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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude comparative des interactions Vibrio - phagocytes dans l'environnement marin / Comparative study of Vibrio - phagocytes interactions in marine environment

Poirier, Aurore 15 December 2015 (has links)
Des souches de Vibrio appartenant au clade Splendidus sont retrouvées de manière récurrente lors des mortalités estivales d’huîtres juvéniles. La souche V. tasmaniensis LGP32 est un pathogène intracellulaire facultatif des hémocytes d’huître, dont elle altère les fonctions de défense. Nous nous intéressons ici aux interactions entre les phagocytes et V. tasmaniensis LGP32, à diverses échelles (moléculaire, cellulaire et environnementale). Dans une première partie, nous avons découvert un mécanisme antimicrobien, encore inconnu chez C. gigas : la formation de pièges d'ADN extracellulaire (ETs). Ces ETs sont associés à des histones antimicrobiennes et sont capables de piéger des bactéries. Comme chez les vertébrés, la formation de ces ETs est dépendante de la production d'espèces réactives de l'oxygène. De plus, la présence de ces ETs a été confirmée in vivo et a été associée à une accumulation d'histones antimicrobiennes dans les tissus, suite à une blessure ou à une infection. Dans une seconde partie,nous avons étudié les interactions entre V. tasmaniensis LGP32 et des protistes hétérotrophes présents dans l’environnement des huîtres, tels que les amibes et les ciliés, qui se nourrissent de micro-organismes par phagocytose. Un résultat important de cette thèse a été de montrer que V. tasmaniensis LGP32 résiste également à la phagocytose des protistes hétérotrophes environnementaux, de manière intracellulaire. C'est à notre connaissance la première fois que les mécanismes d’interaction entre des bactéries pathogènes d'origine marine et des amibes marines sont décrits. Les amibes que nous avons isolées étant présentes dans l'environnement direct des huîtres, nous pouvons donc supposer que la pression de sélection exercée par les phagocytes environnementaux pourrait favoriser l’émergence de traits de virulence et/ou de résistance à la phagocytose parmi les bactéries marines, comme c’est le cas pour V. tasmaniensis LGP32. / Vibrio strains belonging to the Splendidus clade have been repeatedly found in juvenile diseased oysters affected by summer mortalities. V. tasmaniensis LGP32 is an intracellular pathogen of oyster hemocytes which has been reported to alter the oxidative burst and inhibit phagosome maturation.We here focus on the interactions between phagocytes and V. tasmaniensis LGP32, at molecular, cellular and environmental scales. In the first part of this work, we uncover anunknown antimicrobial mechanism of C. gigas hemocytes: the formation of DNA extracellular traps (ETs). These ETs are associated with antimicrobial histones and are able to entrap bacteria. As in vertebrates, ETs formation depends on reactive oxygen species production. In addition, the presence of ETs was confirmed in vivo and has been associated with antimicrobial histones accumulation in tissues, in response to injury or infection. In the second part of this work, we studied the interactions between V. tasmaniensis LGP32 and heterotrophic protists found in the oyster’s environment, such as amoebae and ciliates, which feed on microorganisms by phagocytosis. An important result of this workwas that V. tasmaniensis LGP32 resists to phagocytosis by environmental heterotrophic protists, as well as to oyster hemocytes. To our knowledge, this is the first mechanical description of an interaction between marine amoebae and marine pathogenic bacteria. As the amoebae were isolated from the direct environment of oysters, we can presume that the selective pressure exerted by environmental phagocytes could select for virulence and/or phagocytosis resistance traits in marine bacteria as in the case of V. tasmaniensis LGP32.

Avantages génomiques conférés à Mycobacterium abscessus pour une existence intracellulaire / Genomic advantages acquired by Mycobacterium abscessus for an intracellular survival

