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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Active and semi-active suspensions for articulated vehicles to minimise tyre wear / Aktiva och semiaktiva fjädringssystem för ledade fordon för att minimera däckslitage

Zhang, Haoran January 2021 (has links)
Tyre wear is a vital problem in vehicles, especially in articulated vehicles because of their heavier axle loads. Tyre wear can not only do harm to vehicle dynamics but also cause tyre particle emissions. Therefore, solutions that can minimise tyre wear are where this thesis work focuses. The suspension design is one of the main factors affecting tyre wear. This thesis considers different kinds of semi-active (such as ADD, SH-2 and GH-2) and active suspensions (\(H_\infty\) control) and compares them with a passive suspension with regards to tyre wear. Driving comfort and road holding are considered as well. The simulation starts by running a IPG/TruckMaker model on a route introducing a certain road roughness profile, and outputs lateral slip angles, which together with vehicle parameters and route data are input into a Simulink model. Then, based on the static vertical load on each axles of the articulated vehicle, three different quarter car models corresponding to the axles with various suspension systems are built in Simulink. Simulation results show that the active suspension (\(H_\infty\) control approach) works best in minimising tyre wear, reducing tyre wear by 1-10\% compared to the passive suspension when the vehicle is driving on road profile Class C (country road). Meanwhile, several control strategies of \(H_\infty\) control are applied in order to result in overall good vehicle performance considering comfort and road holding. Semi-active suspensions also work well in reducing tyre wear, but the amount of tyre wear reduction is lower than that of the \(H_\infty\) controllers. / Däckslitage är ett viktigt problem för fordon, särskilt för tunga ledade fordon på grund av deras högre axellaster. Däckets slitage påverkar inte bara fordonets dynamik utan orsakar också utsläpp av däckpartiklar. Olika lösningar behöver utvecklas som kan minimera däckslitage och det är fokus för detta examensarbete. Hjulupphängningens konstruktion är en viktig faktor som påverkar däckslitaget. Detta arbete studerar olika typer av semiaktiva (såsom ADD, SH-2 och GH-2) och aktiva fjädringssystem (\(H_\infty\) reglering) och jämför dem med ett passivt fjädringssystem när det gäller däckslitage, samtidigt som även körkomfort och väghållning beaktas. Simuleringarna inleds med att en IPG/TruckMaker fordonsmodell kör längs en sträcka med en viss typ av vägojämnhet. Simuleringarna resulterar i avdriftsvinklar för fordonet som tillsammans med fordonsparametrar och ruttinformation skapar indata till en Simulink-modell. Därefter, baserat på den statiska vertikala belastningen på varje axel i det ledade fordonet, skapas tre olika kvartsbilsmodeller i Simulink som motsvarar axlarna med deras olika hjulupphängningssystem.Simuleringsresultaten visar att den aktiva fjädringen (\(H_\infty\)) fungerar bäst när det gäller att minimera däckslitage, där slitaget minskar med 1-10\% jämfört med den passiva fjädringen när fordonet kör på vägprofil klass C (landsväg). Samtidigt tillämpas flera olika \(H_\infty\) reglerstrategier för att åstadkomma överlag goda fordonsprestanda även med avseende på komfort och väghållning. Semiaktiva fjädringssystem fungerar också bra för att minska däckslitaget, men minskningen av slitaget är lägre än den för den aktiva \(H_\infty\) fjädringen.

Estratégias de controle para isolação ativa de vibrações em barras de pulverizadores agrícolas / Control strategies for active vibration isolation for booms of agricultural sprayers

