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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Accounting the influence of Corporate governance in International Financial Reporting Standards

Yen, Ping 25 July 2012 (has links)
International Financial Reporting Standard focuses on principle-based and fair-value, IFRS main assets weigh foundation, regard amalgamating the report form as enterprise main consolidated-report, attention to financial-report information reveal transparency and express so as to business's view. Corporate governance has managed already for the global common understanding on industry, chain of command of risk, system of managing, in order to improve the quality of managing, strengthen the foundation stone of managing physique and international competitiveness, the opportunity and transparency are tall that information is revealed, demonstrate the operation conditions and financial affairs of the company behave and can be supervised. Suitable International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) Open for issue company, control inside system the proclaimed in writing include in there are management, the speciality accounting of International Financial Reporting Standard, reach the operation activity result, express and must stipulate and fill one in accordance with the communique that reveals its dependability through the figure of the financial statement, integrality, saving the regulation, rules and regulations procedure and work rule from damage, depending on to enterprise's assets, carry out implementation. Countries all over the world attention to transparency that enterprise manage more and more, no matter in Corporate governance, Control system or International Financial Reporting Standard information their reveal transparency all for ask usually mainly, International Financial Reporting Standard, Control system, Corporate governance the three and is both as moving closely bound uply in succession, can bring up high-quality enterprises and market culture.

Identifiering av kostnader i samband med implementering av en redovisningsrekommendation / Identification of costs associated with the implementation of an accounting standard

Lundström, Julia, Petersson, Sofie January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: 1 januari 2014 blev det tvingande för mindre företag att tillämpa det nya K-regelverket i form av antingen K2 eller K3. Av den anledningen är det både aktuellt och intressant att identifiera och studera de kostnader som organisationer kan tänkas ha i samband med införandet av en redovisningsrekommendation. Vidare har det i media förts en debatt huruvida det nya Kregelverket är anpassat för bostadsrättsföreningar, varför det blir särskilt intressant och aktuellt att studera denna typ av organisation. Det saknas, enligt vår genomgång av tidigare forskning, studier som belyser kostnadsaspekten vid införandet av en ny redovisningsrekommendation för svenska organisationer. Med denna studie vill vi fylla den kunskapslucka som finns inom forskningsområdet redovisningsimplementering. Problemformulering: Vilka är kostnaderna för organisationer vid implementering av en redovisningsrekommendation och vad förklarar dessa kostnader? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att identifiera de kostnader som uppstår i samband med att en ny redovisningsrekommendation implementeras i organisationer. Vi vill åskådliggöra vilka de faktorer är som resulterar i de identifierade kostnaderna i samband med implementeringen. Metod: I vår kvantitativa studie har vi haft en deduktiv forskningsansats och använt oss av en teori som handlar om organisationsförändring. Denna teori har vi i ett senare skede applicerat på förändring i form av redovisningsimplementering i organisationer. Utifrån den befintliga teorin och våra egna antaganden har vi utformat hypoteser. Dessa har vi testat empiriskt med hjälp av två enkätundersökningar till bostadsrättsföreningars styrelse och till anställda på förvaltningsföretag. Datamaterialet från de båda enkätundersökningarna har utgjort grunden för vidare analys. Resultat och slutsats: Efter genomförda statistiska tester kan vi konstatera att det har skapats kostnader i samband med att en ny redovisningsrekommendation implementerats i bostadsrättsföreningar och i förvaltningsföretagen som upprättar redovisning åt föreningarna. För förvaltningsföretagens del tenderar antalet övertidstimmar att vara fler vid införandet av en mer avancerad redovisningsrekommendation. För styrelsernas del tenderar kostnad i form av utbildningstimmar och behovet av redovisningstjänster att öka vid införandet av en mer avancerad redovisningsrekommendation. Kostnad i form av arbetsbelastning tenderar att öka för de bostadsrättsföreningar som upprättar sin redovisning själva enligt en avancerad redovisningsrekommendation. Vi har även identifierat en kostnad i form av motstånd hos både bostadsrättsföreningarnas styrelse och hos förvaltningsföretagen till införandet av K-regelverket generellt. Motståndet tenderar även att vara mindre i äldre bostadsrättsföreningar. / Background: On the 1st January 2014 it became mandatory for smaller enterprises and economic associations to apply the Swedish generally accepted accounting principles, either with K2 or K3. For this reason, it is of current interest to examine and identify the costs organizations may face in connection with the implementation of a new accounting standard. There has been a debate in the media regarding whether or not the accounting standard is suitable for economic associations. Therefore, it becomes particularly interesting and urgent to study this unique type of organization. According to our review of earlier research, there are no illuminating studies regarding the cost aspect of implementation of a new GAAP in Swedish organizations. Thus, we aim to fill this gap in the research area of implementation of GAAP. Problem: What are the costs for organizations in the implementation of a GAAP and what explains these costs? Purpose: The purpose is to identify the costs of the implementation of a new GAAP of Swedish firms. We aim to illustrate which driving forces result in the identified costs of implementation. Methods: In our quantitative study, we apply deductive reasoning and have used a theory that deals with organizational change. Subsequently, we have applied an accepted theory in terms of implementary alterations in organizational accounting. Based on this existing theory and our own extrapolations, we have formed hypotheses. We have tested these hypotheses empirically by using two questionnaires sent to board members of economic associations and employees at companies who are managing the accounting for the economic associations, respectively. The data sets from both questionnaires have been the basis for further analysis. Result and conclusions: After completed statistical tests, we can state that there have been additional costs with the implementation of new GAAP in economic associations and at companies who are managing the accounting for the economic associations. In the case of companies who are managing the accounting for the economic associations, the costs of overtime hours tend to be more in connection with the implementation of a more complicated accounting standard. As for the board members, the costs of education hours and need for accounting services tend to increase with implementation a more complicated accounting standard. The cost in terms of an increased workload tends to increase for the board members who are managing the accounting. Additionally, we have identified cost in terms of resistance to implementation of the accounting standard in general for both economic associations and companies who are managing the accounting for these. The cost of resistance tends to be smaller in older economic associations.

