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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exposure of Patterns in Parallel Memory Acces

Lundgren, Björn, Ödlund, Anders January 2007 (has links)
<p>The concept and advantages of a Parallel Memory Architecture (PMA) in computer systems have been known for long but it’s only in recent time it has become interesting to implement modular parallel memories even in handheld embedded systems. This thesis presents a method to analyse source code to expose possible parallel memory accesses. Memory access Patterns may be found, categorized and the corresponding code marked for optimization. As a result a PMA compatible with found pattern(s) and code optimization may be specified.</p>

Design automation methodologies for extensible processor platform

Cheung, Newton, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
This thesis addresses two ubiquitous trends in the embedded system world - the increasing importance of design turnaround time as a design metric, and the move towards closing the design productivity gap. Adopting the right choice of design approach has been recognised as an integral part of the design flow in order to meet desired characteristics such as increasing software content, satisfying the growing complexities of an application, reusing off-the-shelf components, and exploring design metrics tradeoff, which closes the design productivity gap. The importance of design turnaround time is motivated by the intensive competition between manufacturers, especially makers of mainstream electronic consumer products, who shrinks the product life cycle and requires faster time-to-market to maximise economic benefits. This thesis presents a suite of design automation methodologies to automatically design embedded systems for an application in the state-of-the-art design approach - the extensible processor platform. These design automation methodologies systematise the extensible processor platform???s design flow, with particular emphasis on solving four challenging design problems: i) code segment identification; ii) instruction generation; iii) architectural customisation selection; and iv) processor evaluation. Our suite of design automation methodologies includes: i) a semi-automatic design system - to design an extensible processor that maximises the application performance while satisfying the area constraint. By specifying a fitting function to identify suitable code segments within an application, a two-level hierarchy selection algorithm is used to first select a predefined processor and then select the right instruction, and a performance estimator is used to estimate an application's performance; ii) a tool to match instructions - to automatically match the pre-designed instructions with computationally intensive code segments, reducing verification time and effort; iii) an instructions estimation model - to estimate the area overhead, latency, power consumption of extensible instructions, exploring larger design space; and iv) an instructions generation tool - to generate new extensible instructions that maximises the speedup while minimising power dissipation. A number of techniques such as system decomposition, combinational equivalence checking and regression analysis etc., have been heavily relied upon in the creation of the final design system. This thesis shows results at every stage to demonstrate the efficacy of our design methodologies in the creation of extensible processors. The methodologies and results presented in this thesis demonstrate that automating the design process for an extensible processor platform results in significant performance increase - on average, an increase of 4.74x (up to 15.71x) compared to the original base processor. Our system achieves significant design turnaround time savings (2.5% of the full simulation time for the entire design space) with majority Pareto points obtained (91% on average), and can lead to fewer and faster design iterations. Our instruction matching tool is 7.3x faster on average compared to the best known approaches to the problem (partial simulations). Our estimation model has a mean absolute error as small as 3.4% (6.7% max.) for area overhead, 5.9% (9.4% max.) for latency, and 4.2% (7.2% max.) for power consumption, compared to estimation through the time consuming synthesis and simulation steps using commercial tools. Finally, the instruction generation tool reduces energy consumption by a further 5.8% on average (up to 17.7%) compared to extensible instructions generated by previous approaches.

Influência dos genes candidatos MC1R, ASIP, TYRP1 e kit na pigmentação em ovinos crioulos e predição do efeito dos polimorfismos não sinônimos no gene MC1R humano

