Spelling suggestions: "subject:"african newspapers"" "subject:"frican newspapers""
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The media on trial: An investigation into the media’s portrayal of the lawVan der Spuy, Anri 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Journalism))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The relationship between the media and the law is an important one, especially in an
adolescent democracy like South Africa. On the one hand the law has the power to
control the fundamental right to freedom of expression – the very core of the media’s
existence. On the other hand, however, the media are vital mechanisms through which
the law can ensure that citizens know that justice is being done. The media are therefore
also powerful; having the ability to influence people’s perceptions of and respect for the
The relationship between the media and the law is characterised internationally by
frequent tensions and misunderstandings – a trend that has not escaped South Africa.
Whereas some of these strains may be explained with reference to both the media and
the law’s respective duties in a democracy; many problems are also caused as result of
misunderstandings and inaccurate expectations of both parties’ responsibilities in a
democracy. This study was thus launched from the premise that there is room and need
for improvement in the relationship between the media and the law.
The way in which citizens perceive the law (or legal consciousness) was investigated; as
were the sources of such perceptions. Making use of a questionnaire distributed to a
sample of students at two Western Cape universities, it was established that students’
opinions of lawyers and judicial officers are generally positive, but that they do not have
much confidence in the efficacy of the South African legal system. The feedback also
indicates that news and popular media are the most important sources of such opinions
of the law – a context-specific finding that echoes similar results obtained internationally.
Popular media as an important source of perceptions give rise to several concerns. Not
only do citizens struggle to distinguish between fact and fiction in popular media; but
most of the popular (legally-themed) media available in South Africa are furthermore
imported from the USA. This tendency, defined in this study as the Hollywoodization of
South African law, lead to concerns that citizens may not only be basing their opinions of
the law on fiction; but also that such media are premised on a very different (American)
legal system from our own.
The importance of news media as a source was investigated more specifically by making
use of a case study (the Inge Lotz/ Fred van der Vyver story). The way in which pre-trial
publicity and court reporting may lead to the sacrifice of a defendant’s right to a fair trial
was investigated by looking at the influences of news media coverage on the parties
involved; the presiding officers, assessors and witnesses; and the perceptions lay
audiences may have of the specific case and (consequently) the law in general. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verhouding tussen die media en die reg is ’n belangrike een, veral in ’n jong
demokrasie soos Suid-Afrika. Aan die een kant het die reg die mag om die hart van die
media se bestaansreg – die grondwetlike reg op vryheid van spraak – te beheer. Aan die
ander kant is die media ook ’n noodsaaklike meganisme wat aan landsburgers oordra
wanneer geregtigheid geskied, en wanneer nie. Die media kan dus die doeltreffendheid
van die reg in ’n demokrasie ernstig beïnvloed.
Die verhouding tussen die media en die reg word wêreldwyd met misverstande en
probleme gekenmerk – ’n tendens waarvan Suid-Afrika nie afgesonder is nie. Hoewel
van dié stremminge veroorsaak word deur die partye se onderskeie natuurlike pligte in ’n
demokrasie, word sommige probleme ook veroorsaak deur misverstande en
onregverdige verwagtinge van wat beide partye se verantwoordelikhede behels. Die
studie is gevolglik onderneem met die uitgangspunt dat daar moontlikheid vir verbetering
in die verhouding tussen die media en die reg is.
Die wyse waarop burgers die reg beskou of ervaar (waarna in die studie verwys word as
legal consciousness of regbewussyn) word ondersoek; en só ook die bronne van
burgers se regsbewussyn. Deur gebruik te maak van ’n vraelys wat aan ’n groep
studente by twee Wes-Kaapse Universiteite uitgedeel is, word daar vasgestel dat
studente oor die algemeen baie respek het vir die regslui, maar min vertroue in die Suid-
Afrikaanse regstelsel het. Die terugvoering bepaal ook dat nuus- en populêre/ gewilde
media die belangrikste bronne van regsbewussyn is. Dié bevinding, wat konteksspesifiek
tot Suid-Afrika is, bevestig soortgelyke gevolgtrekkings wat internasionaal ook
aanvaar is.