Laencina, Laura 29 November 2017 (has links)
Mycobacterium abscessus est une mycobactérie à croissance rapide, et un pathogène opportuniste responsable d’infections pulmonaires notamment chez les patients atteints de la mucoviscidose, et d’infections cutanéomuqueuses. La source de contamination pourrait être environnementale mais des contaminations interhumaines ne sont pas exclues. Les amibes environnementales pourraient jouer un rôle de réservoir. M. abscessus est capable de résister aux mécanismes de défense bactéricides des phagocytes environnementaux et humains. Le génome complet de M. abscessus a été séquencé mettant en évidence de nombreux facteurs de virulence non mycobactériens. Certains sont des facteurs de virulence connus dans le monde bactérien, comme la phospholipase C ou le facteur de captation du magnésium MgtC. Ces facteurs ont été montré induits en présence d’amibes, mais ne peuvent à eux seuls expliquer la survie intracellulaire et la virulence de M. abscessus. Nous avons donc, au cours de ce projet, criblé une banque de mutants générée par transposition chez M. abscessus, à la recherche de mutants dénués de croissance intracellulaire en amibes et macrophages. Cette approche a permis d’identifier, de façon majeure, 5 gènes du locus ESX-4 de M. abscessus codant un système de sécrétion de type VII avec tous ces composants cœur conservés. Pour mieux comprendre la contribution d’ESX-4 dans la survie intracellulaire de M. abscessus, un mutant obtenu par double recombinaison au sein du gène eccB4 dans la souche type de M. abscessus (ΔeccB4) a été construit. EccB4 est un élément structurel central du système de sécrétion codé par ESX-4. ΔeccB4 présente un défaut de survie au sein des cellules, lié à déficit de blocage de l’acidification phagosomale ainsi qu’un défaut de dégradation de la membrane phagosomale, empêchant un contact phagosome-cytosol. Ce travail a permis de révéler pour la première fois dans le monde mycobactérien le rôle d’un locus ancestral de sécrétion ESX-4 au sein d’une mycobactérie. L’étude des protéines secrétées par ce locus est actuellement en cours au laboratoire, afin d’envisager des approches thérapeutiques et vaccinales pour contrer cette mycobactérie multirésistante aux antibiotiques. / Mycobacterium abscessus is a fast growing mycobacterium, and an opportunistic pathogen responsible for lung infections particularly in patients with cystic fibrosis, and for mucocutaneous infections. The source of contamination could be environmental but human-to-human contaminations are not excluded. Environmental amoeba could play a role as a reservoir. M. abscessus is able to resist to the bactericidal defense mechanisms of environmental and human phagocytes. The complete genome of M. abscessus has been sequenced and presents numerous non-mycobacterial virulence factors. Some are known virulence factors in the bacterial world, such as phospholipase C or the magnesium uptake factor MgtC. These factors have been shown to be induced in the presence of amoeba, but cannot alone explain the intracellular survival and virulence of M. abscessus. We thus, in the course of this project, screened a library of mutants generated by transposition in M. abscessus, in search of mutants lacking intracellular growth in amoeba and macrophages. This approach made it possible to identify, in a major way, 5 genes of the ESX-4 locus of M. abscessus encoding a type VII secretion system with all these conserved core components. In order to better understand the contribution of ESX-4 to the intracellular survival of M. abscessus, a mutant obtained by double recombination within the eccB4 gene in the M. abscessus type strain (ΔeccB4) was constructed. EccB4 is a central structural element of the secretion system encoded by ESX-4. ΔeccB4 has a defect of survival within the cells, linked to deficiency of blockage of the phagosomal acidification as well as a defect of degradation of the phagosomal membrane, preventing phagosome-cytosol contact. This work made it possible to reveal for the first time in the mycobacterial world the role of an ancestral locus ESX-4 secretion within a mycobacterium. The study of the proteins secreted by this locus is currently underway in the laboratory, in order to consider therapeutic and vaccine approaches to counter this multiresistant antibiotic mycobacterium.

Análise de interações da subunidade catalítica da fosfatase do tipo 1 (PP1c) de Dictyostelium discoideum identificadas através do sistema de duplo-híbrido em leveduras / Analysis of yeast two-hybrid system interactions of Dictyostelium discoideum type-1 protein phosphatase catalytic subunit (PP1c)