Pontelli, Cristiano Okada 14 December 2012 (has links)
A utilização de sistemas de controle para estabilidade de conjuntos de barras para pulverizadores agrícolas é uma tendência devida principalmente aos problemas ambientais e de custo. Neste trabalho, o comportamento dinâmico de um pulverizador de arrasto é analisado através de um modelo não linear, obtido através de técnicas de modelagem de sistemas multicorpos utilizando-se o programa ADAMS. Foram utilizadas duas estratégias de controle PID e \"fuzzy\" a partir de medidas obtidas com fusão de sensores. A estratégia de controle clássica PID foi desenvolvida e implementada no modelo não linear no ADAMS através de ferramentas internas existentes no programa. Já a estratégia \"fuzzy\" foi desenvolvida e implementada no modelo não linear no ADAMS através da técnica de co-simulação ADAMS/Matlab. O comportamento dos sistemas de controle foi investigado através de simulação computacional. Foram testados alguns tipos de entradas (entrada degrau, entrada harmônica, entrada randômica e entrada randômica com descontinuidades bruscas). Em todas as simulações os resultados obtidos com os sistemas de controles ativos mostraram melhor estabilidade do conjunto de barras. Entre as leis de controle implementadas (PID e \"fuzzy\") não houve grandes diferenças entre as oscilações da barra exceto na entrada do tipo randômica com descontinuidades bruscas. Neste caso a lei de controle \"fuzzy\" apresentou uma grande melhoria com boa atenuação das oscilações do conjunto de barras quando comparadas com a aplicação do sistema de controle PID. / The use of active control systems for stability of booms in agricultural sprayers trend is mainly due to the environmental and costs question. In this work, the dynamic behavior of a trailed sprayer is analyzed using a nonlinear model, obtained through techniques of modeling multibody systems using the ADAMS. It is used two active control strategies, PID classical control and fuzzy, with measured data from sensor fusion. The classical PID control strategy was developed and implemented in a nonlinear model on ADAMS software using existing tools built into the program. Fuzzy was another strategy developed and implemented in the nonlinear model on ADAMS software using a technique of co-simulation ADAMS/Matlab. The behavior of control systems was investigated through computer simulation. It was tested some types of inputs (step input, harmonic input, random input and random input with abrupt discontinuities). All simulations data obtained from the applications of active systems showed better stability for boom assembly. Among the implemented two active control laws (PID and \"fuzzy\") there were no significant differences between the oscillations attenuation of the boom, except with the random input with abrupt discontinuities. wherein this case the application of the active control \"fuzzy\" strategy developed better stability on boom than the application of PID control.

Hinf-Linear Parameter Varying Controllers Order Reduction : Application to semi-active suspension control / Réduction d'ordre de correcteurs Hinf-linéaires à paramètre variant : Application à la commande d'une suspension semi-active

Zebiri, Hossni 03 October 2016 (has links)
L'amélioration permanente de la qualité et des performances des systèmes automatiques constitue un défi majeur dans la théorie du contrôle. La théorieHinf a permis d'améliorer considérablement les performances des correcteurs. Ces derniers reposent sur des modèles mathématiques qui sont potentiellement d'ordre élevé (c.-à-d. comprenant un nombre élevé d'équations différentielles). De plus, l'ajout de poids de pondérations spécifiant les performances à respecter accroit encore plus leur ordre. La complexité algorithmique résultante peut alors rendre leur implantation difficile voire même impossible pour un fonctionnement en temps réel.Les travaux présentés visent à réduire l'ordre de correcteurs Hinf dans le but de faciliter leur intégration tout en respectant les performances imposées d'une part et proposent une majoration de l'erreur introduite par l'étape de réduction d'autre part.Dans la littérature, de nombreuses méthodes pour la réduction d'ordre de modèles et de correcteurs des systèmes LTI ont été développées. Ces techniques ont été étudiées, comparées et testées sur un ensemble de benchmarks. S'appuyant sur ces travaux, nous proposons une extension aux systèmes linéaires à paramètres variants (LPV). Pour valider leurs performances, une application sur une commande d'une suspension semi-active a montré l'efficacité des algorithmes de réduction développés. / The work presented in this dissertation is related to the Hinf-LPV-controller orderReduction. This latter consists of the design of a robust reduced-order LPV-controller for LPV-systems. The order reduction issue has been very fairly investigated. However, the case of LPV-control design is slightly discussed. This thesis focuses primarily on two topics: How to obtain an LPV-reduced-order controller even the high order generated by the classical synthesis and how this reduced order controller can deal with a practical engineering problem (semi-active suspension control). In view of this, the order-reduction topic and the Hinf-synthesis theory have been widely studied in this thesis. This study, has allowed the development of a new method forH1-LPV-controller order reduction.

