Spelling suggestions: "subject:"abinitio calculation"" "subject:"initio calculation""
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Modélisation quantique des agrégats d'hélium dopés / Quantum simulation of helium droplets with dopantsJiang, Ji 17 January 2013 (has links)
La photo-dissociation d'une molécule comme CH3I dans l'agrégat d'hélium présente un grand intérêt pour comprendre la recombinaison et la solvatation des photo-fragments après la dissociation dans un liquide quantique. Après la recombinaison certaines structures de D@Hen(D= Ar^+, I^q, q= -1, 0, +1, +2) montrent les stabilités particulières avec les nombres magiques bien définis. Notre but ultime est d'étudier théoriquement la dynamique de la photo-dissociation de CH3I dans les agrégats d'hélium et de comparer avec les résultats expérimentaux disponibles dans la littérature. Notre recherche préliminaire est motivée par les données disponibles sur les espèces de couche ouverte comme D@Hen (D= Ar^+, Mg^+) et commence par un test sur notre modèle potentiel analytique pour les systèmes D@Hen à plusieurs corps. Notre modèle inclut les énergies électrostatique classique et quantique de dispersion,et également les énergies de charge/dipôle induit et de dipôle induit/dipôle induit dans le cas où le dopant D est ionique. La représentation analytique de l'interaction D-He est obtenue en fittant les fonctions ayant une forme asymptotique physiquement correcte aux résultats de calculs ab initio corrélés de haut niveau pour la molécule D-He. La matrice "Diatomices-in-Molecules" (DIM) de notre modèle potentiel à plusieurs corps est construite pour les situations avec l'anisotropie électronique et le couplage spin-orbite (SOC) pour l'atome lourd D est inclus dans la base de couplage du type s-l pour l'atome D. Les structures et les énergies de cohésion de systèmes D@Hen sont étudiées en fonction de la taille du système n par la méthode MonteCarlo quantique de diffusion (DMC).De nouvelles sous-routines pour évaluer le potentiel D-He ont été programmées pour le programme DMC existant et une fonction d'essai améliorée a été appliquée dans le calcul DMC / The photo-dissociation of molecule like CH3I inside helium droplet presents great interest for the understanding of recombination and salvation of photo-fragments after dissociation inside a quantum liquid. After recombination certain structures of D@Hen(D= Ar^+, I^q, q=-1,0,+1,+2))show particular stabilities with well defined magic numbers. Our ultimate goal is to theoretically study the dynamics of the photo-dissociation of CH3I inside helium clusters and to compare with experimental results available for this process in the literature. Our initial research is motivated by the available information on open shell species like D@Hen (D= Ar^+, Mg^+)and begins by an examination of our analytical potential model for many body systems D@Hen. Our model includes the classical electrostatic and the quantum dispersion energies and also the charge-induced dipole and induced dipole-induced dipole interaction energies in the case of ionic D^q. The analytic representation of the D-He interaction is obtained by fitting functions with the physically correct asymptotic form to the results of high level correlated ab initio calculations for D-He. Diatomics-in-Molecules (DIM) matrices of our many body potential model are constructed for situations with electronic anisotropy and spin-orbit coupling for heavy atom D is included in the basis of the s-l coupling pattern of the doping atom D. The structures and cohesive energies of the D@Hen systems are computed as a function of system size n by the diffusion quantum Monte Carlo method (DMC).New subroutines for the potential evaluation have been programmed for the existing DMC program and an improved type of trial wave function has been implemented
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Structure and magnetic properties in half-doped manganites Ln0.5Ca0.5MnO3 (Ln=La, Pr, Nd, …, Lu) : A systematic study by neutron scattering and ab-initio calculations / Propriétés structurelles et magnétiques dans les composants de manganèse Ln0.5Ca0.5MnO3 (Ln=La, Pr, Nd, …, Lu) : Une étude systématique par diffusion des neutrons et calculs ab initio.Pusceddu, Emanuela 16 May 2011 (has links)
