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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A 37-Year-Old Man With Severe Head Trauma, and A "Hot Nose" Sign on Brain Flow Study

Baron, M, Brasfield, J 01 November 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Erkennung zerebraler Ischämie mittels computertomographischer Perfusionskartographie und CT-Angiographie

Grieser, Christian 16 February 2006 (has links)
Zielsetzung In den Industrieländern stellt der Schlaganfall nach kardiovaskulären und Krebs – erkrankungen die dritthäufigste Krankheitsgruppe dar. Im Hinblick auf die Therapie des akuten Schlaganfalls muss die bildgebende Diagnostik schnell und einfach das Ausmaß der zerebralen Ischämie beschreiben können. Ziel dieser Studie war die Einführung und die Validierung eines CT – Protokolls, welches die Diagnostik des akuten Schlaganfalls verbessern soll. Zu diesem CT – Protokoll gehören ein Nativ – CT des Schädels, eine CT – Perfusionsuntersuchung und eine CT – Angiographie. Zusätzlich wollte diese Arbeit herausfinden, ob es physiologische Unterschiede zwischen der grauen Substanz und der weißen Substanz gibt, deren Kenntnis entscheidend für die Auswertung von computertomographischen Perfusionsuntersuchungen sind. Material und Methoden Insgesamt wurden 101 Patienten (Alter von 14 – 94 Jahre, mittleres Alter 69 Jahre) mit einem 8 – bzw. 16 – Zeilen – MSCT (Light Speed Ultra oder Light Speed pro 16, GE Healthcare), die zur Abklärung einer zerebralen Ischämie zum CT vorgestellt wurden, untersucht. Zuerst wurde eine native CT – Serie akquiriert. In der Untersuchung der zerebralen Perfusion wurde eine 2 cm breite Schicht über 60 sec mit 20 intermittierenden Aufnahmen während einer Injektion von 40 ml Kontrastmittel (Iopromid, Jodgehalt von 370 mg) aufgezeichnet. Daran an schloss sich eine CT – Angiographie Untersuchung. Zur Bestimmung des regionalen zerebralen Blutflusses, des regionalen zerebralen Blutvolumens und der mittleren Verweildauer wurden definierte Messfelder (Regions of Interests, ROIs) bestimmt und mit der kontralateralen Hemisphäre verglichen. Ergebnisse Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass der regionale zerebrale Blutfluss und das Blutvolumen im Bereich der Hirnrinde höher sind als im Hirnmark. Insgesamt wurden 66 Patienten mit einer zerebralen Ischämie wurden gefunden. Bei 22 dieser Patienten konnte ein Infarktgeschehen in der Nativ – CT diagnostiziert werden. Diese Ischämien ließen sich auch in der CT – Perfusion mit reduziertem regionalem zerebralem Blutfluss und verlängerter mittlerer Verweildauer nachweisen. Zusätzlich fanden sich 44 Patienten von 101 Untersuchten, die in der CT – Perfusion ein Perfusionsdefizit aufwiesen. Bei diesen Patienten ließ sich kein entsprechendes Korrelat in der Nativ – CT nachweisen. Für 38 dieser 44 Patienten konnte eine CTA durchgeführt werden, wovon für 35 Patienten ein Korrelat zwischen der CT – Perfusion und der CTA gefunden werden konnte. Schlussfolgerung Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass es physiologische Unterschiede zwischen der Hirnrinde und dem Hirnmark gibt, deren Kenntnis für die Bewertung computertomographischer Perfusionsuntersuchungen eine wesentliche Interpretationshilfe darstellt. In Bezug auf die Diagnostik des akuten Schlaganfalls mit der Nativ – CT konnte diese Arbeit zeigen, dass der Nachweis von Infarktfrühzeichen eingeschränkt ist. Mit Hilfe der CT – Perfusion ist es möglich, anhand von zerebralen Perfusionswerten den Schweregrad und die Ausdehnung der zerebralen Ischämie zu bestimmen. Die CT – Angiographie zeigt eine gute Korrelation zur CT – Perfusion, es lassen sich zuverlässig Gefäßverschlüsse darstellen. Im Hinblick auf das weitere Therapievorgehen geben diese Methoden eine wichtige Hilfestellung, etwa zur Überlegung, ob man eine Lysetherapie durchführen sollte oder nicht. / Purpose Stroke is the third – leading cause of death in developed countries, following cardiovascular disease and cancer. There is a need for an easily and rapidly performed technique to detect cerebral ischemia in the first hours after its occurrence. The purpose of this study was the introduction and validation of a Stroke protocol which includes an unenhanced CT scan, a CT Perfusion and a CT Angiography. Furthermore, the purpose of this study was to determine if there is a difference between Perfusion parameters in gray and white matter, which are necessary to know while performing perfusion maps. Data and Methodology A total of 101 patients (age range 14 – 94, average age 69 years) were examined using multiple row CT (8 / 16 row multiple detector, light ultra speed or light speed 16, GE medical systems) for diagnosing cerebral ischemia. First a series of native images was acquired. During the examination of cerebral perfusion a 2 cm wide slab was recorded for 60 sec with 20 intermittent scans following injection of 40 ml of contrast medium with an iodine content of 370 mg / ml. By defining Regions of Interests (ROIs) regional cerebral blood flow (CBF), regional cerebral blood volume (CBV) and mean transit time (MTT) were calculated. Results Physiological regional cerebral blood flow and cerebral blood volume in gray matter were higher than in white matter. In total 66 patients with a cerebral ischemia were found. The unenhanced CT detected 22 patients with cerebral ischemia, which were confirmed by CT Perfusion in all cases. These ischemic areas revealed reduced regional CBF and extended MTT. Furthermore an ischemia correlative was discovered by perfusion analysis for 44 patients (out of 101 investigated) where the extent of the cerebral ischemia had not been visible by unenhanced CT. For 38 out of 44 patients with cerebral ischemia we were able to perform a CTA. For 35 out of these 38 patients, we found a sizable correlation between perfusion maps and CTA. Conclusion There are physiological differences for CT Perfusion parameters between gray and white matter, which are necessary to know for the interpretation of perfusion maps. However, this examination was able to show that unenhanced CT is not always capable of showing early CT signs. With the help of CT perfusion it is possible to detect the extent of acute cerebral ischemia. Furthermore, CT Angiography shows a sizable correlation compared to CT Perfusion. In conjunction, these methods give important Information for the early diagnosis and the therapeutic strategy of ischemic brain injury.

