Spelling suggestions: "subject:"plays""
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No description available.
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Biodiversity in playa wetlands in relation to watershed disturbanceMalone, Willow Elaine Anna January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biology / David A. Haukos / Playa wetlands are unique ecological systems crucial to the ecology of the western Great Plains of North America. Playas offer a variety of ecological goods and services: flood water retention; water quality improvement; habitat for a distinctive assemblage of resident and migratory biota; and primary recharge points for the Ogallala Aquifer. The major threat to the function of playas is caused by watershed disturbance and habitat loss, primarily through sediment accumulation that decreases playa hydroperiod, density, and size. Previous research focused on playas in the Southern High Plains in Texas and the Rainwater Basin of Nebraska, with little playa studies located in the Central Great Plains. My objectives were to (1) identify the number and level of functionality of existing playas in the Smoky Hill River watershed, (2) determine the relative contribution of playas to the biodiversity of the landscape and influences from watershed disturbance levels, and (3) assess relationships among avian community composition and environmental variables through a canonical correlation analysis (CCA). To assess playa functionality, I randomly selected 20% of the 3,310 historical playas in the watershed and confirmed playa presence and anthropogenic modifications through imagery analysis (n = 608). To achieve the last two objectives, I conducted breeding bird surveys using point counts in >25 playas with paired, nonplaya sites. I recorded avian relative abundance and species richness. Plant species occurrence was detected using step-point methods along transects. Species diversity was derived using Simpson’s index. Approximately 22% of playas have been lost from the landscape. Of the remaining playas, only 3.15% were not affected by anthropogenic influences. Playas contribute greater than 40% and 16% greater avian species richness and diversity to the surrounding landscape, respectively. Playas located in grassland watersheds had a 63% and 35% greater avian species richness and diversity, as well as 57% and 66% greater floral species richness and diversity than playas located in croplands, respectively. CCA results identify playa soil moisture and watershed disturbance as significant influences to the playa avian community. It is important to reduce watershed disturbance and anthropogenic influence on playas to maintain biodiversity at local, regional, and continental scales.
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Quaternary alluvial fan morphodynamics and basin sedimentation in North IranBüdel, Christian January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Several hundred meter thick alluvial fans are dominating the landscape of semiarid plains of north-eastern Iranian mountain-talus. These fans developed since Miocene times and are still prograding today. They are storing and transporting major amount of weathered debris from the mountain ranges and sediments are directed to the depressions of the endorheic basins. In this course, the debris gets increasingly weathered and abraded to sand silt and clay fractions, which finally constitute the fine loamy layers of the typical central playa lakes and playas.
The study focused on the detailed investigation of a characteristic section of this prominent sediment cascades. The sediments were planned be comprehensively documented by using a fully analytical geomorphological mapping approach, also suitable for the classification of the sediment’s geomorphological system contexts. Therefore, a geodatabase structure was developed, which is capable of managing and analyzing geomorphological data. The corresponding data was acquired using remote sensing imagery, digital elevation models and field mapping campaigns. Additionally, mapped sediments were selected and analyzed to reveal representative stratigraphic and sedimentologic characteristics. The fieldwork was conducted in Damghan Basin on sections in geomorphologically subdivided alluvial apron sediments. The corresponding, more regularly layered and partly laminated sediments from the central playa, were also investigated and comparably described. Attending to the preparation of profile sections and the percussion core probing, samples from both origins were taken. Detailed lithostratigraphical and geochemical analyses were carried out in the laboratory, in order to develop sound comparable sediment and sediment alteration indices. In addition, OSL sampling was done on distinct alluvial fan surfaces, and the samples were measured and dated in the laboratory in order to develop a functional chronostratigraphy.