Le but de ce travail était de réaliser une étude systématique de la structure électronique et magnétique de la famille des manganites semi-dopés du Ca: Ln0.50Ca0.50MnO3 (Ln=REE). Nous avons focalisé notre attention sur l'ordre de charge (CO) et l'ordre orbital (OO) présents dans les manganites. Nous avons dérivé un modèle microscopique de structure nucléaire et magnétique à partir de la diffraction neutronique sur les poudres (NPD) et de calculs ab-initio afin de comparer les résultats expérimentaux et les modèles numériques et comprendre ainsi le rôle de l'inhomogénéité chimique et magnétique dans ces systèmes. La modification de l'état de spin électronique et du métal de transition par le dopage correspond à une modification structurale de la géométrie du polyèdre de coordination des atomes autour du métal de transition, induisant des changements structurels de coopération. En contraste avec l'ordre par le dopage chimique, un désordre chimique intrinsèque est associé à l'élément de dopage sur le site A du perovskite (formule générale ABO3) où sont placés les ions trivalents (RE3+) et bivalents (Ca2+). Ceci est dû à la différence de rayon ionique et d'affinité chimique entre ces ions. Afin d'étudier systématiquement l'effet de la substitution au niveau du site A et la relation entre les propriétés structurales et magnétiques, plusieurs échantillons ont été caractérisés. Les résultats de NPD sont une étape fondamentale vers la compréhension de la relation entre les propriétés structurales et magnétique et sont une source de motivation pour l'étude de la structure magnétique et des phénomènes de CO/OO par des simulations ab-initio. L'effet Jahn-Teller, les interactions de double- et super-échange, et le modèle de Zener seront introduits. Les propriétés magnétiques macroscopiques ont été mesurées en fonction de la température á l'aide d'un SQUID. La technique microscopique principale utilisée pour cette étude a été la NPD. Les instruments utilisés à l'institut Laue Langevin à Grenoble, D20 et D1A, et la méthode de Rietveld utilisée pour affiner les données expérimentales et en extraire les informations structurales seront décrits. Les résultats expérimentaux correspondant à l'étude systématique sur les échantillons de manganites de Ln0.50Ca0.50MnO3 (Ln = Pr, Nd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Tm, Yb and Lu) et une description de leur préparation seront présentés. La susceptibilité magnétique mesurée jusqu'à 530 K présente un pic large à températures élevées correspondant à la température de CO (TCO). Nous définissons la nature des corrélations magnétiques au-dessus et en-dessous de TCO dans le cadre du modèle des polarons de Zener. Nous présentons la structure nucléaire et magnétique pour tous les échantillons en fonction de la température et les déformations dues au dopage et à l'effet du rayon ionique. Tous nos systèmes ont une configuration magnétique de type pseudo-CE à la plus basse température correspondant à un état de type CE avec un effet de canting. Nous décrirons les calculs ab-initio pour modéliser notre série : le programme VASP, utilisé pour les calculs, la théorie DFT, les approximations faite, comme le fonctionnelle d'échange-corrélation (GGA-PBE), la correction d'Hubbard (GGA+U) seront présentée. Les calculs ont été effectués pour confirmer les résultats expérimentaux et pour accéder à d'autres quantités significatives comme la densité d'états électroniques. Les simulations ont été effectuées avec la DFT spin-polarisée, le GGA-PBE, et la GGA+U, pour considérer la corrélation électronique forte. Nous avons choisi deux systèmes purs: CaMnO3 et NdMnO3. Deux systèmes semi-dopés (Ln=Nd et Lu), ont été considérés, parce que les composés avec le La et le Pr ont été déjà étudié (Picozzi, Anisimov), et nous suivons la série avec Ln=Nd, et l’outre parce que le Lu, à l'instar de La, est saturé au niveau de ses orbitales 4f et qu'il présente de surcroit le plus petit rayon ionique dans la série de lanthanides. / The aim of this work was to realize a systematic study of the electronic and magnetic structure of Ca half-doped manganite family: Ln0.50Ca0.50MnO3 (Ln=REE). In particular, we focused our attention on charge ordering (CO) and orbital ordering (OO) phenomena present in manganites. We derived a microscopic model of nuclear and magnetic structure using both neutron powder diffraction (NPD) techniques and ab-initio calculations in order to compare experimental results and numerical models and to understand the role of chemical and magnetic in-homogeneity in our systems. The change of the electronic and spin state of the transition metal by doping, corresponds to a structural modification of the coordination polyhedron geometry of the atoms around the transition metal, inducing cooperative structural changes. In contrast with this order induced by doping, an intrinsic chemical disorder is associated with the doping element on the A site of the perovskite (general formula ABO3) on which the trivalent (RE3+) and divalent ions (Ca2+) reside. This disorder is due to the difference of the ionic radius and chemical affinity between the ions. In order to study systematically the effect of the A site substitution and the relation between the structural properties and the macroscopic magnetic properties, several samples have been synthesized and characterized by macroscopic magnetic measurements. Neutron diffraction is a fundamental step towards understanding the relation between the structural and macroscopic properties. The resulting structures represent a good starting point for ab-initio calculations in the study of magnetic