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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kapprecht und Anries nach dem schweizerischen Zivilgesetzbuch /

Gisiger, A. V. January 1922 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Zürich.

Über die Verkehrsstrassen und ihre Rechtslage unter Ausschluss des Anliegerrechts /

Heinrich, Bill, January 1914 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Rostock. / "Literaturverzeichnis": p. [vii]-x.

Der Entschädigungsanspruch des Anliegers bei Veränderung der öffentlichen Strasse /

Kucklick, Alice. January 1937 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Marburg, 1937. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 4-7).

Psychische Einwirkungen im Nachbarrecht des BGB : Bemerkungen zur Rechtsprechung des RG und des BGH /

Küchler, Kurt, January 1973 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität Tübingen, 1973. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 183-193).

The relationship between the law of nuisance and residential planning law /

Martin, Robyn Marie. January 1977 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.U.R.P. 1978) from the Department of Architecture, University of Adelaide.

Die Kommunmauer /

Bungard, Kurt. January 1913 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Friedrich-Alexander-Universität zu Erlangen.

Eigentum und öffentliches Interesse

Schulte, Hans, January 1900 (has links)
Habilitationsschrift--Münster, 1968. / Bibliography: p. [314]-321.

Die Bedeutung des nachbarlichen Gemeinschaftsverhältnisses innerhalb der neueren nachbarrechtlichen Gesetzgebung /

Block, Manfred. January 1969 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Georg-August-Universität zu Göttingen.

The right to a view : common law, legislation and the constitution

Koch, Carolina Augusta 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African law does not recognise an inherent right to the existing, unobstructed view from a property. Nevertheless, seemingly in disregard of this general principle, property owners often attempt to protect such views and courts sometimes in fact grant orders that provide such protection. This dissertation aims to establish whether South African law does indeed not acknowledge a right to a view and whether there are any exceptions to the general rule against the recognition of the right to a view. The principle that the existing view from a property is not an inherent property right is rooted in Roman and Roman-Dutch law. This principle was received in early South African case law. Inconsistency in the application of the principle in recent case law renders its development uncertain. An analysis of recent decisions shows that the view from a property is sometimes protected in terms of servitudes or similar devices, or by virtue of legislation. In other instances, property owners attempt to prevent the erection of a neighbouring building that will interfere with their existing views, based either on a substantive right or an administrative shortcoming. When the protection of view is based on a limited real right (servitudes or similar devices) or legislation, it is generally effective and permanent. Conversely, when it is founded on a substantive right to prevent building on neighbouring land or an administrative irregularity rendering a neighbouring building objectionable, the protection is indirect and temporary. A comparative study confirms that the position regarding the protection of view is similar in English and Dutch law. Constitutional analysis in terms of the methodology developed by the Constitutional Court in FNB indicates that cases where view is protected are not in conflict with section 25(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. The investigation concludes with an evaluation of policy considerations which show that the position with regard to a right to a view in South African law is rooted in legitimate policy rationales. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Inherente reg op die bestaande, onbelemmerde uitsig vanaf 'n eiendom word nie deur die Suid-Afrikaanse reg erken nie. Desnieteenstaande poog eienaars dikwels om die uitsig vanaf hul eiendomme te beskerm en soms staan die howe bevele tot dien effekte toe. Dit skep die indruk dat die Suid-Afrikaanse reg wel die bestaande uitsig vanaf 'n eiendom as 'n inherente eiendomsreg erken of dat sodanige uitsig minstens onder sekere omstandighede beskerm kan word. Hierdie verhandeling het ten doel om onsekerhede betreffende die algemene beginsel oor 'n reg op uitsig uit die weg te ruim en om lig te werp op gevalle waar 'n onbelemmerde uitsig wel beskerm word. Die Romeinse en Romeins-Hollandse reg het nie 'n reg op uitsig erken nie. Hierdie posisie is deur vroeë regspraak in die Suid-Afrikaanse regstelsel opgeneem. 'n Ondersoek na latere Suid-Afrikaanse regspraak toon egter aan dat howe wel onder sekere omstandighede, skynbaar strydig met die gemeenregtelike beginsel, beskerming aan die onbelemmerde uitsig vanaf eiendomme verleen. 'n Eerste kategorie sake behels gevalle waar die uitsig vanaf 'n eiendom deur 'n beperkte saaklike reg, in die vorm van 'n serwituut of 'n soortgelyke maatreël, of ingevolge wetgewing beskerm word. In 'n tweede kategorie sake word die beskerming van 'n uitsig deur middel van 'n aanval op die goedkeuring van 'n buureienaar se bouplanne bewerkstellig. Sodanige aanval kan óf op 'n substantiewe reg óf op 'n administratiewe tekortkoming berus. Die onderskeie kategorieë verskil wat betref die doelmatigheid en omvang van die beskerming wat verleen word. 'n Saaklike reg of wetgewing verleen meestal effektiewe en permanente beskerming. Hierteenoor het 'n aanval op die goedkeuring van 'n buureienaar se bouplanne hoogstens indirekte en tydelike beskerming van die uitsig tot gevolg. Regsvergelyking bevestig dat die Engelse en Nederlandse reg die Suid-Afrikaanse posisie ten opsigte van'n reg op uitsig tot 'n groot mate eggo. Grondwetlike analise aan die hand van die FNB-metodologie dui daarop dat die gevalle waar uitsig wel beskerming geniet nie strydig is met artikel 25(1) van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1996 nie. Bowendien regverdig beleidsgronde die behoud van die huidige beginsel in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg.

