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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relações pedologia-geomorfologia-sedimentologia no Pantanal Norte / Relationships pedology-geomorphology-sedimentology in the Pantanal North

Alexandre Ferreira do Nascimento 30 May 2012 (has links)
As relações entre os solos, material de origem e feições geomórficas são importantes para a compreensão da distribuição dos solos na paisagem e o entendimento de sua variabilidade espacial, sobretudo em ambientes úmidos (wetlands) de natureza sedimentar complexa. Procurou-se descrever e caracterizar os ambientes deposicionais de uma área de estudo, a Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural (RPPN) SESC Pantanal, buscando na sedimentologia e na geomorfologia que sistemas deposicionais e/ou erosivos formaram a paisagem e dessa forma interpretar as alterações ocorridas no relevo e nos sedimentos responsáveis pela gênese dos solos nesta parte do Pantanal Norte. Primeiramente foram realizados os estudos geomorfológicos com auxílio de ferramentas de sensoriamento remoto, expedições ao campo e sobrevoo da área. Nos compartimentos identificados foram realizadas tradagens mecanizadas profundas para se observar a arquitetura e a distribuição dos sedimentos. Os solos de 3 transeções representativas da área foram descritos, coletados e analisados, de forma a se determinar a configuração lateral e vertical dos horizontes e camadas, assim como a classificação pedológica e as evidências de processos pedogenéticos e sedimentares. A paisagem da RPPN SESC Pantanal foi modelada desde o Pleistoceno superior pela atividade de sistemas deposicionais distributários dominados por rios, caracterizados pela sucessiva construção e abandono de lóbulos deposicionais. O leque aluvial do rio São Lourenço é responsável pela maior parte dos depósitos e das formas do relevo observadas na área de estudo, enquanto que a planície do rio Cuiabá tem menor contribuição e se restringe à parte oeste. De maneira geral, os solos de canais antigos são Neossolos Quartzarênicos, de planície aluvial são Gleissolos, Plintossolos ou Neossolos/Cambissolos flúvicos, de diques e Murundus são Planossolos. Os nódulos de ferro e manganês podem ocorrer nos solos das porções elevadas e baixas (canais, diques e planícies antigas). Os mosqueados são mais contrastantes nas porções baixas (planícies antigas) e progressivamente se tornam menos evidentes à medida que se caminha para as porções elevadas (diques). Os contrastes e gradientes texturais são observados em todos os solos que possuem textura média ou mais fina, independente da porção do relevo, resultado da combinação de processos pedogenéticos e sedimentares. A argiluviação é evidente em todos os solos, porém com intensidade variável. A elevada porcentagem de sódio trocável ocorre com maior frequência nos solos das porções elevadas que não sofrem inundação (diques e murundus), contudo, é observado também em locais com ligeira influência de lâmina dágua. Dessa forma, por meio da abordagem solo x paisagem é possível identificar o controle geológico na distribuição e formação dos solos, como é o caso da presença de Neossolos Quartzarênicos nos canais antigos e a formação de contrastes texturais, e o controle pedogenético condicionado pelo relevo, como vem a ser o acúmulo de sódio. A abordagem integradora entre geomorfologia, sedimentologia e pedologia é indispensável para o entendimento da distribuição, variabilidade espacial e gênese de solos no Pantanal. Fora dessa ótica se torna difícil entender e estabelecer o papel efetivo da geogênese e da pedogênese nesse ambiente. / Relationships between soils, parent material and geomorphic features are important to understand the distribution of soils in the landscape. This approach gains more importance when the landscape in study is too complex, e.g., wetlands constructed by depositional systems. Hence, the goal of this work was describe and characterize depositional environments of an unit of fauna and flora preservation (RPPN SESC Pantanal - nonprofits), searching for sedimentary and geomorphology evidences to know which depositional and/or erosional systems have shaped the landscape and then, to set up its relationship with weathering and changes in the system due to pedogenesis. Preliminary geomorphologic studies were developed using remote sensorial tools, fieldworks and flights over the studied area. In each Geomorphic features identified were done drilling procedures to assess the architecture and distribution of their sediments. Three representative soil sequences were described, sampled and analyzed to determine the lateral and vertical boundaries of horizons and layers, as well to find evidences of pedologic and sedimentological processes. Since late Pleistocene the landscape of the RPPN SESC Pantanal has been shaped by distributaries fluvial systems in which rivers were actives. The alluvial fan of the São Lourenço River was responsible by the most shapes and sediments observed in the studied area, while floodplain of the Cuiabá River had minor contribution and it is restricted to western part. Overall, the soils in the paleochannels are Arenosols; in paleofloodplains are Gleysols, Plinthosols or Fluvisols; in paleolevee and Murundus are Planosols. The mottles are common in the low portion of the relief (paleo-foodplain) and become progressively less apparent in the higher portions (paleo-levees). The textural horizons and vertical textural contrasts are observed in the soils of all geomorphic features that have loamy or finer textures, formed by pedogenic and geological processes. The clay illuviation is present in all those soils with textural horizons but in different intensities. The high levels of exchangeable sodium are observed in the soils located in the relief nonflooded (paleo-levee and murundus features). However, it can be also found in places with low flood. Therefore, the approach soil-landscape allows understanding the geological processes controlling the soil genesis and its distribution, as Arenosols in the paleochannels and the formation of textural contrasts. Moreover, it is possible to assess factors of soil formation (relief and whether) controlling the sodium accumulation. Thus the integration of geormorphology, sedimentology and pedology is needful to understand the distribution, spatial variability and genesis of soils in the Pantanal. Without this approach it seems hard to understand and establish the role of pedogenic and geological processes in this environment.