structure and CO/OO phenomena. Important concepts and models are described: Jahn-Teller effect, double and super-exchange interaction and the Zener polarons model. The macroscopic magnetic properties have been measured versus temperature by using a SQUID magnetometer. The principal microscopic technique used for this thesis was NPD. The technique and the layout of the instruments - D20 and D1A at the Institute Laue Langevin, Grenoble - are described together with details of the Rietveld method used to refine the diffraction data. Experimental results from the systematic study of the Ln0.50Ca0.50MnO3 (Ln = Pr, Nd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Tm, Yb and Lu) manganites, are presented, with a description of sample preparation. The magnetic susceptibility, measured up to 530 K for our samples, presents a broad peak at high temperatures corresponding to the onset of the CO (TCO). From these results we define the nature of the magnetic correlations above and below TCO in the framework of the Zener polarons model. We also present the details of the nuclear and magnetic structure for all samples versus temperature, analyzing the distortions due to the doping and the effect of the ionic radius of the cations. All our samples have a pseudo-CE magnetic configuration at the lowest temperatures, corresponding to a CE-type ground state with canting. We describe the ab-initio method using the density functional theory (DFT), that have been used to model the Ln0.50Ca0.50MnO3 series. We present DFT and we discuss the most important features (spin polarization), approximations (pseudo-potentials and exchange-correlation functional) and (Hubbard) corrections used in this work, including a presentation of the VASP code used for the DFT calculations, with the corresponding input files. These calculations have been performed to confirm our experimental results and to access other significant quantities such as the electronic density of states. The computational approach has been tested on two pure systems: CaMnO3 and NdMnO3. Two half-doped systems have been chosen with Ln=Nd and Lu. The first because the La and Pr compounds were already studied (Picozzi, Anisimov) so we continued the series with the Nd system, and the Lu has the smallest ionic radius in the lanthanides series, its 4f shell is full and Lu is therefore comparable with La.
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A Multi-Scale Simulation Approach to Deformation Mechanism Prediction in SuperalloysLv, Duchao 21 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Multiscale modelling and simulation of slip boundary conditions at fluid-solid interfacesPham, Thanh Tung 25 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In most applications concerning a fluid flowing over a solid surface, the no-slip velocity condition was widely used because it is simple and produces the results in agreement with experiments. However, this dynamical boundary condition is not appropriate when the flow under consideration is at a micro or nano length scale.In order to model this effect at the macroscopic scale, the Navier boundary conditions have been introduced, with the slip length as a parameter. When the fluid is a gas, this length is related to the tangential momentum accommodation coefficient (TMAC) and the mean free path, according to the Maxwell model. The aim of this work is to systematically address this model using a multi-scale approach and to extend it by incorporating both the morphology and the anisotropy of a surface. The thesis consists of five chapters. In Chapter 1, the basics of the kinetic theory of gases, the Boltzmann equation and related solutions (Navier-Stokes-Fourier, Burnett, Grad, Direct Simulation Monte Carlo ...) are briefly presented. The models of gas-wall interaction and slip models introduced in the fluid mechanics are also recalled. The chapter ends with a description of the computational method used for the molecular dynamics simulations performed in this work. Chapter 2 is dedicated to the development of a simple technique to simulate the pressure driven flows. The principle is to rely on the atomistic formulas of the stress tensor (Irving Kirkwood, Method of Plane, Virial Stress) and to modify the periodic conditions by maintaining the difference between the kinetic energy of the ingoing and outgoing particles of the simulation domain. Several types of channels are studied with this technique. The results (temperature, velocity ...) are discussed and compared. Chapter 3 deals with the study of the gas-wall interaction potential by the ab-initio method. The code CRYSTAL 09 is used to obtain the potential between an atom of argon (Ar) and a surface of platinum (Pt) <111> as a function of distance. Then the gas-wall potential is decomposed into binary potential and approached by an analytic function. This function is then implemented in a MD code to simulate the gas-wall collisions and determine