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[pt] Este trabalho apresenta a comparação analítica entre os
métodos de Misme-Fimbel e Assis-Einloft para previsão de
distribuição cumulativa de atenuações causadas pela chuva
em percursos terrestres. Comparações numéricas entre estes
dois métodos, e, entre eles e dados experimentais, são
feitas, assumindo um grande número de parâmetros de
entrada (freqüência, polarização, comprimento da ligação e
distribuição das taxas de precipitação). A seguir, é feita
uma análise estatística das taxas de precipitação pontual
e são apresentadas as distribuições cumulativas
experimentais destas taxas e curvas de previsão de
atenuação devida a chuva, para cinco regiões do Brasil. / [en] This work presents an analytical comparison between the
Misme-Fimbel and Assis-Einloft methods for the prediction
of the attenuation due to rain on terrestrial paths.
Numerical comparisons between these two methods, and
between them and experimental data have also been made,
assuming a large number of input parameters (frequency,
polarization, path length, and rainfall rate
distribution). Finally, a statistical analysis of point
rainfall rates is made, and the experimental cumulative
distributions of these rates, and curves for the
prediction of attenuation due to rain for five regions of
Brazil are presented.
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Studies of the electrical properties and electroforming of thin insulating filmsGould, R. D. January 1973 (has links)
Evaporated thin film sandwich structures of Au-SiOX-Au have been studied. These normally show electroforming effects and subsequently electron emission, electroluminescence, negative resistance and thermal-voltage memory effects. Previous work in the field is critically reviewed. It was shown that the time dependence of the device current and emission current can be explained by making certain modifications to the filamentary conduction theory of Dearnaley. Detailed direct current-voltage measurements have revealed the existence of two different types of breakdown behaviour. At voltages less than 20 V single-hole breakdowns were observed, while in the voltage range 20-30 V large scale irreversible breakdown behaviour took place. The dependence of the voltage at which this occurs (Vß) on insulator thickness and temperature, together with measurements of the device temperature at breakdown and visual evidence of damage after breakdown, has led to the conclusion that this type of breakdown is a thermal effect. Such measurements also pointed to the existence of a high field region within the insulator, and potential distribution measurements confirmed this hypothesis. The high field region was also in evidence at low temperatures where the device current (Ic) showed a log Ic α Vb1/2 dependence on applied voltage (Vb). Measurements of electron attenuation lengths in SiOx gave values of 400-1000 Å irrespective of temperature. The temperature independence was consistent with the emitted electron energy distributions at 77 and 300 K. It was shown that electrons underwent Bragg diffraction through the top Au electrode. The angular distribution of emitted electrons became more isotropic with increasing voltage. Measurements on other systems showed that Al-SiOx/B2O3-Al devices could withstand very high voltages and give improved emission efficiency, while Au-CaBr2-Au and Au-Si3N4-Au devices showed very high initial currents and current-voltage characteristics which were irreversible.