Raposo, Renato Astolfi 04 November 2010 (has links)
A proteína fosfatase do tipo-1 (PP1) é uma das principais proteínas serina/treonina fosfatases (PSTPs) e desempenha papeis fisiológicos tão diversos quanto importantes, tais como a regulação do metabolismo de carboidratos e do ciclo celular. A holoenzima PP1 é constituída por uma subunidade catalítica conservada (PP1c) que está associada a subunidades não-catalíticas que modulam sua localização subcelular, especificidade de substrato e atividade enzimática. Mais de 100 proteínas que interagem com a PP1c já foram identificadas em distintos organismos eucarióticos. Proteínas que interagem com a PP1c são, portanto, a chave para compreender os diferentes papéis biológicos da PP1. A subunidade catalítica da PP1 da ameba social Dictyostelium discoideum (DdPP1c) é codificada por um gene em cópia única o qual é expresso ao longo de todo o ciclo de vida desse organismo. Algumas proteínas que interagem e possivelmente modulam a atividade da PP1 de D. discoideum já foram identificadas, utilizando-se tanto buscas por similaridades na sequência genômica deste microorganismo como ensaios utilizando o sistema de duplo-híbrido em leveduras, utilizando-se a PP1c como isca. Com esta última abordagem, foram selecionados mais de 25 clones distintos de cDNA que codificam proteínas que potencialmente interagem com a DdPP1c, após varreduras de bibliotecas de cDNA de diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento de D. discoideum. Neste trabalho, nós confirmamos que o produto protéico de 11 destes clones interagem com a isca DdPP1c com base em novos ensaios de duplo-híbrido. Os demais clones codificam proteínas que não interagem com DdPP1c ou promovem auto-ativação do gene repórter. Selecionamos para estudos adicionais um clone do gene DDB_G0269300 cujo produto protéico predito de 423 de aminoácidos não tem função ainda conhecida. A sequência codificadora completa de DDB_G0269300 foi clonada para realização de novos ensaios de duplo-híbrido em leveduras, os quais confirmaram a especificidade de sua interação com DdPP1c. A proteína recombinante rDDB_G0269300 foi obtida com sucesso em bactérias, possibilitando a obtenção de anticorpos policlonais em camundongos. O anti-soro anti-rDDB_G0269300 é aparentemente específico no reconhecimento da proteína correspondente em extratos celulares de D. discoideum coletados em 12h e 16 da fase de desenvolvimento. Estes resultados coincidem com dados obtidos através de RT-qPCR que mostram aumento nos níveis dos transcritos de DDB_G0269300 entre 8h e 12h da fase de desenvolvimento, o que é indicativo da sua importância desta proteína durante esta fase do ciclo de vida de Dictyostelium como uma potencial parceira molecular da DdPP1c / Protein phosphatase type-1 (PP1) is a major protein serine/threonine phosphatase (PSTP) which plays as diverse as important physiological roles, such as regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and of cell cycle. The PP1 holoenzyme comprises a conserved catalytic subunit (PP1c) associated with non-catalytic subunits that modulate its subcellular localization, substrate specificity and enzymatic activity. More than 100 proteins that interact with PP1c have been identified in different eukaryotic organisms. Therefore proteins that interact with PP1c are key to the understanding of PP1 different biological roles. The catalytic subunit of PP1 the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum (DdPP1c) is encoded by a single copy gene which is expressed throughout the life cycle of this organism. Some proteins that interact with and possibly modulate the activity of D. discoideum PP1 have been identified, using both similarity searches in the genome sequence of this microorganism as yeast two-hybrid screenings using PP1c as bait. With the latter approach, we have selected more than 25 distinct cDNA clones encoding proteins that potentially interact with DdPP1c after screening D. discoideum cDNA libraries from different developmental stages. In this study, we confirmed that the protein product from 11 of these clones interact with the bait DdPP1c based on two-hybrid assays. The other clones encode proteins that either does not interact or promote self-activation of the reporter gene. The clone related to DDB_G0269300 gene that encodes a predicted protein of 423 amino acids with unknown function was selected for further studies. DDB_G0269300 full-length coding sequence was cloned and new yeast two-hybrid assays were performed confirming the specificity of the interaction with DdPP1c. The recombinant protein rDDB_G0269300 was successfully obtained in bacteria and further used for polyclonal antibodies production in mice. The antiserum anti-rDDB_G0269300 is apparently specific for recognition of the corresponding protein in D. discoideum cell extracts collected after 12h and 16h of development. These results agree with RT-qPCR data showing that the levels of DDB_G0269300 transcripts are increased between 8 h and 12 h during the development, which is indicative of its importance during this phase in Dictyostelium life cycle as a DdPP1c potential molecular partner.

Análise de interações da subunidade catalítica da fosfatase do tipo 1 (PP1c) de Dictyostelium discoideum identificadas através do sistema de duplo-híbrido em leveduras / Analysis of yeast two-hybrid system interactions of Dictyostelium discoideum type-1 protein phosphatase catalytic subunit (PP1c)

