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Study of Confinement and Sliding Friction of Fluids Using Sum Frequency Generation SpectroscopyNanjundiah, Kumar January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Sleep Loss and Environmental Exposures in Asthma Patients (SLEEAP):Chemical and Statistical Analyses for Interior Aerosols from Buffalo, NY ResidencesLuma, Johnson 14 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigation of Ignition Delay Times of Conventional (JP-8) and Synthetic (S-8) Jet Fuels: A Shock Tube StudyBalagurunathan, Jayakishan 27 February 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Les hémicryptophanes : de la reconnaissance moléculaire à la catalyse supramoléculaire / Hemicryptophanes : from molecular recognition to supramolecular catalysisPerraud, Olivier 28 June 2012 (has links)
La synthèse de molécules possédant une cavité présente un grand intérêt car ces dernières peuvent agir comme récepteurs moléculaires ou comme catalyseurs supramoléculaires et ainsi mimer l'activité des enzymes. Les hémicryptophanes possèdent ainsi des cavités dissymétriques complexes formées à partir d'une unité cyclotrivératrylène et d'une seconde unité de symétrie C3 et présentent des propriétés catalytiques et de reconnaissance particulièrement intéressantes.Les travaux effectués au cours de cette thèse reposent donc sur la synthèse de nouveaux hémicryptophanes et sur leur utilisation pour la reconnaissance moléculaire de composés biologiquement actifs et pour la catalyse supramoléculaire. A ce titre, différentes voies de synthèse ont été abordées et ont permis d'obtenir un panel de nouveaux récepteurs. Ces composés ont alors été appliqués dans un premier temps à la reconnaissance sélective de paires d'ions et de neurotransmetteurs zwitterioniques puis à la reconnaissance stéréosélective de sucres. Les propriétés complexantes de ces composés ont principalement été étudiées par spectroscopie RMN et à l'aide de calculs quantiques. Enfin, la synthèse de complexes supramoléculaires cuivre-hémicryptophane nous a permis de développer l'utilisation de ces composés pour la catalyse biomimétique d'oxydation des alcanes. / Molecular containers are very attractive as they can act as molecular receptors or supramolecular catalysts and so mimic biological entities such as enzymes. Hemicryptophanes are heteroditopic host molecules created from the association of a cyclotriveratrylene unit with another C3-symmetric moiety and which present interesting catalytic and recognition properties. During this thesis, we based our work on the synthesis of new hemicryptophanes and their application, first in molecular recognition of bioactive molecules and then in supramolecular catalysis. Different synthetic paths have been developed to obtain several new receptors. Their binding abilities have then been studied in selective recognition of ion pairs and neurotransmitters and in stereoselective recognition of carbohydrates. These works have been performed mainly thanks to NMR spectroscopy and quantum calculations. Finally, copper-hemicryptophane complexes have been synthesized and used as supramolecular catalysts in C-H oxidation of alkanes.
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Mise au point de méthodes pour l’analyse de substances critiques issues des rejets industriels et de la fabrication des produits de la filière cuir / Analytical developments for the determination of critical substances of the leather field in waste water and leather goodsRey, Aurélien 24 February 2012 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la protection de l’environnement et du consommateur, CTC effectue des tests enchimie analytique sur de nombreux paramètres en matrices aqueuses, cuir et textile. Les nouvelles substancesmises sur le marché ainsi que les réglementations évoluant sans cesse, le développement de nouvellesméthodes d’analyses est donc nécessaire.Plusieurs méthodes analytiques ont ainsi été développées. Pour l’analyse des rejets d’effluents industriels desinstallations classées et pour l’analyse d’innocuité de produits utilisant le cuir ou le textile (chaussures,maroquinerie, prêt-à-porter…).Les chloroalcanes ont été dosés en chromatographie gazeuse (GC) associée à la spectrométrie de masse (MS)utilisant l’ionisation chimique, à la fois en matrices aqueuses (limite de quantification, LQ, à 0,6 μg/l) et sur lescuirs (LQ à 2 mg/kg).Une analyse des