The results of the geomorphological and stratigraphical investigations reveal five classes of surface ages on the alluvial apron. Parallel to that observation, the ramming core samples exhibit four main phases of sediment development in the playa, each with internal differentiation. This brings up opportunities for a valid correlation of continuously deposited playa sediments, with widespread alluvial surfaces. By considering the OSL ages of selected terrestrial and lacustrine layers, the stratigraphy and relative chronological order of the studied sediments, are aligned to Pleistocene and mid to late Holocene periods. This is also confirmed by proxy ages from the chronological framework of the landscape development, within the basin. Geophysical and geochemical data reveals roughly cyclic sedimentation and sediment alteration that can also be observed in genetically differing geoarchives from alluvial fan surfaces to the playa sediments. These parallel developments are confirmed by the sequence-stratigraphic order of the archives which is derived from geomorphological mapping. We postulate a time span covered by the playa sediments from today to late Pleistocene times. Drying and Lake level retreat at the end of Pleistocene is documented in parallel geoarchives of terrestrial and lacustrine origin. Thus, geomorphologic landform-succession and alluvial fan morphogenesis, as well as geochemical and geophysical fingerprinting data of playa sediments characterize this development. Therefore, it is present in the two youngest generations of alluvial fans, which deposited at the toe of the alluvial apron and which incorporate reworked still water deposits of a former lake level terrace. The geochemical parameters, like pH-value and Ca/S-ratio, in both, sediments of a former lake level and those from the recent playa extent exhibit a similar development. In addition, Ti/Al-ratio shows the potential for quantifying lake level retreat, as it seems to be tightly depending on lake level and increasing transportation distances along the sediment cascade.
Major Findings
- Analytical geomorphological mapping is a key tool for understanding the sedimentation history of the Iranian Quaternary and for describing Quaternary stratigraphic units of North Iran.
- The younger playa deposits in Damghan Basin cover a time span from today to late Pleistocene. They are 10 meters thick and reveal very low organic matter contents throughout the core.
- Drying and Lake level retreat is documented in parallel geoarchives (1) in geomorphologic landform-succession and alluvial fan morphogenesis and (2) in geochemical and geophysical fingerprinting data of playa sediments
- Sequences of torrential sedimentation are detectable signals and can be correlated in both: playa sediments and landform morphology / Die nordostiranische Gebirgsabdachung wird maßgeblich von mehrere hundert Meter mächtigen Schwemmfächern gebildet. Die Aufschüttung der Schwemmfächer setze im Miozän ein und bis heute progradieren die Fächer ins Beckeninnere. Dabei transportieren und speichern sie den Großteil des Verwitterungsschutts der Gebirgszone und die Sedimente werden von hier weiter in die zentralen Depressionen der endorheischen Beckenlandschaften geleitet. Auf ihrem Weg wird der Schutt weiter zerkleinert und verwittert, und bildet schließlich in feinen Sand-, Schluff- und Tongemengelagen die Lehmschichten der typischen zentralen Playaseen und Playas.
Mit der vorliegenden Studie wurde ein charakteristischer Abschnitt dieser bedeutenden Sedimentkaskade detailliert untersucht. Durch einen vollanalytischen geomorphologischen Kartieransatz sollten die Sedimente umfangreich erfasst und in ihren geomorphologischen Systemzusammenhang gebracht werden. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Geodatenbankstruktur entwickelt, die die Verwaltung und Analyse geomorphologischer Daten ermöglicht. Die entsprechenden Dateneinträge wurden aus spektralen Fernerkundungsdaten, digitalen Geländemodellen und den Feldkartierungen mehrerer Expeditionen extrahiert. Für die kartierten Sedimente wurden an repräsentativen Standorten zusätzlich die stratigraphischen und sedimentologischen Charakteristika ermittelt und mit den Kartenelementen verknüpft. Für die Feldarbeiten wurden die Sedimente einer typischen Schwemmfächerschürze des Damghan Beckens geomorphologisch untergegliedert und ergraben. Entsprechend wurden die, das Ende der Sedimentkaskade bildenden, regelmäßiger geschichteten und zum Teil laminierten Sedimente der Playa sondiert und vergleichbar beschrieben. Die Landformen wurden als Kartenelemente im Vektorformat gespeichert und nach standardisierten geomorphologischen Konzepten in Systemelemente aus Form, Material und Prozess klassifiziert. Spezifiziert wurden die Landformen und Landformelemente dann in den Klassen Moprhometrie und Morphographie (Form), Morphostruktur (Material), Morphodynamik und Morphogenese (Prozess), sowie Geomorphologie (System Synthese). Begleitend zu den Kartierungen und der Bearbeitung der Profilschnitte und Rammkernsondagen, wurden die Schichten beider Sedimentationsräume detailliert beprobt.
