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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Joel Abdel Mercado Reyes (11824124) 19 December 2021 (has links)
Plants rely on diverse strategies to regulate water loss during drought. The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) is a critical mediator of stomatal closure during water stress in seed plants. Studies in conifers identified diverging strategies in long-term drought of ABA-mediated dynamics, particularly a peaking type dynamic during long term drought in some conifers. Few studies have reported this dynamic in angiosperms, and no study has revealed the mechanism driving declines in ABA levels as drought progresses in peaking type species. To understand peaking type dynamics, we exposed the model peaking type gymnosperm species <i>Callitris rhomboidea</i> and the highly drought resistant evergreen angiosperm <i>Umbellularia californica</i> to controlled long-term drought. We measured leaf water potentials (Ψ<sub>l</sub>), stomatal conductance, ABA and the ABA catabolite phaseic acid (PA) levels in potted plants during a prolonged but non-fatal drought. We aimed to determine which of three potential drivers of peaking type dynamic were responsible for this response: (1) increased catabolism of ABA into PA at a threshold Ψ<sub>l</sub> , (2) ABA export from the leaf is enhanced under drought, and (3) ABA biosynthesis ceases at a threshold Ψ<sub>l</sub>. During long term drought, the evergreen angiosperm species <i>U. californica</i> demonstrated peaking type ABA dynamics like gymnosperms. In both species, PA levels did not increase significantly, in fact, PA levels tracked ABA levels, suggesting that ABA catabolism to PA may be a function of ABA levels. Girdling experiments to determine whether export from the leaf drove declines in ABA levels demonstrated that of the majority of ABA was likely converted to ABA glucose ester (ABA-GE), an inactive storage form of ABA, and exported from shoots during drought. Finally, by rapidly dehydrating branched collected at different timepoints during long-term drought we were able to determine that ABA biosynthesis is completely down regulated in leaves that have been dehydrated beyond leaf turgor loss point. The decline in ABA levels in peaking type species appears conserved across seed plants and is mediated by high export rates in the form of ABA-GE. Future work should assess a more diverse selection of species as well as study long-term drought in less tolerant species to test whether ABA biosynthesis is deactivated in all species once Ψ<sub>l </sub>declines below turgor loss point.

Sulfidförande berggrund i Stockholmsområdet : Riskbergarter och trender / Sulfide-Bearing Rock in the Stockholm Bedrock Area : Identifying risk rocks and trends