Nichtinvasive Magnetresonanz-Perfusionsmessung des Gehirns mittelsMagnetischer Blutbolusmarkierung(Spin-Labeling)

Warmuth, Carsten 20 June 2003 (has links)
Die magnetische Blutbolusmarkierung (Spin-Labeling) ermöglicht die nichtinvasive quantitative Messung des Blutflusses im Gewebe. Beim Spin-Labeling wird arterielles Blut durch Radiofrequenzpulse magnetisch markiert und der Transport der Markierung MR-tomographisch gemessen. Am Modell einer unter physiologischen Bedingungen perfundierten extrakorporalen Schweineniere konnte die Quantifizierbarkeit der Messmethode nachgewiesen werden. In einer Studie an 36 Hirntumorpatienten wurde das Verfahren mit der kontrastmittelbasierten First-Pass-Bolus-Methode zur nicht-quantitativen Perfusionsmessung verglichen. Es zeigte sich eine sehr gute Übereinstimmung zwischen beiden Methoden, der lineare Korrelationskoeffizient des relativen Blutflusses in der Tumorregion lag bei R=0,83. Die mittels Spin-Labeling ermittelten Absolutwerte des Blutflusses spielen bei der Beurteilung des Tumorgrades eine untergeordnete Rolle, da die mittlere Perfusion individuell sehr verschieden ist. Ein zweiter Anwendungsbereich für das Spin-Labeling ist die Darstellung großer Arterien. Spin-Labeling ermöglicht die nichtinvasive dynamische Angiographie (Dynamische Spin-Labeling-Angiographie - DSLA). Analog zur digitalen Subtraktionsangiographie kann damit der Einstromvorgang des Blutes in den Gefäßbaum zeitaufgelöst gemessen werden, jedoch mit wesentlich höherer zeitlicher Auflösung und frei wählbarer Projektionsrichtung. In einer Studie an 18 Patienten mit einseitigen Carotisstenosen wurden die Zeitdifferenzen der Anflutung der zerebralen Gefäße zwischen der betroffenen und der nicht stenosierten Seite bestimmt. Die im Carotis-Siphon gemessenen Zeitdifferenzen korrelieren signifikant mit dem Stenosegrad, steigen aber erst ab einer Lumeneinengung oberhalb von 80 Prozent deutlich an. Im Vergleich zu den etablierten Methoden werden die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der DSLA dargestellt. / Arterial spin labeling methods allow to determine quantitative tissue blood flow values noninvasively. Arterial blood is labelled by an inversion pulse and the distribution of this intrinsic tracer is measured using magnetic resonance imaging. Experiments using an extra corporal in-vitro porcine kidney in a MR compatible set-up were carried out to determine the accuracy of blood flow values calculated from arterial spin labeling measurements. In a study of 36 brain tumor patients, spin labeling was compared to non-quantitative contrast-enhanced dynamic susceptibility-weighted perfusion imaging. Relative blood flow values determined with both methods were in good agreement, the linear regression coefficient in the tumor region was R=0.83. Due to the variable individual perfusion state, quantitative blood flow values determined using spin labeling play a minor role in the assessment of tumor grade. Application of spin labeling to angiography of major arteries was investigated. Dynamic spin labeling angiography (DSLA) sequences were implemented and tested on a clinical scanner. This technique allows time-resolved depiction of blood flow in large vessels with very high temporal resolution. As opposed to digital subtraction angiography, the method allows arbitrary projection directions. In a study, 18 patients with one-sided carotid stenoses were examined. In these patients the time differences of blood bolus arrival at both hemispheres were determined. Time differences measured in the carotid siphon show a significant correlation with the degree of stenosis. However, a clear increase is not seen until 80% narrowing of a carotid. Possibilities and limitations of the DSLA method are discussed in comparison to established techniques.

