Spelling suggestions: "subject:"alpine"" "subject:"álpine""
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Vliv nadmořské výšky na sezónní růst stromů v ekotonu horní hranice lesa / Effect of altitude on intra-annual growth of trees in the treeline ecotoneKašpar, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
RESUMÉ Tato práce se zabývá vlivem teplotních poměrů na intra-anuální růst smrku ztepitélo (Picea Abies (L.) Karsten) na alpínské hranici lesa v Krkonoších ve vegetačních sezónách 2011 a 2012. Monitoring probíhal na dvou lokalitách na jižním svahu Luční hory. První lokalita se nacházela v nadmořské výšce 1310 m n. m., přibližně na horní hranici zapojeného lesa, druhá pak v nadmořské výšce 1450 m n. m., ve stromových skupinkách nad horní hranicí lesa. Mezi lokalitami byl pozorován poměrně vysoký vertikální teplotní gradient jak u teplot vzduchu (1,2 - 1,7 řC), tak u teplot půdy v hloubce 10 cm (0,8 - 1,2 řC). Teplotní rozdíl mezi lokalitami se pak projevil v nižším pozorovaném přírůstu na výše položené lokalitě. Pozorované počátky kambiální aktivity se pohybovaly od 26. 4. do 21. 5. Začátek kambiální aktivity je ovlivněn množstvím sněhové pokrývky akumulované na lokalitách v průběhu zimy a s tím souvisejícím datem jejího odtátí, teplotami půdy a teplotami v přízemní vrstvě atmosféry. Délka kambiální aktivity se pohybovala mezi 55 - 77 dny, přičemž její délka byla nižší na výše položené lokalitě. Diferenciace buněk nastala bezprostředně po počátku kambiální aktivity a trvala od 111 do 132 dní. V porovnání sledovaných růstových sezón vyšla lépe růstová sezóna 2012, ve které byl průměrný přírůst stromů vyšší na...
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Vliv sjezdového lyžování na rovnováhu / The influence of alpine skiing on balanceVolejníková, Nikola January 2013 (has links)
Title: The influence of alpine skiing on balance Author: Nikola Volejníková Objective: The aim of this work was to study the available literature, to characterize alpine skiing from its inception through biomechanics and physiological demands for skiers to characteristics of the individual disciplines. At the same time characterize motor skills in whole and focus on the main reference factor: the balance ability. The main objective of this work was to perform an experiment on two groups: experimental and control group. The aim of the experiment was to test the influence of alpine skiing on the balance and if there is the potentiality to improve the results of balance tests by only one week of intense skiing. The results of the experimental group were compared with the control group. Method: Measurement was carried out using the GymTop USB and one test for measuring static equilibrium. The main group consisted of 10 subjects selected from the participants of the ski-instructor course APUL "C" and measurement took place in two phases - before the course and after a week of intense duration of the course. An important criterion for the selection of subjects was their good health with no on-going acute musculoskeletal diseases. Only one year younger injuries were the reason for non-inclusion in the...
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Evoluční a ekologické důsledky polyploidizace komplexu Arabidopsis arenosa v západních Karpatech / Evolutionary and ecological consequences of polyploidization in Arabidopsis arenosa complex in Western CarpathiansBayerová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Polyploidization is a key mechanism of rapid speciation, with many phenotypic consequences which extent, however, is poorly understood. A deeper understanding of the evolutionary implications of genome duplication is limited due to lack of knowledge of the links between changes in genome, the phenotype of the individual and environmental constraints. Natural lineages closely related to model species represent the ideal systems for addressing such questions. The thesis is thus focuses on highly promising yet overlooked di-polyploid system within Arabidopsis genus. In the western Carpathians morphologically distinct populations of diploid and tetraploid plants of Arabidopsis arenosa grow along a marked altitudinal gradient. Using high-throughput DNA sequencing, measuring morphological characteristics and collecting ecological data of high alpine and foothill populations I try to reveal main trends of genetic and morphological variability of these populations. Additionaly, using morphometrics of natural and experimentally planted populations we want to test the hypothesis whether morphological divergence of alpine and foothill populations has a genetic basis or is driven by phenotypic plasticity. The presented thesis is an important multidisciplinary combination of genetic research on natural related of model...
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Značka a analýza image značky Alpine Pro-LOH Londýn 2012 / Alpine Pro brand and its image analysis - 2012 Summer Olympics in LondonKopáčková, Iva January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of my thesis is to characterize the issue of brand image, and in particular the Alpine Pro brand, producer of sportswear. Furthermore, the thesis wants to determine whether the image of the Alpine Pro brand has changed after London 2012 Olympic Games. The research sample has been selected from broad public Internet users, potential sportswear market customers. The results of the research will provide a basis for possible solutions to improving the brand image.