Renato Astolfi Raposo 04 November 2010 (has links)
A proteína fosfatase do tipo-1 (PP1) é uma das principais proteínas serina/treonina fosfatases (PSTPs) e desempenha papeis fisiológicos tão diversos quanto importantes, tais como a regulação do metabolismo de carboidratos e do ciclo celular. A holoenzima PP1 é constituída por uma subunidade catalítica conservada (PP1c) que está associada a subunidades não-catalíticas que modulam sua localização subcelular, especificidade de substrato e atividade enzimática. Mais de 100 proteínas que interagem com a PP1c já foram identificadas em distintos organismos eucarióticos. Proteínas que interagem com a PP1c são, portanto, a chave para compreender os diferentes papéis biológicos da PP1. A subunidade catalítica da PP1 da ameba social Dictyostelium discoideum (DdPP1c) é codificada por um gene em cópia única o qual é expresso ao longo de todo o ciclo de vida desse organismo. Algumas proteínas que interagem e possivelmente modulam a atividade da PP1 de D. discoideum já foram identificadas, utilizando-se tanto buscas por similaridades na sequência genômica deste microorganismo como ensaios utilizando o sistema de duplo-híbrido em leveduras, utilizando-se a PP1c como isca. Com esta última abordagem, foram selecionados mais de 25 clones distintos de cDNA que codificam proteínas que potencialmente interagem com a DdPP1c, após varreduras de bibliotecas de cDNA de diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento de D. discoideum. Neste trabalho, nós confirmamos que o produto protéico de 11 destes clones interagem com a isca DdPP1c com base em novos ensaios de duplo-híbrido. Os demais clones codificam proteínas que não interagem com DdPP1c ou promovem auto-ativação do gene repórter. Selecionamos para estudos adicionais um clone do gene DDB_G0269300 cujo produto protéico predito de 423 de aminoácidos não tem função ainda conhecida. A sequência codificadora completa de DDB_G0269300 foi clonada para realização de novos ensaios de duplo-híbrido em leveduras, os quais confirmaram a especificidade de sua interação com DdPP1c. A proteína recombinante rDDB_G0269300 foi obtida com sucesso em bactérias, possibilitando a obtenção de anticorpos policlonais em camundongos. O anti-soro anti-rDDB_G0269300 é aparentemente específico no reconhecimento da proteína correspondente em extratos celulares de D. discoideum coletados em 12h e 16 da fase de desenvolvimento. Estes resultados coincidem com dados obtidos através de RT-qPCR que mostram aumento nos níveis dos transcritos de DDB_G0269300 entre 8h e 12h da fase de desenvolvimento, o que é indicativo da sua importância desta proteína durante esta fase do ciclo de vida de Dictyostelium como uma potencial parceira molecular da DdPP1c / Protein phosphatase type-1 (PP1) is a major protein serine/threonine phosphatase (PSTP) which plays as diverse as important physiological roles, such as regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and of cell cycle. The PP1 holoenzyme comprises a conserved catalytic subunit (PP1c) associated with non-catalytic subunits that modulate its subcellular localization, substrate specificity and enzymatic activity. More than 100 proteins that interact with PP1c have been identified in different eukaryotic organisms. Therefore proteins that interact with PP1c are key to the understanding of PP1 different biological roles. The catalytic subunit of PP1 the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum (DdPP1c) is encoded by a single copy gene which is expressed throughout the life cycle of this organism. Some proteins that interact with and possibly modulate the activity of D. discoideum PP1 have been identified, using both similarity searches in the genome sequence of this microorganism as yeast two-hybrid screenings using PP1c as bait. With the latter approach, we have selected more than 25 distinct cDNA clones encoding proteins that potentially interact with DdPP1c after screening D. discoideum cDNA libraries from different developmental stages. In this study, we confirmed that the protein product from 11 of these clones interact with the bait DdPP1c based on two-hybrid assays. The other clones encode proteins that either does not interact or promote self-activation of the reporter gene. The clone related to DDB_G0269300 gene that encodes a predicted protein of 423 amino acids with unknown function was selected for further studies. DDB_G0269300 full-length coding sequence was cloned and new yeast two-hybrid assays were performed confirming the specificity of the interaction with DdPP1c. The recombinant protein rDDB_G0269300 was successfully obtained in bacteria and further used for polyclonal antibodies production in mice. The antiserum anti-rDDB_G0269300 is apparently specific for recognition of the corresponding protein in D. discoideum cell extracts collected after 12h and 16h of development. These results agree with RT-qPCR data showing that the levels of DDB_G0269300 transcripts are increased between 8 h and 12 h during the development, which is indicative of its importance during this phase in Dictyostelium life cycle as a DdPP1c potential molecular partner.

Les amibes libres pathogènes des eaux chaudes de la Guadeloupe : étude écologique caractérisation moléculaire et prophylaxie des zones de baignade / The free amoeba pathogens of warm waters of Guadeloupe. : ecological study, molecular characterization and prophylaxis of bathing areas.

