Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amyloid"" "subject:"myloid""
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Monocytes as gene therapy vectors for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease /Lebson, Lori Ann. January 2008 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph.D.)--University of South Florida, 2008. / Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references.
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Untersuchung der Wirkung von HDAC-Inhibitoren auf das Amyloid-Vorläufer-Protein (APP) in Tumorzellen / Examination of the effects of HDAC inhibitors on amyloid precursor protein (APP) levels in tumor cellsHensen, Bennet 24 September 2013 (has links)
Das Amyloid-Vorläufer-Protein (APP) ist ein integrales Membranprotein, welches in neuronalen und nicht neuronalen Geweben des Menschen exprimiert wird. Neben seiner bekannten Relevanz in der Pathogenese der Alzheimer-Erkrankung nimmt es eine weitere physiologische Rolle ein: APP ist ein Wachstumsfaktor.
Diese Funktion machen sich auch Karzinomzellen zunutze. APP wird in Kolon-, Pankreas- und weiteren Karzinomzelllinien überexprimiert. Durch den HDAC-Inhibitor Valproat kann die Proliferation von Tumorzellen verringert werden. Dabei führt die Behandlung der Zellen mit Valproat zu einer Hyperacetylierung des Histons H4 und damit verbunden auch zu einer erhöhten Konzentration des Chaperon GRP78. Dieses hemmt die APP-Reifung, indem es das unreife APP bindet. Die intrazelluläre APP-Konzentration sinkt und die extrazellulären wachstumsfördernden Spaltprodukte wie sAPPα werden vermindert sezerniert. In der Folge wird die Proliferation der Tumorzellen signifikant inhibiert. Die Identifikation neuer und potenter HDAC-Inhibitoren hat eine große Relevanz, um neue Therapiestrategien in der Krebstherapie zu ermöglichen und die Überlebenschancen von Tumorpatienten zu verbessern. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Wirkung der Histon-Deacetylase-Inhibitoren Apicidin, Scriptaid, Sirtinol sowie APHA-Compound 8 auf die Tumorzelllinien Sw480 (Kolonkarzinom) und BxPc3 (Pankreaskarzinom) getestet.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass alle vier getesteten HDAC-Inhibitoren die Proliferation der untersuchten Tumorzellen hemmen. Die getesteten Medikamente wirkten dabei ohne Ausnahme in geringeren Konzentrationen auf Sw480 und BxPc3 als Valproat. Apicidin, Scriptaid und Sirtinol inhibierten zudem die Reifung von APP. In der Western-Blot-Analyse zeigte sich, dass die Konzentration des Amyloid-Vorläufer-Proteins nach Zugabe der Medikamente sank. Die Immunfluoreszenz bestätigte, dass Apicidin die APP-Konzentration in Sw480-Zellen konzentrationsabhängig vermindert. Dieses Ergebnis stützt die These, dass der Wachstumsfaktor APP auch durch die getesteten HDAC-Inhibitoren gehemmt wird. Zudem konnte in der Western-Blot-Analyse der molekulare Mechanismus der Medikamente, welcher mit dem von Valproat identisch ist, verifiziert werden. Histon H4 zeigte sich erwartungsgemäß hyperacetyliert, GRP78 wurde hochreguliert und APLP2 als APP-homologes Protein blieb unverändert. Eine Ausnahme stellt der HDAC-Inhibitor APHA-Compound 8 dar. Dieser inhibierte zwar die Proliferation der Zellen und in der Western-Blot-Analyse konnte eine starke Hyperacetylierung von Histon H4 dargestellt werden. Dennoch konnte in der Western-Blot-Analyse weder eine Inhibition des reifen noch des unreifen APP nachgewiesen werden.
Zusammenfassend zeigte sich, dass Apicidin und Scriptaid das Amyloid-Vorläufer-Protein in niedriger Dosierung inhibieren können. Somit könnten die Medikamente in Zukunft in der Therapie von APP-positiven Tumoren und besonders im Fall der getesteten Karzinome neue Behandlungsoptionen bieten und das Spektrum der Behandlung erweitern.
