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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Individual strategic thinking as a facilitator of absorptive capacity: an examination on new product development projects

Zavala Vinces, Jorge Juan 29 October 2007 (has links)
Aquesta tesi intenta descobrir els elements del pensament estratègic individual que proposen Bonn (2001, 2005) i Liedtka (1998), però que no s'havien demostrat empíricament, i la relació entre aquests elements en el seu rol com a facilitadors de la capacitat d'absorció organitzacional -reconceptualitzada per Zahra i George (2002)- en el context d'un projecte de desenvolupament de productes.A aquest efecte, la tesi ha seguit un enfocament qualitatiu, amb el marc metodològic de l'estudi del cas. La tesi comprèn quatre estudis del cas de desenvolupament de productes, en quatre filials llatinoamericanes d'una empresa farmacèutica multinacional. Seguint l'enfocament metodològic de Yin (2003a, 2003b) per als estudis del cas, i el mètode de comparació constant de la teoria fonamentada (grounded theory) de Glaser i Strauss (1967) i d'Strauss i Corbin (1998) per a l'anàlisi de dades, aquesta tesi aprofundeix els elements del pensament estratègic individual i la seva relació amb la capacitat d'absorció potencial (adquisició i assimilació de coneixements) i amb la capacitat d'absorció realitzada (transformació i aplicació de coneixement) de Zahra i George (2002).Aquesta tesi ha trobat que els principals elements relacionats amb el pensament estratègic individual són: creativitat individual, perspectiva holística i visió. Aquest descobriment concorda amb el model de Bonn (2005) sobre la matèria. També s'ha descobert que hi ha una relació facilitadora d'aquests elements (entre d'altres) sobre la capacitat d'absorció realitzada que proposen Zahra i George (2002) i, al seu moment, sobre l'èxit de projectes de desenvolupament de productes.Des del punt de vista teòric, els resultats d'aquesta dissertació contribueixen també amb un model de fluxos de coneixement que interrelaciona els elements del pensament estratègic individual, junt amb altres elements que s'han descobert en la recerca, amb la capacitat d'absorció organitzacional de l'equip, que faciliten l'èxit de projectes de desenvolupament de productes. Des del punt de vista pràctic, aquesta tesi ofereix als gerents la possibilitat de fer atenció al desenvolupament sistematitzat dels elements del pensament estratègic individual, com també als membres dels equips que tenen al seu càrrec projectes de desenvolupament de productes, per tal d'obtenir-hi més èxit. / Esta disertación, intentó descubrir los elementos del pensamiento estratégico individual, propuestos por Bonn (2001, 2005) y Liedtka (1998), pero no probados empíricamente; y la relación entre esos elementos en su rol como facilitadores de la capacidad de absorción organizacional - reconceptualizada por Zahra and George (2002) - en el contexto de un proyecto de desarrollo de productos.Para ese propósito la disertación usó un enfoque cualitativo con un marco metodológico del caso estudio. La disertación comprende cuatro casos estudio de desarrollo de productos, en cuatro subsidiarias latinoamericanas de una empresa farmacéutica multinacional. Usando el enfoque metodológico de Yin (2003a, 2003b) para los casos estudio; y el método de comparación constante del grounded theory de Glaser and Strauss's (1967) y Strauss and Corbin (1998) para el análisis de la data; esta disertación profundiza en los elementos del pensamiento estratégico individual y en su relación con la capacidad de absorción potencial (adquisición y asimilación de conocimiento) y con la capacidad de absorción realizada (transformación y aplicación de conocimiento) de Zahra and George's (2002).Esta disertación encontró que los principales elementos asociados al pensamiento estratégico individual son: creatividad individual, perspectiva holística, y visión. Este descubrimiento concuerda con el modelo de Bonn (2005) sobre el tema. También se descubrió que existe una relación facilitadora de esos elementos (entre otros) sobre la capacidad de absorción realizada propuesto por Zahra y George (2002) y en su momento, sobre el éxito de proyectos de desarrollo de productos.Desde el punto de vista teórico, los resultados de esta disertación contribuyen también con un modelo de flujos de conocimiento que interrelaciona los elementos del pensamiento estratégico individual, junto con otros elementos descubiertos en la investigación, con la capacidad de absorción organizacional del equipo, que facilitan el éxito de proyectos de desarrollo de productos. Desde un punto de vista práctico, esta disertación ofrece la posibilidad para los gerentes de prestar atención al desarrollo sistematizado de los elementos del pensamiento estratégico individual, en los miembros de los equipos a cargo de proyectos de desarrollo de productos, para lograr aumentar el éxito de dichos proyectos. / This dissertation attempted to uncover the individual strategic thinking elements proposed, but not empirically tested, by Bonn (2001, 2005) and Liedtka (1998); and the relationships between those elements and its role as facilitator of the team's absorptive capacity - as reconceptualized by Zahra and George (2002) - that a team develops within the context of NPD project.For that purpose this dissertation used a qualitative approach within the case-study methodology framework. The study comprises four case studies amidst New Product Development (NPD) projects in four Latin American subsidiaries of an American Multi-National Company (MNC) within the pharmaceutical industry. Using Yin's (2003a, 2003b) methodological approach to case studies as framework, and Glaser and Strauss's (1967) and Strauss and Corbin (1998) constant comparative method from the grounded theory as the data analysis tool, this dissertation deepened in the elements of individual strategic thinking and their relationship with Zahra and George's (2002) Potential Absorptive Capacity (knowledge acquisition and knowledge assimilation) and Realized Absorptive Capacity (knowledge transformation and knowledge application).This dissertation found that the main elements related to individual strategic thinking were: individual creativity, holistic perspective, and vision. This finding supports Bonn's (2005) model on the topic. Those elements were found to have a role as facilitators (among other elements) of Realized Absorptive Capacity proposed by Zahra and George (2002) and in turn, as an enabler of NPD project's success improvement.From a theoretical point of view, this dissertation also contributed with a framework of knowledge flows as present in a NPD project that interrelate individual strategic thinking elements, and other elements uncovered by the study, with the team's absorptive capacity facilitating the NPD success. From a practical stand point, this dissertation provided the possibility for managers to pay attention on a systematic development of the individual strategic thinking skill through its elements, among the members of a team in charge of a NPD project, in particular within the pharmaceutical industry.