Att bygga legitimitet i en värld av förändring : En studie av hur företag kan hantera en ny standard för intäktsredovisning / Building legitimacy in a world of change : A study of how companies can handle a new standard for revenues

Kallentoft, Johanna, Boström, Camilla January 2013 (has links)
Intäkter är ett stort och viktigt område inom redovisning. Redovisningen av intäkter är imånga fall problematisk eftersom intäkterna behandlas annorlunda i olika standarder och iolika delar av världen. International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) och FinancialAccounting Standards Board (FASB) arbetar sedan 2002 med ett harmoniseringsprojekt somsyftar till att ta fram en heltäckande standard för intäkter som ska kunna applicerasinternationellt. Utkast till den nya standarden har presenterats av IASB, vilket har fått mångareaktioner från olika företag i olika branscher. Den del av standarden som fått mest kritik frånföretagen är den ökade mängden tilläggsupplysningar som kommer krävas i företagensfinansiella rapporter. Standarden kommer bli obligatorisk för företag inom EuropeiskaUnionen (EU) och dess införande planeras i dagsläget till 2015. Samtidigt som företagen måste följa lagar och standarder i sin redovisning måste de ocksåförhålla sig till sina intressenter och deras krav på företagen och de finansiella rapporterna.Det finns olika typer av intressenter och deras krav kan skilja sig beroende på vemintressenten är. Ett företags förmåga att tillmötesgå intressenterna och deras krav påverkarintressenternas syn på företaget och därmed företagets legitimitet. I uppsatsen undersöker vi vad företag anser om de ökade kraven på tilläggsupplysningar somden nya standarden för intäktsredovisning innebär och om detta kan komma att påverkaföretagens legitimitet. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att de representerade företagen anser att den nyastandarden för intäktsredovisning kommer att få en begränsad effekt på deras legitimitet.Företagen anser att de ökade krav på tilläggsupplysningar som standarden innebär är den delav standarden som skulle kunna påverka legitimiteten mest, bland annat på grund av desspåverkan på de finansiella rapporternas kvalitativa egenskaper. / Accounting for revenues is both a big and important issue. The procedure is often difficultbecause of the many different ways in which revenue can be treated in different accountingstandards and by different countries around the world. The International AccountingStandards Board (IASB) and the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) have beenworking together since 2002 on harmonizing their accounting standards concerning revenues.Their ambition is one complete standard for revenues that could be applied by companies incountries worldwide. IASB has presented an exposure draft to the new standard whichreceived many reactions from different companies in different industries. Most of thecriticism has been directed to the increased amount of disclosures in the companies’ financialreports. The new standard for revenues will be mandatory for companies in the EuropeanUnion (EU) and is planned to be introduced in 2015. While companies need to adapt to accounting rules and standards they also have to relate totheir stakeholders and the stakeholders’ demands and expectations on the companies and theirfinancial reports. There are different types of stakeholders and their expectations can varydepending on who they are. A company’s ability to satisfy their stakeholders’ expectationsaffect the stakeholders’ view on the company and thereby the company’s legitimacy. In our essay we study companies’ opinions towards the increased amount of disclosures thatthe new standard for revenues requires and if this can affect the companies’ legitimacy. The result of the study shows that the opinion of the companies represented is that the newaccounting standard for revenues will have limited effect on their legitimacy. The companiesconsider the increased amount of disclosures that the new standard requires as the part of thestandard that could have the biggest effect on their legitimacy, for example through thedisclosures’ impact on their financial report’s qualitative characteristics.

