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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Taalvariasie by 'n groep laag-besoldigde Afrikaanssprekende mans en vroue

Jooste, Gerrit Hendrik January 1990 (has links)
PROEFSKRIF VOORGELe TER VERVULLING VAN DIE VEREISTES VIR DIE GRAAD PHlLOSOPHIAE DOCTOR IN AFRIKAANS EN NEDERLANDS IN DIE FAKULTEIT VAN LETTERE AAN DIE UNlVERSITEIT VAN DIE WlTWATERSRAND / The aim of this study is to investigate marked linguistic phenomena in the spoken language of a group of (elderly) white Afrikaans-speaking men and women who were economically active in Johannesburg and surrounding areas between 1920 and 1940. For this purpose, tape recordings of twelve male railway workers and twelve female factory workers who fall into a lower socio-economic group were transcribed and analysed as faithfully as possible. Tape recordings of five white male and five white female Afrikaans-speaking teachers of more or less the same age as the first group, but belonging to a higher socio-economic category, were also analysed and transcribed as a basis for comparison. Distinct phonological, syntactical and lexical phenomena indicating signs of language contact were observed in the language of the speakers in the various groups under investigation. Significant differences may also be observed in the language of the men and women in the different socio-economic groups, with the language of the men and women in the lower socio-economic group and that of those in the higher socio-economic group clearly exhibiting gradual differences. Contrary to what was initially expected, men do not necessarily adhere more strictly to standardised language in speech than do women, and few significant characteristics typify the language of men and women in this period. The original expectation of finding relics of spoken Afrikaans from the pre-standardisation phase amongst the speakers selected was not fulfilled since the linguistic phenomena recorded are generally still heard in colloquial Afrikaans today. Furthermore, no traces of Dutchification were to be found in the case of the speakers selected. Dutchification apparently did not take place at lower socio-economic levels. From this study it is clear that the interaction between social stratification and language variation plays an important role, as do the problems surrounding language norms and social norms. In this study of variation, attention is also paid to language normalisation and standardisation, and to language variation and social stratification prior to a discussion of the language of men and women. / Andrew Chakane 2018

Houding teenoor Afrikaans, 'n meningsopname onder Afrikaanse tieners in KwaZulu-Natalse skole.

Maartens, Catharina Elizabeth. January 1997 (has links)
Abstract not available. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1997.

Parlementêre Afrikaans van die Hansard-debatte, 1990-1991 : 'n studie van taalaanpassing en -variasie

Pretorius, Lydia 18 March 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Afrikaans) / This study explores language usage in the pol it ical arena, as seen in the parliamentary debates of the new South Africa. The parliamentary Afrikaans used between February 1990 and June 1991 has been selected as field of invest igat ion, because this period can be seen as an important transitional phase in the political history of South Africa. This period has definitely had an influence on the lexicon used in parliament. The parliamentary debates, as recorded in the tlansards of 2 February 1990 21 June 1991. have been used as primary sources. These debates contain the most important semantic and terminological changes that occurred in the parliamentary lexicon. This study is based on the Sapir-Wharf hypothesis (the theory of relativity) which states that a close link exists between language and thought, and language and reality. Whorf believes that language can actually shape and influence the human mind. This Induces people to experience reality in different ways. The following concepts are used to illustrate how political language in general, and parliamentary language in particular has been influenced by the process of pol i tical thought in the new South Africa: Afrikaner, volk, nssl, delDokrasie, serest/she/d, selykberegt/s/ng, groep etc. A summary of the parliamentary lexicon gives an indication of the variety of meanings that have evolved from various concepts. This has occurred because political parties uphold their own interpretations of these concepts...

'n Linguistiese ondersoek na die verstaanbaarheid van verbruikersdokumente vir die algemene Afrikaanssprekende publiek

