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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementation of Geometrically Based Single-Bounce Models for Simulation of Angle-of-Arrival of Multipath Delay Components in the Wireless Channel Simulation Tools, SMRCIM and SIRCIM

Nuckols, John Eric 11 August 1999 (has links)
As the demand for wireless communication systems has exploded over the past few years, many researchers have taken on the challenge to model wireless channels more accurately. These models are very useful for enhancing the design of all aspects of wireless communications. Smart antennas and systems used in position location are among the most popular new studies that require signal information such as the amplitude, phase, and angle-of-arrival (AOA) of multipath delay spreads. For proper and efficient implementation of future systems, emerging wireless systems must be able to exploit processing of spatial information. The goal of the work presented in this thesis is to further improve two channel modeling tools, SMRCIM and SIRCIM, by implementing new geometrical models that provide users with angle-of-arrival information as well as amplitude and phase data for wideband wireless communication channels. The new angle-of-arrival models are explained and pseudo code is provided to demonstrate the software implementation of the models. Likewise, the channel models are explained and the usage and results of the simulation tools are described. The SMRCIM and SIRCIM tools are currently being used by researchers throughout the world. <i>[Vita removed March 5, 2012. Gmc]</i> / Master of Science

Záření soustav antén v blízké zóně / Radiation of antenna array in near-field area

Hermany, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to analyze the antenna array radiation and to produce the antenna array radiation computation program. The program should display the electric and magnetic intensity and radiation power density distribution over the planar or cylindrical surface in the near-field area. The antenna array analyzed in this paper consists of a number of elementary dipoles placed in a row with a reflector which represents the conductive board situated in parallel to the row of dipoles. The demonstration program was built in MATLAB and allows computing and displaying the computed values components of antenna array radiation on the planar or the cylindrical surface. The program also allows saving computed values, saving displayed graphs, or saving the adjusted parameters of antenna array. The created program can be used for the presentation of the antenna array radiation in a school laboratory or for the graphical representation when a new antenna is designed.

Modelování antén letounu VUT 100 / Modeling antennas of the VUT 100 aircraft

Starý, Vladimír January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is aimed to analyze parameters of antennas, and work out the computer, which can be used to the modeling of the radiation of antennas of the VUT 100 aircraft. First, used antennas are divided according to the operation frequencies, and the polarization. Second, a MATLAB program is developed and described. The program computes radiation patterns at different frequencies for the different location of antennas on the VUT aircraft. Finally, the MATLAB optimization program is develop and described. The program changes the position of antennas so that the requirements of aircraft producer can be met.

Numerická syntéza filtrujících antén / Numerical synthesis of filtering antennas

Kufa, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Dizertační práce je zaměřena na kompletní metodiku návrhu tří a čtyř prvkových flíčkových anténních řad, které neobsahují žádné filtrující části a přesto se chovají jako filtrující antény (filtény). Návrhová metodika kombinuje přístup pro návrh filtrů s přístupem pro anténní řady a zahrnuje tvarování frekvenčních odezev činitele odrazu a normovaného realizovaného zisku. Směr hlavního laloku přes pracovní pásmo je kontrolován také. S cílem kontrolovat tvary uvedených charakteristik, nové gi koeficienty jsou představeny pro návrh filtrujících anténních řad. Návrhová metodika byla ověřena na tří a čtyř prvkové filtrující anténní řadě přes frekvenční pásmo od 4,8 GHz do 6,8 GHz, pro šířku pásma celé struktury od 7 % do 14 % a pro požadovanou úroveň činitele odrazu od –10 dB do –20 dB. Celá metodika byla podpořena výrobou a měřením šesti testovacích vzorků filtrujících anténních řad s rozdílnými konfiguracemi. Ve všech případech se simulované a naměřené výsledky dobře shodují.