alkylphénols et alkylphénols ethoxylates a été développée pour les matrices aqueuses parGC/MS (LQ à 0,05 μg/l).Plusieurs familles de retardateurs de flammes ont ensuite été étudiées. Les polybromodiphénylethers peuventêtre dosés dans les eaux (LQ<0,05 µl) et le cuir (LQ <= µg/kg), par GC/MS en ionisationchimique.L’hexabromocyclododécane et des organophosphates, par chromatographie liquide et spectrométrie de masseen tandem pour des matrices textiles (LQ à 6 mg/kg). Des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques dans le cuir ont ensuite été analysés par GC/MS-MS (LQ à 250 μg/kg).Enfin, une méthode multirésidus portant sur plusieurs familles de micropolluants organiques a été mise aupoint en GC/MS pour les rejets d’effluents (LQ <0,1 µg/l) / Taking in account the increasing needs and demands in environmental and consumer protection, CTCis always seeking improvement in analytical methods and development of new ones dealing with leather,fabrics and aqueous samples. In this thesis, several new methods were developed to be able to handleanalytical requests dealing with leather and textile materials being parts of shoes, clothes and other leathergoods.A GC/MS method using chemical ionization was developed to detect short polychlorinated alkanes down to aconcentration of 0.6 μg/L in aqueous sample and 2 mg/kg in leather samples. Alkylphenols and theirethoxylates were similarly determined by GC/MS down to 0.05 μg/L.Flame retardants are another large class of chemicals becoming suspicious. Polybromodiphenylethers weredetermined in aqueous samples and leathers. The respective GC/MS highest limits of quantification (LOQ)were0.05 µg/l and 80 μg/kg. Other members of this class are hexabromocyclododecane andorganophosphates. Both were determined by LC/MS-MS with LOQ of about 6 mg/kg.Carcinogenic polyaromatic hydrocarbons were also determined in leather samples using GC/MS-MS down to250 μg/kg.The last improved GC/MS analytical method was handling sewage sludge seeking multi residues of organicpolluants down to the 0.1 µg/l level or below. The analytical performances developed or improved allowedfor an efficient and useful control of the various sample received from the CTC customers and followinginternational quality rules
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Aumento de células T CD4+CD69+ e redução de células T reguladoras CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ em camundongos com Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico (LES) induzido por pristane / Increase of CD4+CD69+ T cells and reduction of CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in pristane-induced mice with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)Peixoto, Tatiana Vasconcelos 25 September 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico (LES) é uma doença autoimune multissistêmica de etiologia complexa que envolve fatores ambientais, genéticos e hormonais. É caracterizada pela produção de autoanticorpos e mediadores inflamatórios, ativação e proliferação de células T autorreativas e perda da autotolerância imunológica. Em pacientes com LES, a expressão do receptor primário de ativação CD69 é aumentada e a de células T supressoras/reguladoras (Treg) CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ é reduzida. O CD69 é essencial para ativação de células T CD4 autorreativas enquanto que as células Treg são importantes na manutenção da autotolerância. Desta forma, células T tem um papel central na patogênese do LES, mas os mecanismos implicados na falência da autotolerância ainda não são elucidados, destacando a importância de estudos em modelos experimentais da doença, como o de LES-induzido por pristane. Objetivo: Quantificar células T CD4+CD69+ ativadas e Treg CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ no sangue, baço e LP de camundongos Balb/c LESinduzido por pristane no sentido de avaliar a falência de autotolerância neste modelo. Métodos: Analisamos 84 camundongos Balb/c fêmeas: 52 receberam por via intraperitoneal uma dose única de 0,5 ml de pristane e 32 a mesma dose de salina. Amostras de sangue, baço e LP dos camundongos eutanasiados foram coletadas 90, 120, 180 e 300 (T90, T120, T180 e T300) dias após a inoculação de pristane ou salina. Células mononucleares do sangue periférico (CMSP), do LP (CMLP) e esplenócitos foram obtidos por lise das hemácias seguida de lavagens com RPMI medium 1640 e centrifugação, e