Cornelius, Eleanor 06 November 2012 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. / This thesis constitutes an investigation into the complexity of Afrikaans legal language and explores the challenges of plain language in South Africa. It argues that language is a powerful tool, which can either be used for inclusion or exclusion. The requirement for the use of plain language as stipulated in the National Credit Act and the Consumer Protection Act is intended to improve the quality and accessibility of consumer-related documents, with vulnerable consumers in mind. South African businesses, organisations and suppliers are required to make their consumer documents available in plain and understandable language. This requirement has far-reaching implications for both the consumer industry and the language industry. Although the definition of plain language in the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 and the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 is comprehensive and theoretically sound, its practical implementation remains a challenge. Some empirical work has been done on the comprehensibility of institutional and other documents in South Africa, but these studies are mainly limited to health texts and the focus is primarily on English. In light of the language distribution and the fact that less than 10% of South Africans speak English as a home language, coupled with alarming educational attainment rates, it does not automatically follow that consumer documents that are written in plain English will be accessible to all consumers. In the framework of plain language legislation in South Africa, there is now a pressing need to extend plain language research to the other official languages as well, and to find ways to incorporate South Africa’s language distribution into a plain language policy. This study is in Afrikaans, about Afrikaans and for Afrikaans. Morever, in the absence of guidelines for methods or standards of assessing whether a consumer-related document satisfies the requirements for plain and understandable language, plain language practitioners are working in a vacuum, without any indication of the assessment criteria that will be applied to measure compliance.

'n Ondersoek na taalhoudings en persepsies van graad 12 leerders in drie Afrikaanse hoërskole in Johannesburg

08 January 2009 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. / The current political dispensation in South Africa has, as was the case in the past, undoubtedly had a major influence on the language patterns of the country. The 1996 Constitution now provides official recognition of the main indigenous languages. Despite this entrenchment, there is evidence of a marked shift in language allegiance in favour of English. This study focuses on the language attitudes and perceptions of grade 12 learners in three Afrikaans medium high schools in Johannesburg. In order to achieve the task, a “triangulation approach” was adopted. A literature study was done to provide a backdrop to the understanding of the present language situation. Interviews were conducted with the Afrikaans language teachers of the respondents. Questionnaires were then completed by the learners, as well as by the said teachers. The objectives of the empirical study were threefold, firstly to establish the perceptions of the learners with regard to their mother tongue and language in general. Secondly, the possible consequences of the learners’ negative perceptions about their mother tongue on the future of the language, their culture and the community, was investigated. Lastly, to make recommendations as to how these language attitudes can possibly be changed, from the data. The findings of this study confirm the influence of English on the language and cultural patterns of the learners. It is imperative to change the perceptions that the English language provides the only key to success, lest irrevocable damage be done to our country’s unique language and cultural variety.