the TMAC coefficient. In Chapter 4, the effect of morphology is studied. The multi-body Quantum Sutton Chen (QSC) potential is used for Pt <100> solid and the binary potential proposed in the previous chapter for the Ar-Pt couple is employed. The QSC potential is needed to reproduce the surface effects that affect the final results. Different surfaces are treated : smooth, nanostructured surface and, random surface obtained by Chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The TMAC is determined using a generalized approach, i.e. depending on the angle of incident flux of gas atoms on the surface. The surface anisotropy and the scattering kernel are also examined. In Chapter 5, we propose a model of anisotropic slip for fluids based on accommodation tensor. The model is obtained by the analytical approximate calculations developed in the framework of the kinetic theory. We thus generalize Maxwell's equation by showing that the slip length tensor is directly related to the accommodation tensor. The model is in good agreement with the MD results. Thanks to our MD simulations, we develop a suitable technique for reproducing the anisotropy of the accommodation tensor. The thesis ends with a conclusion section in which we suggest some perspectives for a continuation of this work
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High resolution microwave spectroscopic studies of hydrates of carboxylic acidsOuyang, Bin January 2009 (has links)
This thesis studies the monohydrate, dihydrate and in some cases, trihydrate of five carboxylic acids, namely acetic acid, propanoic acid, T-difluoroacetic acid, Gdifluoroacetic acid and trifluoacetic acid using the technique of Fourier tranform microwave spectroscopy. The rotational and centrifugal distortion constants of these hydrates were determined with high accuracy. Ab initio calculations were also performed to locate the different conformational minima of the hydrates and to optimize their structures. Comparison of the ab initio predicted rotational and centrifugal distortion constants with the experimentally observed values allows us to determine the structures of the global minimum conformations of the various hydrates without ambiguity. Hydrogen-bonded ring structures are found to be the predominant feature in all observed hydrates. In this structural arrangement, all the hydrogen bonds formed are located in the same ring, and the cooperativity effect between them significantly strengthens each hydrogen bond, as suggested by the sharp increase of their binding energies in the larger hydrates. The fine and hyperfine splittings observed in the specrum were also successfully analyzed, which allows information on the dynamics of the intramolecular large amplitude tunnelling motions to be extracted explicitly. In the final part of this thesis, the equilibrium constants for the formation of monohydrates of the different carboxylic acids involved in this thesis, together with that of formic acid whose microwave spectrum has been analyzed elsewhere, were calculated to approximately derive their abundances under typical atmospheric conditions. It was found that about 2% of FMA, ACA and PPA will complex with one H2O molecule to form monohydrates in the low troposphere, while for TFA, the value increases to about 15%, mainly as a result of the larger binding energy of TFA–(H2O) due to fluorination on the end group.
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Structure électronique des couches minces organiques / Electronic structure of organic thin layersMabrouk, Manel 28 October 2016 (has links)
Ce mémoire de thèse présente les travaux de recherche sur les monocouches auto-organisées organométalliques. Nous avons étudié théoriquement les propriétés structurales, électroniques et magnétiques des structures bidimensionnelles TM-Pc (Pc : phtalocyanine) et TM-TCNB (TCNB : tétracyanobenzène) où TM représente le métal de transition de la série 3d, 4d ou 5d. Les calculs sont faits avec la méthode de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité en tenant compte du terme de Hubbard (DFT+U) en utilisant le code de simulation VASP (Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package). En plus, l’adsorption de la molécule de Fe-Pc sur la surface d’Or Au(111) a été étudiée avec les méthodes SGGA et SGGA+U. / This thesis presents research work on self-organized metal-organic monolayers. We have theoretically investigated the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of two-dimensional TM-Pc (Pc: phthalocyanine) and TM-TCNB (TCNB: tetracyanobenzene) where TM is the transition metal for the 3d, 4d or 5d series. The calculations are performed by density functional theory taking into account the Hubbard term (DFT+U) using the VASP simulation code (Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package). In addition, the adsorption of the Fe-Pc molecule on the gold surface Au(111) was studied via SGGA and SGGA+U.