Åhrberg, Immanuel January 2016 (has links)
Kunskap om svavelhalter i den svenska berggrunden är viktig när bergmassa ska losshållas och bearbetas, oavsett om det gäller gruvbrytning, infrastruktur eller andra byggnationer. Svavel förekommer ofta bundet i sulfider som oxiderar i kontakt med syre och vatten, vilket kan ha en försurande effekt på yt- och grundvatten. Sulfidförande berg har tidigare kartlagts mestadels i samband med malmprospektering och gruvbrytning. Det finns ganska omfattande svaveldata från norra Sverige, men det saknas tillräckligt med svavelmätningar i Stockholmsområdet för att dra några tydliga slutsatser om vart de förhöjda och potentiellt skadliga halterna av sulfider kan påträffas. Kandidatarbetet har utförts i samarbete med avdelningen för geologi och bergteknik på WSP i Stockholm, i syfte att få en bättre förståelse av vilka bergarter i Stockholmsområdet som kan förväntas inneha förhöjda halter av svavel och vart dessa bergarter kan förväntas påträffas. Under projektet har 329 prover av olika litologier samlats in och undersökts. Litologierna har kategoriserats till 7 förenklade bergartsgrupper. Proverna har skickats på geokemisk analys där olika metoder använts för att bland annat bestämma den totala svavelhalten hos bergarten. Vid halter över 1000 ppm har ytterligare analyser utförts med acid base accounting [ABA] samt net acid generation [NAG]. Dessa tester beskrivs i rapporten och används för att ta reda på om bergarten har försurande egenskaper. Bergartprovlokalerna har digitaliserats som punkter i geopackages i kartprogrammet QGIS. Punkterna för proverna har sammanförts med en digitaliserad version av Stålhös (1968) detaljerade geologiska karta över Stockholms berggrund. Svavelhalten i varje enskild stuff har kopplats till en yta från den sedimentära gnejsen, uppdelad enligt Stålhös (1968). Den producerade kartan har analyserats i QGIS för att ta fram geologiska och bergartskopplade trender av svavelhalten i Stockholms berggrund. 7 olika symmetriska histogram, så kallade fioldiagram, som visar svavelhalten och den relativa provdensiteten i respektive bergartskategori har tagits fram i rapporten. Slutligen har amfibolit och sedimentär gnejs, med underkategorin granatådergnejs identifierats som bergarterna med högst risk att innehålla förhöjda svavelvärden i Stockholmsområdets berggrund. / Knowledge of sulfur levels in the Swedish bedrock is important when rock mass is to be detached and processed in any way, whether it concerns mining, infrastructure, or other constructions. Sulfur is often found bound in sulfides that oxidize in contact with oxygen and water, which can have an acidifying effect on surface- and groundwater. Sulfide-bearing rock has previously been mapped mostly in connection with ore exploration and mining. There is quite extensive sulfur data from northern Sweden, but there are not enough Sulphur measurements in the Stockholm area to draw any clear conclusions about where the elevated and potentially harmful levels of sulfides can be found. The bachelor's thesis has been carried out in collaboration with the Division of Geology and Rock Engineering at WSP in Stockholm, with the aim of gaining a better understanding of which rocks in the Stockholm area can be expected to possess elevated levels of sulfur and where these rocks can be expected to be found. During the project, 329 samples of different lithologies have been collected and examined. The lithologies have been categorized into 7 simplified rock categories. The samples have been sent for geochemical analysis where different methods have been used to determine, among other things, the total sulfur content of the rock. At concentrations above 1000 ppm, further analyses have been performed using acid base accounting [ABA] and net acid generation [NAG]. These tests are described in the report and are used to find out if the rock has acidifying properties. The rock test premises have been digitized as points in geopackages in the QGIS mapping program. The points for the samples have been combined with a digitized version of Stålhös (1968) detailed geological map of Stockholm's bedrock. The sulfur content of each individual sample has been linked to an area from the sedimentary gneiss, divided according to Stålhös (1968). The produced map has been analyzed in QGIS to produce geological and rock-linked trends of the sulfur content in Stockholm's bedrock. 7 different violin graphs showing the sulfur content and relative sample density in each rock category have been produced in the report. Finally, amphibolite and sedimentary gneiss, with the subcategory of garnet vein gneiss, have been identified as the rocks with the highest risk of containing elevated sulfur values in the Stockholm bedrock area.

Quantificação de aminoácidos, poliaminas, AIA e ABA e marcadores protéicos na germinação de sementes de Ocotea odorifera Vell. (Lauraceae) / Quantification of amino acids, polyamines, IAA, ABA and protein markers on the germination of Ocotea odorifera Vell. (Lauraceae) seeds

