Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ondes"" "subject:"andes""
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Le Carnaval d'Oruro : enjeux, interactions, conflits (1920-2015) / The Oruro Carnival : stakes, interactions, conflits (1920-2015)Lavat, Baptiste 26 November 2016 (has links)
Inscrit à la liste des « Chefs-d’oeuvre du Patrimoine Oral et Immatériel de l’Humanité » de l’UNESCO en 2001, leCarnaval d’Oruro fait depuis plusieurs décennies l’objet d’une valorisation croissante. L’une des spécificités de la fêteréside dans son surprenant développement au cours du XXe siècle, ainsi que dans la théâtralisation des enjeux etconflits nationaux qu’elle propose. Cette thèse se propose d’appréhender la métamorphose du Carnaval d’Oruro aucours des XXe et XXIe siècles (1920-2015), en prenant pour points de départ l’analyse des différentes interactionsd’ordre économique, politique, social et culturel qu’engendra son évolution historique, ainsi que certains de ses enjeuxet conflits qui en découlèrent. La réflexion s’oriente dans un premier temps sur les modalités temporelles du Carnaval,organisé autour d’un réseau dense et complexe de manifestations qui façonnent son calendrier. Chacun des temps de lalongue période jalonnant la préparation et le déroulement du Carnaval apporte en effet une dimension spécifique à cedernier, permettant la mise en relation de groupes, pratiques ou personnes réunis autour d’une même festivité,polymorphe et parfois déroutante. La seconde partie s’attache à présenter et analyser la multiplication des événementset mesures politiques et économiques qui firent du Carnaval une fête mobilisant un nombre croissant d’acteurs, au fild’un vingtième siècle marqué par d’importants bouleversements historiques nationaux. L’étude de la « constructionphysique » du Carnaval, autour d’un certain nombre de marqueurs spatiaux et matériels, de ses retombéeséconomiques et touristiques, ou de son impact sur les politiques régionales et nationales, façonne cette partie articuléeautour du déroulement « concret » du Carnaval et de ses variations historiques. Enfin, la troisième partie propose uneréflexion sur les modalités de représentation et de mise en scène de la société orureña et/ou bolivienne à travers leCarnaval, reflet ou illustration des nombreuses transformations du pays au cours du XXe siècle. Le Carnaval entraeffectivement dans une nouvelle étape de son histoire à partir des années quatre-vingt, devenant progressivement lethéâtre voire le creuset de processus politiques et de modalités de représentation toujours plus complexes. Cettedernière partie explore également des conflits ou interactions liés aux processus d’affirmation identitaire, culturelle oupolitique que généra et continue de générer le Carnaval, particulièrement depuis sa consécration par l’UNESCO en mai2001. L’ensemble de ce travail repose sur trois types de sources, mises en relation ou en contraste dans chacune desparties présentées. Les observations de terrain (2012, 2014, 2015) sont complétées par un important travail derépertoriage des archives de presse produites par le quotidien orureño La Patria, depuis sa fondation en 1919 jusqu’ànos jours, justifiant les bornes temporelles de l’étude. Près de 3.500 articles de presse ont ainsi été recensés et étudiés,permettant de mieux appréhender l’histoire du Carnaval et ses répercussions sur la société orureña. Les donnéesrésultant de la mise en place de deux questionnaires diffusés sur place et en ligne (2014, 2016) auprès de plusieurscentaines de danseurs et participants du Carnaval viennent enrichir ce corpus journalistique et donner à la réflexion unedimension sociologique. À travers ces différents supports, la présente thèse propose une étude des principaux enjeux,interactions et conflits suscités par le Carnaval sur la période 1920-2015, dans une approche à la fois synchronique etdiachronique, afin de cerner l’ampleur et la complexité d’un Carnaval étudié non seulement dans sa dimension festivepremière, mais aussi depuis ses coulisses ou enjeux souterrains, parfois moins manifestes ou explicites. / From its proclamation as “Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO in 2001, theOruro Carnival is being deeply highlighted. One of its specificities consists in its impressive evolution throughout theHistory, and in its dramatization of the Bolivian society conflicts. This work pretends to study the Carnival’stransformation during the 20 and 21st centuries (1920-2015), considering and understanding the metamorphosis of theOruro Carnival by taking initial postulates in the analysis of some of its most significant challenges and conflicts, aswell as the different interactions with economic, political, social or cultural produced by its historical evolution.The