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Theoretical strength of solidsWang, Hao 27 August 2010 (has links)
Theoretical strength of solids is defined as the ultimate strength beyond which plastic deformation, fracture, or decohesion would occur. Understanding the microscopic origin from quantum mechanics and thermoelastic formulation is of great importance to mechanical properties and engineering design of various solids. While quite a few theory models have been made in the past century by several generations of scientists, including Frankel and Born, a general and convincing framework has not been fully established. We study this issue from three respects: (1) Unify various elastic stability criteria for solids that determine an upper bound of theoretical strength; (2) with ab initio method, we test the elastic stability conditions of crystal Au. The phenomenon of bifurcation is observed: under hydrostatic expansion, the rhombohedral modulus reaches zero first of all; while under uniaxial tensile stress, the tetragonal shear modulus first reaches zero; (3) propose a nonlinear theoretical formulation of stability criterion. As an analytic method, this scheme is quite simple, in the mean time, it saves computation resource.
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Multiscale modelling and simulation of slip boundary conditions at fluid-solid interfaces / Modélisation multi-échelle et simulations de conditions de glissement dynamique sur des interfaces fluide-solidePham, Thanh Tung 25 September 2013 (has links)
Dans la plupart des applications concernant un fluide s'écoulant sur une surface solide, la condition de non-glissement est largement utilisée car elle est simple et produit des résultats en accord avec les expériences. Toutefois, cette condition de limite n'est plus appropriée lorsque l'écoulement considéré est à l'échelle micro ou nano-métrique. Pour modéliser cet effet à l'échelle macroscopique, les conditions aux limites de Navier ont été introduites, avec la longueur de glissement comme paramètre. Lorsque le fluide est un gaz, cette longueur est liée au coefficient d'accommodation tangentiel (TMAC) et au libre parcours moyen, selon le modèle de Maxwell. Le but de ce travail est de traiter systématiquement ce modèle par une approche multi échelle et de l'étendre en incorporant la morphologie et l'anisotropie de la surface. La thèse est composée de cinq chapitres. Après l'Introduction, les notions de base de la théorie cinétique des gaz, l'équation de Boltzmann et les solutions associées (Navier-Stokes-Fourier, Burnett, Grad, Direct Simulation Monte Carlo…) sont rappelées dans le chapitre 1. Les modèles d'interaction gaz-paroi ainsi que les modèles de glissement introduits dans le cadre le la mécanique des fluides sont aussi rappelés. Le chapitre se termine par la description de la méthode de calcul par dynamique moléculaire (MD) utilisée dans ce travail. Le chapitre 2 est dédié au développement d'une technique simple afin de simuler les écoulements induits par la pression. Le principe est de se baser sur les formules atomistiques du tenseur des contraintes (Irving Kirkwood, Méthode de Plan, Contraintes Virielles) et de modifier les conditions périodiques, tout en maintenant la différence entre l'énergie cinétique des atomes à l'entrée et à sortie du domaine de calcul. Plusieurs types de conduite sont étudiés avec cette technique. Les résultats (température, vitesses, …) sont discutés et comparés. Le chapitre 3 concerne l'étude du potentiel d'interaction gaz-paroi par la méthode ab-initio. Le code CRYSTAL 09 est utilisé pour obtenir le potentiel entre un atome d'argon (Ar) et une surface de platine (Pt) <111> en fonction de la distance. Ensuite, le potentiel atome/surface est décomposé en potentiel binaire et approché par une fonction analytique. Cette fonction est ensuite implémentée dans un code MD pour simuler les collisions gaz-paroi et déterminer le coefficient TMAC.Dans le chapitre 4, l'effet de morphologie est étudié. Le potentiel multi-corps Quantum Sutton Chen(QSC) est utilisé pour le solide Pt <100> et un des potentiels binaires étudié dans le chapitre précédent pour le couple Ar-Pt. Le potentiel QSC est nécessaire pour reproduire l'effet de surface qui affecte le résultat final. Différentes surfaces sont traitées : surface lisse, surface nanostructurée, surface aléatoire obtenue par déposition de vapeur (CVD). Le coefficient TMAC est déterminé de façon généralisée, c.