Hepp, Diego January 2015 (has links)
A coloração dos animais é uma característica que apresenta uma grande diversidade de fenótipos nas diferentes espécies. Diferentes abordagens podem ser utilizadas para o entendimento da diversidade na coloração existente nas espécies animais. Através da análise de genes candidatos as mutações responsáveis pela variação na coloração têm sido descritas em diferentes espécies, demonstrando o envolvimento de mecanismos moleculares variados na sua regulação. Este trabalho tem por objetivo a utilização de duas abordagens genéticas para o estudo da variação na coloração, a análise de genes candidatos e a predição computacional do efeito de polimorfismos não sinônimos. Em ovinos a coloração da lã é uma característica com importância na produção e para a identificação das raças. Polimorfismos em diferentes genes foram associados com a coloração da lã, entretanto, estes não foram estudados em muitas raças que apresentam variação fenotípica. A ovelha crioula é uma raça local existente no sul do Brasil que apresenta uma ampla diversidade de cores na lã, incluindo branco, preto e diversos tons intermediários. O gene receptor de melanocortina 1 (MC1R) foi previamente associado com a coloração na raça crioula, entretanto, outros genes também devem estar envolvidos na regulação da coloração na raça. Este trabalho avaliou a influência dos genes MC1R, ASIP (proteína sinalizadora agouti), TYRP1 (proteína relacionada à tirosinase 1) e KIT (homólogo do oncogene de sarcoma felino viral v-kit Hardy-Zuckerman 4) na coloração da lã na raça ovina crioula. Amostras de 410 animais de diferentes cores foram analisadas, sendo a variação na coloração da lã determinada por colorimetria. O padrão de herança dos fenótipos foi avaliado através de cruzamentos dirigidos entre indivíduos de diferentes cores. Os polimorfismos nos genes foram avaliados através da realização do sequenciamento e da análise de fragmentos e a quantificação da expressão do gene ASIP foi realizada por PCR em Tempo Real. Foi observada a associação significativa entre polimorfismos nos genes MC1R e ASIP e a cor da lã na raça crioula. O alelo dominante do gene MC1R, provocado pelas mutações p.M73K e p.D121N, foi encontrado apenas em indivíduos pigmentados. Este alelo resulta na ativação constitutiva do receptor, e consequentemente na produção constante de eumelanina, sendo epistático sobre o gene ASIP. Nos animais homozigotos para o alelo selvagem do MC1R a manifestação do fenótipo branco ocorreu somente nos portadores de um alelo contendo a duplicação do gene ASIP. Os portadores da duplicação do ASIP apresentaram níveis elevados de expressão do gene enquanto os homozigotos para a cópia simples do ASIP não expressaram o gene e apresentaram fenótipos pigmentados. Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar a influência da interação epistática dos genes MC1R e ASIP na coloração da lã nos ovinos crioulos. O estudo de genes candidatos envolvidos na rota da pigmentação mostrou-se uma abordagem adequada para a análise da variação na coloração nestes animais. Espera-se que o conhecimento adquirido neste trabalho auxilie na criação e na preservação da raça através da manutenção da diversidade fenotípica existente. A avaliação computacional dos polimorfismos não sinônimos vem sendo utilizada recentemente a fim de determinar os SNPs que potencialmente afetam o funcionamento dos genes e identificar os mecanismos responsáveis por doenças complexas e pela variação nos fenótipos. A predição do efeito de polimorfismos nos genes utilizando ferramentas computacionais apresenta-se como uma abordagem alternativa para o estudo da genética da coloração. O gene MC1R humano apresenta uma grande quantidade de polimorfismos alguns dos quais foram associados com a variação na pigmentação e com suscetibilidade a tumores de pele. Entretanto, muitas das variações existentes no gene não foram avaliadas quanto às suas consequências funcionais e o seu papel na variação da pigmentação. Foi realizada a predição computacional dos polimorfismos não sinônimos no gene MC1R humano com o objetivo de identificar os nsSNPs mais provavelmente danosos, e estabelecer aqueles com potencial efeito na função do MC1R. Foram utilizadas 11 ferramentas de predição individuais (SIFT, MutPred, Polyphen-2, PROVEAN, I-Mutant 3.0, PANTHER, SNPs3D, Mutation Assessor, PhD-SNP, SNPs&GO e SNAP) e dois programas consenso (PON-P e PredictSNP 1.0) para a análise de 92 nsSNPs localizados no gene. Os programas utilizados baseiam-se em métodos evolutivos, estruturais e computacionais, resultando na identificação dos 14 nsSNPs mais danosos (L48P, R67W, H70Y, P72L, S83P, R151H, S172I, L206P, T242I, G255R, P256S, C273Y, C289R e R306H). Apesar das diferenças nos resultados de cada programa a combinação dos diferentes métodos permitiu diferenciar os polimorfismos neutros dos danosos, mostrando concordância com os programas consenso. A predição computacional demonstrou ser uma abordagem eficiente para a identificação dos alelos danosos no