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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Distansarbetets påverkan på den agila organisationen : En kvalitativ fallstudie om motivation inom agila team / The impact of remote work in agile organizations : A qualitative case study on motivation within agile teams

Matsson, Jesper, Leander, Robin January 2021 (has links)
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on companies' way of working. It has become crucial for companies to transition into working remotely due to the societal restrictions in order to maintain business. New ways of communicating and collaborating have been necessary for the development which have had an impact on the motivation which this study will focus on. Companies have limited insights on how remote work affects a complex phenomenon as motivation. The purpose of this study is therefore to analyse important changes in motivation due to the transition into working remotely in an agile organization. Research shows that working remotely changes several influential factors related to motivation, forming our first research question. Additionally, the agile practice shows proof of enhancing several of these factors when working remotely thus forming the second research question. This study relies on its theoretical framework using the MOCC model for categorizing intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for software developers in relation to external changes such as characteristics and changes in the working environment. In addition, the study uses an earlier framework of changes in motivation in relation to the agile practices. The objective for this study is to help agile organizations analyse and draw conclusions from this study on how to motivate software developers in a remote agile context. The importance of motivation for software developers are emphasized in several studies. However, a lack of studies has been made in recent years, especially with regards to motivation in a remote workplace, additionally little to no studies have been made on this topic since the start of the pandemic. Many answers from our empirical analysis give a polarized view of different perspectives which makes it a complex phenomenon. The result from this study shows that a lot of the software developers have a strong intrinsic motivation due to the agile methodology. The intrinsic motivation in terms of developing software has not changed, however, many other intrinsic motivators related to the organization have been challenged. Also, our results show that external motivation has changed due to changes in both communication and collaboration.

Det agila ledarskapets inverkan på de anställdas motivation : En studie inom svenska banksektorn

Liverstrand, Amilia, Reichard, Sigge January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen för det agila ledarskapet och hur det främjar de anställdas motivation.  Metod: Vid genomförande av studien har en kvalitativ metod tillämpats där empiri samlats in med hjälp av tio semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna har, i kombination med insamlad teori från vetenskapliga artiklar, utgjort underlag för den data som har bearbetats i analysen och följaktligen lett fram till studiens slutsats.  Resultat & Slutsats: Studien visar att agilt ledarskap kan utövas i olika typer av roller med den gemensamma uppgiften att främja ett agilt arbetssätt. Agila ledare kan öka motivationen hos individen genom att delegera ansvar, uppmuntra till självständighet och se till att teamet strävar efter gemensamma mål som ligger i linje med organisationens mål.  Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Denna studie har fokuserat på ledarens perspektiv på ledarskapets relation till det agila arbetssättet. Liknande studier med medarbetarens perspektiv hade skapat ytterligare underlag för att dra slutsatser kring hur ledarens prestationer fungerar i praktiken. Det finns även ett behov av att sätta det agila ledarskapet i relation till organisatorisk agility. Med frågeställningar kring det agila arbetssättet ur ett organisatoriskt perspektiv kan nya insikter nås och forskningen inom området bli mer heltäckande.  Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien har bidragit med ökad förståelse för agilt ledarskap inom banksektorn samt hur agila ledare arbetar för att främja motivation hos de anställda. Studien riktar sig till forskare inom ledarskap som är intresserade av att erhålla en fördjupad bild av hur det agila ledarskapet inom banksektorn fungerar, samt vad det har för kopplingar till motivation. Studien är även av intresse för ledare som finner intresse för att lära sig mer om agila arbetssätt, agilt ledarskap samt motivation. / Purpose: The purpose of the study is to increase the understanding of the agile leadership and how agile leaders cultivate motivation for the employees.  Method: A qualitative method was used to collect data from ten semi-structured interviews. This data, in combination with relevant theory within the domain of the study, laid the foundation for the results and conclusions of the study.  Results and conclusions: The study shows that agile leadership can be applied in different roles with the common task of promoting agile workplaces. Agile leaders increase the motivation for individuals through delegating responsibilities, encouraging independence, and ensuring that the team strives for common goals that are in line with the organization's goals.  Future research: This study has focused on the leaders’ perspective on the leadership’s relation to the agile work method. A similar study with the employees’ perspective should contribute with additional research to draw conclusions about how well the leaders’ performance actually works in practice. We also find it interesting to put agile leadership in relation to organizational agility. With questions about the agile way of working from an organizational perspective, the research area can be enhanced with valuable insights.  Contribution: The study has contributed to an increased understanding of agile leadership in the banking sector and of how agile leaders work to promote motivation among employees. The study is directed towards the scholar who is interested in obtaining a deeper understanding of how the agile leadership in the banking sector works in practice and its links to motivation. The study is also of interest to leaders who find interest in learning more about agile working methods, agile leadership and motivation.