posteriormente criopreservadas até a avaliação por citometria de fluxo usando o aparelho Guava EasyCyteTM HT (Millipore). Para esta etapa, as células foram descongeladas, lavadas com RPMI medium 1640 e incubadas com anticorpos monoclonais dirigidos contra CD3, CD4, CD25, CD28, CD69, CTLA-4, FoxP3, CD14 e Ly6C (BD PharmingenTM). Os resultados foram expressos como média ± DP e teste de Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para análises estatísticas, sendo p<0,05 considerado significante. Resultados: Comparados aos animais controles, animais com LES-induzido por pristane apresentaram aumento de células T CD4+CD69+ no sangue nos T90, T120 e T180 (p < 0,022, p=0,008 e p=0,010, respectivamente) e no baço no T120 (p=0,049), enquanto que, no LP, houve redução destas células nos T120, T180 e T300 (p=0,001, p=0,001 e p < 0,001, respectivamente). A porcentagem de células Treg CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ foi menor no sangue nos T90, T120 e T180 (p=0,018, p=0,012, p < 0,046, respectivamente), no baço, nos T120 e T180 (p=0,018 e p=0,013), e no LP nos T90 e T300 (p=0,008 e p=0,005). Conclusão: Aumento da expressão de células T CD4+CD69+ e redução da expressão de Treg CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ sugerem células T CD4 ativadas e perda da autotolerância periférica em camundongos com LES-induzido por pristane. Estas alterações são semelhantes às observadas no lúpus humano, de modo que demonstramos que este modelo também pode ser útil na avaliação de mecanismos de ativação celular, tolerância periférica desequilíbrio imune homeostático envolvidos no LES / Introduction: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is multisystemic autoimmune disease with complex etiology that involves environmental, genetic and hormonal factors. Is characterized by auto-antibodies and inflammatory mediators production, autoreactive T cells activation and proliferation and loss of immunogenic autotolerance. In patients with SLE, expression of CD69 activation primary receptor is increased and the CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ suppressor/regulatory T cell (Treg) is reduced. CD69 is essential for activation of autoreactive CD4 T cells while Treg cells are important in autotolerance maintenance. In this way, T cells have a central role in the pathogenesis of SLE however, the mechanisms implied in the autotolerance failure are still not elucidated, highlighting the importance of studies in this disease\'s experimental models, such as pristane-induced SLE. Objective: Quantify activated CD4+CD69+ T cells and CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ Treg in blood, spleen and peritoneal lavage (PL) of Balb/c mice with pristane-induced SLE in order to evaluate autotolerance failure in this model. Methods: 84 female Balb/c mice were analyzed: 52 received a single intraperitoneal 0,5 ml dose of pristane and 32 the same dose of saline. Euthanized mice samples of blood, spleen and peritoneal lavage were collected 90, 120, 180 and 300 (T90, T120, T180 and T300) days after inoculation of pristane or saline. Mononuclear cells from peripheral blood (PBMC), PL (PLMC) and splenocytes were obtained by lysis of erythrocytes followed by washings with RPMI medium 1640 and centrifugation, subsequently criopreserved until evaluation by flow cytometry using the appliance GuavaEasyCyteTM HT (Millipore). For this step, cells were unfrozen, washed with RPMI medium 1640 and incubated with monoclonal antibodies against CD3, CD4, CD25, CD28, CD69, CTLA-4, FoxP3, CD14 and Ly6C (BD PharmingenTM). The results were expressed as mean ± SD and Mann-Whitney 11 test was used for statistical analysis, being considered significant p < 0,05. Results: Compared to control animals, SLE pristane-induced animals presented increase of CD4+CD69+ T cells in blood on T90, T120 and T180 (p=0.022, p=0.008 and p=0.010, respectively) and in spleen on T120 (p=0.049), while, in PL, there was reduction of these cells on T120, T180 and T300 (p=0.001, p=0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively). The porcentage of Treg CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ was smaller in blood on T90, T120 and T180 (p=0.018, p=0.012 and p < 0.046, respectively), in spleen on T120 and T180 (p=0.018 and p=0.013), and in PL on T90 and T300 (p=0.008 and p=0.005). Conclusion: Increase of CD4+CD69+ T cell and reduction of CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ Treg expression suggests activated T CD4 cells and loss of peripheral autotolerance in pristane-induced SLE mice. These alterations are similar to observed in human lupus, in order we showed that this model can also be useful in evaluating the mechanisms of cellular activation, peripheral tolerance and homeostatic immune imbalance involved in the LES
