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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die stryd om kerklike eenheid onder die Afrikaners in Argentinië, 1915-1954 / F.R.P De Bruyn

De Bruyn, Frans Roelf Petrus January 1979 (has links)
No abstract available / Proefskrif--PU vir CHO

Die skryf van 'n skoolgids vir die bestudering van ouer letterkunde in die graad 12-Afrikaanshuistaalklaskamer

Carney, Terrence Robert. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (MA.(Afrikaans))-Universiteit van Pretoria, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references. Available on the Internet via the World Wide Web.

Die leksikografiese hantering van sinonimie in die verklarende handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse taal

Cilliers, Chrisna 11 February 2014 (has links)
M.A. / This dissertation is an investigation into the lexicographical treatment of synonymy in Afrikaans explanatory dictionaries - especially the Verklarende Handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal (HAT). It is divided into two chapters of theoretical discussion, a chapter of practical examples from HAT and a final chapter with conclusions and suggestions for improvement. Chapter two discusses the concept of 'meaning'. In order to arrive at an understanding of 'meaning', it is necessary to have a measure knowledge of some aspects of the theory. First of all there will be a brief discussion of the theory of reference and cognitive/ descriptive meaning. A lexicographer should describe the conceptual sense of a word. In order to do this he uses sense relations, namely hyponymy, antonymy and synonymy. These relations are interdependent. Hyponymy and antonymy will be touched on briefly, while synonymy will be discussed thoroughly. As far as synonymy is concerned there will be, among other aspects, a discussion of the concept 'synonymy', the difference between absolute and near-synonymy and polysemy and homonymy. Chapter three lists the lexicographical criteria in terms of which synonymy must be applied in a dictionary. In this chapter there will be a look at aspects such as the guide to the use of the dictionary (front matter), synonym definitions, the arrangement of synonyms, contextual information and a consistant cross-reference. The system according to which syonymy must be applied in a dictionary must be thoroughly explained in the front matter. In the case of synonym definitions every synonym must be taken up as a lemma and supplied with a lexicographic definition. The member of a synonym paradigm with the highest use frequency must be supplied with a lexicographic definition, while the other members of a synonym paradigm get synonym definitions. With reference to chapter three, chapter four deals with an evaluation of the application of synonymy in HAT. All the criteria in chapter three will be discussed on the basis of examples from HAT.A main conclusion reached, is that the criteria are not always maintained. In many cases the criteria are correctly maintained, but deviations of the criteria are, inter alia: not all the synonyms are taken up as lemmas; cross-references are not always correct and consistant; the lexicographic definition is placed with the wrong lemma; the members of a synonym paradigm are not arranged according to the highest use frequency. Chapter five gives a summary of the conclusions regarding criteria. There are also suggestions for improvement, regarding the application of synonymy in the case of multi-word lexical units and sublexical units. Lexicographers are working on a central data base for Afrikaans, The main problem with dictionaries, namely inconsistant cross-referencing, will be reduced if such a data base functions as the basis for lexicographic activity.

Sintaktiese transformasies in Afrikaans as taalverrykingsmiddel

Fakier, Mogamat Allie 11 February 2014 (has links)
M.A. (African Languages) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Tempusgebruik in Afrikaanse narratiewe tekste

Van Wyk, Tia 08 April 2010 (has links)
M.A. / In this study the application of different temporal forms in Afrikaans narratives is discussed. Afrikaans narratives make use of the present tense, the preterite (a combination of the imperfect and the perfect tense) and a combination of the two above mentioned tenses to narrate events. Fleischman debates that in some languages the present tense that is used in narratives to narrate dramatic events can be divided into two different groups, namely the historical present tense and the dramatic or narrative present tense. In this study an attempt was made to make a distinction between these two tenses with regard to the semantic value of the verb. A variety of texts that mainly consist of present tense verbs were analyzed and the verbs were divided into two groups: dramatic verbs and static verbs. If a narrative consisted of higher percentage of dramatic verbs it was thought that the narrative was being narrated in the dramatic or the narrative present tense. When a narrative consisted of a higher percentage static verbs it was thought that the narrative was being narrated in the historical present tense. This distinction is however not absolute, but the two varieties are rather seen as being on a continuum. Afrikaans narratives do not only utilize the historical present tense to narrate, but also the preterite. By using the preterite in narratives the reader is further removed from the narrator‘s deictic centre than if the narrator is using the historical present tense. A combination of the preterite and the present tense is also quite often used in Afrikaans narratives. The alternative use of the two tenses consists of a diverse range of functions. For example when events are placed on the foreground the use of the present tense is often required amidst a story being told in the preterite. Lastly the Afrikaans adverbial particles toe, nou and dan and their various temporal functions in Afrikaans narratives were discussed

