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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Technické zhodnocení a opravy v judikátech / Technical Improvement and Repairs in the Case Law

Tomaníková, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the boundary between technical improvement and repairs of fixed assets. This work aims to describe and evaluate the selected decisions of the Supreme Administrative Court, primarily in the area of technical improvements and repairs and on the basis of these decisions determine the principles and parameters that should be determinig for taxpayers when they are assessing the technical improvements and repair on fixed assets. The first part is theoretically focused on legislation of technical improvements and repairs. In the following part are described and evaluated selected decisions of the Supreme Administrative Court, on which are subsequently drawn rules and parameters for assessing the boundaries between technical improvement and repair.

Små barns bästa vid omhändertagande enligt 2 § LVU : en kritisk diskursanalys av begreppet barns bästa i ett rättsligt sammanhang / The best interest of small children in cases concerning placement in foster care according to 2 § LVU : a critical discourse analysis of the term child's best interest in a legal context

Sundberg, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap kring hur diskursen kring barns bästa definieras av professionella i förvaltningsrätten där det fattas beslut om att barn ska placeras i familjehem enligt LVU 2 § (1990:52). Det empiriska materialet utgick ifrån 15 stycken förvaltningsrättsliga domar där socialnämndens vårdplan angavs vara beredande av vård utanför föräldrahemmet. Barnen i domarna var mellan noll till sex år och det fanns ingen förekomst av syskonpar i materialet. Studien är kvalitativ och Norman Faircloughs diskursanalys används både teori och metod tillsammans med barndomssociologi som ytterligare en teori. Resultatet i studien visar att diskursen kring små barns bästa hos de professionella till största del handlar om barnets grundläggande behov. De ofta ses som en homogen grupp med behov som inte skiljer sig från varandra. Vidare visar studien att små barn ofta blir objekt i rättsprocessen medans föräldrarna blir subjekt utifrån deras tillkortakommanden. / The aim of the study is to contribute with knowledge about how the discourse about the term children's best interest is defined in administrative court when a decision is made that the child should be placed in foster care according to LVU 2 § (1990:52). The empirical material is made of 15 orders from the administrative court where the social welfare boards care plan is for the child to be placed out of the family home. The children in the study is between the ages of zero to six and there were no cases in which there were siblings involved. The study is qualitative and uses Norman Fairclough's discourse analysis both as a theory and method and is used together with childhood sociology as a additional theory. The results of the study indicates that the discourse about small children's best interest is mostly about the child's basic care needs. They are often seen as a homogeneous group whose needs did not differ from one another. Further the study's results shows that small children often become objectified in the legal process and that the parents failings in many cases are seen as primary and the child perspective is seen as secondary.

Soudní dvůr Evropské unie jako správní soud / The Court of justice of the European Union as an Administrative Court

Lišková, Monika January 2020 (has links)
The Court of justice of the European Union as an Administrative Court The aim of this thesis is to analyse the role of the Court of Justice of the EU as an administrative court with respect to the defined characteristics of administrative justice. The issue of administrative justice at the EU level is defined in relation to individuals (natural or legal persons) as non-privileged applicants. The first introductory chapter defines theoretical concepts and specifications of administrative justice which are necessary for further analysis. After a short introduction, the second chapter is focused on the analysis of the historical development and ongoing reforms of the Court of Justice of the EU in relation to its function as administrative court (institutional aspect), while identifying the French administrative justice model as a key inspiration for the initial model of judicial review. The issues of the ongoing reforms are important not only to describe the development of the Court of Justice as an administrative court, but can also serve as an inspiration for solving current problems of national administrative courts. The third chapter deals with the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of EU with regard to proceedings initiated by individuals' actions (material aspect). Furthermore, actions for...

Rozhodnutí, zásah a nečinnost správního orgánu a volba žalobního typu / Decision, intervention and inaction of an administrative authority and choice of a type of action

Otta, Šimon January 2022 (has links)
Decision, intervention and inaction of an administrative authority and choice of a type of action The topic of the thesis is the analysis of the basic triad of types of actions applied in administrative judiciary, i.e. action against the decision, intervention and inaction of the administrative authority, as well as their blurred boundaries and the problems arising therefrom. The aim of the thesis is to present the given matters comprehensively, therefore it discusses not only the types of actions themselves, but also the administrative judiciary as such, the basic terms distinguishing the individual types of actions and an attempt to present possible solutions eliminating the problems arising from the necessity of choosing the type of action. The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter is devoted to administrative judiciary and is further divided into six subchapters. The first subchapter is devoted to the basic types of administrative judiciary, on the basis of which the term of administrative judiciary itself is defined in the following text of this subchapter, which is followed by an introduction of the purpose of administrative judiciary in the third subchapter. The fourth subchapter is then devoted to the history of administrative judiciary and...