Estratégias de controle para isolação ativa de vibrações em barras de pulverizadores agrícolas / Control strategies for active vibration isolation for booms of agricultural sprayers

Cristiano Okada Pontelli 14 December 2012 (has links)
A utilização de sistemas de controle para estabilidade de conjuntos de barras para pulverizadores agrícolas é uma tendência devida principalmente aos problemas ambientais e de custo. Neste trabalho, o comportamento dinâmico de um pulverizador de arrasto é analisado através de um modelo não linear, obtido através de técnicas de modelagem de sistemas multicorpos utilizando-se o programa ADAMS. Foram utilizadas duas estratégias de controle PID e \"fuzzy\" a partir de medidas obtidas com fusão de sensores. A estratégia de controle clássica PID foi desenvolvida e implementada no modelo não linear no ADAMS através de ferramentas internas existentes no programa. Já a estratégia \"fuzzy\" foi desenvolvida e implementada no modelo não linear no ADAMS através da técnica de co-simulação ADAMS/Matlab. O comportamento dos sistemas de controle foi investigado através de simulação computacional. Foram testados alguns tipos de entradas (entrada degrau, entrada harmônica, entrada randômica e entrada randômica com descontinuidades bruscas). Em todas as simulações os resultados obtidos com os sistemas de controles ativos mostraram melhor estabilidade do conjunto de barras. Entre as leis de controle implementadas (PID e \"fuzzy\") não houve grandes diferenças entre as oscilações da barra exceto na entrada do tipo randômica com descontinuidades bruscas. Neste caso a lei de controle \"fuzzy\" apresentou uma grande melhoria com boa atenuação das oscilações do conjunto de barras quando comparadas com a aplicação do sistema de controle PID. / The use of active control systems for stability of booms in agricultural sprayers trend is mainly due to the environmental and costs question. In this work, the dynamic behavior of a trailed sprayer is analyzed using a nonlinear model, obtained through techniques of modeling multibody systems using the ADAMS. It is used two active control strategies, PID classical control and fuzzy, with measured data from sensor fusion. The classical PID control strategy was developed and implemented in a nonlinear model on ADAMS software using existing tools built into the program. Fuzzy was another strategy developed and implemented in the nonlinear model on ADAMS software using a technique of co-simulation ADAMS/Matlab. The behavior of control systems was investigated through computer simulation. It was tested some types of inputs (step input, harmonic input, random input and random input with abrupt discontinuities). All simulations data obtained from the applications of active systems showed better stability for boom assembly. Among the implemented two active control laws (PID and \"fuzzy\") there were no significant differences between the oscillations attenuation of the boom, except with the random input with abrupt discontinuities. wherein this case the application of the active control \"fuzzy\" strategy developed better stability on boom than the application of PID control.

Contrôle actif d’une suspension de boîte de transmission principale d’hélicoptère / Active control of a helicopter main gearbox suspension system

