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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of digital technologies in improving supply chain resilience: An exploratory study in the agri-food industry

Dao, Luong 05 1900 (has links)
Globalization, geopolitics, and socio-economic uncertainties increase supply chain vulnerabilities. Climate changes, natural disasters, and man-made accidents have increased the tension of disturbances. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted many supply chains worldwide, putting the agri-food supply chain at a higher risk than ever. Agri-food supply chains face severe and complex challenges due to industry-specific characteristics, such as perishability, short shelf life, long lead time production, and weather dependence. Consumer awareness of having healthy, traceable, and environmentally friendly food products has become an increasing concern, making sustainable development also a vital factor in the agri-food industry. To ensure sustainable development, firms must improve supply chain resilience by discovering, nurturing, and developing resilience capability and competitive advantage. Resilience describes the ability to respond quickly to disruptions and help the supply chain recover. Recently, digital technologies have developed rapidly, supported by the Industrial Revolution 4.0, which plays a crucial role in a company's operations. Digital technologies help promote core resilience competencies such as visibility, collaboration, and agility through typical technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, fifth-generation technology, big data analytics, additive manufacturing, tracking, tracing technologies, etc. This study uses a theoretical framework from dynamic capabilities and extant literature reviews to determine the research gap in the agri-food industry. The study uses mixed methods: a qualitative research method to examine and uncover the role of supply chain resilience in responding to disruptions in the agri-food industry, and a second study used a quantitative method to examine the influence of digital technologies on resilience in the agri-food supply chain. This study confirms the critical role of resilience in the agri-food supply chain and the significance of digital technologies in improving supply chain resilience and firm performance. The study also suggests that a firm should proactively build its resilience capability rather than learn from past disruptions. The findings are useful for academics and practitioners alike, in the acknowledgment of the significant effects of digital technologies on supply chain resilience in the agri-food industry. Some technologies are not agri-food specific but have a place in the industry, while others are tailor made for farming applications. Parties in the agri-food industry must take advantage of Industrial Revolution 4.0 and digital technologies to flourish in the agri-food industry. / Business Administration/Interdisciplinary

Blockchain technology adoption in agri-food supply chains: why or why not? : Exploring Swedish organizations’ reasoning and approach to adoption

Lindén, Tilda, Persson, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Background:  Industry 4.0 technologies are expected to play an important role in the near future. Among these, blockchain technology is in the spotlight and recognized to be revolutionary within the agri-food industry and its supply chains. However, the technology and its adoption is in an early phase and involves several challenges for agri-food organizations. Given its nascent nature, academic research is scarce and a need for research of blockchain technology adoption in different contexts has been identified.  Purpose:  The purpose of this thesis is therefore to analyze the reasoning behind Swedish agri-food organizations’ decisions to adopt or reject blockchain technology as well as their approach to its adoption in their supply chains.  Method:  A qualitative research design with an inductive approach was applied, where the primary data was gathered through 9 semi-structured interviews with agri-food organizations and experienced individuals within the field.  Conclusion:  The findings show that trustworthiness is the main goal and driver of blockchain technology adoption and identified several secondary reasons for adoption. The research also specifies challenges which act as reasons for rejection as well as two-edged critical factors affecting adoption decisions. Further, Swedish agri-food organizations were recognized to be in an immature adoption phase and hence two main approaches to blockchain adoption, proactive and pending, were determined. Based on these findings, the BAP framework visualizing the blockchain adoption process was developed.

Qualitätssicherungssysteme im türkischen Agribusiness / Food safety and quality assurance system in Turkish agribusiness

Pekkirbizli, Tuba 14 November 2014 (has links)
Die Lebensmittelsicherheit hat in der türkischen Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft in den letzten Jahren erheblich an Bedeutung gewonnen. Dies ist vor allem der Tatsache geschuldet, nach dem die Türkei im Jahr 2005 als Beitrittskandidat der Europäischen Union (EU) akkreditiert wurde, denn die EU ist mit Abstand der wichtigste Handelspartner der Türkei für Agrarprodukte. Die Türkei hat im Jahre 2012 einen Handelsüberschuss im Agrarsektor von 3,6 Mrd. allein Euro mit den EU-27 Ländern erwirtschaftet (Eurostat, 2013). Das Dissertationsprojekt befasst sich im Rahmen einer empirischen Untersuchung mit den Zertifizierungssystemen im türkischen Agribusiness und es wurde insbesondere untersucht, welche Einflussgrößen auf die Zertifizierungsentscheidungen in der türkischen Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft existieren. Dazu wurden anhand einer Online-Befragung Daten von weiterverarbeitenden Betrieben gesammelt und für weite Teile der Türkei systematisiert. Überdies wurden sieben persönliche Interviews in ebensolchen Unternehmen durchgeführt sowie Experten aus dem türkischen Ministerium für Landwirtschaft sowie dem EU-Ministerium zum Thema Zertifizierungssysteme befragt. Da die Türkei Nettoexporteur von Agrarprodukten ist, wird dieser eine entschiedene Einfluss auf die künftige internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ihrer Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft allgemeinen zugerechnet.