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Avaliação da influência do canal do Valo Grande na composição molecular e isotópica da matéria orgânica depositada no Sistema Estuarino-Lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape-SP / The influence of Valo Grande channel on the molecular and isotopic composition of the organic matter in Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon SystemBarbosa, Ana Cecilia Rizzatti de Albergaria 25 September 2013 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar, através da análise de n-alcanos e de suas razões isotópicas, a influência da abertura do canal artificial do Valo Grande (VG) nas fontes de matéria orgânica (OM) do Sistema Estuarino-Lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape (CIELS). Os compostos foram analisados em quatro testemunhos, 22 sedimentos superficiais e em folhas de nove espécies de plantas dominantes na região de estudo. Os parâmetros avaliados nas folhas amostradas permitiram separar as espécies estudadas em monocotiledôneas e dicotiledôneas, e em vegetação lenhosa de mangue e de restinga. Esta separação foi útil na identificação das fontes de OM do CIELS. Os dados dos sedimentos superficiais mostraram que a principal fonte de OM no sistema é a vegetação de restinga. Esta se dá principalmente na região norte, onde está presente o VG. A influência fitoplanctônica, das macrófitas emersas e da vegetação de mangue é maior na região sul. Os dados dos testemunhos mostraram que a abertura do VG aumentou a contribuição da vegetação de restinga e das macrófitas aquáticas na OM presente ao longo do CIELS, diminuindo a influência fitoplanctônica e das macrófitas emersas. Assim, a qualidade e quantidade de OM do CIELS foram influenciadas pela presença do VG. / This study aimed to verify, through the use of n-alkanes and their isotopic composition, the influence of the Valo Grande artificial channel (VG) on organic matter (OM) sources of the Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon System (CIELS). The compounds were analyzed in four cores, 22 surface samples and nine dominants plants species leaves sampled on the studied area. The parameters evaluated on the leaves permitted to group the studied species in mono and dicotyledonous, and in mangrove and resting vegetation. This was useful to identify the OM sources on the CIELS. The surface sediment data showed that the CIELS OM is mainly composed by restinga vegetation. This occurs mainly on the northern region, where the VG is present. The influence of phytoplankton, of emergent macrophytes and of mangrove trees is higher on the southern region. The cores data showed that the VG opening increased the influences of Atlantic Forest and aquatic macrophytes on the CIELS OM, decreasing the emergent macrophytes and the phytoplankton influence. So, the type and the amount of OM on the CIELS are influenced by the VG presence.
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Aumento de células T CD4+CD69+ e redução de células T reguladoras CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ em camundongos com Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico (LES) induzido por pristane / Increase of CD4+CD69+ T cells and reduction of CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in pristane-induced mice with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)Tatiana Vasconcelos Peixoto 25 September 2015 (has links)