Rodriguez, Jonathan 22 April 2015 (has links)
L’une des principales sources d’inconfort dans un hélicoptère sont les vibrations transmises par le rotor à la structure de l’appareil. En vol d’avancement, des efforts aérodynamiques cycliques sont subis par l’ensemble des pales en tête rotor et génèrent de très fortes vibrations basse fréquence (aux alentours des 17Hz) transmises aux passagers via la boîte de transmission principale puis le fuselage lui-même. Afin de garantir le confort des membres d’équipage et des passagers, de nombreux systèmes antivibratoires ont été conçus. Ces systèmes sont généralement passifs car la majorité de l’énergie vibratoire transmise à la structure se situe à une fréquence unique ωc correspondant à bΩ avec b le nombre de pales et Ω la fréquence de rotation du rotor. Cependant, les appareils modernes évoluent et le régime rotor jusqu’alors fixe durant toutes les phases de vol varie à présent pour des préoccupations de performances et de consommation (variation de l’ordre de +/-10% autour de bΩ). Cette nouvelle contrainte dans la conception des hélicoptères rend pertinente la technologie des systèmes antivibratoires actifs, pouvant s’adapter à la sollicitation en termes d’amplitude et fréquence. Lors de ces travaux de thèse, la suspension passive SARIB de Airbus Helicopters basée sur le principe du DAVI (Dynamic Antiresonant Vibration Isolator) est modifiée afin d’être rendue active par ajout d’une partie actuation/commande. La théorie des lois et algorithmes de contrôle utilisés dans ces travaux, est présentée en détail afin de poser solidement les bases du contrôle actif du prototype de suspension conceptualisé ici à savoir le contrôle FXLMS (adaptatif) et le contrôle optimal LQG. Afin de simuler le fonctionnement du système, un modèle tridimensionnel de la suspension active est construit, couplé à la structure souple de l’hélicoptère (NH90). Sur ce modèle sont alors appliquées les différentes lois de commande introduites auparavant et leurs performances comparées dans différents cas de chargement en tête rotor et surtout pour différentes fréquences de sollicitation. De même, pour chaque algorithme, différentes localisations des capteurs d’erreur sont étudiées afin de converger vers une configuration optimale. Les simulations démontrent que l’algorithme FXLMS feedforward est très bien adapté au contrôle des perturbations harmoniques et permet de réduire très significativement le niveau vibratoire du plancher cabine, sans réinjection parasite dans le reste de la structure. Une comparaison de l’efficacité du SARIB actif avec les systèmes d’absorbeurs en cabine est ensuite effectuée pour démontrer la pertinence d’utiliser le principe du DAVI comme base d’un système actif. Les travaux de cette thèse traitent également des essais réalisés en laboratoire sur le prototype échelle 1 de la suspension SARIB active avec contrôle FXLMS. / One of the main causes of discomfort in helicopters are the vibrations transmitted from the rotor to the structure. In forward flight, the blades are submitted to cyclic aerodynamic loads which generate low frequency (around 17Hz) but high energy mechanical vibrations. These vibrations are transmitted from the rotor to the main gearbox, then to the structure and finally to the crew and passengers. In order to maintain acceptable comfort for crew members and passengers, a lot of antivibration devices have been developed since the last 30 years. These systems are generally passive because most of the mechanical energy transmitted to the structure is at only one frequency ωc which is equal to the product bΩ with b the number of blades and Ω the rotor rotational speed. However, modern helicopters evolve and the rotor rpm, which has always been considered as fixed during flight is now a function of time, depending on the flight phases in order to increase performances and reduce energy consumption (variation bandwidth of Ω +/- 10%). This new constraint on the design of helicopters makes the active antivibration technology completely relevant with its capacity to adapt in terms of amplitude and frequency to the perturbation. During this thesis, the passive suspension called SARIB from Airbus Helicopters, based on the DAVI principle (Dynamic Antiresonant Vibration Isolator) is modified in order to implement active components and command (actuation). The theory of the control algorithms used in this thesis is presented in detail in order to define the theoretical tools of the active DAVI control which are : FXLMS control (adaptive control) and LQG (optimal control). To simulate the complete system, a 3D multibody model of the active suspension has been set up, coupled to a the flexible structure of a NH90 (Airbus Helicopters). On this model are applied the different control algorithms presented before and their performances are compared for different loads with variable frequency on the rotor hub. In the same way, different locations for the error sensors in the structure are studied to find the optimal control configuration. The simulations show that the FXLMS algorithm is well suited for the control of harmonic perturbations and reduce significantly the dynamic acceleration level on the cabin floor, without parasite reinjection on other parts of the structure. A comparison of the active SARIB with classical cabin vibration absorbers is also made in terms of efficiency in order to show the advantages of using the DAVI system as a base for an active antivibration device. Finally, this thesis also presents the experiments realized in the dynamics laboratory of Airbus Helicopters on a 1:1 scale prototype of the active SARIB suspension with FXLMS control. The results demonstrate the efficiency of the active suspension architecture and control algorithms.

Active automatic chassis actuation for an excavator

Boes, Christoph 26 June 2020 (has links)
This paper shows an electrohydraulic control system to stabilize the chassis of a mobile machine driving across an off-road ground profile. The active hydraulic suspension system is based on new electronics, SW- and control architectures and the use of state of the art industrial components. The paper shows, that the static and dynamic performance of the system is dominated by the servo valve, which represents the central component of the system.

