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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Targeted Prioritized Processing in Overloaded Data Stream Systems

Works, Karen E. 11 December 2013 (has links)
"We are in an era of big data, sensors, and monitoring technology. One consequence of this technology is the continuous generation of massive volumes of streaming data. To support this, stream processing systems have emerged. These systems must produce results while meeting near-real time response obligations. However, computation intensive processing on high velocity streams is challenging. Stream arrival rates are often unpredictable and can fluctuate. This can cause systems to not always be able to process all incoming data within their required response time.Yet inherently some results may be much more significant than others. The delay or complete neglect of producing certain highly significant results could result in catastrophic consequences. Unfortunately, this critical problem of targeted prioritized processing in overloaded environments remains largely unaddressed to date. In this talk, I will describe four key challenges that my dissertation successfully tackled. First, I address the problem of optimally processing the most significant tuples identified by the user at compile-time before less critical ones. Second, I propose a new aggregate operator that increases the accuracy of aggregate results produced for TP systems. Third, I address the problem of identifying and pulling forward significant tuples at run-time via dynamic determinants. Fourth, I design multi-input operators, such as the join operator, which produce multi-stream results in significance order. My experimental studies explore a rich diversity of workloads, queries, and data sets, including real data streams. The results substantiate that my approaches are a significant improvement over the state-of-the-art approaches."

Machine Learning Methods for Predicting Trading Behaviour of an Actively Managed Mutual Fund

Forslund, Herman, Johnson, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
This paper aims to reverse engineer the tradingstrategy of an actively managed mutual fund by identifyingtechnical patterns in their trading. Investment strategies formany institutional investors consists of both fundamental andtechnical analysis. The purpose of the paper is to explore towhich extent the latter can be used to predict the trading actionsby taking some commonly used technical indicators as input invarious machine learning algorithms to assess patterns betweenthem and the trading of the fund. Furthermore, the technicalindicators’ ability to predict future prices is analysed using thesame methods. The results are not sufficiently clear to suggestthat the fund uses technical indicators to begin with, let alonewhich ones. As for the prediction of future prices, the technicalindicators appear to have some predictive ability. / Syftet med denna rapport är att prediktera handeln i en aktivt förvaltad aktiefond med hjälp av fyra maskininlärningsmetoder. Investeringsstrategier kombinerar i regel två analysmetoder, fundamental respektive teknisk analys. Avsikten med rapporten är att utforska huruvida det sistnämnda kan användas för att förutspå fondens handel genom att använda ett antal vanligt förekommande tekniska indikatorer och medelst maskininlärningsmetoder söka efter mönster mellan dessa och handeln. Vidare innefattar även studien en analys över hur väl tekniska indikatorer predikterar upprespektive nedgångar på aktiepriser. Vad gäller investeringsstrategierna återfanns inga tydliga samband mellan de utvalda indikatorerna och transaktionerna. Resultaten för andra delen av studien tyder på viss prediktiv förmåga för tekniska indikatorer på marknadsrörelser. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2021, KTH, Stockholm


LUIZ MARIO CAMPELLO P M DE FARIAS 01 September 2005 (has links)
[pt] Diversos trabalhos publicados recentemente analisam o impacto da entrada de bancos estrangeiros no mercado bancário brasileiro. Muitos desses estudos avaliam o impacto dessa entrada no desempenho dos bancos nacionais, na oferta de crédito e em outras variáveis. Outros estudos enfatizam a oferta de crédito e o papel social dos bancos como fontes de financiamento para a iniciativa privada. Entretanto nenhum estudo amplo foi realizado com o objetivo de se identificar quais são os fatores determinantes da estratégia de alocação de ativos dos bancos com atividades de varejo no Brasil, e se esses fatores diferem entre bancos privados nacionais, bancos estrangeiros e bancos estatais. Para responder essas questões este estudo analisa dados das demonstrações financeiras de 35 bancos referentes ao período de 2000 a 2003. Os bancos da amostra foram selecionados na lista dos 50 Maiores Bancos por Ativos Totais (-) Intermediações, elaborada pelo Banco Central do Brasil, com um critério adicional de terem apresentado mais de cinco agências bancárias em qualquer ano do período analisado. Este trabalho enfatiza as características dos bancos como fatores determinantes da estratégia de alocação de ativos. Foram realizados testes estatísticos e regressões de dados em painel considerando três grupos de regressores: tamanho do banco, tipo de controle, e sua estrutura de financiamento. Os resultados sugerem que há diferenças no financiamento dos ativos entre bancos privados nacionais, estrangeiros e estatais. / [en] Several recent papers analyze the impact of foreign bank entry on the Brazilian bank market. Some of these studies assess the impact of those entrances on domestic banks` performance, on the overall credit supply, and on other variables. Other studies emphasize the credit supply and the banks` social role as financiers of the private sector. Nevertheless, no comprehensive study has aimed at identifying the determinant factors of asset allocation strategies of banks with retail activities in Brazil, and whether these factors vary according to different bank ownership control - private domestic, government, and foreign. With the objective of shedding some light on this subject, this work analyzes the financial statements of 35 banks in the time period 2000 - 2003. The sampled banks were selected from the list of the Largest 50 Banks by Total Assets (-) Intermediations, organized by The Central Bank of Brazil, with the additional criteria of having more than 5 offices in any year of the considered time period. The present work emphasizes the banks` characteristics as determinant factors of asset allocation strategies. Statistical tests and panel data analysis were run allowing for three regressor groups: bank size, ownership control, and funding structure. The results suggest there are significant differences between private domestic, government, and foreign banks in financing their assets.

