Spelling suggestions: "subject:"agricultural productivity"" "subject:"gricultural productivity""
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Agricultural knowledge-support portal-model for South African emerging farmers.Akinsola, Olabode Samuel. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (DTech. degree in Business Informatics) / South Africa's post-apartheid Black farmers commonly referred to nowadays as "emerging farmers" need knowledge support to be successful in agricultural productions. Web-based learning enables knowledge users and knowledge providers to actively engage interactively, and provides a dynamic platform of knowledge support with unparallel flexibility and convenience. However, this technology is yet to be adequately harnessed to the benefit of South Africa Black emerging farmers, who urgently requires knowledge support that could enable their transformation into market oriented farming. In this study we present a model to solve this problem.
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Productivity and profitability measures of emerging farm enterprises in the Mpumalanga province.Tshiame, Mokete Ishmael. January 2013 (has links)
M.Tech. Business Administration. Business School. / In South Africa emerging farm enterprises are a primary focus of government interventions with the view of improving and increasing productivity and profitability of the land redistribution beneficiaries. However, the state of productivity and profitability of the emerging farm enterprises is not well documented. The problem faced by emerging farm enterprises in South Africa is that they are not graduating from emerging to commercial farming enterprises as was expected from 1994. Smallholder farmers find it difficult to participate in the markets because of a range of constraints and barriers reducing incentives to participation. There are several factors contributing to this, but lack of information on productivity and profitability seem to champion the dilemma. Not much is known about the productivity and profitability of emerging farming enterprises. The aim of this study was to contribute to the body of knowledge, in pursuance of measures of productivity and profitability for improving the emerging farmers' situation.
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The role of women's associations in agricultural development : a case study of Gitarama, RwandaGoyette, Monique January 1992 (has links)
The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of membership in women's rural associations on farm productivity. A survey of 320 women was carried out in the Prefecture of Gitarama in Rwanda, in order to obtain primary data and test the hypothesis. / The survey results indicate that women's associations contribute to an increased yield compared to NON-MEMBERS. / In the case of credit and technical assistance, women in general received low support. Being a member of an association provides additional income to the member, but this is not the main reason to join the association. Social reasons, such as not having to work alone and being able to exchange views with other women, prevail over the economic reasons. Mutual aid is considered an important factor when considering joining the association. / The survey results revealed that MEMBERS in general are more literate, are slightly older, have larger families and spend a higher percentage of their income on investments than NON-MEMBERS. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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Management practices, soil quality and maize yield in smallholder farming systems of central MalawiPelletier, Bernard, 1964- January 2000 (has links)
The effect of management practices used by smallholder farmers to improve soil quality and increase maize yield was examined in an 80 ha. micro-watershed of central Malawi. Because of the complexity inherent in smallholder farming systems, this research proposed the combination of participatory methods with analytical techniques developed in field ecology, such as multivariate and spatial analysis. During a Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), farmers identified factors potentially influencing soil quality and maize yield. One hundred and seventy-six (176) plots were located in twenty-nine (29) fields and characterized for management practices and biophysical characteristics. Soil samples were collected at each plot and analysed for a suite of properties. The maize yield was measured for both 1996--97 and 1997--98 seasons. A formal survey was used to gather information on household characteristics. Results showed that management practices that were promoted by a previous extension project, such as alley cropping and the planting of grass on contour ridges, were strongly correlated and found mainly in fields located closer to house compounds. Farmers with a higher proportion of their land under wetland gardens tended to use less agroforestry. Food security was associated with households that were able to purchase inorganic fertilizers, had larger landholding size, and owned livestock and woodlots. The effect of management practices on maize yield and soil quality was partially confounded with characteristics of the plot, such as slope, degradation level, number of years under cultivation or pest damage. Higher maize yield was observed in plots that were better managed, as expressed by the combination of different management practices, lower pest incidence, fewer erosion signs and higher soil fertility. Some positive effects of alley cropping on soil quality were observed in plots that were cultivated for a longer period and located on flatter land. This study demo
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Rationalité des systèms de production agricole en HaitiBellande, Alex. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.
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La flora arvense dels conreus cerealístics de secà: efectes de la intensificació agrícola - Weed diversity of dryland cereal fields: effects of agricultural intensification.Armengot Martínez, Laura 23 July 2010 (has links)
La intensificació agrícola que s'ha produït al llarg de les darreres dècades ha fet possible un augment de la producció. Aquesta intensificació, però, ha ocasionat greus conseqüències pel medi, entre les que destaca, la pèrdua de biodiversitat. La pèrdua de diversitat d'espècies arvenses és un dels problemes més rellevants perquè tenen un paper clau en el funcionament dels sistemes agrícoles. La intensificació agrícola s’ha produït a diferents escales espacials. A escala de paisatge, l’agregació de parcel•les i la reducció dels hàbitats associats als conreus a causa de la concentració parcel•lària ha comportat una important simplificació del paisatge agrícola. A escala local, la intensificació agrícola s’ha posat de manifest amb el monocultiu, la llaurada intensiva, la fertilització química i l’aplicació d’herbicides.