reflection focuses initially on temporary terms of Carnival, organized around a complex grid of events that shapeits schedule. Each moment of the period between the Carnival’s preparation and its development brings a specificdimension to it, allowing the development of relationship between groups, practices or people gathered around a samepolymorphic festivity. The second part aims to present and analyze the multiplication of events and political oreconomic measures that made the Carnival celebration mobilizing a growing number of players, over a century markedby major national historical upheavals. The study of the Carnival’s “physical construction”, around a great number ofspatial markers and equipment, its economic and tourism benefits, or its impact on the regional and national policy,shape this second part around the “concrete” course of Carnival and its historical changes. The third part proposes areflection on the modalities of representation and staging of the orureña and / or Bolivian society through a Carnivalthat reflects or illustrates some of the many transformations of the country during the twentieth century. The Carnivalthen entered a new stage in its history, becoming the theater of national political processes, and crystallizing newissues of representation. This last part also examines conflicts or interactions related to identity, cultural or politicalaffirmation processes, generated by the Carnival, especially since its consecration by UNESCO in May 2001. Thiswork is based on three types of sources. Field observations (in 2012, 2014 and 2015) are supplemented by importantwork of indexing newspaper archives produced by the orureño daily “La Patria”, since its foundation in 1919 untilnow, justifying the temporary terms of the study. Nearly 3.500 articles have been identified and studied to get to abetter understanding of the Carnival history and its impact on the orureña society. The data resulting from theimplementation of two questionnaires dissimilated locally and online (2014 and 2016) with hundreds of Carnivaldancers and participants, completes the journalistic corpus and gives an additional sociological dimension to thereflection. Through these media, this thesis proposes a study of the major issues, interactions and conflicts over theCarnival in the period 1920-2015, in both a synchronic and diachronic approach in order to better understand the scopeand complexity of the Carnival, not only in its festive dimension, but also for its underground scenes or issues,sometimes less obvious or explicit.
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Espessura crustal da parte norte dos Andes usando precursores de pP e sS para telessismos / Crustal thickness in Northern Andes using pP and sS precursors recorded at teleseismic distances.Camacho, Nataly Marcela Aranda 03 June 2014 (has links)
Para a realização dessa pesquisa foi desenvolvido um estudo da espessura crustal nos Andes setentrionais e na parte norte dos Andes centrais (entre 10ºN e 9ºS). Foram usadas reflexões da Moho de seis sismos de profundidade média para achar a espessura crustal na área de estudo. As ondas pmP e smS (reflexões na Moho) são encontradas como precursoras das fases profundas pP e sS de sismos registrados em estações localizadas a distâncias telessísmicas. A metodologia utilizada exigia sismos com profundidade maiores que 100 km e magnitude maiores que 6. Entretanto, devido à baixa amplitude apresentada pelas ondas pmP e smS, foi necessário realizar um empilhamento de vários sismogramas para realçar as chegadas das ondas analisadas. A área estudada foi dividida em três partes: área norte entre 6ºN e 0º(na Colômbia), área central entre 2ºS e 5ºS (no Equador) e área sul entre 6ºS e 9ºS (na borda entre Peru e Brasil). Na área norte foram encontradas espessuras crustais entre 26 e 56 km em quatro pontos de reflexão de dois sismos; na área central foram encontradas espessuras da crosta entre 40 e 63 km para três pontos de reflexão de um sismo; finalmente, na região sul, foram encontradas espessuras crustais entre 35 e 40 km para 7 pontos de reflexão de 3 sismos. Foi obtido a relação Vp/Vs = 1.79 ± 0.16 para a região norte dos Andes, usando as diferenças de tempo sS-smS e pP-pmP. Os resultados obtidos vão aumentar o banco de dados de espessura crustal nos Andes setentrionais e na parte norte dos Andes centrais, como também possibilitaram uma melhora do modelo de espessura crustal desenvolvido por Assumpção et al. (2013) para América do Sul, permitindo assim a analise e comparação entre os dados obtidos nesse estudo e o modelo crustal de Assumpção et al. (2013). / In this work we studied the crustal thickness in northern Andes and northern central Andes (between 10ºN and 9ºS). We analyzed the reflections from the underside