clinics by means of semi-structural interviews. Of the 20 midwives (N=20) interviewed, only five (5) midwives attended formal training. The discussion of the views of midwives regarding the implementation of PMTCT centered around the lack of formal training, lack of resources, lack of infrastructure, negative attitude of the community, lack of budgeting, lack of support by colleagues and poor management support, language barriers in communication and religious beliefs. This study found that midwives need to go for formal training on PMTCT programmes and that more research need to be done in this field. Moreover, the findings from this study have implications for clinical practice. In addition, guidelines were formulated to help midwives and other health care practitioners to implement the PMTCT programmes in antenatal care.

The prevention of HIV transmission from mother-to-child : the obligations of the South African government in terms of national and international laws

Mpaka, M. 01 1900 (has links)
Women and children are often the most affected by pandemics which have swept through the world, and in this regard the HIV/AIDS pandemics is not an exception. The most common route of HIV infection in HIV positive children under 5 years of age is through Mother-To-Child Transmission (MTCT). In spite of the seriousness of this pandemic, the Constitutional Court has found that the measures taken by the South African government with regard to the Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) has fallen short of what the Constitution requires. This dissertation critically reviews the management of the South African PMTCT programme, and discusses the relevant Court decisions. The study finally clarifies the obligations of the South Africa government in the context of PMTCT under the 1996 Constitution and in terms of international law. / Constitutional,International & Indigenous Law / LL.M. (Legal aspects of HIV/AIDS)

Utilzation of antenatal care (ANC) and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) services in east Ekurhuleni sub-district, Gauteng Province, South Africa

Tshabalala, Maureen Fatsani 02 1900 (has links)
This study sought to determine if ANC and PMTCT services are utilized within the first trimester of pregnancy by the women in East Ekurhuleni sub-district. Quantitative descriptive research was conducted on 390 eligible pregnant women and data collection was done using structured questionnaires. The results indicated that women start ANC late despite their knowledge of first trimester as the best time to start ANC. Actions that would motivate them to start ANC early were explored and barriers were identified. / Health Studies / MA (Public Health)

The prevention of HIV transmission from mother-to-child : the obligations of the South African government in terms of national and international laws

Mpaka, M. 01 1900 (has links)
Women and children are often the most affected by pandemics which have swept through the world, and in this regard the HIV/AIDS pandemics is not an exception. The most common route of HIV infection in HIV positive children under 5 years of age is through Mother-To-Child Transmission (MTCT). In spite of the seriousness of this pandemic, the Constitutional Court has found that the measures taken by the South African government with regard to the Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) has fallen short of what the Constitution requires. This dissertation critically reviews the management of the South African PMTCT programme, and discusses the relevant Court decisions. The study finally clarifies the obligations of the South Africa government in the context of PMTCT under the 1996 Constitution and in terms of international law. / Constitutional,International and Indigenous Law / LL.M. (Legal aspects of HIV/AIDS)

An exploration of the barriers (socio-cultural) to successful implementation of PMTCT in Eastern Cape