Etude du processus de convergence entre le plan comptable américain et les normes IFRS : Institutions et institutionnalisation au sein de changement global en comptabilité / A study of the US GAAP - IFRS convergence process : Institutions and institutionalization in global accounting change

Karasiewicz Baudot, Lisa 25 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie les efforts mis en oeuvre par le Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) et l'International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) afin de produire de manière conjointe un ensemble de normes comptables pour réguler les marchés dans le monde entier. Pour ce faire, elle examine comment un processus de changement comptable (institutionnel) – décrit comme un processus de convergence - a évolué au sein de l'espace transnational de normalisation comptable. Cette recherche étudie le rôle que les institutions et les politiques jouent dans le processus de convergence des FASB-IASB, ainsi que leur rôle dans les processus par lesquels les normalisateurs prennent une décision collective sur un standard très controversé. A partir de la littérature sur la normalisation comptable considérée comme le socle de base de cette thèse, je me sers d’un cadre théorique à la fois institutionnel et politique pour explorer systématiquement la convergence des normes comptables. J’effectue trois études empiriques. Chacune de ces études couvre les activités de normalisation ayant eu lieu entre 2002 et 2011 et utilise des études de cas s'appuyant sur plusieurs sources de données comprenant des documents d'archives, des observations indirectes et des entretiens avec des participants clés. Le premier article met l'accent sur la compréhension du phénomène de convergence des normes comptables en relation avec des tendances politiques et institutionnelles plus larges au moyen de divers mécanismes de diffusion de la théorie néo-institutionnelle. Ensuite, cette thèse souligne le rôle central des normalisateurs qui mobilisent des systèmes de sens pour faire converger les normes comptables. Le deuxième article se concentre sur les systèmes de sens concurrents auxquels se réfèrent les normalisateurs comptables, ainsi que les facteurs qui influencent leurs décisions collectives. Plus spécifiquement, il s’intéresse à l’ordre négocié (Strauss et al., 1963) qui prend forme sur la base de ces systèmes. Enfin, le troisième article étudie le processus par lequel les normalisateurs comptables convainquent les parties prenantes (et eux-mêmes) de la légitimité de leurs décisions par le biais des « économies de la grandeur » (Boltanski et Thévenot, 1991) et des mécanismes rhétoriques. Cette thèse contribue à développer par une étude multi-niveaux, nos connaissances sur les activités de convergence transnationale, en particulier celles qui visent à produire un ensemble commun de normes comptables, et comment ces normes évoluent en tenant compte du contexte, des acteurs et des institutions. / This dissertation explores the efforts of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) to produce a common set of accounting standards accepted for worldwide market regulation. In doing so, it examines how a process of accounting (institutional) change - referred to as a convergence process - has evolved within the transnational accounting standard-setting space. This research investigates the role that institutions and politics play in the FASB-IASB convergence process, more broadly, as well as their role in the processes by which standard setters go about collective policy-making on one highly contested standard. With the accounting policy-making literature serving as a foundation tying together the works within this dissertation, I mobilize institutional and political perspectives to systematically explore the convergence of accounting standards through three empirical papers. Each of these studies focuses on standard-setting activities occurring between 2002 and 2011 and utilizes case study methods drawing on multiple data sources including archival documents, indirect observation and interviews with key informants. The first paper focuses on understanding the phenomenon of accounting convergence and its relationship to broader political and institutional trends through a variety of diffusionist mechanisms from neo-institutional theory. This dissertation then turns to the standard-setters themselves as focal actors and links these actors to the meaning systems they employ in the shaping of accounting convergence. The second paper focuses on competing meaning systems that standard setters adhere to and the factors that affect collective policy decisions. More specifically, it is interested in the negotiated order (Strauss et al. 1963) which takes shape on the basis of these factors. Finally, the third paper studies the process by which accounting standard setters persuade their public audience (and themselves) of the merits of their policy decisions by mobilizing orders of worth (Boltanski & Thévenot, ([1991], 2006) in their discourse. The primary contribution of this dissertation is to shed light, at multiple levels of analysis, on how transnational convergence activities, in particular those aimed at producing a common set of accounting standards, evolve in consideration of actors, institutions, and context.