Pieruzzi, Fernanda Piccolo 24 November 2009 (has links)
Ocotea odorifera é uma espécie nativa da Mata Atlântica, com características recalcitrantes, que se encontra em risco de extinção devido a sua exploração econômica. Técnicas baseadas na biotecnologia podem ser utilizadas para o processo de conservação e reintrodução no seu ambiente natural de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Dentre as técnicas biotecnológicas, a embriogênese somática (ES) vem sendo utilizada com bastante sucesso em programas de melhoramento genético e conservação de germoplasma de espécies arbóreas. Contudo, para o estabelecimento de protocolos eficientes de ES são necessários estudos básicos de fisiologia e bioquímica do desenvolvimento da semente e da germinação, para que as condições in vivo possam ser recriadas de forma eficiente in vitro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as variações no conteúdo endógeno de aminoácidos, PAs, AIA, ABA e estabelecer marcadores protéicos durante a germinação de sementes de O. odorifera. As sementes foram germinadas em substrato de vermiculita em fotoperíodo de 16h a 27°C. A seguir, coletadas após 0, 15, 30 e 45 dias de semeadura. Foi observado que: a) o conteúdo de aminoácidos aumentou durante o processo germinativo. A asparagina foi observada em maior quantidade e predominou durante todo o período analisado. A metionina e a ornitina, precursores das PAs, e o triptofano, precursor do AIA, aumentaram ao longo do processo germinativo; b) o conteúdo total de PAs decresceu nos últimos 15 dias de avaliação. Neste período, as poliaminas conjugadas apresentaram aumento indicando possível relação entre conjugação e disponibilidade de PAs nas células; c) a relação Put/(Spm+Spd) diminui ao final do período analisado enquanto no mesmo período a Spm foi a PA livre mais abundante indicando relação entre Spm e alongamento celular; d) O AIA apresentou aumento ao logo do processo germinativo, ao mesmo tempo em que a queda no conteúdo de ABA pode ser observada; e) o conteúdo de proteínas decresceu ao longo do processo germinativo. Os perfis protéicos diferiram pouco entre os estádios analisados. Entretanto, foi observada variação significativa na abundância (% de volume) em 39 spots, que foram definidos como marcadores do processo germinativo. Dentre esses spots incluem-se 26 que reduziram e 2 spots que aumentaram suas abundâncias ao longo do processo germinativo, 10 que apresentaram tanto aumento quanto diminuição durante o período observado e apenas 1 exclusivo da semente madura. Estes resultados abrem perspectivas para a avaliação de parâmetros fundamentais para a otimização de protocolos de ES e permitiram uma maior compreensão das variações endógenas dos diferentes compostos citados no processo germinativo das sementes de O. odorifera. / Ocotea odorifera is a native tree from the Atlantic Forest with recalcitrant features that is in risk of extinction because its economical exploration. Techniques based on biotecnology can be used for the conservation and reintroduction process of species in risk of extinction in their natural environment. Between these biotecnologycal techniques, the somatic embryogenesis (SE) have been used sucessfully in programs of genetic breeding and tree germoplasm conservation. However, basic studies of physiology and biochymical of the seed development and germination are necessary for the establishment of efficient protocols of SE. Thus, these condictions in vivo can be recriated in vitro. The aim of this work was to evaluate the variations in the endogenous content of amino acids, polyamines, IAA, ABA and protein markers throughout the seed germination of O. odorifera seeds. The seeds were germinated on vermiculite substrate at 27°C and 16h of photoperiod and collected after 0, 15, 30 e 45 days of sowing. It was observed that: a) the amino acids content increased troughout the germination process. Asparagine was the highest content sighted and prevailed during the period studied. Methionine and ornithine, polyamines precursors, and tryptophan, IAA precursor, increased troughout germination process; b) the total PAs content decreased in the last 15 days of evaluation. At the same period, conjugated PAs showed an increase, indicating a relation between conjugation and avalability of polyamines inside the cells; c) the Put/(Spm+Spd) relation decreased while the Spm was the most abundant free PA observed at the end of the period analyzed indicating a relation between Spm and celular elongation; d) IAA increased during all the process while a decrease of ABA was sigthed; e) protein content decreased troughout the period observed. The proteic profile didnt change a lot between the stages. Os perfis protéicos diferiram pouco entre os estádios analisados. Entretanto, foi observada variação significativa na abundância (% de volume) em 39 spots, que foram definidos como marcadores do processo germinativo. Among them, could be include 26 that decreased and 2 that decreased its abundances troughout the germinative process, 10 that both increased and decreased throughout the period analyzed and just 1 exclusive from mature seed. These results open perspectives to avaliation of fundamentals parameters to optmization of ES protocols and allow a better comprehension about the edogenous variation of the differents compounds citeds in the process of O. odorifera seeds germination.

