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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of Habitat Characteristics on Amphibian Use of Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments

Dimitrie, David Anthony 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Evoluce mechanismu lovu u poikilotermních obratlovců a jeho souvislost s vizuálním vnímáním kořisti / Evolution of prey-catching behaviour in poikilothermic vertebrates and its relationship with predator's visual perception

Košinárová, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
Both the topics of prey-catching mechanism and visual perception are closely connected, affecting each other in many complex situations. The main subjects of this thesis were amphibians and reptiles and the many effects that impact their hunting abilities. We studied their hunting patterns in a few species of frogs and the leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) in an arena. We did not find any universal hunting pattern for neither of those groups, moreover even the quantity of individual sequences differed among them. However, hunting in nature is often engaged in habitats that are far from the flat calm arena. Often the animals have to adapt to different conditions, for example an unsteady surface underneath them. In such conditions they need to compensate for the passive movement with their heads and eyes to stabilize the image on their retina. The ability to compensate while hunting in frogs is affecting their behaviour and the success rate of their prey-catching. Another aspect that is influencing frog's hunting efficiency are their protrusible tongues that are commonly divided into three categories: mechanical, inertial and hydrostatic. The last goal of this thesis was looking for the evolution of this trait in frog's phylogenesis and their different effects on hunting movements.

A história natural auxiliando a escolha das variáveis preditoras dos modelos de distribuição de espécies : protocolos e subsídios para os planos de conservação dos anfíbios /

Giovanelli, J. G. R. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Célio F.B. Haddad / Resumo: Na última década houve um grande desenvolvimento nos Modelos de Distribuição de Espécies (MDE), com diversas aplicações na conservação da biodiversidade. No entanto, apesar dos avanços recentes, a seleção de variáveis preditoras tem sido relativamente negligenciada na construção dos MDE. Este procedimento deveria ser um dos passos cruciais do processo de modelagem, já que as variáveis preditoras estão relacionadas diretamente à capacidade dos modelos de capturar os requisitos ambientais das espécies. Neste contexto, os anfíbios são excelentes organismos modelo para avaliar a importância da seleção de variáveis preditoras ecologicamente significativas no MDE. Isto pode trazer avanços para a biogeografia e biologia da conservação, uma vez que os anfíbios são usados como bioindicadores da qualidade ambiental e da integridade de hábitat. A presente tese de doutorado teve como objetivo principal verificar o efeito da utilização de variáveis preditoras ecologicamente significativas no processo de modelagem dos anfíbios e posteriormente aplicar parte deste conhecimento na comunidade de anfíbios do Estado de São Paulo, visando verificar o potencial desta metodologia para identificar áreas de alto valor de riqueza de anfíbios e verificar também o potencial de invasão de Eleutherodactylus jonhstonei, uma espécie de anfíbio invasora registrada para o Estado de São Paulo. No primeiro capítulo avaliamos a importância da seleção de variáveis essenciais ao MDE usando os anfíbios como estudo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: In the last decade there has been a great development in the Species Distribution Models (SDM), with several applications in conservation planning. However, despite recent advances, the selection of predictor variables has been relatively neglected in the construction of SDM. This methodological approach should be one of the critical steps of the modeling process, as the predictor variables are directly related to the ability of models to capture the environmental requirements of the species. In this context, amphibians are excellent model for assessing the importance of selecting ecologically meaningful variables in the SDM. This methodology may lead to advances in biogeography and conservation biology, since amphibians are used as bioindicators of environmental quality and habitat integrity. The aim of the work was to verify the effect of the use of ecologically meaningful variables in the amphibian modeling process and to apply part of this knowledge to the amphibian community of São Paulo state, checking the potential of this methodology to identify areas of high amphibian richness value and to verify the potential invasion of Eleutherodactylus jonhstonei, an invasive amphibian species registered in São Paulo state. In the first chapter we evaluated the importance of selecting essential variables in SDM using amphibians as a case study. The second chapter deals specifically with the amphibian modeling protocol of São Paulo state. The central focus of this chapter has been... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Die Akustik der Anzeigerufe der Frösche - Einflüsse ihrer Umwelt und Biologie im Kontrast zur ihrer stammesgeschichtlichen Verwandtschaft