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Naturlig nedbrytning av klorerade lösningsmedel i grundvatten / Natural attenuation of chlorinated solvents in groundwaterNugin, Kaisa January 2004 (has links)
Chlorinated solvents are common contaminants in soil and water. Under anaerobic conditions microbes are capable of transforming chlorinated solvents into ethylene which would result in a remediation of the contaminated area. In order to use natural attenuation as a remediation method evidence of continuous degradation is required. Furthermore, the degradation must occur at a sufficient rate and continuous monitoring of the site is needed until the demanded levels are achieved. A field study was performed on the basis of data from a dry-cleaning facility contaminated mainly by perchloroethylene. The purpose of the study was to define the existing situation regarding distribution and transformation of contaminant in order to evaluate the possibilities of using natural attenuation as a method of remediation. Degradation of perchloroethylene proceeds through successive removal of chlorine, with the formation of trichloroethylene, dichloroethylene, vinyl chloride and ethylene. There exists evidence of degradation as far as vinyl chloride on the site but whether transformation continues to ethylene is not established. The computer model Biochlor was used to simulate distribution and degradation of the contaminants. The site possesses a complex hydrogeology and the existing data are not sufficient to distinguish the effect of degradation from other factors such as spreading of contaminant between different layers of soil. Since degradation failed to be quantified, natural attenuation can not be recommended as a safe remediation method at the considered site without further investigations. / Klorerade lösningsmedel är vanligt förekommande föroreningar i mark och vatten. Under anaeroba förhållanden kan mikrober omvandla klorerade kolväten till eten vilket leder till rening av det förorenade området. För att kunna använda denna naturliga nedbrytning som saneringsmetod krävs bevis för att nedbrytning fortskrider i tillräcklig utsträckning för att rena området och därefter krävs kontinuerlig provtagning till dess målen för saneringen har uppnåtts. En fallstudie utfördes utifrån data från en kemtvättsfastighet förorenad av i första hand perkloreten. Syftet var att kartlägga föroreningssituationen med avseende på spridning och nedbrytning av de klorerade föreningarna för att undersöka om naturlig nedbrytning var en möjlig framtida saneringsmetod. Nedbrytning av perkloreten sker stegvis genom att klor avspjälkas, under bildande av produkterna trikloreten, dikloreten, vinylklorid och etengas. Nedbrytning av förorening har konstaterats ske på fastigheten fram till vinylklorid men huruvida nedbrytning avstannat där eller fullföljts till etengas är ej klarlagt. Datormodellen Biochlor användes för att simulera spridning och nedbrytning av utsläppet. Fältplatsen har en komplex hydrogeologi och befintliga fältdata var inte tillräckliga för att särskilja nedbrytningens effekt från faktorer såsom spridning av förorening mellan olika jordlager. Eftersom nedbrytningen inte kunde kvantifieras kan naturlig nedbrytning inte rekommenderas som säker saneringsmetod på denna fältplats utan kompletterande analyser.
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Mapping of Water under a Part of the Greenland Ice Sheet Using Ice-Penetrating Radar / Kartering av subglacialt vatten under en del av Grönland med hjälp av markradarSvensson, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The contribution to the global sea level change from the large ice sheet of Greenland and Antarctica if both ice sheet where to melt completely, is estimated to be approximately 70 meters. How much the actual contribution would be, is due to complex ice dynamics still unclear. It is crucial to gain knowledge about the spatial distribution of wet and frozen beds, in order to increase the understanding of ice-sheet flow. There are yet no complete models available that can fully explain and describe ice sheet motion and the feedback mechanisms that are involved, making this topic important for future predictions and modelling of the impact of a warming climate. Radar sounding can be used for distinguish the different reflectivity between wet and frozen beds, this is however limited by uncertainties caused by scattering and attenuation. To be able to map the spatial distribution of subglacial water, attenuation needs to be taken into account. Here, mapping of water under a smaller part of the Greenland ice sheet was performed, and three different methods for acquiring attenuation values was used to obtain a suitable value of the attenuation. A CMP analysis, an attenuation model based on temperature data and an attenuation estimation derived from common-offset radar data, the mean attenuation value from these methods was used for the determination of the reflectivity. Hydraulic potential calculations was also performed, analyzed and compared with the result from the mapping of the reflectivity. Higher reflectivity was observed closer to the front of the glacier, indicating wetter basal condition in that area. This area did also have more moulins and sinks which could lead water from the surface down to the base of the ice. / De båda istäckena Grönland och Antarktis uppskattas kunna bidra till den globala havsytehöjningen med ungefär 70 meter om de bägge istäckena skulle smälta helt och hållet. Hur mycket det faktiska bidraget skulle bli, är på grund av komplex isdynamik fortfarande oklart. Det är av yttersta vikt att öka kunskapen om den rumsliga fördelningen av frusna och icke-frusna bottnar under ett istäcke, för att öka förståelsen om isrörelse. Det finns i nuläget inga modeller som helt och fullt kan beskriva och förklara istäckens rörelse och de återkopplingsmekanismer som är involverade, vilket gör detta ämne viktigt för framtida förutsägelser och modellering av inverkan av ett allt varmare klimat.Radar kan användas för att särskilja den olika reflektivitet som uppvisas mellan frusna och icke-frusna bottnar, detta är dock begränsat på grund av dämpning och spridning av radarvågor genom isen. För att kunna kartera den rumsliga fördelningen av subglacialt vatten, behövs bland annat dämpningen i isen tas med i beräkningarna.Kartering av vatten under en mindre del av istäcket på Grönland har utförts i detta arbete, och för att erhålla ett bättre värde på dämpningen i isen användes tre olika metoder. En CMP-analys, en dämpningsmodell baserad på temperatur data och en dämpningsbedömning baserad på common-offset radardata, och medelvärdet på dämpningen från dessa tre metoder användes för fastställandet av reflektivitet i det undersökta området. Beräkningar av hydraulisk potential utfördes också, vilket analyserades och jämfördes med resultatet från karteringen av reflektivitet.Högre reflektivitet observerades närmre fronten av glaciären, vilket är en indikation på att vatten finns vid botten i det området. I detta område fanns också fler brunnar som skulle kunna leda ner vatten från ytan till botten av glaciären.