L'office du juge des référés en droit de l'urbanisme

Hachem, Benjamin 22 January 2011 (has links)
Sous l’ancien régime du sursis à exécution, l’urbanisme avait cristallisé l’impuissance de la juridiction administrative à prévenir les conséquences difficilement réversibles de certaines décisions administratives. Il en résultait que la crédibilité et la légitimité de cette dernière étaient remise en cause. Cette thèse vise à démontrer comment le législateur et la jurisprudence du Conseil d’Etat, en redéfinissant l’office du juge des référés, ont donné les moyens juridiques au juge administratif de répondre aux attentes légitimes des justiciables en matière d’urbanisme. / Under the old regime of stay of execution the urbanism crystallised the incapacity of the administrative court to prevent consequences hardly reversible of few administrative decisions. This put directly into question the credibility and legitimacy of the latest. This thesis aims to demonstrate how the legislator and jurisprudence of the Conseil d'Etat, by redefining the role of the judge of chambers, have given the juridic means to the administrative judge to answer appropriately to the legitimate expectations from litigants in terms of urbanism.

Odůvodnění soudních rozhodnutí evropských soudů / Reasoning in the judgements of European courts

Vilímková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
This thesis concerns the topic of legal reasoning in the judgements of European courts. The first part of the paper presents the analysis of the theoretical aspects of legal reasoning, specifically the legal obligation for this practice, as well as an examination of the origins and arguments for the existence of this obligation. Furthermore, the way that the legal reasonings are embedded in the law of the Czech Republic, and in EU legislation, is discussed and examined in detail. The final part of the paper consists of a comparison of legal reasonings of the Czech courts and the European Court of Justice. The relevant aspects of the legal reasoning are explained with regard to the practice of two European courts: European Court of Justice and Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic, respectively.

Bankernas offentligrättsliga karaktär : En jämförelse mellan bankernas begränsade möjligheter att tillämpa condictio indebiti och förvaltningsmyndigheternas begränsade möjligheter att återkalla gynnande förvaltningsbeslut.

Herbertsson, Johanna, Wiséen, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Condictio indebiti innebär att felaktiga betalningar skall gå åter. Banker har emellertid svårt att förlita sig på denna huvudregel. Bankernas centrala ställning i samhället kombinerat med deras uppgift att korrekt förmedla transaktioner, försätter dem i en förtroendeställning. Mottagaren skall kunna lita på att en utbetalning från en bank är korrekt. Bankernas utbetalningar har blivit ett genomgående undantag till principen om condictio indebiti. Praxis har stadgat att banker i princip aldrig återfår en felaktig utbetalning. Av detta kan en ny huvudregel för banker konstateras, att en felaktig utbetalning från en bank skall kvarstå hos mottagaren. Liknande strikta regler finns för förvaltningsmyndigheter. Förvaltningsmyndigheter meddelar beslut och uppsatsen fokuserar på beslut av gynnande karaktär. Det vill säga beslut som innebär någon form av fördel för mottagaren, till exempel tillstånd, ekonomiskt bistånd eller bifallen ansökan. Huvudregeln för gynnande förvaltningsbeslut är att dessa inte kan återkallas utom i fyra undantagsfall. Detta på grund av att den enskilde skall kunna förlita sig på beslutet och inrätta sig efter det. Huvudregeln för återkallelse av förvaltningsbeslut och den nya huvudregeln för återbetalning till banker, är lika. Anledningen till svårigheten att återkalla/återfå något från den gynnade parten är att både banker och myndigheter anses ha en förtroendeställning. Förtroendeställningen beror dels på den enskildes trygghetsperspektiv men även på bankers och myndigheters större möjligheter att ha en god överblick över dessa situationer. Begränsningarna i återkallelse/återbetalning motiveras vidare med att det alternativ som är minst kännbart, skall väljas.  Detta resulterar i att mottagaren av beslutet eller transaktionen i princip alltid påverkas mer om återkallelse eller återbetalning skulle ske, än vad banker eller myndigheter påverkas av att beslutet eller transaktionen kvarstår. Likheterna i dessa motiveringar visar att banker behandlas, trots att de är att anses som privaträttsliga subjekt, såsom ett offentligrättsligt subjekt. / The principle of condictio indebiti means that a faulty transaction should be repaid. This general rule is however, not easily applicable on banks.  The central position the banks possess in our community combined with one of its main tasks, to correctly manage transactions and payments, put the banks in a position of trust. Customers should have unconditional trust in a transaction from a bank and its correctness. Hence, the bank has become an exception to the principle of condictio indebiti. Case studies have shown that banks will never be repaid for a faulty transaction. According to this, a new principle can be stated, that a faulty transaction from a bank shall remain with the recipient. Similar strict rules are to be found for the administrative authorities. Administrative authorities pass decisions and this essay focuses on decisions of favorable character. That is decisions that involve some kind of benefit for the recipient such as; permissions, financial assistance and approved applications. The general rule for favorable administrative decision is that these can not be withdrawn because the recipient should be able to trust, and act according to, a decision of an administrative authority. The general rules for these actions, withdrawal and reimbursement, are similar. The reason for the difficulty in withdrawal and reimbursement is that both banks and administrative authorities are considered to have a position of trust. The individual should always be able to trust an action from these two institutions. The position of trust is based on individuals need for security and that banks and administrative authorities have more knowledge and ability to overview the situation. Withdrawal and reimbursement should therefore never be preceded if it generates a disadvantage for the individual. The court should select the available option resulting in least negative impact. This justifies the difficulties in withdrawing or reimbursing an action that is favorable for the individual. Withdrawal and reimbursement will often have more negative impact on the recipients compared to how it affects banks and administrative authorities if the transaction or decision withstands. These similarities show that banks are treated as a public entity even though they are regarded as a private entity.