'n Ondersoek na die taalgebruik in Son as verteenwoordigend van Kaapse Afrikaans

Blignaut, Joline 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Kaaps is one of the oldest dialects of Afrikaans that originated in the Cape Colony during the seventeenth century and is still used today by the working class Coloured community of the Cape Peninsula. Although it is mainly used as a spoken dialect, it is also applied in the literature. It is especially the use of Kaaps in the literature by Adam Small that helped to establish Kaaps in the Afrikaans literature and to bring about a newfound interest in this dialect. Kaaps has been undervalued for a long time due to the fact that it is associated with people of colour. For this reason Kaaps has been one of the most stigmatised dialects of Afrikaans. Today academics approach language variation differently by viewing all dialects of a language as equal. For this reason Kaaps is no longer seen as inferior to the standardized form of Afrikaans. Kaaps is also no longer restricted to a spoken dialect, but is also reflected in literature, theatre, music, television, radio and the printed media. The focus of this study is to investigate the use of Kaaps in the Afrikaans tabloid, Son. Son is the first Afrikaans tabloid that appeared in South Africa and is the first Afrikaans newspaper to make use of a dialect of Afrikaans that is not the standardized form, but an informal dialect that some refer to as Kaaps. The aim of the study is to investigate whether the language used in Son is representative of Kaaps and to what extent the written language correlates with the spoken Kaaps, as it is used by its speakers. This is done by a text analysis of Son-articles as well as a questionnaire that was filled in by Kaaps speaking teenagers. Furthermore the study investigated the correlation between language and identity and to what extent the respondents could identify with Kaaps as well as the language that is used in Son. The conclusion of this study is that the language used in Son cannot be viewed as a true representation of Kaaps, but rather as an informal Afrikaans that use elements of Kaaps. Although the language in Son cannot be seen as a true reflection of Kaaps, the study concludes that the teenage speakers of Kaaps can identify with the language that is used in Son. The study also found that the negative perception of Kaaps still exists among the users of Kaaps. Regardless of this negative perception, this research showed that Kaaps can be used effectively in the media and that the success of Son can be attributed to the language used in its newspaper. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kaaps is een van die oudste variëteite van Afrikaans wat sedert die sewentiende eeu aan die Kaap gepraat is en vandag steeds die taal van die bruin werkersklas in die Kaapse Skiereiland is. Alhoewel dit hoofsaaklik as ʼn gesproke variëteit gebruik word, het dit ook in die letterkunde neerslag gevind. Dit is veral die gebruik daarvan in die werke van Adam Small wat Kaaps as ʼn literêre skryftaal gevestig het en ʼn nuwe belangstelling in dié variëteit van Afrikaans laat ontstaan het. As gevolg van die sterk assosiasie wat Kaaps met bruin mense het, is dit in die verlede geminag as ʼn minderwaardige taalvorm en kan Kaaps ook beskou word as een van die mees gestigmatiseerde variëteite van Afrikaans. Vandag word taalvariasie egter op ʼn gelykevlakbenadering deur akademici ondersoek en moet Kaaps beskou word as deel van Afrikaans en nie as ondergeskik aan die standaardvariëteit nie. Kaaps is ook nie meer beperk tot ʼn gesproke variëteit nie, maar vind neerslag in die letterkunde, teater, musiek, televisie, radio en die gedrukte media. Dit is dan juis die gebruik van Kaaps in die Afrikaanse poniekoerant, Son, wat in hierdie studie ondersoek word. Son is die eerste Afrikaanse poniekoerant wat in Suid-Afrika verskyn het en die eerste Afrikaanse koerant wat nie Standaardafrikaans gebruik nie, maar ʼn informele Afrikaans wat deur baie beskou word as Kaaps. Die doel van die studie is om die taalgebruik in Son te ondersoek as verteenwoordigend van Kaapse Afrikaans in ʼn poging om te bepaal tot watter mate die taalgebruik in Son ooreenstem met Kaaps, soos gebruik deur die sprekers van Kaaps. Dit word gedoen deur ʼn teksanalise van verskeie Son-artikels sowel as ʼn vraelys wat onder ʼn groep Kaapssprekende tieners afgeneem is. Die studie ondersoek ook die verband tussen taal en identiteit deur ʼn ondersoek na die mate waartoe die Kaapssprekende tienerleser identifiseer met Kaaps sowel as die taalgebruik in Son. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie is dat die taalgebruik in Son nie uitsluitlik Kaaps is nie, maar eerder ʼn informele Afrikaans met Kaapse elemente wat voorkom. Alhoewel die taalgebruik nie uitsluitlik Kaaps is nie, identifiseer die Kaapssprekende tienerleser wel met die taal wat in Son gebruik word. Ongeag die negatiewe persepsie wat die sprekers van Kaaps steeds van Kaaps het, toon die navorsing dat Kaaps wel effektief in die media gebruik kan word en dat die sukses van Son ook toegeskryf kan word aan die taal wat dit gebruik.

Die aard van Technikon Noord-Transvaal-studente se sone van naaste ontwikkeling in Afrikaans vreemdetaal.

08 August 2012 (has links)
M.Phil. / With this study the better understanding of the skills in, the background with relation to and the attitude towards communicative Afrikaans of .a specific group of Public Administration students of the Technikon Northern-Transvaal is investigated. The focus is principally on the socio-cultural factors that influence the mastering of Afrikaans. The reseach design, including the problem identification, is vested in the theoretical Vygotskyan concept of zone of proximal development. Founded on the theories of both MM Bakhtin and LS Vygotsky, the researcher establishes an own interpretation of the zone of proximal development, when she proposes an integration thereof with the H-model as thought heuristics (Henning 1996). According to this integrated model, the study of students' zone of proximal development in Afrikaans as foreign language encompasses the study of: their language skills; their knowledge of the language; personal and socio-cultural influences; and their metalinguistic skills. This exposition serves as framework for data gathering, data analysis and chapter division. The format of the study is that of case studies which implies that an in-depth investigation is done of various types of data - obtained from a quantitatively small, but sociologically representative group of Public Adminsitration students, The various types of data which are referred to, are: data from talks delivered; written texts; data from listening and reading protocols; and data from interviews. With the interpretation of the data an attempt is not only made to come to an own understanding ("verstehen" - Weber (1958)) of the community of learners' experience and usage of Afrikaans, but also to cultivate a sensitivity for this with the wider teaching and research community.