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Style structural, cinématique des déformations et circulations de fluides en contexte de collision : le cas des massifs cristallins externes alpins / Structural style, deformation kinematic and fluid circulations in collisional context : the case of the Alpine External Crystalline MassifsBoutoux, Alexandre 02 March 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a pour but de mieux documenter les processus majeurs qui ont lieu lors de la collision alpine : le raccourcissement crustal, l'évolution thermique et les circulations de fluides. La première partie de ce travail apporte de nouvelles données thermo-chronologiques U-Th-Sm/He sur zircon (ZHe) et RSCM (Raman Spectroscopy on Carbonaceous Material, Tmax) sur le massif des Aiguilles Rouges. Ces données sont intégrées à l'histoire thermique de ces massifs et utilisées pour contraindre l'évolution structurale de la marge dauphinoise proximale lors de son inversion. La seconde partie de ce travail consiste en la mise au point d'une nouvelle méthode de restauration des coupes qui ont subi de fortes déformations ductiles. Le travail de terrain a de plus permis de définir le cadre structural et microstructural de l'étude des circulations de fluides à l'interface entre socle et couverture dans ces mêmes bassins du massif de l'Oisans. Les données géochimiques (isotopie, microthermométrie des inclusions fluides, éléments traces) montrent que des fluides (en faible quantité) dérivés du socle ont percolé à la base de la couverture dès l'initiation du raccourcissement collisionnel. Ces résultats permettent de proposer un modèle conceptuel d'évolution des circulations de fluides à l'échelle des massifs cristallins externes alpins. Dans une dernière partie, la modélisation thermomécanique de l'inversion de bassins hérités montre que la profondeur d'enfouissement tectonique joue un rôle primordial dans le style d'inversion des bassins. L'ensemble des résultats sont intégrés dans un modèle d'inversion collisionnelle de la marge européenne. / This work aims at better documenting and understanding major processes that occur during Alpine collision, such as crustal shortening, thermal evolution and fluid circulations. In the first part of the work, we provide new U-Th-Sm/He on zircon (ZHe) thermochronological data and new RSCM (Raman Spectroscopy on Carbonaceous Material) data for the Aiguilles Rouges. These data are integrated into the thermal histories of these massifs and used to constrain the structural evolution of the proximal Dauphinois margin during its collisional inversion. The second part of the work consists of the development of a new methodology to balance cross-sections where rocks were ductilely deformed. Finite deformation of the metasedimentary cover of the Oisans basins is used to constrain shortening. Fieldwork allowed us to define the structural and microstructural setting for the study of fluid circulations close to the basement/cover interface in the very same basins. Geochemical analyses (stable isotopes, microthermometry of fluid inclusions and trace elements) highlight that small amount of basement-derived fluids percolated into the cover as soon as the onset of collisional shortening. Those results are gathered into a conceptual model of evolution of fluid circulation through time and progressive deformation at the scale of the entire ECM. In the last part, thermomechanical modeling of inversion of inherited extensional basins show that tectonic burial is a major parameter controlling basin inversion style. Finally, all those new results are integrated into a scenario of the inversion of the European margin during Alpine collision.
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Snowfall event analysis at a remote northern alpine icefieldCourtin, Eric 31 May 2018 (has links)
Data are presented from an automatic weather station on the Brintnell-Bologna Icefield that operated from August 2014 to August 2016 in Nahanni National Park Reserve. This location is notable for being the northernmost mass balance alpine study location of the federal government’s glaciology program (NRCan/GSC). The link between atmospheric forcing at the synoptic scale and response at the glacier surface has been shown to be strongly dependent on continentality and latitude. In this region, however, many aspects of the physical processes controlling the interaction between atmospheric forcing and snowpack response are virtually unknown, especially at the daily to hourly timescale.