of the Moho for six intermediate earthquakes occurred in the study area to estimate the crustal thickness at the bounce point. The pmP and smS phases (reflections at the Moho) are identied as precursors to the depth phase pP and sS, respectively, when recorded at teleseismic distances. This method require events of magnitude > 6 and depth > 100 km. In order to better identify those two reflections, it was necessary to stacking traces from different stations. The study area was divided in three sections: northern area between 6ºN - 0º (Colombia), in this area we analyzed two earthquakes and the crustal thicknesses in four bounce points were found; central area between 2ºS- 5ºS (Ecuador), in this area we studied one earthquake and the crustal thicknesses in three bounce points were found; southern area between 6ºS - 9ºS (Peru-Brazil border), where we analyzed three earthquakes and the crustal thicknesses in seven bounce points were found. Crustal thickness found in the southern area varied from 35 to 40 km, from 40 to 63 km in the central area and from 26 to 56 km in the northern area. We estimated a Vp/Vs ratio of 1.79±0.16 for the northern Andes using the time differences sS-smS and pP-pmP relation. Our analysis complements the data base of Moho depths in the Northern Andes and also, it allows a comparison with the model of crustal thickness estimated by Assumpção et al. (2013) confirming the Moho depth on both studies.
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Tecnologia cerâmica chimu: estudo arqueométrico da coleção do MAE/USP / Chimu ceramic technology: archaeometric study of the MAE/USP collectionLima, Silvia Cunha 20 August 2010 (has links)
Existe um amplo debate sobre as influências culturais remotas nos Andes e o surgimento da cerâmica nesses contextos. Nosso estudo não pretende retroceder aos períodos Formativo ou Cerâmico Inicial, mas apenas situar a coleção de cerâmica chimu do MAE/USP em relação ao debate atual sobre as relações de continuidade ou descontinuidade na costa norte peruana, através do estudo da tecnologia de produção cerâmica. O sistema tecnológico que caracteriza essa produção geralmente aparece na bibliografia com ênfase nas características de moldagem de seus artefatos e a vasta produção cerâmica desse período raramente é estudada a partir de sua variabilidade tecnológica. Este estudo busca enxergar possíveis diferenças tecnológicas que possam existir por trás dessa mensagem de unicidade e homogeneidade, explícita na cerâmica chimu, e investigar a respeito do significado das escolhas tecnológicas que caracterizam esse processo. A escolha de uma coleção de peças inteiras, de um estilo cerâmico monocromático, coletadas provavelmente aleatoriamente e carente de informação contextual impôs a necessidade de pensarmos numa metodologia diferenciada para a investigação das escolhas tecnológicas. A combinação da análise macroscópica de aspectos morfológicos e iconográficos, com a investigação sistemática através de técnicas físico-químicas não destrutivas permitiu o aprofundamento no conhecimento da tecnologia e especificidades do processo de produção dos artefatos, ao fornecer dados que foram fundamentais para inferências dos aspectos culturais das escolhas tecnológicas associadas a essa coleção. / There is a wide debate on the remote Andes cultural influences and the appearance of ceramics in these contexts. Our study does not intend to go back to Formative periods, but only to retrieve the collection of Chimu pottery MAE / USP with respect to the current debate regarding the relative continuity or discontinuity in Peru\'s northern coast, through the study of ceramic production technology. The technological system that characterizes this production usually appears in the literature with emphasis on the characteristics of molding and the vast production and ceramic artifacts from this period is rarely studied from its technological variability. This study aims to see the future technological differences that may exist behind this message of unity and homogeneity, explicit in Chimu ceramics, and inquiring into the meaning of technology choices that characterize this process. The choice of a collection of whole pieces of a ceramic style monochrome, probably collected at random and lacking in contextual information imposed the need to devise a methodology for the investigation of different technology choices. The combination of macroscopic analysis of morphological and iconographic, with the systematic investigation by physico-chemical techniques non destructive has allowed the depth knowledge of technology and the particularities of the production of the artifacts, to provide data that were fundamental to infer cultural aspects of technology choices associated with this collection.