Die wingerdwerkers in die Worcester-omgewing se variëteit van Afrikaans

Van den Heever, Petro-Thelma 21 August 2012 (has links)
M.A. / Primere doelstelling 'n Sosiolinguistiese beskrywing van die taalgebruik van wingerdwerkers, wat 'n relatief eentalige, homogene taalgemeenskap is. Sekondere doelstellings Die saamstel van 'n wingerd-leksikon. Die gee van 'n transkripsie van dele uit Bacchus in die Boland op grond van die veranderlike uitspraakvorme wat deur die navorsing vasgestel is. 'n Voorondersoek is eers onderneem om to bepaal of hierdie spesifieke groep sprekers se taalgebruik enigsins uniek is as dit vergelyk sou word met die ondersoeke wat reeds op die gebied in ander bruin gemeenskappe gedoen is. Gedurende die voorondersoek is slegs met 'n paar respondente gesels (twee manlike wingerdwerkers op die wynplaas Louwshoek, drie manlike wingerdwerkers op die wynplaas Merwida en een manlike wingerdwerker op die wynplaas Klein Pokkraal). Daar is ook vroulike wingerdwerkers, maar die onderskeie plaasbestuurders het telkens voorgestel met wie gesels moes word, omdat die werkers volgens hulle "baie geselserig" is. Die werkers wat deur hulle vir onderhoude uitgewys is, was almal manlik. Tydens die hoofondersoek is onderhoude met vroulike wingerdwerkers sowel as met kinders van die werkers gevoer. Al die onderhoude is op band geneem. Onderhoude wat op band geneem word, is the heeltemal natuurlik the, want "Interview speech is formal speech" en "monitored and controlled in response to the presence of an outside observer." Die ondersoeker het as vreemdeling (slegs bekend gestel aan respondente kort voor die onderhoude, wat wel vooraf gereel is en waartoe respondente toestemming verleen het) met 'n bandopnemer opgedaag en informeel met werkers probeer kommunikeer. Sommige respondente was ontspanne en het gemaklik op vrae reageer, terwyl ander duidelik ongemaklik was met die ondersoeker en die bandopnemer. Hierdie ongemak het veroorsaak dat respondente vrae in kort, eenvoudige sinne beantwoord het of baie sag of binnensmonds gepraat het. Dit het aanvanklik 'n in diepte studie van die wingerdwerkers se taalgebruik bemoeilik.Om hierdie rede is tydens 'n volgende ondersoek op 'n gemakliker basis met respondente kommunikeer. Tydens die hoofondersoek is genoemde probleme grootliks uitgeskakel deur die respondente se taalgebruik sover moontlik in hul natuurlike sosiale konteks te bestudeer. Bandopnames is gemaak tydens interaksie met familielede en vriende asook tydens sosiale geleenthede. 'n Ooglopende oplossing was om tydens hul werksure in die wingerde na die respondente te gaan luister. Hierdie projek was baie tydrowend, maar beslis lonend, aangesien die sprekers in 'n vertroude omgewing en situasie tussen bekendes is en sodoende is juis hul alledaagse, natuurlike taalgebruik op band vasgele. Hierdie situasie was ideaal vir die studie, aangesien dit meer spesifiek handel oor die taalgebruik (uitspraak, woordvorme, leksikon en sintaktiese vorme) van die wingerdwerkers in die aangeduide omgewing. Tydens die voorondersoek is vasgestel dat hierdie groep sprekers se taalgebruik verskille vertoon van die van ander bruin gemeenskappe, hoofsaaklik wat hul leksikon en omgangstaal betref, en dit was ook opvallend dat hierdie groep sprekers net oor 'n informele styl beskik.

Die verdwyning van die preteritum in Afrikaans

Visser, Heike Emmy Edith 03 April 2014 (has links)
M.A. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

'n Ondersoek na die armoede-diskoers en die uitings patriargie, bloedskande en apartheid in Triomf van Marlene Van Niekerk

Hoogbaard, Sherrilyn January 1996 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / 'n Ondersoek na die armoede-diskoers en die uitings patriargie, bloedskande en apartheid in Triomf van Marlene Van Niekerk. / South Africa

Populêre vs. literêre grensverhale : twee beelde van die Angolese oorlog (1966-1989)