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An investigation of the ABAD-Aβ interaction as a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of Alzheimer’s diseaseMuirhead, Kirsty E. A. January 2011 (has links)
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia but despite being identified over a century ago, current treatments remain limited. To date, no disease-modifying therapies are available. Soluble, intracellular forms of β-amyloid (Aβ), a protein associated with AD, have been identified and intracellular targets of Aβ are being investigated as potential targets for new drugs. Amyloid binding alcohol dehydrogenase (ABAD) was previously identified as a mitochondrial target of Aβ and is known to be up-regulated in AD. This interaction results in production of reactive oxygen species and cell death. Using a small peptide, known as the “decoy peptide”, disruption of this interaction has been shown to reverse biochemical and behavioural symptoms in an AD mouse model. The work reported in this thesis describes the approaches taken to develop methods for in vitro and ex vivo study of the interaction between ABAD and Aβ. A fluorogenic assay for measuring the intracellular activity of ABAD in living cells was developed and using this technique, the intracellular inhibition of ABAD by Aβ was observed for the first time. Surface plasmon resonance was used to measure binding between ABAD and Aβ and also showed the first quantitative analysis of direct binding of the decoy peptide to Aβ42. In order to synthesise small molecule inhibitors of ABAD activity with the aim of developing a molecular probe of the enzyme’s activity, compounds were identified by screening a fragment-based library. Subsequent optimisation of the compound structure led to a 10-fold improvement in the IC50 and has resulted in a lead compound for future development. A similar screening strategy was employed to identify potential small molecule inhibitors of the ABAD-Aβ interaction. This research has resulted in a range of tools and methods for studying ABAD activity and interactions, which will greatly benefit future work on developing compounds that inhibit the ABAD-Aβ interaction to provide a novel method for treating Alzheimer’s disease.
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Die Trisomie 16 der Maus als Modell zur Untersuchung von Dosiseffekten des Amyloidvorläuferproteins an Feten und intrazerebroventrikulären TransplantatenStahl, Tobias 28 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Zusammenfassung: Patienten mit Down Syndrom (DS, Trisomie 21) entwickeln im vierten Lebensjahrzehnt eine Neuropathologie, wie sie beim Morbus Alzheimer (AD) beobachtet wird. Im Gehirn dieser Patienten kommt es zur Ausbildung von senilen Plaques, neurofibrillären Veränderungen und zu einer Schädigung des cholinergen Systems. Als erstes Zeichen der beginnenden Veränderungen wird die erhöhte Konzentration und Akkumulation von sogenannten beta-A4-Peptiden gewertet. Diese Peptide, die auch den Hauptbestandteil der senilen Plaques darstellen, entstehen durch die Prozessierung eines größeren Proteins des Amyloidvorläuferproteins (amyloid precursor protein, APP). Beim Menschen wurde das APP-Gen auf einem distalen Segment des langen Arms des Chromosoms 21 lokalisiert. Das Homolog dieses evolutionär stark konservierten, syntenen Segmentes liegt bei der Maus auf dem Chromosom 16. Natürlich in wilden Mäusepopulationen auftretende Robertsonsche Translokationen ermöglichen es, Mäuse mit Trisomie 16 zu züchten. Mit Hilfe der Maus-Trisomie 16 sollte ein Modell etabliert werden, mit dem es unter in vivo Bedingungen möglich ist, die Auswirkungen der erhöhten APP-Gendosis auf die Ausbildung der bei DS und AD beobachteten neurodegenerativen Veränderungen zu untersuchen. Da trisomische Feten am Ende der Trächtigkeit absterben, wurden aus dem basalen Vorderhirn trisomischer und diploider Feten Transplantate gewonnen und in den Lateralventrikel adulter euploider Mäuse implantiert. Die Entwicklung der Transplantate wurde nach 1, 3, 6, 9 und 12 Monaten immunhistochemisch charakterisiert. Ein Antikörper gegen das Thymozytenantigen (Thy)-1.2 wurde, beruhend auf der unterschiedlichen Thy-1-Allel-Expression von Transplantat und Empfänger, zur Transplantatidentifikation genutzt. Mit Antikörpern gegen das neuronale Markerprotein PGP-9.5, gegen Cholinacetyltransferase, Parvalbumin und Glutamatdecarboxylase wurden Neuronen charakterisiert. Die immunologische Reaktion wurde mit Antikörpern gegen saures fibrilläres Gliaprotein, gegen das Makrophagenantigen F4/80, gegen CD3, gegen CD45/ B220 und mit Lycopersicon esculentum-Lektin untersucht. Für den APP- bzw. beta-A4-Peptidnachweis wurden ein Antikörper gegen den C-Terminus des APP und der Antikörper 4G8 eingesetzt. Zusätzlich wurde mit Hilfe von molekularbiologischen Techniken (Northern-Blot, Polymerase-Kettenreaktion) die APP-Expression in Trisomie 16-Feten untersucht. Mit immunhistochemischen und histochemischen Methoden wurde versucht, den Entwicklungstand des basalen Vorderhirns zum Zeitpunkt der Transplantatpräparation am Gestationstag 15 zu untersuchen. / Summary: Patients suffering from Down's syndrome (DS, trisomy 21) develop neuropathological abnormalities similar to Alzheimer's disease (AD) in the fourth decade of life. Amongst others, neuritic plaques, neurofibrillary