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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação do papel da IL-10 nos efeitos anti-inflamatórios do exercício aeróbio na síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo experimental / Evaluation of the role of interleukin-10 in anti inflammatory effects of aerobic exercise on experimental acute respiratory distress syndrome

Oliveira, Nicole Cristine Rigonato de 19 December 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2016-05-25T16:04:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Nicole Cristine Rigonato de Oliveira.pdf: 1240943 bytes, checksum: 14fa67b6692555f3bc76fb1f34186220 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-25T16:04:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Nicole Cristine Rigonato de Oliveira.pdf: 1240943 bytes, checksum: 14fa67b6692555f3bc76fb1f34186220 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-12-19 / The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a disease characterized by respiratory failure due to an inflammatory response, which has high morbidity and mortality. Several cytokines seem to orchestrate the acute and chronic processes, mainly mediated by toll like receptors (TLRs). The literature demonstrates that aerobic exercise (AE) is capable of decreasing the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lungs mediated increased release of interleukin 10 (IL-10), and AE modulate expression of TLRs and antioxidant enzymes. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the anti-inflammatory effects of AE in an experimental model of intra and extrapulmonary ARDS are mediated by IL-10. For this, the animals were subjected to physical training on a treadmill, moderate for 4 weeks. 24 hours after the last physical test, animals received LPS by intratracheally (it) (10ug / animal) or intraperitoneally (ip) (100ug / animal). After 24 hours, the animals were assessed for the number of cells and pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) and serum were the number of neutrophils in the lung parenchyma and expression of TLR4, TLR7, SOD, ânion and QL in lung homogenates. AE reduced accumulation of neutrophils in the lung parenchyma, so it LPS and LPS ip (p <0.01) and BAL (p <0.01). AE attenuate the levels of proinflammatory cytokines in BAL and serum (p <0.05), as measured by ELISA. AE had levels of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 increased in the serum and BAL (p <0.05). AE also reduced the expression of TLR4 in lung homogenates (p <0.05) and increased the expression of TLR7 in group LPS + AE evaluated by western blotting (p <0.05). The results for the antioxidant enzyme SOD showed a significant increase in the groups submitted to AE. It follows that the impact of reduced LPS-induced ARDS, regardless of etiology, and these effects appear to be mediated by modulation of the AE secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines, especially IL-10, modulating TLR4 and TLR7 and increased expression of SOD (p <0.05). / A síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SDRA) é uma doença caracterizada pela insuficiência respiratória decorrente a uma resposta inflamatória, que apresenta alta morbi-mortalidade. Diversas citocinas parecem orquestrar os processos agudo e crônico, mediados principalmente por receptores toll like (TLRs). A literatura demonstra que o exercício aeróbio (EA) é capaz de diminuir a secreção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias nos pulmões, mediado pelo aumento da liberação de interleucina 10 (IL-10), além de o EA modular a expressão de TLRs e enzimas antioxidantes. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar se os efeitos anti-inflamatórios do EA em modelo experimental da SDRA intra e extrapulmonar são mediados por IL-10. Para isso, os animais foram submetidos ao treinamento físico em esteira, de intensidade moderada, durante 4 semanas. Após 24 horas ao último teste físico, os animais receberam LPS por via intra-traqueal (it) (10ug/animal) ou por via intra-peritoneal (ip) (100ug/animal). Após 24 horas, os animais foram avaliados para o número de células e de citocinas pró e anti-inflamatórias no fluído do lavado broncoalveolar (LBA) e no soro, número de neutrófilos no parênquima pulmonar e expressão do TLR4, TLR7, SOD, ânion e QL nos homogenatos de pulmão. EA reduziu a acumulação de neutrófilos no parênquima pulmonar, tanto LPS it e LPS ip (p <0,01) e no LBA (p <0,01). EA atenuou os níveis de citocinas pró-inflamatórias no LBA e soro (p <0,05), avaliada por ELISA. EA teve os níveis da citocina anti-inflamatória IL-10 aumentados no soro e LBA (p <0,05). EA também reduziu a expressão de TLR4 nos homogenatos de pulmão (p <0,05) e aumentou a expressão de TLR7 no grupo de LPS + EA avaliada por western blotting (p <0,05). Os resultados para a enzima antioxidante SOD apresentou aumento significante nos grupos submetidos ao EA. Conclui-se que EA reduziu o impacto de SDRA induzida por LPS, independente da etiologia e tais efeitos parecem estar mediados pela modulação do EA na secreção de citocinas anti-inflamatórias, principalmente da IL-10, na modulação de TLR4 e TLR7 e no aumento da expressão de SOD (p<0,05).