Aplicación de BPM en la industria de la cadena de suministro agroalimentario: Caso de estudio del arroz peruano / Applying BPM in agri-food supply chain industry: A case study of Peruvian rice

Castillo Alarcón, Angela Guadalupe, Medina Flores, Rolando Alexander 24 January 2021 (has links)
This article explores a rice supply chain management model in Arequipa as part of an agricultural supply chain research project in Peru. The research was consolidated with input from researchers who have experience evaluating and analyzing the supply chain of agricultural products globally. The case study shows that there are deficiencies in the management of the agricultural supply chain (ASC), which reduces productivity. An important pillar of it is the distribution and sale of its products, which are currently weak and obsolete. The contribution of this research is a basic model of rice supply chain management using the Business Process Management (BPM) approach. In the model it is important and requires expert observations so that its realization allows solving the problems of its processes, and in this way, rice farmers achieve recognition in the national and international market. / This article explores a rice supply chain management model in Arequipa as part of an agricultural supply chain research project in Peru. The research was consolidated with input from researchers who have experience evaluating and analyzing the supply chain of agricultural products globally. The case study shows that there are deficiencies in the management of the agricultural supply chain (ASC), which reduces productivity. An important pillar of it is the distribution and sale of its products, which are currently weak and obsolete. The contribution of this research is a basic model of rice supply chain management using the Business Process Management (BPM) approach. In the model it is important and requires expert observations so that its realization allows solving the problems of its processes, and in this way, rice farmers achieve recognition in the national and international market. / Trabajo de investigación

Implementación de células calefactoras alimentadas por microondas para mejora energética y eliminación de combustibles fósiles en procesos de calentamiento de fluidos alimentarios

