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Úprava náhrady škody v oblasti soutěžního práva v českém a francouzském právu s přihlédnutím k evropské úpravě / Regulation od damages in the field of competition law in Czech and French law with regard to European regulationŠtancl, Michal January 2015 (has links)
(English) Regulation of damages in the field of competition law in Czech and French law with regard to European regulation The purpose of this thesis is to analyze particular elements of actions for damages for infringements of the competition law, mainly those, which are contained in the Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and of the European Union. Given that a directive is source of law sui generis that needs to be transposed into national legislations, it seems convenient to attempt to illustrate its effects on particular national legislations. The paper deals with actual states of legislation in the Czech republic and in France and attempts firstly to discover existing elements of the legislation and secondly on the other hand to indicate some missing or problematic parts. The thesis is, besides introduction and conclusion, composed of five main chapters. Chapter two observes the conception and evolution of the competition law in the European Union and particularly the origin of thoughts about private enforcement of the competition law. Chapter three focuses on the case law of Court of justice of the European Union that is...
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Soukromoprávní vymáhání soutěžního práva na úrovni EU a v České republice / Private enforcement of competition law in the EU and in the Czech RepublicKubická, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to answer the question whether the new legal rules set forth by the Directive 2014/104/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 November 2014 on certain rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and of the European Union and its transposition into Act. No. 262/2017 Coll., on Damages in the Field of Competition, as amended, is able to provide for more effective private enforcement of competition law by all injured parties compared to present. The thesis is composed of eight chapters, except from the introduction and the conclusion, each of them analyzes the current regulation of private enforcement of competition law, evaluates it and proposes the possible solutions for securing the rights of injured parties. The second chapter describes the main differences and relationship between public and private enforcement of competition law. Since the competition law cases often includes the international element, the third chapter deals with the questions of international jurisdiction and applicable law and its importance for facilitating claims for damages by injured parties. The fourth chapter examines the scope of application of the above mentioned regulations. The fifth...
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Meios alternativos na resolução de conflitos de interesses transindividuais / Alternative dispute resolution for collective rightsMerçon-Vargas, Sarah 29 March 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho destina-se a examinar as perspectivas ao uso de meios extrajudiciais de resolução de conflitos para a composição de conflitos coletivos no Brasil. Para tanto, serão analisadas as principais características da negociação, mediação, conciliação e arbitragem, identificados os requisitos de admissibilidade para o uso de tais técnicas e explicitados os elementos a serem considerados no exame de adequação do uso de meios extrajudiciais. Além disso, serão examinadas as principais características dos direitos difusos, coletivos stricto sensu e individuais homogêneos, assim como as regras processuais pertinentes à legitimação e coisa julgada no processo coletivo. Mais adiante, o presente trabalho tentará sistematizar hipóteses sobre o cabimento e sobre a adequação das técnicas extrajudiciais para a resolução de conflitos que envolvem direitos coletivos. Ao final, será possível concluir que tais direitos podem e devem ser resolvidos por meio de técnicas extrajudiciais, em especial por meio da negociação, da conciliação e da arbitragem. / The following work aims at examining prospects in the use of alternative dispute resolution techniques in Brazilian class actions. To this end, it will, at first, analyze negotiation, mediation, conciliation and arbitration main characteristics. Also, admission criteria for each of these dispute resolution techniques will be identified and the elements that should be considered for the adequacy exam will be outlined. Further on, the three kinds of Brazilian class action and the main characteristics of each class procedures will be examined, with special concern to procedure laws pertaining legitimacy and res judicata. Moreover, the paper will systematically study the hypothesis in which extrajudicial conflict resolution techniques may be applied and the adequacy of their use in cases encompassing collective rights. Finally, in its conclusion, it will be demonstrated that extrajudicial techniques can be used to solve conflicts involving collective rights, mainly through negotiation, conciliation and arbitration.