Bilanční politika účetních jednotek sestavujících účetní závěrku dle IFRS / Accounting policy of the entities preparing their financial statements in accordance with IFRS

Čontošová, Katarína January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the design of measures to prevent accounting fraud for units compiling IFRS financial statements. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part describes the theory of creating international harmonization of accounting systems. The second part is devoted to the analysis and description of selected, the most frequently used international accounting standards, from which the part of own solutions is based. The third part, own solution proposals, deals with the application of the analytical part to a specific selected company, ČD Cargo, a. s. Differences between accounting in different accounting systems are discussed, namely the impact of differences on selected indicators of financial analysis.

The Relationship between Privatization, Culture, Adoption of International Accounting Standards, and Accounting in Egypt

Dahawy, Khaled M. 12 1900 (has links)
This study explores how the Egyptian socioeconomic factors impacted the implementation of International Accounting Standards (IASs) in Egypt. Prior research concluded that developing nations have special needs when it comes to accounting and financial reporting and recommended nation-specific analysis. The author adapts Gray's (1988) model, which connects Hofstede's cultural dimensions with accounting practice, to fit the Egyptian environment.

NIC 2 Inventarios y su impacto en el deterioro tecnológico de los teléfonos celulares en las empresas del sector telecomunicaciones en Perú en el 2018

Altuna San Martin, Almendra Crisol, Campomanes Ramirez, Alejandra Daniela 24 May 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación fue realizado para indagar el impacto de la aplicación de la Norma Internacional de Contabilidad 2: Inventarios, en el deterioro de los equipos móviles en el sector de telecomunicaciones en Perú en el año 2018. Así mismo, en dicha investigación se busca dar a conocer el impacto que tiene los avances tecnológicos en la presentación de los Estados financieros de las compañías de telefonía año a año. Para el desarrollo de dicha investigación se ha utilizado las Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad como punto de partida para analizar su alcance y lo que esta subscribe. Además, se da a conocer cómo esta está relacionada con los continuos avances tecnológicos que afectan directamente en la rentabilidad de la empresas en el país. Es por ello que el presente trabajo de investigación se ha desarrollado en cinco partes. En primer lugar, se desarrolló el capítulo I en donde se procede a definir las palabras claves que nos ayudarán a desarrollar el tema principal. En segundo lugar, el capítulo II se explica el problema principal, los objetivos e hipótesis. En tercer lugar, el capítulo III, explica la metodología a utilizar a lo largo de la investigación, ya sea para el hallazgo de la muestra, población y desarrollo cuantitativo y cualitativo de ellas. En cuarto lugar, el capítulo IV, se desarrolló los instrumentos utilizados para poder recolectar información relevante que ayude en dicha investigación. Finalmente, el capítulo V, muestra el análisis de los instrumentos de investigación realizadas al igual que las conclusiones y recomendaciones finales. / This research work was realized to investigate the impact of the application of International Accounting Standard 2: Inventories, in the deterioration of mobile equipment in the telecommunications sector in Peru in 2018. Likewise, this research seeks to show the impact of technological advances in the presentation of the financial statements of companies in the telecommunications sector year after year. For the development of the research, the International Accounting Standards have been used as a start to analyze its scope and what is subscribed. In addition, it is disclosed how it is related to the continuous technological advances that directly affect the profitability of companies in the country. That is why, this research work has been developed in five parts. First, Chapter I, where we verify the keywords that will help us develop the main theme. Second, Chapter II, explains the main problem, the objectives and the hypotheses. Third, Chapter III, explains the methodology to be used throughout the investigation, whether for the finding of the sample, population and quantitative and qualitative development of them. Fourth, Chapter IV, verify the instruments used to be able to collect relevant information that helps in this research. Finally, chapter V shows the analysis of the research instruments carried out as well as the conclusions and final recommendations. / Tesis

Finansinių priemonių atskleidimas apskaitoje / Presentation and disclosure of financial instruments

