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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smluvní právo autorské / Agreements and contracts within copyright law

Vlasák, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
- CONTRACTUAL COPYRIGHT LAW This theses deals with contracts in copyright law. Its main aim is to describe legal regulation concerning most frequent types of contracts in copyright law and to compare the regulation of these contracts as it was before the recodification of Czech private law, which was done by the new civil code, with the state after it and to mark out main terminological and conceptual changes, which have some connection to contractual copyright law. The work consists of eight chapters. The first chapter contains a brief overview of domestic sources of contractual copyright law. The second chapter explains some basic concepts of copyright law which have some relation to the contractual law - the concepts of authors' rights and prohibition of its transfer to other person and terms of license and consent in copyright law. In this chapter reader also finds subchapters on new legal definition of things and ownership in the new civil code and how these new definitions influence copyrighted works and license agreements. Chapters three to eight describe the legal regulation of the most important types of contracts in the contractual copyright law. The third chapter is the core of the work. It describes in detail the license agreement. It points out irregularities of contractual process in...

Rozhodčí řízení v České republice / Arbitration proceedings in the Czech Republic

Kudrhaltová, Irena January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is arbitration proceedings in the Czech Republic. In the introductory chapter arbitration is generally described, with definition of its characteristics in comparison with the ADR methods and regular court proceedings. Four basic theoretical standpoints concerning the arbitration proceedings are introduced. Arbitration is divided into general and specific arbitration as well as institutional and ad hoc. In the second chapter the issue of arbitrability is described- specifically the conditions of its formation. The third chapter focuses on the arbitration agreement, beginning from the inception, including its content and ending with cases when the agreement is void. Arbitrator, including requirements concerning the person, such as confidentiality, independence, and impartiality, is contained in the fourth chapter. It also includes arbitrator's appointment and remuneration. The fifth chapter deals with the arbitration proceedings in concreto. Basic principles governing the arbitration are outlined, following with initiation of legal action including further motions and evidence. The sixth chapter is aimed at arbitration decision and its specific forms: the arbitration award and the resolution. A possibility of settlement approved by an arbitrator or a permanent arbitration...

Majetková práva autorská / Economic rights in copyright

Kmoníčková, Klára January 2015 (has links)
- Economic rights in copyright The theme of this thesis are economic rights in copyright. They are one of two categories which compose the content of copyright. The second category is called copyrights related to personality. These two categories of copyright can not be separated by exact borderline - economic rights in copyright include economic component, and vice versa. Economic rights in copyright are rights which have economic importance for their right holder. Economic rights in copyright can be divided into two main categories: exploitation right (in wide sense) and other economic rights in copyright. Exploitation right in wide sense include exploitation right and right of granting licence to other person. The aim of my thesis is to analyse and summarize contemporary situation of a legislation regulating economic rights in copyright and institutes relating to them. The thesis is composed of six chapters. The purpose of Chapter One is to explain what is a content of copyright and to briefly describe economic rights in copyright and copyrights related to personality in two parts of this Chapter. Chapter Two of the thesis is called economic rights in copyright. This chapter is subdivided into five parts. First part deals with influence of a definition of concept ,,thing" in New Civil Code upon...

Rozhodčí řízení v České republice / Arbitration proceedings in the Czech Republic

Šolín, Karel January 2015 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the arbitration proceedings in the Czech Republic, which is one of the alternative disputes resolutions. The goal of this thesis is to provide a complete summary of legal regulation of the arbitration proceedings. The thesis is divided into eight chapters. The first three chapters deal with general issues of the arbitration proceedings. The first chapter which is further subdivided into six subchapters is focused on the basic definition of the arbitration proceedings, its theoretical concepts, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as its different types. The second chapter provides a summary mainly of national legal regulation. Chapter three explains the objective conditions under which a certain range of disputes can be heard and decided in the arbitration proceedings, including some specific examples. Chapter four is concerned with the arbitration agreement which is the major institute and the basis condition of the arbitration proceedings. This chapter is subdivided into three subchapters dealing with for example the different types of arbitration agreements, their mandatory requirements and also their invalidity and termination. In a separate subchapter author discusses the arbitration agreement for resolving disputes arising from consumer contracts. Chapter...

