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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dažnų sekų paieškos tikimybinio algoritmo tyrimas / Investigation of a probabilistic algorithm for mining frequent sequences

Cibulskis, Žilvinas 13 June 2006 (has links)
The subject of the paper is to analyze the problem of the frequency of the subsequences in large volume sequences. A new probabilistic algorithm for mining frequent sequences (ProMFS) is proposed. In the abstract of this paper we get know information about the main concepts of the analysis this problem. We got acquainted with the Market Basket Data example which main idea is to find most frequent set of the customer’s selected items. There were also presented several algorithms, which analyze the problems of finding the frequent sequences. The most popular algorithms are: Apriori – based on the property: “Any subset of a large item set must be large”, Eclat – the main feature is dynamically process each transaction online maintaining 2-itemset counts, GSP algorithm – which can be used to identify surely not frequent sets. According to the results of these algorithms the new probabilistic algorithm for mining frequent sequences was implemented. The new algorithm is based on the estimation of the statistical characteristic of the main sequence. According to these characteristics we generated much shorter model sequence that is analyzed with the GSP algorithm. The subsequence frequency in the main sequence is estimated by the results of the GSP algorithm applied on the new sequence. The new probabilistic algorithm implemented in the practical part we tested in some experiments. There were two programs used – the first one was created in Pascal language, the second in Delphi... [to full text]

Pjaustymo uždavinio algoritmų realizacija ir tyrimas / Implementation and analysis of cutting stock problem algorithms

Pokštas, Jonas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama negiljotininio, dvimačio, stačiakampių pjaustymo uždavinio atliekų minimizavimo problema ir jos sprendimo metodai. Dėl uždavinio kombinatorinio sudėtingumo neįmanoma tiksliai ir visais atvejais pateikti optimalų jo sprendinį, todėl pasirinkti apytiksliai sprendimo metodai. Uždavinys sprendžiamas metaeuristiniais hibridiniais genetiniu ir modeliuojamo atkaitinimo algoritmais apjungtais su euristiniais „Žemiausio kairėn užpildymo“ ir „Žemiausio tarpo“, kuris yra originali „Geriausiai tinkamo“ metodo modifikacija. Taip pat realizuojami minėti euristiniai algoritmai atskirai nuo hibridinių. Atliekama šių metodų lyginamoji analizė bei jų parametrų ir pradinių sąlygų parinkimo įtakos tyrimas sprendinio kokybei. Suformuojama ir pateikiama metodika pjaustymo uždavinių sprendimui. / A non – guillotinable, two – dimensional, rectangular cutting stock problem is being introduced in this paper and its solving methods either. Due to the combinatorial complexity of a problem, it is impossible to solve it optimally for every instance. Consequently an aproximate methods have been chosen. The problem is solved by metaheuristic genetic and simulated annealing methods hybridised with heuristic „Bottom Left Fill“ and „Lowest Gap“, which is an originally modified version of „Best Fit“ algorithm. The same heuristic algorithms are implemented separately from hybridised ones. A comparation analysis of these methods is done and the influence on solution quality depending on the selection of algorithms parameters and its initial conditions is considered. The methodology of solving cutting stock problems is being formulated and presented.

Duomenų apsaugos sistemos analizė / The analysis of the system of data security

Chlapotinaitė, Jurgita 15 June 2005 (has links)
The security system of AES data has been analyzed in this work. The basics of Galue fields, which are related to the mathematical model of the AES algorithm, are also presented in this work. The transformations of The AES algorithm have been analyzed and illustrated with examples. The programmes of the AES algorithm performing these transformations are also presented here. In this piece of paper you will also find some suggestions and their realizations concerning the possibility of the modification of the AES algorithm. Moreover, the restrictions of the key and block of the AES algorithm are submitted. In the last part of the work you will find a program of AES algorithm, as well as sub-keys, S-tables, programs of modified S-tables, and the results of displayed the programs.

Daugiamačių duomenų vizualizavimo Sammono algoritmu tyrimas / Examination of multidimensional visualization using Sammon’s mapping

Bernatavičienė, Jolita 11 June 2004 (has links)
The classic algorithm for Sammom’s projection and some new its modifications are examined in details. All the algorithms are oriented to minimize the projection error. Four modifications are developed and examined on the view on the following stand points: projection error – iteration; projection error – computing time; projection error - “magic factor”; projection error – vibration of derivatives; visual analysis of projected data for fixed projection error. The discovered new ways for minimization of the projection error makes a background for the further research in this field.

