Spelling suggestions: "subject:"acculturation."" "subject:"ccculturation.""
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Literature pertaining to English-speaking L2 learners of Arabic on study abroad programs in the Arabic-speaking world is almost nonexistent. This may be due to the fact that not even one out of a hundred American students chooses to study abroad in the Arabic-speaking world each year (Gutierrez et al., 2009). The small number of American students studying in the Arabic speaking world is at odds with the MLA's most recent language report in which Arabic enrollments increased more than any other language from 2002 to 2006 (Furman, Goldberg & Lusin, 2007). With the increase in Arabic enrollments it is probable that more and more American students will desire to study Arabic in the Arabic-speaking world. The benefits of study abroad have long been praised (Carroll, 1967; Kinginger & Farrell, 2004; Berg et al., 2008). Not all studies, however, have been congruent (Freed, 1995). This dissertation investigates L2 learners of Arabic on study abroad programs in the Arabic-speaking world. The primary countries in this research are Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Syria, and Yemen. This research focuses on issues related to acculturation, language variety preference, proficiency and the use of technology in learning Arabic among students of Arabic on study abroad programs in the Arabic-speaking world. Particular attention is paid to the binary nature of Arabic as manifest in a host of spoken colloquial varieties. For example, the spoken colloquial Arabic in North Africa differs to a great extent from the Arabic spoken in the Levant. This feature of Arabic is referred to as diglossia (Ferguson, 1959a).Over 90 L2 learners of Arabic participated in this research, though not all of them answered every question. These learners completed an extensive online survey pertaining to their cultural experiences and interaction, language situations and functions, proficiency in Arabic, and which technologies they or their teachers used to assist in learning Arabic. It is hoped that this research will provide empirical insights pertaining to the cultural and linguistic experiences of L2 learners of Arabic in the Arabic-speaking world. General implications for Arabic programs are also presented.
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L'utilisation des services de santé en contexte migratoire comme expérience d'acculturation : une étude exploratoire auprès des immigrants russophones de MontréalCherba, Maria 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
L'adaptation au système de santé du pays d'accueil constitue une dimension importante du processus d'intégration des immigrants. Or, comme l'indiquent quelques recherches effectuées au Québec, les immigrants récents tendent à sous-utiliser les services de santé (Battaglini et al., 2007; Fortin et Le Gall, 2007; Le Gall et Cassan, 2010), d'où la nécessité d'étudier les trajectoires de soins de différentes communautés culturelles. Notre recherche exploratoire vise à comprendre comment les immigrants russophones de première génération installés à Montréal apprennent à connaître les services de santé au Québec et comment ils les utilisent. Dans une perspective interprétative et à travers le prisme de la communication interculturelle, nous conceptualisons les systèmes de santé comme systèmes culturels (Gratton, 2009), et les trajectoires de soins des immigrants comme processus d'acculturation (Abou 1986, 1988; Kim, 1978, 2005 ; Schnapper, 1986). Dix entrevues de type récit (pour décrire les expériences d'utilisation de services de santé au Québec) ont été réalisées avec dix membres de la communauté russophone de Montréal, suivis d'entretiens semi-dirigés (pour approfondir les thèmes émergeant des récits). Une analyse du contenu des entrevues a été effectuée par la codification et la catégorisation. Les résultats d'analyse appuient l'hypothèse selon laquelle l'utilisation des services de santé au Québec est façonnée par les expériences vécues dans le pays d'origine (Battaglini et al., 2007), et indiquent que les immigrants adoptent une « sorte de métissage des façons de faire d'ici et de là-bas pour répondre à leurs besoins en matière de santé » (Sévigny et Tremblay, 1999). L'étude a aussi permis de constater l'utilisation simultanée des services de santé au Québec et dans le pays d'origine, et la perspective de retour au pays d'origine pour se faire soigner a été identifiée comme élément important dans le processus de prise de décision concernant l'utilisation des services de santé au Québec.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : acculturation, communication interculturelle, services de santé, communauté russophone, Montréal
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The cultural adaptation of Japanese college students in a study abroad context : an ethnographic studySegawa, Megumi 11 1900 (has links)
Using ethnographic methods, namely in-depth interviews and participant-observation, I examined the