gene MC1R e para a priorização de mutações para posteriores estudos funcionais e populacionais. / Animal color is a characteristic that presents a large diversity of phenotypes. Different approaches can be used to understand the color diversity existing among and within species. Through analysis of candidate genes the mutations responsible for the color variation have been described in different species, showing the involvement of various molecular mechanisms of regulation. The objective of this work is the use of two genetic approaches to the study of color variation, the analysis of candidate genes and the computational prediction of non-synonym polymorphism effects (nsSNPs). In sheep the wool color is a feature with commercial importance and in identifying breeds. Polymorphisms in different genes have been associated with wool color, but they have not been studied in many breeds that show phenotypic variation regarding such a charactere. The Creole is a local breed from southern most Brazil that presents a wide range of wool color, varying from white to black, and including several intermediate hues. The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) was previously associated with the wool color in the Creole, however, other genes might also be involved in the regulation of color in the breed. This study evaluated the influence of the genes MC1R, ASIP (agouti signaling protein), TYRP1 (tyrosinase related protein 1) and KIT (v-kit Hardy- Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene homolog) in the Creole breed wool color. Samples from 410 specimens of different colors were analyzed. The variation in the color of the wool was performed by colorimetry. The inheritance pattern of the phenotypes was assessed by crossbreeding individuals of different colors. Polymorphisms in the genes were evaluated by performing sequencing and fragment analysis, and the quantification of the ASIP gene expression was performed by Real Time-PCR. It was observed a significant association between polymorphisms in MC1R and ASIP gene and the wool color in Creole breed. The dominant allele of the MC1R gene, caused by p.M73K and p.D121N mutations was found only in pigmented individuals. This allele leads to the constitutive activation of the receptor and therefore in constant production of eumelanin and is epistatic on the ASIP gene. In the homozygous to the wild-type allele of MC1R the manifestation of white phenotype occurred only in individuals with one allele containing a duplication of the ASIP gene. The carriers of the duplicated copy of ASIP showed high levels of gene expression while homozygous for the simple copy of the ASIP did not expressed the gene, and showed pigmented phenotypes. The results allowed the identification of the influence of epistatic interaction of MC1R and ASIP gene in the wool color in Creole breed. The study of candidate genes involved in the pigmentation pathway proved to be a suitable approach for the analysis of variation in pigmentation in these animals. It is expected that the knowledge acquired in this work will assist on stablishment of commercial breeding and preservation policies of this sheep breed. The computational evaluation of non-synonymous polymorphism has been used to determine SNPs that potentially affect the function of the genes and identify the mechanisms responsible for complex diseases and by the variation in phenotypes. The prediction of the effect of polymorphisms in genes using computational tools presents an alternative approach to the study of the genetic of coloration. The human MC1R gene has a large number of know polymorphisms, some of which were associated with changes in pigmentation and susceptibility to skin tumors. However, many existing variations in the gene have not been evaluated regarding the functional consequences and its role in the variation of pigmentation. Computational prediction of nonsynonymous polymorphisms was performed in the human MC1R gene in order to identify the most likely harmful nsSNPs and to establish those with potential effect on the function of MC1R. Eleven individual tools (SIFT, MutPred, Polyphen-2, PROVEAN, I-Mutant 3.0, PANTHER, SNPs3D, Mutation Assessor, PhD-SNP, SNPs&GO and SNAP) and two consensus programs (PON-P and PredictSNP 1.0) were used to the analysis of 92 nsSNPs located in the gene. The programs used are based in evolutionary, structural and computational methods, resulting in the identification of the 14 most damaging nsSNPs (L48P, R67W, H70Y, P72L, S83P, R151H, S172I, L206P, T242I, G255R, P256S, C273Y, C289R and R306H). Despite the differences in the results of the each program the combination of different methods allowed the differentiation of the neutral polymorphisms from the most damaging, showing agreement with the consensus programs. The computational prediction has proved to be an efficient approach for the identification of harmful alleles in the MC1R gene and for the prioritization of mutations for further functional and population studies.