Quantificação de aminoácidos, poliaminas, AIA e ABA e marcadores protéicos na germinação de sementes de Ocotea odorifera Vell. (Lauraceae) / Quantification of amino acids, polyamines, IAA, ABA and protein markers on the germination of Ocotea odorifera Vell. (Lauraceae) seeds

Fernanda Piccolo Pieruzzi 24 November 2009 (has links)
Ocotea odorifera é uma espécie nativa da Mata Atlântica, com características recalcitrantes, que se encontra em risco de extinção devido a sua exploração econômica. Técnicas baseadas na biotecnologia podem ser utilizadas para o processo de conservação e reintrodução no seu ambiente natural de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Dentre as técnicas biotecnológicas, a embriogênese somática (ES) vem sendo utilizada com bastante sucesso em programas de melhoramento genético e conservação de germoplasma de espécies arbóreas. Contudo, para o estabelecimento de protocolos eficientes de ES são necessários estudos básicos de fisiologia e bioquímica do desenvolvimento da semente e da germinação, para que as condições in vivo possam ser recriadas de forma eficiente in vitro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as variações no conteúdo endógeno de aminoácidos, PAs, AIA, ABA e estabelecer marcadores protéicos durante a germinação de sementes de O. odorifera. As sementes foram germinadas em substrato de vermiculita em fotoperíodo de 16h a 27°C. A seguir, coletadas após 0, 15, 30 e 45 dias de semeadura. Foi observado que: a) o conteúdo de aminoácidos aumentou durante o processo germinativo. A asparagina foi observada em maior quantidade e predominou durante todo o período analisado. A metionina e a ornitina, precursores das PAs, e o triptofano, precursor do AIA, aumentaram ao longo do processo germinativo; b) o conteúdo total de PAs decresceu nos últimos 15 dias de avaliação. Neste período, as poliaminas conjugadas apresentaram aumento indicando possível relação entre conjugação e disponibilidade de PAs nas células; c) a relação Put/(Spm+Spd) diminui ao final do período analisado enquanto no mesmo período a Spm foi a PA livre mais abundante indicando relação entre Spm e alongamento celular; d) O AIA apresentou aumento ao logo do processo germinativo, ao mesmo tempo em que a queda no conteúdo de ABA pode ser observada; e) o conteúdo de proteínas decresceu ao longo do processo germinativo. Os perfis protéicos diferiram pouco entre os estádios analisados. Entretanto, foi observada variação significativa na abundância (% de volume) em 39 spots, que foram definidos como marcadores do processo germinativo. Dentre esses spots incluem-se 26 que reduziram e 2 spots que aumentaram suas abundâncias ao longo do processo germinativo, 10 que apresentaram tanto aumento quanto diminuição durante o período observado e apenas 1 exclusivo da semente madura. Estes resultados abrem perspectivas para a avaliação de parâmetros fundamentais para a otimização de protocolos de ES e permitiram uma maior compreensão das variações endógenas dos diferentes compostos citados no processo germinativo das sementes de O. odorifera. / Ocotea odorifera is a native tree from the Atlantic Forest with recalcitrant features that is in risk of extinction because its economical exploration. Techniques based on biotecnology can be used for the conservation and reintroduction process of species in risk of extinction in their natural environment. Between these biotecnologycal techniques, the somatic embryogenesis (SE) have been used sucessfully in programs of genetic breeding and tree germoplasm conservation. However, basic studies of physiology and biochymical of the seed development and germination are necessary for the establishment of efficient protocols of SE. Thus, these condictions in vivo can be recriated in vitro. The aim of this work was to evaluate the variations in the endogenous content of amino acids, polyamines, IAA, ABA and protein markers throughout the seed germination of O. odorifera seeds. The seeds were germinated on vermiculite substrate at 27°C and 16h of photoperiod and collected after 0, 15, 30 e 45 days of sowing. It was observed that: a) the amino acids content increased troughout the germination process. Asparagine was the highest content sighted and prevailed during the period studied. Methionine and ornithine, polyamines precursors, and tryptophan, IAA precursor, increased troughout germination process; b) the total PAs content decreased in the last 15 days of evaluation. At the same period, conjugated PAs showed an increase, indicating a relation between conjugation and avalability of polyamines inside the cells; c) the Put/(Spm+Spd) relation decreased while the Spm was the most abundant free PA observed at the end of the period analyzed indicating a relation between Spm and celular elongation; d) IAA increased during all the process while a decrease of ABA was sigthed; e) protein content decreased troughout the period observed. The proteic profile didnt change a lot between the stages. Os perfis protéicos diferiram pouco entre os estádios analisados. Entretanto, foi observada variação significativa na abundância (% de volume) em 39 spots, que foram definidos como marcadores do processo germinativo. Among them, could be include 26 that decreased and 2 that decreased its abundances troughout the germinative process, 10 that both increased and decreased throughout the period analyzed and just 1 exclusive from mature seed. These results open perspectives to avaliation of fundamentals parameters to optmization of ES protocols and allow a better comprehension about the edogenous variation of the differents compounds citeds in the process of O. odorifera seeds germination.