Mikrosensorinio tinklo optimalaus maršrutizavimo sistemos sudarymas ir tyrimas / Optimal routing systems of microsensor network

Gaudėšius, Rolandas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Vystyti mikrosensorinio tinklo duomenų perdavimą racionalaus maršrutizavimo sistemoje. Minimizuoti perdavimų skaičių, sudarant bevielį mikrosensorinį tinklą. Taip pat, trumpinti skaičiavimo procesus, kai mazgai turi atlikti racionalų maršrutizavimą. Bevielio mikrosensorinio tinklo trumpiausio kelio radimas turi būti paprastai realizuojamas ir skaičiuojamas. / In this paper it is described a method of creation of the shortest path algorithm for wireless sensor networks. Algorithm computes optimal shortest path and works on any wireless sensor networks topology. One of the limitations of wireless sensor nodes is their inherent limited energy resource. The limited available energy of sensor nodes is mainly problem making communication and computational processing. An energy efficient routing protocol can limit the number of nodes transmissions and the computational complexity of finding the shortest routing path. In the experimental part, the correct functionality of the algorithm is evaluated and the results are analized.

Klaidos skleidimo atgal algoritmo tyrimai / Investigation of the error back-propagation algorithm

Sargelis, Kęstas 30 June 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe detaliai išanalizuotas klaidos skleidimo atgal algoritmas, atlikti tyrimai. Išsamiai analizuota neuroninių tinklų teorija. Algoritmui taikyti ir analizuoti sistemoje Visual Studio Web Developer 2008 sukurta programa su įvairiais tyrimo metodais, padedančiais ištirti algoritmo daromą klaidą. Taip pat naudotasi Matlab 7.1 sistemos įrankiais neuroniniams tinklams apmokyti. Tyrimo metu analizuotas daugiasluoksnis dirbtinis neuroninis tinklas su vienu paslėptu sluoksniu. Tyrimams naudoti gėlių irisų ir oro taršos duomenys. Atlikti gautų rezultatų palyginimai. / The present work provides an in-depth analysis of the error back-propagation algorithm, as well as information on the investigation carried out. A neural network theory has been analysed in detail. For the application and analysis of the algorithm in the system Visual Studio Web Developer 2008, a program has been developed with various investigation methods, which help to research into the error of the algorithm. For training neural networks, Matlab 7.1 tools have been used. In the course of the investigation, a multilayer artificial neural network with one hidden layer has been analysed. For the purpose of the investigation, data on irises (plants) and air pollution have been used. Comparisons of the results obtained have been made.

Dokumentų analizė ir palyginimas naudojant ontologijas / Analysis and comparison of documents using ontologies

Kurklietytė, Gita 08 September 2009 (has links)
Šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje informacijos kiekiai auga milžiniškais tempais, todėl atsiranda poreikis ją apdoroti ir sisteminti kompiuterio pagalba pagal jos prasmę. Ontologijos, dar besivystantis ir evoliucionuojantis produktas, yra vis plačiau naudojamos įvairių rūšių informacinėms sistemoms intelektualizuoti. Vienas iš tokių pavyzdžių galėtų būti automatinis elektroninių laiškų analizatorius, veikiantis ontologijų principu – sistema, atpažįstanti atėjusį laišką pagal jo prasmę ir galinti sugeneruoti jam atsakymą. Šiame darbe aprašyta pagal išnagrinėtą konkrečią internetinių loterijų informacijos sritį suprojektuotos ontologijos ir jų interpretavimo taisyklės, veikiančios sukurtu žodžių dažnių bei klasės koeficientų palyginimo algoritmo principu. Taip pat suprogramuotas mechanizmas veikiantis ontologijų ir minėto algoritmo pagrindu, klasifikuojantis elektroninio laiško tekstą pagal jo prasmę, pritaikytas konkrečiai internetinių loterijų informacijos sričiai. Atlikta algoritmo klasifikavimo efektyvumo ir paklaidos analizė. / Nowadays amounts of information are growing drastically. Now we have the new needs to manage this information according to its meaning with help of computer. Ontologies are still in evolution and progress phase, but this product is increasingly used to create intelligent information systems. One of samples can be an automatic analyzer for e-mails recognition working on the basis of ontologies. This is a system, which can recognize the new e-mail according to its meaning and send the corresponding reply. In this research work are described an ontology, which was designed according to particular internet lotteries information domain, and the rules to ontology interpretation. These rules are working on the algorithm basis. The principles of computing are the comparison of word rates and the class coefficients. The algorithm was created to classify e-mails from above mentioned particular information domain. Furthermore, the ontology and the reading rules were realized in mechanism, which can classify the text according to its meaning. The efficiency and the classification error of this mechanism was analyzed and evaluated.