Activité électrique diaphragmatique au cours du sevrage ventilatoire après insuffisance respiratoire aigue / Diaphragm electrical activation during weaning from mechanical ventilation after acute respiratory failure

Rozé, Hadrien 12 December 2014 (has links)
Le contrôle de la ventilation procède d’une interaction complexe entre des efférences centrales à destination des groupes musculaires ventilatoires et des afférences ventilatoires provenant de mécano et de chémorécepteurs. Cette commande de la ventilation s’adapte en permanence aux besoins ventilatoires. L’activation électrique du diaphragme (EAdi) informe sur la commande ventilatoire, la charge des muscles respiratoires, la synchronie patient-ventilateur et l’efficacité de la ventilation des patients de réanimation. L’utilisation inadaptée d’un mode deventilation spontanée avec une sur ou sous-assistance peut entrainer des dysfonctions diaphragmatiques, des lésions alvéolaires et des asynchronies. La première étude a permis de cibler l’assistance du mode NAVA en fonction de l’EAdi enregistrée lors d’un échec de test de sevrage. Nous avons observé une augmentation quotidienne de cette EAdi au cours du sevrage jusqu’à l’extubation. La deuxième étude a montré que cette augmentation n’est pas associée à une modification de l’efficacité neuro-ventilatoire lors du test de sevrage, possiblement en rapport avec l’inhibition d’une sédation résiduelle. La troisième étude a montré l’importance de l’inhibition de cette sédation résiduelle par midazolam sur l’EAdi et le volume courant au début du sevrage ainsi que la corrélation qui existe entre les deux. Une dernière étude a montré l’absence d’augmentation du volume courant sous NAVA chez des patients transplantés pulmonaires aux poumons dénervés sans réflexe de Herring Breuer par rapport à un groupe contrôle. Par ailleurs le volume courant sous NAVA était corrélé à la capacité pulmonaire totale. Ces études ont montré l’intérêt du monitorage l’EAdi dans le sevrage. / The control of breathing results from a complex interaction involving differentrespiratory centers, which feed signals to a central control mechanism that, in turn, provides outputto the effector muscles. Afferent inputs arising from chemo- and mechanoreceptors, related to thephysical status of the respiratory system and to the activation of the respiratory muscles, modulatepermanently the respiratory command to adapt ventilation to the needs. Diaphragm electricalactivation provides information about respiratory drive, respiratory muscle loading, patientventilatorsynchrony and efficiency of breathing in critically ill patients. The use of inappropriatelevel of assist during spontaneous breathing with over or under assist might be harmful withdiaphragmatic dysfunction, alveolar injury and asynchrony. The first study settled NAVA modeaccording to the EAdi recorded during a failed spontaneous breathing trial (SBT). An unexpecteddaily increase of EAdi has been found during SBT until extubation. The second study did not findany increase of the neuroventilatory efficiency during weaning, possibly because of residualsedation. A third study described the inhibition of residual sedation on EAdi and tidal volume at thebeginning of the weaning, and the correlation between them. The last study did not find anyincrease of tidal volume under NAVA after lung transplantation, with denervated lung withoutHerring Breuer reflex, compared to a control group. Moreover tidal volume under NAVA wascorrelated to total lung capacity. These studies highlight the interest of EAdi monitoring duringweaning.

Assessment of the distribution of aeration, perfusion, and inflammation using PET/CT in an animal model of acute lung injury