Weitere Untersuchungen zu Lithostratigraphie, Geochronologie und Geochemie der Sedimente wurden im Labor ausgeführt und sollten aussagekräftige Indizes zu Sedimenteigenschaften und Art und Alter der Sedimentvariation erbringen. Neben pH- und Leitfähigkeitsmessungen, sowie der Ionenchromatographie leicht löslicher Salze, wurde für alle Proben die Granulometrie mittels Laserdiffraktometrie ermittelt. Die mineralogische Zusammensetzung wurde röntgendiffraktometrisch bestimmt. Haupt- und Nebenelemente wurden im Wesentlichen mit einer Kombination aus Röntgenfluoreszenzmessungen (XRF) und optischer Emissionsspektrometrie von Königswasseraufschlüssen mittels induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma (ICP-OES) analysiert. Altersbestimmungen konnten lediglich an ausgewählten Proben der terrestrischen Sedimente durchgeführt werden; dabei wurden im Labor Dosimetrie und Optisch Stimulierte Lumineszenz gemessen (OSL) und daraus die Alter modelliert.
Die Ergebnisse der geomorphologischen und stratigraphischen Untersuchungen zeigen fünf Hauptphasen vergangener Schwemmfächeroberflächenaktivität. Parallel dazu konnten in den Rammkernen der zentralen Playa vier in sich gegliederte Hauptsedimentationsphasen nachgewiesen werden. Die kontinuierlichen Akkumulationsphasen der Playasedimente bieten aussagekräftige Korrelationen mit den Aktivitätsphasen auf den ausgedehnten Flächen der Schwemmfächerschürze. Über die OSL-Alter der ausgewählten terrestrischen und lakustrinen Sedimentschichten können Stratigraphie und relative Chronologie der untersuchten Sedimente Pleistozänen und mittel- bis spätholozänen Perioden zugeordnet und in die allgemeine Chronostratigraphy des Beckens eingefügt werden.
Die geophysikalischen und geochemischen Messungen lassen auf zyklische Sedimentationsphasen schließen, die sich über Geoarchive verschiedenen Ursprungs von der Schwemmfächerschürze bis in die zentrale Playa koppeln lassen. Diese stratigraphische Entwicklung wurde über die historisch-genetische Systemrekonstruktion im Zuge der geomorphologischen Kartierung in ihren sequenzstratigraphischen Zusammenhang gebracht und bestätigt so die parallele Entwicklung der verschiedenen Geoarchive. Die untersuchten Playasedimente belegen somit eine Zeitspanne vom Spätpleistozän bis zur aktuell anhaltenden Phase. Die Entwicklung der verschiedenen Sedimentkörper zeigt auch den Wechsel zu trockeneren Bedingungen und die Austrocknung eines früher ausgedehnten (Playa-)Sees in spätpleistozäner Zeit an. Sowohl die geomorphologische Landformensukzession und Schwemmfächermorphogenese, wie auch das Elementsignal und die veränderten geophysikalischen und geochemischen Eigenschaften der Playasedimente charakterisieren diese Entwicklung. So ist diese präsent in den beiden jüngsten Schwemmfächergenerationen, die am Fuß der Schwemmfächerschürze liegen und erodierte Sedimente einer ehemaligen Seeterrasse beinhalten. Auch geochemische Parameter, hier die pH-Werte und das Ca/S-Verhältnis, der Schichten in Position der ehemaligen Seeterrasse, und der Schichtung innerhalb der rezenten Playaausdehnung weisen auf die zunehmende Salinität des ehemaligen Sees im Zuge der Austrocknung hin. Ergänzend hat das Ti/Al-Verhältnis Potential den Seespiegelrückzug zu quantifizieren, indem es als Indikator für zunehmende Transportdistanzen entlang der Sedimentkaskade genutzt wird.