Die feit dat populêre media ’n belangrike bron van regsbewussyn is, lei tot talle
bekommernisse. Behalwe dat daar reeds bevind is dat gebruikers van dié media nie kan
onderskei tussen wat feite en wat fiksie is nie, word daar in Suid-Afrika hoofsaaklik
Amerikaanse populêre media met regstemas versprei. Die gevaar is dus dat Suid-
Afrikaanse burgers dalk besig is om hul indrukke van die reg te baseer op beide fiksie
én ’n Amerikaanse voorstelling van die regstelsel (die sg. Hollywoodization van die Suid-
Afrikaanse reg).
Die studie beskou verder die belangrikheid van die nuusmedia as ’n bron deur ’n
gevallestudie van ’n bekende Suid-Afrikaanse moordondersoek en regssaak (die Inge
Lotz/ Fred van der Vyver-saak). Die aard van beide voorverhoor-publisiteit en
hofverslaggewing en die moontlikheid dat dit skade aan die regverdigheid van ’n verhoor
kan verrig, word veral van nader beskou. Spesifieke aandag word ook geskenk aan die
moontlike invloede van dié tipe mediadekking op die betrokke partye; die
onafhanklikheid van voortsittende beamptes, assessore en getuies; en die indrukke wat
by gewone burgers oor ’n spesifieke saak – en dus die reg in geheel – geskep kan word.
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Framing economic news: an examination of coverage of the Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) strategy in Business DayMudzamiri, Wonder Tariro January 2009 (has links)
This thesis examines the way in which Business Day portrayed the neo-liberal logic of the Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) strategy as both common sense and natural. It utilises framing analysis, adapting its application to the context of media studies as the guiding theoretical framework in trying to understand how Business Day, as representative of the mainstream financial media, frame economic policy issues. Using content analysis, the thesis examines how elite sources are the preferred news sources above ordinary citizens and are thus in a position to shape news content in line with their neo-liberal views on the economy. The thesis analyses how Business Day, by means of the globalisation frame and other frames, legitimated and in the process perpetuated the GEAR strategy as the macroeconomic policy of choice for South Africa in 1996 against the background of the country’s political transformation and economic policy development in preceding years.
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Ties that bind: a critical discourse analysis of the coverage of the Millennium Development Goals in the Mail and GuardianMarquis, Danika Ewen January 2009 (has links)
This study analysed the representation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the Mail and Guardian from 2000 to 2007. It drew on perspectives from cultural studies, the constructionist approach to representation and the sociology of news production. Through the use of the quantitative and qualitative research methods, content analysis and critical discourse analysis, this study established first, that few significant changes have occurred within the newspaper's coverage of the MDGs during this period, and second, that the people most affected by the MDGs and affiliated programmes are seriously under-represented and that the manner of representation marginalises and subordinates them.
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Die geskiedenis en rol van persorgane in die politieke en ekonomiese mobilasasie van die georganiseerde arbeiderbeweging in Suid-Afrika, 1908-1924Visser, Wessel Pretorius 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During the course of the 20th century the press played an absolutely crucial role as a source
of information, a medium of communication and propaganda, educator, critic, public
watchdog and in forming and influencing opinion. In this respect the press may also be
regarded as a reflection of South African society. This study investigates the role that the
press played and the influence that it exercised in the political and economic mobilisation
of the organised labour movement during the period 1908 to 1924. In view of the racial
divisions that have prevailed in South Africa, the focus here is specifically on the white
labour movement, because it was this manifestation of the organised labour force that
virtually dominated the first few decades of the twentieth century. During this time the
black labour movement was still to a large extent under-developed and began to emerge
only around the 1920s.