Braune, Anja 14 September 2017 (has links)
Hintergrund Durch die Entwicklung neuer in vivo Bildgebungsmethoden, z.B. der Computertomographie (CT) und der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie (PET), konnte in den letzten Jahren das Verständnis über die Pathophysiologie des akuten Lungenversagens (acute respiratory distress syndrome, ARDS) maßgeblich verbessert werden. So zeigten PET/CT-Messungen, dass beim ARDS pathophysiologische Veränderungen von Lungenbelüftung und -durchblutung zu einer Störung des Gasaustausches beitragen. Die deshalb erforderliche mechanische Beatmung kann allerdings zu einer weiteren Schädigung der Lunge führen (ventilator induced lung injury, VILI). Bisher konnten weder die exakten pathophysiologischen Mechanismen des ARDS noch der potentiell schädigende Einfluss der mechanischen Beatmung vollständig geklärt werden. Fragestellung In dieser Doktorarbeit wurden PET/CT-Bildgebungstechniken für die Quantifizierung der pulmonalen Belüftung, neutrophilischen Inflammation und Perfusion im experimentellen Modell des ARDS verwendet. Hierfür wurden zwei Substudien durchgeführt. Ziel der ersten Substudie war es, in einem tierexperimentellen Modell des ARDS den relativen Einfluss der beiden wesentlichen Mechanismen von VILI, das zyklische Öffnen und Schließen von Alveolen (Atelektrauma) und die alveoläre Überdehnung (Volutrauma), auf die pro-inflammatorische Antwort der Lunge zu untersuchen. Die zweite Substudie hatte das Ziel, die Anwendung von Fluoreszenz-markierten Mikrosphären für Messungen der pulmonalen Perfusionsverteilung in akut geschädigten Lungen zu validieren. Es sollte geprüft werden, ob ex vivo Messungen mittels Fluoreszenz-markierten Mikrosphären alternativ zu in vivo PET/CT-Messungen mittels Gallium-68 (68Ga)-markierten Mikrosphären im experimentellen Modell das ARDS herangezogen werden können. Material und Methoden Es wurden zwei Substudien in analgosedierten, intubierten und mechanisch beatmeten Schweinen durchgeführt. Die Induktion des ARDS erfolgte durch repetitives, bronchoalveoläres Lavagieren mit isotonischer Kochsalzlösung. In der ersten Substudie erfolgten Untersuchungen an 10 Tieren. Nach Rekrutierung beider Lungen wurde eine absteigende Titration des positiven, end-exspiratorischen Drucks (positive end-expiratory pressure, PEEP) durchgeführt. Es folgte eine randomisierte Zuordnung der Versuchstiere zu einer vierstündigen Beatmungstherapie der linken, VILI Lunge zur Induktion eines Atelektraumas oder Volutraumas. In beiden Versuchsgruppen wurde ein vergleichbares Tidalvolumen von 3 ml/kg Körpergewicht appliziert. Zur Induktion von Volutrauma wurde ein hoher PEEP gewählt (2 cmH2O oberhalb des Levels, an dem sich die dynamische Compliance während der PEEP-Titration um mehr als 5 % erhöht). Zur Induktion von Atelektrauma wurde ein niedriger PEEP appliziert (PEEP, bei dem eine mit Volutrauma vergleichbare Atemwegsdruckdifferenz (Differenz aus Spitzendruck und PEEP) auftritt). In der rechten Lunge, welche als Kontrolllunge diente, wurde ein kontinuierlicher, positiver Atemwegsdruck von 20 cmH2O aufrechterhalten. Der Gasaustausch, insbesondere die Eliminierung von Kohlenstoffdioxid, wurde extrakorporal unterstützt. Nach vierstündiger Beatmung der linken, VILI Lunge erfolgte die Bildgebung. Für die Quantifizierung von Ausmaß und regionaler Verteilung der pulmonalen Inflammation wurde 2-deoxy-2-[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (18F-FDG) intravenös injiziert und die Aktivität mittels dynamischen PET/CT-Aufnahmen erfasst. Die Erfassung der Lungenperfusion erfolgte mittels intravenös injizierten, 68Ga-markierten Mikrosphären und statischen PET/CT-Aufnahmen. Anschließende CT-Aufnahmen während Atemmanövern am Ende der Inspiration, Exspiration und am mittleren Atemvolumen dienten der Bestimmung von Lungenbelüftung, zyklischer Überdehnung und Rekrutierung. In der zweiten Substudie wurde in 7 Schweinen die Perfusion der linken und rechten Lunge untersucht (n = 14 Lungen). Nach jeweils einstündiger mechanischer Beatmung mittels zweiphasigem, positivem Beatmungsdruck überlagert mit einem Anteil an Spontanatmung am Minutenvolumen von 0 % oder > 60 % wurden Fluoreszenzmarkierte und 68Ga-markierte Mikrosphären