abnormalities and alterations in cholinergic basal forebrain systems were observed. These sequentially occuring disturbancies are initiated by a rise in the concentration and accumulation of the beta-amyloid-peptides. The beta-amyloid-peptides are derived by proteolytic processing from a larger amyloid precursor protein (APP) and compose the majority of the material deposited in amyloid plaques. In humans, the APP gene maps to the distal segment of the long arm of chromosome 21, but in mice the homolog gene locus is on chromosome 16. The naturally occuring Robertsonian translocations in feral mice (Mus musculus sp.) allow to breed trisomy 16 mice. The aim of this study was to establish an in vivo model to investigate the consequences of increased APP gene dosage on the generation of neuropathological abnormalities typical for DS and AD using trisomy 16 mice. Since trisomy 16 mice die at the end of prenatal development, basal forebrain tissue of diploid and trisomic fetuses was prepared and transplanted into lateral ventricles of adult euploid mice. Grafts were identified immunocytochemically using an antibody against thymocyte antigen-1.2, selectively labeling graftet tissue. Antibodies against the neuronal markerprotein PGP-9.5, choline acetyltransferase, parvalbumin and glutamate decarboxylase were used to characterize grafted neurons over a period of twelve months after implantation. The immunological tissue response in the brains of acceptor mice was monitored using antibodies against glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), the macrophage antigen F4/80, CD3,CD45/B220 and using the Lycopersicon esculentum lectin. To detect APP and beta-amyloid-peptides,antibodies against a C-terminal APP fragment and the antibody 4G8 were used. Additionally, the APP mRNA expression in trisomy 16 mice was followed employing Northern-blot analysis and RT-PCR. The developmental state of basal forebrain tissue to be transplanted was characterized at the time of transplantation (gestation day 15) by means of histochemistry and immunohistochemistry.
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The role of the female reproductive hormones in Alzheimer's diseaseBarron, Anna May January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Alzheimers disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease which manifests clinically as personality changes and global cognitive decline resulting in a loss of function, ultimately leading to death. Whilst causal genetic mutations have been identified, accounting for a small proportion of familial cases, the vast majority of all AD cases are late onset and idiopathic. However, a number of risk factors have been identified, including age associated changes in the reproductive hormones estrogen and the gonadotropins. Previous in vitro and in vivo studies have implicated both estrogen and the gonadotropins in the regulation of the neurotoxic beta amyloid (Aß) peptide, accumulation of which is thought to be a key pathogenic event in the development of AD, but the role of these hormones in the etiology and pathogenesis of AD remains contentious. The aim of this thesis was to further understanding of the role of female reproductive hormones in modulating susceptibility to AD. The role of menopausal hormone dysregulation in behavior, cognitive decline and Aß-related neuropathology was examined in vivo in 4 studies using animal models of AD and menopause. The first two studies used a mouse model of AD expressing a human PS1 mutation (PS1KI) to examine the effects of ovariectomy as a model of menopause on cognition and neuropathology. Ovariectomy was found to selectively impair learning on a spatial working memory task without affecting working memory recall or reference memory performance. However, this cognitive impairment was not associated with any changes in Aß accumulation or oxidative stress. ... However, these findings cannot explain the lack of effect of estrogen supplementation on Aß levels. It is possible that supra-physiological doses of estrogen are necessary to yield anti-amyloidogenic and anti-oxidative benefits in ovariectomized sheep. It is becoming clear that the relationship between hormone changes at menopause and risk of AD may be more complicated than previously conceived. This study has begun to tease apart the relative contributions of estrogen and the gonadotropin hormones in the modulation of Aß, accumulation of which may confer susceptibility to AD. The findings presented indicate that the gonadotropins may play an important role in the regulation of AD-related behavior and cognition. The observed functional effects of the gonadotropins may also have implications for our understanding of behavioral and cognitive changes occurring during reproductive events. Based on the evidence presented here, combined with previous literature, it is clear that both estrogen and the gonadotropins are involved in the modulation of Aß accumulation, however, elucidation of the circumstances necessary to elicit these effects and their clinical relevance to humans will require further investigation. These findings contribute to a more sophisticated understanding of the post-menopausal hormonal milieu, recognizing the role of the gonadotropin hormones and that gonadal estrogen depletion does not necessarily result in brain estrogen depletion.