Organised labour flourished during the period under review. This period is characterised as
one of political turbulence, as well as of large scale and serious industrial unrest, as part of
the cathartic process in which the relationship between the state and its subjects in the field
of labour took shape. The study adopts as its point of departure the year 1908, when the
National Convention began its deliberations on the unification of South Africa, which in
turn led to the official founding of the South African Labour Party in October 1909. The
Labour Party operated independently until 1924, when the alliance between the National
Party and the Labour Party won the election held in that year and formed the Pact coalition
From an economic point of view there were two clear positions. On the one hand, there
were the so-called establishment press organizations. These included Afrikaans-language
newspapers, although - because of their ethnic commitments - they were strongly in favour
of the protection of the economic position of the Afrikaner workers. On the other hand,
there were anti-capitalist press organisations that wished to promote proactive steps in
favour of the workers, which in tum often resulted in industrial conflict in the form of
strikes. These tensions in the economic terrain spilled over into the political sphere elections, and here too the press played a central role in the often tense relationship between
state and subject.
In order to understand a meaningful analysis of the social role of the press, the following
press organs and study materials were selected: The Star was the mouthpiece of the
powerful Witwatersrand gold-mining industry. Die Burger and Ons Vaderland played a
great role in the political and economic mobilisation of the Afrikaner working class whose
sympathies lay with the National Party. The following labour-orientated and socialist
papers reflected and interpreted the political and economic points of view of the labour
movement in the period 1908 - 1924: Voice of Labour, The Worker, The Eastern Record,
The Evening Chronicle, The War on War Gazette, The International, The Labour World,
The Bolshevik and The Guardian. In addition, the role of a number of extremist strike
newspapers In mobilising workers during the strikes of 1913, 1914 and 1922, is also
The press played an important role in exposing a number of cardinal issues that dominated
the discourse within the labour movement to greater public criticism and discussion. The
effect of this was to raise the struggle between labour and capital for hegemony in the
political and economic life of South Africa - as happened every time during election
campaigns - to the level of the national political debate. Furthermore, the press, and
specifically the right-wing labour and left-wing socialist press organs, also reflected the
deep ideological divisions in the labour movement. In this respect, it was particularly the
views of these press organs on race and the place of black people in the industrial
dispensation that determined and influenced their political creeds. The mobilising power of
the press was vividly illustrated by the strike papers. By propounding militant extremism
these papers often succeeded in sweeping up industrial unrest among workers to the level of
violence, which meant that the authorities were compelled to suppress these publications by
means of martial law proclamations. It is probable that the SALP, and especially the
socialist organisations, on the periphery of the political spectrum, would not have survived
for long in South African politics without the communicative support of their mouthpieces. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende die 20ste eeu het die pers, as bron van inligting, kommunikasie- en
propagandamedium, opvoeder, kritikus, openbare waghond en meningsvormer en -beihvloeder,
'n uiters belangrike samelewingsrol vertolk. In hierdie opsig kan die pers ook as
'n weerspieeling van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing beskou word. Hierdie studie
ondersoek die rol wat die pers gespeel het en die invloed wat dit as openbare
memngsvormer met betrekking tot die politieke en ekonomiese mobilisasie van die
georganiseerde arbeiderbeweging gedurende die tydperk 1908 tot 1924 uitgeoefen het.
Gegewe die historiese rasseverdeeldheid in Suid-Afrika, is daar spesifiek op die blanke
arbeiderbeweging gekonsentreer, aangesien dit die arbeidsterrein gedurende die eerste paar
dekades van die twintigste eeu feitlik oorheers het. Die swart arbeiderbeweging was in
daardie stadium nog grootliks onderontwikkeld en het eers om en by die twintigerjare begin
Die betrokke tydperk was 'n tydperk van hoogbloei VIr die georganiseerde blanke
arbeiderbeweging. Dit word veral gekenmerk as 'n tydperk van politieke onstuirnigheid,
asook van groot en ernstige endemiese nywerheidsonrus en konflik, as dee 1van 'n katarsis
waardeur die verhouding tussen staat en onderdaan op die arbeidsterrein uitgekristalliseer
het. Die vertrekpunt van die studie is 1908, toe die sittings van die Nasionale Konvensie
met die oog op die unifikasie van Suid-Afrika 'n aanvang geneem het en ook aanleiding
gegee het tot die amptelike stigting van die Suid-Afrikaanse Arbeidersparty in
Oktober 1909. Dit strek tot 1924, toe die verkiesingsalliansie van die Nasionale Party en
die Arbeidersparty die oorwinning by die stembus behaal en die Pakt-koalisieregering
gevorm het.