The character of snowfalls during the accumulation seasons for this icefield are investigated using high resolution time series from two acoustic snow depth sensors and other relevant meteorological parameters. It is found that the most drastic changes in snow depth occur from infrequent large snowfalls. Using an adaption of an Environment Canada snow depth algorithm, snowfall events are identified and their timing is quantified based on a system of thresholds, running averages and ratios between the snow depth sensors. Synoptic conditions are examined using meteorological reanalysis data and trajectory analysis to determine the moisture origin and pathway. / Graduate
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Dynamiques et enjeux au sein d'un village de montagne : l'espace Grand Arc - Lauzière, aux portes de la Maurienne (mi XIXe - début XXI e s.) / Dynamics and stakes in a village of mountain : Grand Arc and Lauzière, border of Maurienne (XIXe - XXIe c.)Villermet, Jean-Marc 26 November 2016 (has links)
Etudier les dynamiques et enjeux au sein d’un village de montagne, en Savoie, engendre une réflexion plus générale sur des questionnements importants de l’époque contemporaine. Jean-Marc Villermet a choisi d’aborder ce sujet pour plusieurs raisons : son attachement à cette région, la proximité des archives, le désir de réactiver le chantier de l’aménagement du territoire en altitude.Il s’intéressa à une région désertée, bien que située dans un espace montagnard réputé pour la qualité de ses sites dans une dimension internationale. Jamais la transformation et les mutations économiques et sociales des zones montagnardes en difficulté, souvent qualifiées d’immobiles, n’ont véritablement été étudiées pour elles-mêmes sous cet angle. Cela semblait donc une piste à la fois nouvelle et tout à fait digne d’intérêt ; d’autant que, situé en Maurienne, le territoire sur lequel se pencha l’auteur demeure aujourd’hui marginal, à l’écart des grands flux touristiques.Ainsi, à partir des années 1860, période où la Savoie devint française jusqu’aux mutations du XXIe siècle, Jean-Marc Villermet a voulu montrer toute la relativité des concepts classiques, voire datés, d’immobilisme ou d’archaïsme, y compris pour un espace montagnard « en souffrance ». Il en étudia les métamorphoses dans toute leur complexité.Cette analyse fine vise à comprendre comment les processus économiques et sociaux ont été portés, vécus et perçus par les individus et comment ils se sont manifestés dans l’espace. Le terrain choisi, l’espace Grand Arc - Lauzière, identifié par le village de Montsapey, dans le canton d’Aiguebelle, sur la rive droite de l’Arc, répond aux critères recherchés : ceux d’une région d’altitude traversée par la déprise rurale depuis un siècle, relativement isolée, bordée en amont et en aval par d’autres territoires beaucoup plus dynamiques.La démarche adoptée se situe au carrefour de plusieurs écoles historiques. Se référant au changement dans sa globalité, ce travail se nourrit des enseignements des grandes thèses classiques d’histoire relatives aux mutations économiques et sociales. Par ailleurs, se réclamant de la micro histoire, l’auteur en utilise les apports et les éclairages.Les sources exploitées proviennent du dépôt des archives départementales de la Savoie et des archives communales sur le territoire étudié. Celles-ci sont confrontées aux documents émanant de différents centres d’archives à Paris. La presse nationale et régionale apporte des éclairages intéressants. Un important travail de collecte d’archives privées a également été effectué, complété par la réalisation de nombreux entretiens et d’un abondant recours à l’iconographie.Proposée dans la première partie de la thèse, l’analyse d’un territoire montagnard a priori fermé, mais en réalité ouvert sur le monde, s’avère riche d’enseignements. Jean-Marc Villermet s’est attaché à démontrer l’importance des mouvements de population en montagne dans une dimension nationale et internationale ; la circulation des hommes et des idées. Il s’agit d’évaluer les conséquences des mouvements migratoires sur l’aménagement du territoire. Les permanences et les « archaïsmes » qui perdurèrent furent accompagnés de regards neufs portés sur la montagne lorsque les hommes explorent les formes, franchissent les reliefs par la voie aérienne et souterraine ou extraient des richesses minérales.La deuxième partie est consacrée aux inéluctables tensions qui perdurèrent pour aménager le territoire : entre offre et demande de montagne. Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, à l’heure de l’essor des stations de sports d’hiver dans les Alpes, soixante-dix ans de projections permirent d’élaborer des stratégies variées pour dynamiser la pente aux portes de la Maurienne. Des activités économiques pérennes furent envisagées même si elles laissèrent peu de traces durablement. La montagne constitue-t-elle alors un espace de conquête ou d’abandon ? Il y a peut-être de nouveaux concepts à imaginer. / Analysing spatial dynamics and major issues in a mountain village needs to carry out a general review. Jean-Marc Villermet has chosen to study this subject for many reasons : his attachment to the area, public records going back to centuries, and a desire to promote land-use planning at high altitude.His interrest to an abandoned area, even though part of a famous wild space, is consistent with an international focus. All economic, technical and societal developments forcing mentalities and practices to change, have not yet been studied or evaluated from this perspective in moutain areas in trouble, often qualified as unmovable. This clearly is an interesting new lead to follow up on, in at much this area studied by the author remains marginal, out of the