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Neuroinflammation in Alzheimers disease : characterization and modification of the response of transgenic mice to intrahippocampal lipopolysaccharide administration /Herber, Donna Lorraine. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of South Florida, 2004. / Includes vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 144-164).
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Etude des atteintes morphofonctionnelles des synapses excitatrices dans la maladie d'Alzheimer : implication de la voie Cofiline-dépendante / Morpho-functional alterations of excitatory synapses in Alzheimer disease : involvment of the cofilin enzymeDollmeyer, Marc 16 December 2015 (has links)
La maladie d'Alzheimer (AD) est une pathologie neurodégénérative caractérisée par une atrophie cérébrale progressive associée à une mort neuronale. Plus récemment, il a été suggéré que la perte des fonctions cognitives survenant pendant la maladie s'explique principalement par une atteinte au niveau synaptique préalable à la mort neuronale. Ainsi il a été observé que le peptide β-amyloïde ou Aβ constituant des plaques séniles, l'un des deux marqueurs histologiques de la maladie, existe sous une forme soluble/oligomérique (Aβo), et cette conformation lui confère des propriétés synaptotoxiques. L'Aβo agit préférentiellement sur le compartiment post-synaptique des synapses excitatrices également appelées épines dendritiques, structures sub-cellulaires dont la forme est régie par un cytosquelette d'actine riche et dynamique. Parmi les nombreuses hypothèses émises pour expliquer la synaptotoxicité de l'Aβo, il a été suggéré que la disparition des épines était due à une dépolymérisation anormale des filaments d'actine par une enzyme : la cofiline. Pourtant des données récentes ont montré à l'inverse une phosphorylation/inactivation de la cofiline dans le cortex frontal de patients AD, mais aussi dans le cerveau de la lignée de souris APP/PS-1, modèle de AD. De plus, des analyses morphologiques des synapses de la région CA1 chez la souris APP/PS-1 ont montré une réduction de la densité d'épines, associée à une augmentation du volume des épines survivantes. Les variations de volume de la tête de l'épine sont des phénomènes très fréquents lors d'une induction de potentialisation à long terme, le corrélat électrophysiologique de la mémoire.. Au cours de ma thèse, nous avons cherché dans un premier temps à caractériser les altérations morphologiques des épines dendritiques chez la souris APP/PS-1 par microscopie électronique. Nous avons pu confirmer que dès 3 mois, les synapses excitatrices sont moins nombreuses, que les épines restantes sont plus larges, mais surtout, que l'épaisseur de la densité post-synaptique n'est plus proportionnelle à la surface de l'épine, ce qui suggère un découplage entre modifications morphologiques et fonctionnelles. Nous avons également mis en évidence la présence de spinules anormales sur les épines.En utilisant des cultures primaires de neurones corticaux, nous avons pu montrer qu'un traitement aigu avec de l'Aβo induit la formation de protrusions riches en actine filamenteuse ressemblant aux spinules observés chez les animaux transgéniques. En purifiant la fraction post-synaptique, nous avons montré que cette formation de protrusions est concomitante à une phosphorylation anormale de la cofiline induite par l'Aβo. Ainsi l'inactivation de la cofiline qui en résulte pourrait être à l'origine d'une stabilisation et donc d'un allongement des filaments d'actine synaptique conduisant à la formation des protrusions. Cette inactivation de la cofiline a également été retrouvée chez la souris APP/PS-1 et chez l'humain. En conclusion, l'ensemble des résultats de cette thèse montre que l'Aβo induit des déformations morphologiques des épines, qui se caractérisent par la formation de protrusions membranaires ressemblant à des spinules. Ces protrusions ne sont pas activité-dépendantes, mais proviennent plutôt d'une dérégulation de l'activité enzymatique de la cofiline par l'Aβo. / Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative pathology associated with progressive cerebral atrophy linked to neuronal death. It has been recently suggested that loss of cognitive functions occurring during the disease was a consequence of synapse dysfunction and prior to neuronal death. Thus, it has been observed that Amyloïd-β peptide (Aβ), the main component of senile plaques, one histological marker of the disease, also exists as