Trajectories Formation for Mobile Multidimensional Piezorobots with Nanometer Resolution / Nanometrų skyros judančių daugiamačių pjezorobotų trajektorijų formavimas

Drukteinienė, Asta 07 December 2011 (has links)
Piezoelectric actuators are resonance systems operating principles based on high-frequency oscillations excitation, are used in structures of robots. Observed piezorobots have no additional motion generating structures, but only direct contact points with the static plane. Piezorobot motion trajectory is broken lines, therefore, the classical trajectory formation methods cannot be applied. The main object is motion trajectory formation methods. The main aim of this work is to create motion trajectory formation methods for precision multidimensional piezorobots. The application of these algorithms is piezorobot motion simulation and control software. / Pjezoelektriniai judesio keitikliai – rezonansinės sistemos, kurių veikimo principas pagrįstas aukšto dažnio virpesių žadinimu. Disertacijoje tiriamieji pjezorobotai neturi papildomų judesį generuojančių struktūrų, o tik tiesioginius kontakto su statine plokštuma taškus. Kadangi judesio trajektorija yra laužyta, klasikiniai trajektorijų formavimo metodai netinka. Pagrindinis tyrimo objektas yra judesio trajektorijų formavimo metodai. Pagrindinis disertacijos tikslas – sukurti precizinių daugiamačių pjezorobotų judesio trajektorijų formavimo algoritmus. Sukurtų algoritmų taikymo sritis – pjezorobotų judesio modeliavimo ir valdymo programinė įranga.

Fraktalo vizualizavimas internete / The fractal visualization on the Internet

Žavoronkov, Viktor 23 July 2012 (has links)
Šio darbo uždavinys – sukurti internetinę programą, vaizduojančią trimatį fraktalą. Tam tikslui buvo išnagrinėti esami metodai ir technologijos trimatei grafikai internete vizualizuoti. Palyginus išnagrinėtus metodus ir technologijos,buvo parinktas tinkamas užduočiai realizuoti metodas, pateiktos išvados. Padaryta programavimo kalbų skirtu programavimui internete apžvalga, aprašytos jų savybės, principai ir palygintos jų teikiamos galimybės ir tinkamumas šiam darbui. Sukurtoje programoje vaizduojamas fraktalas-Mengerio kempinė. Pateiktas fraktalo konstravimo rekursinis algoritmas. Pateiktose programose realizuoti aprašytas rekursinis algoritmas ir algoritmas, kuriame naudojama Kronekerio daugyba ir šablonas matricos pavidalu konstruojant fraktalą. Bandant pagerinti programą, sukurta ir pateikta antrojo algoritmo modifikacija, kurioje bandoma saugoti tik matricos dalį. / The main purpose of this work is to create an internet program, which depicts the three-dimensional fractal. Striving to meet the main objective of this work the existing methods and technologies for the three-dimensional graphics were explored and visualized in the internet. After comparing analyzed methods and technologies, the appropriate method for realizing the task was selected and findings were proposed. Moreover for choosing the programming language: the review of programming languages was made, their characteristics and principles were described, and their provided opportunities were compared. The fractal – Menger Sponge is depicted in the created program, and the recursive algorithm of the fractal construction is proposed and described in the given programs. The Kronecker Multiplication and the pattern in the matrix form are used for constructing the fractal. For trying to improve the program the second algorithm modification was created and introduced, in which was making attempt to protect just the part of matrix.

Dokumentų klasifikavimas semantinių struktūrų pagrindu / Document classification based on semantic structures

Bogdanovičius, Valentinas 02 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe aprašomi algoritmai ir metodai automatiniam lietuviškų tekstų klasifikavimui panaudojant semantines duomenų struktūras. Apžvelgti jau žinomi ir naudojami elektroninių dokumentų klasifikavimo metodai, įvertinti jų privalumai ir trūkumai. Pasiūlyti algoritmai lietuviškų žodžių analizei, aprašytos duomenų struktūros (grafai), kurios gali būti naudojamos dokumentų semantiniams vaizdams sudaryti, rasti praktiniai jų sudarymo metodai. Aprašytos eksperimentinės programinės priemonės duomenų analizei bei atvaizdavimui. Darbe pateikiami eksperimentų rezultatai, kurių pagrindu suformuluotos išvados. / This paper defines algorithms and methods for automatic Lithuanian documents classification using semantic structures. Some popular classification methods are reviewed, displaying their strong and weak parts. Basing on this knowledge some original algorithms are proposed. This includes lexical Lithuanian word analysis, document semantic structure generation, automatic category tree generation. Implemented software systems for these methods are described. Multiple experiment results and conclusions are also introduced.

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