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Insetos, meliponicultura e diversidade biocultural / Insects, meliponiculture and biocultural diversityLondoño, Juan Manuel Rosso 18 December 2013 (has links)
A tese apresenta os resultados de três estudos de caso que analisam os vínculos entre diversidade biológica e cultural, expressados nas relações (conhecimentos, usos, manejo) que estabelecem grupos humanos com as abelhas sem ferrão e outros insetos, em três contextos socioambientais diferentes: (1) as montanhas e vales da cordilheira dos Andes e as planícies do litoral Caribe na Colômbia; (2) as selvas do Noroeste Amazônico na bacia do Rio Negro, que conformam o limite entre a Colômbia e o Brasil; e (3) o semi-árido do Nordeste brasileiro, dominado pelo bioma Caatinga, no interior do estado de Rio Grande do Norte. No primeiro caso se apresenta o panorama da meliponicultura no país, mostrando espécies utilizadas, nomes locais, atores envolvidos, objetivos da atividade, produtos e seus usos, destacando a necessidade de prestar atenção à diversidade cultural associada às espécies de abelhas sem ferrão. O segundo caso apresenta aspectos do relacionamento entre as culturas indígenas Tukano Oriental do Vaupés com os artrópodes, mostrando a profundidade e detalhe do conhecimento tradicional e a importância que os insetos comestíveis tem na subsistência, e destacando que são um grupo de seres que não pode se desligar do resto de elementos do território e da cultura. No terceiro caso se explora o conflito socioambiental em torno à caça e comercialização de mel e ninhos de abelhas sem ferrão realizadas pelos meleiros; utilizando metodologias narrativas se analisam as suas práticas considerando aspectos históricos e socioculturais, discutindo os níveis de responsabilidade de outros atores envolvidos no conflito, e entendendo o meleiro e seu conhecimento como potenciais aliados na conservação. No marco intercultural e interdisciplinar, se exploram as dimensões resultantes do encontro entre sistemas de conhecimento diferentes (tradicional e local / científico e ocidental) que convidam a repensar as estratégias de intervenção dos projetos de desenvolvimento, assim como as premissas das práticas de pesquisa em contextos altamente diversos. / The study focuses on the results of three case studies that explore the links between biological and cultural diversity, expressed in the relations (knowledge, uses, management) that human being establish with stingless bees and other insects, in three different social and environmental contexts: (1) the hills and valleys of the Andes mountain range, and the flatlands of the Caribbean coast in Colombia; (2) the Northwest Amazon rainforest in the Rio Negro basin, which shape the limits between Colombia and Brazil; and (3) the semi-arid at the Brazilian Northeast, in Rio Grande do Norte state, where the Caatinga biome prevails. The first case presents a landscape of the meliponiculture in Colombia, showing species used, local names, stakeholders, goals of the practice, products and their uses, highlighting the need of focusing on cultural diversity associated with stingless bees species. The second case presents different topics of relationship established between Eastern Tukano indigenous cultures from Vaupés region and some arthropods, showing the traditional knowledge deepness and detail about insects, the important role in subsistence of edible ones, and highlighting the fact that they are a group of beings that cannot be separated of the rest of the elements of territory and culture. The third case explores the socio-environmental conflict around the hunting and commercialization of stingless bees and their honey made by the meleiro (honey hunter); by the use of narrative methodologies, it is possible to analyze the meleiro\'s practices under an historical and sociocultural perspective, discussing the responsibilities of other stakeholders, and understand him and his knowledge as a potential allies in conservation. Under an intercultural and interdisciplinary frame, the study explores the results of the encounter between different knowledge systems (traditional-local / scientific-western) that invites to rethink about the strategies adopted by development projects, and premises of the research practices in highly diverse contexts.