Alcañiz Cosín, Diego 19 February 2021 (has links)
[ES] Los tratamientos térmicos tienen un gran peso en la industria agroalimentaria, siendo el origen de hasta el 80% de las emisiones de CO2 generadas por este sector en algunas regiones. Por esta razón, existe un gran interés en nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a procesos térmicos que puedan alimentarse por electricidad, ya que puede provenir de fuentes de energía renovable y, por tanto, ser neutras en emisiones. En este contexto, la empresa Microbiotech S.L. ha desarrollado la tecnología de Célula Básica de Transferencia de Energía (CBTE), la cual consiste en conducir energía de microondas por un cable coaxial, de forma muy eficiente, hasta el material a calentar, y este tiene las dimensiones óptimas para absorber toda la energía y calentarse de forma homogénea. Este material es un tipo de cerámica, modificada para que absorba la energía de microondas, incrementando su temperatura rápidamente, pero manteniendo la liberación de calor lenta típica de materiales cerámicos. El objetivo de la tesis fue incrementar el estado de desarrollo de esta tecnología en su aplicación para calentar fluidos, caracterizarla más en profundidad y verificar su viabilidad para pasteurización de alimentos líquidos, independientemente de su capacidad para absorber microondas. El primer paso de la investigación se centró en hallar el material más adecuado para esta tecnología, con la premisa de elevar rápido su temperatura, y liberar el calor absorbido lentamente. Se escogió una formulación cerámica con un 50% de SiC como susceptor. Se validó su aplicación como calefactor de aire ofreciendo un 40% de ahorro en comparación con los convencionales. A continuación, tras tres ciclos de ensayo y error, se construyó un prototipo de calentador de fluidos por tecnología CBTE capaz de alcanzar temperaturas de pasteurización, funcionar de forma prolongada y ofreciendo una eficiencia energética del 45%. En tercer lugar, por medio de simulación multifísica, se simularon diversas variables del prototipo. En las simulaciones se encontró un problema de sobrecalentamiento porque, debido al patrón de circulación del fluido, parte de este permanecía más tiempo en contacto con la placa, lo cual se solucionó mediante láminas metálicas que guiaban el paso del fluido. Por último, se analizó la entropía generada por el sistema, examinando la influencia de distintos parámetros, concluyendo que la principal variable afecta al fluido a calentar. En conclusión, se ha conseguido obtener un prototipo de tecnología CBTE para calentar fluidos a temperaturas de pasteurización, se conocen los pasos para mejorarlo en futuras iteraciones gracias a las simulaciones multifísicas, y se conoce la influencia de las distintas variables en la generación de entropía. / [CA] Els tractaments tèrmics tenen una gran importancia en la indústria agroalimentària, sent l'origen de fins al 80% de les emissions de CO2 generades per aquest sector en algunes regions. Per aquesta raó, hi ha un gran interès en noves tecnologies aplicades a processos tèrmics que puguin alimentar-se per electricitat, ja que pot provenir de fonts d'energia renovable i per tant, ser neutres en emissions. En aquest context, l'empresa Microbiotech S.L. ha desenvolupat la tecnologia de Cèl·lula Bàsica de Transferència d'Energia (CBTE), la qual consisteix en conduir energia de microones per un cable coaxial, de forma molt eficient, fins el material a escalfar. Aquest material és un tipus de ceràmica, modificada perquè absorbeixi l'energia de microones, incrementant la seua temperatura ràpidament, però mantenint l'alliberament de calor lenta típica de materials ceràmics. L'objectiu de la tesi va ser incrementar l'estat de desenvolupament d'aquesta tecnologia en la seua aplicació per escalfar fluids, i caracteritzar-la més en profunditat. El primer pas de la investigació es va centrar en trobar el material més adequat per a aquesta tecnologia, amb la premissa d'elevar ràpid la seua temperatura, i alliberar la calor absorbida lentament. Es va escollir una formulació ceràmica amb un 50% de SiC com susceptor. Es va validar la seua aplicació com calefactor d'aire oferint un 40% d'estalvi en comparació amb els convencionals. A continuació, després de tres cicles d'assaig i error, es va construir un prototip d'escalfador de fluids per tecnologia CBTE capaç d'assolir temperatures de pasteurització, funcionar de forma prolongada i oferint una eficiència energètica del 45%. En tercer lloc, per mitjà de simulació multifísica, es van simular diverses variables del prototip. En les simulacions es va trobar un problema de sobreescalfament perquè, a causa del patró de circulació del fluid, part d'aquest romania més temps en contacte amb la placa, la qual cosa es va solucionar mitjançant làmines metàl·liques que guiaven el pas del fluid. Finalment, es va analitzar l'entropia generada pel sistema, examinant la influència de diferents paràmetres, concloent que la principal variable es el fluid a escalfar. En conclusió, s'ha aconseguit obtenir un prototip de tecnologia CBTE per escalfar fluids, es coneixen els passos per millorar-lo en futures iteracions gràcies a les simulacions multifísicas, i es coneix la influència de les diferents variables en la generació d'entropia. / [EN] Thermal treatments have a great impact in the agri-food industry, being the origin of up to 80% of the CO2 emissions generated by this sector in some regions. For this reason, there is great interest in new technologies applied to thermal processes that can be powered by electricity, since it can come from renewable energy sources and therefore be neutral in emissions. In this context, the company Microbiotech S.L. has developed the Basic Cell of Energy Transference (BCET) technology, which consists of conducting microwave energy through a coaxial cable, very efficiently, to the material to be heated. This material is a ceramic, modified to absorb microwave energy, increasing its temperature rapidly, but maintaining the slow release of heat typical of ceramic materials. The objective of the thesis was to increase the state of development of this technology in its application to heat fluids, and to characterize it more in depth. The first step of the research focused on finding the most suitable material for this technology, with the premise of rapidly raising its temperature, and releasing the absorbed heat slowly. A ceramic formulation with 50% SiC was chosen as a susceptor. Its application as an air heater was validated, offering 40% savings compared to conventional ones. Then, after three cycles of trial and error, a prototype fluid heater was built using CBTE technology capable of reaching pasteurization temperatures, operating for a long time and offering an energy efficiency of 45%. Third, by means of multiphysics simulation, various variables of the prototype were simulated. In the simulations, an overheating problem was found because, due to the flow pattern of the fluid, part of it remained in contact with the plate for longer, which was solved by means of metal sheets that guided the passage of the fluid. Finally, the entropy generated by the system was analysed, examining the influence of different parameters, concluding that the main variable is the fluid to be heated. In conclusion, it has been possible to obtain a prototype of BCET technology to heat fluids, the steps to improve it in future iterations thanks to multiphysics simulations are known, and the influence of the different variables in the generation of entropy has been analysed. / Alcañiz Cosín, D. (2021). Implementación de células calefactoras alimentadas por microondas para mejora energética y eliminación de combustibles fósiles en procesos de calentamiento de fluidos alimentarios [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/163249

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