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Integrating Audio in the Isometric GameHarrop, Claire January 2013 (has links)
This study is about audio design for the isometric perspective computer game. Many games have an isometric perspective also known as a top-down perspective. Audio plays a large part in modern computers games. In this thesis I have questioned how audio is used in isometric games and if it is possible to implement positional audio in isometric games, which is mostly used with true perspective games. Through an analysis of how three dimensional audio is used and how audio is designed in true perspective video games, I have attempted to find out how audio can be implemented and designed for video games with an isometric perspective. A discussion in audio design has been formulated based on a game called Magicka Wizard Wars, where I have analyzed and theoretically written how audio implementation would be designed for that specific type of game and what potential problems could occur.
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Case Study: Conceptual Ground Station Design for N66 Connect ABRijal, Samundra January 2017 (has links)
As the communication deficit in the Arctic region is enormous especially above 75 [Deg] N latitude, the concern and opportunity of providing reliable & efficient connectivity in the Arctic region has beenduly noted & understood by N66 Connect AB (N66). This case study documents a comprehensive research which implements system engineering approach for establishment of a Ground Station (GS) at Svalbard, Norway with sole focus of connecting the inaccessible geographical region lying in the Arctic with rest of the world. Several GS system & subsystem are studied and comparative analysis is made on how the communication can be established with the N66 Connect AB (N66)’s potential clients and its satellites that are to be deployed in September, 2018.The case study resulted in analysis of several risks involved during development & operation of the GS,the hardware, software & operational architecture, the features of GS’s system capable of meeting N66’s objectives and the market potential of the service after GS operations.
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Hållbar byggnad med hänsyn tilltrafikbuller Utformning av ett bostadshus i ett trafikerat planområde i Örebro / Sustainable buildingconsidering traffic noise - Designing of a residential building in a hightrafficked area in ÖrebroJabur, Ibrahim, Nassralla, Majkel January 2014 (has links)
De flesta av Sveriges kommuner har ett mål där de strävar efter att bygga ett hållbart samhälle, vilket innebär att man utnyttjar den befintliga infrastrukturen. Målet med detta är att dra nytta av de obebyggda områdena i stadsbilden genom att bygga nytt. Eftersom de tysta sidorna av byggnaderna ska ligga på en ljudnivå under 45 dB(A) har det här examensarbetet behandlat de möjliga lösningar som kan tillämpas vid bullerdämpning. En platsinventering har utförts där de olika förutsättningarna har studerats, och där resultaten av studierna har granskats med syfte till att planera en vision. Nyckelord: Bullerdämpning, bostadsutformning, platsinventering / Most Swedish municipalities have a goal which they strive to build a sustainable society, which involves the use of the infrastructure. The aim of this is to take advantage of the undeveloped areas of the urban landscape by building new buildings. Since the quiet sides of the buildings shall be at a noise level below 45dB(A), this diploma work addressed the possible solutions that can be applied in noise attenuation. A site survey has been performed there the different conditions have been studied, where the results of the studies have been reviewed in order to plan a vision. Keywords : Noise attenuation, residential design, site survey
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Phytoremediation of heavy metal and PAH contaminated soil : effects of bacterial inoculation on PAH removal, metal speciation, bioavailability and uptake by Sedum alfrediiLi, Wai Chin 01 January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Improving attenuation corrections obtained using singles-mode transmission data in small-animal PETVandervoort, Eric 05 1900 (has links)