Role motivace ve výuce mandů / The role of motivation in teaching mands

Beranová, Anežka January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the developement of communication skills in children with autistic spectrum disorder. The aim of this work is to explain the development of these skills by Verbal Behavior of Applied Behavioral Analysis (VB ABA), specifically in the field of children's request (manding). The thesis contains a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on the description of the basic principles of the Applied Behavioral Analysis as well as the approach Applied Behavioral Analysis - Verbal Behavior which is based on this science. In more detail, the thesis explains the manding technique and the principles of motivation, whose understanding is essential for this technique and for all VB ABA intervention. Author's research follows the progress in the manding of two children with autistic spectrum disorder during the eight-month VB ABA intervention. Also the thesis analyzes the factors that could have influenced the teaching of mands, in particular the role the child's motivation in the effective development of manding skills. A certain section of the practical part of the thesis is extracted into the annexes as a non- public part of the work in order to preserve children's anonymity. The extraction of sensitive data into the worksheets is made possible by the Dean's...

Descrição Booleana para eventos celulares: construção de redes, topologia e análise dinâmica

Bugs, Cristhian Augusto 13 January 2012 (has links)
This work presents a methodology to describe the dynamics and topology of biological regulatory networks through the application of graph theory. We model these networks using Boolean rules and simulations performed with algorithms implemented in MATHEMATICA 7.0. Through this methodology, we characterize the regulatory network of opening and closing of the stomata of a plant by abscisic acid (ABA), including the relationships between the network s elements during the dynamics and the description of the state-space by comparing each one of its elements. For the state of cellular replicative senescence in humans, the goal is to describe a regulatory network of proteins involving the mechanisms of Shelterin complex, DNA double-strand break signaling, and the cell cycle arrest in G1 phase. The network topology must involve a combination of pathways and modules to ensure the stability of the signal and the permanent cell-cycle arrest. The state senescent is also characterized by establishing a secretory phenotype (SASP) with both beneficial and harmful effects for the organism. Different pathways are identified along with the activation of NF-kB in the regulation of these phenotypes and in this sense, a regulatory network to regulate the SASP in replicative senescence is proposed and the main consequences of the SASP for human colon are identified via analysis of microarray data related to normal colon, inflamed colon, colonic adenoma and carcinoma of the colon. / Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para descrever a dinâmica e a topologia de redes biológicas regulatórias através da aplicação da teoria de grafos, da modelagem de redes a partir de regras booleanas e através do uso de simulações baseadas em algoritmos implementados no software MATHEMATICA 7.0. Por meio desta metodologia procurou-se caracterizar a rede de regulação de abertura e fechamento dos estômatos de uma planta pelo ácido abscísico (ABA), incluindo a relação entre os elementos da rede durante a dinâmica e a descrição do espaço de estados. No estudo do estado celular de senescência replicativa em humanos, o objetivo é descrever uma rede regulatória de proteínas envolvendo os mecanismos do complexo de Shelterin com a sinalização de duplas quebras no DNA e a sinalização da parada do ciclo celular na fase G1. Por meio desta rede, a topologia deve envolver a combinação de vias e módulos para garantir a estabilidade da sinalização e a parada permanente da célula no estado senescente. O estado senescente também é caracterizado pelo estabelecimento de um fenótipo secretor (SASP) com efeitos tanto benéficos quanto prejudiciais para o organismo. Diferentes vias estão identificadas juntamente com a ativação de NF-kB na regulação deste fenótipo e nesse sentido, uma rede regulatória do SASP em senescência replicativa é proposta e as principais consequências do SASP para o cólon humano são identificadas através da análise de dados de microarranjos que relacionam cólon normal, cólon inflamado, adenoma de cólon e carcinoma de cólon.