Introdução: O Lúpus Eritematoso Sistêmico (LES) é uma doença autoimune multissistêmica de etiologia complexa que envolve fatores ambientais, genéticos e hormonais. É caracterizada pela produção de autoanticorpos e mediadores inflamatórios, ativação e proliferação de células T autorreativas e perda da autotolerância imunológica. Em pacientes com LES, a expressão do receptor primário de ativação CD69 é aumentada e a de células T supressoras/reguladoras (Treg) CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ é reduzida. O CD69 é essencial para ativação de células T CD4 autorreativas enquanto que as células Treg são importantes na manutenção da autotolerância. Desta forma, células T tem um papel central na patogênese do LES, mas os mecanismos implicados na falência da autotolerância ainda não são elucidados, destacando a importância de estudos em modelos experimentais da doença, como o de LES-induzido por pristane. Objetivo: Quantificar células T CD4+CD69+ ativadas e Treg CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ no sangue, baço e LP de camundongos Balb/c LESinduzido por pristane no sentido de avaliar a falência de autotolerância neste modelo. Métodos: Analisamos 84 camundongos Balb/c fêmeas: 52 receberam por via intraperitoneal uma dose única de 0,5 ml de pristane e 32 a mesma dose de salina. Amostras de sangue, baço e LP dos camundongos eutanasiados foram coletadas 90, 120, 180 e 300 (T90, T120, T180 e T300) dias após a inoculação de pristane ou salina. Células mononucleares do sangue periférico (CMSP), do LP (CMLP) e esplenócitos foram obtidos por lise das hemácias seguida de lavagens com RPMI medium 1640 e centrifugação, e posteriormente criopreservadas até a avaliação por citometria de fluxo usando o aparelho Guava EasyCyteTM HT (Millipore). Para esta etapa, as células foram descongeladas, lavadas com RPMI medium 1640 e incubadas com anticorpos monoclonais dirigidos contra CD3, CD4, CD25, CD28, CD69, CTLA-4, FoxP3, CD14 e Ly6C (BD PharmingenTM). Os resultados foram expressos como média ± DP e teste de Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para análises estatísticas, sendo p<0,05 considerado significante. Resultados: Comparados aos animais controles, animais com LES-induzido por pristane apresentaram aumento de células T CD4+CD69+ no sangue nos T90, T120 e T180 (p < 0,022, p=0,008 e p=0,010, respectivamente) e no baço no T120 (p=0,049), enquanto que, no LP, houve redução destas células nos T120, T180 e T300 (p=0,001, p=0,001 e p < 0,001, respectivamente). A porcentagem de células Treg CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ foi menor no sangue nos T90, T120 e T180 (p=0,018, p=0,012, p < 0,046, respectivamente), no baço, nos T120 e T180 (p=0,018 e p=0,013), e no LP nos T90 e T300 (p=0,008 e p=0,005). Conclusão: Aumento da expressão de células T CD4+CD69+ e redução da expressão de Treg CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ sugerem células T CD4 ativadas e perda da autotolerância periférica em camundongos com LES-induzido por pristane. Estas alterações são semelhantes às observadas no lúpus humano, de modo que demonstramos que este modelo também pode ser útil na avaliação de mecanismos de ativação celular, tolerância periférica desequilíbrio imune homeostático envolvidos no LES / Introduction: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is multisystemic autoimmune disease with complex etiology that involves environmental, genetic and hormonal factors. Is characterized by auto-antibodies and inflammatory mediators production, autoreactive T cells activation and proliferation and loss of immunogenic autotolerance. In patients with SLE, expression of CD69 activation primary receptor is increased and the CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ suppressor/regulatory T cell (Treg) is reduced. CD69 is essential for activation of autoreactive CD4 T cells while Treg cells are important in autotolerance maintenance. In this way, T cells have a central role in the pathogenesis of SLE however, the mechanisms implied in the autotolerance failure are still not elucidated, highlighting the importance of studies in this disease\'s experimental models, such as pristane-induced SLE. Objective: Quantify activated CD4+CD69+ T cells and CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ Treg in blood, spleen and peritoneal lavage (PL) of Balb/c mice with pristane-induced SLE in order to evaluate autotolerance failure in this model. Methods: 84 female Balb/c mice were analyzed: 52 received a single intraperitoneal 0,5 ml dose of pristane and 32 the same dose of saline. Euthanized mice samples of blood, spleen and peritoneal lavage were collected 90, 120, 180 and 300 (T90, T120, T180 and T300) days after inoculation of pristane or saline. Mononuclear cells from peripheral blood (PBMC), PL (PLMC) and splenocytes were obtained by lysis of erythrocytes followed by washings with RPMI medium 1640 and centrifugation, subsequently criopreserved until evaluation by flow cytometry using the appliance GuavaEasyCyteTM HT (Millipore). For this step, cells were unfrozen, washed with RPMI medium 1640 and incubated with monoclonal antibodies against CD3, CD4, CD25, CD28, CD69, CTLA-4, FoxP3, CD14 and Ly6C (BD PharmingenTM). The results were expressed as mean ± SD and Mann-Whitney 11 test was used for statistical analysis, being considered significant p < 0,05. Results: Compared to control animals, SLE pristane-induced animals presented increase of CD4+CD69+ T cells in blood on T90, T120 and T180 (p=0.022, p=0.008 and p=0.010, respectively) and in spleen on T120 (p=0.049), while, in PL, there was reduction of these cells on T120, T180 and T300 (p=0.001, p=0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively). The porcentage of Treg CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ was smaller in blood on T90, T120 and T180 (p=0.018, p=0.012 and p < 0.046, respectively), in spleen on T120 and T180 (p=0.018 and p=0.013), and in PL on T90 and T300 (p=0.008 and p=0.005). Conclusion: Increase of CD4+CD69+ T cell and reduction of CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ Treg expression suggests activated T CD4 cells and loss of peripheral autotolerance in pristane-induced SLE mice. These alterations are similar to observed in human lupus, in order we showed that this model can also be useful in evaluating the mechanisms of cellular activation, peripheral tolerance and homeostatic immune imbalance involved in the LES
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Mixed grazing of sheep and cattle using continuous or rotational stockingKitessa, Soressa Mererra January 1997 (has links)
Two consecutive experiments were conducted to test a hypothesis that mixed grazing outcome is influenced by the type of stocking system applied. The objective of both experiments was to investigate the influence of co-grazing with sheep on cattle liveweight gain (LWG) under continuous (C) and rotational (R) stocking, where sheep weekly liveweight change under the two stocking systems was kept similar. In experiment I nine yearling heifers (266 ± 4.5 kg liveweight) and 27 ewe hoggets (54±0.9 kg liveweight) were continuously stocked for 19 weeks on an irrigated perennial ryegrass-white clover pasture (2.95 ha) maintained at a sward surface height (SSH) of 5cm by adding or removing additional animals in a fixed ratio (1: 1 W⁰.⁷⁵ cattle:sheep). An equal area of pasture was rotationally stocked by a similar group of animals where they received a new area of pasture daily and also had access to the grazed area over the previous 2 days. The size of the new area provided daily was such that the weekly liveweight change of rotationally co-grazed sheep was equal to that of those continuously co-grazed with cattle. Similar groups of animals were used in the second experiment with additional group of 9 heifers grazed alone on C and R pastures. Liveweight of animals was recorded weekly and final fasted weight was determined after 24-hour total feed restriction. SSH on both treatment swards was recorded daily. There were three intake measurement periods spread over the trial period. Organic matter intake (OMI) was predicted from the ratio of N-alkanes in faeces and herbage. Diet composition was determined by dissecting oesophageal extrusa samples. Grazing behaviour (bite rates and grazing time) were also recorded. The mean SSH for C pasture was 5.1±0.09 cm. Overall pre- and post-grazing SSH for R pasture was 15.9 ±0.12 and 5.6 ±0.07 cm, respectively. As determined by the protocol average daily LWG of sheep was similar between C and R (147 (±5.8) vs 138 (±6.7) g day⁻¹; (P>0.05). In contrast, cattle continuously stocked with sheep grew 200 g day⁻¹ slower than those rotationally stocked with sheep (800 (±41.6) vs 1040 (±47.7) g day⁻¹, P<0.0l). R heifers achieved 30 kg higher final fasted liveweight than C heifers (350 vs 381 kg; P<0.01). Overall LWG per ha was also 6 % higher under R than C stocking (674 vs 634 kg ha⁻¹). The OMD of both sheep (73.5 vs 75.8 %) and cattle (75.8 vs 78.0 %) diets was similar under continuous and rotational stocking. There was no significant difference OMI data also concurred with the L WG data (Cattle: 7.94 vs 6.31 (±0.32) kg day⁻¹ (P<0.05); sheep: 1.40 vs 1.44 (±0.04) kg day⁻¹ for Rand C treatments, respectively). There was no difference in clover content of cattle diet under C and R treatments. C heifers had higher number of bites per minute than R heifers (62 vs 56; P<0.05). Proportion