Der beobachtete Seespiegelrückgang und die Phasen der Schwemmfächeraktivität können weiterhin mit Humiditätsphasen korreliert werden, die aus verschiedenen See- und Sumpfsedimenten des Nordiran bekannt sind. So beginnt in Damghan mit der Jüngeren Dyas eine intensive Trockenphase mit veränderten klimatischen Bedingungen. Nach einer folgenden Humiditätsphase mit neuerlichem Seehochstand können zwei weitere Trockenphasen im Frühholozän ausgemacht werden. Die letzte Trockenphase setzt somit nach einer mittelholozänen Phase relativer Stabilität ein.
Wesentliche Erkenntnisse
- Die analytisch geomorphologische Kartierung bildet ein essentielles Werkzeug zur Untersuchung der Sedimentation im iranischen Quartär und zur Beschreibung der quartären stratigraphischen Einheiten des Nordiran
- Die jüngeren Playasedimente des Damghan Beckens repräsentieren einen Zeitabschnitt der von heute bis in das Spätpleistozän reicht. Sie weisen eine Mächtigkeit von 10 Meter auf und enthalten durchweg sehr geringe Anteile an organischer Substanz.
- Austrocknung und Seespiegelrückgang sind in Damghan parallel in zwei Geoarchivtypen dokumentiert. Sie zeigen sich (1) in der geomorphologischen Landformenfolge und Schwemmfächerentwicklung und (2) im Wandel der geochemischen und geophysikalischen Charakteristika der Playasedimente.
- Sequenzen mit torrentieller Sedimentation konnten ebenfalls in beiden Sedimentationsräumen erkannt und korreliert werden. / Availability of water and desiccation of important water reservoirs is a vital challenge in semi-arid to arid climates with growing economy and population. Low quantities of precipitation and high evaporation rates leave the water supply vulnerable to human activity and climatic variations. Endorheic basins of Northern Iran were hydrologically landlocked within geological timescales and thus bear evidence of past variations of water resources in generations of water related landforms, like abandoned lake level shorelines, alluvial fans and stream terraces. Understanding the development of these landforms reveals crucial information about past water reservoirs and landscape history.
This study offers a comprehensive approach on understanding the geomorphological development of the landscape throughout Late Pleistocene and Holocene times. It integrates remote sensing and geographic information system analysis, with geomorphological and stratigraphical mapping fieldwork and detailed sedimentological investigations.
The work shows the importance of analytical geomorphological mapping for delineating stratigraphic units of the Iranian Quaternary. Thus, several phases of drying and lake level retreat were identified in parallel geoarchives and could be dated to a time span from today to Late Pleistocene. The findings link the fate of the citizens of the ancient city of "Tepe Hissar" to their access to water and to the power of geomorphological processes, which started changing their environment.
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Análisis de la táctica defensiva en jugadores de vóley playa masculinos durante el Campeonato de Europa Universitario EUSA GAMES 2013Jimenez-Olmedo, Jose Manuel 25 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Configuraciones del riesgo de erosión costera : transformaciones territoriales y percepción social en Playa Unión y Playa Magagna (Chubut, Argentina)Ferrari, María Paula 26 March 2013 (has links)
Las continuas transformaciones y lógicas particulares de organización que experimentan los territorios, como consecuencia de las intervenciones que las sociedades realizan sobre los mismos, produce cambios tanto en los sistemas naturales como sociales. En este contexto, se configuran diversas problemáticas ambientales, entre las que se encuentran las vinculadas a los riesgos.