Os bancos brasileiros na internet: um estudo de caso sobre os motivadores para a sua forma de atuação neste ambiente

Ferreira, Carlos Eduardo Coelho 26 April 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiane Oliveira (cristiane.oliveira@fgv.br) on 2011-05-24T13:29:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 71080100009.pdf: 1036762 bytes, checksum: 893b5d89a98bed04889918f91de73acc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gisele Isaura Hannickel(gisele.hannickel@fgv.br) on 2011-05-24T13:41:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 71080100009.pdf: 1036762 bytes, checksum: 893b5d89a98bed04889918f91de73acc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gisele Isaura Hannickel(gisele.hannickel@fgv.br) on 2011-05-24T13:43:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 71080100009.pdf: 1036762 bytes, checksum: 893b5d89a98bed04889918f91de73acc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-24T13:46:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 71080100009.pdf: 1036762 bytes, checksum: 893b5d89a98bed04889918f91de73acc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04-26 / The research focus is to present an integrated analysis model for the behavior pattern of Brazilian banks in the Internet environment. A single case study was conducted at Banco do Brasil. Most interviews took place at Banco do Brasil’s administrative and technology headquarters in the city of Brasília, DF. An Integrated Analysis Model was presented based in many theories and structures of the organizational studies and information systems fields. Findings show that the studied phenomena can be understood with the simultaneous application of all selected theories, proving the complexity of the study object. Research limitations include the fact that this research was focused on a single case and also that it was not possible to run this research with a bigger sample of organizations. Study originality and contribution relies on proposing the Integrated Analysis Model with analysis structures and theories that help to understand the object of study. Future studies may replicate this research in a bigger number of companies to present a richer analysis. / O objetivo deste estudo é propor um modelo de análise integrada para a forma de atuação dos bancos brasileiros no ambiente da Internet. Para tanto foi conduzido um estudo de caso único com o Banco do Brasil. A maioria das entrevistas foi realizada nas sedes administrativa e de tecnologia do banco na cidade de Brasília, DF. Foi proposto um Modelo de Análise Integrada baseado em várias teorias e estruturas da área de estudos organizacionais e sistemas de informação. Entre as descobertas da pesquisa está a constatação de que o fenômeno estudado pode ser satisfatoriamente compreendido com o emprego de todas as teorias selecionadas, comprovando a complexidade do objeto desta pesquisa. O estudo apresentou entre suas limitações o fato de ter sido um estudo de caso único, como também a impossibilidade de se realizar esta pesquisa em amplo espectro, com um número consideravelmente maior de organizações. O ineditismo e a contribuição deste estudo residem no fato de ter proposto um modelo integrado com teorias e estruturas de análise que facilitam a compreensão do fenômeno observado. Em estudos futuros o pesquisador poderia incluir a pesquisa em um número maior de instituições para enriquecer a análise.