intravenös injiziert. Unmittelbar im Anschluss erfolgten PET/CT-Messungen der Verteilung der 68Ga-markierten Mikrosphären. Für die Analyse der Verteilung der Fluoreszenz-markierten Mikrosphären wurden die Lungen am Versuchsende entnommen, getrocknet, in Würfel gesägt und die emittierende Fluoreszenz sowie das Gewicht jedes Würfels gemessen. Die in vivo PET-Aktivitätsmessungen wurden auf die mittels CT bestimmte Lungenmasse normalisiert (QRM). Die QRM-Daten wurden auf die Auflösung der Fluoreszenzmessungen herunterskaliert (QRM,downscaled). Die Analyse der ex vivo Fluoreszenzmessungen erfolgte durch Normalisierung auf die Masse der Lungenwürfel (QFM,Mass), auf deren Volumen (QFM,Volume) und auf Würfelmasse und -volumen (QFM,Mass,Volume). Die Auflösung und die äußeren Konturen der Lungen wurden zwischen ex vivo und in vivo Messungen verglichen. Lineare Regressionen von Perfusion und axialer Verteilung jedes Lungenvolumenelementes dienten der Bestimmung von Perfusionsgradienten entlang der ventro-dorsalen und kranio-kaudalen Achse. Die Anstiege der Regressionsgeraden wurden zwischen den Messmethoden verglichen. Für jede Lunge wurde die globale und regionale Perfusionsheterogenität bestimmt und zwischen den Messmethoden verglichen. Ergebnisse In der ersten Substudie verdeutlichten PET/CT-Messungen, dass, trotz vergleichbarer Perfusion, Volutrauma im Vergleich zu Atelektrauma zu einer höheren spezifischen Aufnahme von 18F-FDG in den beatmeten, VILI Lungen führte. Dieser Effekt trat hauptsächlich in zentralen Lungenregionen auf. Weiterhin führte Volutrauma, aber nicht Atelektrauma, zu einer höheren spezifischen 18F-FDG-Aufnahme in den beatmeten, VILI Lungen im Vergleich zu den nicht-ventilierten Kontrolllungen. CT-Aufnahmen verdeutlichten, dass Atelektrauma einen höheren Anteil an nicht belüfteten Lungenkompartimenten und mehr zyklische Rekrutierung zur Folge hatte. Volutrauma bedingte hingegen höhere Anteile an überblähten und normal belüfteten Lungenarealen und mehr zyklische Überdehnung. Die Atemwegsdruckdifferenzen waren anfänglich zwischen den Gruppen vergleichbar, stiegen im Verlauf bei Atelektrauma, aber nicht bei Volutrauma, an. In der zweiten Substudie verdeutlichten sowohl ex vivo QFM,Volume-Messungen, als auch in vivo QRM-Messungen die Existenz von Perfusionsgradienten entlang der ventrodorsalen und kranio-kaudalen Achsen, trotzdem QFM-Messungen eine 21-fach geringere Auflösung aufwiesen und die erforderliche Lungenentnahme und -trocknung eine Lungendeformation bedingte. Beide Messverfahren zeigten stärkere Perfusionen dorsaler und kaudaler im Vergleich zu ventraler und kranialer Lungenareale. Im Vergleich zu QRM,downscaled-Messungen wiesen QRM-Messungen höhere globale Perfusionsheterogenitäten auf. Verglichen mit QRM,downscaled-Messungen wiesen sowohl QFM,Volume-Messungen, als auch QFM,Mass,Volume-Messungen vergleichbare regionale Perfusionsheterogenitäten auf. Schlussfolgerungen In der ersten Substudie führte Volutrauma im Vergleich zu Atelektrauma, trotz vergleichbarem Tidalvolumen, geringerer Atemwegsdruckdifferenz und vergleichbarer Perfusion, zu einer höheren pulmonalen Inflammation. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass in diesem Modell des ARDS die mit Volutrauma assoziierten hohen statischen Drücke im Vergleich zu dynamischen Einflüssen die schädlicheren Mechanismen von VILI sind. Die zweite Substudie verdeutlichte, dass ex vivo Messungen der Verteilung von Fluoreszenz-markierten Mikrosphären bei Volumennormalisierung, trotz geringerer Auflösung und auftretenden Lungendeformationen, vergleichbare Messergebnisse hinsichtlich der Existenz und des Ausmaßes von Lungengradienten mit in vivo PET/CTMessungen aufzeigen. Eine Anpassung der Auflösung der in vivo Perfusionsmessungen an die der ex vivo Messungen verringerte sowohl die globale, als auch die regionale Perfusionsheterogenität. Bei gleicher Auflösung zeigten ex vivo QFM,Volume-Messungen vergleichbare globale und regionale Perfusionsheterogenitäten wie in vivo Messungen. Die Studienergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass für die Quantifizierung von pulmonalen Perfusionsgradienten ex vivo QFM,Volume-Messungen alternativ zu in vivo PET/CTMessungen durchgeführt werden können.