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O inadimplemento antecipado do contrato no direito civil brasileiro / Anticipatory breach of contract in Brazilian civil law.Cardoso, Luiz Philipe Tavares de Azevedo 19 May 2014 (has links)
Esta tese tem como tema o inadimplemento antecipado do contrato no direito civil brasileiro. O ponto de partida para o estudo consiste na análise de jurisprudência que originariamente utilizou a figura, desprovida de consagração legal expressa. Posteriormente, é examinada a doutrina. Diante deste material, propõe-se um modelo teórico para o entendimento do inadimplemento antecipado do contrato, ajustando-o às categorias básicas do direito das obrigações brasileiro. São apresentados seus pressupostos, elementos constitutivos e efeitos. No decorrer do trabalho, são abordados aspectos do compromisso de compra e venda, a relação obrigacional complexa, deveres acessórios e laterais, fim contratual, inadimplemento, culpa e imputabilidade, impossibilidade, perda da função social, exceção de contrato não cumprido, resolução, indenização e demanda de cumprimento. / This work has as its theme the anticipatory breach of contract in the Brazilian civil law. The starting point for the study is the analysis of cases that originally used the figure, devoid of explicit legal recognition. Subsequently, the doctrine is examined. Faced with this material, we propose a theoretical model for understanding the anticipatory breach of contract, adjusting it to the basic categories of Brazilian law of obligations. Their assumptions, constitutive elements and effects are presented. Throughout his work, aspects of purchase and sale, the complex obligatory relationship, accessories and side duties, contractual order, breach of contract, non-performance, responsability, frustration, loss of social function, termination, rescission, and action for damages.
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Essai sur une théorie générale des catastrophes aériennes en Afrique centrale / Essay on a general theory of the airline disasters in Central AfricaAfouba Tanga, Arlette Christine 19 December 2017 (has links)
La problématique des catastrophes aériennes en Afrique centrale peut être appréhendée sous une approche systémique qui questionne l'efficacité et l'efficience du droit applicable. En effet, régi par des principes et règles, le droit applicable au traitement juridique des catastrophes aériennes pose un questionnement profond de l'ensemble des règles de droit mises en place pour remédier à la grande insécurité aérienne dénoncée par les organisations internationales. C'est ainsi que dans la recherche des sources de droit applicable, il a pu être établi que l'ordonnancement des sources formelles présente une architecture complexe. Concrètement, le droit applicable au traitement juridique des catastrophes aériennes en Afrique centrale est marqué par un pluralisme juridique. La première conséquence est la compétence concurrente et/ou complémentaire de trois règles communautaires à régir les mêmes faits, alors qu'elles sont issues d'ordres juridiques bien distincts. De même, le droit international n'est pas en reste, sans toutefois mettre de côté le niveau divergent des pays d'Afrique centrale en ce qui concerne la ratification des conventions de droit international aérien. Ainsi, dans la mesure où l'ordre juridique interne est seul, il ne peut intervenir pour ordonner l'agencement du droit conventionnel. Par ailleurs, il est ressorti que les multiples sources formelles relevaient du droit commun. En effet, les sources matérielles du traitement juridique des catastrophes aériennes en Afrique centrale sont tantôt celles de l'enquête accident d'aviation civile, tantôt tout simplement celles de droit pénal et de droit civil général. Ce détachement des faits, caractéristique de catastrophes aériennes, est manifeste dans le droit matériel applicable qui ignore la singularité de la catastrophe aérienne d'être un accident collectif. Cette situation qui s'étend à la mise en œuvre du traitement juridique des catastrophes aériennes est marquée par un classique, tant de la titularité de l'action en justice que de celle de la compétence matérielle de la juridiction. Elle appelle à connaître de ce type de contentieux, qui sont pourtant des contentieux sui generis. Si ce régime confirme en tout point le caractère général et abstrait de la règle de droit, il convient de ne pas oublier que le droit est une solution juridique technique qui se doit d'apporter une réponse concrète et satisfaisante à un fait de société surtout lorsque celui-ci perdure. / The problem of air disasters in Central Africa can be apprehended under a systematic approach that questions the efficiency and effectiveness of the applicable law. Indeed, governed by principles and rules, the law applicable to the legal treatment of air disasters raises a profound questioning of all the legal rules put in place to remedy the great air insecurity denounced by international organizations. Thus, in the search for sources of applicable law, it has been established that the scheduling of formal sources presents a complex architecture. In practical terms, the law applicable to the legal treatment of air disasters in Central Africa is marked by legal pluralism. The first consequence is the competing and / or complementary competence of three Community rules to govern the same facts, even though they come from distinct legal orders. Similarly, international law is not left out, however, without setting aside the divergent level of Central African countries in the ratification of conventions of international air law. Thus, insofar as the domestic legal system is alone, it cannot intervene to order the arrangement of the conventional law. Moreover, it emerged that the multiple formal sources fell under common law. Indeed, the material sources of the legal treatment of air disasters in Central Africa are sometimes those of the civil aviation accident investigation, sometimes simply those of criminal law and general civil law. This detachment of facts, characteristic of air disasters, is manifest in the applicable substantive law which ignores the singularity of the air disaster to be a collective accident. This situation which extends to the implementation of the legal treatment of air disasters is marked by a classic, both the ownership of the action in court and the jurisdiction of the jurisdiction. It calls to deal with this type of litigation, which are sui generis litigation. If this diet at any point confirms the general and abstract rule of law character, it should be not to forget that the right is a technical legal solution that needs to provide a concrete and satisfactory to a fact of society especially when response it endures.