Vanuit 'n ekonomiese oogpunt gesien, was daar twee duidelike stellingnamens. Enersyds
was daar die sogenaamde establishment-persorgane. Hieronder ressorteer ook
Afrikaanstalige koerante, alhoewel hulle as gevolg van 'n etniese verbondenheid sterk ten
gunste van die beskerming van die ekonomiese posisie van die Afrikanerwerkers was.
Andersyds was daar anti-kapitalistiese persorgane wat 'n pro-aktiewe optrede ten behoewe
van die werkers, wat dikwels op nywerheidskonflik in die vorm van stakings uitgeloop het wou bevorder. Hierdie gespannenheid op ekonomiese terrein het oorgespoel na die
politieke sfeer van verkiesings en ook daarin het die pers, in die dikwels gespanne
verhouding tussen owerheid en onderdaan, 'n sentrale rol gespeel.
Ten einde 'n sinvolle ontleding van die samelewingsrol van die pers te kon doen, is die
volgende persorgane as studiemateriaal geselekteer: The Star was die mondstuk van die
magtige kapitalistiese, Witwatersrandse goudmynindustrie. Die Burger en Ons Vaderland
het 'n groot rol in die politieke en ekonomiese mobilisasie van die Nasionaalgesinde
Afrikanerwerkersklas vervul. Die volgende arbeider- en sosialistiese blaaie het die
politieke en ekonomiese uitgangspunte van die arbeiderbeweging in die tydperk 1908 tot
1924 weerspieel en vertolk: Voice of Labour, The Worker, The Eastern Record, The
Evening Chronicle, The War on War Gazette, The International, The Labour World, The
Bolshevik en The Guardian. Daarby is ook die mobiliseringsrol wat 'n aantal
ekstremistiese stakersblaaie in die stakings van 1913, 1914 en 1922 gespeel het, ondersoek.
Die pers het 'n belangrike rol gespeel om 'n aantal kardinale kwessies, wat die diskoers
binne die arbeidergeledere oorheers het, ook aan groter openbare kritiek en bespreking
bloot te stel. Sodoende is die stryd tussen arbeid en kapitaal om die hegemonie van die
Suid-Afrikaanse politieke en ekonomiese lewe byvoorbeeld telkens tydens
verkiesingsveldtogte tot die nasionale debat verhef. Daarbenewens het die pers, spesifiek
by monde van die regse arbeider- en linkse sosialistiese persorgane, ook die diepe
ideologiese verdeeldheid in arbeidergeledere weerspieel. In hierdie opsig was dit veral
hulle rassebeskouings en die posisie van die swart man in die nywerheidsbestel wat die
politieke credo van hierdie persorgane bepaal en befuvloed het. Die mobiliseringsmag van
die pers is treffend dem stakerblaaie gemustreer. Dem militante ekstremisme te verkondig,
kon sodanige blaaie dikwels daarin slaag om nywerheidsonrus onder werkers tot die vlak
van geweld op te sweep sodat die owerheid dan genoop was om hierdie publikasies dem
middel van Krygswetproklamasies te onderdruk. Synde op die periferie van die politieke
spektrum, sou die SAAP, en veral die sosia1istiese organisasies, sonder kommunikatiewe
ondersteuning van hulle spreekbuise waarskynlik slegs 'n kortstondige politieke bestaan in
die Suid-Afrikaanse politiek gevoer het.