Moussa, Mirna 25 September 2015 (has links)
Les amibes sont des organismes unicellulaires eucaryotes, de 10 à 300 µm, pouvant vivre sous forme parasite ou évoluer librement dans les sols et les milieux aquatiques ou encore adopter l’une ou l’autre forme en fonction de l’environnement. Certaines amibes libres sont hautement pathogènes pour les animaux et l’homme, en particulier Naegleria fowleri qui se développe dans les eaux naturellement chaudes à des températures comprises entre 27 et 45°C. Cette espèce est responsable d'une encéphalite généralement mortelle, la méningo-encéphalite amibienne primitive (MEAP), dont un cas a été recensé en Guadeloupe en 2008. Un enfant de 9 ans ayant contracté la maladie est décédé quelques jours après un bain dans les eaux chaudes de Dolé, sur la commune de Gourbeyre. Notre travail de Thèse à l’Institut Pasteur, en collaboration avec l’ARS, a permis d’initier un programme de recherche sur ces amibes pathogènes très peu connues sur notre territoire, afin de mieux évaluer le risque lié aux baignades dans les sources géothermales de la Guadeloupe. Nous avons développé et mis au point une méthode de détection et de dénombrement des amibes faisant appel à la biologie moléculaire qui est aujourd’hui appliquée en routine au sein de notre laboratoire. Depuis Janvier 2011, un suivi mensuel a révélé la présence des amibes thermophiles et de l’amibe pathogène dans presque tous les sites analysés (Ravine Chaude, Bains de La Lise et Bain du Curé à Pigeon, Bains Jaunes, Bain de Dolé, Bain de Capes, Bain des Amours, Bain de la rivière Grosse-Corde, Chute du Carbet, Bain de Morphy et Bain chaud de Matouba), à l’exception des eaux chaudes soufrées et/ou salées de Sofaïa et de l’Anse Thomas à Bouillante. Le séquençage des produits de PCR obtenus et déposés dans Genbank nous a permis de confirmer l’appartenance de cette souche de N. fowleri, au type 3 Euro-américain, identique à celui détecté lors de l’accident de 2008 (Moussa et al. 2013). Le nombre d’amibes pathogènes retrouvées varie de 2 à 30 amibes/litre selon les bains, sans dépasser la limite de 100 amibes/litre recommandée par les autorités sanitaires. En dépit de ces faibles concentrations, une surveillance régulière des bassins est nécessaire. Sur l’ensemble de l’année 2011-2012, l’espèce pathogène N. fowleri a été la plus fréquemment rencontrée par rapport aux espèces non pathogènes N. lovaniensis et Hartmanella sp. Ces données de surveillance ont amené l’ARS et les communes concernées à organiser une campagne de sensibilisation à destination des populations locales et touristiques, reposant sur l’installation de panneaux de prévention à proximité des principaux sites où N. fowleri a été retrouvée.La présence régulière de N. fowleri tout au long de l’année dans la plupart des bains chauds et notamment dans les bains les plus fréquentés, a orienté notre travail sur la recherche de l’origine de leur contamination. Nous avons découvert que les sources géothermales ne sont pas contaminées à leur émergence, mais que les amibes proviennent de la terre en amont des bassins. Ce résultat qui montre que le sol est le réservoir naturel des amibes, nous a permis de proposer aux collectivités un moyen de lutte efficace en canalisant l’eau depuis l’émergence jusqu’au bassin, sans passer par le sol. / Amoebas are eukaryotic unicellular organisms, measuring from 10 to 300 µm, being able to live under a parasite form or to evolve freely in soils and aquatic media. They can even adopt either form depending of the environment. Some free living amoebas are highly pathogenic for animals and humans, especially Naegleria fowleri which develops in naturally hot waters at temperatures between 27 and 45°C. This species is responsible for an encephalitis generally lethal, the primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), a case of which occured in Guadeloupe in 2008. A 9-year-old child having contracted the disease, died a few days after a bath in the hot waters of Dolé, in Gourbeyre. Our Thesis at the Institut Pasteur of Guadeloupe, in association with the ARS, initiated a research program on these pathogenic amoebas poorly known in our territory, to better estimate the risk to contract the disease while bathing in geothermal recreational waters of Guadeloupe. We developed and worked out a method of detection and enumeration of amoebas using the molecular biology, which is currently applied in routine in our laboratory. Since January, 2011, a monthly monitoring of the baths revealed the presence of thermophilic free living amoebas and pathogenic amoeba in almost all the analyzed sites (Ravine Chaude, La Lise, Bain du Curé à Pigeon, Bains Jaunes, Bain de Dolé, Bain de Capès, Bain des Amours, Bain de la rivière Grosse-Corde, Chutes du Carbet, Morphy and the hot bath of Matouba), with the exception of sulphurated and/or salty hot waters of Sofaïa and the Anse-Thomas in Bouillante. The sequencing of the PCR products obtained were deposited in Genbank and confirmed that the Guadeloupean N. fowleri belonged to the Type-3 Euro-American, identical to that detected in the patient in 2008 (Moussa et al. 2013). The number of pathogenic amoebas varied from 2 to 30 amoebas / liter according to the baths, without exceeding the limit of 100 amoebas / liter recommended by the health authorities. In spite of this rather low concentration the baths require a regular surveillance. On the full year 2011-2012, the pathogenic species N. fowleri was the most frequently encountered species followed by N. lovaniensis and Hartmanella sp. These data of the surveillance led the ARS and the municipalities concerned to organize an awareness campaign destinated to the local and tourist population, based on the installation of prevention panels near the main sites where N. fowleri was found. The regular presence of N. fowleri during the year in most of the hot baths, especially the most frequented ones, leads us to look for the origin of their contamination. We discovered that geothermal springs are not contaminated at their emergence, but that amoebas come from the soil upstream the baths. This result which shows that soil is the natural reservoir of amoebas, allowed us to propose to the authorities effective means of prevention by installing pipes to carry the water from the emergence to the bath, without touching the soil.