El rápido e inadecuado estilo de crecimiento de las ciudades contemporáneas ha planteado nuevos retos a la investigación sobre la construcción social del riesgo en el ámbito urbano. En este sentido, ha adquirido importancia el estudio del proceso de urbanización como una de las principales actividades antrópicas que impactan o transforman el territorio; de la cual las áreas litorales no están exentas. Por lo tanto, en la dinámica costera no sólo intervienen procesos naturales sino también actuaciones sociales, que en ciertas ocasiones construyen situaciones de riesgo.
En Playa Unión y Playa Magagna (Provincia de Chubut, Patagonia Argentina), las interacciones entre el medio natural y social configuran una problemática compleja relacionada con el riesgo de erosión costera. Si bien en el área existen condiciones de peligrosidad natural vinculadas a procesos geomorfológicos, en los últimos años se ha registrado una creciente ocupación del espacio para urbanización, que ha generado diversas transformaciones en el ambiente costero, acentuando los procesos de peligrosidad natural ya existentes. Por lo tanto, la intervención humana en el área de estudio no sólo ha modificado la dinámica de los procesos costeros, y con ello su peligrosidad potencial, sino también ha impactado en las condiciones de vulnerabilidad del medio social.
Es por ello, que el objetivo principal planteado en la presente investigación consiste en analizar las configuraciones del riesgo de erosión costera en Playa Unión y Playa Magagna, vinculadas tanto con las transformaciones territoriales derivadas del proceso de urbanización desde principios de siglo XX hasta la actualidad, como con la percepción social del riesgo de ambas comunidades.
La forma en que cada persona, grupo o institución percibe e interpreta la realidad, depende de sus experiencias pasadas, valores, creencias, normas sociales, expectativas y motivaciones, permitiendo que determinados aspectos o dimensiones de esa realidad resulten más relevantes o funcionales en cada momento y contexto. Por lo tanto, las percepciones adquieren importancia fundamental para desentrañar la imagen colectiva que se tiene de un espacio en particular y de sus problemáticas, y explicar cómo esto interviene en las decisiones y acciones que se realicen sobre el territorio; en la medida que las mismas son parte constitutiva de los procesos de transformación territorial.
El trabajo de investigación se organiza en base a la realización de dos diagnósticos principales. El primero de ellos, se enfoca en el análisis de los procesos inherentes a la construcción de situaciones de riesgo de erosión costera en Playa Magagna y Playa Unión, atendiendo a la caracterización de los procesos físico-naturales y socio-históricos presentes en el área de estudio. El segundo, aborda el estudio de las percepciones del riesgo de las comunidades de Playa Magagna y Playa Unión, a partir del análisis de la información recolectada en campo mediante entrevistas en profundidad y encuestas a residentes permanentes y temporarios.
El hallazgo de resultados discordantes entre ambos diagnósticos, indica la necesidad de incluir el imaginario del riesgo que las comunidades construyen, con el fin de arribar a un diagnóstico integral de la problemática, y al mismo tiempo, fomentar su articulación en el proceso de gestión de las áreas litorales analizadas. / The constant transformations and logics on organization experimented by territories as a result of interventions that societies perform on them, produces changes in both natural and social systems. In this context, various environmental problems are constituted, among which those related to risks are present.
The fast and inadequate mode in which contemporary cities growth has suggested new research challenges on social construction of risk in urban areas. In this sense, the study on urbanization processes has become relevant as one of the primary anthropical activities that impact and transform the territory; and littoral areas are not exempt. Therefore, in coastal dynamics not only natural events but social activities are also involved, which occasionally causes risk situations.
In Playa Unión and Playa Magagna (Chubut Province, Patagonia Argentina), interaction between natural and social environment constitute a complex problem related to risk in shore erosion. Even though in the study area natural hazard conditions related to geomorphological events are present, in recent years there has been a growing use of space for urbanization, which has led several transformations in the coastal environment emphasizing processes of natural hazard already existing. Therefore, human intervention in the study area has not only changed the dynamics of coastal processes, and its potential danger, but also has impacted on the vulnerability of social environment.