Influência dos genes candidatos MC1R, ASIP, TYRP1 e kit na pigmentação em ovinos crioulos e predição do efeito dos polimorfismos não sinônimos no gene MC1R humano

Hepp, Diego January 2015 (has links)
A coloração dos animais é uma característica que apresenta uma grande diversidade de fenótipos nas diferentes espécies. Diferentes abordagens podem ser utilizadas para o entendimento da diversidade na coloração existente nas espécies animais. Através da análise de genes candidatos as mutações responsáveis pela variação na coloração têm sido descritas em diferentes espécies, demonstrando o envolvimento de mecanismos moleculares variados na sua regulação. Este trabalho tem por objetivo a utilização de duas abordagens genéticas para o estudo da variação na coloração, a análise de genes candidatos e a predição computacional do efeito de polimorfismos não sinônimos. Em ovinos a coloração da lã é uma característica com importância na produção e para a identificação das raças. Polimorfismos em diferentes genes foram associados com a coloração da lã, entretanto, estes não foram estudados em muitas raças que apresentam variação fenotípica. A ovelha crioula é uma raça local existente no sul do Brasil que apresenta uma ampla diversidade de cores na lã, incluindo branco, preto e diversos tons intermediários. O gene receptor de melanocortina 1 (MC1R) foi previamente associado com a coloração na raça crioula, entretanto, outros genes também devem estar envolvidos na regulação da coloração na raça. Este trabalho avaliou a influência dos genes MC1R, ASIP (proteína sinalizadora agouti), TYRP1 (proteína relacionada à tirosinase 1) e KIT (homólogo do oncogene de sarcoma felino viral v-kit Hardy-Zuckerman 4) na coloração da lã na raça ovina crioula. Amostras de 410 animais de diferentes cores foram analisadas, sendo a variação na coloração da lã determinada por colorimetria. O padrão de herança dos fenótipos foi avaliado através de cruzamentos dirigidos entre indivíduos de diferentes cores. Os polimorfismos nos genes foram avaliados através da realização do sequenciamento e da análise de fragmentos e a quantificação da expressão do gene ASIP foi realizada por PCR em Tempo Real. Foi observada a associação significativa entre polimorfismos nos genes MC1R e ASIP e a cor da lã na raça crioula. O alelo dominante do gene MC1R, provocado pelas mutações p.M73K e p.D121N, foi encontrado apenas em indivíduos pigmentados. Este alelo resulta na ativação constitutiva do receptor, e consequentemente na produção constante de eumelanina, sendo epistático sobre o gene ASIP. Nos animais homozigotos para o alelo selvagem do MC1R a manifestação do fenótipo branco ocorreu somente nos portadores de um alelo contendo a duplicação do gene ASIP. Os portadores da duplicação do ASIP apresentaram níveis elevados de expressão do gene enquanto os homozigotos para a cópia simples do ASIP não expressaram o gene e apresentaram fenótipos pigmentados. Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar a influência da interação epistática dos genes MC1R e ASIP na coloração da lã nos ovinos crioulos. O estudo de genes candidatos envolvidos na rota da pigmentação mostrou-se uma abordagem adequada para a análise da variação na coloração nestes animais. Espera-se que o conhecimento adquirido neste trabalho auxilie na criação e na preservação da raça através da manutenção da diversidade fenotípica existente. A avaliação computacional dos polimorfismos não sinônimos vem sendo utilizada recentemente a fim de determinar os SNPs que potencialmente afetam o funcionamento dos genes e identificar os mecanismos responsáveis por doenças complexas e pela variação nos fenótipos. A predição do efeito de polimorfismos nos genes utilizando ferramentas computacionais apresenta-se como uma abordagem alternativa para o estudo da genética da coloração. O gene MC1R humano apresenta uma grande quantidade de polimorfismos alguns dos quais foram associados com a variação na pigmentação e com suscetibilidade a tumores de pele. Entretanto, muitas das variações existentes no gene não foram avaliadas quanto às suas consequências funcionais e o seu papel na variação da pigmentação. Foi realizada a predição computacional dos polimorfismos não sinônimos no gene MC1R humano com o objetivo de identificar os nsSNPs mais provavelmente danosos, e estabelecer aqueles com potencial efeito na função do MC1R. Foram utilizadas 11 ferramentas de predição individuais (SIFT, MutPred, Polyphen-2, PROVEAN, I-Mutant 3.0, PANTHER, SNPs3D, Mutation Assessor, PhD-SNP, SNPs&GO e SNAP) e dois programas consenso (PON-P e PredictSNP 1.0) para a análise de 92 nsSNPs localizados no gene. Os programas utilizados baseiam-se em métodos evolutivos, estruturais e computacionais, resultando na identificação dos 14 nsSNPs mais danosos (L48P, R67W, H70Y, P72L, S83P, R151H, S172I, L206P, T242I, G255R, P256S, C273Y, C289R e R306H). Apesar das diferenças nos resultados de cada programa a combinação dos diferentes métodos permitiu diferenciar os polimorfismos neutros dos danosos, mostrando concordância com os programas consenso. A predição computacional