Administracinės bylos proceso dalyvių teisinės padėties probleminiai aspektai / Problematic aspects of legal status of the parties to the administrative court proceedings

Kuzinevič, Barbara 24 February 2010 (has links)
Teisės magistro baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali, nes iki šiol Lietuvoje nebuvo pakankamai nuodugniai nagrinėti administracinės bylos proceso dalyvių instituto teisinės padėties aspektai. Problema slypi tame, kad rengiamame Administracinio proceso kodekso projekte žadama reglamentuoti tiek administracinės bylos proceso dalyvių teisinę padėtį, tiek administracinių teisės pažeidimų bylos proceso dalyvių teisinę padėtį. Tuo tarpu šių administracinių bylų kategorijų skirtumai yra pernelyg akivaizdūs, o egzistuojančios teisinio reglamentavimo spragos ir neaiškumai - realūs. Neatskleidus šių bylų proceso dalyvių teisinio statuso bei teisinės padėties ypatumų, bus pažeisti daugelis administracinės teisės ir administracinio proceso principų. Darbo tyrimo objektas – administracinės bylos proceso dalyvių teisinę padėtį sąlygojantys veiksniai. Tyrimo dalykas –administracinės bylos proceso dalyvių ir administracinių teisės pažeidimų bylos proceso dalyvių teisinę padėtį sąlygojančių veiksnių visuma. Tyrimo hipotezė – administracinės bylos proceso dalyvių teisinę padėtį sąlygoja administracinio proceso teisinio reglamentavimo diskodifikavimas, aktyvaus teismo vaidmuo administraciniame procese ir administracinės bylos proceso dalyvių teisiniai apribojimai pasirinkti procesinę elgseną. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti administracinės bylos proceso dalyvių teisinės padėties sąlygotumą nuo tam tikrų veiksnių ir ištirti, kaip, pasitelkus šiuos veiksnius, galima keisti teisinę padėtį taip, kad... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Topic of the MA in Law thesis is relevant, whereas legal status aspects of the parties to the administrative proceedings yet have not been scrutinized in sufficient detail in Lithuania. The problem is that the draft Administrative Process Code, which is currently under preparation, intends to regulate legal status of both the parties to the administrative court proceedings and the parties to the administrative offence proceedings. Meanwhile, class differences between the said types of administrative cases are self-evident and gaps and obscurities of the existing legal regulation are factual. In case of failure to display peculiarities of legal status and position of the parties of such cases many principles of administrative law and administrative process shall be violated. Research subject of the thesis is factors determining legal status of the parties to the administrative court proceedings. Object of the research is factors determining legal status of the parties to the administrative court proceedings and the administrative offence proceedings as a whole. Research hypothesis: legal status of the parties to the administrative court proceedings is conditioned by legal regulation of administrative process, role of court in the administrative process and process role selected by the very parties of such proceedings. Aim of the research is to evaluate how particular factors affect legal status of the parties to the administrative court proceedings and to explore how to... [to full text]

