Spelling suggestions: "subject:"Action - 3research"" "subject:"Action - 1research""
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Perspectives of young sexual abuse survivors, whose abuse is unknown to child protection services, about confidentiality : a participatory study involving young abuse survivors as co-researchersMatthew, Laurie January 2019 (has links)
A systematic narrative literature review explored views of young child sexual abuse (CSA) survivors whose abuse was unknown to authorities, about confidentiality. Due to paucity of research, the review included literature about sexual health service users. Seventeen databases and eleven journals were searched and thirty-three papers were identified. Analysis involved exploratory interpretist approach focusing on emergent themes and methodologies. Findings indicated limited participation and that young people want; (i) confidentiality (ii) control of their lives and (iii) they fear child protection agencies. Empirical research then explored views about confidentiality with young CSA survivors whose abuse was unknown to child protection agencies. Eight survivors engaged as co-researchers in participatory action research utilising a mixed methods approach; using surveys, focus groups, online chats, graffiti walls and interviews. One hundred and forty survivors participated. Age range was 11- 30, with 25 males, 114 females and 1 gender neutral. Researchers designed tools, gathered and analysed qualitative and quantitative data using a social construction thematic approach. Results found (i) all participants wanted higher confidentiality, with males and under 16's demanding highest confidentiality (ii) males were reluctant to disclose CSA compared to females (iii) abuse retractions were related to loss of confidentiality (iv) involvement as co-researchers was positive and empowering. With limited confidentiality the identified themes for young people were: fear of consequences, lost control, abuse retractions and protecting abusers. With high confidentiality themes were: talking openly, control, empowerment, exploring options, respect and being believed. Young researchers reported improvement in self-esteem and positive life changes. Conclusions: Young CSA survivors whose abuse was unknown to child protection services want higher confidentiality to build trust and be able to talk about abuse; and involvement of young people in participatory research is positive and empowering. Recommendations: There appears to be a need for increased confidentiality if young people whose abuse is unknown to child protection services are to disclose their abuse. Further participatory research is needed to explore whether other groups of young people unknown to services report similar and/or different needs.
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Violência escolar: questões e desafios para a gestãoDias, Adriana Machado 25 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2017-06-28T13:59:49Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-04-25 / Nenhuma / Situações de violência na escola, apesar de não configurar um fenômeno recente, apresentam-se como um problema constante, constituindo uma contínua preocupação para equipes diretivas e demais profissionais. Diante disso, este trabalho aborda questões e desafios em torno da temática, a partir de pesquisa desenvolvida em uma escola pública municipal, localizada na periferia da área metropolitana de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. Dentre as questões provocadoras do estudo constam aquelas que buscam saber como a violência se manifesta na escola investigada e quais são os respectivos encaminhamentos adotados pela direção e/ou pelo corpo docente nesses casos. Assim, após trazer à tona ideias de teóricos que têm se dedicado ao tema, como Hannah Arendt, Miriam Abramovay, Marcos Rolim e Marília Sposito, entre outros, bem como alguns aportes que tratam das implicações dessa problemática para a gestão escolar, o texto desdobra relatos e reflexões decorrentes de encontros da pesquisadora com o grupo de crianças e a professora da turma investigada. Partindo do pressuposto de que alunos – ao encontrarem espaço e momentos de escuta e tendo vez e voz – podem conviver sem agressões e até atuar como mediadores dos conflitos, desenvolveram-se atividades ao longo de três semestres letivos. Utilizaram-se, para isso, procedimentos metodológicos baseados na pesquisa-ação, conforme Maria Amélia Santoro Franco e Mari Forster, de modo que os registros e comentários em caderno de campo consistiram em uma das principais ferramentas operacionais. Dentre os resultados obtidos, fica evidente o comprometimento dos alunos quando exercitam ações como sujeitos protagonistas e responsáveis. Com isso, diferentemente da expectativa inicial, constata-se que a violência maior