Marutle, Lillian Dipuo 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research provides some insight into some of the socio-cultural barriers hindering the implementation of MTCT programmes in Eastern Cape. In most parts of the world today, HIV infection is increasing faster among women more than men. The resulting infection of women is that many babies born to HIV mother become automatically infected. Mother-to-Child transmission (MTCT) of HIV is most significant source of HIV infection in children. Of the estimated 36 million people living with HIV/AIDS, 1.4 million are children (UNAIDS, 2002). The devastating effect of MTCT, prompted the South African government to initiate an urgent programme. In 2000, the SA government set up 18 pilot sites, including 2 sites in Eastern-Cape; the East London Complex, to curb children HIV infection. However, four years after the inception of the programme its success still depends largely on many factors, one of which is the socio-cultural barrier. This research therefore set out to explore some aspect of these socio-cultural barriers that is hindering the PMTCT programme in Eastern Cape. The research report consists of five chapters. Chapter 1. Deals with the introduction into the topic. Chapter 2. Summarises the literature on PMTCT associated with the research, as well as risk factors associated with PMTCT and possible interventions that were identified in various literature that attempts to reduce MTCT. Chapter 3. Focus on the research methodology. It explains the study design, the research aim and objectives, the study population and data analysis resulting from the research. Chapter 4. The results of the research findings is discussed in-dept in this chapter. An overarching theme of high level of societal stigma emerged as the key socio-cultural barrier. Chapter 5. This chapter discusses the identified socio-cultural barrier as well as possible recommendations as to how to address some of these barriers and also suggestion for further research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing bied ‘n mate van insig tot sommige van die sosiokulturele beperkinge wat die implementering van sogenaamde MTCT-programme in die Ooskaap kortwiek. In die meeste wêrelddele styg die voorkoms van die HIV-virus onder vroue tans vinniger as onder mans. Die resultaat daarvan is dat die babas van geïnfekteerde vroue outomaties ook geïnfekteer word. Moeder-tot-kind-oordrag MTKO (Mother-to-child transmission –MTCT) van MIV is die hoofsaaklike bron van infeksie in kinders. Van die geskatte 36 miljoen mense wat tans met MIV/VIGS lewe, is 1, 4 miljoen kinders (UNAIDS, 2002). Die vernietigende effek van MTKO het die Suidafrikaanse regering daartoe genoop om ‘n dringende program van stapel te stuur. Gedurende die jaar 2000, het die SA regering beslag gegee aan 18 loodsterreine, waarvan 2 in die Ooskaap-Oos-Londen-kompleks, om MIV-infeksies onder kinders te begin beperk. Vier jaar na die aanvang van die program, egter, is die sukses daarvan steeds afhanklik van ‘n veeltal faktore, een waarvan die sosio-kulturele grens is. Om hierdie rede was hierdie navorsing daarop ingestel om sommige aspekte van hierdie sosio-kulturele grense wat die VMTKO-programme (Voorkomig van MTKO) in die Ooskaap bemoeilik, van nader te ondersoek. Die navorsingsverslag bestaan uit vyf hoofstukke. Hoofstuk 1. Handel oor die inleiding tot die onderwerp. Hoofstuk 2. Som die bestaande literatuur oor VMTKO op sover dit op die navorsing van toepassing is; insluitende risikofaktore wat met VMTKO geassosieer word asook moontlike intervensies met die oog op pogings om MTKO te verlaag, soos geïdentifiseer in verskeie bronne in die literatuur. Hoofstuk 3. Fokus op die navorsings metodologie. Dit verduidelik die ontwerpbeginsels van die studie, die navorsingsdoelstellings en oogmerke, die teikengroep van die studie en die data-analise voortspruitend uit die navorsing. Hoofstuk 4. Die navorsingsresultate word hierin in diepte bespreek. ‘n Oorheersende tema van stigma binne gemeenskapsverband tree as sentrale sosiokulturele grens na vore. Hoofstuk 5. Die geïdentifiseerde sosiokulturele grense word bespreek en moontlike aanbevelings gemaak ten opsigte van hoe sulke grense aangespreek kan word, asook voorstelle vir verdere navorsing.

Determinants contributing to exclusive breastfeeding in HIV-infected mothers of infants aged 0-6 months who attend an NGO Health Centre in Elandsdoorn Village

Mohlajoa, Katlego Thabo 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Breastfeeding is particularly important in resource-poor regions of the world, where limited access to clean water increases the risk of diarrhoeal disease if replacement feeding is used. However, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is transmitted through human milk. Purpose of the study The purpose of this study was to describe the determinants contributing to exclusive breastfeeding in HIV-infected mothers of infants aged 0 to 6 months who attend an NGO Health Centre in Elandsdoorn Village. Methods A quantitative research approach using a non-experimental cross-sectional study was undertaken to conduct this study. A self-reported study questionnaire was used to collect data from study participants. Purposive sampling was used to sample 75 mothers from 18 to 45 years of age who were HIV-positive. SPSS version 23 was used to analyse the data. Results The study results indicated that there are determinants contributing to exclusive breastfeeding and a need to establish a more comprehensive approach to educating pregnant women on reproductive health issues, and exclusive breastfeeding in particular. Factors contributing to low levels of exclusive breastfeeding included breast problems, societal influence, maternal health concerns, insufficient support, fear of stigmatisation, and babies’ health concerns. This caused mothers to discontinue exclusive breastfeeding. Conclusions The intention of this study was to reveal the determinants of exclusive breastfeeding affecting mothers who are HIV-infected and breastfeeding their infants. / Health Studies / M.P.H.

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