Proyecto de Intervención en Salud: Enfermedades Respiratorias Agudas en Niños Menores de 5 años en el AH Pacífico Villa parte alta, distrito de Chorrillos, Lima, Perú / Health Intervention Project: acute respiratory diseases in children under 5 years old in the AH Pacific Villa upper part, Chorrillos district, Lima, Peru

Angeles Liza, Luis Fernando, Parodi Camargo, Camila, Ramos Palacios, Angie Betzabee 08 March 2021 (has links)
Introducción: El presente proyecto de intervención en salud se realizó en el asentamiento humano Pacífico Villa parte alta, ubicado en el distrito de Chorrillos, donde la prevalencia y mortalidad por enfermedades respiratorias en niños menores de 5 años es alta y representa un problema en salud. Objetivos: El proyecto tuvo el objetivo de mejorar el conocimiento de la población sobre la prevención de enfermedades respiratorias agudas en niños menores de 5 años. Para lograr esto se incidió en las principales 3 causas encontradas que eran los inadecuados hábitos de higiene en niños y cuidadores involucrados, la baja cobertura de vacunación en los niños menores de 5 años y la malnutrición en los niños que los predispone a padecer todo tipo de enfermedades. Metodología: Se siguió la metodología del marco lógico, se realizó en primer lugar una priorización de problemas y el análisis de involucrados, se esquematizó el árbol de problemas y árbol de objetivos, a continuación, se analizaron las alternativas de solución y se graficó la estructura analítica del proyecto, luego se realizó la matriz del marco lógico y finalmente se plantearon las actividades y tareas resumidas en la matriz de programación. Actividades: Se realizaron 2 actividades principales que consistieron en la realización de afiches y videos para presentar a la comunidad vía online debido a la coyuntura actual de la pandemia por Sars-CoV-2. Resultados: Los resultados del proyecto a corto plazo se midieron por encuestas de conocimiento respondidas por la comunidad, una antes de la intervención y otra después, siendo el logro final la mejora de conocimiento de la comunidad en materia de prevención de enfermedades respiratorias, reconocimiento de sus signos de alarma, importancia de la vacunación, alimentación saludable, métodos de higiene, lactancia materna, entre otros. / Introduction: This health intervention project was carried out in the Pacific Villa upper part human settlement, located in the district of Chorrillos, where the prevalence and mortality from respiratory diseases in children under 5 years of age is high and represents a health problem. Objectives: The project had the objective of improving the population’s knowledge about prevention of acute respiratory diseases in children under 5 years of age. To achieve this, the main 3 causes found were involved, which were inadequate hygiene habits in children and their caregivers, low vaccination coverage in children under 5 years of age and malnutrition in children that predisposes them to suffer all kinds of diseases. Methodology: The logical framework approach was followed, first a prioritization of problems and the analysis of those involved were carried out, the tree of problems and tree of objectives were outlined, then the solution alternatives were analyzed and the analytical structure of the project, then the logical framework matrix was made and finally the activities and tasks summarized in the programming matrix were proposed. Activities: Two main activities were carried out, which consisted of making posters and videos to present to the community online due to the current situation of the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic. Results: The results of the short-term project were measured by knowledge surveys answered by the community, one before the intervention and another after, the final achievement being the improvement of the community's knowledge in the prevention of respiratory diseases, recognition of its warning signs, the importance of vaccination, healthy eating, hygiene methods, breastfeeding, among others. / Tesis

Corona Virus 229E, NL63 And OC43 Infection Of Human Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells: Modulation of Immune Effector Function

