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Using finite element analysis of retroreflective raised pavement markers to recommend testing procedures for simulating their field performanceAgrawal, Ravi Prakash 16 August 2006 (has links)
Retroreflective Raised Pavement Markers (RRPMs) supplement other pavement
markings to provide guidance to road users. Previous research concerning durability of
the RRPMs suggests that their performance has been degrading over the years. One of
the main causes for underperformance of the RRPMs is the lack of appropriate
laboratory testing standards that can test the adequacy of the RRPMs to perform in field
conditions. There is a need to modify the existing standards or develop new testing
procedures that can better simulate field conditions. This requires identifying critical
locations and magnitudes of stresses inside the markers during the tire-marker impacts
that happen on roads.
The goal of this research was to identify critical magnitudes and locations of the
stresses in RRPMs during the tire-marker impacts by doing the finite element modeling
and simulation of the impacts, and use the information to recommend laboratory testing
procedures that could simulate real-world conditions. The researcher modeled and
simulated the tire-marker impacts using the finite element tools Hypermesh and LS DYNA. He calibrated the material properties of the marker models to improve the tiremarker
Based on the tire-marker impact simulations, the researcher concluded that the
critical compressive stresses during impacts are located at the edge contacts of
retroreflective sides with the top surface. The critical stresses may also occur at lower
and upper corners of the marker. The other areas, especially the lower half of the marker,
had tensile stresses. Angle of impact was found to be a critical external variable that
affected the stresses inside the markers and the marker-pavement interface forces.
The researcher then modeled and simulated a few laboratory-testing procedures
that could simulate the field performance of the RRPMs. Based on these simulations, the
researcher recommended that the ASTM compression test for evaluation of RRPMs be
continued or a similar test be developed. He suggested development of one new test
(named as offset compression test) that could better replicate the field conditions. He
also recommended having a review of the ASTM flexural test.
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Characterization of the Esterification Reaction in High Free Fatty Acid OilsPorter Altic, Lucas Eli 29 October 2010 (has links)
Energy and vegetable oil prices have caused many biodiesel producers to turn to waste cooking oils as feedstocks. These oils contain high levels of free fatty acids (FFAs) which make them difficult or impossible to convert to biodiesel by conventional production methods. Esterification is required for ultra-high FFA feedstocks such as Brown Grease. In addition, ultrasonic irradiation has the potential to improve the kinetics of the esterification reaction. 2-level, multi-factor DOE experiments were conducted to characterize the esterification reaction in ultra-high FFA oils as well as determine whether ultrasonic irradiation gives any benefit besides energy input. The study determined that sulfuric acid content had the greatest effect followed by temperature and water content (inhibited reaction). Methanol content had no effect in the range studied. A small interaction term existed between sulfuric acid and temperature. The study also concluded that sonication did not give any additional benefit over energy input.
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Elevated-temperature properties of ASTM A992 steel for structural-fire engineering analysisLee, Jinwoo 30 January 2013 (has links)
Recently in the United States, there has been increasing interest in developing engineered approaches to structural fire safety of buildings as an alternative to conventional code-based prescriptive approaches. With an engineered approach, the response of a structure to fire is computed and appropriate design measures are taken to assure acceptable response. In the case of steel buildings, one of the key elements of this engineered approach is the ability to predict the elevated-temperature properties of structural steel. Although several past research studies have examined elevated-temperature properties of structural steel, there are still major gaps in the experimental database and in the available constitutive models, particularly for ASTM A992 structural steel, a commonly used grade. Accordingly, the overall objective of this dissertation is to significantly enlarge the experimental database of the elevated-temperature properties for ASTM A992 structural steel and developing improved constitutive models for application in structural-fire engineering analysis.
Specific issues examined in this dissertation include the following: tensile properties at elevated temperatures; room-temperature mechanical properties after heating and cooling; and creep and relaxation properties at elevated temperatures. For the elevated-temperature studies of tension, creep and relaxation, constitutive models were developed to describe the measured experimental data. These models were compared to existing theoretical and empirical models from the literature. / text
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A Geochemical Analysis: Application of a Chelating Agent on Potential ASR Reactive AggregatesGarcia, Jennifer N 28 November 2011 (has links)
Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) is a deleterious, expansive reaction in concrete. Several ASTM methods test potential aggregates for ASR risk. One method uses NaOH digestion, followed by spectroscopic methods, to estimate the amount of reactive silica present in an aggregate. NaOH, however, can digest both crystalline (i.e. quartz) and non-crystalline (e.g. opal), or poorly crystalline silica, potentially yielding falsely high estimates of reactive silica. Studies in soil and plant sciences have used Tiron, an alkaline chelating agent (C6H4S2O8Na2), as a method of digesting opaline silica for spectroscopic analysis. Here we test this approach by analyzing reactive silica in road aggregate. Tiron extraction of reactive silica is more selective, in some cases extracting only ~ 30% of the silica compared to the harsher NaOH extraction: variation is due to differences in aggregate mineralogy, specifically SiO2. In conducting chelation analyses, UV/VIS seems to be a better approach than AA.