Rozvoj komunikační schopnosti u dětí s autismem pomocí Verbálního chování - aplikované behaviorální analýzy / Developing Communication Skills in Children with Autism Using Verbal Behavior - Applied Behavior Analysis

Chrapková, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: Developing Communication Skills in Children with Autism Using Verbal Behavior - Applied Behavior Analysis AUTHOR: Bc. Kateřina Chrapková DEPARTMENT: The Department of Special Education SUPERVISOR: doc. PaedDr. Jiřina Klenková, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: This thesis deals with the development of communication skills in children with autism using Verbal Behavior - Applied Behavioral Analysis (VB-ABA). The aim of this work is to introduce VB-ABA approach as an effective intervention for people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). It is a monographic work with emphasis on a theory. The empirical part consist evaluative single-case study. The thesis is devided into six theoretical and one empirical chapter. The first theoretical chapter presents the issue of communication in a view of behaviorism and compares this approach with classical linguistics. The second chapter describes theories of language acquisition and language development from behavioral and linguistic perspective. The third chapter discusses the development of children's speech in the context of ontogeny and its functions. The fourth chapter deals with the issue of communication skills in the context of ASD. The fifth chapter introduces evidence based practice and provides information on current international research of interventions for persons...

Poplar responses to biotic and abiotic stress / Pappeln antworten auf biotischen und abiotischen Stress

Escalante Perez, Maria January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this study poplar trees have been examined under different stress conditions. Apart from the detailed descriptions above two main conclusions might be drawn: i) A small plant like Arabidopsis thaliana is highly susceptible to stress situations that might become life-threatening compared to a tree that has extremely more biomass at its disposal. Such an organism might be able to compensate severe stress much longer than a smaller one. It seems therefore reasonable that a crop like Arabidopsis reacts earlier and faster to a massive threat. ii) In poplar both tested stress responses seemed to be regulated by hormones. The reactions to abiotic salt stress are mainly controlled by ABA, which also has a strong impact upon cold and drought stress situations. The term commonly used for ABA is “stress hormone” and is at least applicable to all abiotic stresses. In case of herbivory (biotic stress), jasmonic acid appears to be the key-player that coordinates the defence mechanism underlying extrafloral nectary and nectar production. Thus the presented work has gained a few more insights into the complex network of general stress induced processes of poplar trees. Future studies will help to understand the particular role of the intriguing indirect defence system of the extrafloral nectaries in more detail. / In dieser Arbeit wurden Pappelbäume unter verschiedenen Stressbedingungen untersucht. Zusammenfassend und zusätzlich zu den obigen Beschreibungen lassen sich zwei Schlussfolgerungen ziehen: i.) Eine kleine Pflanze wie Arabidopsis ist viel empfindlicher für Stresssituationen, die möglicherweise lebensbedrohlich werden könnten, im Gegensatz zu einem Baum mit wesentlich grösserer Biomasse . Solch ein Organismus kann schwerwiegendem Stress viel länger kompensieren als ein kleinerer Organismus. Es erscheint daher sinnvoll, dass eine Pflanze wie Arabidopsis viel früher und schneller auf eine massive Bedrohung reagiert. ii.) In Pappeln scheinen beide untersuchten Arten von Stressreaktion durch Hormone reguliert zu werden. Die Reaktionen auf abiotischen Salzstress werden hauptsächlich durch ABA kontrolliert, welches auch einen starken Einfluss auf Kälte- und Trockenstressszenarien hat. Üblicherweise wird für ABA der Ausdruck "Stress-Hormon" verwendet, was zumindest für abiotischen Stress zutreffend ist. Im Fall von Herbivorie (biotischer Stress) scheint Jasmonsäure die Schlüsselrolle zu spielen, die die Abwehrmechanismen koordiniert, die den extrafloralen Nektarien und der Nektarproduktion zu Grunde liegt. Demzufolge hat die vorliegende Arbeit ein paar neue Einsichten in das komplexe Netzwerk der Stress-induzierten Prozesse der Pappel ermöglicht. Zukünftige Studien werden dazu beitragen die besondere Rolle des faszinierendem indirektem Abwehrmechanismus der extrafloralen Nektarien en detail zu verstehen.