major tourism flows.In this way, from the 1860s, date of the french Savoy period, to the beginning of the XXIst century, Jean-Marc Villermet wishes to demonstrate a significant impact on relativity of conventional concepts challenging the status quo, absolute inaction, archaic procedures concerning this remaining action mountain area. The transformation must be assessed with a thorough understanding of this complexity.The narrow consideration of territories also aims to discover the economic and social process implemented, experienced and seen by different groups in society and how they occupied the territorial space. This area, Grand-Arc-Lauziere mountain, identified by Montsapey, a balcony nestled on the Arc river valley, meets the search criteria : a high-altitude isolated land subjected to an over century-long rural decline, impacted upstream and downstream by much more dynamic territories.The approach adopted is at the crossroads of historical trends. Refering to a global change, this study capitalizes on the experience and knowledge that has been accumulated under many PhDs in economic and social history. Availling himself of the micro-history, the author uses its benefits shedding light on the matter.Sources come from records filed with the local and departmental archives, faced with national archives in Paris. The national and regional daily newspapers bring a different approach. A substancial data collection was performed, supplemented with additional interviews and images.As suggested in the first part of the study, analysing major issues in a mountain village, both a closed territory and a land opened up to the World, offers a detailed and insightful account of history. Jean-Marc Villermet is committed to show the huge population swift towards cities with a national and international perspective, movements of people and flows of information. This study evaluates how migratory flows affect land-use planning. Archaic conditions and outdated practices were accompagnied by new perspectives, when people explored the mountains from the air or tunnels and underpasses, to extract mineral resources.The second part is dedicated to the ineluctable tensions that continued : the balance of supply and demand and changes in patterns of mountain request. After World War II, at a time where ski resorts were built in the French Alps, during seventy years, many essential coordinated strategies were prepared to stimulate sustainable, long-term and effective activities on the slope of the mountains around Montsapey. Today, does it reflect the values of a community on a conquered territory or a derelicted place ? An original creative effective concept has to be imagined for the future.
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« Pour la Patrie, Par la Montagne » : Illustration de l’Imaginaire de la Conquête Dans Tartarin sur les Alpes d’Alphonse Daudet et Là-haut d’Édouard RodSelway, Anabelle Stephania 08 July 2010 (has links)
La période 1870-1914 est une ère de paix relative pour la France. Apres la défaite de 1870, la politique revancharde française ranime les efforts impérialistes de colonisation en Afrique et dans les iles. Cet élan colonialiste se traduit dans la pratique du sport qui gagne de popularité et devient le moyen idéal d’acheminer les idéaux républicains. L’alpinisme et la course aux sommets des Alpes deviennent alors symboliques de l’imaginaire de conquête présent dans l’esprit de la bourgeoisie européenne.
Bien que ce phénomène soit l’objet de plusieurs études historico-culturelles, telles que celles d’Olivier Hoibian, Philippe Joutard et Dominique Lejeune, rares sont les études de la représentation de la mentalité colonialiste dans les œuvres de littérature alpine, qui, selon moi, capturent cette mentalité de façon unique et forte. L’analyse littéraire des deux textes sélectionnés montre comment la mentalité impérialiste se traduit dans l’appropriation et l’exploitation de l’espace montagnard. Les notions de progrès et de civilisation jouent le rôle d’étendards pour une domination évidente du capital et de la modernisation qui caractérise l’Europe du XIXe siècle, et auxquels les Alpes n’échappent pas.
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Disturbed Alpine Ecosystems: Seedling Establishment of Early and Late Seral Dominant SpeciesChambers, Jeanne C. 01 May 1987 (has links)
This study examined the effects of seedbed and seedling environment on establishment of early and late seral dominant alpine species. Species studied included late seral dominant forbs (Geum rossii, Artemisia scopulorum, and Polemonium viscosum), early seral dominant forbs (Potentilla diversifolia and Sibbaldia procumbens), a late seral dominant grass (Festuca idahoensis), and early seral dominant grasses (Calamagrostis purpurascens and Deschampsia cespitosa). Germination responses of each species to wet vs. dry cold stratification and light vs. dark conditions were investigated. No statistical differences were observed in the seed germination of early and late seral dominant forbs or early and late seral dominant grasses, but significant differences were observed in the responses of grasses and forbs. Seed germination of forbs was greater under light than dark conditions and following wet cold storage.
Effects of fertilization on growth responses and nutrient uptake of G. rossii and D. cespitosawere evaluated in a factorial greenhouse experiment in which seedlings of each species were grown at four levels of nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P). The late seral dominant forb responded more like a species from a low-nutrient environment exhibiting lower relative growth rates, higher root:shoot ratios, and a smaller response to N than the early seral dominant.