Optimal Force Distribution for Active and Semi-active Suspension Systems / Optimal kraftfördelning för aktiva och semiaktiva fjädringssystem

Kumarasamy, Gobi January 2022 (has links)
The development needs of handling and ride vehicle dynamic characteristics are constantly evolving, crucial for safety and comfortable commute since many active safety and driver assistance systems depend on these characteristics. Ride improvements enhance passenger comfort, which plays a significant role in quality and brand value. Chassis and suspension systems greatly influence these vehicle dynamic characteristics. These systems should provide stability, high precision and a high degree of adaptive performance with quick response time. One of the ways to achieve these demands is by incorporating mechatronics suspension systems. Semi-active and fully active mechatronics suspension systems offer passengers a more comprehensive range of vehicle characteristics in terms of driving experience than vehicles with purely mechanical suspension systems. The efficient implementation of mechatronics suspension systems depends on the controller type and how its commands are realised. A typical control strategy is to decide a desired behaviour on the vehicle body and realise that behaviour with the help of the semi-active or active actuators. This work focuses on the realisation of the modal coordinate controller commands that counteracts the undesired body motions. The commands are in vehicle body coordinates with respect to the COG of the vehicle. The biggest challenge is to translate these counteracting forces and torques into semi-active damper vertical forces. This challenge is addressed with different algorithms with different levels of complexity and capability. The complexity ranges from the linear system of equations to real-time optimisation. Essentially, the algorithms will fragmentise and distribute the centralised command among different actuators and finally realise them back as close as commanded by taking the actuator and other physical limitations into account. This work also focuses on developing relative weights tuning methods, which play a significant role in the cost function formation and optimisation solution. The algorithms are evaluated in three different road conditions to incorporate typical driving environments related to primary and secondary rides. The enhancements in the ride performance are visualised by comparing against the existing methodology. The conclusions strongly support the optimisation-based force allocation algorithm over the existing method. It enables significant improvements in the ride performance and a high degree of flexibility by efficiently distributing commands among four actuators, which results in utilising the full potential of the semi-active dampers. / Utvecklingsbehoven för fordons dynamiska egenskaper med avseende på åkkomfort och köregenskaper är ständigt föränderliga och är avgörande för säkerheten och bekväm pendling eftersom många aktiva säkerhets- och förarassistanssystem är beroende av dessa egenskaper. Åkkomfortförbättringar förbättrar passagerarnas komfort, vilket spelar en betydande roll för kvalitet och märkesvärde. Chassi och fjädringssystem påverkar i hög grad dessa fordonsdynamiska egenskaper. Dessa system ska ge stabilitet, hög precision och en hög grad av adaptiv prestanda med snabb responstid. Ett av sätten att uppnå dessa krav är genom att införliva mekatroniska fjädringssystem. Semiaktiva och fullt aktiva mekatronikfjädringssystem erbjuder passagerare ett mer omfattande utbud av fordonsegenskaper när det gäller körupplevelse än fordon med rent mekaniska upphängningssystem. Ett effektivt genomförande av semiaktiva eller aktiva fjädringssystem beror på styrenhetstypen och hur styrenhetens kommandon är realiserade. En typisk reglerstrategi är att bestämma ett önskat beteende på fordonets kaross och realisera det beteendet med hjälp av de semiaktiva eller aktiva dämparna. Detta arbete fokuserar på förverkligandet av de modala koordinatstyrkommandon som motverkar oönskade kroppsrörelser. Kommandona beskrivs i fordonskroppens koordinater med avseende på fordonets tyngdpunkt (COG). Den största utmaningen är att översätta dessa motverkande krafter och vridmoment till vertikala krafter för stötdämparna. Denna utmaning hanteras med olika algoritmer med olika nivåer av komplexitet och kapacitet. Komplexiteten sträcker sig från det linjära ekvationssystemet till optimering i realtid. I huvudsak kommer algoritmerna att fragmentera och distribuera det centraliserade kommandot bland olika dämpare och slutligen förverkliga dem tillbaka så nära kommandot som möjligt genom att ta hänsyn till ställdonet och andra fysiska begränsningar. Studien fokuserar också på att utveckla justeringsmetoder för relativa vikter, som spelar en viktig roll i kostnadsfunktionsbildningen och optimeringslösningen. Algoritmerna utvärderas under tre olika vägförhållanden för att inkludera typiska körmiljöer relaterade till primär och sekundär åkkomfort. Förbättringarna i körprestandan visualiseras genom att jämföra mot den befintliga metoden. Slutsatserna stöder starkt en optimeringsbaserad kraftallokeringsalgoritm över den befintliga metoden. Algoritmen möjliggör betydande förbättringar av prestandan och en hög grad av flexibilitet genom att effektivt fördela kommandot bland fyra ställdon, vilket resulterar i att utnyttja den fulla potentialen för de semiaktiva dämparna.