não advém das crianças e de suas atitudes: ela aparece muito mais no que cada um consegue dizer e/ou denunciar no grupo sobre acontecimentos vividos na própria escola ou em suas vidas. Assim, considerando o papel determinante da gestão escolar nesse contexto, o estudo sugere, entre outras reflexões, a necessidade de uma radical atitude de diálogo e escuta aos alunos e docentes, bem como de oportunidades de formação pedagógica permanente, sensibilizando e capacitando professoras ante os desafios cotidianos. / Situations of violence in the school, although it is not a recent phenomenon, are a constant problem, constituting a continuous concern for management teams and other professionals. In this context, this academic paper discusses issues and challenges related to this theme, based on the research developed in a municipal public school, located on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of the city of Porto Alegre, state of Rio Grande do Sul. Among the questions that provoke this study, are those that seek to know how violence is manifested in the investigated school and what are the respective guidelines adopted by the management team and/or the faculty in these cases. Therefore, after discussing theoretical ideas dedicated to the theme from Hannah Arendt, Miriam Abramovay, Marcos Rolim e Marília Sposito, as well as some contributions to the comprehension of the implication of this issue for school management, this study analyzes reports and reflections resulting from meetings of the researcher with the students and the teacher who participated on the study. Based on the assumption that students – when they find space and moments of listening and have opportunities and voice – can live without aggression and even act as mediators of conflicts, activities were developed over three academic semesters. For this, the methodological procedures used were action research based on Maria Amélia Santoro Franco e Mari Forster’s ideas, so, the records and comments in the field dairy consisted of one of the main operational tools. Among the results obtained, it is evident the students' commitment when they exercise actions as protagonists and responsible subjects. Hence, unlike the initial expectation, it can be seen that major violence does not come from children and their attitudes: it appears much more in what each one can say and/or denounce in the group about events lived in the school itself or in their lives. Thus, considering the determinant role of school management in this context, this study suggests, among other reflections, there is a need for a radical attitude of dialogue and listening to students and teachers, as well as opportunities for continuous pedagogical training, sensitizing and empowering teachers to daily life challenges.
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Strengthening the relationship between librarians and library users : A study of librarians’ and library users’ views on librarianship, services and resources at the Library of National University of Rwanda / Att stärka bibliotekariernas och biblioteksanvändarnas relation : En studie om bibliotekariernas och biblioteksanvändarnas syn på bibliotekarier, service och resurser på Rwandas Nationaluniversitets BibliotekEklöf, Sophi, Hellberg, Therese January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis we aim to study the librarians’ and library users’ views on librarianship and the library at National University of Rwanda. Accordingly, we have gathered information from these groups. The information is based on qualitative interviews as well as observations and participation in a work group for library promotion. The latter made it possible to investigate how respondents consider these issues and how librarians’ self image is expressed in their daily work and in promotion. We analyze the most important frame factors that impede on librarians’ self image and library users’ perception of library services. This makes it possible to understand what probably affects the actual situation at NUR’s library. Marked impeding frame factors established are for example the economy and the organization. Information provided through this thesis could to be shared among library personnel and used as a base for their further development of library services. Our thesis points out library users’ opinions about the library in general as well as the areas that are most critical to improve. These areas are service at the circulation desk, acquisitions and courses in how to retrieve information. It also points out the need for a more explicit professional librarian identity and that the librarians need to work more as knowledge librarians. An explicit identity would imply unified library personnel that would make it possible to work towards common goals and clarify how to conduct daily work.