Správní soudnictví v ČSR v letech 1918 - 1938 v evropském kontextu / Administrative Justice in the CSR in the Years 1918 - 1938 within European context

Vetešník, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
Administrative Justice in the CSR in the Years 1918 - 1938 within European context. For my thesis I chose as a topic 'Administrative Justice in the CSR in the Years 1918 - 1938 within European Context', as administrative justice including the protection against illegal interventions of executive power is topical for any democratic state at any time. The purpose of administrative justice is reviewing administrative acts of public administration namely by independent courts. I decided to target my thesis on the period of so-called first republic thus on the period from 28 October 1918 i.e. from establishing the independent Czechoslovak state to 30 September 1938, i.e. the signing of the Munich agreement. After establishing the independent Czechoslovak state The Act on the Supreme Administrative Court and on Solving Competence Litigations was one of the first acts passed by the National Czechoslovak Committee. This year i.e. in 2018 it has been 100 years since constituting administrative justice in the Czechoslovak Republic. However, when the Czechoslovak Republic came into being administrative justice was not formed from scratch, but by the above mentioned Act on Administrative Justice and Solving Competence Litigations Austrian administrative justice was adopted. During the first republic, however,...

Annat socialt nedbrytande beteende, vad innebär det? : En kritisk diskursanalys av domar om tvångsvård enligt 3 § LVU / Other socially destructive behavior, what does it mean? : A critical discourse analysis of judgments regarding compulsory care according to 3 § Care of Young Persons Act (LVU)

Ahjokivi, Noora, Söderberg, Sandra January 2020 (has links)
År 2018 fick cirka 8 900 barn och ungdomar vård med stöd av tvångsvårdslagstiftningen Lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga (LVU). Ett av rekvisitet detta baseras på är det så kallade socialt nedbrytande beteendet, ett rekvisit öppet för tolkning. Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka begreppet annat socialt nedbrytande beteende för att se vilka beteenden, handlingar och egenskaper som tillskrivs ungdomen av socialnämnden när de ansöker om vård enligt 3 § LVU i förvaltningsrätten. Vårt urval innefattade ungdomar under 18 år där socialnämnderna ansöker om vård på grund av ett annat socialt nedbrytande beteende, det empiriska materialet bestod av 40 domar från Förvaltningsrätten i Stockholm. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ kritisk diskursanalys och har bearbetats med hjälp av ett antal diskursanalytiska verktyg. Med hjälp av Faircloughs tredimensionella modell sattes studiens resultat i ett bredare perspektiv. Vårt resultat visade att fyra teman lyfts fram i domarna, vi valde att kalla dessa för det rebelliska beteendet, det farliga beteendet, beskrivning av utsatthet och det vardagliga normbrytande beteendet. Socialnämnderna lyfter handlingar som ungdomen begått, beteenden samt egenskaper som den unge besitter som grund för vård. Resultatet visade att det socialt nedbrytande beteendet inte kan kokas ner till en specifik handling eller ett beteende, utan att en sammantagen bedömning behövs i varje enskilt fall. Diskursen kring ungdomars normbrytande beteende styrs till stor del av vuxna och diskuteras flitigt i media, politik och i övriga samhället. Den röst som hörs minst i diskussionen är ungdomarna själva. / In 2018 around 8 900 children and youth were placed in compulsory care under the Care of Young Persons Act (LVU). One of the prerequisites of the compulsory law is the expression other socially destructive behavior, a prerequisite open for interpretation. This study aims to examine the expression other socially destructive behavior to see what behavior, actions and characteristics is ascribed the youth when the social welfare committee apply for compulsory care under 3 § of the Swedish Care of Young Persons Act (LVU) at the Administrative court. Our selection contained 40 judgments from the Administrative court in Stockholm, regarding youth under the age of 18 and was selected due to its relevance, the socially destructive behavior being described as the issue at hand. Our study was based on a qualitative critical discourse analysis with the help of Fairclough's three dimensional model. Our results showed four different categories labelled as socially destructive behavior. We named these categories the rebellious behavior, the dangerous behavior, descriptions of vulnerability and the everyday norm breaking behavior. The social welfare committee describes actions performed by the young persons, mixed with behavioral issues and descriptions of the individuals personality. However, the socially destructive behavior cannot be regarded as a single behavior or action, it is a combination of the above where an assesment is made in each individual case. The discourse regarding youths norm breaking behavior is generally controlled by adults, it is intensively discussed in media, politics and the society. The voice that seems to be missing is the one of the youth themselves.

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