à.d en fonction de l'angle du flux d'atomes incidents sur la surface. Les anisotropies de surface et le noyau de collision sont également examinés. Dans le chapitre 5, on propose un modèle de glissement anisotrope pour les fluides en fonction du tenseur d'accommodation. Le modèle est obtenu par les calculs analytiques approchés développés dans le cadre de la théorie cinétique. On a ainsi généralisé l'équation de Maxwell en montrant que le tenseur de longueur de glissement est directement lié au tenseur d'accommodation. Le modèle est en bon accord avec les résultats de la méthode MD. Concernant la simulation MD, on a développé une technique pour reproduire l'anisotropie du tenseur d'accommodation. Le mémoire de thèse se termine par une synthèse des résultats obtenus. Des perspectives pour de futures études sont proposées / In most applications concerning a fluid flowing over a solid surface, the no-slip velocity condition was widely used because it is simple and produces the results in agreement with experiments. However, this dynamical boundary condition is not appropriate when the flow under consideration is at a micro or nano length scale.In order to model this effect at the macroscopic scale, the Navier boundary conditions have been introduced, with the slip length as a parameter. When the fluid is a gas, this length is related to the tangential momentum accommodation coefficient (TMAC) and the mean free path, according to the Maxwell model. The aim of this work is to systematically address this model using a multi-scale approach and to extend it by incorporating both the morphology and the anisotropy of a surface. The thesis consists of five chapters. In Chapter 1, the basics of the kinetic theory of gases, the Boltzmann equation and related solutions (Navier-Stokes-Fourier, Burnett, Grad, Direct Simulation Monte Carlo ...) are briefly presented. The models of gas-wall interaction and slip models introduced in the fluid mechanics are also recalled. The chapter ends with a description of the computational method used for the molecular dynamics simulations performed in this work. Chapter 2 is dedicated to the development of a simple technique to simulate the pressure driven flows. The principle is to rely on the atomistic formulas of the stress tensor (Irving Kirkwood, Method of Plane, Virial Stress) and to modify the periodic conditions by maintaining the difference between the kinetic energy of the ingoing and outgoing particles of the simulation domain. Several types of channels are studied with this technique. The results (temperature, velocity ...) are discussed and compared. Chapter 3 deals with the study of the gas-wall interaction potential by the ab-initio method. The code CRYSTAL 09 is used to obtain the potential between an atom of argon (Ar) and a surface of platinum (Pt) <111> as a function of distance. Then the gas-wall potential is decomposed into binary potential and approached by an analytic function. This function is then implemented in a MD code to simulate the gas-wall collisions and determine the TMAC coefficient. In Chapter 4, the effect of morphology is studied. The multi-body Quantum Sutton Chen (QSC) potential is used for Pt <100> solid and the binary potential proposed in the previous chapter for the Ar-Pt couple is employed. The QSC potential is needed to reproduce the surface effects that affect the final results. Different surfaces are treated : smooth, nanostructured surface and, random surface obtained by Chemical vapor deposition (CVD). The TMAC is determined using a generalized approach, i.e. depending on the angle of incident flux of gas atoms on the surface. The surface anisotropy and the scattering kernel are also examined. In Chapter 5, we propose a model of anisotropic slip for fluids based on accommodation tensor. The model is obtained by the analytical approximate calculations developed in the framework of the kinetic theory. We thus generalize Maxwell's equation by showing that the slip length tensor is directly related to the accommodation tensor. The model is in good agreement with the MD results. Thanks to our MD simulations, we develop a suitable technique for reproducing the anisotropy of the accommodation tensor. The thesis ends with a conclusion section in which we suggest some perspectives for a continuation of this work
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Optical properties of quaternary kesterite-type Cu2Zn(Sn1−xGex)S4 crystalline alloys: Raman scattering, photoluminescence and first-principle calculationsValakh, M. Ya., Litvinchuk, A. P., Dzhagan, V. M., Yukhymchuk, V. O., Havryliuk, Ye. O., Guc, M., Bodnar, I. V., Izquierdo-Roca, V., Pérez-Rodríguez, A., Zahn, D. R. T. 03 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The transformation of the vibrational spectrum of Cu2Zn(Sn1−xGex)S4 single crystals over the entire composition range (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) is studied experimentally by low-temperature Raman scattering and photoluminescence spectroscopies, as well as theoretically in the framework of density functional theory (DFT). It is shown that unlike “classic” mixed binary II–VI and III–V compounds, which are characterized by either one- or two-mode behavior of spectra transformation upon composition variation, the vibrational modes of the quaternary semiconductor Cu2Zn(Sn1−xGex)S4 exhibit both types of behavior within the same alloy system. DFT calculations reveal that the two-mode transformation is in fact observed for the vibrational modes, which possess a very small dispersion across the Brillouin zone, that is typical for a molecular crystal. These modes are due to the “breathing” motion of sulfur within GeS4 and SnS4 tetrahedra. The effects of structural (positional) disorder of mixed crystals are analyzed based on Raman scattering as well as photoluminescence results. / Dieser Beitrag ist aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Energética e mecanismos de processos iônicos em fase gasosa / Energetics and mechanisms of gas-phase ionic processesGiroldo, Tatiana 02 July 2007 (has links)