Confusion and diffusion in local government; a case study from Eastern Nigeria

Callaway, Barbara J. January 1970 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston University / PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you. / This dissertation is a case study of the development of local government in former Eastern Nigeria. In discussing this topic several inter-related themes and analytic problems are dealth with. A primary concern of this project is to present an analysis of political change in a non-Western society and to relate this process to several topics such as the use of representative local government as an agent of political development and urbanization as a focus of social change. In this respect an urban case study is presented as a perspective from which to inquire into the politics of the larger society of which the city is a part. There is an attempt to analyse the process of "modernization" in what was Eastern Nigeria by studying the development of local government in the urban milieu. And finally, I attempted to illustrate why political institutions imported into Igbo society have not functioned as expected by tracing the historical development of British colonial administration and the subsequent introduction of representative local government. The principle contention of the dissertation is that the processes of "Westernization" modernization" and "political development" have served to stretch and diversify rather than to destroy the traditional order among the Igbo of Southeastern Nigeria. In contrast to other studies which have stressed the breaking down of traditional culture upon contact with a more "modern" one, this study emphasizes that in this case contact with Western culture reinforced, rather than disrupted, traditional values and methods of doing things. The traditional Igbo political system is a compound of self-governing primary units such as family, clan and village. The functions of formal government were minimal and the superimposed formal apparatus of representative local government based on the "model" of local government in Britain was never accorded full legitimacy and never succeeded in replacing the substructure of decentralized autonomous political cells characteristic of the traditional culture. It is suggested that elements of cultural resilience may yet prove to be most significant in understanding the modernization and development process in any given society. This study is based on research conducted during two trips to Nigeria in the summer of 1960 and the spring and summer of 1966. Material was also collected in libraries and archives in Los Angeles, Boston, London, Ibadan and Enugu. In Nigeria in 1966 I spent three months in Aba, Eastern Nigeria, which is the focus of my case study. Here I interviewed thirty ex-councillors of the Aba Urban County Council, fifteen "retired" politicians active in regional and national politics prior to Nigeria's first military coup of January, 1966, and a cross section of twenty-five lawyers, doctors and teachers living in the city. In addition, a questionnaire was administered to 250 secondary school pupils in the city's schools. While in Aba I was also given access to all the records and minutes of the Council. The military regime at that time placed no restrictions whatsoever on my research, and in fact, by granting me immediate access to pertinent material, greatly facilitated it. / 2031-01-01

Identification, Cloning, and Expression of Tobacco Responsive to Dehydration like Protein (RD22), SBIP-355 and Its Role in SABP2 Mediated SA Pathway in Plant Defense

Almazroue, Hanadi Abdulaali 01 December 2014 (has links)
Abscisic acid (ABA) induces RD22, responsive to dehydration stress gene. Salicylic acid (SA) has been the focus of research due to its role against pathogens and abiotic stress. Interaction between ABA and SA signaling pathways is still poorly understood. SA-Binding Protein 2 (SABP2) converts methyl salicylate to SA. An attempt was made to identify proteins that interact with SABP2 using a yeast 2-hybrid screening. Several interactors were identified. One of them, SA-Binding Protein 2 Interacting Protein-355 (SBIP-355), showed high homology to RD22. Bioinformatic approaches showed that SBIP-355 contains a BURP domain. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that SBIP-355 clustered into the clade of RD22-like proteins. Thus, SBIP-355 gene might be a stress-inducible gene and encodes a dehydration-responsive protein, which is important for the stress tolerance of tobacco. The complementary DNA (cDNA) of tobacco SBIP-355 was cloned into pDEST-17 vector and then expressed in E. coli to detect the expression of SBIP-355 protein.

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