Thus, the primary aim of the present research consist on analyzing the risk configurations of coastal erosion in Playa Unión and Playa Magagna, related both to the territorial changes resulting from urbanization since the early twentieth century, as well as the social risk perception of both communities.
The way in which each person, group or institution perceive and interpret reality, depend on our past experiences, values, beliefs, social norms, expectations and motivations, allowing that certain aspects or dimensions of such reality result most relevant or functional at all times and context. Therefore, perceptions attain crucial importance to reveal the collective image we have on a particular space and its problems, and to explain how this is involved in the decisions and actions taking over the territory, as they are constitutive parts of territorial transformations processes.
This research is organized around the completion of two major diagnoses. The first one focuses on the analysis of the processes involved in the construction of situations at risk of shore erosion in Playa Unión and Playa Magagna, based on the characterization of natural-physical and socio-historical processes occurring in the study area. The other, deals with the study of risk perceptions in Playa Unión and Playa Magagna communities based on the analysis of collected data through field interviews and surveys of permanent and temporary residents.
The finding of discordant results between both analysis, indicates the necessity of including the risk imaginary that communities construct, in order to achieve a comprehensive diagnostic of the problem, and at the same time promote their organization in the management on studied coastal areas.
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Consideraciones geográficas en torno al binomio clima-turismo: aplicación al litoral alicantinoMartínez Ibarra, Emilio 05 April 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Club naútico Marina CostazulSeinfeld Balbo, Peter 19 July 2015 (has links)
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Vergleichende ökologische Untersuchungen der natürlichen Salzböden und ihrer Halophytenflora in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer MakronährelementgehalteMenzel, Uwe. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2004--Osnabrück. / Erscheinungsjahr an der Haupttitelstelle: 2003.
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The Climatic and Hydrostratigraphic Controls on Brine-to-Freshwater Interface Dynamics in Hyperarid Climates: A 2-D Parametric Groundwater Modeling StudyMcKnight, Sarah 02 July 2019 (has links)
Density dependent flow occurs in areas where high-salinity groundwater interacts with low-salinity groundwater to create a brine-to-freshwater interface that defies common assumptions about groundwater movement. Yet the geologic and hydrologic factors that impact interface dynamics and migration remain poorly defined. With less than 20 mm•yr-1 of precipitation and with an extremely dense (i.e. 1.2 g•cm-3) naturally occurring brine, Chile’s Salar de Atacama (SdA) provides an excellent analog for exploring interface dynamics in other arid regions. Site-specific 2-D models of the interface in the southeastern region of SdA, with interpretations of the hydrostratigraphic framework, provide an analysis for density-driven response rates to climatic change. A separate parametric, equally probable series of distributions of hydraulic conductivity provides a means for expanding analysis to other similar arid salar (i.e. “salt flat”) environments. Comparing the modeled interface’s geometry and response to perturbations in the rates of lateral recharge in each hydrostratigraphic realization yields insight into the dynamics of interface migration to coupled climatic and geologic conditions. Changes in hydrologic conditions, informed by paleoclimatic interpretations and previously modeled climate predictions, are introduced to each hydrostratigraphic realization following the interface reaching an initial dynamic equilibrium, and the interface’s response is assessed subsequent to it reaching a new dynamic equilibrium. Metrics for model evaluation include migration rate, change in the interface’s areal extent, change in interface slope, and the response rate following the introduction to a perturbation in the aquifer’s hydrology. Model analyses suggest that evaporation rates strongly control the interface’s geometry and sensitivity despite climatic and geologic conditions; continuity of high-permeability pathways controls interface slope; increasing continuity also decreases interface stability in terms of time required to reach a new steady state. While these results have implications for interface dynamics in both salars specifically and arid climates in general, they also indicate the importance of considering hydrostatigraphic continuity for saline water intrusion in coastal regions. They also provide a compelling method for assessing interface dynamics in other climatic and geologic conditions.
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Pluvial deposits in Mudawwara, Jordan and their implications for Mediterranean and monsoonal precipitation in the LevantCatlett, Gentry A. 25 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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