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Evènements tectoniques pré-andins de l'Albien à l'Eocène dans la Moyenne Vallée de la Magdalena et sur le flanc ouest de la proto-Cordillère Orientale de Colombie / PRE-ANDEAN TECTONIC EVENTS FROM ALBIAN TO EOCEN IN THE MIDDLE MAGDALENA VALLEY AND SITUATION OF THE WESTER PROTO-CORDILLERA ORIENTAL (COLOMBIA).Guerrero Moreno, Jairo 26 October 2018 (has links)
Pendant des années, la recherche s'est principalement concentrée sur le soulèvement Andin de la Cordillère orientale de Colombie et sur l’étude des sédiments tertiaires dans les bassins sédimentaires pour comprendre la déformation andine. Récemment, la nécessité d'évaluer de nouvelles cibles a poussé l'industrie pétrolière à acquérir de nouvelles informations sur la série crétacée de la Cordillère Orientale (CO) et du cours moyen du Rio Magdalena (CMM). Le but de ce travail, est d'analyser ces données qui suggèrent que les sédiments du bassin du CMM ont été déformés au Crétacé.Les sédiments crétacés sont exposés dans la CO, mais seuls quelques affleurements sont connus dans le CMM. En revanche, beaucoup les informations de nombreuses lignes sismiques et de quelques puits traversant les unités crétacées sont disponibles sur cette zone. L’interprétation de quelques lignes sismiques sélectionnées du CMM a été contrôlée par les données de puits et et les observations de terrain, et la nature et le style des déformations observées ont été analysées. De cette façon, des discontinuités importantes et des structures tectoniques ont été identifiées, montrant que des failles ont été inversées tectoniquement par à-coups au Crétacé, avant l'orogenèse andine. Cette vision détaillée de l’évolution tectonique et sédimentaire de la série crétacée, surtout dans le CMM, met en évidence des discordances multiples résultant de multiples phases de déformation, de soulèvement et/ou de variations du niveau marin survenant au cours du Crétacé. Ceci est important pour comprendre les processus affectant la marge andine au Crétacé, puisque les interactions entre tectonique et variations eustatiques pourraient avoir été plus complexes que proposé antérieurement.L’analyse des traces de fission sur zircon et apatite et la modélisation thermique du Nord au Sud de la zone d'étude ont été faites sur des échantillons du Crétacé indiquant l'occurrence de deux événements thermiques et deux événements de refroidissement pour des unités anté-Campaniennes, et d'un réchauffement et d’un refroidissement pour les unités postérieures à ~ 70 Ma. Enfin, un régime de subduction cyclique pourrait expliquer les événements tectoniques extensifs et compressifs responsable des phases de dépôt, d'exhumation et d'érosion observées dans le CMM et l’OCO entre le Jurassique terminal et le Paléocène.L'analyse réalisée à l'aide de la stratigraphie et des cartes de faciès génère au chapitre 3, L'interprétation structurelle, chronostratigraphie en utilisant des diagrammes de roues, restauration structurelle schématique, permettant de reconnaître plusieurs cycles de dépôt (S1 à S5) limités par discordances (SU1 à SU5), sont le résultat de la fluctuation du niveau de la mer (cycles de régression-transgression) générée pour les événements tectoniques liés au régime de subduction des dalles. / For years, studies have been mainly focused on the Andean uplift of the Eastern Cordillera in Colombia and on the evaluation of the Tertiary units in sedimentary basins, in order to understand the recent deformation. Recently, due to the necessity oil industry to evaluate new targets, new information has been acquired on Cretaceous units form the Eastern Cordillera (EC) and the Middle Magdalena Valley (MMV). The aim of this work, is to analyses these data, which provide evidences for Cretaceous deformation in the basin of the MMV.Cretaceous sediments are exposed in the Eastern Cordillera, but only few outcrops are known in the MMV. Instead, a lot of seismic information is available and some drilled wells crosscut the Cretaceous units in this area. The interpretation of some key seismic sections in the MMV has been validated using field observation and well information, and the nature and style of the observed structures have been discussed. By these means, important Cretaceous unconformities and tectonic structures were identified, showing that some faults were progressively, tectonically inverted, prior to the Andean Orogeny. The resulting detailed picture of the Cretaceous tectonic and sedimentary evolution, especially in the MMV, evidences multiple unconformities resulting from different stages of deformation, uplift and/or level sea changes during the Cretaceous. This must be kept in mind to understand the processes acting in the Andean margin during the Cretaceous, since the interaction between deformation and sea level changes may have been more complex than previously thought.The fission tracks analyses on zircon and apatite and the thermal modeling from the North to the South of the study area were made on Cretaceous samples indicate the occurrence of two heating events and two events of cooling for pre-Campanian units, and of one event of heating and one event of cooling from units younger than ~ 70 Ma. Finally, a cyclic subduction regime may explain the tectonic extension and compression events responsible for the deposition, exhumation and erosion phases observed in the MMV and WEC from the latest Jurassic to the Paleocene.The analysis made using stratigraphy and the facies maps generate in chapter 3, The structural interpretation, chronostratigraphy chart using wheeler diagrams, schematic structural restauration, permit to recognize several cycles of deposition (S1 to S5) limited by unconformities (SU1 to SU5), which are the result of sea level fluctuation (Regression-Transgression cycles) generated for the Tectonic events related to the regimen of slabs subduction.