Uso da angiografia coronária por tomografia computadorizada na avaliação prognóstica de pacientes com suspeita de doença arterial coronária / Coronary computed tomography angiography to evaluate prognosis in patients with suspected coronary artery disease

Bittencourt, Márcio Sommer 24 July 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Poucos estudos avaliaram o valor prognóstico em longo prazo da presença, extensão e gravidade da doença arterial coronária (DAC) detectada pela angiotomografia computadorizada de artérias coronárias (TCcor). Métodos: Todos os pacientes consecutivos sem DAC prévia que realizaram TCcor para avaliar DAC foram incluídos. Os resultados da TCcor foram classificados como normal, DAC não-obstrutiva (estenose < 50%), ou obstrutiva (>= 50%). Além disso, com base no número de segmentos com a doença, a DAC foi classificada como não-extensa (<= 4 segmentos) ou extensa (> 4 segmentos). Os pacientes foram acompanhados para o desfecho primário de eventos cardiovasculares (CV) incluindo morte ou infarto do miocárdio (IAM) e um desfecho secundário dos eventos cardiovasculares adversos maiores, constituído por morte CV, IAM ou revascularização coronária tardia (> 90 dias). Resultados: Entre 3242 pacientes acompanhados por uma média de 3,6 ± 1,8 anos, ocorreram 92 (2,8%) eventos primários e 195 (6,0%) apresentaram o desfecho secundário. Em uma análise multivariada, foram associados com aumento de eventos a presença de DAC extensa não-obstrutiva (hazard ratio (HR): 3.1, intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC): 1,5-6,5); não-extensa obstrutiva (HR: 3,0, IC 95%: 1,3 - 7,0) e DAC obstrutiva extensa (HR: 3,9, IC 95%: 2,1-7,2), enquanto os não-extensiva CAD não-obstrutiva não esteve associada a eventos (HR: 1,3, IC 95%: 0,6-2,4). A adição da extensão da placa a um modelo que incluía probabilidade clínica de DAC, assim como a presença e gravidade de DAC resultou na melhoria da predição de eventos CV. Conclusão: Entre os pacientes com DAC não obstrutiva, aqueles com mais de 4 segmentos com doença apresentaram uma maior taxa de CV morte ou MI, comparáveis aos que têm doença obstrutiva com <= 4 segmentos. Mesmo entre os pacientes com DAC obstrutiva, maior extensão de placa esteve associado com maior taxa de eventos. Estes resultados sugerem que, independentemente da presença de estenose, a extensão da placa não-obstrutiva reforça a avaliação de risco além dos dados clínicos e outros achados TCcor / Introduction: There is limited prior data on the long-term prognostic value of the presence, extent and severity of both non-obstructive and obstructive CAD detected by coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA). Methods: All consecutive patients without prior CAD referred for CCTA to evaluate for CAD were included. CCTA findings were classified as normal, non-obstructive (< 50% stenosis) or obstructive (>= 50%) disease. Additionally, based on the number of segments with disease, extent of CAD was classified as non-extensive (<=4 segments) or extensive (> 4 segments). Patients were followed for a primary endpoint of cardiovascular (CV) death or myocardial infarction (MI) and a secondary endpoint of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) consisting of CV death, MI or late coronary revascularization (> 90 days). Results: Among 3242 patients followed for a mean of 3.6±1.8 years, 92 (2.8%) patients who experienced the primary endpoints and 195 (6.0%) experienced the secondary endpoint. In a multivariable analysis, the presence of extensive non-obstructive CAD (hazard ratio (HR): 3.1, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.5 - 6.5); non-extensive obstructive (HR: 3.0, 95%CI: 1.3 - 7.0) and extensive obstructive CAD (HR: 3.9, 95%CI: 2.1 - 7.2) were associated with increase in the rate of the primary endpoint, while non-extensive non-obstructive CAD was not (HR: 1.3, 95%CI: 0.6 - 2.4). The addition of the extent of plaque to a model, which included clinical probability of CAD as well as the presence and severity of CAD, resulted in improved prediction of all endpoints. Conclusion: Among patients with non-obstructive CAD, those with more than 4 segments with disease experienced a higher rate CV death or MI, comparable to those who have obstructive disease with <= 4 diseased segments. Even among patients with obstructive CAD, greater extent of non-obstructive plaque was associated with higher event rate. These findings suggest that regardless of whether stenosis is present or absent, the extent of non-obstructive plaque enhances risk assessment beyond clinical data and other CCTA findings