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Educação ambiental e pesquisa-ação participante: registro analítico-crítico de uma práxis educativa / Environmental education and participant action research: record an analytical educational praxis.Franco, Maria Isabel Gonçalves Correa 24 June 2010 (has links)
O universo de estudo desta pesquisa configura-se em torno dos processos de elaboração e construção da Agenda 21 Escolar de Embu das Artes, cujo percurso pautou-se pela adoção de técnicas e estratégias da pesquisa-ação integral e sistêmica de André Morin, buscando o envolvimento dos participantes do processo como co-autores de conhecimentos e prática engajadas, numa abordagem interativa, colaborativa. Nutriu-se do diálogo com uma diversidade de autores aliados ao pensamento crítico-transformador numa perspectiva emancipatória, entre eles Paulo Freire, Henry Giroux, Michael Apple, Jürgen Habermas, e dos aportes da psicologia sócio-histórica de Vygotsky, enfatizando-se nessa linha as contribuições de González Rey sobre a subjetividade e processos de subjetivação. Este trabalho pretende contribuir com a práxis da Educação Ambiental crítica na escola, por meio da investigação de processos colaborativos de construção de agendas 21 escolares, que como a pesquisa indicou, revelaram-se de grande potencial sensibilizador, indutor de participação, mobilizador de sujeitos comprometidos com propostas de transformação da escola e do bairro. Procurou-se verificar em que medida e se a escola pública, como instituição formal, portanto, instituída e burocratizada, pode se tornar mediadora e fomentadora de espaços horizontalizados de diálogos, do exercício da escuta e reconhecimento do outro. Um espaço de vivência democrática, de reflexão e ações coletivas, capaz de impulsionar e capilarizar processos educativos-formativos em educação ambiental, para além de seus limites institucionais, atingindo o contexto de relações e sujeitos que se inserem dentro e fora de seus contornos, na construção de comunidades socioambientalmente conscientes, educativas e co-responsáveis. / The universe of this research is configured around the processes of design and construction of School Agenda 21 of Embu das Artes, whose route was marked by the adoption of techniques and strategies of André Morin\'s integral and systematic research-action, seeking involvement of participants in the process as co-authors of engaged knowledge and practice in an interactive approach, collaborative. Nourished from the dialogue with a diversity of authors allied to critical-transformer thinking in an emancipatory perspective, including Paulo Freire, Henry Giroux, Michael Apple, Jürgen Habermas, and the contributions of social-historical psychology of Vygotsky, emphasizing in that line the contributions of González Rey on subjectivity and subjective processes. This work aims to contribute to the practice of critical Environmental Education in school, through the investigation of collaborative processes for the construction of school Agenda 21, which as the research indicated, proved to be of great potential sensitizer, inducing participation, mobilizing of individuals committed with proposals to transform the school and neighborhood. It was sought to ascertain to what extent and if the public school, as a formal institution, therefore, established and bureaucratized, can become a mediator and fomenter of horizontalized spaces of dialogue, the practice of listening and recognition of each other. An area of democratic experience, reflection and collective action, able to boost and disseminate educational-formative processes in environmental education, beyond their institutional boundaries, reaching the context of relations and subjects that fall within and outside its boundaries, in building of social-environmentally conscious, educational and co-responsible communities.
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An action research study on interprofessional education with nursing and medical students in GermanyMueller-Froehlich, Christa January 2017 (has links)
Background: In Germany, the process of moving pre-registration nursing education into higher education within a faculty of medicine has differed from developments at universities of applied sciences. This is because such a process implies radical change for the status of and relationship between nurses and physicians. Literature review: The body of knowledge on interprofessional undergraduate education of nursing and medical students, including work on the nurse-physician relationship and collaborative practices of nurses and physicians, provides the foundation of this research. Aim: The primary aim has been to involve the active participation of educational practitioners of the nursing and medical professions concerned in working towards a collaborative culture, including interprofessional undergraduate education for nursing and medical students. Methodology and methods: A participatory paradigm position guided this research, using cooperative inquiry as one approach in action research. The inquiry group decided on the methods to be used for the inquiry and planned, acted out, and reflected on eight interprofessional educational sessions in three cycles over a process of two years. Data from inquiry group members' experiences were audiotaped during this process and analysed with a focus on experiential and propositional knowledge development. Inquiry group members gained feedback from nursing and medical students after their interprofessional sessions in eight group discussions. Framework analysis of qualitative data was used to guide data analysis. In addition, students had the option to provide feedback by completing a questionnaire to evaluate the sessions. For the analysis of the questionnaire data descriptive statistics was used. Findings: The 3P model (presage, process, product) was used as a meta-structure for the IPE_NUMESO model to guide further classroom teaching of nursing and medical students. It was found that undergraduate education of nursing and medical students is a complex social process accompanied by mixed emotions and a strong desire to overcome the separation of both professions. Discussion: The research adds new insight into IPE for undergraduate nursing and medical students: emotions, values, and a problematic reality in which both groups of professionals work together (presage), role change in simulation, the asset of a safe learning environment, peer learning, and strategies to overcome the separation (process). Certain experiences are proposed to be worthwhile (product), such as being able to understand the essence of clinical situations and deal with issues like emotions, values, knowledge and its communication, clinical experience, and power. Social learning theory provided a suitable explanatory approach for the findings. Conclusion and recommendations: This research adds to the knowledge on interprofessional education for undergraduate education for nursing and medical students. Considering IPE as a complex social process offers promising potential to transform future collaborative practices by preparing students for a complex and dynamic collaboration of both professions at the patient's bedside. Recommendations for clinical practice, interprofessional education, and policy are presented.