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Espessura crustal da parte norte dos Andes usando precursores de pP e sS para telessismos / Crustal thickness in Northern Andes using pP and sS precursors recorded at teleseismic distances.Nataly Marcela Aranda Camacho 03 June 2014 (has links)
Para a realização dessa pesquisa foi desenvolvido um estudo da espessura crustal nos Andes setentrionais e na parte norte dos Andes centrais (entre 10ºN e 9ºS). Foram usadas reflexões da Moho de seis sismos de profundidade média para achar a espessura crustal na área de estudo. As ondas pmP e smS (reflexões na Moho) são encontradas como precursoras das fases profundas pP e sS de sismos registrados em estações localizadas a distâncias telessísmicas. A metodologia utilizada exigia sismos com profundidade maiores que 100 km e magnitude maiores que 6. Entretanto, devido à baixa amplitude apresentada pelas ondas pmP e smS, foi necessário realizar um empilhamento de vários sismogramas para realçar as chegadas das ondas analisadas. A área estudada foi dividida em três partes: área norte entre 6ºN e 0º(na Colômbia), área central entre 2ºS e 5ºS (no Equador) e área sul entre 6ºS e 9ºS (na borda entre Peru e Brasil). Na área norte foram encontradas espessuras crustais entre 26 e 56 km em quatro pontos de reflexão de dois sismos; na área central foram encontradas espessuras da crosta entre 40 e 63 km para três pontos de reflexão de um sismo; finalmente, na região sul, foram encontradas espessuras crustais entre 35 e 40 km para 7 pontos de reflexão de 3 sismos. Foi obtido a relação Vp/Vs = 1.79 ± 0.16 para a região norte dos Andes, usando as diferenças de tempo sS-smS e pP-pmP. Os resultados obtidos vão aumentar o banco de dados de espessura crustal nos Andes setentrionais e na parte norte dos Andes centrais, como também possibilitaram uma melhora do modelo de espessura crustal desenvolvido por Assumpção et al. (2013) para América do Sul, permitindo assim a analise e comparação entre os dados obtidos nesse estudo e o modelo crustal de Assumpção et al. (2013). / In this work we studied the crustal thickness in northern Andes and northern central Andes (between 10ºN and 9ºS). We analyzed the reflections from the underside of the Moho for six intermediate earthquakes occurred in the study area to estimate the crustal thickness at the bounce point. The pmP and smS phases (reflections at the Moho) are identied as precursors to the depth phase pP and sS, respectively, when recorded at teleseismic distances. This method require events of magnitude > 6 and depth > 100 km. In order to better identify those two reflections, it was necessary to stacking traces from different stations. The study area was divided in three sections: northern area between 6ºN - 0º (Colombia), in this area we analyzed two earthquakes and the crustal thicknesses in four bounce points were found; central area between 2ºS- 5ºS (Ecuador), in this area we studied one earthquake and the crustal thicknesses in three bounce points were found; southern area between 6ºS - 9ºS (Peru-Brazil border), where we analyzed three earthquakes and the crustal thicknesses in seven bounce points were found. Crustal thickness found in the southern area varied from 35 to 40 km, from 40 to 63 km in the central area and from 26 to 56 km in the northern area. We estimated a Vp/Vs ratio of 1.79±0.16 for the northern Andes using the time differences sS-smS and pP-pmP relation. Our analysis complements the data base of Moho depths in the Northern Andes and also, it allows a comparison with the model of crustal thickness estimated by Assumpção et al. (2013) confirming the Moho depth on both studies.