Korpuslinguistiese ondersoek na pragmatiese merkers in Omgangsafrikaans

Fourie, Annamarie 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans, English and Tshwana / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 183-193) / Pragmatiese merkers in Omgangsafrikaans dien as belangrike kontekstualiseringswenke. Dit rig gespreksgenote in terme van uitingrelevansie en stel die spreker in staat om, op bondige wyse, ’n houding teenoor die proposisie van die uiting te openbaar. Dit dra ook by tot die gesprekstruktuur. Die sistematiese ondersoek na pragmatiese merkers volg ’n eklektiese benadering: die relevansieteorie, grammatikalisasieteorie, diskoersanalise, sosiopragmatiek en korpuslinguistiek word ingespan om die verskynsel te bestudeer en te verklaar. Die pragmatiese merkers “rêrig/regtig”, “oukei”, “soos”, “hoor” en “weet” is bestudeer aan die hand van die Pretoriakorpus van Omgangsafrikaans (PO) vanweë hul hoë gebruiksfrekwensie in die korpus. ’n Vergelyking van die gebruiksfrekwensies van hierdie pragmatiese merkers onder verskillende groeperinge van sprekers toon aan dat jong, volwasse en bejaarde mans en vroue dit verskillend gebruik. Die onderskeie funksies bied voorts leidrade waardeur die grammatikalisasie van pragmatiese merkers nagespeur kan word. Dit wil voorkom asof jong vroulike sprekers die voortou neem in die gebruik en ontwikkeling van pragmatiese merkers teenoor jong manlike sprekers. Die studie het verder bevind dat veral volwasse vroulike sprekers aktief bydra tot die ontwikkeling van hierdie pragmatiese merkers. / Pragmatic markers in interactional Afrikaans serve as important contextualising cues. They guide interlocutors as to the relevance of utterances and equip the speaker to signal an attitude towards the proposition of the utterance in a succinct way. They also contribute to the conversation structure. The systematic investigation of pragmatic markers follows an eclectic approach: relevance theory, grammaticalisation theory, discourse analysis, sociopragmatics and corpus linguistics are engaged in order to study and explain the phenomenon. The pragmatic markers “rêrig/regtig”, “oukei”, “soos”, “hoor” en “weet” are studied on the basis of the Pretoriakorpus van Omgangsafrikaans (PO) owing to their high frequency in the corpus. A comparison of the usage frequencies of these pragmatic markers among various groups of speakers indicates that young, adult and elderly men and women use them differently. The respective functions offer clues by which the grammaticalisation of pragmatic markers may be traced. It appears that young female speakers take the lead in the use and development of pragmatic markers compared to young male speakers. The study further found that especially adult female speakers contribute actively to the development of these pragmatic markers. / Matshwao a puo mo puong ya kgolagano ya Afrikaans a dira jaaka matshwao a botlhokwa a bokao. A kaela babui ka bomaleba jwa dipuo le go thusa sebui go bontsha maikutlo malebana le polelo e e tshitshinngwang ka boripana. Gape a tshwaela mo sebopegong sa puisano. Tshekatsheko e e rulaganeng ya matshwao a puo e ne e dirisa mekgwa e e farologaneng: tiori ya bomaleba, tiori ya tiriso ya thutapuo, tshekatsheko ya puisano, matshwao a puoloago le thuto ya dipuo e e lebelelang dikwalo tse di gona (corpus linguistics) di dirisitswe go batlisisa le go tlhalosa dikgakgamatso tseo. Matshwao a puo a “rêrig/regtig”, “oukei”, “soos”, “hoor” le “weet” a batlisisitswe go lebeletswe Pretoriakorpus van Omgangsafrikaans (PO) ka ntlha ya go nna teng ga ona thata mo dikwalong. Tshwantshanyo ya seelo sa tiriso ya matshwao ano a puo magareng ga ditlhopha tsa dibui e supa gore bašwa, bagolo le bagodi ba banna le basadi ba a dirisa ka ditsela tse di farologaneng. Ditiro tse di rileng di bontsha disupi tse ka tsona go ka latedisiwang tiriso ya thutapuo ya matshwao a puo. Go bonala fa dibui tsa bašwa ba basadi di eteletse pele mo tirisong le kgodisong ya matshwao a puo fa di ntshwantshanngwa le dibui tsa banna. Thutopatlisiso e fitlheletse gape gore dibui tsa bagolo ba basadi bogolosegolo di tshwaela ka botlhaga mo kgodisong ya matshwao ano a puo. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / M.A. (Afrikaans)

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