Van Huyssteen, Konstant January 1998 (has links)
Bibliography: pages 198-207. / In this dissertation, a study is made of two bodies of fiction documenting the South African soldier in Angola. The fiction was limited to Afrikaans short stories, as this genre is believed to best reflect the fragmentary, explosive experience of combat. This demarcation also served as a way of limiting the body of fiction for the study. A cut-off year of 1990 was taken. The rationale for this is that the late seventies and eighties was the golden age for the publication of border fiction, and that Southwest AfricaNamibia gained independence in 1990 with a SWAPO (South West Africa People's Organisation) government, thus largely defeating the purposes of South African military involvement in Namibia and Angola. The collections of short stories that were analyzed in this study, were divided into two categories. The stories published in popular family magazines such as Die Huisgenoot were considered to be popular fiction. These stories are overtly accepting of South Africa's involvement in Namibia and Angola, and are highly propagandistic. The collections Ses Wenverhale (1988) by Maretha Maartens and others, and Verby die wit brug (1978) by Johan Coetzee, were analyzed as examples of this category. In the category of literary short stories, Wie de hel het jou vertel? (1988) by Gawie Kellerman and 'n Wereld sonder grense (1984) by Alexander Strachan were analyzed. It is important to note that the texts were selected thematically i.e. the criterium was that they had to have the South African soldier in South West AfricaAngola as main theme. Analyses of the texts are based on the thesis formulated by H P van Coller in his article "Afrikaanse literatuur oor die gewapende konflik in Suider-Afrika sedert 1963 - 'n voorlopige verslag". In this report, Van Coller mentions that studies comparing the literary border fiction with the popular border fiction, have been left behind. The study aims at examining this unexplored territory and looks extensively at how these two bodies of fiction differ. It was found that two radically different images of the border war emerge from the two bodies of fiction: the popular fiction is uncritical, war is presented more as an exciting game in the popular fiction, whereas it is presented as deadly, yet addictive, in the literary fiction. The ideological backgrounds from which the stories are written, are fundamentally opposed: the popular fiction often sees the war as a continuation of the white man's struggle for survival on a violent continent, and God is assumed to be on the South African side. The literary fiction documents a loss of God and criticises the government, censorship and apartheid. The literary fiction also fulfills a function of reporting - that which has not been said in the media due to censorship by government. The scope of the popular fiction is much narrower than the literary fiction, ignoring issues such as homosexuality in the army, torture and atrocities. Finally, the conclusions differ, with a sentimental "all will be well" in the popular fiction, as opposed to the fundamental pessimism in the literary fiction.

Vernuwing van maatskaplike norme as tema in afrikaanse jeuliteratuur vanaf 1985 tot 1995.

Shezi, B. K. January 1999 (has links)
Dissertasie ingehandig by die Faculty of Arts ter vervulling van die vereistes vir die graad Magister Artium in Afrikaans aan die Universiteit van Zululand, South Africa, 1999. / Hierdie studie behels ‘n ondersoek na jeugliteratuur, wat gesien word as verhale met eiesoortige kenmerke wat moet voldoen aan die sielkundige behoeftes van die tiener. Die doelwit is 'n ondersoek na die vernuwing van maatskaplike norme in Afrikaanse jeugliteratuur vanaf 1985 tot 1995. Hoewel maatskaplike norme ‘n sisteem vorm wat as gehee! deur die lede van die samelewing beheer moet word, kan die verhouding tussen verskillende rassegroepe uitgesonder word as die maatskaplike norm wat vir dekades ln groot bron van probleme in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing was, en nog steeds nie volkome opgelos is nie. Daar word dan in hierdie studie gekyk na die uitbeelding van die verhouding tussen verskillende rassegroepe in Afrikaanse jeugliteratuur, en die hipotese wat getoets word, is dat die veranderde norme in die samelewing gereflekteer sal word in literatuur vir jongmense ten einde hulle te help om as volwaardige volwassenes op te tree. Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat daar nie in enigeen van die verhale wat ontleed is, enige negatiewe rassistiese voorstellings van swart of ander karakters op grand van rasseverskille voorkom nie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing word uitgebeeld as ongemtegreerd en daar word ook erkenning gegee aan die feit dat daar grense en ongelykhede bestaan tussen mense op grand van politieke en sosiale faktore. Daar word egter ook aan die ander kant erkenning gegee aan die nadelige gevolge van hierdie politieke stelsel, en dit is vera! belangrik dat karakters uit verskillende rasse- en sosiale groepe as innerlik gelykwaardig uitgebeeld word. Daar word klem gele op die sielsgenootskap tussen mense en die feit dat ons almal op die psigiese vlak dieselfde probleme en behoeftes het, en dat mense, ongeag hulle velkleur, mekaar kan help in die groeiproses tot groter lewenskennis en selfinsig.

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