Emmrich, Mike 30 July 2020 (has links)
In ihrer stammesgeschichtlichen Entwicklung haben, neben Säugetieren, Vögeln und Insekten, auch Froschlurche ein umfangreiches Repertoire an akustischen Signalen zur Identifizierung arteigener Individuen und anlocken potenzieller Paarungspartner entwickelt. Diese sogenannten Anzeigerufe sind dabei für jede Art einzigartig. Beobachtungen zeigen aber, dass es neben dieser Artspezifität, auch Ähnlichkeiten in den Anzeigerufen zwischen nicht näher verwandten Arten existieren. Es stellt sich daher die Frage woher diese Ähnlichkeiten stammen. Stellen diese Ähnlichkeiten eine Anpassung an die Bedingungen der Lebensräume dar (konvergente Evolution) oder sind sie ein Ergebnis der stammesgeschichtlichen Entwicklung der Arten (divergente Evolution). Zur Klärung dieser Frage habe ich Anzeigerufe von ca. 1500 Arten aus den unterschiedlichsten Lebensräumen unseres Planten gesammelt und ausgewertet. Eine Korrelation der gemessenen akustischen Eigenschaften (z. B. dominante Frequenz) mit der Phylogenie der Amphibien sollte dabei klären, inwieweit die Phylogenie mit diesen akustischen Eigenschaften verknüpft ist. Vergleiche zwischen verschiedenen Kategorien aus Morphologie, Verhalten und Lebensraum in Bezug auf die akustischen Eigenschaften wiederum sollten mögliche Anpassungen der akustischen Eigenschaften herausstellen. Es stellte sich am Ende heraus, dass einige akustische Eigenschaften (z. B. dominante Frequenz) sowohl ein Ergebnis einer divergenten Evolution sind, als auch einer konvergenten Evolution. Zusätzlich war es mir möglich die Anzeigerufe in separate Gilden einzuteilen, die ähnliche strukturellen Eigenschaften aufweisen. Gilden in die Arten unabhängig von ihren verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen eingeordnet werden können. Ein Werkzeug was Vergleiche zwischen Arten anhand ihrer Akustik vereinfacht und die Möglichkeit gibt zu verstehen wie Arten die Bedingungen ihrer Lebensräume auf ähnliche akustische Weise nutzen. / Beside mammals, birds and insects also anurans developed at their evolutionary history a wide repertoire of acoustic signals to identify conspecific individuals and to attract possible mating partners. These so-called advertisement calls are unique to every single species. However, beside this species-specific uniqueness we can also observe astonishing similarities among advertisement calls of not close related species. Therefore, there is the question of where these similarities came from. Are these similarities adaptations to conditions to similar biology’s and environments and so a result of a convergent evolution or these similarities arose by the anuran phylogeny and represent a divergent evolution? To answer these questions I collected and measured advertisement calls of ca. 1500 anuran species around the globe of different living habitats. A correlation between phylogeny and acoustic properties (e.g. dominant frequency) could show the influence of the phylogeny at the evolved acoustic traits. Comparisons among different categories of morphology, behaviour and habitat concerning the acoustic traits could show possible adaptations. The result of my research showed that some structural and spectral properties are a consequence of the phylogenetic history as well as an adaptation to conditions of biology and environment. Both, the divergent and the convergent evolution place a role in these cases. Additional I managed to introduce a system to order anuran advertisement calls into distinct guilds. These guilds show how different species uses their acoustic properties in a similar matter. An additional tool to make comparisons among species easier and to understand how anuran uses environments in a similar acoustic way.

Ecological Effects of Climate Change on Amphibians

Rollins, Hilary Byrne 28 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.