everyday experiences of fifteen female Japanese students during a nine-month study abroad. I attempted to
investigate (1) the nature of cultural learning in the participants of this study during their sojourn and
(2) how different social networks in the sojourn context affected the processes of their cultural learning and
adaptation to the host environment. I employed models of cross-cultural adaptation based on a perspective
of cultural learning / social skill acquisition as a theoretical framework. During the first few months in
Canada, students without previous international sojourn experiences seemed to be physically and
emotionally vulnerable. Some students experienced emotional upheaval which was consistent with
previously published accounts of the characteristics of the sojourner adaptation process. A close
association of the Japanese within their group throughout their sojourn resulted in the formation of an
ethnic enclave in the dormitory community. This provided a support network for most of the Japanese
students, but at the same time, caused interpersonal conflicts in the group. The strong group solidarity also
negatively affected the relationship between the Japanese students and their Canadian peers in the
dormitory. The Japanese students in this study not only had to adapt to the socio-cultural characteristics of
the host environment, but also to the norms and values of their own group which reflected their cultural
heritage. Although they encountered a number of challenges while in Canada, the process of overcoming
difficulties and absorbing new experiences enabled them to grow personally and intellectually. Towards
the end of their sojourn and after returning to Japan, the students recognised positive changes in their
attitude and behaviour which they attributed to the different experiences they had through their study
abroad. While several findings of the study indicated that the participants' adaptation to the new cultural
setting reflected theoretical propositions in the cross-cultural adaptation literature, the study also showed
how the unique nature of the students' sojourn environment had a significant impact on their adaptation
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Devenez comme nous, mais restez différents : messages perçus, traces et effets d'une double contrainte sur la dynamique identitaire immigranteRocheteau, Marthe 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Le Québec possède une politique pluraliste en matière d'accueil et d'intégration des immigrants (MICC, 2012). En même temps, la persistance d'une dichotomisation « Nous-Eux », la pérennisation du sentiment de menace identitaire et la situation de l'intégration socioéconomique des immigrants viennent contredire le discours officiel du Québec. Mettre en lumière l'impact et les effets de cette contradiction sur la dynamique d'intégration des immigrants peut être l'occasion d'une prise de conscience et notamment un moyen de resserrer le tissu social et de favoriser le vivre ensemble. À caractère qualitatif, la présente recherche vise à décrire les contradictions perçues par les personnes immigrantes dans le discours de la société d'accueil par rapport à l'intégration et à mieux comprendre comment ces contradictions perçues inscrivent la relation immigrant/société-d'accueil dans un phénomène de double contrainte. La poursuite d'une meilleure compréhension de ces contradictions perçues nous conduira à une identification de certains de ses impacts majeurs quant à la construction identitaire immigrante, spécifiquement en ce qui a trait au sentiment d'appartenance et à la reconnaissance comme membre à part entière de la société. À cette fin, notre démarche de recherche marie des concepts et des méthodes d'analyse de différentes approches théoriques et méthodologiques. Nous mobilisons notamment les concepts de dynamique identitaire et de processus d'acculturation, de double contrainte ainsi que le concept et la méthode d'analyse des traces. Nous avons travaillé à partir de données collectées lors d'entretiens semi-structurés avec dix personnes immigrantes. Les thématiques explorées concernaient la perception de ces personnes au sujet de leur processus d'intégration et identitaires. L'analyse des thématiques abordées ainsi que les traces associées à la présence d'une double contrainte perçue par les personnes immigrantes quant à leur intégration et leur définition identitaire soutiennent l'hypothèse selon laquelle les personnes immigrantes au Québec sont placées dans une situation difficile assimilable à une double contrainte. Les injonctions contradictoires de cette double contrainte peuvent être libellées comme ceci : (1) « Intègre-toi » et (2) « Reste différent ». Dans cette situation, la personne immigrante ne peut pas répondre à l'une sans désobéir à l'autre dans la mesure même où la société d'accueil et les personnes immigrantes sont mutuellement engagées dans une relation de grande valeur, la double contrainte perçue place le récepteur dans une impasse identitaire.
MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : intégration, acculturation, double contrainte, immigrant, traces.