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The re-presentation of an Indian identity by South African print media : a case study of The Leader 1 April - 25 April 1994.Bramdaw, N. R. January 1995 (has links)
In the Kwa-Zulu Natal context, a lot of attention has been paid to the construction of Zulu ethnicity in the potential and discursive spheres. Less attention has been paid however to the construction of Indian ethnicity in this region. This project will explore the exclusivist construction of an Indian ethnic identity by an Indian-owned print medium in this geographical context during the time of the 1994 South African elections, when various political parties fought for what has been called the "Indian vote". It will attempt to point out that the notion of ethnic identity offered by this medium to its readers does not actually challenge those offered to the community by the old South Africa state. In grounding the analysis of the editions under discussion in a framework developed by Norman Fairclough, this study draws heavily on a theoretical continuum developed by Antonio Gramsci and Louis Althusser. It is in such a theoretical context that Fairclouch has developed the methodology of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). By bringing such a methodology to bear on the texts under analysis, the study hopes to develop an understanding of Indian ethnicity in this region which suggests that it is an extremely problematic construct. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, 1995.
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Struggle in discourse the International's discourse against racism in the labour-movement in South Africa (1915-1919)Caldwell, Marc Anthony January 1997 (has links)
The International, as the weekly newspaper of the International Socialist League, articulated from 1915 to 1919 an ideology which stood opposed both to organised labour and nationalist movements in South Africa. This situation reflected significant historical struggles during this period, which constitutes essential background to the discourse of the International. The International's writers opposed the institution of trade unionism in the labour movement because it was fragmented on the lines of skill and race. They opposed both the National Party and the South African Native National Congress because they advocated racial (and national) rather than working class interests. Instead, these writers, according to their international socialist paradigm, advocated a working class united irrespective of race and skill at the level of industry. To analyse these ideological positions, discourse analysis provides a fruitful method for locating its dynamics in relation to other positions and extra-ideological (contextual) practices: The International's writers g~nerated a socialist position against racism by engaging in an ideological struggle in discourse. They articulated their anti-racist position from international socialism's critique of the 'languages' of both militarism and trade unionism in the discourse of labour. Within the discourse of militarism, the working class was signified as divided between hostile nations. These writers applied this as a metaphor to the division of the local labour movement and criticised the latter accordingly. In their view, just as workers were divided between the nations (nationalism), so they were divided within the nation (racism) in South Africa. One context cohered with the other, and both agreed with imperatives of international capitalism. This was fundamentally opposed to the principles of international socialism which characterised the International's discourse. Within the dominant discourse oflabour, workers were signified as divided between different trade unions on the basis of skills. Furthermore, in the South African context, trade unions organised only white workers, and ignored the far larger proportion of black labour. In this context, the International advocated industrial unionism, and criticised the narrow base of the white trade unions for fragmenting and weakening the working class in South African. The International's writers were thus led by the discourse of international socialism to a new discourse, whereby not white workers alone, but a racially-united working class movement would be the key to a socialist future in South Africa. Their struggle entailed a bid in and over discourse to rearticulate the sign of the 'native worker' within their own discourse as the dominant discourse type. Underpinning their struggle was a fundamental opposition to capitalist class relations.