soluble/oligomeric Aβ (Aβo). This Aβ conformation is known to be synaptotoxic. Aβo acts preferentially on the post-synaptic compartment of excitatory synapses, also named dendritic spines, sub-cellular micro-domains containing dynamic and filamentous actin as their main cytoskeleton component. Among numerous theories explaining Aβo synaptotoxicity, it has been suggested that spine collapsing was due to an abnormal actin depolymerisation through Cofilin enzyme. Yet, recent evidences inversely showed Cofilin phosphorylation/inactivation in frontal cortex of AD patients and in the APP/PS-1 transgenic mice brain, an AD animal model. Moreover, synapse morphological analysis in the CA1 region of APP/PS-1 mice showed a reduction in spine density and an increase in spine head volume of remaining ones. Spine head volume variations are commonly occurring during induction of Long Term Potentiation, the electrophysiological correlate of memory.During my thesis, we firstly characterized APP/PS-1 mice dendritic spine morphological alterations using electron microscopy. We confirmed that even at 3 month-old, excitatory synapses are fewer, but also that remaining ones display larger surfaces. In addition, PSD thickness is not proportional to spine surface anymore, which suggests an uncoupling between functional and morphological modifications. We also demonstrated the presence of abnormal shaped spinules onto spines.Using primary cortical neuron cultures, we demonstrated that acute Aβo treatment induces the formation of filamentous actin enriched protrusions, resembling spinules observed in transgenic mice. By purifying post-synaptic protein fraction, we showed that protrusions formation is correlated to an abnormal Cofilin phosphorylation/inactivation by Aβo. Thus, resulting Cofilin inactivation could trigger actin filament stabilization, leading to protrusion formation. We also found Cofilin phosphorylation in APP/PS-1 mice and in AD brains. Taken together, these results show that Aβo triggers dendritic spine abnormal alterations, characterized by the formation of membrane protrusions ressembling spinules. These protrusions are not activity-dependant, but may instead originate from a disregulation of Cofilin enzymatic activity by Aβo.
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Mapeamento de potenciais interações envolvidas na agregação e na formação de fibrilas amilóides em apomioglobina / Mapping of potential interactions involved in apomyoglobin aggregation and amyloid fibrils formationCorrêa, Daniel Henrique do Amaral 05 April 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Henrique Inácio Ramos / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T01:01:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Proteínas enoveladas incorretamente, com freqüência levam à formação de agregados fibrilares contendo extensas estruturas em folha-?, comumente denominadas de fibrilas amilóides. A hipótese acerca da capacidade de formar fibrilas amilóides com estruturas idênticas e ricas em estruturas beta, ser uma propriedade genérica de toda proteína, apoia-se no fato de até mesmo proteínas sem conexão com doenças, como a mioglobina, serem capazes de gerar estruturas fibrilares. Embora várias proteínas sejam intrinsecamente desordenadas, muitas são apropriadamente empacotadas, podendo se desenovelar totalmente ou parcialmente de maneira a expor regiões propensas à agregação, que podem converter o polipeptídeo em fibrilas amilóides. De fato, vários estudos sugerem que intermediários parcialmente enovelados estão envolvidos na fibrilogênese. A apomioglobina (apoMb) de baleia do espermacete é uma proteína bem caracterizada, que forma um intermediário durante o desenovelamento do estado nativo ou após a diluição do estado desenovelado em
tampão de enovelamento. A mioglobina é uma proteína altamente solúvel, cujas propriedades do estado nativo não sugerem uma predisposição dessa em formar fibrilas amilóides, corroborado pela organização de sua seqüência de resíduos de aminoácidos em hélices-? bem definidas sem elementos de estrutura em folha-?. Contudo, até a mioglobina forma fibrilas amilóides em certas condições, sugerindo que a capacidade de formar fibrilas seja uma característica comum de toda proteína e, portanto, não estando relacionada a uma estrutura primária específica. Neste projeto, visamos mapear as potenciais interações envolvidas na agregação e formação de fibrilas amilóides em apomioglobinas. Para tanto, apresentamos aqui os estudos dos efeitos de 19 mutantes