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The protection of fundamental rights at work : a study of Venezuela and the Andean CommunityGómez-Lugo, Fanny. January 2005 (has links)
The adoption of a new constitution, the changes in legislation, and the well-known shift in policies and State practices introduced by the Chavez administration, are some of the factors that persuaded me to examine not only the legal protection but the actual exercise of internationally recognized core labour standards in Venezuela, notably freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of forced labour, the abolition of child labour and the elimination of discrimination at work. / Given the structure and nature of the ILO, its mechanisms of enforcement are limited. Despite the successful ILO objective of promoting compliance with workers' rights, certain Member States like the Government of Venezuela, continue to violate labour rights. This situation requires the search for alternatives. / The idea that inspired this paper was an attempt to look for alternatives in regionalism. The hypothesis is that a sub-regional approach through the Andean Community, comprising Andean countries, offers a more effective means to protect labour rights in Venezuela than an international approach through the ILO. However, the solution points more to a joint international-regional approach to better ensure workers' rights in Venezuela and the Andean region.
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An empirical evaluation of the trade effects of the Andean Trade Preference ActWu, Kefu. January 1993 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, 1993. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 63-65).
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Précipitations dans les Andes tropicales : analyse spatio-temporelle, intercomparaison de forçages et impacts dans un modèle glacio-hydrologique. Cas du Rio Santa au Pérou / Precipitation in the tropical Andes : spatio-temporal analysis, inter-comparison of forcings and impacts in a glacio-hydrological model. Case of Rio Santa, Peru.Mourre, Lise 10 December 2015 (has links)
Le changement climatique global participe à la redistribution des ressources en eau à l’échelle de la planète. Les impacts sont particulièrement notables en région de montagne où les gradients de précipitations et de températures sont très importants. Dans les régions tropicales de hautes altitudes, au sein desquelles la variabilité spatiale des précipitations est forte, l’estimation de cette variable sur une large gamme d’échelles d’intérêt pour les climatologues, météorologues et hydrologues est un défi. La modélisation glacio-hydrologique a pour but de comprendre les processus observés actuellement pour avoir la capacité de donner des réponses sur les évolutions possibles des écoulements qui seront causés par un changement climatique et une évolution des activités anthropiques. L’enjeu d’une telle modélisation, en zone de montagne tropicale, est de reproduire non seulement l’évolution saisonnière du débit, mais aussi l’évolution annuelle et pluri-annuelle des zones englacées. Cependant, ce type d’étude reste limité par la régionalisation des variables météorologiques. Durant l’année hydrologique 2012/2013, trois types de produits de précipitations (mesures de terrain, données satellitaires, sorties de modèle climatique régional (MCR)) sont tout d’abord comparés sur le bassin versant du Rio Santa au Pérou, d’un superficie de 10 400 km², dont 3,3 % est englacée, puis l’impact de ces différentes variables de forçage sur les sorties d’un modèle glacio-hydrologiques semi-distribué est évalué.Le produit satellite est celui de TRMM3B42; les sorties du MCR sont celles de WRF, à trois résolutions imbriquées : 27, 9 et 3 km ; les données journalières de précipitations sont interpolées en utilisant un algorithme de krigeage avec dérive externe (KED), en appliquant l’altitude ou bien les cumuls annuels des sorties de WRF comme dérive externe. Les sorties de WRF surestiment fortement les cumuls annuels, comparées aux produits TRMM ou KED. La physique du modèle permet cependant d’avoir un produit qui restitue correctement les cycles temporels saisonnier et journalier des précipitations. Le produit satellitaire TRMM montre des erreurs dans la saisonnalité des précipitations au niveau des pixels englacés, et une surestimation des cumuls en saison sèche, et en fait un produit qui n’est pas représentatif des champs de précipitations en zone de montagne. Les produits de krigeage sont de bons interpolateurs des précipitations à une résolution de 3 km. L’utilisation de l’altitude comme dérive, entraîne une augmentation des précipitations jusqu’aux plus hauts sommets de la Cordillère Blanche ; l’utilisation des cumuls de WRF