Aktuální otázky institutu dohody o vině a trestu / Current issues of an agreement on guilt and punishment

Hájek, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Institute of agreement on guilt and punishment, was implemented into Czech criminal law by Act No. 193/2012 Coll. in 2012 and came into force on 1th September 2012. The institute belongs among diversions from standard criminal proceedings. The purpose of its introducing was an effort to increase efficiency of criminal proceedings. Generally, this instute is typical in common law system, however several countries with continental legal system have already introduced agreement on guilt and punishment into their criminal law - for example: Spain, Germany, Italy and Slovakia. In particular, the Slovakian agreement on guilt and punishment constituted fundamental basis for the Czech version of the agreement. The inspiration for choosing this topic for my Master's thesis was formed by internship at district prosecutor of Prague 4. I have had an option to attend conclusion of the agreement during the process there as well. The thesis is divided into six chapters, which are accompanied by my personal experiences from the internship. Each of them is dealing with different aspects of the institute. The content of the first and the second chapters are reasons for implementing of the institute and detailed analysis de lege lata and I have solved also a question in these chapters namely, if the agreement is in...

La stratégie juridique du portage de titres en droit des sociétés : Quelle a été l’évolution de la pratique du portage de titres en droit français ?

Doukkali, Narjisse 10 December 2012 (has links)
Le droit des sociétés a été depuis sa création et de façon encore plus prononcée de nos jours, un ensemble de règles stratégiques au service d’entrepreneurs et d’associés désireux d’exceller dans le monde des affaires. Le portage d’actions est l’une des techniques juridiques développées par le droit des sociétés qui manifeste le plus justement le caractère stratégique de cette matière.Le portage d’actions est une convention dite sui generis qui permet de prendre temporairement et indirectement une participation au sein d’une société. Le portage est la convention par laquelle un porteur, généralement une personne morale (société ou organisme financier), convient avec une personne physique ou une autre personne morale, dite donneur d’ordre, qu’il souscrira ou achètera des actions pour le compte de celle-ci à charge pour elle de les lui racheter au terme d’une période déterminée et moyennant un prix convenu par avance.L’utilité de cette convention est double : elle permet, d’une part, de décharger le donneur d’ordre de la propriété des actions pendant une période déterminée en la confiant au porteur, et d’autre part, d’assurer au donneur d’ordre un certain contrôle sur les actions pendant la durée du portage, ainsi que leur appropriation à l’expiration de cette durée. Le portage d’actions connait d’innombrables applications licites et répond ainsi à de nombreuses finalités. En effet, cette convention peut avoir pour but de garantir une certaine discrétion au donneur d’ordres étant donné qu’elle permet de cacher son identité que ce soit dans un but offensif (prise de participation agressive dans une société où le donneur d’ordre serait mal perçu) ou défensif (faire face à une éventuelle prise de contrôle inamicale en confiant à un porteur allié la propriété d’actions constituant un noyau dur). Le portage d’actions permet également l’arbitrage entre deux groupes d’actionnaires, lorsque le capital d’une société est détenu par6moitié par deux groupes d’actionnaires, mais aussi l’appropriation par le porteur d’actions proposées à la vente, en cas de refus d’agrément du cessionnaire et dans l’attente de trouver un substitut à ce dernier. Toutefois, la technique du portage connaît également quelques pratiques douteuses, à la limite de la fraude à la loi qui remettent manifestement en cause ce type de convention. En effet, il a été observé que le portage pouvait être utilisé pour servir à remplir les conditions légales relatives au nombre minimum d’actionnaires, ou pour permettre à un donneur d’ordre qui ne peut avoir la qualité d’actionnaire d’accéder à terme au capital d’une société.La technique du portage d’actions du fait des diverses applications plus ou moins licites qu’elle connait et du fait de son caractère stratégique amène à se poser de nombreuses questions. Les principales problématiques qui ressortent sont, d’une part, celles ayant attrait à l’évolution juridique du mécanisme même du portage et à sa compatibilité avec la qualité et le statut d’associé et, d’autre part, celles ayant attrait au contexte juridique entourant cette technique et au caractère stratégique de l’utilisation de ce type de convention. Enfin, cette thèse sera également l’occasion d’étudier les parallèles existant entre le portage d’actions et la technique de la fiducie. / Summary not transmitted