Suivi de l'état viable non cultivable de souches de Legionella pneumophila soumises à différents stress (thermique ou chloré) : Evaluation de leur pouvoir pathogène / Monitoring state of viable but non culturable legionella pneumophila strains after different stress (heat shock or chlorine treatment) : Evaluation of their pathogenicity

Epalle, Thibaut 09 February 2015 (has links)
Legionella pneumophila, l’agent responsable de la légionellose est transmissible à l’Homme par les aérosols environnementaux et infecte les macrophages pulmonaires. Après l’exposition à différents stress L. pneumophila est capable de d’entrer dans un état Viable Non Cultivable (VBNC) qui semble être une stratégie de survie. L’objectif de nos travaux était d’étudier l’état VBNC de différentes souches de L. pneumophila après des traitements thermique et chimique et d’évaluer le pouvoir infectieux des formes VBNC envers les macrophages et les cellules épithéliales alvéolaires. Nous avons étudié les profils physiologiques de L. pneumophila de trois souches différentes. Les résultats montrent que pour chaque souche 3 populations peuvent être identifiées, les légionelles viables cultivables, les VBNC et les bactéries mortes. Lorsque soumises aux stress, chaque souche possède un profil physiologique propre et la présence ou non de bactéries VBNC était dépendante du traitement appliqué et de la souche utilisée. La deuxième partie fut relative à l’étude des traitements thermiques de 70°C pendant 30 min et des chocs au dioxyde de chlore de 4, 6 et 7 mg/L pendant 60 min à température ambiante sur ces VBNC. Aucune légionelle VBNC n’est capable de se développer au sein des cellules et aucune croissance sur milieu BCYE n’a été observée après co-culture. La suite de notre étude a été d’étudier le comportement, envers les macrophages, de L. pneumophila revivifiées après culture sur amibes. Les résultats montrent que les légionelles VBNC induites par choc thermique et revivifiées par co-culture sur Acanthamoeba polyphaga sont capables d’infecter de nouveau les macrophages. En conclusion, ces résultats suggèrent que: (i) les formes VBNC de L. pneumophila ne sont pas spontanément infectieuses pour les macrophages et les cellules épithéliales alvéolaires in vitro et (ii) elles peuvent devenir pathogènes pour les cellules humaines après revivification préalable sur A. polyphaga / Legionella pneumophila, the causative agent of legionellosis is transmitted to human through aerosols from environmental sources and invades lung’s macrophages. It also can replicate within various protozoan species in environmental reservoirs. Following exposures to various stresses, L. pneumophila enters a Viable Non Cultivable state (VBNC) which is likely to be a survival strategy. The objective of our work was to study the VBNC forms of several strains of L. pneumophila serogroup 1 obtained after thermal and chemical treatments and to evaluate the infectivity of these VBNC forms against macrophages and alveolar epithelial cells. First we studied the physiological patterns of the three different strains (Philadelphia GFP 008, 044 clinical and environmental RNN). For all strains we observed the presence of VBNC bacteria in the native (non stressed) state. The results show that for each strain, three populations of Legionella can be identified: viable and culturable, VBNC and dead cells. Once submitted to the various stresses, we observed that each strain had its own physiological pattern and the presence (or not) of VBNC bacteria was dependent on the applied treatment and the strain used. The second part was related to the study of the pathogenicity of these VBNC forms against macrophages or epithelial cells. The study focused on heat shock treatment at 70°C for 30 min and chlorine dioxide treatment at 4, 6 and 7 mg/L for 60 min at room temperature. The results show that no Legionella VBNC forms were able to grow within the cells and no growth on BCYE medium was observed after co-culture. Then we investigated the behavior of L. pneumophila resuscitated after culture on ameba within macrophages. The results shows that Legionella VBNC induced by heat shock treatment and resuscitated by Acanthamoeba polyphaga co-culture are able to infect macrophages. In conclusion, these results suggest that: (i) the VBNC forms of L. pneumophila are not infectious for macrophages and alveolar epithelial cells in vitro and; (ii) they can be pathogenic for human cells after revivification by an amoeba (A. polyphaga)

Srovnávací analýzy progresivních struktur řízení podniku / Comparative Analysis of Progressive Management Structures

Batelková, Andrea January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is created in order to conduct a comparative analysis of organizational structure of the company. The parameters for comparison are determined. The first one is the comparative analysis of the Amoeba Management System with a Divisional Structure. The second one is the comparative analysis of Fractal and Matrix Organizational Structure. The conslusions of these analyzes determine the key parameters for management on the basis of the suggested organizational structure for effective management.