bénéficie de la prise en compte de la physique atmosphérique du modèle pour correctement représenter les précipitations orographiques. Malgré une forte surestimation des volumes précipités, la modélisation climatique fournit, pour des zones de topographie complexe peu échantillonnées, des informations essentielles sur la temporalité et la distribution spatiale des précipitations. Cependant, les mesures in situ restent essentielles pour estimer les précipitations en termes de quantités et développer des méthodes d’interpolation ou de correction des sorties de modèle atmosphérique.La modélisation glacio-hydrologique est réalisée avec l’outil DHSVM-GDM, incluant une représentation des zones englacées et de la dynamique glaciaire. La force de cet outil est de pouvoir évaluer l’ensemble des composantes du bilan en eau, à différents pas de temps. Cependant, il reste difficile de représenter correctement à la fois les zones glaciaires et les zones non englacés sur un bassin versant tel que celui du Rio Santa. L’utilisation de différentes variables de forçage montre qu’une étude approfondie sur la variable de précipitations est nécessaire en amont de tout modélisation glacio-hydrologique pour simuler les zones de hautes altitudes, impactant les résultats de la modélisation en terme de perte en volume glaciaire. / Global climate change participates in the redistribution of water resources at the global scale. Impacts are particularly important in mountainous regions where precipitation and temperature gradients are important. In high altitude tropical regions, where precipitation spatial variability is significant, the estimation of precipitation over the broad range of scales of interest for climatologists, meteorologists and hydrologists is challenging. Glacio-hydrological modeling aims at understanding current processes in order to have the ability to give answer on possible evolutions of stream flow that will be caused by climatic changes and the development of anthropogenic activities. The issue of such modeling, in a tropical mountain area, is to reproduce not only the evolution of seasonal flow, but the annual and multi-annual evolution of glaciated areas. However, this type of study is limited by the regionalization of meteorological variables. During the hydrological year 2012/2013, three types of precipitation products (in situ data, satellite data, outputs from a regional climate model (RCM)) are first compared over the Rio Santa watershed in Peru, with an area of 10400 km² which 3.3 % is glaciated, then the impacts of those forcing variables on the outputs of a semi-distributed glacio-hydrological model are evaluated.The satellite product is TRMM 3B42 ; RCM outputs are obtained from WRF at three nested resolutions: 27, 9 and 3 km; daily in situ data are interpolated using a kriging with external drift (KED) algorithm, with the altitude or WRF annual amounts as the external drift. WRF outputs largely overestimate the annual totals, compared to TRMM or KED. However, the physics of the model allows to accurately reproduce the seasonal and daily time cycles of precipitation. TRMM performs poorly over ice covered surfaces and overestimate monthly value during the dry season, making it non representative of precipitation patterns in mountainous areas. Kriging products are good interpolators of precipitation at 3 km resolution. Using altitude as the external drift results in an increase of precipitation to the highest peaks of the Cordillera Blanca; using annual totals of WRF benefits from the atmospheric physic of the model to correctly represent orographic precipitation. Despite a strong overestimation of precipitation quantities, climate modeling provides, for sub-sampled complex topographic area, essential information on the temporal and spatial distribution of precipitation. However, in situ measurements remain essential to estimate precipitation in terms of quantities, and develop interpolation or correction methods of atmospheric model outputs.Glacio-hydrological modeling is performed with the DHSVM-GDM model, including the simulation of glaciated areas and of the glacier dynamic. The strength of such model is to assess the overall element of the water balance, at different time steps. However, it remains difficult to properly represent both the glaciated and non-glaciated areas on a watershed such as the Rio Santa. Using various forcing variables show that a comprehensive study on precipitation is needed before any glacio-hydrological modeling to simulate high altitudes area, impacting the modeling results in terms of ice volume loss.
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El Periodo Formativo en la sierra central: introducciónKaulicke, Peter 10 April 2018 (has links)
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