Adaptive and Robust Multi-Gigabit Techniques Based MmWave Massive MU-MIMO Beamforming For 5G Wireless and Mobile Communications Systems. A Road Map for Simple and Robust Beamforming Scheme and Algorithms Based Wideband MmWave Massive MU-MIMO for 5G Wireless and Mobile Communications Systems

Alabdullah, Ali AbdulMohsin S. January 2021 (has links)
Over recent years, the research and studies have focused on innovative solutions in various aspects and phases related to the high demands on data rate and energy for fifth-generation and beyond (B5G). This thesis aims to improve the energy efficiency, error rates, low-resolution ADCs/DACs, antenna array structures and sum-rate performances of a single cell downlink broadband millimetre-wave (mmWave) systems with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation and deploying multi-user massive multiple inputs multiple outputs (MU mMIMO) by applying robust beamforming techniques and detection algorithms that support multiple streams per user (UE) in various environments and scenarios to achieve low complexity system design with reliable performance and significant improvement in users perceived quality of service (QoS). The performance of the four 5G candidate mmWave frequencies, 28 GHz, 39 GHz, 60 GHz, and 73 GHz, are investigated for indoor/outdoor propagation scenarios, including path loss models and multipath delay spread values. Results are compared to confirm that the received power and delay spread is decreased with increasing frequency. The results were also validated with the measurement findings for 60 GHz. Then several proposed design models of beamforming are studied and implemented modified algorithms of Hybrid Beamforming (HBF) approaches in indoor/outdoor scenarios over large scale fading wideband mmWave /Raleigh channels. Firstly, three beamforming based diagonalize the Equivalent Virtual Channel Matrix (EVCM) schemes with the optimal linear combining methods are presented to overcoming the self-interference problems in Quasi-Orthogonal-Space Time Block Code (QO-STBC) systems over narrowband mmWave Single-User mMIMO (SU mMIMO). The evaluated results show that the proposed beamforming based- Single Value Decomposition (SVD) outperforms the conventional beamforming and standard QO-STBC techniques in terms of BER and spectrum efficiency. Next, the proposed HBF algorithm approaches with the fully/ partially connected structures are developed and applied for sum-rate and symbol error rate (SER) performance maximization MU mMIMO-OFDM system, including HBF based on block diagonalization (BD) method Constraint/Unconstraint RF Power, Codebook, Kalman schemes. In addition, the modified near optimal linear HBF-Zero Forcing (HBF-ZF) and HBF-Minimum Mean Square Error (HBF MMSE) schemes, considering both fully-connected and partially-connected structures. Finally, Simulation results using MATLAB platform, demonstrate that the proposed HBF based codebook and most likely HBF based-unconstraint RF power algorithms achieve significant performance gains in terms SER and sum-rate efficiency as well as show high immunity against the deformities and disturbances in the system compared with other HBF algorithm schemes. / Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Republic of Iraq

Efficiency Improvement of RF Energy Transfer by a Modified Voltage Multiplier RF DC Converter