Modifications génétiques de Mycobacterium tuberculosis : interactions avec les organismes hôtes

Lamrabet, Otmane 25 September 2012 (has links)
Les mycobactéries sont classées parmi les bactéries contenant des acides mycoliques dans leur paroi et un haut GC% dans leur génome. Elles peuvent être isolées à partir du sol ou d'environnement d'eau douce où vivent aussi les protozoaires libres. Plusieurs études ont montré une possibilité de co-isolement des mycobactéries et des amibes à partir de ces sources environnementales. Il a été montré également que la plupart des mycobactéries de l'environnement ont la capacité à survivre dans les trophozoites et les kystes d'amibes et dans certaines cellules eucaryotes, y compris les macrophages. Les manipulations génétiques des mycobactéries en général et des mycobactéries du complexe Mycobacterium tuberculosis en particulier sont compliquées et aucune étude de modification génétique des mycobactéries (pathogènes ou non pathogènes) n'avait été réalisée dans notre laboratoire avant notre travail de thèse. Dans notre travail de thèse, nous avons montré que les amibes ou d'autres organismes phagocytaires peuvent servir comme sources et lieu de transfert des gènes chez les mycobactéries. Ce transfert des gènes peut avoir contribué à l'adaptation des mycobactéries à un mode de vie intracellulaire. Nous avons développé ensuite deux systèmes de coculture: Mycobacterium smegmatis-Acanthamoeba polyphaga et Mycobacterium gilvum-A. polyphaga et nous avons clarifié le spectre des interactions des mycobactéries à croissance rapide avec les amibes. Ce modèle d'interaction mycobactéries-amibes a été utilisé pour tester l'hypothèse contraire au paradigme dominant que l'addition des gènes réduit la virulence des bactéries. / Mycobacteria are mycolic-acid containing, high GC% bacterial organisms which can be recovered from soil and fresh water environments where free-living protozoa also live. Co-isolation of mycobacteria and amoeba collected from such environmental sources has been reported. Several experiments further demonstrated the ability of most environmental mycobacteria to survive in the amoebal trophozoites and cysts and in some eukaryotic cells including macrophages. Genetic modification of mycobacteria in general and mycobacteria belonging to Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in particular are complicated and no studies using genetic modification of mycobacteria (pathogenic or non-pathogenic) had been performed in our laboratory prior to our work. In our thesis work, we showed that amoebae or other phagocytic organisms can serve as sources and places for gene transfers in mycobacteria. Gene transfers may have contributed to the adaptation of mycobacteria to an intracellular lifestyle. In addition, we developed two co-culture systems: Mycobacterium smegmatis-Acanthamoeba polyphaga and Mycobacterium gilvum-A. polyphaga and we clarified the spectrum of rapid-growing mycobacteria and amoeba interactions. This model of mycobacteria-amoeba interactions was then used to test another hypothesis according to which unlike the prevailing paradigm, the addition of genes does not reduce the virulence of bacteria. For the first time in our laboratory we modified two species of the M. tuberculosis complex, M. tuberculosis H37Rv and Mycobacterium bovis BCG to observe the effect of these changes on their pathogenicity and survival.

Epidémiologie des mycobactéries en Polynésie française / Epidemiology of mycobacteria in French Polynesia

Aboubaker Osman, Djaltou 29 October 2015 (has links)
La tuberculose est due à un groupe d’agents infectieux phylogénétiquement proches formant le complexe Mycobacterium tuberculosis, formé de dix espèces. M. tuberculosis est un bacille à croissance lente qui forme des colonies rugueuses. Le complexe M. tuberculosis comporte également des bacilles tuberculeux formant des colonies lisses à croissance rapide, isolées qu’à partir de prélèvements cliniques chez l’homme. Notre revue des articles sur ces souches a montré que les trois premiers isolats ont été obtenus chez des patients en France, à Madagascar et en Polynésie Française par Georges Canetti entre 1968 et 1970. Suite à l'isolement d'une souche lisse à partir d’un ganglion cervical chez un enfant Somali de 2 ans en 1997, ces bacilles tuberculeux ont été nommés "Mycobacterium canettii". Aujourd'hui, moins d'une centaine de ces souches ont été isolées à partir de patients exposés aux pays formant la Corne de l’Afrique, principalement la République de Djibouti, qui présente la plus forte prévalence. Nous avons procédé à l’analyse génotypique de 34 isolats de M. tuberculosis et de 87 isolats de mycobactéries non-tuberculeuses de la Polynésie Française pour voir si des telles souches persistaient.Nous avons pu décrire deux nouvelles lignées de M. tuberculosis et une nouvelle espèce de mycobactérie non-tuberculeuse. Nous avons envisagé une transmission par voie digestive de "M. canettii" et nous avons testé la résistance de "M. canettii" à la chaleur. Nous avons observé la croissance de cette dernière entre 25°C et 45°C. Les données que nous avons obtenues ici pourraient former une base en vue d'élucider les réservoirs et les sources de souches lisses. / Tuberculosis is caused by a group of phylogenetically close infectious agents forming the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex, consisting of ten species. M. tuberculosis is a slow growing bacterium which form rough colonies. The complex also includes M. tuberculosis tubercle bacilli forming smooth rapidly-growing colonies isolated from clinical specimens in humans. Our review of articles on these strains showed that the first three isolates were obtained from patients in France, Madagascar and French Polynesia by Georges Canetti between 1968 and 1970. Following the isolation of a smooth strain from cervical ganglion of a Somali 2 year-old child in 1997, the tubercle bacilli were named "Mycobacterium canettii". Today, less than a hundred of these strains were isolated from patients exposed to countries forming the Horn of Africa, especially the Republic of Djibouti, which has the highest prevalence. As showed in our revue, one smooth tubercle bacilli was isolated in Frenche Polynesia. To see if such strains persist there, we performed the genotyping of 34 isolates of M. tuberculosis and 87 isolates of non-tuberculous mycobacteria from French Polynesia. We have described two new strains of M. tuberculosis and a new species of mycobacterium tuberculosis not. We considered, on the basis of our data, a transmission through the digestive tract for "M. canettii" and we tested the resistance "Mr. canettii" to heat. We observed the growth of the latter between 25°C and 45°C. The data we got here could form a basis to elucidate the reservoirs and sources of smooth strains.