An Empirical Study of Modern Portfolio Optimization / En empirisk studie av modern portföljoptimering

Lagerström, Erik, Magne Schrab, Michael January 2020 (has links)
Mean variance optimization has shortcomings making the strategy far from optimal from an investor’s perspective. The purpose of the study is to conduct an empirical investigation as to how modern methods of portfolio optimization address the shortcomings associated with mean variance optimization. Equal risk contribution, the Most diversified portfolioand a modification of the Minimum variance portfolio are considered as alternatives to the mean variance model. Portfolio optimization models introduced are explained in detail and solved using the optimization algorithms Cyclical coordinate descent and Alternating direction method of multipliers. Through implementation and backtesting using a diverse set of indices representing various asset classes, the study shows that the mean variance model suffers from high turnover and sensitivity to input parameters in comparison to the modern alternatives. The sophisticated asset allocation models equal risk contribution and the most diversified portfolio do not rely on expected return as an input parameter, which is seen as an advantage, and are not affected to the same extent by the shortcomings associated with mean variance optimization. The paper concludes by discussing the findings critically and suggesting ideas for further research. / Maximering av avkastning i samband med minimering av varians, på engelska kallat Mean variance optimization, är inte optimalt ur en investerares synpunkt. Syftet med denna uppsats är att genomföra en empirisk studie av hur moderna metoder för portföljallokering adresserar de problem som är förknippade med Mean variance optimization. Mer specifikt undersöks allokeringsstrategierna Equal risk contribution, Most diversified portfolio samt en variant av Minimum variance som ersättare till Mean variance optimization. Allokeringsmetoderna beskrivs detaljerat och löses med optimeringsalgoritmerna Cyclical coordinate descent och Alternating direction method of multipliers. Genom implementering och historisk simulering med ett antal index som representerar olika tillgångsslag visar studien att Mean variance optimization innebär hög portföljomsättning och har en större känslighet för ingångsparametrar i jämförelse med de moderna alternativen. De sofistikerade allokeringsmodellerna Equal risk contribution och Most diversified portfolio bygger inte på ingångsparametern förväntad avkastning, vilket ses som en fördel, och drabbas inte i samma utsträckning av problemen associerade med Mean variance optimization. Studien avslutas med att diskutera resultatet kritiskt och ge förslag på vidare studier som bygger på den teori och det resultat som har presenterats.

Essays on corporate social responsibility and socially responsible investment / Essais sur la responsabilité sociétale de l'entreprise et sur l'investissement socialement responsable

Lapointe, Vincent 09 December 2013 (has links)
Notre thèse traite des thématiques de la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE), de sa relation avec la performance économique et financière de l’entreprise, et de l’investissement socialement responsable (ISR). Ces thématiques ont récemment gagné en popularité, favorisées par un contexte de crise économique et environnementale. Notre thèse se compose de quatre principaux chapitres. Notre premier chapitre est une revue de la littérature académique sur la RSE et l’ISR. Nous proposons une revue interdisciplinaire de la littérature académique partagée entre l’économie et les sciences de gestion (éthique appliquée aux entreprises, stratégie et finance). Notre second chapitre est une analyse empirique de la relation entre RSE et performance financière de l’entreprise sous l’angle du coût du capital. Nous nous intéressons à l’impact de la publication d’une notation de la politique de RSE d’une entreprise sur la liquidité de ses titres et la taille de sa base d’actionnaires. Nos troisième et quatrième chapitres sont des analyses des propriétés de portefeuilles d’ISR construits à l’aide de nouvelles méthodes d’allocations. Ainsi nous analysons comment des stratégies d’allocations basées sur le risque modifient la performance des portefeuilles d’actifs financiers émis par des émetteurs ayant une politique de RSE, et réciproquement comment un univers d’investissement composé uniquement d’émetteurs ayant une politique de RSE modifie les propriétés de ces allocations alternatives. / Our thesis examines corporate social responsibility (CSR) and how it is linked to a firm’s economic and financial performance, as well as socially responsible investment (SRI). With the current environmental and economic uncertainty, these issues are attracting increasing interest. Our thesis is organized in four chapters. Chapter 1 is a literature review on CSR and SRI. We propose an interdisciplinary review of the academic literature in both economics and management sciences (ethics applied to business, strategy and finance). Chapter 2 is an empirical analysis of the relationship between CSR and a firm’s financial performance in terms of cost of capital. We look at the impact of publishing an evaluation of the firm’s involvement in CSR on the liquidity of its stocks and the size of its investor base. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 are analyses of the characteristics of SRI portfolios built according to new allocation methodologies. We analyze how risk-based allocations impact the performance of the portfolios of financial products of issuers involved in CSR, and reciprocally, how a universe of investment composed of the financial products of issuers involved in CSR impacts the properties of these alternative allocations.