demonstrou ser uma abordagem eficiente para a identificação dos alelos danosos no gene MC1R e para a priorização de mutações para posteriores estudos funcionais e populacionais. / Animal color is a characteristic that presents a large diversity of phenotypes. Different approaches can be used to understand the color diversity existing among and within species. Through analysis of candidate genes the mutations responsible for the color variation have been described in different species, showing the involvement of various molecular mechanisms of regulation. The objective of this work is the use of two genetic approaches to the study of color variation, the analysis of candidate genes and the computational prediction of non-synonym polymorphism effects (nsSNPs). In sheep the wool color is a feature with commercial importance and in identifying breeds. Polymorphisms in different genes have been associated with wool color, but they have not been studied in many breeds that show phenotypic variation regarding such a charactere. The Creole is a local breed from southern most Brazil that presents a wide range of wool color, varying from white to black, and including several intermediate hues. The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) was previously associated with the wool color in the Creole, however, other genes might also be involved in the regulation of color in the breed. This study evaluated the influence of the genes MC1R, ASIP (agouti signaling protein), TYRP1 (tyrosinase related protein 1) and KIT (v-kit Hardy- Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene homolog) in the Creole breed wool color. Samples from 410 specimens of different colors were analyzed. The variation in the color of the wool was performed by colorimetry. The inheritance pattern of the phenotypes was assessed by crossbreeding individuals of different colors. Polymorphisms in the genes were evaluated by performing sequencing and fragment analysis, and the quantification of the ASIP gene expression was performed by Real Time-PCR. It was observed a significant association between polymorphisms in MC1R and ASIP gene and the wool color in Creole breed. The dominant allele of the MC1R gene, caused by p.M73K and p.D121N mutations was found only in pigmented individuals. This allele leads to the constitutive activation of the receptor and therefore in constant production of eumelanin and is epistatic on the ASIP gene. In the homozygous to the wild-type allele of MC1R the manifestation of white phenotype occurred only in individuals with one allele containing a duplication of the ASIP gene. The carriers of the duplicated copy of ASIP showed high levels of gene expression while homozygous for the simple copy of the ASIP did not expressed the gene, and showed pigmented phenotypes. The results allowed the identification of the influence of epistatic interaction of MC1R and ASIP gene in the wool color in Creole breed. The study of candidate genes involved in the pigmentation pathway proved to be a suitable approach for the analysis of variation in pigmentation in these animals. It is expected that the knowledge acquired in this work will assist on stablishment of commercial breeding and preservation policies of this sheep breed. The computational evaluation of non-synonymous polymorphism has been used to determine SNPs that potentially affect the function of the genes and identify the mechanisms responsible for complex diseases and by the variation in phenotypes. The prediction of the effect of polymorphisms in genes using computational tools presents an alternative approach to the study of the genetic of coloration. The human MC1R gene has a large number of know polymorphisms, some of which were associated with changes in pigmentation and susceptibility to skin tumors. However, many existing variations in the gene have not been evaluated regarding the functional consequences and its role in the variation of pigmentation. Computational prediction of nonsynonymous polymorphisms was performed in the human MC1R gene in order to identify the most likely harmful nsSNPs and to establish those with potential effect on the function of MC1R. Eleven individual tools (SIFT, MutPred, Polyphen-2, PROVEAN, I-Mutant 3.0, PANTHER, SNPs3D, Mutation Assessor, PhD-SNP, SNPs&GO and SNAP) and two consensus programs (PON-P and PredictSNP 1.0) were used to the analysis of 92 nsSNPs located in the gene. The programs used are based in evolutionary, structural and computational methods, resulting in the identification of the 14 most damaging nsSNPs (L48P, R67W, H70Y, P72L, S83P, R151H, S172I, L206P, T242I, G255R, P256S, C273Y, C289R and R306H). Despite the differences in the results of the each program the combination of different methods allowed the differentiation of the neutral polymorphisms from the most damaging, showing agreement with the consensus programs. The computational prediction has proved to be an efficient approach for the identification of harmful alleles in the MC1R gene and for the prioritization of mutations for further functional and population studies.