Investigation of the comfort improvements by an integrated chassis control strategy / Undersökning av komfortförbättringar med en integrerad chassireglerstrategi

Ge, Zhaohui January 2021 (has links)
Autonomous driving is one of the megatrends in today’s automotive industry. Passengers are expected to do more non-driving tasks in an autonomous driving vehicle. Therefore, the comfort of the vehicle has become a more important factor for the passengers. This thesis investigates the possibility of increasing comfort through an integrated active chassis control strategy. First, this thesis has defined comfort in objective ways. Then, the objective comfort evaluation variables are used for comfort evaluation of the vehicle in different scenarios. The improvement in comfort is evaluated for four active chassis systems, including active suspension, active anti-roll bar, active rear-wheel steering and torque vectoring systems. Since more than one active chassis system can affect vehicle body motion in one direction, those four active chassis systems should be controlled in an integrated way. The model predictive control (MPC) is used because it can control a multi-input multi-output system in an optimized way. Two MPC controllers have been developed in this thesis to control multiple active chassis systems for comfort improvement. The original MPC controller is a linear MPC controller that uses a time-invariant state-space vehicle model. The adaptive MPC controller is a linear MPC controller that uses a time-variant state-space vehicle model. These two controllers are tested in the simulation software CarMaker with various scenarios, such as slalom, double lane-change, and bumps that are both symmetrical and shifted unsymmetrical. Finally, the simulation results are evaluated with objective comfort evaluation methods to assess the controller performances in comfort improvement. In conclusion, the model predictive control can be a feasible way to improve comfort with multiple active chassis systems. The simulation results show that the two MPC controllers can reduce the objective comfort evaluation variables. The discussions of the design process and simulation results point out future works that need to be done before this project becomes a product of real vehicles. / Autonom körning är en av megatrenderna i dagens bilindustri. Passagerare förväntas utföra fler icke-körrelaterade uppgifter i ett autonomt fordon. Därför har fordonets komfort blivit en allt viktigare faktor för passagerarna. Denna avhandling undersöker möjligheten att öka komforten genom en integrerad aktiv chassikontrollstrategi. Som utgångspunkt har denna avhandling definierat komfort på objektiva sätt. Sedan används de objektiva komfortvärderingsvariablerna för komfortutvärdering av fordonet i olika scenarier. Förbättringen av komfort utvärderas för fyra aktiva chassisystem, inkluderande aktiv fjädring, aktiv krängningshämmare, aktiv bakhjulsstyrning och drivmomentvektorisering. Eftersom mer än ett aktivt chassisystem kan påverka fordonets rörelse i en riktning, bör dessa fyra aktiva chassisystem styras på ett integrerat sätt. Modellprediktiv reglering (MPC) används eftersom den kan styra ett multi-input multi-output system på ett optimerat sätt. Två MPC-reglersystem har utvecklats för att styra flera aktiva chassisystem för komfortförbättring. Den ursprungliga MPC-reglerenheten är en linjär MPC-regulator som använder en tidsinvariant fordonsmodell. Den adaptiva MPC-reglerenheten är en linjär MPC-regulator som använder en tidsvariant fordonsmodell. Dessa två reglersystem testas i simuleringsprogramvaran CarMaker i olika scenarier, till exempel slalom, dubbelt körfältsbyte och väg-gupp som är både symmetriska och osymmetriska. Slutligen utvärderas simuleringsresultaten med objektiva komfortutvärderingsmetoder för att bedöma reglersystemens komfortförbättring. Sammanfattningsvis kan modellprediktiv reglering vara ett genomförbart sätt att förbättra komforten med flera aktiva chassisystem. Simuleringsresultaten visar att de två MPC-regulatorerna kan reducera de objektiva komfortutvärderingsvariablerna. Diskussionerna om designprocessen och simuleringsresultaten tar upp framtida arbeten som behöver göras innan detta projekt kan förverkligas i riktiga fordon.

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