Aid effectiveness, performance and vulnerability : new perspectives

Wagner, Laurent 28 March 2013 (has links)
La question de l’efficacité de l’aide publique au développement est complexe et protéiforme. L’aide se présente sous de nombreuses formes et implique de nombreux instruments et acteurs, dont les objectifs et mêmes les philosophies diffèrent fortement entre les pays et les organisations. De cet enchevêtrement, les économistes ont jusqu’alors échoué dans leurs recherches de relations macroéconomiques robustes censées guider l’action publique. Ainsi, aucun consensus ne semble pour l’instant émerger de ce débat. Dès lors, l’orientation des politiques de développement a essentiellement été influencée par des hypothèses contestables reposant sur des fondements empiriques fragiles. Ce travail tente d’apporter de nouveaux éléments au débat sur l’efficacité de l’aide au travers de sept essais. Les trois premiers chapitres se consacrent à la question de la relation entre aide et croissance du point de vue statistique. Les nouvelles approches qui y sont proposées tentent de surmonter la plupart des défauts de la littérature empirique existante. Nous y montrons que la relation entre aide et croissance est extrêmement complexe et qu’il est difficile de l’appréhender à l’aide des méthodes économétriques usuelles. De plus, bien que l’aide semble globalement efficace en termes de croissance du PIB, son efficacité dépend de différents facteurs révélés par la présence de seuils aussi bien conditionnels que non-Conditionnels. Parmi ces facteurs, la vulnérabilité économique semble jouer un rôle primordial et sa prise en compte s’avère indispensable pour une compréhension globale du lien entre l’aide et la croissance économique. Dans une seconde partie, les deux chapitres suivants s’intéressent plus particulièrement à l’aide sectorielle, à travers l’étude de l’efficacité de deux initiatives largement reconnues que sont l’aide à la scolarisation primaire universelle et l’aide au commerce. Leur efficacité sera alors déterminée non plus en termes de croissance du PIB mais en termes de scolarisation et de performance à l’exportation. A l’instar des trois premiers chapitres, nos résultats semblent confirmer la présence d’une relation significative entre l’aide et les objectifs visés. Nos conclusions, notamment celles en termes d’éducation, vont clairement à l’encontre de l’idée selon laquelle l’aide aurait fait plus de mal que de bien. Enfin, en se basant sur les résultats précédents, les chapitres six et sept explorent, dans une troisième partie, les possibilités d’amélioration des stratégies actuelles d’allocation de l’aide mises en œuvre notamment par les grands bailleurs multilatéraux. Une de nos principales observations est que la vulnérabilité économique est un facteur important devant être pris en compte dans le design des méthodes d’allocation de l’aide. / Aid effectiveness is a complex issue. Aid comes in many instruments, has many targets and involves many stakeholders whose objectives, methods and philosophy greatly differ across countries and institutions. From this mixed bag, economists have struggled finding strong regularities at the macroeconomic level to guide the political debate and consensus have failed to emerge. Hence, political stances have often been influenced by strong assumptions based on weak or at least hotly debated evidence. This work is an attempt to provide new perspectives on the aid effectiveness debate through seven essays. The first three chapters address the technical question of the aid/growth relationship issue using new approaches and new statistical instruments in an attempt to overcome most of the caveats of the aid empirical literature. We show that the aid/growth relationship is complex and difficult to measure using common statistical methods. Moreover, while aid is globally effective, its effectiveness depends on different factors reflected by the existence of conditional and unconditional thresholds. Among those factors, economic vulnerability seems to be a key component that has to be taken into account in order to identify this relationship. In a second part, we try to assess the effectiveness of two flagship initiatives which are Aid for Trade and Universal Primary Education with regards to the outcomes they ultimately target, namely, export performance for the former and school enrolment, gender parity and repetition rate in primary school for the later. As in the first three chapters, our results support the existence of a significant relationship between aid and the targeted outcomes. Those results, notably for the education sector, clearly argue against the idea that aid has done more bad then good. Finally, based on previous results, in a third part, chapters six and seven explore the mean to improve the current aid allocation strategies used notably by the Multilateral Development Banks. One of the main conclusions is that economic vulnerability is a central factor to be taken into account in the design of aid allocation strategies.

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