Leaflet Material Selection for Aortic Valve Repair

Abessi, Ovais 21 November 2013 (has links)
Leaflet replacement in aortic valve repair (AVr) is associated with increased long-term repair failure. Hemodynamic performance and mechanical stress levels were investigated after porcine AVr with 5 types of clinically relevant replacement materials to ascertain which material(s) would be best suited for repair. Porcine aortic roots with intact aortic valves were placed in a left-heart simulator mounted with a high-speed camera for baseline valve assessment. Then, the non-coronary leaflet was excised and replaced with autologous porcine pericardium (APP), glutaraldehyde-fixed bovine pericardial patch (BPP; Synovis™), extracellular matrix scaffold (CorMatrix™), or collagen-impregnated Dacron (HEMASHIELD™). Hemodynamic parameters were measured over a range of cardiac outputs (2.5–6.5L/min) post-repair. Material properties of the above materials along with St. Jude Medical™ Pericardial Patch with EnCapTM Technology (SJM) were determined using pressurization experiments. Finite element models of the aortic valve and root complex were then constructed to verify the hemodynamic characteristics and determine leaflet stress levels. This study demonstrates that APP and SJM have the closest profiles to normal aortic valves; therefore, use of either replacement material may be best suited. Increased stresses found in BPP, HEMASHIELD™, and CorMatrix™ groups may be associated with late repair failure.

Leaflet Material Selection for Aortic Valve Repair

Abessi, Ovais January 2013 (has links)
Leaflet replacement in aortic valve repair (AVr) is associated with increased long-term repair failure. Hemodynamic performance and mechanical stress levels were investigated after porcine AVr with 5 types of clinically relevant replacement materials to ascertain which material(s) would be best suited for repair. Porcine aortic roots with intact aortic valves were placed in a left-heart simulator mounted with a high-speed camera for baseline valve assessment. Then, the non-coronary leaflet was excised and replaced with autologous porcine pericardium (APP), glutaraldehyde-fixed bovine pericardial patch (BPP; Synovis™), extracellular matrix scaffold (CorMatrix™), or collagen-impregnated Dacron (HEMASHIELD™). Hemodynamic parameters were measured over a range of cardiac outputs (2.5–6.5L/min) post-repair. Material properties of the above materials along with St. Jude Medical™ Pericardial Patch with EnCapTM Technology (SJM) were determined using pressurization experiments. Finite element models of the aortic valve and root complex were then constructed to verify the hemodynamic characteristics and determine leaflet stress levels. This study demonstrates that APP and SJM have the closest profiles to normal aortic valves; therefore, use of either replacement material may be best suited. Increased stresses found in BPP, HEMASHIELD™, and CorMatrix™ groups may be associated with late repair failure.