Lister, Erin 10 1900 (has links)
<p> Virus-induced modulation of dendritic cell function is thought to be an effective mechanism for viral-immune evasion. The severe-acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) has been shown to infected human myeloid dendritic cells (MDCs) and directly modulate the cellular cytokine production. The ability of other human coronaviruses to infect MDCs and impair cell immune function has not been assessed. </p> <p> This thesis describes the infection of human MDCs with coronavirus 229E, NL63, and OC43. 229E showed productive, but limited genomic replication, nucleocapsid protein synthesis and infectious progeny release in MDCs. 229E infection stimulated IFN-α, IL-6 and MCP-1 production in MDCs, but little to no IL-12, TNF-α, IL-8, IP-10, or RANTES . 229E-infected MDCs showed poor CD80 expression, down-regulated CD86 and HLA-DR expression and were poor stimulators of CD4+ T cell proliferation. In contrast to 229E, OC43 showed persistent and productive genomic replication, nucleocapsid protein synthesis and infectious progeny release in MDCs. OC43 infection stimulated IFN-α, IL-12, IP-10 and MCP-1 production in MDCs, but little to no TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8 or RANTES . The up-regulation of maturation molecules and CD4+ T cell stimulatory capacity in OC43-infected MDCs was donor cell-dependent. In contrast to 229E and OC43, NL63 infection of MDCs was non-productive, showing no viral genomic replication, protein production or infectious progeny release. NL63 infection stimulated strong cytokine (IFN-α, IL-12, TNF-β and IL-6) and chemokine (IL-8, IP-10, RANTES and MCP-1) responses in MDCs. NL63-infected MDCs showed up-regulated CD80, CD83, CD86 and HLA-DR expression and were efficient stimulators of CD4+ T cell proliferation. </p> <p> This study provides the first evidence that human coronaviruses other than SARSCo V can abrogate MDC immune effector function. It also provides the first side-by-side comparison of 229E, NL63 and OC43 and identifies the potential of 229E and OC43 to impair MDC cytokine production and T cell stimulation as a mechanism of immune response evasion. <p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Role of GPR84 in Kidney Injury in a Surrogate COVID-19 Mouse Model

Blais, Amélie 05 January 2023 (has links)
40% of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus two (SARS-CoV-2) severe cases develop acute kidney injury (AKI). Current treatment for renal complications limits financial and material resources available. To explore alternative treatments and accelerate research in case of future coronavirus outbreaks, a mouse model of coronavirus disease 2019-associated AKI (C19-AKI) would represent a critical biomedical research tool. The surrogate model of C19-AKI (SMC) developed consisted of angiotensin-converting enzyme two (ACE2) knockout (KO) mice receiving 400 ng/kg/min of angiotensin (Ang) II by osmotic minipump for eight days with a single injection of lipopolysaccharide (LPS; 10 mg/kg) on the seventh day of Ang II and euthanasia 24 hours after LPS. Similarly, to C19-AKI, the SMC exhibited albuminuria, elevated blood urea nitrogen, electrolyte imbalance, neutrophil infiltration, and upregulation of the G-coupled protein receptor (GPR)84 and pro-inflammatory and injury markers. GPR84 was found in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid neutrophils of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients, suggesting a potential implication of GPR84 in the disease. We hypothesised that GPR84 deletion or antagonism with GLPG-1205 could attenuate SMC’s indices of renal injury and inflammation. GLPG-1205 and GPR84 KO had no effects in the SMC model, as suggested by unchanged albuminuria, electrolytes, and markers expression. Interestingly, neutrophil infiltration was attenuated by GLPG-1205 only. The SMC is an interesting tool for therapeutic development for infections associated with renal injury, such as SARS-CoV-2. GPR84 role in the SMC needs to be further assessed.

Using MicroRNAs 146a and 155 to Mitigate Barotrauma and Atelectrauma in Simulated Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury

Chang, Christopher J. 23 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo dos efeitos da posição prona na distribuição regional da aeração e da perfusão pulmonar através da tomografia de impedância elétrica e da tomografia computadorizada multislice / Effects of prone position on regional distribution of lung aeration and perfusion. Analysis by electrical impedance tomography and computer tomography