Rumčikaitė, Monika 25 June 2014 (has links)
Dinamiškas tarptautinių finansų rinkų pobūdis įtakojo tai, jog imta plačiai naudoti įvairiausias finansines priemones: nuo paprastų tradicinių priemonių, tokių kaip obligacijos, iki įvairiausių formų išvestinių priemonių, tokių kaip palūkanų normų apsikeitimo sandoriai. Tiek viešojo tiek privataus sektoriaus ūkio subjektai savo veikloje naudoja įvairiausias finansines priemones, pradedant paprasčiausiomis, tokiomis kaip mokėtinos ir gautinos sumos, ir baigiant sudėtingesnėmis priemonėmis- valiutų apsikeitimo sandoriai, kuriais apsidraudžiami įsipareigojimai užsienio valiuta. Finansinių instrumentų naujovės padėjo efektyviau paskirstyti riziką tarp skolininkų ir investuotojų. Tačiau kai kurie finansiniai instrumentai gali būti susiję su sandoriais, kurie daro įtakos bendrovės atskaitomybei ir ji nebeparodo tikrosios bendrovės finansinės padėties. Taigi iškyla problema- kaip tinkamai atskleisti ir pateikti finansinius instrumentus, siekiant informuoti suinteresuotus asmenis dėl tikros bendrovės ekonominės būklės. Ženklus finansinių priemonių naudojimo augimas paskatino užsienio autorius nagrinėti finansinių instrumentų atskleidimą ir pateikimą, kai tuo tarpu Lietuvoje dar tik pradedama taikyti finansinių instrumentų pateikimo praktika. TASV išleido standartus, kaip turi būti pateikiamos finansinės priemonės, tačiau bendrovėms visgi iškyla problema: koks yra išvestinių priemonių poveikis įmonių veiklai ir kaip tam tikri išvestiniai instrumentai susiję su tam tikra rizika. Tyrimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The dynamic nature of international financial markets led the wide-ranging using of full range of financial instruments, from simple traditional instruments such as bonds, to various forms of derivatives such as interest rate swaps. Such public and such private sector entities in their activities using a wide range of financial instruments, beginning such as payables and receivables, and ending with complex instruments, foreign exchange transactions in which hedged foreign currency liabilities. Financial instruments innovation contributed more efficient allocation of risk between borrowers and investors. However, some financial instruments may involve transactions that affect the company's accounts and it don’t show the true financial position. This raises the problem-how to detect and provide the financial instruments in order to inform stakeholders of a company's economic condition. Significant financial instrument using growth led foreign authors encouraged the financial instruments disclosure and presentation, while in Lithuania is just the beginning of financial instruments practice. The IASB has released standards for financial instruments disclosure, but companies still poses problems: what is the derivatives influence to the businesses and how some certain derivatives are associated with some risk. The object of research - the financial instruments accounting. The aim – to disclose the presentation of financial instruments, which reflect the true and fair the... [to full text]

Från ambition till verklighet : En fallstudie av redovisningsregleringsprocessen / From intention to outcome : A casestudy of the accounting regulation process

Magnell, Anna, Petersson, Magnus January 2003 (has links)
<p>Background: Many different parties in the society are affected by the financial information delivered by the companies. Therefore, different interests want their ideas to have an impact on the accountning standards. The construction of the accounting standards are illustrated as a pure political process, where lobbying and conflicts of interest are determining factors. </p><p>Purpose: The purpose is to understand the underlying interests behind regulation of financial accounting in Sweden and how these interests are manifestated in the establishment of accounting standards. </p><p>Method: The thesis is designed as a casestudy of the regulation process which induced the legislation of the Årsredovisningslagen 6 kap 1 § 3st. The case process has been analysed through interviews and document studies from the arise of the intention of regulation of different interest parties, until the accounting law was established. </p><p>Results: Lobbying and interest of conflicts exists in accounting regulation processes. Depending on the subject of reglulation, different parties feel their interests beeing challenged. The intensity in the conflict of interest and the incentive to lobby depends on the “matter” of the regulation. The process are governed in the constitution of the private individuals of the deciding regulation body.</p>

Från ambition till verklighet : En fallstudie av redovisningsregleringsprocessen / From intention to outcome : A casestudy of the accounting regulation process

Magnell, Anna, Petersson, Magnus January 2003 (has links)
Background: Many different parties in the society are affected by the financial information delivered by the companies. Therefore, different interests want their ideas to have an impact on the accountning standards. The construction of the accounting standards are illustrated as a pure political process, where lobbying and conflicts of interest are determining factors. Purpose: The purpose is to understand the underlying interests behind regulation of financial accounting in Sweden and how these interests are manifestated in the establishment of accounting standards. Method: The thesis is designed as a casestudy of the regulation process which induced the legislation of the Årsredovisningslagen 6 kap 1 § 3st. The case process has been analysed through interviews and document studies from the arise of the intention of regulation of different interest parties, until the accounting law was established. Results: Lobbying and interest of conflicts exists in accounting regulation processes. Depending on the subject of reglulation, different parties feel their interests beeing challenged. The intensity in the conflict of interest and the incentive to lobby depends on the “matter” of the regulation. The process are governed in the constitution of the private individuals of the deciding regulation body.

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