The images in positron emission tomography (PET) represent three dimensional dynamic distributions of biologically interesting molecules labelled with positron emitting radionuclides (radiotracers). Spatial localisation of the radio-tracers is achieved by detecting in coincidence two collinear photons which are emitted when the positron annihilates with an ordinary electron. In order to obtain quantitatively accurate images in PET, it is necessary to correct for the effects of photon attenuation within the subject being imaged. These corrections can be obtained using singles-mode photon transmission scanning. Although suitable for small animal PET, these scans are subject to high amounts of contamination from scattered photons. Currently, no accurate correction exists to account for scatter in these data. The primary purpose of this work was to implement and validate an analytical scatter correction for PET transmission scanning. In order to isolate the effects of scatter, we developed a simulation tool which was validated using experimental transmission data. We then presented an analytical scatter correction for singles-mode transmission data in PET. We compared our scatter correction data with the previously validated simulation data for uniform and non-uniform phantoms and for two different transmission source radionuclides. Our scatter calculation correctly predicted the contribution from scattered photons to the simulated data for all phantoms and both transmission sources. We then applied our scatter correction as part of an iterative reconstruction algorithm for simulated and experimental PET transmission data for uniform and non-uniform phantoms. We also tested our reconstruction and scatter correction procedure using transmission data for several animal studies (mice, rats and primates). For all studies considered, we found that the average reconstructed linear attenuation coefficients for water or soft-tissue regions of interest agreed with expected values to within 4%. Using a 2.2 GHz processor, the scatter correction required between 6 to 27 minutes of CPU time (without any code optimisation) depending on the phantom size and source used. This extra calculation time does not seem unreasonable considering that, without scatter corrections, errors in the reconstructed attenuation coefficients were between 18 to 45% depending on the phantom size and transmission source used. / Science, Faculty of / Physics and Astronomy, Department of / Graduate
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Studies On Shock Wave Attenuation In LiquidsBhaskar, K 02 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The attenuation mechanism of shock waves of arbitrary strength propagating in air has been reasonably well understood. On the other hand, very little is known about the precise mechanism of shock wave attenuation and energy dissipation in liquids. The equation of state for shock propagation in water is empirical in nature and considerable differences exist with reference to the exact value of various constants even in the cast of Tait’ s equation of state, which is popularly used by researchers to describe the shock wave propagating through water. In recent times, considerable attention is being focused by researchers on shock wave attenuation and associated features in liquid medium mainly in the backdrop of development of many innovative industrial applications of shock waves. The present study focuses on generating reliable experimental data on shock wave attenuation in liquids of different viscosity. Experiments have been performed in a conventional vertical
shock tube and a modified diaphragmless shock tube to understand how
shock wave of requisite strength attenuates in liquids. A new vertical shock
tube was designed, fabricated and successfully tested in the laboratory as a part of this study. In this new facility shock loading experiments with liquids or any complex fluid medium can be carried out. In the present study five liquids (Water, Castor Oil, Sodium Chloride (10%NaCl aqueous solution), Kerosene and Glycerin) have been subjected to shock wave loading. Exhaustive static pressure measurements in the liquid medium have been carried out to understand the attenuation characteristics of shock waves. The validity of Taits equation state has been experimentally verified for water. Based on the experimental results modified Taits equation of state has been obtained for castor oil, sodium chloride, kerosene and glycerin. Illustrative theoretical study is also carried out to complement the experiments.
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