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Does Acculturation Equal Identification? Two Studies with Latin-American ImmigrantsCardenas, Diana 12 1900 (has links)
Partout, des millions d'immigrants doivent apprendre à interagir avec une nouvelle culture (acculturation) et à s’y identifier (identification). Toutefois, il existe un débat important sur la relation entre l’acculturation et l’identification. Certains chercheurs les considèrent comme étant des concepts identiques; d’autres argumentent qu'un lien directionnel unit ces concepts (c.-à-d. l'identification mène à l'acculturation, ou l'acculturation mène à l'identification). Toutefois, aucune étude n'a pas investigué la nature et la direction de leur relation. Afin de clarifier ces questions, trois modèles théoriques testeront la relation entre l’acculturation et l’identification et deux variables centrales à l’immigration, soit être forcé à immigrer et l’incohérence des valeurs. Dans le premier modèle, les variables d'immigration prédirent simultanément l'acculturation et l'identification. Le second modèle avance que les variables d'immigration mènent à l'identification, qui mène à l'acculturation. Le troisième modèle précis plutôt que les variables d'immigration prédisent l'acculturation, qui prédit l'identification. Le premier modèle propose que l'acculturation et l'identification sont le même concept, tandis que les second et troisième stipulent qu'ils sont différents (ainsi que la direction de leur relation). Ces modèles seront comparés afin d’examiner l'existence et la direction du lien qui unit l'acculturation et l'identification. Lors de la première étude, 146 immigrants latino-américains ont répondu à un questionnaire. Les analyses des pistes causales appuient le troisième modèle stipulant que l'acculturation mène à l'identification et, donc, qu'ils sont des concepts distincts. Les résultats ont été confirmés à l’aide d’une deuxième étude où 15 immigrants latino-américains ont passé une entrevue semi-structurée. Les implications théoriques et pratiques seront discutées. / At present, millions of immigrants are learning to participate (acculturation) and identify to a new culture (identification). In acculturation research, there is considerable debate about the relationship between acculturation and identification. While some researchers consider them as identical concepts, other researchers argue that they are distinct. In addition, it is unclear which variable is at the origin of the other one. The aim of our research is to clarify the distinction and relationship of the variables. To this end, three theoretical models will be tested; they will differ on how acculturation and identification relate to two important immigration variables (coerciveness to immigrate and value incongruence). The first model states that the immigration variables simultaneously predict acculturation and identification. The second model affirms that the immigration variables predict identification, which then predicts acculturation. The third model is similar but instead acculturation predicts identification. Thus, if acculturation and identification have the same relationship to the two immigration variables (first model), they represent a single construct. However, if identification leads to acculturation (second model), they must be different concepts, identification prompting acculturation. Nonetheless, if acculturation leads to identification (third model), then these variables are not only different but acculturation influences identification. In the first study, 146 Latin American immigrants responded to a questionnaire. Path analyses support the third model, suggesting that acculturation leads to identification. The results were confirmed
in a second study, where the semi-structured interviews of 15 Latin American immigrants were analyzed. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
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Psychological acculturation, workplace support, and perceived work satisfaction among Filipino educated registered nurses in ManitobaDennehy, Susan 10 September 2013 (has links)
Filipino internationally educated nurses (IENs) constitute a major portion of the IENs in Manitoba and Canada. Acculturating to Canada can be difficult and can affect job satisfaction and retention. The focus of this research is on Filipino IENs’ acculturation to Canada, sources of workplace support and perceived job satisfaction. Berry’s (1997) acculturation framework guided the study. A cross-sectional descriptive-correlational method was used. An on-line survey resulted in a study sample of 124 participants. Quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques were used to determine relationships among the variables and to identify recommendations to assist other IENs. Job satisfaction was positively associated with one dimension of acculturation and informal sources of workplace support by immigrants and Canadian co-workers, administration, and the union. When these independent variables were entered into a multiple regression model, only administration support significantly predicted job satisfaction. Implications for nursing practice, leadership and research are discussed.