Uso da angiografia coronária por tomografia computadorizada na avaliação prognóstica de pacientes com suspeita de doença arterial coronária / Coronary computed tomography angiography to evaluate prognosis in patients with suspected coronary artery disease

Márcio Sommer Bittencourt 24 July 2014 (has links)
Introdução: Poucos estudos avaliaram o valor prognóstico em longo prazo da presença, extensão e gravidade da doença arterial coronária (DAC) detectada pela angiotomografia computadorizada de artérias coronárias (TCcor). Métodos: Todos os pacientes consecutivos sem DAC prévia que realizaram TCcor para avaliar DAC foram incluídos. Os resultados da TCcor foram classificados como normal, DAC não-obstrutiva (estenose < 50%), ou obstrutiva (>= 50%). Além disso, com base no número de segmentos com a doença, a DAC foi classificada como não-extensa (<= 4 segmentos) ou extensa (> 4 segmentos). Os pacientes foram acompanhados para o desfecho primário de eventos cardiovasculares (CV) incluindo morte ou infarto do miocárdio (IAM) e um desfecho secundário dos eventos cardiovasculares adversos maiores, constituído por morte CV, IAM ou revascularização coronária tardia (> 90 dias). Resultados: Entre 3242 pacientes acompanhados por uma média de 3,6 ± 1,8 anos, ocorreram 92 (2,8%) eventos primários e 195 (6,0%) apresentaram o desfecho secundário. Em uma análise multivariada, foram associados com aumento de eventos a presença de DAC extensa não-obstrutiva (hazard ratio (HR): 3.1, intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC): 1,5-6,5); não-extensa obstrutiva (HR: 3,0, IC 95%: 1,3 - 7,0) e DAC obstrutiva extensa (HR: 3,9, IC 95%: 2,1-7,2), enquanto os não-extensiva CAD não-obstrutiva não esteve associada a eventos (HR: 1,3, IC 95%: 0,6-2,4). A adição da extensão da placa a um modelo que incluía probabilidade clínica de DAC, assim como a presença e gravidade de DAC resultou na melhoria da predição de eventos CV. Conclusão: Entre os pacientes com DAC não obstrutiva, aqueles com mais de 4 segmentos com doença apresentaram uma maior taxa de CV morte ou MI, comparáveis aos que têm doença obstrutiva com <= 4 segmentos. Mesmo entre os pacientes com DAC obstrutiva, maior extensão de placa esteve associado com maior taxa de eventos. Estes resultados sugerem que, independentemente da presença de estenose, a extensão da placa não-obstrutiva reforça a avaliação de risco além dos dados clínicos e outros achados TCcor / Introduction: There is limited prior data on the long-term prognostic value of the presence, extent and severity of both non-obstructive and obstructive CAD detected by coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA). Methods: All consecutive patients without prior CAD referred for CCTA to evaluate for CAD were included. CCTA findings were classified as normal, non-obstructive (< 50% stenosis) or obstructive (>= 50%) disease. Additionally, based on the number of segments with disease, extent of CAD was classified as non-extensive (<=4 segments) or extensive (> 4 segments). Patients were followed for a primary endpoint of cardiovascular (CV) death or myocardial infarction (MI) and a secondary endpoint of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) consisting of CV death, MI or late coronary revascularization (> 90 days). Results: Among 3242 patients followed for a mean of 3.6±1.8 years, 92 (2.8%) patients who experienced the primary endpoints and 195 (6.0%) experienced the secondary endpoint. In a multivariable analysis, the presence of extensive non-obstructive CAD (hazard ratio (HR): 3.1, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.5 - 6.5); non-extensive obstructive (HR: 3.0, 95%CI: 1.3 - 7.0) and extensive obstructive CAD (HR: 3.9, 95%CI: 2.1 - 7.2) were associated with increase in the rate of the primary endpoint, while non-extensive non-obstructive CAD was not (HR: 1.3, 95%CI: 0.6 - 2.4). The addition of the extent of plaque to a model, which included clinical probability of CAD as well as the presence and severity of CAD, resulted in improved prediction of all endpoints. Conclusion: Among patients with non-obstructive CAD, those with more than 4 segments with disease experienced a higher rate CV death or MI, comparable to those who have obstructive disease with <= 4 diseased segments. Even among patients with obstructive CAD, greater extent of non-obstructive plaque was associated with higher event rate. These findings suggest that regardless of whether stenosis is present or absent, the extent of non-obstructive plaque enhances risk assessment beyond clinical data and other CCTA findings

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