En aquesta tesi s'ha integrat aquests dos aspectes de la intensificació agrícola mitjançant diferents aproximacions, amb l’objectiu d’aprofundir en el coneixement dels seus efectes sobre la diversitat de la flora arvense dels conreus de cereals de secà. Amb aquesta finalitat, es van seleccionar 18 localitats de la Catalunya Central situades en un gradient de complexitat del paisatge i, en cadascuna d'elles, una finca cerealista amb gestió ecològica i una amb gestió convencional.
Els resultats d’aquesta tesi doctoral mostren que la intensificació de les pràctiques agrícoles, avaluada per mitjà de (i) la comparació entre parcel•les amb gestió ecològica i convencional (Capítols 1, 3 i 4), (ii) diverses variables relacionades amb la gestió com ara les aportacions de nitrogen amb la fertilització (Capítols 2 i 3) i (iii) la seva integració en un índex d’intensificació agrícola (Capítol 2), afecta negativament la riquesa de la flora arvense. A més, la intensificació agrícola comporta la reducció de la riquesa de grups funcionals com les lleguminoses i la pèrdua d’espècies segetals poc freqüents i abundants (Capítol 1).
La caracterització de les pràctiques agrícoles de cada una de les parcel•les estudiades ha permès constatar que la gestió ecològica és, en general, menys intensa que la gestió convencional (Capítol 2), però a més, ha permès conèixer que existeix una gran heterogeneïtat en la intensitat de la gestió en cada sistema. Això indica que no es pot associar sempre la gestió ecològica amb pràctiques agrícoles poc intenses, i la gestió convencional amb pràctiques agrícoles molt intenses.
Els resultats també mostren que la riquesa d’espècies arvenses dels camps ecològics i convencionals no varia en relació a les característiques del paisatge que els envolta (Capítol 3). L’efecte de la complexitat del paisatge sobre la riquesa de la flora arvense és un tema de debat perquè s’han obtingut resultats contraposats. La majoria d’estudis que constaten un efecte positiu de la complexitat del paisatge sobre la riquesa d'espècies analitzen la flora arvense dels marges dels camps i/o de les vores (la part externa del camp adjacent al marge). Aquesta tesi constata que no es produeix aquest efecte als centres dels camps, bé per la limitada dispersió de les llavors o bé per la intensitat més gran de les pràctiques agrícoles als centres que als marges dels camps.
Una de les conseqüències de la intensificació agrícola és l’increment de l’abundància d’algunes espècies arvenses, com ara el margall (Lolium rigidum) o la cugula (Avena sterilis). L’elevada dominància d’aquestes espècies fa que es puguin considerar espècies invasores dels conreus cerealístics. Els resultats d’aquesta tesi (Capítol 4) mostren que l’augment d’aquestes espècies invasores nadiues afecta negativament l’abundància i la riquesa d’espècies de la comunitat arvense resident, tal i com s’ha descrit per algunes espècies exòtiques. / Agricultural intensification over the past decades, at both the local (management intensification) and the landscape scale, is the main reason for the current biodiversity decline. The decline of arable weed diversity in agro-ecosystems is a matter of great concern because of its key role in supporting biodiversity at higher trophic levels. This thesis focus on the biotic and abiotic factors that may have an influence on arable weed species, in order to evaluate their effect and develop mechanisms to counteract the increasing loss of weed diversity.
To fulfil these objectives, several experiments were performed in central Catalonia, in 18 localities placed along a gradient of landscape complexity. In each locality, an organic and a conventional cereal farm were selected.
The results of this thesis show that intensification of management, evaluated by means of (i) the comparison of organic and conventional fields (Chapters 1, 3 and 4), (ii) several management variables (Chapters 2 and 3) and an index of land-use (Chapter 2), negatively affects weed flora. The characterization of farming practices (Chapter 2) indicates that land-use intensity is lower in organic fields but also that there is a gradient of land-use intensity between and within organic and conventional farms. These results suggest that it is an over-simplification to always equate organic farming with low intensive management. This thesis also demonstrates that landscape complexity does not influence weed flora within cereal fields (Chapter 3), although several authors have reported some effects on boundaries and crop edges. Finally, the results also highlight that native invaders, such as Lolium rigidum and Avena sterilis, could have negative effects on diversity of weed communities, as it has been previously proved for alien species (Chapter 4).
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Intertemporal risk management decisions of farmers under preference, market, and policy dynamics /Du, Wen. January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Washington State University, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references. Available online via the WSU Dissertations Web Site.
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"Filling the sinful stomach" : a critical, systemic learning action research approach to food security in the eastern hills of Nepal /KC, Sharan Kumar. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, 2001. / A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, February, 2001. Bibliography : leaves 296-314.
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Agriculture and future climate dynamics in Africa impacts and adaptation options /Nhemachena, Charles. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.(Environmental Economics))--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Abstract in English. Includes bibliographical references.
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Evaluation of the impact of farm land preservation on the use and valuation of neighboring propertyRuss, Thomas Harold. January 1995 (has links)
Thesis (M.P.A.)--Kutztown University of Pennsylvania, 1995. / Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 45-06, page: 2960. Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 93-94).
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