de apoMb na cinética amiloidogênica da mesma. A indução de fibrilas amilóides foi realizada através da incubação das apoMbs em tampão borato de sódio 50 mM, pH 9 e aquecidas a 65°C. O processo de agregação foi acompanhado por medidas da emissão de fluorescência de Tioflavina T (ThT) e espectroscopia de dicroísmo circular (CD). Outras propriedades morfo-fisicoquímicas das amilóides de apoMb foram também estudadas: energia de ativação da formação de fibrilas, organização estrutural, citotoxicidade, efeito de semeadura, desmontagem por uréia. Nossos resultados mostram que alguns mutantes (7 no total) afetaram a cinética de formação das amilóides, e surpreendentemente, esses efeitos correlacionam-se bem com o efeito que a mutação tem sobre a estabilidade do estado nativo, mas não com o efeito sobre a estabilidade do estado intermediário do enovelamento. As estruturas
globais (investigadas por difração de raios-X) das fibrilas formadas pelas ampomioglobinas selvagem e mutantes mostram-se indistinguíveis. Experimentos de citotoxicidade, utilizando um modelo de células neuronais N2A (neuroblastoma de camundongo), e semeadura, confirmam que as diferentes formas de agregados das proteínas são capazes de diminuir a viabilidade celular e de acelerar a formação das fibrilas. Generalizando, nossos resultados suportam a hipótese de que, embora o desenovelamento parcial preceda a formação de fibrilas em apomioglobina, a formação do intermediário de enovelamento não parece ser um passo obrigatório no processo e assim, o enovelamento e a formação de agregados/fibrilas são aparentemente distintos para essa proteína. / Abstract: Protein misfolding usually leads to the formation of fibrillar aggregates with extensive ?-sheet structure, commonly termed amyloid fibrils. The hypothesis that the ability to form ordered ?-rich amyloid fibers with identical structures is a generic property of proteins is supported by the fact that even proteins with no connection to disease, such as myoglobin, are able to generate fibrillar structures. Although several proteins are intrinsically disordered, many are properly packed and should unfold totally or partially exposing aggregation-prone regions that can convert the polypeptide into amyloid fibrils. Actually, several studies suggest that partially folded intermediates are involved in fibrillogenesis. Sperm whale apomyoglobin (apoMb) is a well-characterized protein that forms an intermediate after either unfolding from the native state or dilution of the unfolded protein in a folding buffer. Mb is a highly soluble protein whose native state properties do not suggest a predisposition to form amyloid fibrils, corroborated by its amino acid residues sequence organization in well-defined ?-helices with no ?-sheet elements. However, even Mb forms amyloid fibrils under certain conditions, suggesting that the ability to form fibrils is a common feature of all proteins and is not related to a specific primary structure. In this work, we aim to map potential interactions involved in apomioglobin aggregation and fibrils formation. To such aim, we present here the studies of effects on amiloidogenic kinetics of 19 apoMb mutants. The induction of amyloid fibrils was performed by incubating apoMb proteins on 50 mM sodium borate buffer at pH 9 and heat to 65°C. The aggregation process was monitored both by thioflavin T (ThT) emitted fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy measurements. Other morph-physicochemical properties of apoMb amyloids were also studied: activation energy of fibril formation, structure organization, cytotoxicity, seeding effect, disassembly by urea. Our results show that some mutants (7 in total) affect the amyloid formation kinetics, and surprisingly, these effects are well correlated with the effect that the mutation has on the stability of the native state but not with the effect on the stability of the folding intermediate. The overall structures, probed by X-ray diffraction, of fibers formed by mutants and wild-type apomyoglobin are indistinguishable. Cytotoxicity experiments, using a neuronal cell line model N2A (murine neuroblastoma), and seeding experiments, confirm that different aggregated forms of proteins are capable of decreasing the cell viability and to speed up the formation of fibrils. Generally, our results support the hypothesis that although partially unfolding precedes fibril formation in apomyoglobin, formation of the folding intermediate is not an obligatory step in the process and thus folding and aggregation/fibril formation are apparently distinct in this protein. / Doutorado / Bioquimica / Doutor em Biologia Funcional e Molecular