Influência dos genes candidatos MC1R, ASIP, TYRP1 e kit na pigmentação em ovinos crioulos e predição do efeito dos polimorfismos não sinônimos no gene MC1R humano

Hepp, Diego January 2015 (has links)
A coloração dos animais é uma característica que apresenta uma grande diversidade de fenótipos nas diferentes espécies. Diferentes abordagens podem ser utilizadas para o entendimento da diversidade na coloração existente nas espécies animais. Através da análise de genes candidatos as mutações responsáveis pela variação na coloração têm sido descritas em diferentes espécies, demonstrando o envolvimento de mecanismos moleculares variados na sua regulação. Este trabalho tem por objetivo a utilização de duas abordagens genéticas para o estudo da variação na coloração, a análise de genes candidatos e a predição computacional do efeito de polimorfismos não sinônimos. Em ovinos a coloração da lã é uma característica com importância na produção e para a identificação das raças. Polimorfismos em diferentes genes foram associados com a coloração da lã, entretanto, estes não foram estudados em muitas raças que apresentam variação fenotípica. A ovelha crioula é uma raça local existente no sul do Brasil que apresenta uma ampla diversidade de cores na lã, incluindo branco, preto e diversos tons intermediários. O gene receptor de melanocortina 1 (MC1R) foi previamente associado com a coloração na raça crioula, entretanto, outros genes também devem estar envolvidos na regulação da coloração na raça. Este trabalho avaliou a influência dos genes MC1R, ASIP (proteína sinalizadora agouti), TYRP1 (proteína relacionada à tirosinase 1) e KIT (homólogo do oncogene de sarcoma felino viral v-kit Hardy-Zuckerman 4) na coloração da lã na raça ovina crioula. Amostras de 410 animais de diferentes cores foram analisadas, sendo a variação na coloração da lã determinada por colorimetria. O padrão de herança dos fenótipos foi avaliado através de cruzamentos dirigidos entre indivíduos de diferentes cores. Os polimorfismos nos genes foram avaliados através da realização do sequenciamento e da análise de fragmentos e a quantificação da expressão do gene ASIP foi realizada por PCR em Tempo Real. Foi observada a associação significativa entre polimorfismos nos genes MC1R e ASIP e a cor da lã na raça crioula. O alelo dominante do gene MC1R, provocado pelas mutações p.M73K e p.D121N, foi encontrado apenas em indivíduos pigmentados. Este alelo resulta na ativação constitutiva do receptor, e consequentemente na produção constante de eumelanina, sendo epistático sobre o gene ASIP. Nos animais homozigotos para o alelo selvagem do MC1R a manifestação do fenótipo branco ocorreu somente nos portadores de um alelo contendo a duplicação do gene ASIP. Os portadores da duplicação do ASIP apresentaram níveis elevados de expressão do gene enquanto os homozigotos para a cópia simples do ASIP não expressaram o gene e apresentaram fenótipos pigmentados. Os resultados obtidos permitiram identificar a influência da interação epistática dos genes MC1R e ASIP na coloração da lã nos ovinos crioulos. O estudo de genes candidatos envolvidos na rota da pigmentação mostrou-se uma abordagem adequada para a análise da variação na coloração nestes animais. Espera-se que o conhecimento adquirido neste trabalho auxilie na criação e na preservação da raça através da manutenção da diversidade fenotípica existente. A avaliação computacional dos polimorfismos não sinônimos vem sendo utilizada recentemente a fim de determinar os SNPs que potencialmente afetam o funcionamento dos genes e identificar os mecanismos responsáveis por doenças complexas e pela variação nos fenótipos. A predição do efeito de polimorfismos nos genes utilizando ferramentas computacionais apresenta-se como uma abordagem alternativa para o estudo da genética da coloração. O gene MC1R humano apresenta uma grande quantidade de polimorfismos alguns dos quais foram associados com a variação na pigmentação e com suscetibilidade a tumores de pele. Entretanto, muitas das variações existentes no gene não foram avaliadas quanto às suas consequências funcionais e o seu papel na variação da pigmentação. Foi realizada a predição computacional dos polimorfismos não sinônimos no gene MC1R humano com o objetivo de identificar os nsSNPs mais provavelmente danosos, e estabelecer aqueles com potencial efeito na função do MC1R. Foram utilizadas 11 ferramentas de predição individuais (SIFT, MutPred, Polyphen-2, PROVEAN, I-Mutant 3.0, PANTHER, SNPs3D, Mutation Assessor, PhD-SNP, SNPs&GO e SNAP) e dois programas consenso (PON-P e PredictSNP 1.0) para a análise de 92 nsSNPs localizados no gene. Os programas utilizados baseiam-se em métodos evolutivos, estruturais e computacionais, resultando na identificação dos 14 nsSNPs mais danosos (L48P, R67W, H70Y, P72L, S83P, R151H, S172I, L206P, T242I, G255R, P256S, C273Y, C289R e R306H). Apesar das diferenças nos resultados de cada programa a combinação dos diferentes métodos permitiu diferenciar os polimorfismos neutros dos danosos, mostrando concordância com os programas consenso. A predição computacional demonstrou