A field experiment on the Beartooth Plateau, Montana, examined the soil environment and seedling emergence, growth, and survival of seeded early and late seral dominants on loamy sand soils of a severe disturbance and on peat soils of an undisturbed area during two growing seasons. Effects of fertilizer and mulch were examined on the severely disturbed area. Differences between uncleared turf and turf cleared of vegetation (gap disturbance) were evaluated on the undisturbed area. The gap disturbance had higher levels of N and P and warmer soil than the severe disturbance or vegetated undisturbed area. Soil water potentials were never low enough to result in plant stress. Seedling growth was slow - .005 g to .04 g dry weight the first growing season and .02 g to .20 g the second growing season. Growth was greatest on the gap disturbance and on fertilized plots of the severely disturbed area. Early seral dominants had the largest seedlings and the smallest R/R+S ratios. Mortality was low - odds of .50 were rarely exceeded even after two years. Survival was higher on warm, nutrient rich soils of the gap disturbance. Mulch increased emergence and survival on the severe disturbance. Fertilization increased mortality, probably because an initial pulse of N was followed by a rapid decline. Higher mortality occurred in 1986 than 1985 as 1986 had a shorter growing season and cooler air and soil temperatures early in the growing season.
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Gas Exchange and Water Relations of Two Alpine and Two Arctic Tundra Plant SpeciesJohnson, Douglas Allan 01 May 1975 (has links)
Although water stress is an important selective force in many environments, it is not commonly considered to be of particular importance in tundra areas. Even t hough large portions of tundra may have an abundance of water, other more exposed areas may become quite dry. This microsite variability with respect to moisture stress was reflected in soil water potential measurements obtained from an alpine tundra area on Niwot Ridge in Colorado. Even though soil water potentials were consistently above -5 bars in a relatively low lying Deschampsia meadow, soil water potentials from an exposed fellfield area were often as low as -15 bars.
Since moisture stress affects a number of important physiological processes in plants and since moisture stress may develop in at least some tundra areas, this study was undertaken to determine whether the sensitivity of plant physiological processes to water stress may be one important contributing factor in determining the microsite distribution of different tundra species. The alpine tundra species examined in this study were Deschampsia caespitosa which is typically found in wet meadow habitats and Geum rossii, a species which ranges from wet meadow to exposed fellfield habitats. The arctic tundra species investigated were Dupontia fischeri which is restricted mainly to wet meadow areas and Carex aquatilis, a species ranging from wet meadows to drier, more exposed areas.
For both the arctic and al pine tundra species, though the photosynthetic capacities of the tundra species restricted mainly to wet meadow areas were higher under conditions of low moisture stress, the wider ranging tundra species were able to maintain greater photosynthetic capacity as soil moisture stress increased. Although the depression of photosynthesis with water stress in these tundra species could be partially attributed to reduced stomatal aperture, with decreased soil water potential most of the decline of photosynthesis was due to a greater non-stomatal or residual resistance, indicating a direct impact of water stress on the photosynthetic apparatus. Dark respiration did not increase with enhanced water stress. Thus, although photorespiration may have increased, increased mitochondrial respiration is unlikely involved in the depression of net photosynthesis. The wet site species typically exhibited higher photosynthesis/transpiration ratios for photosynthesis at low soil moisture stress levels; however, as soil moisture stress increased, the wider ranging species generally maintained higher photosynthesis/transpiration ratios.
At high soil water potentials stomata of the species restricted typically to wet meadow tundra areas did not appear to undergo a closing response until the bulk leaf water potential decreased; however, reduced stomatal aperture of the tundra species with a wider distribution was noted before leaf water potential dropped. Although the stomatal mechanism of wet site tundra species exhibited lower degrees of occlusion at high soil water potentials, for the more widely distributed tundra species, Carex and especially Geum, stomatal closure was less pronounced as soil water potential decreased.
The ability of Geumto maintain a low liquid phase water transfer resistance from the soil to the leaves as well as to experience relatively small reductions in turgor pressure as moisture stress increased may be important factors in maintaining a favorable leaf water balance over a rather broad range of soil moisture regimes. Differences in turgor pressure response with respect to moisture stress may be associated with differences in cell wall elasticity. Calculations of cell wall elasticity suggest that the wider ranging species have more elastic cell walls as compared with the more rigid, inelastic cell walls in the wet site tundra species. The results of this study show that tundra plants have different gas exchange sensitivities and water relation responses with respect to moisture stress and suggest that these at tributes may be important contributing factors in determining the local distribution of these species.
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