Andrew P Hopkins (16679832) 31 July 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Over the past two decades, emerging fungal pathogens have been reported in numerous groups ranging from mammals to key crop species across the globe. To combat the rise of these fungal pathogens in industrial agriculture, fungicides have been developed and subsequently applied en masse. Despite their growing usage, research examining the effects of these anthropogenic contaminants on natural systems is severely limited compared to other major classes of pesticides. Of particular concern are their impacts on aquatic systems, which can be especially at risk due to their proximity to agriculture. Herein I used a tiered approach to assess the impacts of this class of pesticides on aquatic ecosystems using amphibians as model system. In the first chapter, I assessed the acute toxicity of two widely applied fungicides, pyraclostrobin and chlorothalonil, to six different species of amphibians commonly found in the Midwest. My results showed that these fungicides are very acutely toxic to several species of amphibians at levels within the expected environmental concentration (EEC). In the second chapter, I examined the impacts of long-term low-dose exposure of pyraclostrobin on the growth, development, and activity levels of three species of amphibians. Despite the acute toxicity of pyraclostrobin, sublethal effects of the fungicide were rather limited with only minor effect on growth and activity. In the third chapter, I investigated the effects of fungicide exposure on host-parasite interactions using trematodes and American Bullfrog tadpoles. I found that in all treatments pyraclostrobin increased parasite loads from ~3 to 8 times compared to control tadpoles. Additionally, parasite loads were approximately 2 times higher in tadpoles with the continued fungicide exposures compared to those tadpoles that were moved to fresh water following initial fungicide exposure. Finally, my fourth chapter investigated the impact of pyraclostrobin and chlorothalonil application regime on community-level interactions under semi-natural conditions. While chlorothalonil had limited effects on the community, I found that pyraclostrobin was acutely toxic to Gray Treefrogs at environmentally relevant concentrations and these effects were stronger with more frequent applications. Collectively, my research has demonstrated that fungicides can be acutely toxic to amphibians at EECs under laboratory and semi-natural conditions. Additionally, they have the potential to alter disease dynamics by increasing infection risk. Given our increasing usage of fungicides to control emerging fungal pathogens, a greater emphasis on understanding the environmental implications of this management strategy is needed to inform ecological risk assessments. </p>

Aeromonas hydrophila In Amphibians: Harmless Bystander or Opportunistic Pathogen

Rivas, Zachary P 01 January 2016 (has links)
For several decades amphibian populations have been declining. Historically, the bacterium A. hydrophila (Ah) was hypothesized to be the causal factor in amphibian disease and population declines. However, with the discovery of a chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) in 1998, which was identified on the skin of amphibians during documented mortality events, Ah research became of minor interest as focus shifted to Bd. Recent studies into the immunocompromising abilities of Bd, however, have opened new questions about its relationship with Ah and their combined effects on a host. In this study, I explore the relationship between infection with these two pathogens, Bd and Ah, in two amphibian species from distinct regions of the United States. I developed a novel qPCR assay to measure the microbial load of Ah on the skin of two anuran species, Lithobates yavapaiensis (N=232) and Pseudacris ornata (N=169), which have confirmed Bd infections. I use a logistic regression model to identify whether significant relationships exist between these two pathogens, disease, and death. I find that even amongst the most severely infected frogs, Ah is not detectable on the skin and only appears post-mortem. I therefore conclude that Ah is an opportunistic bacterial pathogen, scavenging on anurans only after mortality events. This research is the first known study to quantitatively assess Ah in amphibians in conjunction with Bd. While there is no causal relationship between these pathogens, future work will examine potential Ah infections in other organs to more fully understand the relationship between Bd and Ah.