Chaour, Issam 22 March 2021 (has links)
Radio Frequency (RF) energy transfer is getting increasingly importance in new generations of wireless sensor networks and this trend is tremendously supported by the modern trends to Internet of things (IoT). This promising technology enables proactive energy replenishment for wireless devices. With RF energy, transmission long distances between the energy source and the receiver can be overbridged. The main challenge thereby is the power conversion efficiency from a low level RF input power to a Direct Current (DC) voltage which is able to supply the mobile system. For this purpose, a novel approach for RF DC conversion is proposed. It consists of a modified voltage multiplier RF DC converter circuit by incorporating an inductor at the input of the circuit, which generates an induced voltage able to boost the output circuit and improve the conversion efficiency. Analytical analysis of the novel approach has been carried out to determine the optimal value of the inductor to maximize the output power. The experimental investigations show that the proposed solution is able to improve significantly both the output voltage and the power conversion efficiency, compared to the state of the art, and this especially at low input power ranges, which are often the case. At -10 dBm input power, the modified voltage multiplier RF DC converter circuit can reach 1.71 V output voltage and 49.21 % power conversion efficiency for, respectively, 500 kΩ and 10 kΩ resistive loads. In order to validate the new proposal for the RF transfer system experimentally, microstrip meander line antennas and microstrip patch antenna arrays are designed for different ISM bands, where relevant requirements for RF energy transfer are respected. For each antenna a modified voltage multiplier RF DC converter circuit has been applied and the system is tuned to the corresponding resonant frequency to avoid mismatching. In this investigation several scenarios have been addressed, such as RF transmission energy, RF energy harvesting in Global System for Mobile (GSM) bands and Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) band are developed. Field test results show high performances of experimental results in comparison to the state of the art.:1 Introduction 2 Theoretical Background 3 State of the Art of RF Energy Transfer 4 Novel Approach for a RF DC Converter Circuit 5 Antennas Design 6 Experimental Verification at Specific Scenarios 7 Conclusion / Die RF-Energieübertragung (RF) gewinnt in neuen Generationen von drahtlosen Sensornetzen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Dieser Trend wird durch das Internet der Dinge (IoT) weiter unterstützt. Diese vielversprechende Technologie ermöglicht eine proaktive Energieversorgung für drahtlose Geräte. Mit RF-Energie können große Entfernungen zwischen der Energiequelle und dem Empfänger überbrückt werden. Die größte Herausforderung dabei ist der Wirkungsgrad, mit dem von einer niedrigen HF-Eingangsleistung in eine Gleichspannung (DC), mit welcher das mobile System versorgt wird, gewandelt wird. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein neuer Ansatz für einen RF-DC-Wandler vorgeschlagen. Er besteht aus einer modifizierten Spannungsvervielfacher-RF-DC-Wandlerschaltung, die eine Spule am Eingang der Schaltung integriert. Diese erzeugt eine induzierte Spannung, die in der Lage ist die Ausgangsschaltung zu verstärken und den Umwandlungswirkungsgrad zu verbessern. Analytische Untersuchungen zu diesem neuartigen Ansatz wurden durchgeführt, um den optimalen Wert der Spule zu bestimmen und die Ausgangsleistung zu maximieren. Die experimentellen Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die vorgeschlagene Lösung in der Lage ist, sowohl die Ausgangsspannung als auch den Wirkungsgrad der Leistungsumwandlung im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik deutlich zu verbessern. Dies gilt besonders für niedrige Eingangsleistungsbereiche, welche häufig vorkommen. Bei -10 dBm Eingangsleistung kann die modifizierte Spannungsvervielfacher-RF-DC-Wandlerschaltung 1.71 V Ausgangsspannung und 49.21 % Leistungswandlungswirkungsgrad für jeweils 500 kΩ und 10 kΩ ohmsche Last erreichen. Um das neue RF-Übertragungssystem experimentell zu validieren, werden Mikrostreifenmäanderlinienantennen und Mikrostreifen-Patch-Antennenarrays für verschiedene ISM-Bänder ausgelegt, wobei die relevanten Anforderungen an die RF-Energieübertragung eingehalten werden. Für jede Antenne wurde eine modifizierte Spannungsvervielfacher-HF-DC-Wandlerschaltung verwendet und das System auf die entsprechende Resonanzfrequenz abgestimmt, um Fehlanpassungen zu vermeiden. Dabei wurden mehrere Szenarien untersucht, wie z.B. RF-Energieübertragung, RF-Energiegewinnung aus GSM-Bändern und WLAN-Netzwerken. Die Feldtests zeigen eine hohe Leistungsfähigkeit der experimentellen Ergebnisse im Vergleich zum Stand der Technik.:1 Introduction 2 Theoretical Background 3 State of the Art of RF Energy Transfer 4 Novel Approach for a RF DC Converter Circuit 5 Antennas Design 6 Experimental Verification at Specific Scenarios 7 Conclusion

Channel Probing for an Indoor Wireless Communications Channel

Hunter, Brandon 13 March 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The statistics of the amplitude, time and angle of arrival of multipaths in an indoor environment are all necessary components of multipath models used to simulate the performance of spatial diversity in receive antenna configurations. The model presented by Saleh and Valenzuela, was added to by Spencer et. al., and included all three of these parameters for a 7 GHz channel. A system was built to measure these multipath parameters at 2.4 GHz for multiple locations in an indoor environment. Another system was built to measure the angle of transmission for a 6 GHz channel. The addition of this parameter allows spatial diversity at the transmitter along with the receiver to be simulated. The process of going from raw measurement data to discrete arrivals and then to clustered arrivals is analyzed. Many possible errors associated with discrete arrival processing are discussed along with possible solutions. Four clustering methods are compared and their relative strengths and weaknesses are pointed out. The effects that errors in the clustering process have on parameter estimation and model performance are also simulated.

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