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Meios alternativos na resolução de conflitos de interesses transindividuais / Alternative dispute resolution for collective rightsSarah Merçon-Vargas 29 March 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho destina-se a examinar as perspectivas ao uso de meios extrajudiciais de resolução de conflitos para a composição de conflitos coletivos no Brasil. Para tanto, serão analisadas as principais características da negociação, mediação, conciliação e arbitragem, identificados os requisitos de admissibilidade para o uso de tais técnicas e explicitados os elementos a serem considerados no exame de adequação do uso de meios extrajudiciais. Além disso, serão examinadas as principais características dos direitos difusos, coletivos stricto sensu e individuais homogêneos, assim como as regras processuais pertinentes à legitimação e coisa julgada no processo coletivo. Mais adiante, o presente trabalho tentará sistematizar hipóteses sobre o cabimento e sobre a adequação das técnicas extrajudiciais para a resolução de conflitos que envolvem direitos coletivos. Ao final, será possível concluir que tais direitos podem e devem ser resolvidos por meio de técnicas extrajudiciais, em especial por meio da negociação, da conciliação e da arbitragem. / The following work aims at examining prospects in the use of alternative dispute resolution techniques in Brazilian class actions. To this end, it will, at first, analyze negotiation, mediation, conciliation and arbitration main characteristics. Also, admission criteria for each of these dispute resolution techniques will be identified and the elements that should be considered for the adequacy exam will be outlined. Further on, the three kinds of Brazilian class action and the main characteristics of each class procedures will be examined, with special concern to procedure laws pertaining legitimacy and res judicata. Moreover, the paper will systematically study the hypothesis in which extrajudicial conflict resolution techniques may be applied and the adequacy of their use in cases encompassing collective rights. Finally, in its conclusion, it will be demonstrated that extrajudicial techniques can be used to solve conflicts involving collective rights, mainly through negotiation, conciliation and arbitration.
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O inadimplemento antecipado do contrato no direito civil brasileiro / Anticipatory breach of contract in Brazilian civil law.Luiz Philipe Tavares de Azevedo Cardoso 19 May 2014 (has links)
Esta tese tem como tema o inadimplemento antecipado do contrato no direito civil brasileiro. O ponto de partida para o estudo consiste na análise de jurisprudência que originariamente utilizou a figura, desprovida de consagração legal expressa. Posteriormente, é examinada a doutrina. Diante deste material, propõe-se um modelo teórico para o entendimento do inadimplemento antecipado do contrato, ajustando-o às categorias básicas do direito das obrigações brasileiro. São apresentados seus pressupostos, elementos constitutivos e efeitos. No decorrer do trabalho, são abordados aspectos do compromisso de compra e venda, a relação obrigacional complexa, deveres acessórios e laterais, fim contratual, inadimplemento, culpa e imputabilidade, impossibilidade, perda da função social, exceção de contrato não cumprido, resolução, indenização e demanda de cumprimento. / This work has as its theme the anticipatory breach of contract in the Brazilian civil law. The starting point for the study is the analysis of cases that originally used the figure, devoid of explicit legal recognition. Subsequently, the doctrine is examined. Faced with this material, we propose a theoretical model for understanding the anticipatory breach of contract, adjusting it to the basic categories of Brazilian law of obligations. Their assumptions, constitutive elements and effects are presented. Throughout his work, aspects of purchase and sale, the complex obligatory relationship, accessories and side duties, contractual order, breach of contract, non-performance, responsability, frustration, loss of social function, termination, rescission, and action for damages.
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