La delimitació de la frontera hispanofrancesa (1659-1868)

Capdevila Subirana, Joan 27 January 2012 (has links)
S’estudia el procés de delimitació de la frontera hispanofrancesa, partint del Tractat dels Pirineus (1659) fins als Tractats de Límits de Baiona (1856-1868), fent especial esment al tram que correspon a la província de Girona. Amb el Tractat dels Pirineus les dues monarquies es van repartir el territori però no van arribar a fer una delimitació precisa de la línia fronterera. Durant el segle XVIII es van fer algunes delimitacions parcials i hi va haver diversos intents de fer-ne una de sencera. Va caldre esperar a la constitució de la Comisión Mixta de Límites de 1853 per a que es pogués portar a terme. La Comisión Mixta de Límites va treballar durant 15 anys i va haver de fer de mitjancera en una gran diversitat de conflictes que enfrontaven a les comunitats d’una i altra banda, la majoria dels quals relacionats amb l’aprofitament econòmic de les zones a cavall de la frontera (pastures, boscos, aigua, conreus, etc.). L’estudi es fa a dues escales: una de general, de mar a mar, on es descriuen les diferents problemàtiques i s’analitzen les solucions adoptades als Tractats de Límits de Baiona; una altra a escala local, centrada a la província de Girona, que descriu l’activitat de la Comisión Mixta de Límites, des de les negociacions fins als treballs d’afitament de la frontera. A més, es planteja un model relacional entre les diferents parts que intervenen al procés de delimitació i s’aporta el catàleg de totes les fites frontereres a Girona i el traçat fronterer desenvolupat a escala 1:25.000. Finalment, es discuteix sobre el paper d’aquest tipus de tractats tant en el Dret Internacional com a l’àmbit de les relacions de veïnatge i de l’ordenació del territori. / Summary of the thesis “The delimitation of the spanish-french border (1659-1868)” by Joan Capdevila Subirana We study the delimitation of the border between Spain and France since the Treaty of the Pyrenees (1659) to the Border Treaties of Bayonne (1856-1868), with particular emphasis on the section corresponding to the province of Girona. With the Treaty of the Pyrenees the two monarchies divided the territory but failed to make a precise demarcation of the border. During the eighteenth century there were some partial demarcations and there were several attempts to complete one. It was the Joint Boundary Commission (Comisión Mixta de Límites) established in 1853 who succeeded in bringing out the entire border demarcation by the Border Treaties of Bayonne. The Joint Boundary Commission worked for 15 years and had to mediate in a variety of conflicts facing the communities of both sides, most of which were related to the economic use of the areas on the border. The study was performed at two scales: on the one hand, a study on a general scale, from sea to sea, which describes the different problems and what were the solutions adopted; on the other hand, a local-scale study focusing on the province of Girona, which describes the activity of the Joint Boundary Commission, from the negotiations until the work of demarcation of the border. It also presents a relational model between the different parties involved in the process of demarcation, it provides the catalog of all border markers in Girona and the border is drawn on 1:25,000 scale mapping. Finally, we discuss the role of such treaties in both international law and in the field of neighborly relations between local communities.

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