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Possible Modifications to the Accelerated Mortar Bar Test (ASTM C1260)Golmakani, Farideh 11 July 2013 (has links)
The Accelerated Mortar Bar test (AMBT) is rapid, reproducible, and perhaps the most widely used technique for examining the potential alkali-silica reactivity of aggregates. Unfortunately, this test is often unreliable as it may identify non-reactive aggregate as reactive and vice versa.
With the aim of improving the accuracy of AMBT, two modifications to the current procedure were evaluated: 1) the maturity of mortar bars prior to alkali hydroxide exposure and 2) reduction of the storage temperature. The original and modified versions were performed on six aggregates with alkali-silica reactive (ASR) components, and their expansions and ASR classifications were compared. Results show that increasing the maturity had no significant impact on expansions. However, modifying the storage temperature to 60˚C and extending the period of testing to 28 days can be very effective in terms of more reliably identifying the existing falsely identified aggregates.
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Possible Modifications to the Accelerated Mortar Bar Test (ASTM C1260)Golmakani, Farideh 11 July 2013 (has links)
The Accelerated Mortar Bar test (AMBT) is rapid, reproducible, and perhaps the most widely used technique for examining the potential alkali-silica reactivity of aggregates. Unfortunately, this test is often unreliable as it may identify non-reactive aggregate as reactive and vice versa.
With the aim of improving the accuracy of AMBT, two modifications to the current procedure were evaluated: 1) the maturity of mortar bars prior to alkali hydroxide exposure and 2) reduction of the storage temperature. The original and modified versions were performed on six aggregates with alkali-silica reactive (ASR) components, and their expansions and ASR classifications were compared. Results show that increasing the maturity had no significant impact on expansions. However, modifying the storage temperature to 60˚C and extending the period of testing to 28 days can be very effective in terms of more reliably identifying the existing falsely identified aggregates.
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Estudo da nitretação a plasma com tela ativa e potencial flutuante para o aço rápido ASTM M2 / Investigation on active screen plasma nitriding with floating electrical potential for ASTM M2 high speed tool steelOliveira, Leonardo Fonseca January 2017 (has links)
No presente trabalho foi investigada a nitretação a plasma do aço rápido ASTM M2 utilizando diferentes configurações, envolvendo as técnicas convencional e com tela ativa. Na técnica convencional, o material a ser nitretado atua como o cátodo do sistema, sendo coberto diretamente pela bainha da descarga luminescente. Nos tratamentos conduzidos com a técnica de tela ativa, uma estrutura de tela em formato cilíndrico atua como cátodo e o material a ser nitretado é posicionado no seu interior. Neste novo processo, como não há potencial elétrico externo aplicado aos substratos, a descarga luminescente se desenvolve apenas na estrutura da tela, evitando problemas intrínsecos do método convencional de nitretação a plasma. Todos os tratamentos investigados foram executados com os seguintes parâmetros: Temperatura de 500 °C, mistura gasosa composta 76% de volume de gás nitrogênio e 24% de volume de gás hidrogênio e pressão de 3 milibar. Para os tratamentos com tela ativa, os substratos foram mantidos eletricamente isolados. Os resultados foram comparados observando a diferença de método de nitretação (com e sem o uso de tela ativa) e a influência do tempo de tratamento (variando sua duração em 1, 4 e 8 horas) Todos os experimentos foram realizados utilizando uma fonte de potência de tensão retificada aplicada na tela ou nas amostras, dependendo da configuração. Adicionalmente, para o tempo de nitretação de 4 horas uma fonte de potência com tensão pulsada também foi aplicada. As amostras nitretadas foram caracterizadas por ensaios de rugosidade, ensaios de dureza e microdureza, microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e difração de raios-X. Ensaios tribológicos para avaliação da resistência ao desgaste das diferentes condições de tratamento foram conduzidos. Dentre os principais resultados foi observada uma clara diferença na profundidade de camada nitretada, que foi sempre mais profunda nos tratamentos convencionais. Apesar de formadas camadas menos profundas, as amostras nitretadas oriundas dos tratamentos com tela ativa demonstraram melhor desempenho nos ensaios tribológicos, resultando em taxas de desgaste até sete vezes inferior do que as amostras do nitretadas convencionalmente, este resultado foi atribuído a não formação da zona de compostos nas amostras nitretadas com tela ativa. / In the present work an investigation on the plasma nitriding of ASTM M2 High-Speed Steel using different configurations was carried out, involving traditional and active screen techniques. In the traditional technique, the material to be nitrided act as the system cathode, being directly covered by the glow discharge sheath. In the active screen treatments, a cylindrical mesh structure (screen) plays the role of the cathode and the material to be nitrided is positioned in its interior. In this new process, as there is no external electric potential applied to the specimens, the glow discharge develops only in the screen structure, avoiding intrinsic problems from the conventional plasma nitriding method. All the studied treatments were carried out with the following parameters: temperature of 500 °C, gas mixture of 76 vol.