ser uma abordagem eficiente para a identificação dos alelos danosos no gene MC1R e para a priorização de mutações para posteriores estudos funcionais e populacionais. / Animal color is a characteristic that presents a large diversity of phenotypes. Different approaches can be used to understand the color diversity existing among and within species. Through analysis of candidate genes the mutations responsible for the color variation have been described in different species, showing the involvement of various molecular mechanisms of regulation. The objective of this work is the use of two genetic approaches to the study of color variation, the analysis of candidate genes and the computational prediction of non-synonym polymorphism effects (nsSNPs). In sheep the wool color is a feature with commercial importance and in identifying breeds. Polymorphisms in different genes have been associated with wool color, but they have not been studied in many breeds that show phenotypic variation regarding such a charactere. The Creole is a local breed from southern most Brazil that presents a wide range of wool color, varying from white to black, and including several intermediate hues. The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) was previously associated with the wool color in the Creole, however, other genes might also be involved in the regulation of color in the breed. This study evaluated the influence of the genes MC1R, ASIP (agouti signaling protein), TYRP1 (tyrosinase related protein 1) and KIT (v-kit Hardy- Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene homolog) in the Creole breed wool color. Samples from 410 specimens of different colors were analyzed. The variation in the color of the wool was performed by colorimetry. The inheritance pattern of the phenotypes was assessed by crossbreeding individuals of different colors. Polymorphisms in the genes were evaluated by performing sequencing and fragment analysis, and the quantification of the ASIP gene expression was performed by Real Time-PCR. It was observed a significant association between polymorphisms in MC1R and ASIP gene and the wool color in Creole breed. The dominant allele of the MC1R gene, caused by p.M73K and p.D121N mutations was found only in pigmented individuals. This allele leads to the constitutive activation of the receptor and therefore in constant production of eumelanin and is epistatic on the ASIP gene. In the homozygous to the wild-type allele of MC1R the manifestation of white phenotype occurred only in individuals with one allele containing a duplication of the ASIP gene. The carriers of the duplicated copy of ASIP showed high levels of gene expression while homozygous for the simple copy of the ASIP did not expressed the gene, and showed pigmented phenotypes. The results allowed the identification of the influence of epistatic interaction of MC1R and ASIP gene in the wool color in Creole breed. The study of candidate genes involved in the pigmentation pathway proved to be a suitable approach for the analysis of variation in pigmentation in these animals. It is expected that the knowledge acquired in this work will assist on stablishment of commercial breeding and preservation policies of this sheep breed. The computational evaluation of non-synonymous polymorphism has been used to determine SNPs that potentially affect the function of the genes and identify the mechanisms responsible for complex diseases and by the variation in phenotypes. The prediction of the effect of polymorphisms in genes using computational tools presents an alternative approach to the study of the genetic of coloration. The human MC1R gene has a large number of know polymorphisms, some of which were associated with changes in pigmentation and susceptibility to skin tumors. However, many existing variations in the gene have not been evaluated regarding the functional consequences and its role in the variation of pigmentation. Computational prediction of nonsynonymous polymorphisms was performed in the human MC1R gene in order to identify the most likely harmful nsSNPs and to establish those with potential effect on the function of MC1R. Eleven individual tools (SIFT, MutPred, Polyphen-2, PROVEAN, I-Mutant 3.0, PANTHER, SNPs3D, Mutation Assessor, PhD-SNP, SNPs&GO and SNAP) and two consensus programs (PON-P and PredictSNP 1.0) were used to the analysis of 92 nsSNPs located in the gene. The programs used are based in evolutionary, structural and computational methods, resulting in the identification of the 14 most damaging nsSNPs (L48P, R67W, H70Y, P72L, S83P, R151H, S172I, L206P, T242I, G255R, P256S, C273Y, C289R and R306H). Despite the differences in the results of the each program the combination of different methods allowed the differentiation of the neutral polymorphisms from the most damaging, showing agreement with the consensus programs. The computational prediction has proved to be an efficient approach for the identification of harmful alleles in the MC1R gene and for the prioritization of mutations for further functional and population studies.