FABIO DE OLIVEIRA PAULA 11 December 2017 (has links)
[pt] O fenômeno da inovação e a forma como ele contribui para o desempenho das firmas depende de várias variáveis, como as características da firma, as suas estratégias, a indústria e o ambiente. O Brasil não é reconhecido como tendo um ambiente amigável para a inovação, ao contrário da maioria dos países europeus, e isto pode ser uma das razões pelas quais o país está travado em seu desenvolvimento econômico. Considerando o que foi mencionado acima, esta tese tem como objetivo contribuir explorando a relação entre P e D interno e externo, desempenho de inovação e desempenho financeiro nas firmas de manufatura brasileiras e de alguns países europeus e comparar as duas realidades para tirar lições sobre como as firmas brasileiras podem evoluir no seu desempenho de inovação e no seu desempenho financeiro. A estratégia para atingir esse objetivo foi propor um modelo teórico e algumas hipóteses baseadas em uma extensa revisão bibliográfica dos campos de gestão de inovação e estratégia e testá-los através de modelagem de equações estruturais (SEM), utilizando a estimativa bayesiana. Para testar o modelo no contexto brasileiro, utilizou-se uma amostra de 2.810 firmas de manufatura que realizaram atividades de inovação entre 2009 e 2011 da pesquisa de inovação brasileira PINTEC 2011. Para o contexto europeu, tomou-se uma amostra de 2.745 firmas de manufatura de 14 países (Bulgária, República Checa, Chipre, Espanha, Croácia, Portugal, Hungria, Eslovênia, Noruega, Lituânia, Romênia, Itália, Eslováquia e Estônia) da Pesquisa de Inovação da Comunidade (CIS) 2010, que considerou os anos de 2008 a 2010. No caso do Brasil, uma relação positiva direta entre alianças estratégicas e desempenho de inovação foi detectada. O P e D interno, por outro lado, não influenciou diretamente o desempenho da inovação, no entanto, moderou positivazmente a relação entre alianças estratégicas e inovação, o que é consistente com a teoria da capacidade absortiva. Ao contrário da teoria, o desempenho de inovação teve uma influência negativa no desempenho financeiro futuro. Esta relação negativa pode ter sido causada pelo atraso de dois anos entre as proxies desses dois construtos do modelo, que não permitiu identificar um aumento nas receitas obtidas pelos novos produtos e serviços, mas permitiu capturar o efeito negativo do redirecionamento de recursos do marketing e vendas para atividades de inovação, como P e D interno, e dos custos gerenciais das alianças estratégicas. Para os países europeus, a análise empírica detectou uma relação positiva entre o P e D interno e externo (de alianças estratégicas) e o desempenho de inovação separadamente. Contrariamente às expectativas, não se encontrou uma moderação do P e D interno na relação entre as alianças estratégicas e o desempenho de inovação. Isso provavelmente foi provocado pela baixa capacidade absortiva das firmas nos países europeus estudados em comparação com os países mais inovadores da Europa e mundialmente. O desempenho de inovação não influenciou o desempenho financeiro. Isso pode ter sido causado pela ausência de um intervalo de tempo entre a medida das proxies desses dois construtos, o que não permitiu identificar um aumento nas receitas de novos produtos e serviços, que leva algum tempo para ser percebido. Os resultados de ambos os modelos sugeriram que, se o principal objetivo é uma melhoria imediata nos níveis de desempenho da inovação, as firmas de manufatura devem se concentrar em P e D interno ou externo. No entanto, se o objetivo principal é o longo prazo, começar por fortalecer o P e D interno é mais efetivo para melhorar a capacidade absortiva das firmas e ao mesmo tempo alcançar um desempenho de inovação satisfatório. Esta estratégia permitirá que elas adotem estratégias mais complexas, equilibrando o P e D interno e externo, de forma efetiva no futuro, quando o nível de capacidade