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Participatory mapping as an approach for health services co-planning : finding the local voice in the rural contextBowyer, Sarah Elizabeth January 2018 (has links)
A key factor to the Scottish Governments' public policy and public service reconfiguration is collaborative working between service providers and service users in a framework of co-production. A second key factor in this reform is a place-based approach. Despite this rhetoric of co-production of health services having been used for some time in health policy, and considering the numerous interpretations of the meaning of both co–production and 'place' in the academic and professional literature, how rural dwellers experience rurality in terms of places and space, and how this may in turn affect health and interactions with co-production, remains underrepresented in health policy planning. In light of changes in health service provision, rural health care poses itself as a potentially emotive and sometimes volatile topic. A co-productive approach may encourage understanding, acceptance and better usage of health services and neighbourhood resources, by the residents registered as patients with local medical practices. This doctoral research study considered the use of participatory mapping techniques to generate, gather and capture the local voice of residents from two rural Scottish communities, regarding the self-perception of their health in relation to the place they call home. Through a participatory action research approach, using iterative co-design, residents were asked how their environment impacted on their health, and in particular their cardiovascular health. Qualitative data were collected through participatory mapping techniques and co- analysed using a thematic analysis process. The application of the concept of therapeutic landscapes revealed the importance of the 'sense of place' and its impact on health, along with the physical, social and cultural environmental aspects traditionally considered in public health disciplines. Results were digitised using geographic information systems (GIS) to illustrate the interactions between place, people and health, through a relational lens. This research demonstrates a working example of how, drawing from the discipline of health geography, a place based approach can make an important contribution to rural health service co- planning within a co-production framework.
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Knowing the mule : faring well in Moroccan mountain tourismCousquer, Glen Olivier January 2018 (has links)
The emergence of the mule's role as a beast of burden working in mountain tourism is founded on our appreciation of this species' great attributes as a means of transport in the mountain environment. Our appreciation of mules does not always extend to their care and welfare. This is particularly true of the mountain tourism industry in Morocco, where this study is situated. Why has there been a collective absencing of the mule from the consciences of those involved in this industry? In seeking to answer this question and in moving towards the question of how the mountain tourism industry can be more present to the mule and to mule welfare, this thesis explores the multiple ways in which we know the mule. Drawing on a ten-year engagement with the industry, extensive ethnographic fieldwork in the High Atlas and an Action Research initiative supporting tour operators as they develop and implement welfare policy and practice, this thesis explores how mule welfare can be viewed as emerging from a multiplicity of practices that, in failing to cohere, become subject to negotiation and ontological politics. An alternative community approach based on dialogue is evoked that might allow a consensus to emerge over how welfare should be practised. The thesis focuses on the quality of the relationship between mules and humans. It emphasises the importance of genuine meeting and dialogue and the need for spaces and places in which mules and humans can come together to identify how they can establish relationships based on mutual trust and understanding rather than on control and domination. In prototyping better relationships between mules, muleteers and their employers, this thesis offers the mountain tourism industry transformative pathways toward a more equitable and sustainable co-creative project.
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Education for sustainability through action research : an exploration through theory, policy and practice in Scottish secondary schoolsLloyd, Zoe Alise January 2015 (has links)
Environmental deterioration and social injustice highlight the discrepancy between ‘educated' and ‘wise' and, by corollary, call into question our approach to education. In order to investigate how we might advance Education for Sustainability (EfS) in a Scottish secondary school context this research engages with: relevant theory, the educational policy context, and practice in the form of two action research pilot projects. The concepts of utopianism and design are proposed as original and potentially useful to understand, guide and evaluate EfS and are linked to an analytical framework to clarify the concept of EfS endorsed in this thesis. The analytical framework developed comprises four thinking modes: systems thinking; future thinking; an emphasis on values and priorities; and action competency, each qualified through reference to practice. The pilot projects highlighted the challenges of monitoring and evaluating; illustrated opportunities and challenges to deliver EfS theory; offered new theoretical insights into EfS implementation; and enabled reflection on the status of EfS in the wider curriculum. The challenge of undertaking action research as a postgraduate student led to critical analysis of action research in academia. The thesis highlights the potentially promising policy context to facilitate EfS, particularly in Scotland, but also the practical challenges to implement EfS. Such challenges include: concerns over the clarity of policy documents; teachers' interest and ability to facilitate pupil-led learning; and resources to support the quality of EfS being delivered. Recommendations for future research include additional classroom-based projects; policy implementation analysis; and investigation of teachers' values, attitudes and capacity. It was concluded that utopianism, design, and the four thinking modes can potentially contribute to qualifying EfS in current policy and facilitate pupils to critique the status quo, and develop and share alternative visions of a sustainable future.