O estudo da reatividade de íons em fase gasosa é bem diversificado e têm sido extensivamente explorado com técnicas de espectrometria de massas. Essa tese apresenta resultados experimentais e teóricos em três áreas distintas da química de íons em fase gasosa. Os processos iônicos foram experimentalmente estudados em um espectrômetro de massa por transformada de Fourier (FTMS ou FT-ICR), método de alta resolução que possibilita um acompanhamento temporal de reações de íons em -fase gasosa. Em vários momentos são apresentados resultados de cálculos teóricos, necessários para a elucidação do mecanismo das reações observadas e das estruturas de espécies envolvidas. Um dos assuntos estudados se refere à obtenção de dados termoquímicos a partir da dissociação de íons induzida por radiação infravermelha. O método desenvolvido anteriormente no laboratório, que utiliza como fonte de radiação um filamento aquecido, foi comparado com a dissociação induzida por laser de CO2.Os resultados indicam que o primeiro método é capaz de diferenciar íons através das suas energias de dissociação enquanto que o segundo mostrou ser pouco sensível às variações de energias de dissociação para os íons estudados (derivados de acetofenona e alguns alquilbenzenos). Um outro tema abordado é a reação de substituição nucleofílica aromática em fase gasosa. As reações de nucleófilos como F-, OH- e alguns alcóxidos com nitrobenzeno e halobenzenos foram detalhadas. O mecanismo da reação e a atuação de complexos íon-molécula foram caracterizados. Foi possível estabelecer que reações de substituição nucleofílica aromática podem ser muito rápidas em fase gasosa mesmo na ausência de grupos ativadores no anel aromático. Reações SNAr podem ocorrer em fase gasosa em competição com abstração de próton, ou como reação secundária do produto desprotonado através da formação de um complexo íon-molécula de tempo de vida suficiente para sofrer rearranjos. O último assunto apresentado é a reação de íons de caráter eletrofílico, CF3+,CCl3+ e CClF2<SUP+, com acetofenona e derivados. Vários caminhos de reação foram observados experimentalmente, o que proporcionou um amplo estudo para a elucidação das estruturas e dos mecanismos das reações. Os resultados obtidos com substratos deuterados e os resultados de cálculos teóricos indicam que os diferentes produtos de reação observados são devidos a um ataque inicial do eletrófilo no oxigênio carbonílico da acetofenona. / The study of ionic reactivity in the gas-phase has been widely explored with mass spectrometry techniques. This thesis reports experimental and theoretical results in three different areas of gas-phase ion chemistry. The ionic processes were experimentally studied by Fourier transform mass spectrometry (FTMS or FT-ICR), a high resolution method that allows for the observation of ion/molecule reactions. For almost all cases, extensive theoretical calculations were necessary to clarify the mechanisms of the observed reactions and to establish the structures of the ions. The first part of the thesis deals with the possibility of deriving termochemical data from ion dissociation processes induced by infrared radiation. The method previously developed in our laboratory, which uses a heated tungsten wire as the infrared source, was compared with the dissociation induced by a CO2 laser. The results show that the former method can readily differentiate ions by their dissociation energy while the second one proved to be insensitive for the ions studied in this thesis (acetophenones derivatives and some alkylbenzenes). The second part deals with gas-phase nucleophilic aromatic displacement reactions. Reactions of gas-phase nucleophiles such as F-, OH- and some alcoxides with nitrobenzene and halobenzenes were extensively studied. The reaction mechanism and the role of ion-molecule complexes were established. Nucleophilic aromatic displacement can be very fast in the gas-phase even in the absence of activating groups in the ring. Gas-phase Sn Ar reactions may occur in competition with proton abstraction, or may N result from a secundary reaction following proton abstraction through a ion-molecule complex with life time enough to suffer rearrangements. The last part of the thesis deals with the reaction of eletrophilc ions, such as CFSUB>3+ , CCl3+ e CClF2+ , with acetophenone and substituted 3 3 2 acetophenones. Several reaction paths were experimentally observed, wich motivated a thorough investigation of these reactions to establish the structures of the ions and the mechanisms of the reactions. The combination of experimental results obtained with deuterated substrates and theoretical calculations suggest that all the different products observed result from initial attack of the eletrophilic ion on the carbonyl oxygen atom of acetophenone.
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