absortiva se tornar alto. / [en] The innovation phenomenon and how it contributes to the firms performance is contingent on several variables, such as the firm s characteristics, its strategies, the industry and the environment. Brazil is not recognized as having a friendly environment for innovation, in contrast with most of the European countries, and this issue may be one of the reasons why the country is stuck in its economic development. Considering all mentioned above, this dissertation aims to contribute by exploring the relationships among internal and external R and D, innovation performance and financial performance in the Brazilian and in some European countries manufacturing firms and compare both realities to learn lessons about how Brazilian firms may evolve in their innovation and financial performance. The strategy to achieve this goal was to propose a theoretical model and some hypotheses based on an extensive literature review of the innovation management and strategy fields and test them through structural equation modeling (SEM), using Bayesian estimation. In order to test the model in the Brazilian context, a sample of 2,810 manufacturing firms that conducted innovation activities from 2009 to 2011 of the Brazilian innovation survey PINTEC 2011 was used. For the European context, the sample had 2,745 manufacturing firms of 14 countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Spain, Croatia, Portugal, Hungary, Slovenia, Norway, Lithuania, Romania, Italy, Slovakia and Estonia) of the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) 2010, which considered the years of 2008 to 2010. In the case of Brazil, a positive direct relationship between strategic alliances and innovation performance was detected. Internal R and D, on the other hand, did not influence innovation performance directly, however, it positively moderated the relationship between strategic alliances and innovation, which is consistent with the absorptive capacity theory. Contrary to the theory, innovation performance had a negative influence on the future financial performance. This negative relationship may have been caused by the two-years lag between the proxies of the two constructs of the model, that did not identify an increasing in revenues achieved by the new products and services, but captured the negative effect of the redirection of resources from marketing and sales to innovation activities, such as internal R and D, and of the managerial costs of the strategic alliances. For the selected European countries, the empirical analysis detected a positive relationship between internal and external R and D (from strategic alliances) and innovation performance separately. Contrary to the expectations, it did not find a moderation of internal R and D on the relationship between strategic alliances and innovation performance. This was probably caused by the low absorptive capacity of the firms in the European countries studied compared to the most innovative countries in Europe and in the world. Innovation performance did not influence financial performance. This may have been caused by the absence of a time-lag between the measurement of the proxies of these two constructs, which did not to allow to identify an increasing in revenues from new products and services, that takes some time to be perceived. All the results of both models suggested that, if the main goal is an immediate improvement in the innovation performance levels, manufacturing firms should focus on either internal or external R and D. However, if the main goal is the long-term, beginning to strengthen their internal R and D is effective to improve the firms absorptive capacity while achieving a satisfactory innovation outcome. This strategy will allow them to adopt more complex strategies, balancing internal and external R and D, effectively in the future, when the absorptive capacity level becomes high.