The rate and timing of direct mountain front recharge in an arid environment, Silver Island Mountains, Utah

Carling, Gregory T. 03 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Direct mountain front recharge (MFR), water table recharge at the base of the mountain front, was evaluated on the arid (<250 mm/yr precipitation) Silver Island Mountains by comparing mountain precipitation to groundwater response. Direct MFR contributions were assessed on two catchments, one bedrock (i.e., mountain block) dominated and the other alluvial fan (i.e., mountain front) dominated. Catchment precipitation and shallow groundwater levels at each catchment outlet were measured for a 24 month period beginning October 2005. This time period captured one complete hydrologic cycle (December 2005-February 2007) for which annual and seasonal direct MFR rates were calculated. Annual direct MFR was calculated using a modified version of the water table fluctuation (WTF) method as 0.015-0.016% of precipitation on both catchments, with seasonal variations of 0% in summer up to 0.023% in winter, spring and fall. Seasonal direct MFR contributions are similar on the bedrock and the alluvial fan dominated catchments, with a notable exception during fall 2006 when direct MFR was twice as effective on the bedrock dominated system than on the alluvial fan dominated system (0.022% and 0.011% of precipitation, respectively). Darcy's law calculations show similarly low annual direct MFR contributions (0.013-0.032% of precipitation) as those calculated by the WTF method. Calculated direct MFR is 10% or less than typical calculated combined MFR (near surface recharge and deep underflow from the mountain block) for similar terrains and climates, and is only 3.5% of the combined MFR for the Silver Island Mountains as calculated by the Maxey-Eakin model. However, based on total recharge to the adjacent playa, it is apparent that the Maxey-Eakin model overestimates combined MFR, and the small calculated direct MFR is at least 50% of combined MFR. Despite some uncertainty in the numerical results, several patterns are evident in the data. The data show that direct MFR occurs in response to small rainfall events throughout much of the year, and that snowmelt is not necessary to produce direct MFR. The data also show that direct MFR responds more quickly and flushes through the system faster on the alluvial fan catchment than on the bedrock catchment.

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