Survival and Growth Responses of Lithobates Pipiens Tadpoles to anHerbicide and an Algaecide used to Control Aquatic Invasive Plants

Thomas, Caitlin B. 24 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The development of the ethmoidal region of Ascaphus truei (Stejneger)

Baard, E. H. W. (Ernst Hendrik Wolfaardt) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 1982. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:This study deals with the development of the ethmoidal region of Ascaphus truei Stejneger with special interest to the development of the nasal sacs, the diverticulum medium and the Jacobson's organ. This is to gather more information regarding the phylogeny of the structures. The opinions concerning the phylogenetical migration of the Jacobson's organ, are corroborated by the development of the organ in Ascaphus. The possible origin of the diverticulum medium from the nasal end of the nasolacrimal duct also is commented on. / No Afrikaans abstract available

Modelagem de nicho ecológico de anuros da Mata Atlântica /

Giovanelli, J. G. R. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: A modelagem de nicho ecológico é uma ferramenta potencialmente importante para o entendimento dos padrões de distribuição geográfica dos organismos da Mata Atlântica, gerando assim informações para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de seleção de áreas prioritárias para conservação da biodiversidade. Os anfíbios anuros, por serem ecologicamente especializados, são excelentes organismos modelo para estudos de biogeografia, o que torna interessante a modelagem de nicho ecológico deste grupo. No entanto, apesar da evolução recente da área de modelagem de nicho, é difícil escolher um método robusto e realista, sendo necessários mais estudos que suportem a seleção de métodos e a avaliação dos resultados. O presente trabalho pretende contribuir para o estudo da modelagem de nicho ecológico de espécies da Mata Atlântica, tendo como objetivo principal o desenvolvimento de métodos de modelagem para os anfíbios anuros e possíveis aplicações em problemas relacionados à conservação da biodiversidade. Os temas abordados nesta dissertação são apresentados sob a forma de quatro artigos científicos. O primeiro artigo e capitulo central da dissertação pretende auxiliar na modelagem de nicho ecológico de anfíbios anuros que possuem distribuição restrita ao domínio da Mata Atlântica. Através de uma abordagem metodológica o foco do trabalho foi testar o desempenho de modelos, selecionar variáveis ambientais e investigar a influência do tamanho da área de estudo no processo de modelagem de nicho ecológico de Hypsiboas bischoffi. O segundo artigo está inserido na temática das invasões biológicas, uma das maiores ameaças à biodiversidade na Região Neotropical. O resultado da previsão mostrou com sucesso áreas de potencial de invasão da espécie exótica rã-touro, Lithobates catesbeianus, na Mata Atlântica. O terceiro artigo é o desenvolvimento... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Ecological niche modeling has the potential to be important in understanding geographical distribution patterns of organisms in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, and therefore in guiding strategies for selection of prioritary areas for biodiversity conservation. Anuran amphibians are ecologically specialized which makes them excellent model organisms for biogeographic studies through ecological niche modeling. However, despite the recent evolution in the field of ecological modeling, it is difficult to select a robust and realistic method, and more work will be necessary to aid in method selection and result evaluation. The present work is a contribution to studying Atlantic Forest species distributions using ecological niche modeling, aiming at developping modeling approaches using anuran amphibians and at applying those to specific questions concerning the conservation of biodiversity. The chapters of this dissertation are presented in the form of four scientific articles. The first and central chapter of the dissertation examines several ecological niche models of an anuran with geographic distribution restricted to the Atlantic Forest domain. The methodological approach aimed at selecting environmental variables, testing model performance and investigating the influence of study area size in ecological niche models of the treefrog Hypsiboas bischoffi. The second article deals with the question of biological invasions, one of the gravest biodiversity threats to the Neotropical region. Predictive modeling successfully showed the potential areas of invasion for the exotic American bull frog in the Atlantic Forest. The third article reports the development of a methodology to model the potential distribution of rare species, a non-ideal but necessary approach to produce predictive maps that may allow new targeted surveys in areas of strongly predicted species occurrence... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: João Miguel de Barros Alexandrino / Coorientador: Célio Fernando Baptista Haddad / Banca: Paulo De Marco Júnior / Banca: Claudio José Von Zuben / Mestre

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