Beraldo, Marcelo do Amaral 22 November 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A utilização da posição prona melhora significativamente a oxigenação de pacientes com síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SDRA). Estudos prévios sugerem que o recrutamento das regiões pulmonares colapsadas e pobremente aeradas é um dos possíveis mecanismos responsáveis pela melhora da oxigenação, no entanto, os mesmos ainda não foram comprovados. Objetivos: Quantificar a distribuição regional da aeração e da perfusão pulmonar, em ambas as posições prona e supina, através da tomografia de impedância elétrica (TIE) e da tomografia computadorizada multislice (TC), correlacionando-as com as respectivas trocas gasosas. Métodos: Foram estudados 21 suínos, da raça Ladrasse anestesiados e em ventilação mecânica controlada. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com o método de imagem. 13 animais foram estudados com a TIE (grupo TIE) e 8 animais foram estudados com a TC (grupo TC). Após a indução do modelo de lesão pulmonar (infusão intermitente de solução salina e ventilação lesiva por 3 horas), os animais foram submetidos a uma manobra de recrutamento alveolar máxima (MR) seguida por uma manobra de titulação da PEEP (MTP), realizada em passos decrementais de 2 em 2 cmH2O PEEP. Onze animais (7 no grupo TIE e 4 no grupo TC) foram randomizados para iniciar o estudo na posição supina, seguida de uma segunda MR e MTP na posição prona. Dez animais (6 no grupo TIE e 4 no grupo TC) receberam as manobras na ordem inversa. Para o estudo da perfusão foram adicionados mais sete animais (2 no grupo TIE e 5 no grupo TC) que foram submetidos à injeção rápida de solução salina hipertônica e/ou de contraste iodado respectivamente. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na quantidade de tecido pulmonar colapsado e hiperdistendido, entre as posições estudadas em ambos os grupos TIE e TC (p= 0.06). Entretanto, as trocas gasosas foram consistentemente melhores durante a posição prona (p<0.05), com shunt pulmonar significativamente menor (<55%, p<0.001) para níveis equivalentes de PEEP entre ambas as posições. A análise da perfusão pulmonar evidenciou a presença de grande fluxo sanguíneo pulmonar (2x mais perfusão específica) nas áreas de colapso pulmonar durante a posição supina, assim como a ausência de maiores efeitos gravitacionais na distribuição da perfusão entre as posturas. Conclusão: A análise quantitativa da TIE e da TC evidenciou que, para a mesma quantidade de tecido pulmonar colapsado, a oxigenação arterial foi sempre mais comprometida durante a posição supina, com aumento significativo do shunt pulmonar e com uma região de colapso pulmonar mais perfundida, sugerindo que a posição prona melhora a oxigenação e a relação ventilação perfusão, mas não atenua os efeitos gravitacionais sobre o parênquima pulmonar, o que não confirma os possíveis efeitos protetores associados à posição prona / Introduction: Prone position has been shown to consistently improve oxygenation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Previous studies suggested some improvement in lung recruitment or a better ventilation of poorly aerated areas as possible mechanisms for such oxygenation benefits. Objective: To quantify the regional distribution of aeration (collapse and hyperdistend lung tissue) and lung perfusion by Computer Tomography (CT) and electrical impedance tomography in supine and prone positions and to correlate them with pulmonary gas exchange. Methods: We studied 21 anesthetized Landrace pigs under controlled mechanical ventilation. These animals were divided in two groups: Thirteen (13) animals in the EIT group and eight (8) in the CT group. After lung injury (saline lavage + VILI during 3 hours), animals were recruited and submitted to two sequential PEEP trials, both consisting of decremental PEEP steps (2 cmH2O steps). Seven (n=7) animals in the EIT group and four (4) in the CT group were allocated to a PEEP trial under supine position, followed by a second PEEP trial in prone. Six (6) animals in the EIT group and four (4) in the CT group received PEEP trials in reverse order. Seven (7) additional animals were studied for lung perfusion distribution, by analyzing the first pass kinetics of hypertonic solution (2 animals - EIT group) and iodine contrast (5 animals - CT group). Results: No differences in the amount of collapsed and hyperdistended lung tissue were found between both postures (p= 0.12 vs. p = 0.41 respectively) in both the EIT and CT groups. However, the gas exchange was consistently better (p <0.05), with much lower (55% lower) pulmonary shunt during prone position (p=0.001), at equivalent PEEP levels in both groups. The perfusion studies confirmed a higher perfusion ( 2 times increment in specific perfusion) of the atelectatic lung tissue in supine position, without majors gravitational effects between both positions. Conclusions: The quantitative analysis of EIT and CT showed that for the same amount of collapsed lung tissue, the PaO2 was always lower in supine position, with higher pulmonary shunt and higher perfusion of the collapsed lung areas. We could not demonstrate any lung protective effect associated with prone positioning. Thus, these results suggest that prone position improves oxygenation and V/Q imbalances, but it does not attenuate the effects of gravity on the lung

Évaluation du travail respiratoire dans l’insuffisance respiratoire aiguë de l’enfant

Mortamet, Guillaume 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo dos efeitos da posição prona na distribuição regional da aeração e da perfusão pulmonar através da tomografia de impedância elétrica e da tomografia computadorizada multislice / Effects of prone position on regional distribution of lung aeration and perfusion. Analysis by electrical impedance tomography and computer tomography