of heifers seen grazing (every 15-minute) during four 24-hour observations was greater on C than R pasture (0.44 vs 0.31 (±0.03); P<0.05). The similarity coefficient between sheep and cattle diet was 0.61 and 0.76 under C and R stocking, respectively. The lower daily LWG of C heifers was attributed to (a) the lower SSH under C than R stocking and/or (b) the inability of cattle to compete well with sheep where there is small, continual renewal of resources (C) in contrast to a large periodic renewal under R stocking. This experiment showed that the outcome of mixed gruing can be influenced by the stocking system chosen. But it was not possible to apportion the difference in LWG of cattle between mixed grazing per se and the difference in mean grazed sward height (5.1 for C vs 10.8 cm for R). A second experiment was conducted to determine the relative performance of cattle co-grazed with sheep (CS) and grazed alone (CA) under each stocking system. Hence, there were four treatments. CA- continuous stocking (CA-C), CS- continuous stocking (CS-C), CA- rotational stocking (CAR) and CS- rotational stocking (CS-R). A total area of 4.42 ha was allocated to each stocking system. Under C stocking, 2.95 ha (2/3) was assigned to CS-C and 1.47 ha (1/3) to CA-C, and SSH on both treatments was kept at 4 cm by adding or removing extra animals. Under R stocking, CA-R and CS-R grazed side by side separated by an electric fence. They were given a fresh area daily, the size of which was varied such that the weekly LW change of R sheep was equal to that of the C sheep. CA-R received one-third of the new area though the size was adjusted regularly to achieve the same post-grazing SSH with CS-R. Measurements included: weekly liveweight change, OMI (two periods) and diet composition (using N-alkanes). The mean SSH of CA-C and CS-C swards was 4.27 and 4.26 (±0.02) cm, respectively. CA-R and CS-R swards had mean pre-grazing SSH of 14.9 and 15.2 (±0.08) cm and post-grazing heights of 4.87 and 4.82 cm (±0.03), respectively. The proportion of areas infrequently grazed was higher for CA-C than CS-C swards (0.22 vs 0.17, respectively). C and R sheep daily LWG: 155 (±0.6) and 147 (±0.7) g, and OMI: 1.96 and 2.04 (±0.ll) kg, respectively, were not significantly different. They also had similar diet composition. In comparison, CS-C heifers grew only at 69 % of the daily LWG achieved by CS-R heifers (706 vs 1028 (±72) g; P<0.05). LWG of CA-C and CA-R was 916 and 1022 (±72) g day⁻¹, respectively. The difference in LWG between CS-R and CS-C (D₁) heifers was due to difference in mean sward height, stocking system and mixed grazing, while D₂ (difference in LWG between CA-R and CAC) was due to difference in mean sward height and stocking system. D₁-D₂ (the effect of stocking system on mixed grazing) was 216 g and made up 67 % of the total difference between CS-R and CS-C. There was a significant stocking system-species mixture interaction in the final fasted LW achieved by heifers. Final fasted LW was significantly lower for CS-C than CA-C heifers (283 vs 323 (±9.7) kg), but did not differ between CS-R and CA-R (332 vs 330 (±9.7) kg, respectively). The digestibility of diet OM was similar for both continuously and rotationally stocked sheep (84.4 vs 83.2 %, respectively). Cattle diet OMO was 76.5, 74.7, 79.4 and 77.8 for CA-C, CS-C, CA-R and CS-R respectively (P>0.05). Differences in OMI followed a similar pattern to daily LWG. Mean daily OMI was 8.98, 6.24, 8.80 and 9.45 (±0.40) kg for CA-C, CS-C, CA-R and CS-R, respectively. Clover content of the diet of CA-C heifers was three times higher than that of CS-C heifers (30.7 vs 10.4 % OM; P<0.05); there was no difference in clover content of diets of CS-R and CA-R heifers (21.5 vs 23.9 % OM, respectively). In both stocking systems LWG per ha was higher on CA than CS treatments. These results suggested that the disadvantage of selective clover grazing by sheep outweighed the advantages of sheep grazing around cattle dung patches under continuous stocking. Under rotational stocking, rapid diurnal changes in sward conditions probably limited selective grazing by both sheep and cattle such that there was no disadvantage to CS cattle. The results do not provide a basis for recommending grazing cattle with sheep rather than cattle alone, but do provide some basis for recommending co-grazing of sheep and cattle using rotational rather than continuous stocking.