Incentives for Implementation? The relationship between biased versus neutral mediators and the degree of peace agreement implementation

Holmes, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
In peace and conflict research the study of peace agreement implementation has often focussed on the duration of peace. This however risks overlooking the implementation of the peace agreement as a whole. Simultaneously, the relationship between biased versus neutral mediators and the degree of agreement implementation has not been systematically investigated. This study addresses this gap by asking: how does biased mediation affect the implementation of peace agreements? I apply the logic of theories on artificial incentives for peace (Beardsley 2008) and argue that biased mediators will create and use more temporary incentives to induce the warring parties towards a negotiated settlement. Once a peace agreement is signed and the mediator’s influence wanes, it is argued that these artificial incentives ultimately result in reduced momentum for implementation and a lower degree of implementation overall. This leads to the expected hypothesis that if a mediator is biased peace agreements will be implemented to a lower degree. Using the methods of structured, focussed comparison and process tracing, this paper will compare the mediation and implementation processes in the Tajikistan and Burundian civil wars. The findings display partial support for the hypothesised causal mechanism, although the hypothesis overall is not supported.

Kolektivní vyjednávání / Collective bargaining

Vejsada, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
VEJSADA, Daniel. Collective bargaining. Praha, 2012. Diplomová práce. Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Právnická fakulta. Vedoucí práce doc., JUDr. Jan Pichrt, Ph.D. The aim of the thesis is mainly to highlight the level of coverage by collective agreements in the CR and to analyze the impact of collective bargaining for employees and employers using available statistical data. By the evaluation of the processes of collective bargaining and focusing on its individual institutes I am looking for the perfect method of handling the collective bargaining so as to be beneficial for both parties involved, and try to present the method how the modern trade union should work in its interaction with the employer, different from the common practice of today's trade unions. I also point out the need for proper analysis of the situation prior to collective bargaining and the method of selecting strategy for negotiations. I chose the topic based on my personal experience with the representation of employees and involvement in the collective bargaining and also on the experience of participation in the EWC.

Smluvní právo autorské / Agreements and contracts within copyright law

Skoupá, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Agreements and contracts within Copyright Law This thesis examines the Contractual Copyright Law, which is a part of the Intellectual Property Law. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the valid legislation dealing with license agreement in the Czech Republic. The thesis is composed of eleven chapters. Chapter One is introductory, it explains the importance of the Copyright Law and briefly describes the structure of the thesis. Chapter Two examines the sources of the Contractual Copyright Law on Czech, European and international level. Chapter Three provides the initial introduction to the Copyright and Intellectual Property Law in general. It explains specific terms of this branch of law, such as "the work" and "constitutive transfer of rights", which are crucial for understanding of the topic of thesis. Chapter Four describes the License Agreement itself and the legal relationship arising out of it, its purpose, subjects, object and content, while chapter Five examines the ways of classification of License Agreements. Chapter Six concentrates on problems of principles governing the License Agreement and its elements. Chapter Seven deals with the transfer of the license and chapter Eight with the special ways of a legal relationship termination based on the License Agreement. Chapter Nine contains...

Vypořádání společného jmění manželů se zaměřením na vypořádání vzájemných práv a povinností společného bydlení / Settlement of community property of spouses with a special regard to the settlement of rights and duties with respect to common dwelling

Chudomelová, Irena January 2011 (has links)
1 Thesis abstract Settlement of the community property of spouses focused on the settlement of the rights and obligations to joint housing. Community property of spouses is a specific type of property partnership, which can exist only between spouses. The community property of spouses origins and terminates together with the marriage (with the exceptions). The termination of marriage needs to be followed by the settlement of the property. The settlement of the common property is always made on the basis of some legal institute as agreement, judgment or legal presumption. The settlement of the community property of spouses and the settlement of the rights and obligations to joint housing is the main topic of my thesis. The thesis is composed of 5 chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the community property of spouses: Chapter One is introductory and generally deals with the marriage. Chapter two called community property of spouses is subdivided into five parts. First part characterizes community property of spouses in general. Second part describes the subject of community property of spouses, i e. things, rights and obligations acquired during the marriage period. This section also provides a list of assets which is not a part of the community property of spouses. Third part is called an...

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