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Fluorescent molecules as probes for characterization of amyloid β fibrilsMarginean, Denisse, Hellstrand, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia in the world and the World Health Organization has recognized AD as a global public health priority. One of the pathological hallmarks of AD is amyloid plaques formed from amyloid β (Aβ) fibrils. Aβ is formed when amyloid precursor protein is cleaved by secretase enzymes. Cleavage by different secretases causes Aβ to occur in different forms, mainly as 40 and 42 residue long proteins, called Aβ1-40 and Aβ1-42, where Aβ1-42 is more likely to form amyloid fibrils and is therefore considered more harmful. Fluorescent probes are currently used to stain Aβ fibrils for their detection and characterization. We performed a literature study analysing which fluorescent probes are used for imaging of amyloid fibrils and present both the most commonly used probes but also newer probes that have been recently synthesized. Fluorescence spectra of a selection of probes were analysed in order to suggest some new combinations of probes for double-staining with the aim to be able to distinguish between Aβ1-40 and Aβ1-42. Microscopy images of the probe combinations were obtained in order to analyse the double staining results and the fluorescence intensities of the probes were plotted in different ways. All selected combinations were able to distinguish between Aβ1-40 and Aβ1-42, because of differently stained fibrils, and also displayed differences in fluorescence intensity at peak emission wavelength. The obtained results show that double-staining of amyloid fibrils with fluorescent probes can give additional information compared to staining fibrils with only one probe.
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Recombinant AAV Gene Therapy and DeliveryCarty, Nikisha Christine 19 May 2009 (has links)
Alzheimer's disease (AD), first characterized in the early 20th century, is a common form of dementia which can occur as a result of genetic mutations in the genes encoding presenilin 1, presenilin 2, or amyloid precursor protein (APP). These genetic alterations can accelerate the pathological characteristics of AD, including the formation of extracellular neuritic plaques composed of amyloid beta peptides and the formation of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles consisting of hyperphosphorylated tau protein. Ultimately, AD results in gross neuron loss in the brain which is evidenced clinically as a progressive decline in mental capacity. A strong body of scientific evidence has previously demonstrated that the driving factor in the pathogenesis of AD is potentially the accumulation of Aß peptides in the brain. Thus, reduction of Aß deposition is a major therapeutic strategy in the treatment of AD. Recently it has been suggested that Aß accumulation in the brain is modulated, not only by Aß production, but also by its degradation. Several important studies have demonstrated that Aß degradation is modulated by several endogenous zinc metalloproteases shown to have amyloid degrading capabilities. These endogenous proteases include neprilysin (NEP), endothelin converting enzyme (ECE), insulin degrading enzyme (IDE) and matrix metalloprotease 9 (MMP9). In this investigation we study the effects of upregulating expression of several of these proteases through administration of recombinant adeno-associated viral vector (rAAV) containing both endogenous and synthetic genes for ECE and NEP on amyloid deposition in amyloid precursor protein (APP) plus presenilin-1 (PS1) transgenic mice. rAAV administration directly into the brain resulted in increased expression of ECE and NEP and a substantial decrease in amyloid pathology. We were able to significantly increase the area of viral distribution by using novel delivery methods resulting in increased gene expression and distribution.
These data support great potential of gene therapy as a method of treatment for neurological diseases. Optimization of gene transfer methods aimed at a particular cell type and brain region in the CNS can be accomplished using AAV serotype specificity and novel delivery techniques leading to successful gene transduction thus providing a promising therapeutic avenue through which to treat AD.
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