Exposure of Patterns in Parallel Memory Acces

Lundgren, Björn, Ödlund, Anders January 2007 (has links)
The concept and advantages of a Parallel Memory Architecture (PMA) in computer systems have been known for long but it’s only in recent time it has become interesting to implement modular parallel memories even in handheld embedded systems. This thesis presents a method to analyse source code to expose possible parallel memory accesses. Memory access Patterns may be found, categorized and the corresponding code marked for optimization. As a result a PMA compatible with found pattern(s) and code optimization may be specified.

Design and Implementation of a Source Code Profiling Toolset for Embedded System Analysis

Qin, An January 2010 (has links)
The market needs for embedded or mobile devices were exploding in the last few years. Customers demand for devices that not only have high capacity of managing various complex jobs, but also can do it fast. Manufacturers therefore, are looking for a new field of processors that fits the special needs of embedded market, for example low power consumption, highly integrated with most components, but also provides the ability to handle different use cases. The traditional ASICs satisfied the market with great performance-per-watt but limited scalability. ASIP processors on the other hand, impact the new market with the ability of high-speed optimized general computing while energy efficiency is only slightly lower than ASICs. One essential problem in ASIP design is how to find the algorithms that can be accelerated. Hardware engineers used to optimize the instruction set manually. But with the toolset introduced in this thesis, design automation can be made by program profiling and the development cycle can be trimmed therefore reducing the cost. Profiling is the process of exposing critical parts of a certain program via static code analysis or dynamic performance analysis. This thesis introduced a code profiler that targeted at discovering repetition section of a program through static and dynamic analysis. The profiler also measures the payload of each loop and provides profiling report with a user friendly GUI client.

Assembler Generator and Cycle-Accurate Simulator Generator for NoGAP

Akhlaq, Faisal, Loganathan, Sumathi January 2010 (has links)
System-on-Chip is increasingly built using ASIP(Application  Specific Instruction set Processor) due to the flexibility and efficiency obtained from ASIPs. NoGAP (Novel Generator of Accelerator and Processor framework) is an innovative approach for  ASIP design, which provides the advantage of both ADL (Architecture  Description Language) and HDL (Hardware Description Language) to the  designer. For the processors designed using NoGAP, software tools need to be automatically generated, to aid the  designer in programming and verifying the processor. As part of the master thesis work, we have developed two generators namely Assembler generator and Cycle-Accurate Simulator generator for NoGAP using C++. The Assembler generator automatically generates an assembler, which is used to convert the assembly code written by a programmer into relocatable binary code. The Cycle-Accurate Simulator generator automatically generates a cycle-accurate simulator to model the behavior of the designed processor. Both these generators are static, and can be used to generate the tools for any processor created using NoGAP. In this report, we have detailed the concepts behind the generators,and the implementation details of the generators. We have listed the results obtained from running assembler and cycle-accurate simulator on a test processor created using NoGAP. / NoGAP

Akcelerace aplikací pomocí specializovaných instrukcí / Acceleration of Applications Using Specialized Instructions

Mikó, Albert January 2016 (has links)
The design of specialized instructions for application specific processors is a challenging task. This thesis describes the issues of effective specification and use of specialized instructions for optimization of applications. It focuses on improvements of the outputs and usability of the semiatomatic method of selection of specialized instructions to allow the optimization of complicated applications. This method combines manual selection of instructions by marking a section of source code in the application and automatic generation of the instruction description in the modelling language.

RISC-V Based Application-Specific Instruction Set Processor for Packet Processing in Mobile Networks

Södergren, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
This thesis explores the use of an ASIP for handling O-RAN control data. A model application was constructed, optimized and profiled on a simple RV32-IMC core. The compiled code was analyzed, and the instructions “byte swap”, “pack”, bitwise extract/deposit” and “bit field place” were implemented. Synthesis of the core, and profiling of the model application, was done with and without each added instruction. Byte swap had the largest impact on performance (14% improvement per section, and 100% per section extension), followed by bitwise extract/deposit (10% improvement per section but no impact on section extensions). Pack and bit field place had no impact on performance. All instructions had negligible impact on core size, except for bitwise extract/deposit, which increased size by 16%. Further studies, with respect to both overall architecture and further evaluation of instructions to implement, would be necessary to design an ideal ASIP for the application.

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