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Risk-taking behaviour and acculturation among adolescent refugees from Southeast Asia and Central America and their Quebec peersRotsztein, Brian. January 1999 (has links)
Adolescent refugees struggle to find an identity among conflicts between traditional values and beliefs that are taught at home and those of the new, larger society. Engaging in risk-taking behaviours that are not traditionally done in their country of origin is a possible consequence of the refugees' process of acculturation. The type and amount of risk-taking behaviours and level of acculturation among adolescent refugees from Southeast Asia (N = 76), Central America (N = 82), and their Quebec peers (N = 67) in grades 7 and 8, were examined. The Quebec group displayed the highest rates of alcohol and drug use, stealing, and violence. Central Americans had the highest rates of gang membership. Southeast Asians displayed the lowest total amount of risk-taking behaviours. Distinct profiles of the adolescents in each group emerged. Acculturation had no effect on the refugees' risk-taking activities. Family environment was a key determinant of risk-taking activities among Central American and Quebec adolescents. Socioeconomic status had a minor effect on risk-taking behaviours. Limitations and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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Ethnic identity is a significant psychological variable for the study of African Americans in the United States and often associated with psychological health. However, the nature of this relationship is sometimes unclear. One reason for the confusion may be that ethnic identity is often confounded with acculturation as they are sometimes used interchangeably in research. Because of this confounding problem, it is not clear whether the relationship between ethnic identity and psychological health is really a reflection of ethnic identity or of ethnic identity confounded with acculturation. Thus, the aim of this study was to use factor analysis to separate ethnic identity and acculturation at the measurement level and examine the unique impact of each on both positive and negative psychosocial functioning among African Americans. Two ethnic identity measures (MEIM and the MIBI) and two acculturation measures (AfAAS and the MASPAD) were administered to 173 (65 males and 118 females) African American students attending a historically Black university (mean age = 21, SD = 2.7). The 96 items from these measures were factor analyzed using principal components analysis. Findings support the hypothesis of confounding in existing measures. However, results indicate that acculturation and ethnic identity are differentiable at the item level and are multidimensional. Eight internally reliable factors emerged representing different dimensions of these constructs. Three of the factors (ethnic pride, ethnic belonging, and public regard) were consistent with existing definitions of ethnic identity. The remaining five factors (out-group comfort, in-group rejection, assimilationist ideology, traditional behaviors/beliefs, and in-group preference) were consistent with the bi-dimensional definition of acculturation. These ethnic identity and acculturation factors predicted some outcomes similarly but differentially predicted others. Several implications follow from this study. First, in order to better understand the relationship between ethnic identity and psychosocial functioning, researchers need to use measures that are not confounded with other related but different constructs. Future research should focus on the dimension level rather than the overall construct level. Focusing more narrowly on the dimension level may produce research that can more accurately inform interventions with African Americans.
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Media use and community integration of international students : a study of a mid-size U.S. universityHan, Choong Hee January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of international students' media use and their community integration in their current host society. After starting from the community integration theory, this study broadened its research perspective to internationalstudents' media use, acculturation, uses and gratifications, English anxiety, and the Internet as an informative media. On the basis of previous study results, use of American originated media was expected to have a positiverelationship with community integration, while, to the contrary, home country-originated media was expected to have a negative relationship with community integration.Data was collected with an online survey. A total of 117 international students who were registered for the Ball State University summer semester in 2005 participated in the survey.Correlation and t-tests largely supported the hypothesis, revealing a strong correlation between the university newspaper and community integration. Home country-originated media showed a number of negative correlations to community integration. In addition, data analysis found that different levels of community integration were associated with each other, indicating that community integration on a certain community level can be extended to other levels of community integration. The Internet was found to be a negative factor in community integration. Theoretical and methodological implications of the findings were discussed for future research. / Department of Journalism
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Culture change of Japanese expatriates in the mid-western U.S. : dialectical biculturalismKawata, Hisato January 1994 (has links)
People who are in a different culture from their own often encounter and deal with various difficulties of culture shock in its broad sense. This ethnographic study of Japanese expatriates in the Midwestern U.S. delineates their culture change, concentrating on culture shock and its results. The problems in interpersonal relationships among the Japanese housewives whose husbands work for the same company in the community were found to be the source of their most serious culture shock. It made each housewife conscious of her previous cultural assumptions and those of the others regarding interpersonal relationships such as friendship, privacy, and the roles of housewives. These cultural assumptions were integrated into their new cultural order to support their solutions to the problem, i.e., changing the association with those belonging to the same company, or constructing new associations with those belonging to different Japanese companies. / Department of Anthropology
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