Les processus de différenciation et la résistance des kystes aux traitements de désinfection chez l'amibe libre Vermamoeba vermiformis / The processes of differentiation and resistance of cysts to disinfection treatments in the free-living amoeba Vermamoeba vermiformis

Fouque, Emilie 09 December 2013 (has links)
V. vermiformis est une amibe libre répandue dans l'environnement et les milieux artificiels comme les réseaux d'eau chaude sanitaire (RECS). Il est maintenant bien établi qu'elle joue un rôle de réservoir pour des bactéries pathogènes, comme L. pneumophila. Le contrôle de V. vermiformis dans les RECS représente donc un enjeu sanitaire important. Les amibes libres peuvent passer d'une forme métaboliquement active (trophozoïte) à une forme de résistance, le kyste, lorsque les conditions sont défavorables ce qui leur confère une résistance aux traitements. Malgré la haute prévalence de V. vermiformis dans les RECS, les processus de différenciation et la résistance de ses kystes aux traitements n'ont été que peu étudiés. Nous avons donc investigué les changements morphologiques et ultrastructuraux qui s'opèrent lors de l'enkystement et désenkystement de V. vermiformis. Il en ressort que l'enkystement est un phénomène rapide (9 h) qui conduit à la formation de kystes entourés d'une paroi double couche. Lors du désenkystement, les trophozoïtes n'émergent pas à travers un ostiole comme c'est le cas chez Acanthamoeba. Puis, nous avons étudié l'effet des conditions environnementales et de la concentration cellulaire sur l'enkystement. Nous avons observé que plus la concentration cellulaire est élevée plus l'enkystement est rapide, ce qui suggère l'existence de mécanismes de communication intercellulaire. Enfin, nous avons étudié la résistance des kystes aux traitements utilisés dans les RECS et aux protéases. Ces traitements étaient efficaces, in vitro, pour inactiver les kystes de V. vermiformis. Ces travaux ont permis d'apporter des connaissances de bases sur les processus de d / Vermamoeba vermiformis is a free-living amoeba (FLA) widespread in the environment and artificial environments such as hot water networks. It is now well established that it acts as a reservoir for many pathogenic bacteria, such as Legionella pneumophila. The control of V. vermiformis in artificial environments represents an important health issue. FLA can turn from a metabolic active form (trophozoite) to a resistance form, called cyst, when conditions are unfavorable. Cysts are more resistant to treatments. Despite the high prevalence of V. vermiformis in hot water networks, the processes of differentiation and the resistance of cysts to disinfection treatments have been poorly studied. Therefore we investigated morphological and ultrastructural changes occurring during encystment and excystment of V. vermiformis. It appears that encystment is a fast process (9 h) which leads to the formation of cysts surrounded by a double-layered wall. During excystment, trophozoites do not emerge through an ostiole as is the case with Acanthamoeba. Then, we studied the effect of environmental conditions and cell concentration on encystment. We observed that the higher cell concentration was, the faster the encystment was, which suggests the existence of intercellular communication. Finally, we studied the resistance of cysts to conventional disinfection treatments used in hot water networks and to innovative treatment with proteases. These treatments were effective, in vitro, to inactivate V. vermiformis cysts. This work provides new finding regarding differentiation processes and cysts resistance of V. vermiformis, a free-living amoeba poorly studied.

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