-% N2 and 24 vol.-% H2 and pressure of 3 millibar. For the active screen treatments, the samples were kept electrically insulated. The results were compared observing the differences in the nitriding method (with and without the use of active screen) and the nitriding time influence (varying its duration in 1, 4 and 8 hours) All experiments were carried using a rectified voltage power supply applied to the screen or to the samples, depending on the configuration. Additionally, for the nitriding time of 4 hours a pulsed voltage power supply was also employed. The nitrided samples were characterized by roughness tests, hardness and microhardness tests, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction. Tribological tests to evaluate the wear resistance of the different treatment conditions were also carried out. Among the main results a clear difference in the case layer depth was noticed, which was always deeper in the conventional treatments. Although forming shallower case depths, the active screen nitrided specimens presented better performance in the tribological tests, resulting in wear rates up to seven times lower than the wear rate for conventionally plasma nitrided samples, this result was assigned due to the non-formation of compound layer in the active screen plasma nitrided samples.
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ASTM D5231 aplicada à caracterização da composição gravimétrica dos resíduos sólidos urbanos : estudo de caso : Novo Hamburgo, RSWaskow, Régis Pereira January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou a composição gravimétrica dos resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) do município de Novo Hamburgo-RS. Foram realizadas 10 amostragens de diferentes setores de coleta ao longo dos meses de março e abril de 2014. Juntamente com a análise da composição gravimétrica foi avaliada a densidade dos RSU de Novo Hamburgo. No mesmo período foram realizadas amostragens da saída das esteiras de triagem da central de transbordo do município, com um total de 5 amostras. Os procedimentos amostrais seguiram a norma americana ASTM D5231/2008. A composição gravimétrica obtida para os RSU corresponde em: 57,13% matéria orgânica; 14,82% plástico; 12,69% papel; 4,34 têxtil; 1,62% metais ferrosos; 0,69% borracha; 0,49% metais não ferrosos; 0,40% couro; 0,35% madeira e 3,86% outros. O valor médio para a densidade do RSU encontrado foi de 173 kg/m³. Alguns resíduos encontrados como eletroeletrônicos, pilhas e baterias, embalagens contaminadas com óleo, alguns resíduos sólidos industriais (RSI) e outros, não deveriam ser destinados junto aos RSU. A maior fração da matéria orgânica era esperada visto que este comportamento é identificado na composição gravimétrica média dos RSU do Brasil. Os resultados demonstram um potencial para implantação do processo de compostagem pelo alto potencial de resíduos orgânicos, sendo necessário mais análises para garantir a qualidade e aplicabilidade do composto. O descarte inadequado de resíduos orgânicos e recicláveis juntos inviabiliza a reciclagem, aumentando as quantidades destinadas ao aterro sanitário. A composição gravimétrica obtida para a saída das esteiras de triagem corresponde em: 81,60% matéria orgânica; 8,63% plástico; 2,89% papel; 1,66 têxtil; 0,58% borracha; 0,52% metais ferrosos; 0,37% metais não ferrosos; 0,35% madeira; 0,23% couro e 1,81% outros. Foi identificada uma grande presença de materiais recicláveis na saída das esteiras de triagem. Ações foram propostas para aumentar a eficiência do processo de triagem e melhorar o aproveitamento dos recicláveis. Políticas públicas foram sugeridas visando à melhoria dos processos de gestão dos RSU do município. Os resultados obtidos são representativos para o período avaliado, sendo passíveis de alteração quando de amostragem em outros períodos. / The purpose of this paper is evaluate the gravimetric composition of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) of Novo Hamburgo - RS. Ten samples were collected in different areas between March to April 2014 according to ASTM D5231/2008. Simultaneously were evaluated the MSW density and the materials collection after sorting followed the ASTM D5231/2008. The gravimetric composition of MSW consists in 57,13% of organic matter; 14,82% of plastic; 12,69% of paper; 4,34% of textile; 1,62% of ferrous metals; 0,69% of rubber; 0,49% of noun ferrous metals; 0,40% of leather; 0,35% of wood and 3,86% of others. The MSW density were 173 kg/m³. Some residues as