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Using theological action research to embed Catholic social teaching in a Catholic development agency : abseiling on the road to EmmausBrouard, Susanna January 2015 (has links)
Little has been written on the pedagogy of Catholic Social Teaching and how to teach it in a way that encourages a living out of its main principles. Working for the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development (CAFOD), I was interested in how staff of diverse faith backgrounds might be encouraged to live out, in their work, the espoused values of the organisation, rooted as they are in the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. My research question asked how effective Theological Action Research is in enabling CAFOD staff to interpret, embed and embody CAFOD’s values in their work. As an insider-researcher, I set up a research project called Reflecting on Values and invited 12 members of staff, from three different parts of the organisation, to conduct their own research on one of CAFOD’s values in conversation with their practice. Theological Action Research was both the research methodology and a tool under investigation. My findings were threefold. First, Theological Action Research revealed itself to be a strong tool of adult theological education, which allowed CAFOD staff to interpret, embed and embody CAFOD’s espoused values in their work. Second, the research process identified practices that enhanced the confidence and competence of staff in ecclesiology, in religious and faith language, and in theological reflection. Third, the data revealed an operant Eucharistic theology rooted in CAFOD’s practice of responding to poverty and injustice pastorally, politically, and in partnership. The research is original in that it demonstrates how CAFOD’s practices embody Catholic Social Teaching and can contribute to its development. It also offers the first systematic evaluation of Theological Action Research as a tool for adult theological education which is rooted in both theory and practice. The findings affirm the importance of allowing space for theological reflection within CAFOD, and that for this organisation, the practice of theological reflection is an essential dimension of living out its Catholic identity.
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Livros didáticos para o ensino de arte: diálogos, práticas e (des)caminhos / Textbooks for art teaching: dialogues, practices and (de)railingsSILVA, Gisele Costa Ferreira da 23 January 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-01-23 / This work presents issues related to the study of textbooks, pointing out its
relevance and comprehensiveness. It highlights the conception about the
textbook as a cultural artifact that mediates and transforms our relations with
the cultural and symbolic world. It also discusses the implications for the quality,
quantity, cost and update of the textbook and signalizes elements and
dimensions that must guide the research. A review of the textbook history lies
the most common approaches of this line of investigation and highlights the
trends that have built the object of interest in this study.mmmmmmmmmmmm
Based on the assumption that the matter should be handled in a dialoguebased,
arguing with a group of students, questions about how text and images
are presented, arranged and sequenced by this educational support. Taking as
the guiding principles of action-research and visual culture, the study discusses,
as well, perceptions, interpretations and reactions of students in front of the
selected parts of the textbook. / Este trabalho apresenta questões relacionadas ao estudo de livros didáticos,
pontuando sua importância e abrangência. Destaca a concepção de livro
didático como um artefato cultural que media e transfigura nossas relações
com o mundo simbólico e cultural. Discute as implicações referentes à
qualidade, quantidade, custo e atualização do livro didático e sinaliza os
elementos e dimensões que devem orientar a pesquisa. Uma revisão da
história do livro didático situa as abordagens mais freqüentes desta linha de
investigação e destaca as tendências que têm construído o interesse por este
objeto de estudo.
Parte do pressuposto de que o tema pode ser tratado de forma dialogada,
discutindo com um grupo de alunos questões relativas ao modo como texto e
imagem são apresentados, organizados e seqüenciados por este suporte
educacional. Tomando como orientação os princípios da pesquisa-ação e da
cultura visual o estudo discute, também, percepções, interpretações e reações
dos alunos frente a partes selecionadas do livro didático.
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