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Race against democracy: a case study of the Mail & Guardian during the early years of the Mbeki presidency, 1999-2002Steenveld, Lynette Noreen January 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines the 1998 complaint of racism against the Mail & Guardian, a leading exponent of South Africa's alternative press in the 1980s, and important contemporary producer of investigative journalism. The study is framed within a cultural studies approach, analysing the Mail & Guardian as constituted by a 'circuit of production': its social context, production, texts, and audiences. The thesis makes three main arguments. First, that the claim of racism cannot be understood outside of a consideration of both the changing political milieu, and subtle changes within the Mail & Guardian itself. Significant social changes relate to the reconfiguration of racial and class identities wrought by the 'Mbeki state'. Within the Mail & Guardian, the thesis argues for the importance of the power and subjectivity of the editor as a key 'factor' shaping the identity of the paper, evidenced in its production practices and textual outputs. In this regard, the thesis departs from a functionalist analysis of particular 'roles' within the newsroom, drawing instead on a post-structuralist approach to organisational studies. Based on this production and social context, the thesis examines key texts which deal with aspects of South Africa's social transformation, and which exemplify aspects of the Mail & Guardian's reporting which led to the complaint of racism by the Black Lawyers Association (BLA) and the Association of Black Accountants (ABASA). Their complaint was that the Mail & Guardian's reporting impugned the dignity of black people, and in so doing was a violation of their rights to dignity and equality which are constitutionally guaranteed. However, as freedom of the press is also guaranteed by the South African constitution, their complaint to the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) resulted in public debate about these contending rights. My second argument relates to the jurisprudential approach to racism, and the related issue of affirmative action, which informed the complaint against the paper. Contrary to the 'normative', liberal approach to these issues, this thesis highlights Critical Race Theory as the jurisprudential basis for both the claimants' accusation of racism against the Mail & Guardian, and aspects of its implicit use in South African human rights adjudication. The thesis argues that in failing to recognise these different philosophical and political bases of legal reasoning, the media, including the Mail & Guardian, in reporting on these matters failed in their purported role of serving the public interest. The thesis concludes by applying Fraser's critique of Habermas's notion of a single, bourgeois public sphere to journalism, thereby suggesting ways in which the critiques of some of the Mail & Guardian's own journalists could be employed to enlarge its approach to journalism - giving voice to constituencies seldom heard in mainstream media.
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An investigation into whether the weekly national newspapers reported unethically on South Africa's 2014 general elections: a critical discourse analysis of the City Press, Sunday Times and The Mail and GuardianNaidoo, Viloshnee 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This thesis investigates whether or not the press reported unethically on South Africa’s 2014 General Elections in the weekly national newspapers the City Press, Sunday Times and the Mail & Guardian. This study was undertaken on the basis of the ongoing contention between the press and the state which has resulted in polarised positions between both institutions amid accusations of press bias. It has given voice to measures to regulate the press through a Media Appeals Tribunal (MAT) and proposed state regulation. This could negatively impact free speech, public interest and ultimately democracy. This researcher contends that this will not be in the best interest of South Africa. Through this study, it is argued that an ethical press that executes a libertarian duty to society, integrating a watchdog role over the state, while simultaneously overseeing its social responsibility to society, upholds the welfare of society and democracy and should therefore not be regulated by the state. The elections thus forms an important platform for the press to demonstrate unbiased ethical reportage to the state in the wake of being regulated and prove its fundamental role in society’s interest and democracy.
Therefore, to determine whether the election coverage was ethical or unethical, the problem investigated whether the press, that is, the print medium in the form of the newspaper, reported truthfully, in a balanced manner and independently for South Africa’s 2014 General Elections, upholding its watchdog and social responsibility roles. This was done through a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of the front-page news reports of the aforementioned national newspapers for the cross sectional time-frame of 13 April to 11 May, 2014. This study argues that language is the most important channel of communication for the exchange of ideas and can be used as an instrument to calculatedly manipulate message and reinforce a particular viewpoint. Hence, it contends that CDA can effectively be utilised as a conceptual framework for language analysis to determine unethical press coverage by journalists.
The study identifies and applies two significant theoretical models that is, the Libertarian and Social Responsibility models for the elections which further serves as a form of triangulation to verify the results of the CDA. The study challenges the conventions of a distinct libertarian or a social responsibility model for the press, arguing that both models are not mutually exclusive for the elections. The analysis shows that the press apply both social responsibility and libertarian roles simultaneously in election reporting. It further maps out the incorporation of the developmental journalism model where the press upholds the best interests of both the electorate and the state ethically, without the requirement of a state-regulated media. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication Science)
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