How to capture that business value everyone talks about? : An exploratory case study on business value in agile big data analytics organizations

Svenningsson, Philip, Drubba, Maximilian January 2020 (has links)
Background: Big data analytics has been referred to as a hype the past decade, making manyorganizations adopt data-driven processes to stay competitive in their industries. Many of theorganizations adopting big data analytics use agile methodologies where the most importantoutcome is to maximize business value. Multiple scholars argue that big data analytics lead toincreased business value, however, there is a theoretical gap within the literature about how agileorganizations can capture this business value in a practically relevant way. Purpose: Building on a combined definition that capturing business value means being able todefine-, communicate- and measure it, the purpose of this thesis is to explore how agileorganizations capture business value from big data analytics, as well as find out what aspects ofvalue are relevant when defining it. Method: This study follows an abductive research approach by having a foundation in theorythrough the use of a qualitative research design. A single case study of Nike Inc. was conducted togenerate the primary data for this thesis where nine participants from different domains within theorganization were interviewed and the results were analysed with a thematic content analysis. Findings: The findings indicate that, in order for agile organizations to capture business valuegenerated from big data analytics, they need to (1) define the value through a synthezised valuemap, (2) establish a common language with the help of a business translator and agile methods,and (3), measure the business value before-, during- and after the development by usingindividually idenified KPIs derived from the business value definition.

Psykologisk trygghet som möjliggörare för att vara i ständig förnyelse : Hur byggs kapacitet i en organisation för att möta kraven i en komplex, oförutsägbar och snabbföränderlig omvärld?

Eidolf, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
VUCA är ett begrepp, som används för att beskriva den komplexa, oförutsägbara och snabbrörliga omvärld vi lever i idag. Det talas ofta om ett paradigmskifte och att det kommer krävas nya managementmodeller för att framgångsrikt leda organisationer. Det ställs ökade krav på organisationer att snabbt kunna ställa om, ständigt arbeta med förbättring och utveckling för att öka sin innovationskraft. Psykologisk trygghet är ett fenomen som fått ökat utrymme i näringslivet och i forskning under senare år, då det starkt korrelerar med individers och teams förmåga att möta förändring och vara högpresterande. Psykologisk trygghet är en gemensam övertygelse hos medlemmarna i ett team om att teamet är tryggt för interpersonellt risktagande. Syftet med denna uppsats var att bidra med kunskap kring hur företag arbetar för att vara i ständig förnyelse och bygga kapacitet i organisationen för att möta kraven i VUCA, samt förstå hur psykologisk trygghet kan vara en motor i det arbetet. En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med sex intervjuer på två större organisationer. Studiens resultat pekar på sex viktiga fokusområden för att vara och leda i ständig förnyelse och framgångsrikt kunna möta de nya kraven. Dessa sex fokusområden beskrivs på följande sätt: Storytelling -”varför” som möjliggörare för motivation och mening, Förmåga att lära - nyfikenhet som möjliggörare för nytänkande och innovation, Ledarbeteenden - vara förebild som möjliggörare för beteendeförändring, Individen i centrum - självkännedom som möjliggörare för  självledarskap, Ägandeskap - autonomi som möjliggörare för ansvarskänsla och empowerment och Arbetssätt - lita på processen som möjliggörare för struktur och uthållighet. Studien visar vidare att det finns stark koppling mellan psykologisk trygghet och de sex fokusområdena för att vara i ständig förnyelse och kunna möta kraven i omvärlden. Psykologisk trygghet är en möjliggörare för att bygga kapacitet genom dessa fokusområden. Fokusområdena bidrar i sin tur till ökad psykologisk trygghet, samtidigt som de möjliggör att vara i ständig förnyelse. / VUCA is the term used to describe the complex, uncertain and rapid changing world we live in today. Often it is described as a new paradigm with needs for new management models to continue to be successful. In order to be able to meet the new requirements, organizations need to develop ability to smoothly adapt to change, constantly work with improvement and development to increase their power to innovate. Psychological safety is a phenomenon that got more attention in business and research in recent years, due to its high correlation to the ability of individuals and teams to face change and to be high performance units. Psychological safety is a shared belief held by members of a team that the team is safe for interpersonal risk taking. The purpose of this thesis was to contribute with knowledge about how companies work to build capacity in organizations to meet the requirements of VUCA, as well as understanding how psychological safety can be an enabler in this work. A qualitative interview study was conducted with six interviews at two larger organizations. The result of the study highlights six important focus areas for being in continuous renewal and successfully meeting the new requirements. These six focus areas are described as follows: Storytelling - “why” as an enabler for motivation and meaning, Ability to learn - curiosity as an enabler for innovation, Leadership behaviours - to be a role model as an enabler for behaviour change, People centric approach - self-awareness as an enabler for self-leadership, Ownership - autonomy as an enabler for responsibility and empowerment and “Way of working” - trust the process as an enabler for structure and endurance. The study further shows that there is a strong link between psychological safety and the six focus areas. Psychological safety is an enabler to build capacity in these areas. The focus areas contribute in return to increase psychological safety and at the same time support the ability to meet the complex, uncertain and rapidly changing world. / <p>2020-11-26</p>

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