electronics, batteries, oil contaminated packaging and some industrial solid waste should not be disposed as MSW. A larger fraction of organic matter was expected as shown in the most Brazilian analyzed papers since that behavior is known about the gravimetric average composition of MSW in Brazil. The results demonstrate the potential implementation of the composting process considering the amount of organics, requiring further analysis to ensure the quality and applicability of the produced compounds. The inappropriate disposal of organic matter and recyclables together turn unfeasible the recycling. The gravimetric composition of material after sorting consists in: 81,60% of organic matter; 8,63% of plastic; 2,89% of paper; 1,66 of textile; 0,58% of rubber; 0,52% of ferrous metals; 0,37% of non ferrous metals; 0,35% of wood; 0,23% of leather e 1,81% of others. Amounts of recyclables was identified after sorting and based on this evidence actions were proposed to increase the sorting process efficiency and improve the recycling. Public policies were recommended to enhance the MSW management. The results are representative considering this measuring period, which could change if realized in another periods.
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Avaliações dos tecidos hidrorrepelentes de equipamentos de proteção individual após usos e lavagens em condições de campoCarvalho, Giorge França Gomes de [UNESP] 07 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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carvalho_gfg_me_jabo.pdf: 795664 bytes, checksum: 8c5c49c27fc56b49816f054bb7260c33 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / O controle químico, por meio de aplicações de agrotóxicos, destaca-se no combate aos organismos danosos às culturas agrícolas. Devido à toxicidade dos agrotóxicos, qualquer atividade onde se utiliza do controle químico, existe o risco de intoxicação dos trabalhadores e, portanto, há a necessidade de se adotar medidas de segurança. Acredita-se que os trabalhadores não estão convenientemente protegidos do risco de intoxicação com os Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPIs) confeccionados no país, por que ainda não têm a eficiência e a vida útil avaliadas em ensaios de laboratório ou de campo. Desta forma, objetivou-se avaliar com o procedimento da norma F 2130 da ASTM a eficiência dos tecidos hidrorrepelentes, em condições de laboratório, dos conjuntos de EPIs Bege Cru (100% algodão) e Camuflado (69% algodão/31% poliamida), usados por trabalhadores em pulverizações de agrotóxicos em culturas de cana-de-açúcar e de citros sem e com 5, 10, 20 e 30 usos e lavagens, e avaliar o uso da combinação da técnica de fotomicrografia dos tecidos com a técnica de análise de imagem quantitativamente, por meio das porcentagens de fibras e de poros dos tecidos para explicar as variações de repelência, retenção e penetração dos agrotóxicos nos materiais dos tecidos sem e após dez usos e lavagens. O tecido do conjunto Camuflado é mais eficiente que o do conjunto Bege Cru na proteção às formulações Supera SC® (hidróxido de cobre) e Roundup Original CS® (glyphosate). A combinação das técnicas de fotomicrografia e de quantificação percentual da porosidade por meio de software é adequada para avaliar a desorganização da estrutura física dos tecidos após usos e lavagens. A estrutura da porosidade do tecido do conjunto Camuflado não é alterada, mas a do tecido Bege Cru é alterada após os dez usos e lavagens em condições de campo / Chemical control by spraying of pesticides, stands in combating organisms that damage agricultural crops. There is the risk of occupational poisoning in any activity where chemistry control is used for prevention and treatment of the agricultural crops, and it is necessary to adopt security measures. It is believed that workers are not satisfactorily protected from the risk of poisoning, because the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) made in Brazil does not have its efficiency and life cycle adequately evaluated in laboratory or field testing. Stated thus, the present study has aimed to evaluate, by the procedure of F 2130 standard of ASTM, the efficiency of hidrorrepelent clothes, under laboratory conditions, from the sets of EPIs Bege Cru (100% cotton) and Camuflado ( 69% cotton / 31% polyamide), that were used by workers in activities of spraying of sugar cane and citrus crops with and without 5, 10, 20 and 30 uses and laundering, and to evaluate the use of a combination of the photomicrographs technical of clothes with the quantitative technique of image analysis, by the percentages of fibers and pores of the clothes to explain the variations of repellency, retention and penetration of pesticides in the clothes without and after ten uses and washes. It was concluded that the Camuflado cloth is more efficient than the Bege Cru, in both formulations of product crop protection used in laboratory tests with the application of the ASTM standard F2130. The combination of the techniques of photomicrography and quantifying the percentage of porosity by the software is suitable for evaluating disorganization of the physical structure of the clothes after using and washing.It was also concluded through the study that the porosity of Camuflado cloth (cotton/nylon) has not changed its structure after ten washes, however Bege Cru cloth (cotton) was altered