Marcelo do Amaral Beraldo 22 November 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A utilização da posição prona melhora significativamente a oxigenação de pacientes com síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SDRA). Estudos prévios sugerem que o recrutamento das regiões pulmonares colapsadas e pobremente aeradas é um dos possíveis mecanismos responsáveis pela melhora da oxigenação, no entanto, os mesmos ainda não foram comprovados. Objetivos: Quantificar a distribuição regional da aeração e da perfusão pulmonar, em ambas as posições prona e supina, através da tomografia de impedância elétrica (TIE) e da tomografia computadorizada multislice (TC), correlacionando-as com as respectivas trocas gasosas. Métodos: Foram estudados 21 suínos, da raça Ladrasse anestesiados e em ventilação mecânica controlada. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos, de acordo com o método de imagem. 13 animais foram estudados com a TIE (grupo TIE) e 8 animais foram estudados com a TC (grupo TC). Após a indução do modelo de lesão pulmonar (infusão intermitente de solução salina e ventilação lesiva por 3 horas), os animais foram submetidos a uma manobra de recrutamento alveolar máxima (MR) seguida por uma manobra de titulação da PEEP (MTP), realizada em passos decrementais de 2 em 2 cmH2O PEEP. Onze animais (7 no grupo TIE e 4 no grupo TC) foram randomizados para iniciar o estudo na posição supina, seguida de uma segunda MR e MTP na posição prona. Dez animais (6 no grupo TIE e 4 no grupo TC) receberam as manobras na ordem inversa. Para o estudo da perfusão foram adicionados mais sete animais (2 no grupo TIE e 5 no grupo TC) que foram submetidos à injeção rápida de solução salina hipertônica e/ou de contraste iodado respectivamente. Resultados: Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas na quantidade de tecido pulmonar colapsado e hiperdistendido, entre as posições estudadas em ambos os grupos TIE e TC (p= 0.06). Entretanto, as trocas gasosas foram consistentemente melhores durante a posição prona (p<0.05), com shunt pulmonar significativamente menor (<55%, p<0.001) para níveis equivalentes de PEEP entre ambas as posições. A análise da perfusão pulmonar evidenciou a presença de grande fluxo sanguíneo pulmonar (2x mais perfusão específica) nas áreas de colapso pulmonar durante a posição supina, assim como a ausência de maiores efeitos gravitacionais na distribuição da perfusão entre as posturas. Conclusão: A análise quantitativa da TIE e da TC evidenciou que, para a mesma quantidade de tecido pulmonar colapsado, a oxigenação arterial foi sempre mais comprometida durante a posição supina, com aumento significativo do shunt pulmonar e com uma região de colapso pulmonar mais perfundida, sugerindo que a posição prona melhora a oxigenação e a relação ventilação perfusão, mas não atenua os efeitos gravitacionais sobre o parênquima pulmonar, o que não confirma os possíveis efeitos protetores associados à posição prona / Introduction: Prone position has been shown to consistently improve oxygenation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Previous studies suggested some improvement in lung recruitment or a better ventilation of poorly aerated areas as possible mechanisms for such oxygenation benefits. Objective: To quantify the regional distribution of aeration (collapse and hyperdistend lung tissue) and lung perfusion by Computer Tomography (CT) and electrical impedance tomography in supine and prone positions and to correlate them with pulmonary gas exchange. Methods: We studied 21 anesthetized Landrace pigs under controlled mechanical ventilation. These animals were divided in two groups: Thirteen (13) animals in the EIT group and eight (8) in the CT group. After lung injury (saline lavage + VILI during 3 hours), animals were recruited and submitted to two sequential PEEP trials, both consisting of decremental PEEP steps (2 cmH2O steps). Seven (n=7) animals in the EIT group and four (4) in the CT group were allocated to a PEEP trial under supine position, followed by a second PEEP trial in prone. Six (6) animals in the EIT group and four (4) in the CT group received PEEP trials in reverse order. Seven (7) additional animals were studied for lung perfusion distribution, by analyzing the first pass kinetics of hypertonic solution (2 animals - EIT group) and iodine contrast (5 animals - CT group). Results: No differences in the amount of collapsed and hyperdistended lung tissue were found between both postures (p= 0.12 vs. p = 0.41 respectively) in both the EIT and CT groups. However, the gas exchange was consistently better (p <0.05), with much lower (55% lower) pulmonary shunt during prone position (p=0.001), at equivalent PEEP levels in both groups. The perfusion studies confirmed a higher perfusion ( 2 times increment in specific perfusion) of the atelectatic lung tissue in supine position, without majors gravitational effects between both positions. Conclusions: The quantitative analysis of EIT and CT showed that for the same amount of collapsed lung tissue, the PaO2 was always lower in supine position, with higher pulmonary shunt and higher perfusion of the collapsed lung areas. We could not demonstrate any lung protective effect associated with prone positioning. Thus, these results suggest that prone position improves oxygenation and V/Q imbalances, but it does not attenuate the effects of gravity on the lung

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