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[pt] Desde o início dos anos 1980, esforços foram direcionados para modelar o fenômeno de deposição de parafinas. Ao longo dos anos, a avaliação crítica dos mecanismos da deposição de parafinas vem cedendo espaço ao desenvolvimento de correlações flexíveis capazes de acomodar diferentes situações testadas no
laboratório. Numa tentativa de investigar o fenômeno em uma abordagem fundamental, o presente trabalho propôs uma estratégia de pesquisa que envolve avaliar cada pedaço do fenômeno de deposição de parafinas e garantir seus resultados ótimos. Para alcançar tal objetivo, uma nova estratégia para se avaliar
modelos termodinâmicos de equilíbrio de fases sólido-líquido foi desenvolvida. Os resultados mostram que o modelo utilizado é robusto e preciso o suficiente para descrever tais fenômenos para misturas assimétricas em pressões ordinárias e altas, assim como descrever o comportamento de misturas complexas como amostras de óleo Diesel. Para garantir uma base física sólida dos resultados, a condutividade térmica de n-alcanos pesados foram medidos na fase líquida e na fase sólida e
reportados na literatura pela primeira vez. Por fim, um modelo de escoamento de sólido-líquido foi proposto. Acoplado a um modelo termodinâmico capaz de gerar dados de equilíbrio de fases sólido-líquido e propriedades dessas fases, assim como combiná-las em propriedades da mistura, o modelo foi utilizado para descrever os resultados disponíveis na literatura. O mecanismo de deposição de parafinas
avaliado se baseia no aumento da viscosidade com a temperatura e concentração de sólidos. Os resultados mostraram que embora houvesse um acordo qualitativo entre os resultados experimentais e os simulados, o modelo subestimou a espessura do depósito de parafinas. Por outro lado, o modelo foi capaz de descrever a condutividade térmica do depósito de acordo com os dados medidos experimentalmente para um depósito similar. Tal fato reforça as conclusões finais e indica que a deposição de parafinas parece não ser um fenômeno regido apenas por um mecanismo. / [en] Since the early 1980 s, efforts have been directed towards modeling the complex wax deposition phenomenon. Over the years, the critical evaluation of the wax deposition mechanisms proposed initially through a solid physical background start to make room to flexible codes that could be tuned to different experiment scenarios. In an attempt to investigate the phenomenon in a fundamental way, the
current work proposed a research strategy that would evaluate every single part of the complex wax deposition model under well-controlled optimal conditions. To achieve such a goal, a new strategy to evaluate solid-liquid thermodynamic models was developed. Results showed that the model used was robust enough to precisely describe the solid-liquid phase behavior of asymmetric model mixtures at both
ordinary and high pressures, as well as to describe the behavior of complex mixture like Diesel fuel samples. To assure the solid physical basis of the models being employed in this work, the thermal conductivity measurement of heavy n-alkanes in both liquid and solid phases was carried out and reported for the first time in the literature. At last, a drift flux solid-liquid CFD model was proposed. Coupled with
a thermodynamic model to supply the model with phase equilibria and properties data, the model was used to investigate the experimental results available in the literature. The wax deposition mechanism evaluated was based on the viscosity increase due to the appearance of solids. The results showed that although a
qualitative agreement between the model and experimental results were obtained, the model underestimated the thickness of the deposit. On the other hand, the thermal conductivity of the deposit matched the recently available experimental data on the thermal conductivity of such a deposit measured under flowing conditions. This fact strengthens the presented conclusions that wax deposition is
not a single mechanism phenomenon after all. / [fr] Depuis le début des années 1980, des efforts ont été déployés pour modéliser le phénomène complexe de dépôt de cire. Au fil des années, l évaluation critique des mécanismes de formation de dépôts de cire limités initialement à la cristallisation des paraffines, a commencé à faire place à des algorithmes flexibles
qui peuvent être adaptés à différents scénarios expérimentaux. Dans une tentative d étudier le phénomène de manière fondamentale, le travail actuel a consisté à proposer une stratégie globale de recherche qui permet d évaluer les différentes mécanismes impliqués dans la formation de dépôts de cire. Pour atteindre cet objectif, une nouvelle stratégie a tout d abord été proposée pour ajuster les modèles thermodynamiques utilisés pour décrire le comportement de phase solide-liquide. Les résultats de comparaison avec l expérience ont montré que la démarche proposée était suffisamment robuste pour décrire précisément le comportement de phase solide-liquide des mélanges synthétiques asymétriques aux pressions ordinaires ou très élevées, ainsi que pour représenter le comportement de mélanges
complexes réels comme par exemple des carburants pour moteur Diesel. Dans un second temps, des mesures de conductivité thermique dans des n-alcanes lourds à l état liquide mais aussi solide ont été réalisées et rapportée pour la première fois ici afin d assurer une base physique solide dans les modèles utilisés dans ce travail. Enfin, un modèle CFD solide-liquide a été proposé. Couplé au modèle
thermodynamique utilisé pour décrire les équilibres de phase et les propriétés thermophysiques, ce modèle a été utilisé pour étudier les résultats expérimentaux disponibles dans la littérature. Le mécanisme de dépôt de cire évalué était basé sur l augmentation de la viscosité devenue de l apparition des solides. Les résultats ont montré un accord qualitatif entre les prédictions du modèle et les observations
expérimentales malgré une sous-estimation de l épaisseur du dépôt formé. D autre part, la conductivité thermique du dépôt estimée correspondait parfaitement à la conductivité thermique mesurée récemment dans des conditions d écoulement réelles.
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