Integrated Frequency-Selective Conduction Transmission-Line EMI Filter

Liang, Yan 20 March 2009 (has links)
The multi-conductor lossy transmission-line model and finite element simulation tool are used to analyze the high-frequency attenuator and the DM transmission-line EMI filter. The insertion gain, transfer gain, current distribution, and input impedance of the filter under a nominal design are discussed. In order to apply the transmission-line EMI filter to power electronics systems, the performance of the filter under different dimensions, material properties, and source and load impedances must be known. The influences of twelve parameters of the DM transmission-line EMI filter on the cut-off frequency, the roll-off slope, and other characteristics of the insertion gain and transfer gain curves are investigated. The most influential parameters are identified. The current sharing between the copper and nickel conductors under different parameters are investigated. The performance of the transmission-line EMI filter under different source and load impedances is also explored. The measurement setups of the DM transmission-line EMI filter using a network analyzer have been discussed. The network analyzer has a common-ground problem that influences the measured results of the high-frequency attenuator. However, the common-ground problem has a negligible influence on the measured results of the DM transmission-line EMI filter. The connectors and copper strips between the connectors and the filter introduce parasitic inductance to the measurement setup. Both simulated and measured results show that transfer gain curve is very sensitive to the parasitic inductance. However, the insertion gain curve is not sensitive to the parasitic inductance. There are two major methods to reduce the parasitic inductance of the measurement setup: using small connectors and applying a four-terminal measurement setup. The transfer gain curves of three measurement setups are compared: the two-terminal measurement setup with BNC connectors, the two-terminal measurement setup with Sub Miniature version B (SMB) connectors, and the four-terminal measurement setup with SMB connectors. The four-terminal measurement setup with SMB connectors is the most accurate one and is applied for all the transfer gain measurements in this dissertation. This dissertation also focuses on exploring ways to improve the performance of the DM transmission-line EMI filter. Several improved structures of the DM transmission-line EMI filter are investigated. The filter structure without insulation layer can greatly reduce the thickness of the filter without changing its performance. The meander structure can increase the total length of the filter without taking up too much space and results in the cut-off frequency being shifted lower and achieving more attenuation. A prototype of the two-dielectric-layer filter structure is built and measured. The measurement result confirms that a multi-dielectric-layer structure is an effective way to achieve a lower cut-off frequency and more attenuation. This dissertation proposes a broadband DM EMI filter combining the advantages of the discrete reflective LC EMI filter and the transmission-line EMI filter. Two DM absorptive transmission-line EMI filters take the place of the two DM capacitors in the discrete reflective LC EMI filter. The measured insertion gain of the prototype has a large roll-off slope at low frequencies and large attenuation at high frequencies. The dependence of the broadband DM EMI filter on source and load impedances is also investigated. Larger load (source) impedance gives more attenuation no matter it is resistive, inductive or capacitive. The broadband DM EMI filter always has more high-frequency attenuation than the discrete reflective LC EMI filter under different load (source) impedances. / Ph. D.

The role of university-industry-government relationship in cluster development : the case of MSC Malaysia

Mohd Yusof, Zatun Najahah January 2013 (has links)
Malaysia is a transition economic country that aims to be a developed country by 2020. In realising this mission (Vision 2020), the cluster concept has been an interest and adopted by the central authorities. There are few years ahead to reach the targeted year and it interest of this study to investigate the relevant development on its own engineered cluster of the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) that was put forward on the success of Silicon Valley in the US. This thesis focuses on the development of the MSC cluster in the Malaysia context. It examines and measures the state of the cluster, the role played by its core actors (from Triple Helix perspective) and their relationship in the MSC. The role of collaboration has been used to measure the relationship among actors with the key determinants of cluster formation. A mixed data collection method was used to answer the research question and objectives involved. A conceptual model for analysing the MSC cluster is proposed, bringing together insights from the literature on clusters, role of actors, collaborative relationship and the complex systems of innovation approach. This conceptual model uncover the weaknesses of social dimension (social infrastructure) in Porter’s diamond model and the general approach of Triple Helix model in the cluster development. The cluster lifecycle model is used to add the depth to the analysis on the condition of cluster development.

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