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Estudo da nitretação a plasma com tela ativa e potencial flutuante para o aço rápido ASTM M2 / Investigation on active screen plasma nitriding with floating electrical potential for ASTM M2 high speed tool steelOliveira, Leonardo Fonseca January 2017 (has links)
No presente trabalho foi investigada a nitretação a plasma do aço rápido ASTM M2 utilizando diferentes configurações, envolvendo as técnicas convencional e com tela ativa. Na técnica convencional, o material a ser nitretado atua como o cátodo do sistema, sendo coberto diretamente pela bainha da descarga luminescente. Nos tratamentos conduzidos com a técnica de tela ativa, uma estrutura de tela em formato cilíndrico atua como cátodo e o material a ser nitretado é posicionado no seu interior. Neste novo processo, como não há potencial elétrico externo aplicado aos substratos, a descarga luminescente se desenvolve apenas na estrutura da tela, evitando problemas intrínsecos do método convencional de nitretação a plasma. Todos os tratamentos investigados foram executados com os seguintes parâmetros: Temperatura de 500 °C, mistura gasosa composta 76% de volume de gás nitrogênio e 24% de volume de gás hidrogênio e pressão de 3 milibar. Para os tratamentos com tela ativa, os substratos foram mantidos eletricamente isolados. Os resultados foram comparados observando a diferença de método de nitretação (com e sem o uso de tela ativa) e a influência do tempo de tratamento (variando sua duração em 1, 4 e 8 horas) Todos os experimentos foram realizados utilizando uma fonte de potência de tensão retificada aplicada na tela ou nas amostras, dependendo da configuração. Adicionalmente, para o tempo de nitretação de 4 horas uma fonte de potência com tensão pulsada também foi aplicada. As amostras nitretadas foram caracterizadas por ensaios de rugosidade, ensaios de dureza e microdureza, microscopia ótica, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e difração de raios-X. Ensaios tribológicos para avaliação da resistência ao desgaste das diferentes condições de tratamento foram conduzidos. Dentre os principais resultados foi observada uma clara diferença na profundidade de camada nitretada, que foi sempre mais profunda nos tratamentos convencionais. Apesar de formadas camadas menos profundas, as amostras nitretadas oriundas dos tratamentos com tela ativa demonstraram melhor desempenho nos ensaios tribológicos, resultando em taxas de desgaste até sete vezes inferior do que as amostras do nitretadas convencionalmente, este resultado foi atribuído a não formação da zona de compostos nas amostras nitretadas com tela ativa. / In the present work an investigation on the plasma nitriding of ASTM M2 High-Speed Steel using different configurations was carried out, involving traditional and active screen techniques. In the traditional technique, the material to be nitrided act as the system cathode, being directly covered by the glow discharge sheath. In the active screen treatments, a cylindrical mesh structure (screen) plays the role of the cathode and the material to be nitrided is positioned in its interior. In this new process, as there is no external electric potential applied to the specimens, the glow discharge develops only in the screen structure, avoiding intrinsic problems from the conventional plasma nitriding method. All the studied treatments were carried out with the following parameters: temperature of 500 °C, gas mixture of 76 vol.-% N2 and 24 vol.-% H2 and pressure of 3 millibar. For the active screen treatments, the samples were kept electrically insulated. The results were compared observing the differences in the nitriding method (with and without the use of active screen) and the nitriding time influence (varying its duration in 1, 4 and 8 hours) All experiments were carried using a rectified voltage power supply applied to the screen or to the samples, depending on the configuration. Additionally, for the nitriding time of 4 hours a pulsed voltage power supply was also employed. The nitrided samples were characterized by roughness tests, hardness and microhardness tests, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction. Tribological tests to evaluate the wear resistance of the different treatment conditions were also carried out. Among the main results a clear difference in the case layer depth was noticed, which was always deeper in the conventional treatments. Although forming shallower case depths, the active screen nitrided specimens presented better performance in the tribological tests, resulting in wear rates up to seven times lower than the wear rate for conventionally plasma nitrided samples, this result was assigned due to the non-formation of compound layer in the active screen plasma nitrided samples.
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